1955/01/25 870 ,-. I ! $ess10n. PRESENT: COUtCILME J Pearso~, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wa90ner~ ABSENT: qoolCI.~ None.j CITY ATTORNEY, PRESTON tuRNER: ptresent. CITY ADMIIlSTRATIVE 0 ICER, KEI1fI A. MURDOCH: Present. .1 JOy SCOOTS WEEK: Roll Shlpkey, 'lBoy Scout representing More than ofte thousand Joy. SC.' outs in the Ci t of Anahei~., ad. dr..essed: the GOuncil.... rttquestl'n9.. Mayo!' 'ear.. to proclaim t week of Itebruary 6to 12 BoyScou1:s Week, c~o:tating the 45th Anniversary Boy Scou~s. J -. 7dl) Pi . of th~ Cl ty of Anahel..et in Adjtttaned Regular On JIlOtion bcounCilll~:.'. van. '.. lB.. IP..ner, . secondeddby Counoilman Fry, the Ci ty Council approved is procltlon, and Mayor Pearson proclaimed the week of February 6 to 12, 'Scouts eat in Anaheim. Actionjon the Street Lighting Program as rec_nded ~e was held over to the February 8 meeting on the Mont. The p.,ssibi llty. of leadng=' the to the hgh school ground for office space to ace_od.te t at an 4Pproximate rental of $25.00 per year ..as ttlistrative Officer was reQ1llested to lJ!lv\euigate the matter : 1ihlJ....t:ter.t held over. ..-. I I SHE rheShell Oil Coapany planned toi.,rove their station located at Wielmina an. Los Angeles Streets and requtsted the Council to allow the location of the out+ide pump island to he ten feet behind the exist- ing sidewalks. The .inistrati,e Officer and City Engineer 1'..c,~nded the 9ran~ing ot this pe t. On motion was granted. MOTION seconded by Counci aa.n Pry, pemi t Mr. Phillip H. Roach addreesed Councilman ehutte wanted to inspect the area before acting on this matter, and, therefor t action was withheld to allow requesteci inspection. y VARI.AfI:;E NO. 276. S i tted by thoNS L. McLaughlin for permi,si(l)JtU':use build- ing for residence and real estate office. Located at the northwestcftner of South P lacentia Avenu and Morave Avenue. The City Pl. ,nlng Co..p.ssion pursuant to their Resol\ltloa No~ 67 granted said variance subj ect tOil \' 1. The de J,og of 20ifeet along South PIacent!.. AvAtrme lfer the future ... dening of! the street. 2. The insia.ll:.ation off curbs and sidewalks on South Pla.centla Avenue . d Morava Avenue at this time, or deposit :wi;th.the City of Anaheim an amount. sufficient to do this work at the ti . the prop~ties to the north ctJld. we~~til;re litftoved. Thi s unt to be ~etermined by the City Engineer of the City of Anah lm. 3. Providl p for off..,street parking. apaces. 4. Signs 0 ; the prop~ty to be li.1 tee! to one sign, 3.x4 feet or 12 squa feet. I. 811 ~ CWnull. tdahed te f the%' in..,tlpte thl, 'VeianCle" and. revi.. .._ ordered to b. held Feb 21 1 7.. .,.,' on motIon by CoUJtctlbt8il Van Wagontr,seconded by Council_..t Schutte. MOTIOI CARlIED. VARIAft:;E IJ). .277; B.equest,ed by Ra ond L. Allen to conveJ't and al ter a four-e.. garage into _ apartments. granted ._~~~:l=:tC=~ tiort ~~t totheb lesolution Mo. 6$ Ii" r....late.-nce ef. Ifenee..1OM~ the rear of theprOIMJl't.y a_I;>,3 along the side yard tor pri.vacy, 1jJf.theOCl:lilpante "01... th:.'li~ sf..; qurters. 