1955/01/11 / 858 J of the City of Anan_iII JltetlnAdjeuxru.d ....lar Session. o PRESENT: COUI<<;I : Pearson, Schutte, Fry, and Van Wagoner. ABSENTa COUliCI I Wi...r. tITY ATT0lIEY,PJtEl1'd TVRJlBlh Present. CITY 1DIOMISTRA'tIVI! 0 ICER, KEITH A. 'MIfDOOH: PreSfJ1t. VARIANCE RO. 27!u S itted by Mrl. R.. G. Mitchell, requesting peDd...I..n to erect a service stat~ at the atrthttast comer Qf East >"'CeAtfQ:;S~fe.ts. granted ngC_iaslen, "rs\JaRt to tkelr' llesol\lltloJt('.Mi_.:65, subjett to the following condltloAsa 1. Deeding f 20 feet to the City of Anaheim for the widenln~;.f East Center Street. 2. Install. *00 of c~rb,. 3. Pavin, 0 !East Center Street to exlstit\9paveaent. ~ .i. 4. Other eft ineerlng requir.ents. On IItOtion by q;ouncillltan Van .agoner~ seconaedbyCo\lftcllwtln ,..t_,., Variance No. 275 was tt for public hearing for review by the CltyCouncll to be held F )()TION CARRIED. ' n Public Hearl 25, 1965, on motion MOTIOl( CARRIED. itl n ...'--f -' \... ., . -+. ,~.. '. ,'r~*.. ." ..........t.- e.t ..Q.~ .s.~ttJDI .~y pJ;"gpe.Lk}: ....... '11 north side of West Broadway between South 'estltreet 11-2 to R-3. ~~. was orc1....tebe held before the Council on ~.~~ Councilman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Fry~ ' Appeal s Mrs. Mendez, was s Ifl;C{ On motion b Councilman Schutte, seconded by ~outioi.~ .~. ..."I~cifI;' Hearing was ordered 'be held on the matter:-January21, l"'~'~- ;IIJ!tIIMtiVUlID.i , _TI'~; I ,. -' ed .y J .E. ThapSQft, Rtptes.ntlf1gA9..t-'-of~,;Mj. ..aRd Itted and read. Submitted by Joe Y. and Vera Mendez for ~ a1 building at 1514 East Center Street. The City P 1 ing C~ission, purs\W'!1t to their aesolution No. \lIt recoaended said rec 51flcatlc.mbt denled. RESOLUTION NO. 2615: Councilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 1616 aAd moved for its passag 'land adoption. 1 . 1 utl."On Bo.k, page ( , A.' RE.' SOLUT.. ION O. F . THE' .TY COU. telL OF THE CITY OF,. ....~... AJmIJI. ~..' _ _~TI~,.. ..... ' .DEJD CONfEYllf3 TO Cln OF AlAMiIUI eDTAIN Rd;L,PICmEl.n'. ".]1 , ., . · . .... : rat S11U!ET ftDB.IIG OSIl. (Jerry; C. and AgnesC,Dolan). j VARIAlCE NO. 271: $ fro. a parcel of pr at Citrofl Str&et. 1: n by the the foregoing :t>esolutien wee dUly p..ied' '.Jt~:~ia_~"f' AYJiS: NOES. ABSiNTa '_rUR, kJnatte-, Pry, and. YUl-JJ.~~ tto,... I' W1.,er. lared. the foregeift9 resolution cbtl y p......ltndrl..pt.td. itted by Jerry C. Dolan for perais$iontQ-ht .,t.,. rty located on the north side of West La Pal.a Av.nue - ) '8D9 C 1 TlIe GltY,>'P~N1n1ftg eo.~ ion granted the v.rian~e,and >>the, City Council sustained t_ action of the City> anning Co_ission at the December 28, 1954 meeting. Further clarification 0 !thls variance was made as follows: On motion by Councilmal1 an Wagoner, $.~IJ)ded by CO'UPcilman Fry. Th.. variance was granted to split the perty lnto 4- parts as $ht.'UPQnthe sketch on condition that permantnt,.g~e$andin9r.ss to a dedicated street be. provided. MOTION CARRIED. CRllMAN ,I1SSiR:E 7.35 P.M. SCHOOL SIr~ Mr.; j"dec~, AdII1 option to p..chase 2~$1 .."'r.. .cij of trading f8rschool property. It was aoved by Council Val'l>l.gQner, secQnded hy C0\1nci1man Fry that the Administrative Officer be au ized to O"Qtiate for t.eeXGAange of property and the acquisition of additioftal > '.1'001.: $it... MOTION CARRIED. :rs,Uve Qff1.Qer" rep~rt"on 'the, proposed "nt,~tQ school pl"operty and the p~,&1.bl1ity C Councilman Van Wagoner the mot!.. .... MOTION CARRIeD. Councilman Wisser seconded ADJOUIUfED. APfReViD. SIGNED. 