1952/12/09 358 Mayor Pearson d elared Resolution No. 2056 "duly passed and adopted. Refer to Resoluion Book, page . Councilman Van motion. MOTION CARRIED. adjourn. Councilman ~oney seconded the ADJOURDD . ~ I SIGNED n f "~ ADDINDUM: VARIANCE NO. 17; The City Council. actiJ1~ upon protest of Mrs. .elllT P. Jasti.., on tae grant! t of Variance No. 175 by the Cit7 Plan.i~ Co..is~ioB .ov.-eer ), 1952, WAich tion was sustained by the City Council on Nov....r 12, 195', ordered hblic )leaf ~ be held upon the protest on Tuesdq, Dece.ber 2), 19;2. Bo Public .8d had been held In this Variance by the Oi ty Council aadtheretore a Puilic Ie ting is in order. Councilmall Wisl * moved thttt Public Iearing be held on the above date. Couacilman Van Wagoner sanded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. S 1GBED Cit7 of Allahe1m ..t 1n Regular .e..ioa. n PRBISB!:,.on, Wi.l.r, Heying, Boa.y aDd. Van "aconer. .113_: COUl'OILMlB: Jro . eIn AT!ORDY. PlmS!Oli : Pre.tnt. eI!! ADMIWtSftAfIU ODI ,DI!H A~ MtDmOCB: Pr..e.t. IIIqrJ.'ES: 'he Minute. of .. ncular ...ti.. held IOTember 21, 1952 and. Ai.j...... ...ar ..tiag held 11.. . er 26. 19~2 w.re appro.ecl on motion 'b7 Counei1_'.. Wagiaer, ..co__ by o.un_lmaa W1...r. MOTtOI CABRII1D. DIMPDS: Ceu.acilmaa Van 4goner re~r\ed. 4........ ....1aI~ the 01'7 _ou,tae '0 ..2,.4S. Ooueilmaa J . 87 _O'9'ecl that r~r~ be accepted. .... 'ha~ vafta'. be cI.r__ upon the. Tr...urer 1*1' .a1d de..d. i. &co.-tuc. with report. 0""i1.. Heying ...o~8d the mo'1o MOTIO. ClllIID. , I I I I I ! I ....... ! j, J'IQlCIAL & OJ'IRA'1'I.G:uP 1'8: 'he to1low1.. fiuncia! and opera's... qpIW'" ftr 'he '.oD.'h of BOTe.ber, 19 were .u_it'., reat aJad. ordered reeei'. U4f1~ em lIotlo. by Councilman Hey1 . ..cond'" by CeUBcilmaa Wi..er. MOIl" _18. i TRJIISURD: General rUDd.$lJl.21J.91 - 'fotal Ga.eral Account., t4J6.S09....' - ~t&l i all fwad.., $86) 907.45. Dep.sit for Lice.8el '.ta1ed. .511.80 of waiea I $15.00 was Dog icence. u4 $28.00 was back Teteran.' heu.iac re.' c.1l"'t~ OITY JUDGla )8.5 caeel of..,h1cb. 194 were parkiac meter T101at10.., f... collected i .2.945.00. eln OLEE: .62.00 T1\&1 .tat1st1cs&Dcl fi11ng f.... LDlDRY ~T"JtCI: . Dec.b.! 2. 1952 - $8,356.)0. P"_1OIII 'otal d_t. lit $ - De1iaqu8I1t I.O.D. to 4at. .7.811.99. POL'" ~J.Rft8fta Act1 ie.. ~~G MI!II COLLlOTIOB' ! .1.,00.00 JniI DJP.m!MIJIT: Acti.i' . - JicTcle lice"8 $10.50. QARlAGI& !R1SR COLLlC!IO : 243 load. tral. - contractor 50 lead. - 25 1.... er 67 ~_. pr'b . SupaINTmmD'.l!. LIGHT. P As WA.''u.a Acti.it!... J'ee. collected. .a pent"e,) ....,..,.: Water pumped. bJ ,1t7. 