2~ TU.J.n._llatlonof....~......foot "~1 ..a .. 'So;.f~t"'$ld...lk aloftg 1~ the front o;f the .f~ect. ~op8tIt., on So\lth.~;gti'eet. ,.:. Action by tAe City Pla~ng C08Iis$lon was sll.stai~ by the City COUflcil. , Y'4UAteEJl).,1278; Requested by B\J on lOlll and leme I. '.&Jld.~~Qrt.L. ~SU.ll~j ~D~ p.~i.slln to erect a super se ice stati;n at the nortn.est corner of South Los Angelesltreet andt Bell but. : ariance.ftartller r-....t_the ..1;v.J~ of the.: F.L. z.ne~ """"..j TIte f1tyPllUU\i'ng C~d. +ion pursuanttc thelrR.101utit)1llf... 6~p~ed said varlanc. subject to: 1.... :-. u"=n'o~f. t~.2 .....~:...in:t~~~s~:s~ Angela' Street... ... 2.FAgineBi,ng r...lr~ntsJ' howe"er., _d..r .f tall P.L~ ':.OM....S ' ct.aed.... ',' i ~Cl t:y.... Council on ilot,.n by COUl1JilNft. V.h'~"~" '~o~_,by;,. .CouncilJlan Slhutte set the matter .+r' "~ra''''Jir,.uipeb~ .l~ _ II "7..1.';cltek J> .14. MOTtO. 'CARRIED. YARIANCE 10.,279: sw.i tted by st hen J. Teliska r....tt.tpenda.lcm .1>.:rect \we, I-story ,3- or 4-un1 t apartaellton two lots on Callbrldge Street. . ! . " f ), '. l. ..... . . '. '.' .. '.'. .L, Tie 01 ty Planning Co_1 'tionfJ\lr-8UJaAt' at ..~ ..~_( .""'tr." said varianc. aubj ect to: ' The extensiGn 0 f C . ridge Stoataaro..' tu' "j~tJ. pr.,.rt,." 2. Installation of cut , sidewalks, and other 1JRprov.erits. I MIl. turner,. res1dentatt41 SOllth ~ltl_J.."b:".. th..C.ua:ctl~ .~, stating that, the granting of thi slrlance would create . a traffic. ha%ar~~n thl~ are. and'*-rittenappeal fr_ acti. i taken by the PlaMing eo.tisaloa...ff,l....th the City lDouIcil.' . It Pablic Hearlnt to bj held on the .at_~ .on ItOtloJl by Councllaan Van: .qener, secoRded ED. ~ail.-n Van Wagener ved to ad1jOWl'n. COUflc.ll..-.Fry seconded the .otlon. Jl)rlON CAlRIED. l' 1&Jaa~. AltPROVliD. SIGNEJ). :] II " :l 872 eft - I I of the!i City of Anaheim met in RegularS.asien. PRESENT: COUJeILME * Pearson~ Fry, Schutte, Wisser,and Vaa WatDner. ABSENT: COOICILME * None. CITY AlTORNEY, PRESTOJIl.1uRNER: Ptesent. CITY ADMINISlRATlVE OF iCER, KEIllI A. MtlRDOCH. Present. IIlNUIES1 The Minutes . f... the. AdjO~..lllned and R""lar M.etingsheld J__.qY..l1, j 1955 ar.d the AdjouI1ledlegular Mettting held January 12, 1955' wer. approved an motion by Councilma :Van Wa9on~r, seconded by Councilaan Wis.er. MOTION CARRIED.. IfARRANTS AID DEMANDS :Counci lman Van Wagoner reported d.ands against the Ci ty -.unting to $154,9IQ.-~. i Councilman' $ser raoveciithat report of FinanceCe-.mlttee be a.ccepted- and that warrant be dr by the treasurer to pay said demands in accordance .. th report. Council. Schutte .