11 T.City Council of the; ~ty of Anab,i.met in R'9UI.rSesJlon. ~ , 'c;PReSENT: COlJItCILMlIh Pearson, pchutte, Fry, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. ABlEN]:'ICO~l~NI None. ~i > ::~~iYA.T~NifJ:P'I!S1.O. TUJtNBR: ." . efti.. > CITY ADJaIlI*ATIVC OJil'1:C;I!1t. J(EIW ... JIJlUXJCH: Present. ilfilUTiP: TAt minutes of the Adjo ed RQgul.~ _eti~g and, RttUfar1,ltetlftl'Jiifc{ J)ec8D1l)er 28.1954 and Adjourned R lar Meeting held December 30, 1954 .ere approved on lotion by Councilman V Wagener, .itCQnde;.by (:o\tncilmanWisser. MOTION CAlRIID.4 FIN~I.AL. ~ OPIll.ATIIE RDORTSJ the City amOJlnting to $189,886.35~ the Financial Committee be accept to pay $a~d .'emand in acc0rdance MOTION CARRIED. ! ~1iJncilaa:m Van Wagone;r rep.:rted d........ln.t t CouI)cila-.n Wi sSerDlqYed th,t tbe reporl- of i and that warrants be drawn upon the TreaSurer ~h report. CouDcil~ Fry seconded the motion. FlNANCIAL,AJttQ~ERATING~ Financial and Operating Reports for the Month of December re subP.:t':ted an~ gri,.~ receivtd an.. filed on motion by Councilman Van Wagone ~ second4td.by CouneilJQfl Wisser. Annual Report of Fire D ,rtmemt ftr the > year 1964 "'S s\$.i tted and ordered received and filed on moti n by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Couneil.ap WIsser. BIDS. SALE Of BONDS. This being t .~ time and place fixed for tn, o,en1n9~f 1Dids for.t~e U,5Io,000 Bonds of the Ci y of Anahe~Dl, Califomla,. designated Municipal Improvement Bonds 1955 and Number 1 to 3,500, inClusive, the following bids received purtuant to the notice of $ale, were publicly opened, examined, and read: o o -n n ....... 1. CI TY" -B~ -OF; rewiYfltX1F~ S.SMI<DIiRS"-AII) LtAM BLUR All> COllP~'; WALSTON '.lNbcbMPANY.c Bid par premium 0 ratet of in the y one-half the years per cent 1971 to I first ye accrued interest to date of :ciell very ~a.nd;a !$15,05O.oo for bonds bearing interest, at ,-the I per cent (6%) per annUli on bonds maturing ,s 1956 to 196-f>, and at the - rate 'jjiltwo :anti .' cent (~) per annum on bonds. M-t\I'rin, in I 66 to 1970, and at the .rate of 1/4 of one ) p,er aMUIl on bonds _Wring in the years All interest payable annually for the jaJtd semi alimaa11ytaerea fter. i ....t,IJ ICAI Jff&$A All) ASSOOIA1IS. 2. Bid par )/)~Wit ~. nte' -of.. the years fourth pe the year~ p'er cent 1974 to ]J first yea ace-rued Int.r.~tto €1*t.. ofdea.lve1'y.nd a st-, 669. 00 . for hftds bdrl~ l!ftterest~ rat the-t per; -~_t ~~~ aJtlllJlf .~.._. bORflS'NtVNlI9' i,.ftJ 956 to 19t1t and at the rate of two and one- !cent (~) per annum on bonds .a~rl:n, i1h 962 t9 1913, aooat the rate of~1!14';&f'one ,} per am". en bond.. aaturiA9 in the.y~!s1. ' ,. All lRterestpayUleanl1U811 y for th,{ . land s_ial1U1ually thereafter. n On metion by. fellaan "aR.agoner~ $eeond.d 'by CeuneilJH.w< S~e'~ Bids were refeTred to ~ .'he City TteaiJfter for tahullitlon, andrepei"t,..... Wednesday, January 12 '1955, at 2:00 P.M. MOTION CARRIED. PUB IC HEAaIII3: VARI E HO. 2 : SubMitted by F. E. and Ba-ihra....., 1109 East Center S rf . for perMission to erect a service statIon at that location. Co..