1952/11/19 n f 1 Y!I ~ ...... II 350 Clt zOO P.M. The City Council ef the City of Anaheim met in Regular Meeting. PRESENT: COUNCILMmN: Pea .on, 'WisBer, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. AJ3SENT; COUNCILMEN; Non. CITY ATTORDY. PRmsTON CITY ADMINISTBATIVE OFFIC Present. XlITH A. MURDOCH: Present. MINtJlE5: The Minutes of t . Regular Meeting held November 12. J.952 wera approv.. .a correct.!. on motion by Co 'cilman Van Wa&oner. seconded b~ Councilman Wi..er. MotIO. CARRIED. DSOLU'rIOB liO. 2049: pasaage and adoption. (Oit, boundaries) Beier to Resolut ~lman Heying offered Resolution No. 2049 and moved for it. ~ilmaB Wis.er seconded the motion. MOTION C.d:RIJD). . A ~LU'rIO. O.F THE CITY ~.F. . CIL OJ' .... .0.. ITY OF AlWJI. . lit APPROVIJrG TIll .................. .......... OJ A FU'l'UU :8otnmARY LID TOD THE CITY OJ' FULLERTON .urn '!HE' CITY OJ JJt1Bj!M.. .. AUTHORIZING THE-EXECUTION " AN AGREIfmtrr, WITH THE CITY OF FULLERTON WITH RIIPEOT to' . SAID BOU!mA1tY tIn. On roll call the tor.coing 2eeolution was duly passed and adopted '7 the following vote:' Peare:on. Visser. Heying. :Boney and Van Wagoner. !Tone. Bone. .A. YES : lI):ZS : A135DT : B880lut~on 1'0. 2049 duly passed aDd adopted. TEqTIVI MAP. 'rBAC'f NO. . 116: Otto fAhI.... era, owner and Mr. Shield.. propo.ed au... :b4. iYl:f..... .. were pre,sllt and addressed ~he Counc~l. 1I'~"'/~v. A.ction on Tentative Map otrract 1'0. '1696 was held Oyer October 28 and I'ov..ier 7.1'" On motion by Co 'ilman He)'ing. seconded b7 Councilman Van Waconer. 'ent.tl.. Map of Tract 10. 1696 was .sapproveQ and acceptance thereot denied. MOTIOW IAlkIID. Mr. Ahlers ani Shields were advised by the Council the reasons for the denial of said Tract. S'rAS CO~1P.SATI 0:1 INS Beyii.g, aeconded b7 Counc be accepted. and that the from one or more claims in say ene accident at th amoUSl t of premium on the to $.500,000.) Councilmen Pear rtnm: Policy Bo. G-l0959-52. On. motion b)" CoucilMa Wi.ser. the Oit7 Council moved. that the toregoing P01107 ty of ~eim stipulate the total liabl1it7 for all 4...... ing out of injury to. or death of. one or more empl07elt ~imitation of $500.000. with s~-charg8 of ~ to theto,1a1 . iC7. MO'1IO!T CARRIED. (This surcharge covers liability up The City Clerk Oouncilman Van Wagoner no Councilman Wilser second Oouncilman Heyi . j and :8on.7 left the Meting - 7:25 P.M.! ."'.. 1 for nOIll.. inations for KllTor Pro Telll for the C11;7 of ~"1... ~nated OOu$cilaan Heying and moved the noainatlou olos84. 'the motioa. MO'lIOlf CARRIID. , was seated a8 KllTor Pro !em for the Cit7 of Aaaheim. I ! I 1 I j I I ! I I ! I Motionei by Councilman Van Wagoner. .econded bl'COUJlo~lIIIil between the City of Anaheim and Place.ti. Villa C~. a8t ! n Association of Glendale. California, as s8cur1t7 for the ! 1635 be approved. MOTION CARRIED. : B.A:BIIT SHOW & PI~C DI : La Palma Park, December 14. 