1952/11/25 [, "- [ 354 -00 P.K. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY 'ONCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM GRABTING A VARIANCE. On roll following vote: foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the AYIS: NOES: ABSDT : Wis~er, Heying and Van Wagoner. Non~. Pea~son and :BoneT. Mqor Pro Tem ing decl~red Resolution Bo. 2054 duly passed aDd edopt~. to adjourn. Oouncilman Wi8ser seconded the Councilman Van. mot1on. MOTION CABRIED. ADJOURNED. SIGNED Calif4rnia. November 25. 1952 - 8:00 P.M. I the C~ty of Anaheim met in Regular Session. FRJlSENT: 0 OUNO ILfc1U: ABaIIT: conc IL}.tJ}l: CI. ATTOUIT. PRESTON OI!! A1)MINISnATIvm ODr son, Wis~er, ~oney and Van Wagoner. - ne- .1 : Pre~ent. , XlITH -4. MURDOCH: Pre.ent. I MI8TD: '!he Minutes of approved on motion by Co e A.d.Jour~d..ed liegular ....UJIā‚¬ held Jlovember 19. 19t.2.. we~! iIman :Bo~, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MO!IOI'JClllx.t. goner r.~rted demands against the city amotmtlDC to 81' moved [that report of Jinance Committee b. acc.pted, .. the sever~ amount. to ~ said demands in accordance with sser secqnded the mot~on. MOTION CARRIED. ~O. 169: j,...lvenon P. Stuewe, owner of Lots 1 to 6 1nclus1...e. permissin to reduce the frontage of these lots from pth to rmain a8 at present. Property located at 908 to t, zonedIR-3~ Commiss,on recommended the T&riance be granted. we were i'resent at the me.ting. the conn il: informedlas to the types of buildings, and the build!np ory and ~a8 opposed. to 11-J zoning. He further stated. nt to hi. home to prevent apartment building being built Dm&J1DS: Councilman Van $60.603.27. Councilman that warrants be drawn i said report. Councilman .I 'iFUBLIC HlARIIG: Traet 10. 1245. requesti 75.60 to 56.60 feet. the 938/South Los Angeles St The City Plann Mr. and Mrs. S Those addressi MR. ... JUDOWS : Wan ted to' sh,,1d be limited to one he purchased the lot adj on 'he property. MRS. BURROWS: Stated t families and wish to pro MR. JAMES GESLER: Stat premises, and he was not }ffi. TICKER: was willing the buildings now existi 1m v STtJZd: Spoke of co th8t the people in the r hi. to .. point-. He was in a.ccordance with plans Motion was mad reco. mmendations 2~ su.1 tted. ... 7?t. Councilman Vis granted as recommended b :presented. Councilman V After discussi On the motion be granted as recommend ~ presented. ROLL CALL IDS: COUtiO :rOIS : CO A! SENT : COUNO the peop~e in the tract bought in R-l, and all ha.e J t their qhildren. ~bat two and three story buildings might be built on th. illing tOi&CCept the verbal statements as to el._tion8~ co~rom~se if the buildings erected are comparable to litions of It he Variance, that a sewer line be built aad. ; be perm:iltted. to hook on' free of charge, vaa acr-eable ,_ ~t agreeab~e that particular types of bulldlnc8 \)8 bull t esented. fby Councl~man :Boney that the City Oouncil follow the Pl ing Commission and that request be granted as ~ r moved ~, amendment to the motion, that t~Jarl_ce be.. the Oi ty :alanning Commission on the basis tIIIt plans.. M Wagoner .econded the motion. MOTION CAJlRIZI. 47 t Council~ Joney asked for roll call. i ~nd.inclthe odiinal motion to read: . that t.h.e TF1~;. lb. y t~ Cl'y P.1.ann1ng Oommission on the basis ~........ Plan8~...........,........ , \ \~'\~1~(.,1~'t)<'M~ttt ~.. .: MDT: PeafWOJ1 \fis..r and Van Wagoner. : :Bon+1'. : Heytng. 355 ,;' Councilman Van Wagoner moved that Variance No. 169 be granted as recommended by the City Planning Commission on the basis that plans be presented. Councilman \Wisaer seconded the motion. MOTION lED. 1 2 - 8:00 P.M. ;PUBLIC HEARIBG: VARIANCE NO. 170: Vi of the property at the northwest corne for permission to erect a Triplex Dwe1 The City Planning Commissio Councilman :Boney moved that the City Planninc Commission. Council ~ .0. 