-unicain dated January 9 frOJD Mr.F. E. larnes, was s~ JIli tted to the CounQ., IG~n C.apy of which had been previously ltaileGI to each CouMllldm. Mr. am.s atHt:tessed the Councl~, urging the reconsl..n- tion of this variance Others addressing the Council in opposltion to, tnt granting of the varia.e were: Mr. Willi.. Poe. attorney represen\!nl IV. Van de Valde, Mr. Car" ight, Mrs. SUtUel, am! _ other ladltJ. in the audience who did not tate their nUtes. .., '\\1 ' ..'. Councilman Sa ,1Itte stated that at. the: qJ.,:l.,Pla~lng G....:"'o., he was against the 9!'~tin9 of the variane&I, u-.wer, ....aft.rf\trth.~l.v..ti- gation, he did RQt be Seve this..property'.suftabl'. ftr'~~Wiie. .1I\fl further believed that~he Coun-cii Would De t!I.f!:hg a.an his pre.pdty :dthts and so for that reasomoved that the City Council grant Mr.. Warnes the right to erect a filling stiion at that location. C....cil... Sttt*tte _neled his motion to read that tt Council acc~t, ther-eCODtmen4a1ioij e.1fItift'Ictty':;:?- Planning Commission. ;touncilman Wisser stated that the 4enial of this var-lance wc>uld be de.. ng tft&man tae U&ft of hi.8 prjp.:tty~ifi:rth.r t~t the conditions have alter . and that busil\ess is '6,r.din~r> _s;tin' ."t:~('.~rt"t:" and south on all of t, main 1hoI'0U9hfares of the City, and the:refore, seconded the motion. i ' .,' · n, On roll call ,uncil.an Van Wagoner voted no. MOTION CARRIED. The action. of the C1 ty.Pl.nin, CO'-'SIIA dli\5U!talnei. PAYMENT OF PUIFT Y 1, 1954 TOD~ 31. 1954t. EF.1"tl\.Hpl"i~ .ent of the undergro water) Payaent of $2,904.30, Pap Tax, and 'tralt.fer froM theCont1ngenc:y.. .' nd to pay said aJIOunt"d.:au~!14.%ei:9~n.ot1Qn by Councilman Van Wagone, secondetl by Councilman Sdiu1!\t. MGtlG1t (J_:m~l NUTW()()Q...oBALL AJOlEXAT CANVASS OF IE S .' Eel . ''II, < 'The City' Council proceeded to nvaas the returns of the Sj>ee!al r EleetlQ.ftft,ta.. "ij.~W\ 4, 1955 for the annex tion to the City of Anahei." of the' t.l'ri t6fy:Jk16.o.1aic!tT designated as the NU' BALL ANNEXATION. Mayor Pearsootappe1nted CO\iftcil.en 'ry', Seh\lttte,- and':~*I.se:tci.i'Ue Canvassing Board. j, ; .[ , .1 . I " 86G) 1:; [;I. .~, :S~ ; ~AS. the. G1 the returns of . cuttin 8p.pi_~ ~. 1955, in cel:t.alA J4Rlnc,~rateQ Anaheim, and 1 The Ca~.a'$ing Board and compared, tb. to the taJ.:l y Ii, offi cial rettarns to be the same a. approved the pay roll of the elee by Councilmaa Schutte. e1 ved the ..i-pfficial returns of the election and found the amoun~s reported on the sem1- ~hat reported on the tally list. They further ~n officers on Iftotion by CGuncllman'Fry, seconded , RESOLUTION te. 2.1Cu Councilman " Wa9on~r offered Resolution No. 2616 and moved 0.... for its passage anda49ption. .. A RlSOLUTION: OF ANAHEIM CAUSIHG SPECIAL ELa;rI I CITY C,(;JJIJ;ILOF TJtQ: CITY QF RECORD OF CAMVASS OF RETUltNS OF G ItE E~ UPON ITS MINUTES. Coun-c.11of the City. o.f An'Aei.. .as canvassed ,x.tio. ,lectioR ,1:1.1d on Ula.,4ttl day of January, i tory ~ t. be a.nexfd to. s.1d City of WHSREAS, said a Council n__ ca\ised,a, r~,rd WjDe m~de of the canvass J;Jf ".'btrns of s_idell t~9D, whichl'.~ord i~i ."tltled IiCOJID OF THE CANVASS OF REroIQt$ Fat SPECIAL A ArlON ELlC!;It)N held J.n\l.ary 4, 1955. THE FOREWING HI day of Janu.,y, 19'~. IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the CIty a~~ of ret\U'QsQf said .184tiO:R be" and the , the .~nute. of sai. G1 ty Council. LUTION is signed and approved by m~ this 11th NOW, THEREFORE, of Anah.~ V\at said racordof c SaMe is her.y ora.r", entered , g...