1952/10/28 331 The Ci',. Council of the Oit1'8f Aaaheim'lllet in B.egular S.s.ion. PIUDlD'T: COUlOIit(U: Pearson, Wis.er aeTine ancJ. lone,. ABSIJT I COUl'CIWWi: Tan Wagoner. 01", AftORDt. .TOJ' !UUD: Pre..a 1\ CUS' .ADMII'ISftATJYI ODICD,DID J.. MI.-Z !he Ni_tel of the l.egu.1artinp hel4- Octoier 7 and 14, 1952 aDd .A4~ourae4 I.e.~.r Meetiag. helc1 Octo'ber 20 at 9; q A.M. and'Oc\o'ber 21. 1952 at 2z00 P.M. .erl ap:ploved on motion by Councilman Heyi .. .ecoHed ,I 'b,. Couacil_ .olLe,.. MO!IOB cwmI.. MI SPECIAL NDTIBG: Minutes oftihe Specia1 Meeting held October 24. 1952 at 3: ".K. "ere ."i". ..d r..... Co~i~ He,i.., .GTe! that~he Mtaa'e, of 8aid Special M.etine held Octo'ber 24.1.952 be apprWed aDd. that all acti '. take. t..r_t b. rati!i.... Council.. Wi..%' .econded .. aotion. MO!IOB ID. n NI : SPEtIJ.i' ..1.0.: Minute. ot 8: P.M. were .6.i tteel De. ree4. Cou.aci" Beylac mo?ed. that 25 .,~~952 be &lfpr~ed aad. tut all aet i Wi'8r aecoDd. the aot10D. MO'1'IOI he Specie4 M..ting held October 25. 1952 at .he Minute. ot aaid Special Meeting held October . taken '~er...' be ratifiecl.. CouDcil_ IE. BIDI"IIlOPOSALS. HJBcasa OJ QA.ST nOB ''1'8 PIP:I 4: lIftIBGI: OD. .otion '7 Councilmaa Ie., .ecoaUd. .,. Oouacil_ Jou,. . Clerk Wt. ia.tructeci '0 ope. bi4 propoaale toriC'ibe purchase of eu- Iron .'er Pi aDd :rl",nca. MO'fIOI' 08JtID. )1])8 ~I"'& ' J.nh. ea8' Iro. - V.I. lipe . .....~.......o.. .91' - ....ri_ CaI1; 11'0. P1..eC.t .~88 1 0 1.1,., 1. 1.564 2.132 2. 2.701 .1115 n 181 Laft~'~s 18~ ~A' Caahier I. ., Certified. Check i~~tOQ9J-qh.ck _~J .~99. 60 to 90: 30 ~o 90 '0 0 16' Mad.. Oaehier's , Cq~i12.000. 45 60 Cou.aci1Mn He7ing moved that 1 Bids bj referred to the Administrative Off" er. KelSJi}....,.,och ud luperi!lta4't of Li8h', Power aDd. Water. hore. Oelkers to _latioD alii report. Council-.n ,one7 .eco~e4 the mot10n. MOTIO!' CARRIE. P..C JDJARIJt:'fariance .0. 161 -lB. Batfie:td: 896 South Loa ABce1es St.. owner. Public !learing was held for )t.e purPO.8 of co.aielerine u. Appeal by Ba7 J. Batlle1", froa tile action ot the City ping CO"iS810D. relati".. to Variance .0. 167. '.titlQD for per.1.sioD to I' ,onstruct .he front porch of his residence for'jhe purpose << operating a Real:a:s :te Busine.s. !lhi. propert,. is Lot 7 of the Jew.t Sub4iTisie and present17 zoned-'. PuDlicl!euiq wa. held b,., City Pi.qning Co_is.ion September 8. 1952 oalie aatter at which time the follow facts w+re c1etermilLecl: 1. There are no exceptio..l r extraor4irar;y circumstances or conditions ap*cable to the property involved or ;~o the a&+-ed us. of the propert,. that do 'l,..... .'. not1ilJply ca..rall7 to 'he property or lase of u.. In. the s... net!!it7 and son.. . . 