1.5 .O~).400 plloae - purchaaecl from M.W.D. ".204.101 callon.. water ,vel city wella, 12/1/52 - 1521-'-. lAllA AD. UP<liT IJIOTIOB 'J.O.S: (October) T.'al. ft1.69l+.80 of which AM;beill :paId}' $3.055.56. elf! AUDI'fOR: S~CTIOI $1.273.26. Ad. JUIJ.DING D:&FARTMDT: To' yaluatio. of $ I ! 1953 CBLORIHI COITRACT ( cyll"r8, Ch1eri.. - app Jr.. Jaauary 1, 1953 t. Ooatract appre to later i:.'e co.tractwl by O.uncilmaa WisBer. 1 - - 5-~t?I.ma,. Total, .,.8'6.'4 of which ~el. ,a14 tor d.po8i'~ed in the ..Teral fud.., .,1.J09..". permits ilsued 107 of wh~ch 60 were !ui14ia<< 'eral'. wi.. .880.00. Yea. collected $1,246.60. e) M~.e.." l.ob\)1..., 100 p.uad. "'/0., 150 >>-wad. imatel:y 5000 pewad.. per 78&1' aot exeee4ing 7000 'Pft,ad... ember 31. 195). a. pr...te4 ud the ...r u4 Cit,. C1.wk -Nt.'. ' Mcl...o." :aebbi.8 oa mot10D by:Oounc11_H.,.1... .. 01 CAlmI.. 359 Cit 1 Anaheim Californ Decembelt ORDllABCI NO. 804: On motion by Oounc Ordlaance 10. 80~ waa introduced and f . Van W~.er, seconded by Councilmaa Wl..er, t reading held.. MOTION CARRIE. AI OIDIlIANCE OF THE CITY or .u.t.HJ:IM MUI'ICIPAL COD:I RSaATIJTG TO TB11 :lS'l'.A:BLI UGlLATIBG THE Uo or LAND. HEIGHT OF THE JOUIDARIES 0' SAID zona: DDINI1\TG .&.MEIIIIDT .AND E~~;l,;: PRESCRIBING OR !ARTS or SICTIOIS II COIFLICT TBIR ING J.RTIQLI IX, eHAPTIR 2 OF THE AlABEIM OF ZQbS IN TBI CITY OF .AUBIN AIm. IBlD1I' iILDINGS AND YARD SPAC:mS: ADOPTING A MAP SHOWI. , TERMS 116m> TB:ZREI1f: PROVIDING FOR .ADJUST MDT . ALTIES JOR VIOI.J.TION AND REPEALING ALL SIC!Ion ~. (Reaolution No. 1975) ORDIJlICI 10. 80S: Qa moti.. by Coune. V.. W~.er, aeconded by aeuncilmaa Wi...r, Ordt,."oe .0. 805 va. i.tr.tuced aDd f:.t read.in, held. MOTIO. CADImJ). AI "J1II1NC~ ()J' ... eI" O:r ARDIN MWI_IPAL COni $TIIG TO .TIm 18TAlLI uoti.&'l'IBa .'I'D ue OJ LAID, BlIGH! OJ' ' TIm;,IOtJIDARIBS OJ' SAID zons: DUINING A~MDJ! ANDINJCRCIMDT: PUSORIB IIG OR JiRTS OF SICTIONS IN CONFLICT THER I.G' AJlTIqLl IX, OBAPTD. 2 OJ' 'I'D 4IABItM OF ZQDI II TD CITY or AnHlIM'AIiD 1J.IDdI:I iILDI.GS UD YJ.BD SPAC1D$: ADOPTI!TG A 'kAJi slovIn TlRMS usn THEDII :PROVIDII<f lOR ADJUSTMlNT, NAVfIES lOR VIOLA.!ION An REP:lAtING ALL SECTIONS H. (Resolution No. 1976) ORDIIiRCI BO. 806: On .otio. by Coune an Vaa W....er, a.coadel by C.uneilmaa Wia..r, Orcl.II~Y\.e .0. 806 va. i:atroduced and f ,at read1n, he1t. MOTtO. CARRIED. IJW1CJ: or !III CITY OJ AYj.JfI!IM PAL CODl R!tATIIG TO TBJ ISTAJL~ TING THI U. OJ LAID, BlIGHT OJ' UlDARIIS or SAID zons: DUINING AID DIORCaEft: PUICRIB II'O: 011 IbfS OF SICTIC)}IS II COD'LIc! T ORD,_ICE BO. 801' . Oa motion b7 a.ue Ord~ce 10. 