1955/01/12 Qi8 Session. 1 of the City of Anahei. lIlet in AdJoutlnttl 1IIWl-, ! ,I' ,',-~~ n lJ ptESEJITa a Pearson, Pry, Sehut.'be, and WIsser. AJl$EIT I CO\J'NCla Van Wagoner. CITY AUORIlEY, PRESTOM HER: Present. CITY ADMINIS1RATIVE OF ER, KEITH A. MURDOCH: Present. The Mayor ca ed the meeting to order for the purpOltlO..fClOh..'ing , the hid proposals and . rding hondsof the City of Anahe1m to the lJ'st .ldder. The Ci ty Tr ; Bank of America, N.T. the acceptance of said rer tabulated said bid prOPQ..II and r...rtld the IS. A. & Associates to be 1.,. bitUt&l', andrec..ended i d. After consl I.-conded by Councilun Of THE CITY CQlJtCIL OF ]lIDDER, be adopted. n9 the bids, it was moved by Coul'lcllaan SCh"ttet saer that lleAolu'hiQJl 11&.. ~6~~t..,.nt1,tl8IttRl~wtl0N CITY OF .AJWiEIM AlAllDIIG BONDS:. O'SAlD GIn !G:BESJ" On roll solution No. 2620 was duly adopted by the following vote: AYES I NOES: ABSEllT : Pearson, Fry, Schutte, and Wisser. .None. Van. Wagoner The Mayor d . 2620 duly passed anda.opte4. T ~, JaB 1050 AND UJlIT G, JO}i 1 M? 1 Ci ty Bng~n..r d the M. Miller ~y to be low bidder on Unit A., ROAD INTSICEPTCIl S~ and rec08ended theaecept- rJ r .rte E. JDb 1050, $183,914.16, ance of said bid. .SOWTION NO. 2621; fer its passage and a nei1man Wisser offered Resolution No. 2621 and .-ved ion. A RESOWTION OF THE CI, ptOPQSAi. AID AWARDING PlJRNISHING OF ALL P FORMING ALL WOJU( NEC! .' Of DIE FOLLOWING PUBLI tIIIT A OF THE lEST COU.!C. IL OF 1lIE CITY. OF ANJHE...........IM~I. '1".. I.'.'_4<~."",'."..,J.,m:.,.. . ~ONTRACT TO THE LQ1fESTRESJOMSlILE . ....DlEIFCII .. : LABCIl, SiRVICES, MATERIALS ~"IP.IfT, .'~ Y FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, IRSTALUTIOH, All> ~IO. ,IMPROVEMENT CR WQRK.;BALL ROAD ItrI'IllCEPTCIt s_. II SEWDS JOB NO. 1050 On roll call the following vote: e foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by AYES. lI)ES: ABSarr : Pearson, Fry, SChutte, and.isser. None. Van Wagoner. The Mayor d red the foregoing resolution duly passed aA4 ad.~ed. ty Engineer, George E. HOlyoke, r8DOrted. J..S~tt on Unit C, Job l052, $48,286.01, wesT AlWiEl.', MAGNOLIA TO IWCHESTER, and reco.aendecl the...,t.- f1 I 1 utllT C. JOB NO. 1052& ap.p.ny to be low bid clESCBIT AVENUE SEWER .nee of said bid. .SOWTION NO. 2622: neilman Fry offered Resolution No. 2622 anduved fer its passage and a~ ion. 869 J - 2100 .P.M. On roll call the for the fall_i. vet.: THE CITY OF ANAHEIM Aa:rIIIIlG A,SEALED THE LOlEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER "FOR nm , MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT, ANDPERFORMIlIi ALL INSTALL\TIOli AND COMPLETION OF THE POt.tOWlNG AVEHIJE . INTERCEPTCR 5_1, BNIT" C OF IllS! A RESQWiil~ OF THE CITY .CClI1'I;IL PROPOSAL AND. BAlDING A CONTRACT RJlNISHI lCi Of P I..ANT, LABal, SERVI WCIH< NECBSS.Y :FOR THE. COIS1RUC~ PUBLIC IMPROYEMENT OR WORK: CRE AMHEIM ."S. JOB NO. l052.. ng resolution was duly passed and adopted by o AYES. 4IOEll 8SINTI COU)[;ILMHN: J>earson, Fry, Schutte, and Wisser. CQUtl;ILMBN:i lNolle. COYItILMAN: /VanWagon.r. , The Mayor declared th !foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. ADJOURNED. to adjourn to 7 aDO. '0 'clock :P.M., Jamaary the .ot1on. MOTION CAllIE. ~OU~c.il:Mft'Scluatte 2~~ 1955. Clauncilaan . W1 sIer SIC APPIOVED. Mayor SIGlE)). ~~'<'4.."l!'<-~ C ty Clnk . . ~ft"i n n