~~ MAYOR OF TM CI ,OPAM>>Ia1M n ATIEST: ...." DENE M. WILlIA~1 CITY CL_ cD: THE CITY OF ANAHEIM J.tBCQIij) OF. CAtWA$S OF ,ijl j '~S .0F$PiCIAJ;. ANNEXA rIOM EI...ECI:tQN JANUARy 4, 1965 ~ Tn" Ci*",y CO\1J1c. ...~ of the City of Maneim he:reby make.. ;r'Ho:r.d of canvass fief returns fi>f sp8(;ialexat!.on. tl.eetien. , SaiQ $pecia~ ct.. exaUGn. election .as held on the 4th da;y Qf January>, 1. in the .,.nner prey! .4<i by law, THAT for said voting precinct which is designat 'ection said City Council duly establiSh.. one as NUTWOOD-BALL ANNEXATION VOTINGPREcItCr. THAT the.poll! place fE)r'$1a~h e1ectiQnwas established and maintained at R. D. Taylor Office . ilding, 10192 Ball Road, Orange County, Califora1a, ,,.hich was within the.reinafter described un!ncQrpGretEtd territory. The descr!ptiQ "of the pr4'perty preposed to be included in the annexati()n ,nown as the NUTIOOD-B L ANNEXATION as'lolIe.sf A parcel of l~d belng a portion of Sections 19 and 20, Towllsnlp4 ~uth, Range 10 lest, '~n Bernardino Ba$e and Meridi.n., and more partic:ul-.rlJ described as follo.. I n Beginning at it most southwesterly corner of the Orange Avenue ~n..tiOl}> to the . Ci ty qf c ,he~..:, 'i1~dpo~nt IlsQ b.~J\g thelito.t south- westerly ritht-of-w.y corner of Bokhurst Street (60 feet wide) end BallaQad (60 feet wide); thence, . I. Easterly a~ng southerly line of said Orange Avenue Annex- .tion and tile southerly ri9ht-of~y line of said Ball Road and its westerly CL a .r.~tlGn across s BrooknuI'jtt Street tot...ost s.theJ,~,rlr_4.*-.f- .yc...rof .aidBaIL Read amd ;.MUtw&od Street (-4C feet ~)-tj th...,),~,:. 2. So erly along the easterly rIght-of-way line of s,ald Nutwoad, StMet to an le-point 1- salQrigl\t-clf-way line-I thence, o 1 rly along said right-of-way line to an angle-point e J thl!mce, 3. We in said riCJht-of-way 1 4. So Str..t to the most no (40 feet wide) and ,a erly along said easterly right-of-way line of Nutwood ...ter lydght....of-..ycorau$f Cerrit.. A-ttrn.e, I\1twood Street); theaQa, 5. Co the a.W easterly rig prot"n".tion of the s: Ity J_i e. Ros. Aftd . in Boo. 2653 at Page nuing southerly along the southerly prolongation of qf-way line of Nutwood Street to the easterlY' herly line of that 10.22 acre ..~.~~. af land, ~ H. Rosa.h.Da.nd and wife. a.sb.cJG1 on a dMdtliweof ,1, Official R~ords, Orange County; 'thence, 6. We rly along said southerly line of 10.22 acre parcel and itlusterlYP:r$l ation across said Nutwood StreeIt'to ap.1nt,!_ ". easterly boundary lin jof Tract No. 201.5 as shown ona aapthereof in:.seok !)8 at Pages 16 and 17, lMiscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County; thence, 7. No herly along said easterly 'bo.undary Line- of Tract ;IID. 2015 to the most nort sterly corner of said Tract No. 201.5; thence, 8. Weiierly along northerly boundary line of said Tract Mo. 2015 and its westerly'rolongation across said Brookhurst Street to the westerly right-of-way Jjine of said Brookhurst streetJ tIiJ..9~et_ n l \ . , 9. No1herly along said westerly right-af-way line of s.dd ' Brookharst Street to ;e point of beginning. i THAT it said unincorporated a proposition ~ittedtO the eiecto1:, rwldlD9 wl.tkift a was: TMJOD-BALLMRBXA:TION >be' annexed. :10- the f!Anaaeat California, aLtbe proputy' Y.BS in sat,NUTWOOD-BALL ANNEXATION be,.afte S\fca annexa~on, subject to taxatiten 8quallyllith the p:r erty within said City of Anaheim to pay its pt ..1rata portion,ba$" upoB~SQSed. valuat,n, ,of all bond-eel inde.tfidnMs of..ld If) City 0 iAnah.1m outstanding -onDecllMbtir 3., 1 54 ; thereto f. re b. '" riz; THAT s Jd City Council lIet at its regular m.....