801 was i:atreduced ani f IITG ART I QLI IX, CHAP1'1R 2 OF TBI ABBlIM OF ZOD8 IN TBI CITY or .A.UHlIM J.ID THIRIII ILDIIGS .uh> TJ.RI) SlACIS: ADOP'l'I!TG A MAP SHOVIJlG TlRMS tJSlD TBlREI:I: PRO'IDING rOR A.DJUSTMIft, TIIS JeR VIOL1TION AND RmPlALlBG ALL SIOTIon (Resq1ution No. 1978). u. V.. WIte_.er, ...ollded by CeUJ1ei1.man Wi..er. t readi.., held. MOTION CAlUtIE. IIG AaTI0Ll IX. CBAPTn 2 or TO AlABlDI . I'.r OJ' ZODS II THi CITY OJ' .1DRIIM AID THlDII ILDIIGS ~ YARD RACES: .1])O"I:1G A MAP SBOWIJJct HIlMI q5lD !DUll: nDnDIIG lOl .uJtTSfNIIf. TIES lOR VIOLATION AID IUDPMLIBG ALL S_10I8 (Re.elution No. 1979) IIWTO. OJ 'III OITY OJ AQ.~IM .1L COD. R&ATIIG TO THI BSTAlLI 15G 'lBI UIJ OJLUD, BlIGHT OJ UBDARIlIS 0" UID ZOOS: DUINIIG .AID IUORCIMEft: PRmSCRI~ II'G f8 OF SICTIO:rS II COIJLICT THlR oRDlaJU3 IO. 801" 0.. ..~ioa eyc._ Orcil.ftce :10. 601... 1atrMueea u.d C Vaa W.....r, ."OH'" .,. C.1moil~. Wi,.,.,.. t readi., held. MOTIO. cwmIID. llANCI or '!'III CITY or ..ARIIM IJfG .A:R'fI~I& IX. CHAPTER 2 OJ' THI '...'M4, &L CODI I&ATD'G TO TDDUlL OF ZODl II TBI CITY OF .A.1WIIIM "'~EaJlI. I'IE THI U. 07' LID. D1HT OJ' ILDI:las.AID YJJU) SPACJIS: ADOPTIWG A JU.P.:taoWI. I. ~S.&.mIODS: HrINIBG DRMS trsJ:D TBDEI.: PROVIDIBG J'O:a ~MII!, dDmtfC)ROIIuSf.f I PRDCII:BING BALTIJ:S fOR VIOLiTION .AID REPEALING Aufs:mCTIOBS !'I OF UCTl~1tS I1t COB:rLICT THDPrH. (Res~lut10R !Jo. 1981) , ~NO. BO.82a1 Oa motion by Oounc Va W,<<oaer, ..coDded by Oeuaoil_ Vi...r, or.......e Io.822 vas, im.trMuced. aDd f :.t readi., held. MafIOW CAlRID. , I.NO:&: OF !HI CITY OJ' .AD.HlIM A II'G ARTleLm IX, CD.PTIlR 2 O:l'HI....".IM PAL OODS R&ATIBG 'fe.i 1'BI J:S'1'.dL 01 10DS II' 1'81 CIn OJ' .rAnlM AID !~.II U.c IIG TD U. OJ' LiND. nIGH'! OJ' ILDINGS UD YARD DJ..U8: ADOPmIJTG A MAl UOYZ" !Drt~.I. or SAID zons: DD'IBING TDJIS fSJID THBIIW: nOilD-IlIG 70. .A.DJUSTMIJ!. .A.~T UD EQORCIMDT: PRlseRIBING ;DALTIES:rOR. VIOLATION AND UPIALI.O ALL notIoNS OR JIlTS OF SICTI0NS IN COIJLICT T JTB. (Res$lution No. 1995) ORD'J6NCE NO. 823: Oa aotion by c.unc Va. Wap.er, .."0Dd_ by Ceuacil_ Wia.er, Or....... 10. 52) va. i.treduced and f ;st rea4inc. held. MOTIOI' CARRIE. IDJla OF '11m CITY or ~~~IM ING .ARTI(pLJ IX, CBAPT& 2 OJ' TBI AIABIIM iAL CODa RlUTIIG ro TEI:iS'UJLJ OF Z~DS II THI CITY OF DAHlIN AID ~'.JB U TIJTG THI ue OJ' UID, BlIGHT OJ' ILDIBGS AID YARD SPACES: .1D,OP'!I!fG A )Wt SHown. ~Uil;*otDJDARI1IS 01 SAID ZO.; DUINING ,HI ~MS fSJm T~DI ~B.OVIDIBG 1011 A1WtJ8~. ......T AND ~ORC~: PRESORI1HJlG' TIIS JeR VIOUTION AND REPEALING ALL SECTIONS OR IIRTS OF 5ICTEONS IN COIFLICT THER~TI. (Resolution No. 1996) . ORDIIABCI BO. 82.: On motioD by Counc~man Van W....er, .econded by Councilman Wi.ler, Ord.l.aan.ce 10. 82' vae i.troiuced. .