1952 was approved. \)7 the Cit7 Conncil with the und is tanding that the Applicants contact Park and Recreatloa Superintendents. PUBiIC COBTBACT BOND: Un "ed States Guarantee Co. - Bond No. 7580106 tor ~rican Cast Iron Pipe Company fo 5~ of the contract was approved by the Oity Attorney. aDd ordered received and file on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, ..conde! \)7 OoUDci~ Wise'er. MOTION CARRIED. ~: TRACT liO. 16) Vis.er, that the Agreemen the F1d.lit~ Saving and t improvements in Tract No. :JIm: SI'BDT I}ttPROVDtEIT: Pursuant to Legal Notice. the Clerk was ins tructed to open bid proposals on the impr Tement of 18.t South Street and West Vermont Avenue on motion by Councilman Van agoner, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTIO. CABlIID. Bid. received: Sully-Mil ~r Contracting Co together with certified check in the amoun t of $1, 00 ~ and ,$800".00. Geiser Construe ton Co. together with Bid Bonds of 10% of total bid. R. J. lIobel Co 1". together with Bid Bond in the amount at l~ 01 total bid. j I I "', j j ! I i 351 Clt 1 Anaheim Califo 1 11. J. tmIT PRICE .75 3.65 15.00 ; 00 P. M. miLl CO. TOTAL PRI CE 723. 75 7117.50 150.00 . 7991.25 SULLY-MILLER CONTR. 00. .50 482.50 3.80 7410.00 25.00 250.00 . 8142..50 G:lISIR OON5TR. CO. 1.69 5.09 22.50 J T SOUTH S !: 1. Excavation 965 cu.yds) 2. Plant-mixed 8urfacing.(1950 T) J. Adjust ex. menholes to grade (10) 1. .Ixcavation 2. Surfacing J. Manholes 1. he.vation 2. Surfacing 3~ Manholes _...MiA. cu. 1\\.) 2..'llant-m1xed.urfac1ng inc. Paint 1, kcavatiotl 2 ~ Surfac ing R. J. I"OBLI CO. .68 1156.00 hder (10sqr) 3.92 4116.00 . 5212.00 SULLY-MILLER CONTR. CO. .50 850.00 ~.50 4725.00 $ 5575.00 GmISIR CONST. co. 1.59 4.52 1." hcavatiotl 2; Surfacing !he bids were referred to t Inginee~ Department and Administrative O~1c.r who rePfrted after tabulati ~hat the ~. J. Boble Co. was low bidder. iF On ..~ion bl' CouncilmaZl V flagoner. ~econded by Oouncilman W1sler. c...t.."....'. "..trac. ts for the improvemen\ of West Fouth Str~.t,.t and We.t Vermont Avenue were a1llfried low biMer. the B.. J. I'obe. ~ MOTION qA.1UiIED. 2 mION :I().105l: Councilman Van tAconer of~ered Resolution No. 2051 and !poved for i.,paasage and adoption. Council tlisBer. 8$:onded the motion. MOTIO, CARRIE. Refer to Resolution :Book, 1 A 1PBOLUTIOI OJ' THE CITY COUl'CIt OJ' _ CITY OJ' iANADIM ACCEPTING SEALED PROPOSALS A.AWARDING A CONTRACT 'J!O THE LOWES "SPOISI1n~ !IDDIR FOR TRlJ'URNISRIWG OJ .ALL &~=~!~ND~I=T~T ~~~~~':~iL~~~: :=";o:~~ITY ABAHEIM. ADS: J'QIS: ABSEil: COUlfCILMD': Wi8. i, Heying ~ Joney. COUNCILMD: None. COUlrOILMU: Pears.~ and :Bonf(V. On roll call the foregoing esolution~a8 duly passed and adopted by the fQl10wing vote: M8qor Pro Tem Heying dec1a Re8olut~on 10. 2051 duly passeel aDd. adopted.. F.LUTION NO. 2052: Councilman W1s1 r offered laesolution Bo. 2052 and moved tor lta p..age and adoption. Councilman Van Wagoner s8!conded the motion. MOTION CAB1iIID. Refer to Resolution Book. A.SOLUTION OF THE CITY COUliCIL OF T . CITY OF ~m:IM ACCIPTIBG SIALED PROPOSALS A. AWARDING A CONTRACT TO THE LOWEST RESPONSI:B~ BIDDER FaR TiII J'tJRB'ISHING OF Att T..OR. MATD.IAL,AND BQ,UIPMENT FOR TH ~KPROVEMEm' OF WEST VER).10NT AVEIUI FR014 LEMOB S.. TO PALlrl 'TREET IN THE CITY OF' 1M. . ADS: !lOIS : .A:BSEB'J.': COUNCILMEB: Wiese ~ Heying ~ :Boney. COUNCIL~~I: None. COUNCILMEB: Pears tl and. Bon.lY. .8olution~a8 duly passed and adopted by the ;l On roll following vote: ~or Pro Tem Heying declar Reso1utiJlon 10. 