1565: Seaboard Surety Comp 1'0 lU.A. %80 in the amount of $ an4:iond ]lTo. 1I.LA 9679 in the amount of ,45,000.00 for improvements in said tract in n:......': ac4lrdance with 8pecifications was ap bved and Grieeed received and filed when ~.. a '" ved by City Attorney on motion by Councilman :Boney, seconded by Councilman Wisser. NO . CABRID. J.a C. Rail,. 128 Cherry Street, Anaheim, owner of East denter Street and Borth Plac.ntia Avenue. lng. Presllently zoned as R-A. t:-ecommendEkl the granting of said Variance. tance Io. 170 be granted as recommended by Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. 00.....01' BOND: tACI:rIC STATES CAST. IR .~ PIPE CO.i' lond No. 1.59421' in the amount of .1~~pOO.00 for t~e furnishing cast ~ro !pipe as ~r bid of October 28, 1952 was ordere4 re.1'fed and filed when approved by t ; Ci ty Attqirney on motion by Councilman :Boney, se~nded by Coun.ilman Van Wagoner. . ION CARRnED. OF FtJNDI: On motlon by Counc ~man Van ~goner, seconded by Councilman Wisser fer of $15.600.00 from the Gener ; Ju.nd to the Sani tat ion Jund was authorized. 5 CA.RR I:ID . .... ! , 8<<.:;,;10N: ACACa S'.l'Rlft JJ1'!tDATIOI': toponents ilin thet.rri t017 proposed for annexation kn~n as the proposed Acacia Street A :xation sqbmitted request for consent of the Oi" Council to eommence and conduct p ~ceeding. !for the annexation to .the Oi ty of AnAeill of the fe110wing described pr . rty: A t:ract of land including a portion of Setlions 2. 3, 4 and ll, !ownship 4 S ~h, Range iilO West, San Bernardino Base and NeWlan and a pertion of Sections 34 j d 35 Tow~ship 3 South, Range 10 West. San !e~rdino Base and Meridian. . On motion by Councilman Bon ~ 8econd.~ by Councilman Van Wagoner the re st was ordered referred to the Cit Planning Commission for recommenda~io~. M OJ' CARR 1]1) . . MW8OPOLITAN WATIR DIS'l'RICT TAXIS: Th. Ci ty Cou:n1cil of Anaheim elects to certify the n )(e~politan Wawr District Taxes for re fiscal lYear 1953-1954 to the Count,. Auditor L.J of 'I range County to be extended by hi pn the t~ rolls of Orange County. to ~e collected inJhe same.mam:Lfr as' County Taxes, that the County Auditor and Metropolitan Water DiIJrict be so aivised. motioned by Co cilman Baney, seconded by Councilman Van Wagoner. NO.C:! CARRIED. -. J.~s. MIWTE$: The Minutes of the Re lar Meeti:rng of the Joint Outfall Se'Wer Executive Co..~ttee Meetine held lovember 6, 195 were app~oved and ordered received and file~ on . tion by Councilman Boney, second by Counc~lman Van Wagoner. MOTION CARRIID. ~IES :aA.NJ: Nop CQJ..1PANY: On motio Wi...r, the Jeffries :Bank Note Com gr_hing of the t500,000 Water Works Wolts Extension Bondst 1952. and that orter of purchase for the printing s: City 'Treasurer submitted report showing ber l. 1~~2, $2,5.55.93. &goner, 8~conded by Councilman Wisser, the l1ed and tihe Ci~y .reaeurer was authorized , the collection of delinquent accounts.. MOTIOW VE-.uS' PT1BLIG HOUSIBG DELIIQ,UENT delinquent rente outstanding as of No On motion by Councilman Van ab~. report was ordered received and aD.l'and necessary steps to provide for CAtaIED. by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Counc~laan of Los Angeles be employed for printing, 1itho- ~ ension BQnds, 1952 and the $.500,000 Electric "Melveny and Myers be authorized to enter an to furnish proper copy. MOTION CARRIED. J I., WATER VOBIS A:ND ELECTRIC WORKS The City Ci:erk repor.ted two ~ bit. received. On mo\J.on by Councilman Bon i. seconde4 by COWlcilman Wisser the City Clerk l~ wa. instructed ,. open bid proposals. ~OTION CAQRIED. . . .i 'lit 1. . par valu. clIJ1ng $500.000 par value WAtERWORKS EL8!RIO WORD .TENSION :BONDS, 1952 . For the $500,000 par value 1, 1952, of the denomination of $1,00 year on December 1, 1953, and semi- thereafter; and maturing $25,000 par to 1972, both y.,rs inclusive, we bid onds of ~.he City of Anaheim, Oalif~.'