-.t" at readinc held. M01'IOI" C.A:RRIED. .AJi ~II'.A.NCI OF wm CITY OF ANABIIM 11m ,.A.RTI~trI IX, CBAPTIR 2 OJ' TijI AIABIpt , X:~BGe= It:~.f:Z:-:~ I~rll::au: =C:~~~i~ ~.:~f.:r n n n ~ :, !j j; l d ~ . I ,I 360 01\ Hall 1 2 - 8,00 :P.M. THE:BOUIDARIES or SAID ZO DlJIWIIG THE TERMS USI'J) THDlII': PROVIDING rem ADJt1STQft.. A.MDI)MDT AND DFORC~MEIT PRESC1U:BIIlG PDALTIES lOR VIOLA.TION AND REPDLING ALL SEC'!IONS OR PARTS OF SICTGN! IN CODLICT THIRIWITR. (HI~oIS loe. 1974 & 1980) ORDINANCE 50. 825: On mo ton by C.~cilman Van Waconer, .econded b7 Oeuaci1man Willer Ordbance 10. 825 Was i:ut MUCH and :tiret readinc held. MOTION CORlE. J.N OIDINANC:I OF THI CITY MUB~CIPAL CODI RELATING T THEREIN UGULATIBG THE US .. .., SHOWING TEI:BOIDlDAR JOR ADJ't1STMDT. AMlIDNDT RlPliLIBG ALL SECTIONS OR ; A!WmIM 4MDDIBG ARTICLI IX. CHAPTJIR 2 OJ' TO ADHIIM ITHE EST.dX,ISBMDT OF zons II TBI CITY 0:1 AIAHIIM ,AID or L.UD, bIGHT OF BUILDIIG5 AND YARD SPACIS: J.DOPTIIG S oj' SAID ZONES: DIFINIJ'G TH1i1 TERMS usn fHI1lJ1IIl; PROVIDI. ID'ORc.-m: PRESCRIJI:tiG PIN1.LTIIS FOR VIOLATIOJl AID TS OJ' SICTIOII IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. (Re..1U'i.. ... 19~ REVISED TJCIITATlVE MAP OF <'-l' NO. 1'97: !'he chug. in ~hi. map was th.. rneraal of \he cul-de-sac etre.'.~o allow ftr be\ter drainage. BeYl.ed T..tati . Map appr.ve4 DT Cit7 ~laaning Oo~le.1o.t ...,.c~ ,. ea,1JJ.eer1~ requiremelt.'l. ,'ti "he mee'ill<< beld. December 1. 19.52. The City Couaci iapproved 'he reYieed TentatiT. ~ of Trao' .0. 1697 OD motion by Couacil_ '... " leeoBded by Oouncllmu. Van Wagoner. eu.bjeot to _gin.err., req,.,ir....ta. )(0'1'10. ~. ANN'fJAL AUDIT: DIIHL & 00.:[ Di.h1 Ie 0.. reports were 8ub.itted. \0 the 01ty Ceuac11 ad r..ul\1 of the eDl1i~i0. .a. r4tad iy the City Clerk. !he Oi t7 Oounci i&Ccepted 'he Aud.i t b7 Diehl & OOIllpaB7 aDd order eel. 'he _ ree.vet alii tile4 on mot ! by Council_ H.y11\\C, ..eoDd.e4 'b7 Couaoilaan Vi...r. IIO!III WIt In. USc&UTIOI Wo. 2057: o. ,11_ H.T~JaC ottered. Reeolution We. 20057 _4 m~'" for 1'.. P...-.c. an4 atopt1o.. C 11-.. :80#81' ..cond8tt 'he .otto.. MOTIcm C1IRRD. , 11. loek:. )laC. . A UlOLtr.1'IOIl OJ THE CITY CIL OF '!HI CITY OY .&JWJIIM FIIDING .AID Im'fDlfIlIIG T1:TD PU,LIC IITKDST AID, ESSITY .m.u 'l'BI COISDVCTION AND COMPLI!I.~. .. A Pu:a~C IMPlWVIMDT, TO WI:! HI -':r...rtrft &cIA S-~ lJIrjo-rill WIfta.. .........., C'1!Y 0Jt "".IM. OIJ.)TGI COU1lTY, 'IJ'cmN~ APPROVING. HI D.IGi, rUls. SP>>CIl"tGaTIO" . .urn ImAWIIGS lOR THB COBS . CTION TBlREOJ': AUTHORIZIIG THE OOJ'SftUCTIOB 0' WD "11 I).LPJI)~. II ACCORDA.BCI ,ITH SAID PLANS AND SPBCI:rICATI05S.AID AUTJORIZIIIAD DIRETIlfG THE CITY CLJIRI: . PUBLISH A liOTIO:l INVITIJ'G SEALED PROPOSALS JOR 'M 001- STRUftIOB 'l'IDIDOJ'. (proJ )1) (open bids 12/2)/52) On rell call t follew1ag Tote: 'orecoingR...lutioD was duly passed. ud adO'J)ted. by 'he AY1IS: 10:lS; . haSDT : : Pearson, Vi.ser, Hey1ac. hney. aa4 V.. Wac.