2. !he proposed Variaac. is ,ot nec....r7 for the perseryation and 8"'07- .e~ of any 8ubstanti&! right of the Ii. :licant alte8d7 being enjoyed by others in the tame vicinity and. zone. 3. The granting of the pro ..d VarianGe might be considered detri".\al to ~ public weltar.. i1 permitting lineas '0 _ncroach upon a residential dietric'. As res~t of the thr.. de'e niag fact.. the City Planning Commi..ion rec..-nended tae t-.lal of Variance .0. 7. !ho.. Itdressing the Council ~orinc t~. pa..... of ..14 Varlance were: Iayf.71. .'fleW. e4 hl. wife. ...1. J. 'f1elel -896 So. 1,0. ADgeles Str.et. A. ~ ~8. - 8l~8o. to. Jagel.s Str I. " l1.,..on. 9IS2 h. LoI .bpIe." h 11...... f 80S h. ... ....1.. .. "'rce L. l.bl'.r. 836 .0. Loa ,,. v. P. S~uew., 4521 in 100 Block. South Los in opposition to the granting of said Variance were, !hose addre..ing the C Mr. CoykeDd.all, 882 SOle Mr8. W7Daore. 814 So. ' Mr. fterMU., 810 So. I. C. nDd1C, 890 So. BI'. ae4 Mr.. BurrowI, OS Angeles 8tree~. Angele. Street. ~.lel St. Angelea So. Loa ADcel.. Str.et. r OoUDcilman H c.uncilaan ]ton.,. ...0 tbe ..tter~rt:::::;t _IllG COI!IBtlID: '-$ ~ll. Br1...., b.'welL B; ;(___2 to a-2. i . Oity Plaan1~ 8. 1952 on the ..tter'l. 1. Pro,er'y 2. Oae lot Duplex dwelling thereo~ ). !he prop. uaes on the north. : !he reupoa '~. the reclaa.itication 0 Councilman . from R-l to R-2 be graq DC IaOYed to table the propeei tio. for turther couiderat1... the motion. MO!Itm CUIIID. . haDted all thoe. atteD4ing for expr...lng their Tt.". Oil declared the Heariq 010... 53-l: C.P.O. .... 61 Propert,. owners on So"th. del. ot h Clau41a .. lorth Jthiladelphia Stre.'. t~ cll'dle 10.IDtJ OJIUDiselon held two pUblic hearing., .A.uga..t ,. aa4 SepteRer relult determined the following tactiC naiets ot aix lotI, 521 to 58.41 in width by 140' 1n d.,." ,.acant, fotl.!' hay. liDgle tami17 reaidencel, and oa. haa . y i8 surroUJ1cled 1>>1' 1.-2 u... on the eaet and weat and b7 R-' i~y Plaaainc Comaia.ioa recommended to 'he C1t, Cauaci1 ,... hia block becbaDced to B-2. ag aoYed that ,he Application :1'-52-5)-1 for chaDgtt of Zone Couacl1.-n 1fi.aer aecoaded the 1D0'10n. .otIB COltS.. r . I ~. 1 1'-'2-53-5: O.P .0. Res.: C.aiforn1a, for recla.. ot the DreTfus Landa 13'1 diTision. being the .o~ dealpateci .e 100 to 7d 01 ~y Planni J 20, 1952, a. result re ioa upoa the following 1. Be obJec 2. It is a A. T. and S. r. Railro :3. the indu 1. 1deal. !her..- 'h.' tbat the Rec1a.lttlcati n..ident1al lone to M-l! 19,52-53. Public Beari P . M. 01'1 mot i on 1>>7 Coec ; Petition from C. ~ Killer, 629 So. Hill .t. .LoI ....1.. icatiolL of the propert7 described aa the ealterly 210 t.., eaat of Lot 5 of the Wricht J'r.... ad MeCl........ h\- est corner of Baat South Street and South Or.... Stree'. ... st South Street, trom .