..' la. in- TENSION ~ONDSt 1952, and $500,000 ~ value bid as follows: ~ ER WORKS EXTENSION BO'NDS, 1952, dated December each; int~rest payable annually for the first ly on J~ne 1 and December 1 in each year ne on December 1 in each of the years 1953 follows: $100,000. $175,000. $22.5,000. 356 November 2 .M. turing December I, 1953 to December 1, 1956 inclusive, erest at 2t', turing De~ernber 1, 1957 to December l, 1963 inclusive, erest at 2~, turing De~~mber 1, 1964 to December 1. 1972 inclusive, erest at 2;', and we will pay par and crued inttrest to date of delivery, plus a premium of $99.00 For the $SOO, 0 ~ par va1u~ J:LlC'l'RIC WORKS IX'1'INSIOE' :B.Olm8, 1952. 4ated DeOember 1, 1952. (jf den 'ination of $1.000 each: int.erest pqable ammall;y for the first 7ear on December 1 195J, andisemi-annually on June 1 and December 1 in each year thereafter; and mat ing $25,0$0 par value on December 1 in each of the years 195;3 to 1972, both years :nclusive ,[ we bid as follows: ill $100,000. $l?l5,OOO. $22.5.000. '.turing De~~mber 1. 195) to December 1. 1956 Inclullve. .rest at 2;', I turing D:l..'ember 1. 1957 to December 1, 1963 inclulive. ~rest at ~, 'I turing D~t:"..ember 1. 1964 to December 1. 1972 inclu'lve. erest at T' qcrued inttrest to date of delivery, plus a pre.iua of $99.00. iacceptanc+ not later than 24 hours from and after the date to be optned and is made subject to our obtaining. at no 'Melveny 4nd Myers, attorneys, a satisfactory 9plnion 'the above 'described bonds in all respects. iCa.shier'sicheck in the filIlount of $30,000 whic~ is to b. ~s to be r.turned to us in the event you are ,unable to award the bond. to us in accordance with the terms of our bid. . awarded 4nd delivered to us, the check may be ca.hed at the :roceeds ajp1ied on the purchase price of the bond.. (~llned) O. J:. Hanson, Manager. and we will pay par and This bid is fo and hour at which bids a cost to us, from Messrs. approving the validity 0 Enclosed is ou held by you uncashed and the bonds to us or deliv In the event the bonds a time of delivery and the For the proposed issue 0 dated December 1, 1952, for the first year the b and interest payable at as eet forth in your Not this bid, we will pay yo $l,OOO,OOQ BONDS OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. CALIFORNIA the deno~ination of $1,000, with interest payable annual~ shave tq run and semi-annually th&reafter, both princl~ 'e Office 4f the Treasurer of the Oity of Anaheim, Californli. e of Sale, which Notice of Sale is hereby made apart of for: $500,000 per value Water from December 1, 1953 to ks Exten.lon Bonds, 1952, maturing $25,000 in each year camber 1. 1972. both inclusive, bearing interest as fol1cnMt' $lZS,OOO maturing 12-1-5 to 12-1-51." incl. at 2i% $115.000 maturing 12-1-.5 'to l2-l-64, incl. at ~_ $200,000 maturing 12-1-6 to 12-1-7~, incl. at ~ ~ the sum of $500,000, bei delivery, plus a premium the par talue thereof, plus accrue<\;'t~~k~1,~8t to tate of $71.00, .:and for r: $SOO,OOO par value Elect ilc Works E~tension Bonds, 1952, maturing $25,000 in each year from December 1. 