-... I: lo.e. : lone. " , the torecoiJIC Re..lutien d.uly paes. aDd. atop'.... USQI,UTIOJr 10. 20;8: 00 pasllage aad adoption. C lmu Be7~JaC offered. Re.elution Bo. 20S8 an4m._ for it., ilman Baae7 aeconded the metion. MO!IOB CAlRIJD. Befer to Resolu D Book, DaCe . A QtOLU!IOt OF TD CI'l'Y DA. JtUl'LIC Ift1IQST AJ:I) PUBLIC WROVlOft. TO WI ANA_1M, ORANGJ COUftY, AID ""1BGB JoR !'HI COlIS II4PBQVDEIT II ACCORDUC:a DIRlDTIIG THE CITY CLII[ STRuCTIOI' TBERIOJ'. (ProJ OIL 0)1 'HI CI!'Y OJ' ~.,qIM )lInING AJIJ)....~IJG, SITY ~UID TB:I COeDO"CTIOJI .AD OOMPLIl'XOI~" TO N~~ ~~ .~... .(lUDI{! .VID.:~iC(ft,~~; lealIA, ,... APP!OVIlfG fBI >>.13. Pun. SPIOln.l0t OTIOB T.OI': AU'lHORIZIIG!HI COI8!RUCTIOli or ....Q TH SAID ILAI'S AID SPmoIJ'IC1TIOn AND AU!BORIZI.Xa. ~PtJ.BLISH . 110'1'10:1 lBY!.,.. SEALED PROPOSALS rOJ; !8 (10M" ;6) (opea bids 12/23/52) OR roll call 1ih forec01ng Resolution wa. duly passe. aDd tadopt_ ...,. "he _u.wiDg yot.: Ans: B018: DSDT: " . . Pear.on. Wi.eer t Hel'i:ag, ~~~1iJ1''' '. ....... Boa8. I 1'0.... the f or~.i.. a..olu\ion iuly paleed. aDd. ..,,_. ~;.i . USQI,UTIOH HO. 2059: ~,..l8M B.7~ oIff)r" ...01u'1.. 'e. 20JI ...?,i,;M~,~t. pa.IIa...... "'epti... Co i'''i1_ _..,. ~ 'he mot108. JIOfIOIOAJItIL 361 01 Refer to Reeolutio. look, . A "'O~VfIOI OF tHE CITY COUNCIL 01 T OITY OF AlAHlIM FINDING AND DITIIMIIIIG THAT PUlLIO llTEUST AND llECJ:SSITY Ri1Q,UlRE 1m OONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF .A. PU:BL1C I~VEMD'T, TO ,IT: Tim ST IORfH S T IKfR DD1iT WITHIN THE CITY OF A.NABlIM. ORUG:! COUNTY, QA.LI:rORNIA., AND APPROVI . TBI DES IiQ.N, PLANS, SPEO IF1 CAT IONS AND DBAW- IN" FOR TEE COBITRUCTION THlUOF: A f,IORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OJ' SAID Pl1.BLIC IM- PRQtININT IN AOOORDANCm WITH SAID P lAND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZING AID DIR- JottJ'G THE OITY 8IDI TO PUBLISH A Bor CI IIVITIIG SI1L1D PROPOSALS JOR 'l'RI COJ1SIJ.IRUO'fIOI T~O:r. (ProJ..t '9) (opeD. bias 12/ rJ/'Z) Oa roll foU_iDg 'YoU: . ..lutloB ... duly passed aDd adopted by 'he AYD: aOu.CILMDa I'Q'II. OOUl'O ILIII. ; .d_" aOtJICIJdID 1 li..er.Heyinc. Boney and Van Wasoner. !'he .....or ....lar... the fore Be .e.olqtion 4uly paa.e4 ani aiopte4. U!IOJi ITO. 2.160: Oeuacil_ Heyi e and _opt loa. Oouncilman ~Oll offered .eolutioll 1'0. 2060 and mev_tor i'. aeconded the motion. MeTIOH C1RRlB. Beter'o ...olu'ioD ieok, p A ~~OtUfIO.OFtaJ CITY OOUl01~ OJ' T 'q,,;POVAILI:lS Bt.TE OJ' VAGIS TO BI PI. ....