1952/12/19 )64 eit Oallfora1 - 4:00 IJ.. I The City Council ot the City of Anaheim met in Adjourned Regular SeBBion. PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: Pears a. Wisser, loney and Van Wagoner. ABSINT: COUBCILMAB: Heyi CITY A.tTORD!. PIlISTON a Present. CITY ADMINISfRATIVE OJFICIR. IEITH A. MURDOCH: Pre.ent. PUBLIC HEARING: Public Hear .g pursuant to Re.olution .0. 2041 to hear aD1' obJection. to the proposed annexation t the City ~f haheimknown as West La Palma ATellue Annexatio. No.2. The City Clerk pre ,nted aff~avits of publications by the Anaheim Julletill aDd : r-'1 Placentia Courier dated Bove -,er 21 and'! 28. 1952. The City Clerk ala record of sald Publlc Heari presented'! affidavit of mailing notices to all owners ot to be hela pursuant to Resolution No. 2041. Hearinc. 8ts filed ~ith the City Clerk and none entered at the Public! ORDlNAICI .0. 826~ Oouncil Van Wagoper offered Ordinance .0. 826 aDd mov.d for 1'. passage and adoption. Coune tman Wisler seconded the motion. Said Ordinance was real in public for the first time MOTIO. ~IID. CITY OF AtaImIM APPROVING THJ: AN'NEIATIOB TO TBJI.. H1I TERRITpRY DOWN .ABD DESIGIATED AS WEST LAr lOB BO. 2 RESOLUTIOll NO. 2063: pas.age and adoption. COUllci $an Wisser offered Resolution .0.2063 ad. moved for its Counc iman Van W~oner $ecoDded the motion. MOTIOI QlRRIKD. Refer to Resolutio Book. pa~ A RESOLUTIOB OF T CITY COUNPIL OJ THE CITY OF ABAHIIM AUTHORIZING THI SALI or CERTAI REAL PROPJmTY OWDD :BY THE CITY OJ' AlWmIM . ($15.000. Merchant National ~ealty Corp.) tegoing Re.o1ution was du17 passed and adopted b7 the '""""'"" On roll follow~g vote: A. DS : I'OU : .A.18DT : PearSOni!, Wisler. Bone7 and Van Wagoner. I'on.. Heying. ~or Pear... decl ted the foregoing Resolution duly passel and adopte4. PUBLIC HOUSING PROPERTY: V."al propos-.I to pu.rchas. for $15,000. the propert,. em which the T.....r..' Houeinc oJect was situated was presented by Mr. Tom McLauchlin. Realtor. for the Dugaa-BYlto Co. Mr. McLauchlin aDt Mr. Dugan ~ere preeent at the meeting and spake of p1~ to 'build their own building .. the propf)rtt. The Oit7 Oouacil 0 iered the ..tter taken UDder adTi.ement. Councllmaa Van Wag ~er mOTed to adjourn. Councilman Wisser seconded. the Ilot ion. MOTION OABRIJtD. SIGDD ADJOtIRllD. ~ I ' I