1952/11/12 I .. ,-,,-;:<I ! City Ball, .&.n,11'~" Calif 0*18. lovember 7. 1952 - ~8 t OllcF".'J I have building restrictions I and other restrictions comparable to those staDd.ard.. already established in thi' area. Petition receive t submitted and read, signed b1 33 houie:belaft. which ia the complete list of all r ,idents in: the Morris Tract No. 1468, and 1mmedlate vicinity requesting that t e City di~pprove the Tentative Map of Tra~t Ho. 1696. a. 1t wtuld seriously depreci te the val~e of their homes which are bullt on approximately t acre plots and restrict to a minipum of 1100 square feet. 16 persons resid ng in the "orris Tract were present and expressed their disapproval of the propos deve10pme~t in Tract No. 1696 because of the small lote udltbus.ing which are not n anyway *mparab1e to the present development.. The Council held over actior on Tract 10. 1696 fur further stUdT. TRAllJER OF FUNDS: Trans! t of .,,6~.OO from the General JUDd to the Bond and Illtet'est Redemption J'wId 'of : author1~ on motion by Ceuncl1l11Ul :Boney. ..comled. by Oouncilman Wieser. MOTIO ~ARRIID. ;346 n i . LIC.SE :BOND: For Gas Ap ~ance D_er for installation ot water .ottenere'.. aecfJ!)ted. eubJect to appr '1 of the Oit7 Attorney, on motion b1' Councilman I:en.. secaaded by Councilman V ~agoner. OTION CARRIED. I j J'LOOl COlPI'ROL: The Oity brk was r que.ted to submit a let~er to the o,aDge County no'" Control District call f, ng atten ion to the. nec...i t7 of flood' controt.'p., ro..tection in the Bortheast p.rtioZl 1 the city i requesting the county to take i..'ate step. to .afesuar4 the pe e in the Iterritory lying northeast of the cit7, and the Q,i tT, of Anahel.a. Motica -~7 Oounci ,man Van Wagoner, seconded by Oouncilman Joney. MOTIeR CABRIED. 'i SIGDD to adjourn. Oouncilman :Boney sec?Dd.ed. the Councilman Van motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURDD. Clerk ~ i , Cali!ofnia. November 12, 1952 - 8:00 P.M. I of the Oity ot Anaheim met in regul&X" ....iol1. PRE$B'T: ,son, Wls.+r, Heying, :Boney and' Van Wagoner. .A.'BSB!: OOUJrOILMn': 1'0 CITY .1TTOU'EY: PRESTOll CITY ADMINI S!R.1TIR OrrI Present. 'i . ....-- . MIN1fl... ES:.. .!!he. Minutes of '.e Adjourn~.. Recular Meetine. held. J'rid81'. .0ve.lI1....r,_.....'...'... . ..19.12 wer. approved on motio. b iCouncilma$ .eying, seconded bT Councilman Tea W.....r. MOTIO:l OlD lED. 'I . ~ : I: , i t 11 . DEM4JIDS: Councilman Van oner rep!rted deUDd. ..1nst the city &moUJ).ti~:to $62.826.8j. Councilman:B e.,. aoved ,bat report ofriaance Committee be MO.,'''' .. "I that warrants be drawn up the Trea, urer to ,PAT ...idF demand. in accordant_ with r"'" Cou:acil~....i.ser seconde the motioll. MOTIOB Cdl.IBD. :rIN9ClAL AND OFERATING ORTS: octO:Bllt, 1952: !he following ri~clal ~ Ope.\-r ;~l~:p:;t~o~~~~::e~is~ *: ;::o::;i~~~:m:~m:I\::;::n::~e1;~I:d~~., CITY AUDITOR: DepoBi t $4 ~620. 70.1 . CITY ELJ:~~::~ix~::B~ ~~~.~-11~{e:~;~:r~:w~~~~r~~i;:r:~:~ te- 8.5 .het"'" CITY CLIRX: Deposit $217 .0. ' SUPIRINTmDlJ'. wnw. PO... & W.1T1R~I.' .1etivitiel - Water 1e....1. C.it1 well. ,..10 ".' VelD....!,. 