-) to ~l. oamislion held two public hearlnc-, October 6 and October eJaded to the C1 '1' Couneil the granting ot the reelaa.lfie.'.. t.: .-.re offerel recardinc the recla..itlcatlOD. leal location for K-l In4u.tr,., 'beinc a1 tua'edalfltg t:tut rack.. prepo.ed for the aite. _alT. BO'epM'U'e,Pri.'~BC. '7 P1amd.Dg ea.1811o. recelll1eJldecl t. the 011:l.. C~~il of thia pr....',. be c....... Ira a-" IId.t1l1.J:'~i-1t Ib.t Ma1mfac'urinc z.e. 'It,. R..o111t1on :wo. l.s~ 1.1i.. as ordered. to be held .oveI1ber l2, 1952 &t8'099"c10,* Heying, seconded 'b,. COUDcl1man 10Dey. IIOfIO.....I.. 68l: Location: South a1d. of ..., Sou.th Itr..' lirec'l,. 01. contains 22 lota. Subdi,.ider O. Jar Miller. ~ilman Heyinc, aeconded. 'b7 CouncllmaD Wi..er., !,,'a.i.,. approved 8ubJect to IDgine.ring requirements. MOllOI' 696: (held oyer) Location: )forth aide o~ ""'outh ract Bo. 1468, contain. 55 lot.. Subdi,.ider, 0". Ahl..... cilman Heyi>>g, 8econded D7 Councilman Wi'.. t. aco~a,,~ raet .0. 1696 val withheld peDdlD6 report Oil .a'. 4rar_ II!). --- I I T~'IVE MAP, !lJ.CT .O~ eaat of the Jefferson S On motion b)" Map of Tract 1'0. 1681 C.iD.ID. T>>J'!,ATIV1i1. MAP. 'lBACT .O~ S'~.e' directly aouth of On mo'lon by ot:said Tentative Map 0 i21 the tract:. M~!OI TBl!ATIQ ... TBACT 110. St..e.t, Place.tia .1,.eau+ Shields Construction. ' On motion by , of said Tentative Map of on vater cJ.rainage ln th~ 697: (held over) Locat1ca: ietweenkat Sau,....... last South Street, containl 143 lot.. Su:W1...1I.r cilman He7iDC. seconded 'bJ' C011DcllMD .i.... '. aoc.'.~ ract .0. 1697 was withheld P8Ddinc turther a'wIT ad r"~' 1 tract. MOTIOJ CADmD. ! 1 TJlEATIVJ1 MAP, TRACT .O~ ani South kat Stre.t. ~ On motion D7 ~ Map ot Tract .0. 1683 w. MOIION o.AIRI:ID. 68): Location: lor'hea.t comer of Ia., ,...'A,.__ .tains 24 10ta. SubcllT14.... laatllOnt Dewel...' . ci1man Ione1'. aecoDd_ 'b,. Ceuacllau Be,.iDe.." ".. accepted. aacl approve4, aubJect to ~D..riBC ,..,1r__t". I 1 '; JJ9 o TEltIATIVE MAP, TlAC! 1'0. 1686: Locatl.a: I'ortheast corner of West Borth and. Loara St~.t., contain. 45 lots. Subdivider Paul L. Pierce. Couacl~ !oney moved that $atatlve ~p of Traet 10. 1686 be approved subJect to lDgin..riag requiremente .-0 Zoninc. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CURIJID. DIafln MAP. TlAC! 1'0. 1621: Locati I Along Ju,cli4 Avenue betve.. Orancethol1>e andillouston Avan..., cOlLtains )82 lot. City IIgtneer reported laid haa ba., r8Yiled and returned to the 01t7 P1-.ainc commie.ton tor consideratiolL. 1"0. l565: 'entative Map approviJ.. lO'J952. J'1aal Ifap: Counc1lmaa h"7 ao that J'iul Map ot Tract .0. lS6S:. approy 'i' nbJect to aDein..ring require.nte and{~oncl approval by the Oi ty Attorne,. Counci1~ Heying .econde4. the motion. MOTIOI' OAtCID . a.yUac aDd. ....7. .0. 