>aft..,,.. expiration of three dts from and after the date of $aid election to ~8J\vas. -,the returns of said . tction, and at said ret\11H meeting '.aid .xeand complete its canvass f such returns. finds: and. by its canvass of such re'bttn:a, said City Council n 1. T tthe whole number of vertes ca1t ats.".: ele4tl.n WI. 40. 2. Tn . t the number of votes cast at such election in faver of annexation was 33. 3. T1'1 t the number of votes cast at such election again.st annexation was 7. 4. Th ',t the number of ballots reaeived '..sabserotH..vote.. was O. ,..... '.'.'.. '.-...... '. .... Ul.....e... ....... ....... '. ..i+......O.......\.~....I.i~J.;..< ..r.".e.!iI?l (J 't!'~U1'l' .:;:;u""'>>.> ',.; '. ,." . cIty C'"k~f'.:i O1:ty~ ~~'t~ber,;'v Anane1., Callfcirnla fS62 ~ -~ - 863: i ORDINAlCE l(). .960. The' readiag+fullof the de5ulption o:f saldterdtexty iand the readint of bQftded inaebtedn,.' of the City of Aaah.11I1 wasunanu.O\IsltywaiYed on motion >>y Councilaan Wisser, +conded by Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. Gouncilaan Wisser off Ordinance No. 965 and JaOvedfor ",its .passage and adoption. Said ordinance wa Iread in public for the first time. AN ORDINAJCE OF THE CITY OF AN ANAHEIM OF CERTAIN INHABITED T iM APPROVIOO THE ANNBAUQN TO SAID .cITY OF 1TORY KMOIfH AS NUnooD-BALL ANNEXATION. ; i QRDINAJC.Et:1. 9Q2-:0rdi;uBCe' N" '%2 as corNctedwas of:feredbyCO'unclb\tn Van Wagener who moved for its p. ge and.adOption.Said o:'rdinane.)a$COr~ct)ed was read 1ft public for the first ime. AN ORDINAIIE OE THE Clrt OF AN ; M B$TABLISHI~A MIN.IIIJM;.&~AND.A JUilWeI...J FRONTAGI. \tf)TH OF 70 j:SiT OF ALl IS IN ALL SUBDIVISIOIS. OF PROPER~AID: .,ALI.t DIVISIOIS ..F PROPERTIES IN T~' S FOR BUILDIti(3 SITES BY SUBDIVISION (itOO1mawIsE WITHIN THS CI1Y OF AlUHBIM, PROY ItCG P,Rlt\L1TJiS FCR VLOLATIOtf nmRIrJF. ANbPR().,. VIDING FOR THE (RANTING OF NONCO MING USES TO AVOID HARDSHIP AND UNFAIRltESS . ORDlNAJEE~. 958: Second reading was wi tbheld pending tn. filing E 6.' : Second reading was withheld pending the flr'lngo'fd..eed restrIctions. ClIDINAtt:;EIO. 964. , was withheld pending the filing of deed restrictiOlt-s. ! TENTATIVE MAP. TR.AC'I,NO. 2481: ivider La'YIeta Inco.e P]I'operti..,)In:c.,(iand F. W. Ellittt) Location on East enter Street just west of the cemetery road" 20 Lots.. The City Planning COt' sslon voted to approve the Tentative Map although the lots are only 60 f in width, the SIR.llest lot contains 8,520 square feet. The pattern of the' ubdivislon to the' east was allowed wIth 60 foot lots, and the area to the ~t is commercial. The approval of the T . 1. The paymfJJ\1; 0 f ' recreation sites. 2. EngiQeering 'requJ. et was further subj ect to. 00, per lot for the acquisition of park and The City Council on Wisser app.oved sai.. Tentati~ dations of the City P lannlngC I 'lonbyC~c1lman fry seconded by Councilman of Tract NO. 2.481, ,subJect to the reco.en-' ssion. IIlrION CARRIED. Subdivider Tedaarwei Company, between Nutwood .Streetwould.rtm through. 133 lots. i The revised Tentativ ""p was approved by the City Planni-ng eo.is&!on subject to I 1. The payment of r.ecr&ation sites.. 