1, 1952 - 157'- : - Water. rCMBed fro. M.W.D. 77,.567,600 Call... pwnpi4 by city, 29,967 ~OO gallon. CITY TRU.SURD.: Total Go ,ral lu>>.d8t.i $446.680.06 - Total all fund.. '672,7~.'1. OITY AUDITOR: J.O.S. SEe tOB.3 II.. intenence and recording f100". aDd. tr...tiDg Sections 5 and - Total' .858.16 of which Anaheim pai4 $947.19. PUBLIC SERVICE DEPT.: D .sit $109.25.'2 - Sanitation $5,059.64 - ID4u8tri~ Vae'. $6,013.02. LrnIARY: lalance l'ov6mb.4, 1952 $r,674.64. CITY JUDGE: Depoli t $4,j 2.00 - 6431 cales in court of which jj8 were parki. IIIttt_ violations. ' LICDSI COLL'lC!ORs D8>>0 .$826.10 r License .'68.45 - VeteruI' hbl1.e Ioulinc $50.00 - Dog 11 neee $8.2~ li 341 Cit eim Calif FIll DEPART~mmT: Aotivities - !ioyc1e ~icenses $24.00 POLIC! D~~ Activities. ~UIIDING DEPAlT~: Deposit $864.00 i 65 ~uilding Permits with valuation ot $355,24'.00 Total permits i.sued: 143. j PAJIIII'G MlTD. CO~LECTIONS (POLICE REFO f> $1800.00. G~G~ & TRASH COLLECTIONS: 389 loa! trash - 27 loads. or 100 tons gar'bage - Oo~tra.ctor colle cted 64 loads of trash. I I I Ill; Appl1cants are the majority of the property uth St. &ftd .. Va1en~ia Ave.. requestins re- PU1ltlC BlARI"; J'-.5Z-.5;-); C.F.C. lie, owa.ra on So.. Clandina St. between I. cl..elticatioa f~om B-Z to B-J. Public Hearing was held biT t co.-nded to the City Coun<:1l~hat re~ Application '-52-53....3 was g Vq:Wagoner. aec.nded by Oouncilman Ha City Planning Commission and as result, re- 18ification be allowed. ted b~ the Cit~ Council on motion by Oouncil... ng. MOTION CABRIID. I 12: A.:B. :aeiter. 8161- Ii. 01iT8 St., oner. est St. and W. Qrpres8 St. be rec1assitied trom P.IC BMRla:,J'-52-5J-l+: O.P. O. lie. pr_ert,. at tlte aortheast corner of W~ li-l,,&o R-2. Oit7 P1anning Oommi8sion rep 50 pro'e.ts were filed with, On lao\lon bT C01U1cilJDN1 Bon~ 53..... was approve4. MOTtO. CADIJID. ended reclassification be allowed. e City Clerk or heard at the Hearing. aecoDded ~ Oouncilmaa Wisser Applicat10n .-52- P Q BlARID: :r-52-53-5: C.P.C. R, ea r17 210 teet of the Dreyfus LaDd~ Clclkhan Su'bciivlI1on. being the southtrl 1.-1 to M-l. Cit~ Planning Commission re~ No protests were filed with On motion by 00unci1man Hey~ '-Sl-53-5 was aptroved. MOTION CADI 13: C. BaT Miller. reclassification of prop~rt7 ying east of Lot 5 of the Weight-Jreeman aDd Me- t corner of E. South St. and So. Orange St. from ended reclassification be allowed. e Oity Clerk or heard at the Hearing. , seconded by Councilman BoneT Application Eeing ao protests 0. any of Oi" Attorne7 was requested to prepare .~ e above applications for reclassifications. the ecessary resolution to make desired changes. The Malor declared the Hearl ca JIO. 1724 C.P.C. Res. 1~1 N~ iac at 898 10. Palm St. Property' Publics] Hearing was held. b7 t whtjb time R..olution Woo 16 was duly th."aenial of Vasaiance Bo. l72, and s. No action was taken by the C red Bubb. requesting permission to erect a Daple% esently zoned R-l. Oity Planning Oommie.ioA lovember 3. 1952 a' sled and adopted recommending to the CityCoun9i1 ing forth tb8~r reasons therefore. y Council. , RCE BO. 1731 C.P.O. Res. 17: F~ 11,,116 Borth Clementine St. for the 'i0-"! . ~icHearing was held by It ti. :a'esolutionlo. 