1682:'1ql lap: 'entatiy. final IIIip fit !n.ct 1682 be apprQ approTal b,.\he City Attorne,.. 0 approvfi October 7, 1952. Councilmaa JO~'7 .ubJ.ct~to eaclneerlng reqUireaentlaDd. . cilllU R-tying .econded the mot ioa. MO!!OJ . . il 101 BO. 20,0: Oeunc1l.-n Wi... jOtfere4 1t~.olutloJL Bo. 20)0 aact. l10yed for it. and a4opllon. CODcilMa:Be j..coJUied. ~he -ot1oa. MOfIOR CWUiIJD. (tr. 1682) Refer \0 Relolut1on Jook. A DSOpIOJJ OJ' !BE CITY 00 !BlIXIICU'I'IOlf AD DILIVJBI RIGJI'f . WAY lOR OOIlTltUCfI It 01' '.ID ~.I...ft..... . OF 41WJI. II( .&.UUQB1II,G ~ DDD Q,U TClaAIHI:lG .d II.DMU! JOlt A to! WADI , . LID. On roll call the forego1nc tol.1DC Tot.: AIIII COUI'CILQIl: .0": ceacIIJ[CP: .udft. ctmlOI~: lution w4. duly pa.led. u4 adopted bY' the "Y'lDg u4 Jone7. the "I' d.eclared the fore R..olu~ion duly pa.ae4 and a4opted~ q.u.cilmaa Ke7Uac ottered. Ord1Dance qOUDCilmaa IODe7 .econded. the mot10.. 01 ]10. 819:: CUSc:lft AYDUI 9 and .....et for 1 t. pasaage ..... CADID . B.efer te ordinance Book. I- .. <alD(-=I-~ fD CITY QJ CI" ~:o ...... . 1)1 0., TB ~I . A . I,M.. 4;P...::;...OTIJD.... 'III ...~!IOJ 10. ~!'BI T 1101.1 .. ..IGafD.AI CDSCIft .A.I'IIn!I . On rf>ll< call the for.coine t.l 1ag vote: nance wa~ 411J.T puSM aa4 adopted. 1aT tbt A!II, COOIC ILIfII : lOa, CGOIOIr...-r: Aide; COUICILIID: Th. "'r declared. the fore Ord1naqc. 4ul7 passed. ad adopteel. J'OR ~*.~ aLtOB nJGftIC : '.rtt1e4 C1au. &ad deaaM. for retun of .. f11.4 b' "WoN. ud. 8ha" ,A"OratlJl, .. bUalt of 'he '.1'. lleMr1c C .\1, . this claim va. held oyer from e ...ti~ of OctoNr 1, 1952 to _-.\1. ta. 0.11.11 to coneic1fr ..... :aS8WIO)1' NO. 20)1: 00w1011.... Heyi ottered :R.oluti~n 1"0. 20)1 aad -.oTed tor ,.1t. pas_ an4 a4ept4on. Oou.acllMn loa.,. _8OOad_ .. motion. JIOfIOI CADIU. Beter \f :ae.olution look, .&. "Oll'fIO. OJ' !iI'Clf! CO D3Md:D. V.&.LTON E~C!ltI C CO Ii · L or HI :IClfY fJI .urADI. IIJIC!II'~ !'HI . On :n11 call 'he for.01DC, fOl.il1g votel AnI~ ConOILMII: ... ~I .A.IIIR..~ OGaetLlU: !he""" ....1ar... ~Ae to ';~ lution .. duly pu,. .. alopted. by the 1\e7izac ud Iou,.. "..lu.o. 4ul7 pa..ed. u4 adopted. n o n 340 DIIWIDS: 'OouncilJD8J1 W1 er reperted d__. api..t ~he ci t7 amcnm~lDg to ,.84,260.81. c.uncilman Keying moved hat report of .1nance C0IDIl1 t tee be aeeepted. aM. that ~2'_b bl drawn upon the Trea. er to, 1>81' 8a14 de-.nd. in accordance with reports. 009011- man BoneT seconded the tion. MOTION GABRIED. OJIDID.NC:I .0. 820; c (Payaent for 011) llUTCI .0. 821: eo P4t... aDd adOP'10D. .. reed. in pu.'blic ilt .u ORDIDNcm loa fill ISI RIIOLU'l'IOI' 1'0. 