2052 duly pa8sed aDd adopted. C....IClITI~: Aetna Insurance Comp d~lling ~ond aad Oil Clean Up !ond, a.ears to be !Ie 1iabili t7 to. the 10 in referlence to .Steele Petrol~ Co, oil well questing ~erat1oa..-of the bond.. if there ng Com~. 352 Said communicatin was referred to the Administrative Officer and City Clerk for report to the Council t the next meeting if liens have been filed, or there was any outstanding libilities R~SOLUTIOB .6. 2042: Co 1lman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2042 and moved for its passage and adoption. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. A REfOLUTION OF THE CITY C VNClt OF TeE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETlRMIWr.rG THA! A CHPGE OF ZONE IS NECESS ,Y III CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY .A.BD THAT ARTICL:I IX, CR&.P'1'II 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL PODE SHOUlJ) BE A~1EIDED TO ACCOMPtISH SAID CHANGI 01 zod. rj (r-.52-.53-3: C.P.O. Res. 1 ~ On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly palled and adopted by the following vote: AYES: BO:E; .A.:BSDT : Wi.s~r. HeTing and Van Wagoner. None. Pear~on and !on87' Mal'or Pro Tem He ~ng declar:ed Resolution No. Z04Z du11 passed aDd. a4op~"'. RESQI,UTIO!J 1'0. 204): 00, ~lman Wis..r offered Resolution No. 204J and Jlo.,. ~>for 1's passage and adoption. Co pilman Van Wagoner seconded the motion. MOT I 01' ~IJm. Rerer to Resolut pn Book. page A DIOLtJ!IOJr OJ' THE CI'l'Y pwCIL OF '.$II CITY OJ J.KU!lIM J'IlmIJrG All) DftaM!11IG 'Ki.t A CBUGE or ZOD IS DelS . Y II{ CD'!1AII.AREAS or THI CI'l'Y A~ THAT ARTICLI II. C_~ 2 OF THI AMBIIM MUl'ICIPA O:DI SHOum :81 .AMl1ID:ID TO ACCOMPLISH SAID CRA.I'OI or ZOIl. . (7-.52-5)-4: C.PIC. Res. 1 ~ On roll call the 'oregoing .Resolution was duly passed and adopted \7 the followiDg vot.: ,...., AYES: lfOES: A:BSDT : Mayor Pro Tem WiB.~r. Heying aDd Van Wagoner. Bone. Pe~.on and Boney. ng decla~ed Resolution 50. 201+) dull' paMed .., M.Op'''' :US~U!IOJT 10. 2044: 00 !:ilman VanWagoner offered Resolution 110. 2044 ~~_"",4' for 5.1;8 paaaage aDd adopt1' n. Councilman Wisser .ecomed the motion. MOTIOi~ ~tlb\ A RESOLUTION OJ' THE CITY A CHANGE OF ZOO IS NEC:lS 2 OJ' THE AlWIII M MUNI elP (~-52-53-S: C.P.C. Res. On roll foll,wing vote: AYES: NOES: .&:BBRT : CIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHlIM FINDING AID DE'l')1JlMIlfIIG T.!' Y IN CER'l:AIN AREAS OJ' TBI CIn AIm THAT ARfICQ, IS. ~. CODE SHOULD BE AMDD:ID TO ACCOMPLISH SAID cBQGI or IORI. o . ~oregolngReBolution was duly passed and adopted b7 the Wisser, Heying and Van Vagoaer. lone. Pear.on and Boney. Mayor Pro Tam a ;ing declaJed Resolution 10. 2044 duly palled aDd 840)''''. n J RESc.J,UTION NO. 2045: passage and adoption. A RI$OLUTION OF THE CITY (1"0. 173 - C. P . C. Re s . 17 On roll following vot.: AYES: NOES: .ABSDT : ilman Wisser offered Resolution No. 2045 and., mew....., for ..~. ilman Van Wagoner seconded the motion". MOTtOlf 0lIrRtE>>. CIL OF '.ftm CI!Y OJ' A..JIA.ImIM .GttAR!'IWa. J. VJ.R~.. foregoing Resolution was d1:1ly pasled and MOP'. by the Wi8s.r, Heying and Van Wagoner. lon8. Pear.on and !oney. Mayor Pro Tem II :lng declated1t.esolution 1'0. 