17 was duly passed cr"ting of said Variance subject to t .P4if. for emplo1'..s. It va.moTed by Councilman ac n ~n by the City Planning 00 '4 i ns be sut talned. MO'l'ION CARR IE. . Westfall, requesting permission to.use the property nf'acturing of wearing apparel. City Planning Commissio~ovember 3;>1952 ~t whlch d adopted recommending to the Oity Council the provision in the rear of the property of parking Wagoner. seconded by Councilman Wister ,thAt the slon in granting said Variance subje'ct to 'c'pn- am .0. 1741 C.P.O. Res. l8: P to ...... bdivide the property consisting pl.,. of preaent< 1.-0 zoning. lIorthe~ ; Public Hearin:g vas held by if; at which time Reaolution 10. 18 was d Co.eil the gran.ing of said Variance:. ." It was moved by Councilman Cil, Council sustain the action of t L. Pierce, by Jess Medaris, for permission approximately eleven acres into R-l lotI in corner of W. Korth and N. Loara Sts. City Planning Commission November 3. 1952 passed and adopted recommending to the Oity ey. seconded by Oouncilman Van Wagoner that the ity Planning Commission. MOTION CARRIED. V&1Ir'JaI 10. 175. C.P.C. Res. 19: P. :Bastian for permission to divide the front- agply1ng 'along east Cent.r St. . into t , ee parcels (.. of the II of Lot 9. Anaheim Ex',usion) PropC'ty presently zoned R' . Public Rearing was held by at Which time R"olution No. 19 was d C01Pcil the gr~'ing of said varUsee of. strip alongE. Center St. to all a ,,-'h of 50' from the center line 0 erfjted on these lots to have a set-b '.Dedication tQ the City of Anaheim to>>ermi t the e~~ension of I. .:Broadw thi;iC1 ty of ....1m and t~~. Ckrity of preiJer'y. City Planning Commislion November ). 1952 passed and ;8.dopteci recommending to the Oi ty Ject to the dedication to the Oity of Anaheim for the future widening of E. Center St. to he street to the property. .and Aay bU14dtng based on the future width of E. Center St. a 40' strip along the rear of this acreage 4. The filing of a Record of BurY., Map with aage. showing the d1T1s1on.of the subject o n n n J ] i C1 ty Rft,1.1. AD&he1m'~f&lit: oJ.J!1", )lgyember 12. 1952 - 8100 P. M. i Councilman Heying mP"ed Varia~ce No. 175 be granted subject to the conditions. Councilman Van Wjl€oner secqnded the motion. MOTION CAlmIED. I " 348 listed. four CITY PLl.BNING COMMISSION RES ION NO .120: Recommends that a change be mad. in the Munici~l Code, Section 9200. ' 0-4, andjthat an added section to be numbered 9200.20 be made. the City Attorney was p instruc~ed on motion by Oouncilman Heying, seconded by Councilman :Boney. MOTION " ED. Held ove~ from meeting of lovember 7, 1952. Re.iae4 ~ots and ~pprova1 was recommended by the City Plaaning i ed the CO~.i cil approve Tentative Map of 1648. lubJ.ect to I cilman W~sser seconded the motion. MOTION CAllI.. I i TEftAT!D MAP OF TRACT :10. : Held r.ver from meeting of October 28, 1952. ...ember 1. 19.52. 