~onded the JIO-Uon. MOTION CARRIED. PUBUC ING. Public Hearing was he:ldpUlJ'suan.t to an 8)lJJleal filed by .de Y. and Vera Mendez requesting zone reclassification froJl\ R-A to C-l on pro ..rty locat~ at 1514 East Center Street. to be used as a medical office buildng. The City Pla.ing Co-u.tsion pursuant to their iRe,olution No. ~ reco..ended the reclas Iflcation 'e denied inasmuch as it fa.iled to eaJ'ry the required vote. - I I I I T).lose addX'es ;n9 the Co~ncil in opposition to the grafttinl of said _classlfic:atlon were: /Marshall lictor, 1610 East Birch StrH"t and.r~ ..lallIer, 1511 East Ce e1' Str&etoi Those addre8~ng the COtplcil i.n favor of tlle ~aR;,ting,; 01 saiel I'e(;lassi- fication werel J. D. .. '. nley, l6~1 East Center Street and Mr. W. J . Wesolek (proposed ,wrchaser of -tihe property and (j),wner of blAsine5s located, at 124 East Genter Street). "$. Thelma phy add1'.ssed the COUAcil reiard4.ng the est..lislwtents of business IRd the wo ing wi tll 1ne Archit_wral CQ.ntlte'e on ~lionlng in this area, and stated t the wotking wi.th an heM. tectual Co_ittae was very satisfactory to all co erned. Afte!:' furth., QisQussioJl by the Council and those;intet1tst<<l:>inthis rtelassificatien, C.u I iii.. Van ~a9orU~r IJtOY~ said ret~_.s1fle.tion '))e Gelded.. ctuncilman Wisser seco the m..ion. MOTION CARRIED. The City PIa 1"19 CQRll~s101il pu:rsuant to thelr,Reeolution,lfo. 63 ~cQmmended the reclas Jication ~bj.c, to: - , f P LIe;; ~AIlING. ftEC, tile nQrth side of West from R-A to C-1. 1. The deedi 9 of 20 f~et to tAe City of Anabel. for tile wld'Jdng of La Pal Avenue. 2. Installat on of curQs and sidewalks. 3.. Paving ofJlest La P~l.a Avenue frCUR curbs te exl1ltlng ,av..~t. ,," ~ HI 173 C ,-'II. T....ddr..,ing the C . "cation; .... Foote, owner of LQ .Ad Mr.........y oppos.'-9.., \Nt.. r*c]j property "ld far exceed the v. that if hit property could be e~ then h. w01lld not be in~si tt 11 werel. a. v. Stott flvorlng..,tht r.clasal:- Mos. 30 and 31, opposing the rec"la.81fl~atioftJ slficatloft because the l.,rov.erfts of'bf& e of the land asa C-l .se.. Dowever, h.tV::felt uded f:ra:tbe area propesed tel be, rezoned, to the rezoning. ~r p.us.- uked 1f Geuncl1relu"dlng tl'ttt I$'tterl oturs in. tbe. awllfJ)Ge -\SMd to a.ddt.'1 the e being aoa_it 'declared. th. h.r3:~t cl_ed~'.: :1 Camcll action on thls~classifie.tion was wltldt.ld to 111QW ~;,ta' work out PlItbl_. of rezoning. PUBLIC ~. .,' NG, IECUSSIFICATI rezonin, 0' the ntrth side of .. Street fr_Jt-2. to ~3. ... Thelma' "hy atlU.sed the C..eil r.,aX'ding, this rfil.at1flea.ti.Gn and stated that the area was noctnger sl1itfble for present zoning due to the size' of th.. lots.' " MIr'H~P.r" a_tKllf.':~. In,....aadlft~:..:wt... to aId~.s.;..tBe CoundlJ ttltre heing non., deela '.~ the heating clo$ect. "',', 1F-fl+55-22: Propert'f'; _l~ .teqast,1ag':the; Broadway between South IHt Street and Walnut COOleI IJIEN. . t::afJCJl.IlBN j alflCI lMIlh ~ page i F THE: CITf OF AtWIEm FlelNG ~b1J.~ID. IN CERTAlN~ A!lUS.:OFTUCl[J\lIIi;.'OiA1b.lC1E . .PAL COOE ~ B! AIII~"'$ ACrJrMlU$HSAm :l RESOWTI0MlpI). 2613.l Ccnancll.un,; ~h.t't. o,ffes-edResolution No...2623 'arul .oved for i tl-p....g. . aRGadoption. Rlfer to Resolution BOQ A RESOLUTI Of DIE CITY 'C4IIlCI" THAT AF IS KECESS 11 CHAPtEk,a OF 11!. >>w{IIII ..1 €IWIGi:OF .. (F-5..5142). 1 ~.. J'ol:l call the: fore, ..~g,M'olutl.n wat d\tl~ passed an4'I.