2. That all lots no rearranged to'me 3. That the lots f and contain 7,2 Engineering requ rOO per lot for the acquisition of park and having a miniMum width of 60 feet must be j ! this requirement. g on Broadway be 70 to 72 feet in width quare feet. ents. 4. f Proposed plans of ho 's to be constructed in thatlocatio.n we!'e presented. The City Council on Van Wagon.. mav" to approve th! subject to the. r'-Co_emlations ion by Councilman Schutte s8CondedbyCouncl1man ised Tentative Map of said Tract No. 1728, the City Planning CQB1Ifti$slon. MOTION CARRIED. Policy: The City C 11 concluded that no further TenJative Maps with less:han 70-ftot jX'Ont~gt:. having a minimum of 7,200 square feet would be coneld_eel. 0" 0, n'.'..' > .. n '~! ~'d16.&, PI n9":~oMr.mr .....'l'=~I.,d_\ "', atns "Ui1ISfil't-~c;l'''S.R.af1:~iNI'Y; "I~"'~'P.PrC)f;-" .... .'~' 'IiW1i ~,"d' Lee;" l1111R1.,..A...'.s..Pl..l..t..nl....tWkti...;'IGi:1 ,rdQ'M! rtJOeiyed ~n,I. f: ".~ "pJ:t\Y_ by ~ee~t1K~t.t~~: On JNrtlon bY:pUACi I.an V.,.' 'Wa,OBer, 8"~..-ij S.~tIMij~'~~tt~. BENCtI ' PBtI15 t Appllc 1:10'" f~~ thr'H' Beneh P .rM.~. s~f':tt~ '1Sy~BMtcn'-' Ad CQIlpanI.. .. The Mayor sta ~ this Matter would be taken unde:tPaM.ii..t .riff'>~ p.r~p..: actlo~ e~ he . en att)1e next'lI..tlDg,_ I 'tit .,. ft..~. -'..' ."~ G6. :;} " .O.lkat-i.'i ,-r ~M"~, . ..X9'... "', .,.It If..t1fht,.o.....a.. ." i.r.ic.tt1fi.r't~tth.'..e~ B\glnR~ A~.as ~ontrat:to:t'$, had coap!l , jd Work order No. 1307 in accord.nee.' tb plitt. and ,pec;~fi~atlon. tan<! :re ended that the work be ~ffl~ially...c;cept..and that fotic. of ~OI\pl'etion lile4. ., ,. ., PSQtufIOI NO. 2611.L L~unc1lun Van Wagorie:r 'off.ted,R~"l.ti~~ ~';~~_~1"Jn~ moved for i ts passage d adoption. ' ,...., .-, "', ~tion BOok, page a:red the foregoingr,.ol\1t;Lon QUJ.y pasl8d:-~." ac1opted. .~ (<: ~,-^ ': '" . I, _, .. .... ORDlNAlCE NO. 949: C 'neil.an Van Wagoner offenHlOtdlWa.nce 1(Q,.,'. and Jl\oved for its passage nd adoption.' i COUNCIL OF ~CITY ,0' ~~" jFUlNISHlE-'QF"ALL ')'LAl4! t LDti., - t;. r~UTIES ~~I~TArl.N))jtlff.VDI!4Jr. ...... 4LL JOR1(,,~J JO~t~l' Mi. /, . : ~_~'.9i.,AW IBI~(..fL~.: .' N SmrET're OliVE ~ !TA'EET .'~"~(~~...:!~t::1i' , . .. ..... L.,.. "'. . ..iT ,:,)r .forego~ng resQlutlon ... duly.:. P..' .~.id and '.aop\fi ' -- ~'- . - , I I I - \ r A RESOWTION OF THE C THE COIFLETION AND .~ EqtfP>EHT, AMJ).1 HIP 1Al"BR. A.'. fO~ PUB1.IC....I "j1Lt'IOAD' PR~ ',' '.' On rQlI e.I1 ~y thefotlowing vat. AYESz NOES: iBSbri) '..nol'1, Fry, SChutte,IIsiet-, ana!y.~iI"'onet. ~01?~.., IOru! ~ J. v,..) :. n ante !k)ok, p..e- gr:~~~ ~~l.m~~A1'Jt~IM' PCRTIOIIIS Of COMMiRCI iANP OLIVE.. S~TS:;l~;'THi l;;JJ'X.QF ~AH!J." knowledge of the cont !~~h~~eo~~l ~~~cg~: ;~ ~~:r::~;~~~ltirw full be ,.~v~. C01Jn .tl_ll.,S~huite,,~e~qndeo~~,.ao~~Qn. 1'Q!lon ~~n1..u.ly carrted by toe coun~~;~-" " ~.. J .'.~., , ~"" J:: a ~ On roll call ,the foregoing ordinance was duly pasAH'Fand' .ailopt.eCI b~ ,the ~()~lowing vote: ~,..""+,>c; ; AYES I 1I.I~th'J>,eliioD, Fry; "$cJi~tt.~J_lS..f~l~a;t.ili...~~r, i. NOES: ILlERz None. ..c . .... :." '. ,'" 'T, ,~lJfTl f;I~N' flOone. The .,or"~d ta%"H the' fOJtqolnt ordiMnte'lmatt p'S'"" iitf,....,ted~ f~W.~E,~... 9f.I. q nci};.,n V~~,".n.r i.if.... ()nttna:a.euID.,'" far first readIng ar:'d ,.nwrv,.d fQ~, ts pa$sag'.t1d, .d~p~l.n. .~'{,' <"';1 Cr. ~ ~ O..IW.lNAlCE..,QF THJG :I!..y,..O.E~..=.:.;.,I...~. DEC.HIf..J~.U..'.".