&., :rOR PUlLII WcaD CO!TTBACTS: 1Q .1Q;~'S.YI CES lQJL THI IIIPROVINlH OF S INlfBI1 1:lSDLL&t10B or PAVING, OUDI aITY OF ".011 ABCDBIlllG AND. DJDB)(lliIII. lOR nCH 'i01Url', OR '!YH OF WORJO.fAI' em MIOBAI%8 HI lUBB1S!HIlIG OJ' ALL MATlRIJ.LS, PLAI'T. LdCII S J.BD JtI,LlYS IN THI OITY OF A.. tn!IM I:'OLUJ- . t, CJt1ftES, STORM DRAIN., SlURS AID S IDIWALD. On roll call the foregoiac l...."lAC vot.: olutioa *. duly pas.... u.ci adopt... b7 the Ami: lfO. : ABIIIII COUlCILMD: C10tJEILMD : ()OUBOlUiID : Wieeer, illl.,.1B<<. 1...,- .... V.. W*C_er. Th. ~or 'eelared the fore Dg Reeolutioll duly p...ed and ad.ptel. :811< Q,UOTATIO. lOR LOJD-PACDR TYFB H !RUCK: (2) The Clerk: was - i.8tructed t. oP" bid quo'.tien. for the purchase 0 two load~acker tlPe traeh trucks, on motio. by~c1l_ i..,., .ecoaded 1>>7 CO'tUlC P-- Wl..er. MOTION CJ.RRIID. B14. ...ei...841 a.r.."I'. ..ick (without pe M.a.l' .-artor 0.. M. 11,...te ell Co. M. It. fh..... (:Reo) G. II. o. Track.- vat.te tru.. !be f.~ec.1.. bids were he m."'.a by Oeaac-'- loney, aecoDdecl take oft) . 8.200.91 8,647.38 8,355.00 7,997.'3 (Deaaa..~'or .1.641.6') 8.005.64 9.189.00 ~Ter for further study ani eoasii.ratie. oa ! Council... Se7ia,;. 110'1'10. ClDID. .*' '41AB01I 1'0. 177. Staal87 w. Heuser, tr. the center 1in. of kst La Pallia Ci. Limit Line .n the eaet eite of 41...... or JIO~ f..'; thenee v.at a .tatance at )00.)) feet; thence ea. Jletp_ets per_ie_ten \0 cut d.owa the fr.t irac La Pal. A'Y.u.e 66 feet. Pr Ci',. lI.uaiq OMlmi..io. iaa of eald yar1anc. upon the foll_l 1.fAat the reai4ence. to be erected of acmes in the T1cinlt7. 2. !hat no bui14ing be.ected. on th. of....' La Palma ATeaue. ,.. !bat a Reco~ 01 SuxTey Map be fi of.lI1mce, 0al1:ternia. !he City Cauncil, oa motio. 10"" .uatai.eel 'he action taken by t .... Varianc. ... 177, sUDJect to 00 ere Prqperty etartiag at a p.iat )0 tee' .11u.e, an4 1)2.81 f..t w..t of the .sterly It z.. Pal. AT.nue aad ezten4ill.C louther17 a - . 4iat.ce of 1)2.00 teet: thenee' aorthel'l,. 1y 132.00 1'eet to the pei." of begiJU'linc. e clescri bed one &cr. into two lot.. each ~ rty lIone4 R-A. lnl (Jf Dad_bel' 1. 195~ reeomMad.ed. \he paat- . con4itioz181 the let. conform t. the pre..nt ..t-back. ~roperty over 160 feet from the center line with. the City of Aaahe1m and wi\h the O~ Cou.nci~,'Bey1DC' s.eoDded. b7 Ooucilua City Pl...i-. O...i..lea, therebr eraatiac -ttion. aa Qutlined above. MO'1'IOB CADIID. :lN9JDD DPCIl'1': MAGNOLIA-EUCLID ....i.. A'Yenu8 S..r L1.ae eapuit7 u.cIi up'ttH di.eu..... LID. ~1"'1'1.. Bepwt oa the x.pe11.