2045 duly passed. and _optel. 353 City Hall, ia, Novem)er 19, 1952 - 7:00 P.M. ~OLUTION NO. 2046: passage and adoption. r offered Resolution No. 2046 and moved for its Wagoner seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Refer to Resolution Book, A JlESOLUTION OF TEE CITY ComrCIt OF , <10. 174: e.p. C. Res. Ho. 18) CITY OF ANAHEIM GRANTING A VARIANCE. Oa roll fillowing votes aolution!was duly passed and adopted by the AYES: NOJ:S : D'S" : COUNCILMD : COUNC I LMEI: OOUNCILMD: Heying aItd Van Wagoner. ~ ~orPro Tam Heying decl .LUTIOl1 :10. 2047. Councilman Van i ,. passage and adoption. Oounci1 R..olut~on No. 2046 duly passed and adopted. of~ered Resolution No. 2047 and moved for s.donded the motion. MOTION CARlilE. Refer to Resolution Book, a A SOLUTIO. or !HI CITY OOUlCIL or ( 17S: a.p.C. Ree. Bo. 19) CITY OJ' ~lQ.DIM GRAI'l'IlfG A VARIAJ\1CE. On roll call the foregoing ~solution ~as duly passed and adopted by the f~lowing vote: AYES: .IS: DIEN!: COmrCILM1nf: OOUlfCILMD : comro ILMEN : Wisse iHeying an.fi Van Wagoner. lone. ' Pears b. and :Bon.. MaTor Pro Tam Heying declar Reso1utibn 50. 2047 duly passed and adopted. B~LUTION NO. 2048: Councilman Wise r offered ~esolution No. 2048 and moved for its 1 - li~ :::r~P~;/~2)o~~~vaa &goner sebonded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Refer to1fisolutio~~k, p A TIS : BOJJS: ABSEft : COUl'CILMEB ; COUNCILMEN: COUICILMD' : n OLUTION GF'THE OITY OOU!JClt.OJ' T 0.:1 OJ' ZOD IS NECMSARY 1:1 OERTAI 'tEE .ANAJ!EII MUNICIPAL CODE SHO .20-4 ) On'roll call the foregoing fc410wing vote: \ CITY OF ~BlIM FINDING AND DITIRMI.ING TH1T A ,AREAS OF 'HI CITY AND THAT ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER iBE Af.1ENDI$ TC ACCOMPLISH SAID ORANG! 0' zone .solution was duly passed and adopted by the Wiese . Heying atld Ven Wagoner. None. Fears. and Bonet. Mayor Fro Tam Heying declar Resoluti~n No. 2048 duly passed and adopted. JU'.ILtJTION liO. 2053: Oouncilman Van 4gonar off.red Resolution No. 2053 and moved ,for i t.".,','._,.., passage. and adoption. ~ci1Jaan,1ssersec~n4ed the motion. MOTION CARRIED. l>~ Hea~~~r ~~;~~lutz' ~;(~ ~ I. SOLUTION OF.TIm CITY COUNCIt OJ' If ." OITY OJ' fl'lA, BEIM FINDING A!ID DETER1-lINING !HAT A ]I OF ZOD !S DCESSA1Y IN CZR!A!iAREAS OF fHI CITY AID T!'AT AR'I OLl IX, CHAPTER TfIE ANAJr.EII MUlI CIPAL CODI S :lJJ .AM!WDD 'l'0 AOOOMPLISIt SAm OHANQ.I OJ' ZONE. 8nb.e~i~~li2~~iO~he foregoingesolution .as duly passed and adopted by the ,l. following vote: AYES: NOIS : A:BSEN'J: OomrCILMEN: COUlfC ILME!l: OOmrOILMEN: ~ Heying aid Van Wagoner. and BoneY'. ,. ,..' ~or Pro Tem Heying declar Resolution Ho. 2053 duly passed and adopted. ~IO)T 1'0. 2054: Councilman Wiss paleage and adopt ion. -Councilman Van 10. 176: C.P.C. Res. Bo. 21 Refer to Resolution Book, p offered Resolution Bo. 2054 and moved for its goner se40nded the motion. MOTION CA:RRIIB. n n i j ~.. .4i n 354 .00 P.M. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CWCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM GRANTING A VARIANCE. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted br the following vote: moti.n. 2054 duly passed ant adoptei. AYES: NOES: ABSENT : Wisse~, Heying and Van Wagoner. None. Pear$on and Boney. Councilman Van tl oner moved to adjourn. Oouncilman Wisser .8eonde4 the MOTION CJ.RRIED. ADJOURNED. SIGNED Califo~ia. !Tovember 25, 1952 - 8:00 P.M. The City Council bf the Cit~ of Anaheim met in Regular Session. PRESIBT: ~on, Wisser, Boney and Van Wagoner. ABS-.r: OOtnfCILMIJl: Ber' g. C%TY'lATTORDY, PRISTON : Present. CITyt.1DMINISTRATIVI ODI D1TH A. MURDOCH: Present. MI}fO'R',S: 'l'he Minutes of t . .AdJourne~ I.egular Meeting held Bovember 19,. 19.52 w8r8' approved on motion by Conn tIman :Bo~, seconded by Councilman Wisser. Mot!ClC~tIt. D~S: Councilman Van W oner r.,."ted demands against the citY' amountiag to $60,103.27. Oouncilman!o y moved that report of Finance Committee be accepted, ~ that warrants be drawn in .e several amounts to ~ 8aid demands in accordance wi 'h said report. Councilman W .ser seconted the mot~on. MOTION OARRIID. "'iIPUBLIC HBARING: VARUNCE ~. 169: Vernon P. Stuewe, owner of Lots 1 to 6 inelu.i...., Tract No. 1245. requesting 'ermission to reduce the frontage of these lots from 75.6& to 56.60 feet. the d th to remain as at present. Property located at 908 to 9)8 South Los Angeles Stre ,zoned R~3~ '!'he City Plannin .Commission recommended the variance be granted. Mr. and Mrs. St .e were present at the me.ting. !hose addressing ihe council: Mi. IDBROWS: Wanted to 'b.~nformed aa to the types of buildings, and the buildi1:1g8 aAoi1. be limited to one 8~ry and was opposed to R-) zoning. He further stated ha purchased the lot adjac.t to his home to prevent apartment building being built on the property. MRS. EURROWS: Stated that ~he people in the tract bought in R-l, and all have famities and wish to prate t their children. MR. JAMES GISLER: Statedijat t\Vo and. three story buildings might be butl" on the premises, and he was not wlling to accept the verbal statements as to el...tionl. ~m. TICKER: was willing t co~romise if the buildings erected are comparable' to the buildings now existing MR. 1rUEWI: Spoke of cond'ions of the Variance, that a sewer line be built aad tlatthe people in the rea 'be permit'ed to hook on' free of charge, was agreeable ,. him to a point,. He was no !agreeable that particular types of buildings be built in accordance with plan. p:sented. Motion was made i Councilman >>oney that the City Oouncil follow the recoIIDendationl ;~e,:,it iPl ing Oommission and that request be granted aa ..p au bmit te4. - 7'1t. ' "> Councilman Wisse <moved an amendment to the motion, that t~Li.rlanoe be gran'ted as recommended by )e City Planning Commission on the basi. ~1 plan. .._ presented. Councilmen Van Wagoner seeonded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. "'7 Atter discussion Councilmaa :Boney asked for roll call. On the motion of ending t:he original motion to read: . that be granted as recommended tl)e Ci""ty" Pl, ann,lng Commission on the basis ~ presented. ROLL CALL: "\~'~~"("1\)"').(M~t,, .'IDS: COUNCIL : pia.in<'ti...r aDd Van Wagoner. !fOES: COUftt :Bonel'_ ABSEI'r: COUNOI Heying. vT;t~a:C~ j I i I I