~.LI. W..~..ff.~J1m. '..".'i..C.'~..ty........GOO..AMD......IC.....IL ["ACROSS U HliEtNA ~Bg HEll PmPSttl, mIlt;'ll11ii'!.fJ~L~:~.~ A HEARING THEREON, DIRECTING THE pQSnNG OF r<<>TICES TIiEREOF AND nm'~- CATION OF THIS ORDIN E. (PUBLIC HEARlr<<3. FEBRUARY 21, lQ55, AT 7,00 ~ Ii }. ...--\0 '\ ' ORDINAN:E NO. 967: C .ncilman Van Wagoner offered Ordinance No. 967 for first reading and moved for! ts passage and adoption. 80S .."t , 4 ' ~ ORDIN~E NO. 968: Councilman ISser offered Ordinance No. 968 and. moved for its passage aqi adop'tion~ . . I( AllElDlt13' ARTrCL! fII, CHAPTSf !~~;SEt1ro.: ~M I&JHICt~AL.CQDE ~.DECLAltIJ13 ~C,.; ':orf_~~I~~V~_:SS OUMCIL ToaENT"PARKIM3 LOT sPACE1Bycnm'c.,wtH. " .... " " . ,,' ~ -::; '.. , '.. . ' . .-' .; .' ..., . .::> After hearlng'read in: ; II the title of Ordinance NOrL 968'and"ha~~ knowledge of the contents thereo i' Councilman Wi$serJlOved' the reaalng in '(atl of said ordiRlnce be waived. CQun lman Schutte seconded the motion. Motion un,ni- mousl y canied by'" ttie Council. ,', .' AN CJiDINAlCE OF THE CI1Y OF 33,' ll...."...33.............~.2..".....,... ~......."...3. t........ aJ}....d...,.:... 3.3...~. 6.. OJ' ....... PARKi\' MP>ARjJS~. AND ..' I ." '>PaI m IIST~ THEREGP'- _ Atm:ft!rtIZING THE C1 RESOLUTION. NO. 2618: Councilma Fry offered, ResolutiQn Nc?4I 2618. aDd moved for its passa9tand adoption. ,.ter 'fro"~..Qlut1Qti A REsolllr$M OF '.THE--GITY COUtCI THAT Petit aew.'I€EUAMb A PUBLKt" ~R()VIllEr<<, TO WI T: · ....g>' ' , .PROJECT No!. DRAWl. ., SPECIFIc:AT1QNS :rat S1RUCTI0N iCF SAllrmLI~" IaFiOV ETC.: AND AUTIiORIZING AND DIR SfALEDPR~OSALS ~ ~.. THE , CONS1R, On roll call the for the follo~ng vote: ,page F'Rm.€I1Y ,OJ: ~IMFIIQXJl:; ANf)'DSTSUaN!iG Itt;)RIQuUS ,TfmGO~iAiY\G.l.S\flarf':OF '''', "". , OF" '.' , -. y '" ' .. ",' - , i:" "-, AiD APPI 'It<<; THJ!' ' I, , S, E..cONsmUCTI()N.~Of:. AU1H():tIZI~ THE CON- n' IIf'AC1;aJtD>>CEllur ~1D p~$"lr$l~,~~+C~;I.IONS, NG THE CITY CLERK TO PU!USH A".it)ttCE INVITING rrlON ~Of. ( ~ ;).-I'-~$') - , ng resolution waS dU1Y-,Passed .q4 "dopted by lYES's ~ESs ABsENT : C0tfIl::ILM!Jf: 'peirson, Pry, SChuttt~ W1sS6r.'an4'Van Wagoner. C9U~I.~:, "one. COUJCILMSR: None. The Mayor declared th :foregoing re~qlution d~lY passed~d adopted. E:. Subadtt~ by Rob,ert G. Flatt~nf~fi:~Q\1,fr:-to- tcnIest to. ftlfalr a..nic.statton' housi'Ji)cl' .ir .:. .)'I On motion "'by CouRc!l P. Tolle ~s 9rantedpe~ission. was held dt~r. biscussion of the pr the Administrative Officer and vision to this Code. )1': ' Schutte:, second$'! })y COWtcilman Wisser, Alvry Action on applicatiQn of ~. Rob,rt G. Flatten ! . . ' -:1 t Business U:ctns.oraln.nce w.')l~td~,: ~cJ' ~ y Attorney were authorized to prepare '. '-r~ PERSON.Ls The Administrative part-tJ,aeJ4rafting. u, . Said fJII\Plo byCoudciaanWitsei, $e~()fidEtd leer recOJIII1ended employment of :Flo9d-i..z.dlng, .,twas ~~~ified by the City CouAcil, on motion :~~ouneiliitari- Schu't:t... . Chief of Police rec City P.tr~..n. Said r~QJJInen City.CouR~11 ratif~edl man, on motion by Councilman Va ded the appolntDtent of Renry chafles Bryant, Qn .as4\Ppnv~ by; AdldDl$tr.~~v,-~fficer. ~. appolntmeRt of Henry Ch.l'l_-".yd~.~at:Nl- *"..1', leconcied by~e;ouie11.u 'pry. - a Krlst"part-Ume, for th, Ci ty;C1erk '$ I Councilaan Van Wagoner, .ec~ndtdby Councilman lppoln.ent of Mrs. OffiGe .at 'uthorlztd onmotlon Schutte. IJ -- 1 ~ --- Il o o [] 866 \r' # Ci 192) - 8s DEPUTY CITY C~t C Clerk appointed Mrs. Ruth E. DaoustfO,..