- r._t..e~ of owa..aip ia the 1iae waa broup.t n n n n J ii' ! I fj I .,. --- { : ! I l ) 362 0. motion by 0.. CouDCil approved the reeo Joint Outfall Sewer, as ~ luclid Trunk Sewer Line. 01t7 JIIaglneer, cl1ma :Boney, second8d by 001Uleilman Heyine, theC! tT endations and report of the IDglneerlnc Oommit'e. of tb. percentages of ownerlhip and eapaeity i. the Magnolia- lOTION OJ.!dtImD. ,lyoke Itated all Ingineers have agreed 08 the percentagee. 'INAL MAF: TRACT NO. 165 and last Wilhelmina Str.. Actlng upon the Tr..' Ko. 1659 was order. on ..'lon by Councl1maa H t West 114e of Borth last Street between Tract .0. 549 - 47 10t8- Sub4iTlder P.ul 11erce. recommendatio.. of the City Jnci..er, the for.sol., Map 8f 1&COepted +nd filet, lubJect to eDgineering r.qui~ment.. ing, leco.d.ed bY' COUJ1cilman Joney. Ml!IOI' COltIID. PRO!OS:m> PURCHASE OF CITY OPERTY: HeJIaJ) .,. WARD, IIC. Offer of Bowarcl .,. "art to purchase 570' x 200' 0 Borth Olire aDd last La Palma Streets vae declia..'bF the Oouaeil and the City Cler was inltruc~o 10 notify Mr. Ward and retura Cashier CheOk in the amount of $1,000.0 which was submitted with proposal. APPLI CAT I ON: CAlm ROOM: Str..t, ADaheim, lubmlit iear Stor. aDd Sale of Soft Drink. at 225 So~ Lo. Ancele. 'by Scott ~. Coftman waa ordered held OTer. PARJtING MITERS: 15 in 20 !block OaltStreet - and. 100 block ...t Chartr.. S'n.' .... the t.i.tiiJliLot in8tallatio 'Of 8 metets on Borth Claudina Street fro. the heapita! to Oaartres Street was c :1dered an4 the City Attorney vas instructed to prepare Resolution cOTeringthef going installation.. (I.ee. 2061 -..... .I4.endum) ::Btm,!()lf STRDT: The ...tite ''of c:b.ancl.g the name of iurton Street to We.~I1~t Dri'Y. a8 petit10ned by re8idents in that a~ea, was referred. to the City P1aaa1nC 0...1..1..'. for recommendatic.. CLOSING OUT SALE: App11 West Center Street, Hovem Oouncilman Wi.ser, aecond ;loll of Buqer'l .reweler. to eonduct Ol..iDC Out '.le, 22) 28 throqgh December 24, 19.52 va. creatH 08 motion 'by by Counc~ilman Van '-coner. MOTION CAIJUJm. ACAeu STRUT ANNIIATI01i: in ta. proposed Acacta St ~eti'io., dated November 2 (Meeting of December 1, l' B.cGJU1endatioD.I filet on motion by Oouncil Pi'y PlaBUiB<< CommiSlion recommended the are. 1.olud" t t Anne~tlon, al shown by the delcription includ... i. the · 1952 becoJuaidered for annexatiolL to the Oity of Anaheim. ~) the Oi t~ P1aaainc 00ll81i.8ion va. ordered r.o.1.... .... Boney ,.econded. by Ocnmcil-.n He1'in<<. MOT I 01' a&1mI.. RlSO~IOB NO. 2061: paaelge aDd adoption. ~lmaa Jon.,. effered. Reao1ution 1'0. 2061 aDd. ...... tor it. bilman Wi.er BeCOMe the motion. MOTI01l CAIliDB. . J. R.OLUTIOB OJ' THE eITY Ol PIlOCDDII'GS FOR THE (Acacia Street Annexation) OIl roll call the fellew1nc Tote: 1mCIL OF ftII CITY OJ' .1IABJIM OOn:t.nIn TO T.