2029: PIIiIMCe IIJ1d. adop' ioa. Re1aoll1ti. 10. 2029 _~ UloLUiaIOB ~ CJ.LIJfOJmU., II'fI!IJrG S O:a rell call tol1cndUC '9'0'8:. .ADS: !lema : C .ABSD!': C [t. o I R~WTI~ .0. 2032: ~"ge and adoption. .A DSOLtJ!IO. FBOTIDIXG J'QIi J.DDD '0 ALL DI! .um S., Oa roll call ~ follovi;a.g Tot.: : A TIS : COUJl~ BOIS: COUl' ~I'!: OOtJl 11.... HeTing offered for firet reading Omi"'''e .. 828. , 1'HI CITY ~ AD.HlIM AllUDING S.OtIOI' 7400.15 I 0-. !HI jlfjDIM NUlICIPAL CODI. rv1c.. LID) illaD. !lqiDC ottered. ON1-.noe .0. 621 &Dd. _Ted. ter 1'. e11_ Wl..,r .,coDded the motloa. SIii.. OJtcliMac. Iro. &In. for the :tir.t ti...MOttOI' OAmlIJm. THI CIty O' aI ,w"'UIK. aA.LIJOUIA, noYIDIR or BOlDS or MID CITY II TBI AMOUIT 0'1 $1,000,000. t ci1.maD 11...1' oftered. "..l11.'lon Bo. 2029 ad .... t., i.. cllJw1 Jle1!.ag .ec0a4e4 the motion. MOllO. CAllIID. .... ilL tulle . CIft OOtmCIL OJ' TD CITY 0'1 ''''''JIM, IIG !II CIft OLIBI '0 FOLISH .orICI ftOPOS.AL& lC:a $1,000,000 JODI 0., lAm. own for.soiDg Re.ol.\iol1 wa. 4ul7 paaaed aDd. a4op~" b7 \M : Peareon. VisBer. .e71mc aDd. Jo..,.. JrQ"8. Tu Wacour. eel. ..ao111~i_ 10. 2029 4ul7 pa..-.I aM ...op,.... i1... BoneT offered :a..olution 10. 20)2 aD4 -.vtt tor it. cil_ lle7lzag ..co...... 'he .0'10n. MO!IOI'_UD. ion Book. pace . fD CITY COUl'CIL OJ' TO IITY em '-.-JI. O'.QAD UD .A.DlliBIS-..lfI COIl ft) .. OIT,I" IIOtJI JILLII68 rea JldD1AL8. iQUIP- JlUJUtISKID BY !HI CIft. foreco1ng ll.aolutioa waa dull' pa... .... "'opt_ '7 '. Pearson. Vi..er, ae7inc aDd. Bo..,.. lone. Tan 'aconer. ed. :leaolutloa :10. 20,2 4uJ.7 pa..... ami ....>>.... CO"m:tfICATIOII: ~~~ Bup W. Ward., ~or of.. the 01'7 or hll....l.'ltq , t.1ri.g the ADMei. 1'1* De.Part..., for their ...1ataac. dur1DC. .. "~J1"",,', :"-:~:CDT~:.:~~~::1 :O:::~C:l: :-un:~__ ~1:::~e4 ':~~~:'l. .. - f ; TR4IBDR OJ' JIUN:D8; 01 tt _aurer W&8 authorized to tranatv $4.. t.... ,. Bu4..... A Intere.t Redemption J'un4- 0 the Geaeral had. on .otion 'b7 Councl1un .7inc a.co.. by COUDCllman :Bo.e7. M 01' OAlUlIJID. CBaTI01f OF SPEOIAL I)!PJt. IT J't1ID: U80LUTIOI .0. 2033: Coaeilaaaa ~ 0.... ReiOlution .0. 2033 ud I ved. for ita pa.-ac. &D4 ed.option. Couacil_ I.... ....... the mo1tion. MOTION ~ A DSOliDTIOB ~!'IIG AD 1'JI81Q11,. .u TBB CITY C090IL OJ' 'I'D CITY OJ' .&IADDt IIBIft. A -wi run to >>:1 .... .j8 .ancUL _.--~. 341 ins To~e: On roll call ReaoIu'ion Io. ,'033 waa duly paceed. aDd. adoptecl b7 the 1011<*- ADS: .ems: AS_: COUlfCILHU': PearsJ.1" Wls.er, Hey1ng and Boney. COUlCILMII: Bone. Cou.OILMA.B: Tau W the MwQr declared ~h. fort lac ....l.tl08 duly pa..ed. aad adopted.. o ~ OOUftY QDR DISTRICT::BauD DIRECTO~: Oopy of lie.elution iftvlting cooper- a. throu.ch t1lJe office of Oi\7.1tto .., to in .ur:D. act with the L.giela1ilTe 811.1>>- c~.lt'ee crea'. wI'hin 'he general ,t... tn aa effort to reeolUDad. .. appr.... to' aolTinc "at.. pro'blea reiatiT. toe purchaa+ of water to balance tum'ual OTerdJ'<<f_ n!I_.. uPla the ba.in ... received aDd f1ledlnd the C1.y A'torney va. 10 authori~ed on motion . ~.. 