~..q~U the City ClUncil on the followiJ\ ,vote:' :J AaS: .81 _Iff: F%'J, $ch..tte, Wi..., an<<': Vb ....ne:r. ~.:-:) . ~.. 11Ie Mayor declared the+regoing resolution duly passed and adopted. IE A!Ik: ABADOJlII lH I " rttln:nwy, s ten Law Fi_ of O'M.lveny and Myers to the 18flt. Ast .r Ule 1941 Act. a aap. of. ... anaJ salwingtheJ at s and the loeations' of the~ st:t..t.~ tai'" ~.,=- locatioR 0'...... the businesspl'$pe!'.. .,} .th.e re51~eJ7ttd:alJ>r..ftty.,';aJlld'...s.ti."'.i,.Jti'~....,.. er with 9_e.l information. He 1n tl'lled the that the residents lnthe a~.. ..... requttstitd the eo.cll to clos. t . st:t..ts on aceGunt of'taetrafftt; 'hazard and danger th.... t felt. existed to tile ~.ildren requ... ired to. Qoa. 100.9 thos.~ ~~..e~~, and reqa..... tha-t tbey 'giveafl' ,tinien, as to .at the' CDt1lt~I.l alltlt..~ ~. under tie ,irce_stanees to vac.at ,1 the streett Under. the prOgte4ing',i e.....RlId: or ~ny otblr proceed.lngs. .. opln1oft of, C) 'Me 1 ven.4,and ',Myesrl( ~ ~tD..., e.'ltlled!!l !-JIlQt~'n.1f~- CouncilaanSchlltte, seeoaded by ell_ft"'., ,'''1"ldIIJC_D. 'J J, .. :l Afti Oft en the pJJ'opo sad taken up ., the next ...ting of osing of theseatJ'eets._ ordered. L to be e City CoUncil. being FURarY"8, l~5. seed the peuncil and r.....iea'p.l1I.1s.1on tt' . purc.~" inanoth..ci ty. He prop.... to el of laJ$l on NOrth Gilbert Street. He aRCl i t _~ noted to b. a l600-sq\lare-f~ HOUSE ~ \;1OfD1 Mr. Holt a aove il"l\0,3' e City .f Anah.i. a IIOve th. .8. 0ft a half-acre p presented the plMa of the hous Rouse . 874 -- I I i I I Under the ex Ci ty is prohibited. there should definitel ~thln the City - the Property ~ers. The (;1 ty Attrney was instructed to prepare the nece5Qry~rdinance to take care of this t e of prob~em. J .tingAnaht' i. Municipal Code., hous..ovtng .tnte> the '.. cus$ion 0:,.. . this prObl_. roilowed.! and 1.t ._' f.l~. .that j bea way . 0 allow a home of this-cat.egory t-o~beJllO-Yed ome being,bove average and an asset to the SUrrounding TENTAn ACT NO. 72th Due to the add! tibn'of etctralots in this tract, reconsideriion by th~ Council was necessary. This tra.ct 1s located on the south side of ,adway bet.een Orarage and running .east of where' Nutwood Street would extend. 'bdivider, '! Teda\ar DevelQpaentColftpany. , . The City Coqil on mot~. on by Councilman Van Wa9~ner, secencled by Goun.cu..n Wisser appr . ...ed ReviS.. Tentative Map Tract N'o. 1728 subj.ct ,to conditions as eutliaed .~norigina, approval. (1~11-55) VIED TENTATIVE MAP ACT NO. 9401 Subdivider, George M. Holstein and Sons. Tract located on the ..t ,side of Gilbert Street Mt.'eJl Lincoln Avenue and koadway. The revised _ tallv. ,,,p contained conditions .aspreviously.dt fer'tA by tae City COlIn 1 at. thel*: Dece.oer .28, 1914 meeting, 'thatb.t~. lots on Gilbert Street to b :of 8O-foo1 mntage and tha second ""4- third tiers north of Broadway to c tain lots!of 7Q-foot frontage. - I I I l. Engine" 2. Payment recreati 3. The wid ftg C08d ~slon approved tile 'ttract s8JKt to I requlreBfents. $25.00 p. lot for acqal,ltienof. park and si tes.' . n9 of the [streets. , to: The City Co ;. 