~C~~I,', TION OFIIIWHTED TDllTORY TO !HI CITY OJ' .laHl!M. foregoing aesolution was duly passed and adoptel \7 the A YES : COUNC I I'OBS: COUBCIL DSDT: COtnlCI Pearson, Wie8er, Be7ing, :SOBe7 and Taa Wacour. I'one. I .one. the forepi.. :Ieaolution dull' paBaed ad ad.opt.... CANCILLATIOI' O".IIQ.t.rDTtD'.r: Mr.!'ua, Oit7 Treaaurer r.questet permi..l. ,. cancel back rent OB Apar'.t 29 due the Oi t1' from lIi.or W. lIrid...re Jr. 1. ,he Mouat of $14.74. It va. +arl1ed Mr. Pridemore waa killed in act10.. (:I.rea) S.w. .aacellatica ivaI authorise4 on motion by Councilman Be7i.., a.o__ by C~cilman Van Wag~ner. MOTIOI ~IID. Oouncilman Vea V oaer mOTet to rece.l. Oouncilmaa Willer ..eoD4e4 the motie.. MOTIOI c.AiRI:ID. DCISS. AlT8 R_I. !'he City Council.f the City of .bU..i. met in rep1.... ....io.. t. CUr.~ktS.. busiael8 before the Joard. PD.: COtJ)JCILQI: Pe .us..: OOUJ'CILMD: .o..~ Clfl'Y I.ftQUlY, PRJI!OI ~ OIifYI])MIJ'IDTIft OJ71 1...1' Md Vu ..o.er. a Pr....'. 8ftl.1. ~~.,"...t. J6J 01 atlon. Caunct~. ru;Wago:ier off'er"'~]!e*.lu.ti.. adoption. Couaoilmaa Boaey seconded the motion. helt. A RESOLUTION NO. 20.56: After due consl No. 2056 and move. for ita passage MOtiON CARRIJID. D1scu..ion of propoled Payr 1 Resolution and changes contained therein waa Refer ~o Ie.alution look, A "OLUTIOI OJ' 'II CITY OJ' ~J"REIM E LISHING ,A BASle COMPDSJ.TIOI PLd Faa ODD%. CT.,,,. cg IMPLOJDll' II TO JIU1TICm .VICI ~ TD CITY or ABABlIM AID ISTdLISHIIG REt'tJuTIOIS lOR 10 PLACDl1iT OF PRES IMPLOYQS WITHIN THE W.1GE AND SALARY SOHIDULlS PRft1D:ID: PROVIDlIG lOR PBYSlOAL EXAM! TIONS, HdLlDAYS AID VACATIONS, AND REPBLIIfG n bLUTION liD. 1984. l . The ~or dealare' 'h, for .olution .s duly _ssed. ad. adopted. by the On roll fo~.viJlg vote: AYII: 1ITCmS : .ollftl OOUBOILMD : OOUIC ILNII : OOUl'CILMD : i, Wilser. 'Heying, Boney aDd. Vu:Wagoner. ng relo1ution dul7 paa8e4 and adoptet. C....ciJ.ua Va Wac..et mo'Y ~o ad.jOU~".'..'...Jt*:.*~ ~.r"'l'~ 19Jte Soll.ilMii(.ft.....ili..... th. ~.tio.. 'IIO'1'IOJl QAJtB.l.. ADJOUIJE . SI_ .~ Vea W.....r offerei le.olution .0. 2061 Councilman Wi..er leconded the motion. AD!lPDUM: UlOLftIOI' 1'0. 206l~ Coune "'< 'Yed. for 1 ,. paa-ace and 8dop~ 10. CAJraI.. r Refer '0 R..olut1on Book. . A WOLUTIOI OJ' ~ CITY COUNCIL OF T !>Atall$ MftDl pPaSUAft TO CIiA.?TD , ~. , fIMI FOR THE COMMEI OITY OJ' AJI&qIM IBt.uLISBIIG LOCATIon :rem THE AlAHlIIM NDBIC!PAL CODJI. .um r1II:lG THI OF Tal OPIBATIOI' or SUCH Mftmls. [J Qa roll call the foregoing r ,olution ~. duly pa..ed and adopted b;y the f'o".wlng Toie; Ami: B_: Ullftl OOUlCILM:IIm: Pearse. Wi..er, Heying, loaey and. Van Wagoner. OOUl"CIIMD I I'one. aotJWCILMI:I: .one. The Mqor resolution duly pal.ed and adopte4. .! o