'biiOoUAcilmaa Ws...er, a.coJ1ded 'b7 eo,,11JIM JOD+T. HOTIOJ QAUIIJ). M"': JotN'fND!IIG 0'1 :BQIW) or D ctcms OJ COUITY IWfITAl'IoB DISTRtC1'8& October 8..-~9.52 _I rec.iTed ad ordered fil. ." !IOB OJI'I.&.DS: Aaaheia Unlo.~p SCMOt r....t ot cancel1atioa of tau. - 4 of !rae' 10. Mo, ram Tract' i1n the 01.7 ot .bahe1J1, .. shown .OD a _p of recored~ ift Book 12, at ~~O. Miscel~aneous Mapa, recorda of Orange Count7' . 10. ~15a-1~). Said reque., f .~ cance1la~lon ot '~.I ___~'eI:!.. motion cil_ H.,.iDe, .econded. b,. 004ilman Wis,er. M01'IOI' <WmIID. M lOR DMlA.CJI: J'RAB L. MIDI: V.itied 01a~m tor D....... tl.led 'b7 haDk L. R\ 'hrough JfIIDroe, Chula aDd L1ne. JAttorneyeil....1n.t ty C1t7 ot .bahe1m and ]3olko Bradarioa ~ ordered receiTed !C1aia de~e4 on motion br Councilman BoneT. ad by COUICilun HqlDg. NO'll lCADIID... (total $889.00) lOB .. 10)4: Cnaci1_ Be71 ottere4 _e.Glutioa 10. 20)4 and. lIe'Yet ".r 1'. aad M,o"ioa. Coucit.u. .1. .1' secondet. the aotion. MOfIOI CADID. olph C.aDA L...:ra &. McKinlq) i :aeterto "solution Jook, . I · ~~~~~c;:Y~ ~~: ~J:YC:~t~;'C:= A JI<a A'I J1A.8BtII! J'oa JtCW) ,PtIBLIC ~ft PtJIPonI. ADS: JOltS: .......: OIl 1"011 call the fo:l'ecoiac ...olu.tioa ,as clU7 1*4-. aad ado>>t_ 'It7 the f"IJowing vote: . COUJICILMII: Pearl.. Wi..er. Be"inc and Bone7. COIICaM8: 10... i OOUlCILIId: ,.... !he Hlror declared the for ,ine Re.o~tion 4ull' paalet aDt "'''81. RelLlI: Sept,,!", 1'521 !be foll.~q I".pert~ were reeeiYe4 ud ord.r. filed. 011 .._ b1 CCMmCllmaa Hey1Dg, aeconded"7 aeunci1" Wia..r. Jl)!IOB CADI.. a nectriciaa: 78 L1ght w1rlng pe its, 68 L~ght fixtue. permit and 5 Power wiriDg P, . ita. :rees ooll.cted totaled. $800 ~O. S.rint....t, Light. Power an4 Vate' 'Dept: .1c~iYitie8 of the clepart..t. Vater p. ~ by c1\7. )5,09),000 gallOIL., chaaed. f'r~11 X.V.D. 95,018,400 gallODS. vater 1 1. city wll_. Oc"'. 1, 1952 - 0'-2-. C PlUDge: OMh receipts tor Sept :tel' .3,082,,41 - total tor aeaaon $21,681.16. !' awimaera tor a._on 61.601. C .....'orl ...1a____ of Sec_1 'J aacl 4 afMi recori1DC 'the flow. and tr..t1DC 5 .1_ 5 ud 'of the 1.0.8. total i$3.029.6l'! of which haheim paid $1.004.01 or 3j~1". C~lt of Santa~: Maintenance coat t Section 1 of the 3.0.8. totaled $21,964..58 01";,wb1ch ...._ paid .5.891.96. 06 BIIl~: J'ra. the ar of South. Street to Water., Citron to 'et' S tl. Retu.iting the Council take ~tion for the correction of drainage conditions o~""ree'. Ud al1e71 111 thi. are.. 