~, Q1tt,. Clerk. Said appointln it was ratIfied by the City Council ,on ,,""~n by. Councilman Van Wagone , seconded by Councilman Fry. MOTION CA.-lED. ' Mrs. Daoust a Deputy City Clerk was authorized to sign r.fUnd ch.cks drawn on the Meter D :si t Trust Fund. I 1RANSFER OF FUNDS: T 'nsfer of $55,331.50 fron the General Pund to th Iond and Interest Redempti Fund was authorized on motion by Council.an Wi...., seconded by Counci Ima ; Fry . MOTION CARRIED. COMMUNICATION: Commu ication from the City of Fullerton ~latlv. to th.lr recent major fire, De er 27, 1954, thanking the City of Anah.la for their assistance was submit and read. NDiTIONS OF C F 0 The Chief of Polie. recommended that Raymond Street be inc ded in the streets designated as Major .tr..ts 'a the Municipal Code and as ~uch that streets intersecting Raymond, n..~ly, ~on, Ken.ood, and Belmont, tie made boulevard stops, and further, recQJI8.ndtd that Raymond Avenue be cha ed to East Street from our city limit. at Orangethorpe Avenue to East Street The City Coun~l directed the recommendation be referred tQ the City Planning Commission ad the City Attorney to start the necessary proc-.dtngs. MINUTES OF THE EXECUT E COMMITT~ OF THE JOINT OUTFALL SEWBR MEETIIG,J\.ld January 6, 1955: S tted and approved and ordered received and fll_ om aotion by Councilman sser, sec~nded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION tARRIED. aESOLUTION 00. 26l9: Gouncilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2619 and .oved for its passage_nd adoption. Refer to Resotion Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE ctv CCUM:;IL OF mE CI1Y OF ANANEIM CONSUT~,x; TO ~ TIOH TO TH CI iO OF CERTAIN PRGPBtTY SI11JATED WITHI. '11IUIE MILlS OF THE EXTERtatNDARIES OF THE CITY OP ANAHlIM. AYES: t<<)ES : ABSENT: Pearson, Fry, Sc:huttet Wiss.rt and Van "Orler. None. NOne. On roll call .e foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: The Mayor dect tred the fOregoing resolution duly' pas,ed and adepted. SEWERS: The Administ 'tive Officer reported on our present capacity in the Magnolia Trunk Sewer,lative to the rights -.ned by the City of Pulltrton and also discussed th !possibility of an adjustment i~ the capacity of the Euclid Avenue line. On motion by ,uncilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Fryt AdIItai... trative OffIcer was .. thorized to send a letter to- 'Pullerton .reque,U", 'tn.., '. . City of Fullerton to ell certain rights in the Magnolia Trunk Line. MD!1~ CARRIED. lTMY CTa On )Rotion by Council_n 1I1...J', IVan Wago.-r, the Adadnistrative Officer wasr.....tld to send a letter to t . Garden ~ve Sanitary tdstrict witAdr..lng thi .~~ made November 24, 195 ,by the City of Anaheia, and withdrawing the r.....t for the adoption of the I' .olution consenting to the connection of the unincorpo- rated territory to th 'Cerritos Line. WTION CARRIED. smEET TREES: Mr. Pt' 'ay, Assistant AdJRinistrative Officer, .as req.....to loot into tne present regulations governing the planting of street trees and report his recommenda ~ons thereon. 867 ifornia Janua 1 5 -SIOOP.M Councilman Van Wagon. Imoved to adjourn to 2:00 o'clock P.M., Wednesday, January 12, 1955. Cou 4i1man Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED. APPROVED. SIGNED. Mayor 7?r. Ci ty Clerk o r -:1' o o