1*ding report on vats ~rainage further studT. " !boee addr..einc t Council ,n opposition to the acceptance of aaid ..p werea A. J. BO!ERTSON. MonI.. S. 1.1"0 requested that .' tificati;:.,..n of cntner. by- postal cart notices be ..ae vh_ thi. come. up &gat jfor actio . , MARQVWn' . :BOLt.. S.W.e W&tl not; ii.:. rested ii'" the U'.hr ota.bdiY1B1oll in !;he " ",uo. ... r1. ad. he among others di !not care bat the Subdivicl..r '. desirel along slI.bcli."ision lines. and they we . not part cu1ar interested in the building d..el~e.t alODg those lines. , .1 MRS. :B.~'RJ): Itated. her.ellent With Mr. :Boliek. GAIl. V*, I !r~t~. h~696:po: !;:~o 1;h~~Oi:~:U:~~~: ~:r;e t~Y~~:- M:~:~r::. prQ)~" TD'l'ATIU MAP TRACT 10. 1648: Tentat1.e Map now contains 7 Commission. Councilman Boney m engineering requirements. 0 i siz,s of lots and this type of soning was e~lained. MR. ~ PIJI>D:DImt: Stat jthat the . ubdivider would not be iMerested in this type ot lon1ng in this .rri tory, d that they would be u.Dab1e to .e11 the lot. ..caus. of I.R.A. ~mmitm8nts OONMUlIC.A.TIOI: Stephen F. ,lagher, J. torne,., representing Mr. and Mrs. Ee.8th 1. ~lt owners of 1 \acre trac. east of Tract .0. 1696. opposing the !entat1.-" Jfa>> vaa submitted . d read. ,I . OOMMUNJOATIOJ': W.i.el Raach ~.i,' by pet~',...,. J. Wei.el. owners of 30. acre,s near !rae..' 10. 16 91 opposing Tentative ~ and f. . ther stating their desire for 8,000 to 9,000 I. square foot lot ar and mini um home areas of l,300 square feet vas lubmi'tel and read. ! OOMMUBl'CATION: !he Morris L. Co. dat~ October 31, 1952. signed by Arva:1. Mont., __ questing thorough .nsideratipn to further zoning of properties in thie ar.. and desiring r.str etions to be 80mwhat. comparabl:e to those standarta already established in the ~ea was s~bmitted and .reed. COMMUNICATIOlf: Mrs. cttc.i~ . objectiotts were submi.tted and. read. ~e City Clerk s ,4 that a fetition has been received signed ~ 33 resideat, in the Morris Tract and 1mm ~ate vicin~t7. I On motion by Counc ~man Bone7~ seconded by Councilmaa Wisser. the o...eil ..Ill oyer for further study end d ~cus.ion tr. e proposed acceptance of Tentative Map:_'rae'~ Bo. 1'96. KO'flOB CAlRIED. i I PII'ITI.: Signed by Arval Mo tis. A. 1.1 Robertson. Otto Trapp and Z-ura '!uck.r, pro1*". owa.....e.. r..... O. n:IaBt Santa Ana Str ~ t . or kStti..1 South. Street, inClUding. Sherwood A.veD' e...aDd.. 0.. ".....0........................... Aveauerln the. n.wl~ develo . Horris act.. the City of A.na.P,etm reque.\ tbe 01\T . ...... Coecil ~ consider the zoning f further 'subdivisions in this area to be IISabU'Ma, .....: ".. 'I .. ". i'" 01' equivalent, was subm tted and r~ad and eraered received and filed on motion bT .; : Oouaci1man Heying, seconded t Council~ Boney. MOTION ~IED. i I I TJ:HAftVE MAP OJ TRACT BO. South It. - containl 143 lot !he City Planning Councilman Boney providing there be 900 sq Tract and on the corners of Streets. Oouncilman Heying P.. 7: Loca~e,'ed between I. Santa Ana St., Plac.uti.. Ave. &1\d. a. ~ Subdlvifler:Sh1eldl ConstructiOD. : mmission 'Irecommende4 the acceptance of said tentative .p. ed the :t.. 'anca of said Tentative Map of Tract .0. 