'a 01 ty Oounci1 advised that the _tter would. b. i...tigate4. MaBKDT OJ VJ1,'TIR!NS HOUSING UNIT WIT 'N CITY LI).iITS: Mr. Dolan reque.ted permi.sion tC>80ve one of the Yeteran Housing U. $.. conta1tlinc 6 oit.. to Borth Lemon Stre.t. n4IJ church and across from the Merri teld Trucklng 00.'. propert,.. Building 20' x lQJ'. Oouncil... 10..,. moTeQ. tbat'r. Dol.. 'be allow'" to ao:'9"8 'hia oae unit t<l!,;,~r'b. Le_n Itreet. !here .Iine; 'MCO_' to '11. ..'ion, t_ lmi_'~ ordered. n l 342 held OTer until such t1 \ha\ the Council could. inspect both the buildi. to be moved and the location which Mr. Dolan desire. to move it to. [ P1blCHAD 01' IroTORCycLI* !he,Oit;y Couacll authorized the purcha.e of one two-wh..l Mttorc,.cle with two-vat &dio for the purcha.. price of $1,713.05 1e.. $400.00 re.presenting amount th$ old motorcycle will be sold for on motion by Councilman :BoDey, s8coDded by Oo~ lman Heying. MOTIOI' cwmI:ID. RlSOLUTION NO. 2035: l1maa Bey1nc oftered Re.o1ution Ko. 20)S aDd aoYed for 1'. ~.8.Ie and. adoption. ~ UDcil_ hae, seconded the motion. MO'.rIO!l CdlID. (receive bid..S' Kovema. 9. 1952) lIItfer to :a.. tlon look, pace . I ADS. .. : 000l)9..a. 5011: OOD . DUIft': C COWClL ,01 TRI OIn OJ' UUlIM J'IlDtNG 4ID ....110 fBit II!'! UQ.UIRJ: !HI CO.S!'IUC!IOI' AID COMPLftIOI 0., A PUBLIC PAVIJJ& OJ _."". t'lll. ,..'PJt... ... !O u.... D. ..0. n. .., _.. ....... _. ' , AID -'PPROYI. !. . aI, PLQI.A..ulafJOII AID '1'101' !HlDOJ': J.tr.rHORIZIJlG !HI CONSftUC!ION or &AI>> PttBLic WI!H SAID PLANS AID SPICIJ'I CAT IOI'S I J.m) AUfHOI.IZIJ'G .&.JID o PUILlIB A I'O'fIOI I:lVITII'G SEALE PROPOSALS JaR !HI conDUCTIOI' 1'DUOJ'. A USOLUfIOI OF fll 01 P8Ll C llTJlbs! AID . I....OQNlft. TO VI!; Oft' S'l'UI! IICPRO VIIG. J'OI !HI OCD I.ROVEMINT IN Acca D!alCfIN& THI CI!Y C On roll call following Totel foregoing lte.olution was duly pas.ed ... a4op'''' 'b7 -he ADS: !lOa: AID. : Pearson, Wi...r, ..,.iDe am BoD.87. ..... Y.. -.our. ... the forecoiDC Ji..olu_ion d.ull' pu.... and a4op\". , 1UfOLtr.rI~ ~. 2036: 0' fI'" udado,t10n. · .eel.,.. bit., lovember I.., er to 11..0 11_ H_1.nc ~f.red. a..oluUon .0. 20~ ....It....... Jr.... to. 1_ 11-.a BODel' seconded. the mot10n. M01'tOI'_. . , 1952) iOD look, pace . r .&. USOLtJIJ.'IOI or fa OJ '1'. PU:BLIC InJUST PtlLIC I.RO'...... to TO LDOI' Si'JIDT AID ao SPlCIJlI CAT I 0118 .urn DBAW OJ' SAm PUlLIC IMPRO AutHORIZING.Am) DIUCTI POIALS J'OI. !HE CODmu iO'BClL OJ' HI CITY OJ ~'ADIM. rIIDIIG """ .~I. C_SITY JllCtUIU !'BI conDUCTIOI' AID OOMPLlfIOJ OJ' A : 51 PAnIlfG CiI OS'1' somB STBD! mo~ LOtI. ~8 .... to JfOCKISua, .um APDOVIlfG!HI >>.18, PLan. lOB !'HI COJfSfRUOTIO. TJIIUOJ', .