1952/11/26 357 City 1ial Anaheim Californi November - 8:00 P.M. validity of said bonds in all respects. We enclose Cashier's Check of the Secur ty-First National Bank of Los Angeles in the &moun' of $:;0.000. p~able to the order of the ~ity of Anaheim. to be held by you pending delive17' of the bonds to us. WIder the terms and Dondi tions set forth in you:r Notice of Sale if this bid is accepted or to be returned to us promptly in the event that we are not awarded the bonds or said attorneys refuse to appro t the issue. Thereafter. upon motion duly ~e by Co~cilman Boney. seconded 8y0CouncilBBn Van Wagoner and carried. said bids wer 'referred to the City Administrative Officer. the City Treasurer and City Attorney f :t checking, said officers to compute the bids and report back to the City Council 10 00 o'clockA. M. Wednesd~v. November 26,1952 sudh computation with their recommenda ion as to the Best Bid. MOTION CARRIED. Franklin Stockbridge, Assistant Vice President Each bid was accompanied by in notice inviting bids. The City Att andtn accordance with the notice. Bashier's Check in the sum of $30,000, as provided ey reported that each of said bids was regular [l RJI:_UTION NO. 2055: CoU1l.Cilman Van W oner offelred Resolution 110. 2055 and moved for it. passage and adoption. .j,ney !\e'coIld:ed the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Refer to Resolution Book, BESOLU'rIOliI OF TEE CITY COUN~1 OF TEE tITY OF AlWIEIM APPROVING AMENDMElI'r lIUMBER :3 OF THE AGRUMP'l OR MAINT$NCI OF STATI HIGmlAY IN TIll CITY ANAHEIM. On roll call the foregoing .solution was duly passed and adopted by the [aI-lowing vote: ADS: BOES s A1JSE. : COU11CILMEB: COUEOILMEB: COUNCILMAB: Wisser, :Boney and Van Wagoner. Counoilman Van Wagoner mov ~ to adjourn to Wednes~. November 26. 1952. 10"400 o'clock A. M. Councilman Wiss r seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. The Mayor declared the for going Resolution duly passed and adopted. n City Ball, Anaheim, November 26, 1952 - 10:00 A.M. ADJ otmmID · SIGNED The City Council of the C ty of Anaheim met in Adjourned Regular Senion. '_DT: CoUlCILMlN: Pearson. Wis er. ~oneyand Van Wagoner. _~~~~C~=~N ~=~ ' IITY ADMINIS'lIlATlVE OnIaI!.. KEITH . MURDOCH: Present. The purpose oftha meeti was to determine the low bidder on the bond propositions submitted to the City Gouncil at their regnlar meeting held Tuesd~. .ovember 25, 1952 at 8:00 o'clock .M. The AdJninistrative Offic r. City Treasurer and City Attorney reported that, nil"'",,. ., as directed by the City Council. t ey had computed the bids and that the bid of l~ ucmrm-J'IRST NATIO}TAL BA1IK OF LO ANGELES and Associates is the highest and beet bid 01 a responsible bidder. After considering the rommendation and the computation of the bids. OB motion by CouncilDllllJl Van Wagoner. s ec ond by Counc ilman Bonsy. - U NlIIIION BO. 2056 entitled "RI50LU'rION OF TEE CITY OUBCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. C1LlroPJlT~ v.~. . ~< A~!!DING $500,000 'iATERGRKS EXTENSIOll BONDS. 19.52. AND $500.000 ILECTRIC WQIIXS EXTENSION BONDS. 952. OF SAID CITY TO THE BEST BIDDER. AND FIXHIG !IE INTEREST RATES THE~~1 was adopted by the following vote: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN ; COUNCILMAB: ADS: eES: .dSEIT : son, Wis'ser. :Boney and. Van Wagoner. 