1691 foot homs on the West side of Dor~hester Street i. n the ta Ana " d Dorchester Streets and South and Dorche.ter conded tlie lIlotion. MOTIOB CARRIED. P.IT!C>lf: EMl?LOYDS OF THE the .beheim Coat & Suit 00., Mr. Berlin to move his fact second floor of 123-129 w. the neeeslity of Mr. :Berlin emplo7lJe8. HEIM CoArT & SUIT CO.; Petition signed by 37 ..p10788a of I Sarold Be~lin, emp1oy-er. requesting that a Variance ~ araa'" , from it~ present location, 110 I. Oenter S\., to the i I ter St. !Fnrther calling attention to the p..s1bilit,. et o move hi. bu.ines8 to another city. creatine bar.hip t. i I j 349 Cit ovember 1 The City Council considered ,he petition faTorab1., and referred 'h.~.am. to the City Planning Oommission on mo ton by Councilman Bone~, seconded by Councilman Wi..er. MOTION CARRIED C~ICATIOI:ST.A.TJ: CO).fPENSATION I, ~...ANOI FUND: Setting forth reasons for which no diY1dEm4 is payable to the City WI. I submitted and read a.nd ordered received aM filed on motion by Oouncilman Van Wag ,er. seconded by Oouncilman Wisser. MOTIOB CADIXD. On roll f~oving vote: RJIIPLUT I ())1 IO. 2040: p..-age and ado,tio~. I offered Resolution No. 2040 and moved for it. +r seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. I a_ter to Resolution Book, A IESlLUTION OF THI CITY C PROP~ AID AWARDING CO TBI lamI8BIJiG fO THE CITY OIL OF TEl CITY OF AlWIEIM ACGm>TIJlG S,,:r.'Im CTS TOTO LOWS! DSPOBSIBLI JIDDDS JOI. A1WIIIM or GAS! IROll WA~ PIn AID J'ITTIlfGS. teolution was duly passed and adopted b7 the i i i ADS: COUlCILMlB: Pear ,Wis.er, Heying, Joney 8Dd Van Wagoner. )JOIS: COmTO IumI: .one AMEI't: eOUlCILMD: lone I 'WTIO)T ~. ~~: de~:::l:: ~:~,:, .+i, ~;:e::oi::~~:t~:;7.~.;~1 ~ -::;:aed;or ih p e and ed.o,tioa. Councilmu.!let +: .econd.d the motion. MOTIOI CAllRIBD. I Refer to _..olutioa >>ook, A IE mIOB OF THI CITY ~ CIL OJ' TBI OITY OJ' A!WIIIM ACDOWLIDGIIG UII f1I PftI!'IOI' FOR'~ ND.IA.TIOB OJ' CDTAIN UlI~I'l'1D !IIII!ORY TO '1'111 CITY OF AlWmIJ.t. GI G NOTICE ~ SUCH PROPOSED ANmlU!IOB. DISCRDING '!'HE BOUBDA.'RIES ~ THE TlRRI'l'ORY PROPOSE '1'0 D ~bA.D AID GI'I. BOT I <II OF THE DAY, A:ID FLACI WHIlE AI'D WHD AI! PDSOI' ODINt DAL PROPERTY VIm' CE TmmITCRY SO PROPOSED TO BI AlmEDD MAY AlPEAR BEFORE Till OITY UNOIL AND SRo.W CAUSE WHY SUCH 'lDtITORY SHOULD NOT BI ADEDD TO CITY OF AIWmIM. ( Public Hearing. ..u/!~/1J2) (West La Palma Annexation' 2)J~-I"'S<, ~ On roll call the foregoing +solution was duly passed and adopted by the f'1la owing vote: kj ADS : NOES: AiS:d! : ! I OOUlCILMEI: Pear. t, Wisser, Reying, Boney and Van Wagoner. COUl'CIIJ.1EI: Bone. 1 COUlOILMEB: None. i i i ing Resolution duly passed and adopted. The ~or declared Propo.ed Ordinance No. 820 s held over. I R,-,lac: OQD.cilm8a Heying aOTC1 }commeD.dation' be llade" to : ,he 01ty.llatmmc{, C".lion that change be made to B.-I oning, and requesting sa.id City P~auing , C~t.sion to hold Hearing for change .~ zone in the area from R~ to R~ - Santa A_:S'r..t to Vermont. Councilman B, fY seconded the motion. MO'1'IOJr OARRIED. Councilman Heying moved to journ to 7:00 P.M. November 19, 1952. C I. oilman Bone,. seconded the motion. MOTIOI' aAImIn. ADJOUUED. &IGDI. n n o