&.U!HORIZIJfG ~ CIOI'S!I1Ief1C8 IB J.CCORDU'OJ: WI!R SAID PLAltS .AND SPECIlI CAT I Oll~ . AID TRI CIn CLmU '0 PUBLISH A BOTIC:! INVITI!lG SIALID PItO- H THEUOJ. On roll call . followiDe Totel AII.S : COW;". I'OM: COD AB8D'!: COOlf i '1'118 Mqor dect ~LU!'IOI BO. 2037: pait.... aDd adoptio.. foregoing a..o1utlo. va. duly pa.led aDd. a4opt... '7 tilt Pearson. Wi..ar, Be7inc and 10D.87. Bone. Van Wacoaer. eo. the forecoi-c h..lut1_ 4ull' pu.... .... ...... ilaaa Boae)" otter'" Ji..Oll1tlolL .0. 20'7 aDd.. ...... ferSI.\ i1_ Wi'.er leeoD4_ ,. mo'ioa. .otIS CAB.. ioa look. pace r- A. .0IDft~. OJ !HI OJ TO,ASSIGJIICIIf to IIDI'I ai"" DIll AID ~TSTl.OM tD'OIL 01 '1'11 CIn 0.. ".'R)lIM APPRO'II' o:r ....! I_~ Dl.IRI. caP (X)JIfD!, lB. OJ' AGI.IIMIIf I ;.11I ",I' CQtPOBA1'D JOR III!'.&.LLA'l'IOIr .&.ID UJ(()VJ.L 0' c.u, DJSDIBtJ!IOB JACIL.ITI... On roll call .. following Tote; forepi. .e.olu\io. wu dull' pal.ed. aII4 adop'-' '7 'It the foree.i:ac I....lu'!.. dul7 pat.. .... ........ RDl,DW'fIOB :Ie>. 20)8: 0, i1.....71>><< off.J'~ ....lut1o. 10. 2038 T" it. pa..... .. fl\qpt1o.., Counc1~ ...r ..... tU .tie......' . Pearson. Wi.ler, Bering u4 Bon.,-. _.e. ,- Waco..r. 34) .&.tIS: :10:15 : ~: CIfY OJ' ....DI M lIiALLT ACClPfIlfG fBI . MARRULS AID !Q.UIPMD'l' AID ALL UTILITIES AND WAtER. AlID PDJORMIBG ALL WOII DCISSARY LATIR1L COMMORLY DrOWN AS Tim ORESCD'! AVD\1I C1 A IISOLUTIOI or 'BE CITY COUNCIL 0' If' FUDIBHING or ALL PI.aA.IT, LA:BOJl, SDvt AND TBABSPORUTIO!l. INCLUDING POWD, TO CONSTRUCT AIm OOMPLl'rE A SXWER MAl TB8X S:nJ1R AND ~ UnmALS. On roll call the foregoing .solutlon 10. 20J8 was duly pa.sed and adopted b~ the followinc Tote: COOlIC ILMEI: 001110 ILMD: OotDTCItMd : Wieser, H.Tin~ and BoneT. ftMt JltTor declared the tor iag :R..ol~t iOIL Aul,. paa8ed. and adopte4. , 0'1 MILItARy ORDmt OF fa P1JQ BIARf: 1raro1cl B. BN'h" - 46)4 Lake;wo04 :B .,".. Long he~ 8, Callftl - Be'11..' . .xhi bi t .~ ~l8Pl&7 of weapon. durlq .0.....'. v<<tJ 5%"-\ecl ...~ the recoiunenda\ioa 0 the Chief, of, Police tor two daTI onl7_ Oouncilmaa BeT1Df) moved the+..tinc adbova t. 8;00 O'cloCk P.K. J'r14q, lIQnDa'ber 7. 1952. Councilmaa li...r.c0B4ed. thfa ..t1oa. MOtIO. C1DIJI). AJ)IO.-...,. C~ .. (IIl_ID. Oi17 Cfrk. SI'" BI: n Dea. M. W1111am* : f&R1IICI~. 161 - Iq J. tfl.14:~. ..tter of crantiac Variance to B. IJatf1'14fto "-le hill to ope, e the ~n... of ba1 latat. Broker frn .... at' ~h Loa Anp1.a It 1; was a 'rought up tor discu..ioa. .f.ftw' \hereq:h d.i8ea...ioa 0, the aU . . OeImcU... hBe,. ...,1Id. the ~1 r.f7 aDd aus.in the action taken b ! the City 'l_iDC C_i..Ion In 4eJQ1..e the~ a. ication for Variance. Council_,.yiDg ..bnd.ed the 110tioa. MOflO1 CADID. ~tl~" :I. aIftI'!B, Ci '7 C .rk. SI'" BT. :Dene M. Vl111... Deputy Ci~,. Clerk n' n