358 Mayor Pearson d +lared Resolution ~o. 2056 "duly passed and adopted. Refer to Resolu ion Book, page ! adjourn. Councilman Boney seconded the Councilman Van motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURDm . SIGNED n r \ ADDINDUM : VARIANCE NO. 1 t l. Jasti.., on tae grant Bov..eer 3, 1952. waick 1952, ordered Public He I No Public .ear and therefore a ~blic ._ Councilman Wis+ Couacilman Van Wagoner se The City Council, aeti.~ upon protest ot Mrs. I.Drr of Variance No. 175 by the Clty P1analmg Co..18ston ion was sustained by the City Council on NO.....Hr 12, be keld upon the protest on Tuesday, Dece.ber 23, 1952. had been held on this Variance by the City Council ing is in order. moved that Public I:earing be held on the above date. nded the motion'. MOTION C.AR1tIED. SIGNED , California, Deoember 9. 19.52 - 8aOO P.M. !he of the Cit7 of ABahetm .et in RelUlar Se..ioa. PRUIH: COtnTCILMD: P D~: COUl'OILMlI: )t . CIn AT!ORDY, POSTON CITY ADMIBtSflATIVI OrrI son, Wi..er, Heying, loney aDd Van Waco_er. : Pre.ent. , DITH A. MOIDOC!: Pr....t. r MIItIlES: !he Minute. of "~ar Me.tiac held Io... WageRer, .eco_84 b7 . rqular ..., iJIC held .oTember 21, 1952 and AtJ..~ er 26. 1952 were appro'Y'" on aotlon :0,. Couael1_". lmaa Willer. MOTIO!l CORI.,. DJl'M.U'DS: CeuacilJaaa Van I oner raper'. deMBcla _ins", the cit7 aaoutiq to ."2.5.45. Oou.ui1_ _ 87 mOTH that r~rt b. accepted. ..... that waftaa'. be c1.rawa upon the. Tr...urer ! pay s.id de.uds ill. MORtuae with report. Ceai.el1_ Beytng I.oo~ed the motid MOTIOI CiRlIID. FIBMlCIAL &, On:BJ.TI.G I.E TS: The fo1lowlac fiuncial aDd. operats'.. rtp... itr 'IheJDonth oi IOTember. 1~ were submitted. reM aDd oreiered. reeei._ ....'11M 01'1 IBOtfon 'by Couacilman H.7~ ,88condecl b7 Ceuncil_ Wis.er. Mal101I _I.. 1953 CHLORIHI COBTRACT (, cy11BBrs, Chleri.e - appt J'r.. luuar7 1, 19.5) t. . Coatract appro, to later iat. contract wt by o.unci1mu. Wisser. MO j I I t i 131.273.91 - Total General Accounts, $43',509.4.5 - Tetal ! 07.45. Deposit for Licen.e. ,.talet $511.80 of wAlck ! ceace. aDd. $28.00 was back Teterana' heu.iag r.D' col1..ti~ hich 194 were parking.eter 'Yio1atio.., f.e. collected. ~ I ., TREA8URD: General JuDd Ii all fuD4., $86j $1.5 . 00 wa. Deg i o ITY JUDGI: 385 ca.es of $2.945.00. CITY CLlBI .62.00 vltaJf Lm..y JlALIJfU: Dec"bj' PUBP_ICI1I total d . POL" BP.A1l"I'1': Acti, PI.BIQG MITD COLUOTIO.~ ~IB.I DR B!MlIT : Ac t 1 Ti , G.AR.aG:JC& DASH COLLlCTI ~ or 8? ton. ee:r . IUPSINTDDDf, LIGHT, P Water pumped. bt pllon., water: IADI. AD. DPCBT IBOTI01I! $3.055.56. eIn AIJDITOR: SJ:OTIOI .1,273.26. .A.u4 BUliD ING D:&PARTMUT: T01 Taluation of $j tatlstic8 aDd filing i.... 2. 1952 - .8.356.30. .it .75,456.64 - Deli_quent I.O.D. ies. $3..S00.00 . - Bicycle lice... *10.50. 243 lead. trash - contractor SO to 4ate .7,81J.99. load. - a5 1..... e. & WATaa j.cti'Yi~ie., :re.. collect... oa pen1....;. ~. 11;7, 15.033.400 gall... - pureha.8ed from M. W.D. '9.284.180 vel city well., 12/1/52 - 152'-7". 1.0.S: (October) 'etal, *11.694.80 of whieh A.a.111 pat.. - - 5-.8 J.m.a. Total, .3.8;6.34 of which ....e1. pa1el or dep.. it ed in the . e.,.eral t1UM\l. .31..509."'. permits issued 107 of wh1ch 60 were Build.i.. 'erait. v1'. ,880.00. Fe.. collected $1,246.60. e) McKe...." I.o'b_i.., 100p.uad. ....'.r 150 J*1M. 1..te17 5000 pRad. per year ao' 8x.....b18 7000 peuM... . ember )1, 19;). a. pre.eat... u4 tu ....r .... 01t,. 0181'k .,.. .,.. Mcle.son & lebbl.. on ltot10n by ,Co'Cmeil_Hert... .. 01 CABRID.