19 to Decem1er 1, 1972, both inclusive, bearing int~est as follows: I , ~,~~ $lZS,OOO maturing 12-1-5 to 12-1-51.1, incl. at ~ $175,000 maturing 12-l-5 to 12-1-64, incl. at 2$_ $200,000 maturing l2-l-6 ;to 12-l-~. incl. at 21% the sum ofr$SOO.OOQ, bei delivery, plus a premium I the par -Value thereof, plus accrued interest to 'ate of $71.00. This bid is for all but t less tb4n all of the above issues of bonds a114. .1.. for prompt acceptance, subje 'to your ~urnishing us, prior to delivery of Sa1d)o.,~ opinion of O'Me~veny & s, attor~eys, of Lo, Angeles. e.11tornla, app~O!!~th. J)/ Cit - 8:00 P.M. validity of said bonds in all We enclose Cashier's Check of the Sec' of $30,000, payable to the order of th of the bonds to us, under the terms a bid is accepted or to be returned to u bonds or said attorneys refuse to appr ty-First National Bank of Los Angeles in the amount City of Anaheim, to be held by you pending delivery conditions set forth in your Notice of Sale if this promptly in the event that we are not awarded the the issue. Franklin Stockbridge, Assistant Vice President Each bid was accompanied by in aotice invitinc bids. The Oity Att and in accordance with the notice. eashier1s Check in the sum of $30,000, as provided ey reported that each of said bids was regular Thereafter, upon motion duly e by Cov.ncilman :Boney, seconded byrlCouncilaan Van Wagoner and carried, said bids wer ~eferred ~o the City Administrative Officer, the City Treasurer and City Attorney r checking. said officers to compute the bids and report back to the City Council 10: o'clock,A. M. Wednesday, November 26. 1952 such computation with their recommenda ion as to the Best Bid. MOTION OARRIED. ADJotJR8D. RlS"mION NO. 2055: C0\U1ci1man Van Vf, its<Jaseage and a4option. ner offe~ed Resolution No. 20SS and moved for ey ~ecohded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Refer to Resolution Book, pa ~ . USOLU'l'7 ON OF THE CITY CGUNC ]f(J'M'B!R :3 OF THI AGRDMElIT OF THE C1TY OF ANA.HEIM .APPROVING AME}..1DMD'T MAINT.N~ OF STATE HIGHWAY IN THE CITY IA.NA.HEIM. On roll call the foregoing R foll.wing vote: duly passed and adopted by the AYES: BO.: ~.S8'T : COU1TCILMlN: COUBC ILDN: COUNOILMAN: Wisser, :eon.y and Van Wagoner. The Mayor declared the foreg~ Resolution duly passed and adopted. Councilman Van Wagoner moved 0 adjourn to Wednesday, Bovember 26, 1952, 10:0.0 o'clock A. M. Councilman Wisser~conded tHe motion. MOTION CARRIED. S I GEED CitY' W1, Anaheim, Ca1iforn ,November 26, 1952 - 10:00 A.M. The Ci'7 Council of the City of Anaheim met in Adjourned. Regular Seslion. ., COUlCII.KIN: Pearson, Wisser, J30ney and Van Wagoner. COUlCIik!N: Heying. \ 01 ........ ATTORNEY, PUSTON TURNER: CITtcADMINISTiATIVE OFFIClR. KEITH A. P~e.ent. . The purpGS8 of the meeting w proJt.itions submitted to the City 00 lov..ber 25, 1952 at B:OO ol~lock P.M. to deter.in. the low bidder on the bond 11 at the~r resu1ar meeting held Tuesday, ",. The AdJaini s t ra t i ve Off i cer , as IIrected by the City Council, they U411t-FIRST NATIONAL :BANK OF LOS AN bid'of a responsible bidder. After considering the recomm ation and the computation of the bids, Oil motion by o.uncilman Van Wagoner, seconded by uncilmanBoney,.... dJ1I,IOlf NO. 2056 entitled. . llRESOLU'MON OF TEE CITY COUNC OF TEE ctTY OF ANJ.HJ:IM, C1LIJO~~"A _..,..-.. AWARDIIG $500,000 WATERWORKS TENSION JONDS. 1952, AND $500,000 ELECTRIC WQHS lIXTENSION BONDS, 1952, OF SAID CITY TO THE :BEST :BIDDER, AND FIXIE'G THE IN!lREST RATES THEREOB" s adopted by the following vote: ~ty Treasuter and City Attorney reported that, computed the bids and that the bid of S and Associates is the highest and best AYES: 1'011: AESINT: Joney and Van Wagoner. , COUl'CILMD: OOUlCILDN : COUNCILMA1i: n o o