1 app~.... Rev! sed . T. el1tat. i.. ve........Ma. P T.. rai>t lfo. ...... 1..9<<). ;_.' j......8. C't to conditions as outli .by the qity Planning Coais$ion and flath.1' .,.jttet to $. .eeti.. by the rider of la fenceal.,. L1J;lf;oth'Avemte. ~: <:: " -? . iF 25Qe.: S~ivider, M. G. McClaran., Build__s'. Ltc.,t1on Stre.t *d Ball Road. 63 Lots. ng Gommisjsion voted. to approve the.t_tatl~L_)i sUb-ject 1. t of $25.~ per lot for t.e acE[Ul'&ltlolrof:'Plfti tion si te$i. requir_nts. .... ,~ 2. :. Tile City COlin J.1 . CilnlUltlpn by GounctlMn .SChutt.; "'.DM_(~ay' Gtuncil_aPry a,pro...tentative~, Tract*.:25O$-S'd9ec,. te tiGA~tl'.'-a" O1Itlined by the Ci ty PI tming C~$$ion~ and. furW.r.t)t.t'jhcnl'le''-'~]t;''l. &e t2'act caapI y t.o the pro sion of th.e house sizes of that area. J()TI0N OAlIIBll. \ "IT r.~:; TlACT NO. 1.686: Subdlv Cier, Roben S. Belland MactR.'.tKinle't ~gt:l. Action by the~i tyCc.n.lnc~l Em the revision of uld tract ... ;lutl~5i~e. TINTATIVE MAP .1RACTNO,"2164:S~lvldert RoquetReal ty Company. Thi~~~act i. locat . ..... 'Nf.Jr !h' .1 I~ 'aACINOl"til Clt_n Street. ~.rihel'l:y':~. Lelz Drive. . j - r A request for . variance,! from the a-Q toR-l ZOJU.n.g OR, tlut8& lots has been filed ~th the Cit Planning fommission, and the City PI.nnlag Co..i..lon aJlProVled the tentative P slIbj act! to: T" ' . 1. The. po.sl. l.. !J......unll.' lIf the Yilria"". fr...R ~Q t. ...1 lll.'t. stze. 2. 11le payaet of $25.04> per lot for the actl'1is1 tion of pQ'.k. ,.net. recli'eatlQ \ si tes. . ' 3. Engineer1 '~ir*ts. 88 r "75 P"'l..,ui:t:lng Gut:O' .".i.-.t of tld,a.,... fO:rlUWlvlslon ~ di$C!"sstlt ~ it; -''l1msi. thattbtt__Uve'.p .... .aubiadtted... the b.stpo.lb~e IOltttlQft 'to th. evelo_cmtof this .... O. motiQR by COWlcilun chutte, seeoncied by Council.JllU1&y,. T.taU'Q Map, Tra.ct Ifp. 21~ _$ approved ject to conditions as Olltlined by the City Plaoolrt9C_SIl... MOmON'CAIIa D. FINAL MAP. 'fJC!..NO. 2381: The C1v Engineer report" necessary btproy...t bonds .. _"ltln91.~ir__t lhave teen'18t aad~eci tIle .,.,,~ of saldlintl1ltlp;. [ . > ~' ~, ,,-) ~.. III 0 ti on, .by CQ\lftcilMn :.cnutte, ..co.~ ity Counci... Plty,,::Bla.t Aftp, Tract No. 2381 was approved subjei to engineering requ1~ts. . MOTION C;AIIU!1>. 1 ' ; FINAL *l;.~r ..,~ 23731 lh. C1Y:Enfin"':rtpOrted..~..p.AHft.A' requir_.-nt, ami i.-prov..t """, !tulfd/ ._~pelt.ft.. _ct:rec~M-ed-the'''val of said tract. Of' mati.. ,Dr COWlCll.J1lUtan W.gonet, ."*ntaci by"o.nei., <<1~,.." .... Final Map of said Tract No. 2373' ..8 approYed subject to engineering requt~s. FINAL ~I '.lfO.. 2300a . The G y Engineer :nportedbtp~t_.dS for uid tract, __.~ ,wi th _qt...riag, ,naeft'ta, have been. ..t 8n4L~~"":1the approvalofl..1d tract. 1 ' Oft.,........ Ill.. o.tion D.' counCil". n 'j.ry, secoR4l..... ed by CouBcil-.n s.elwtt.....Fl.'... Tract No.2" .....,.rov'ld s~j i toengin.eerlngreC(tl11reaets. MOTION CaIJ:I). FINAL ~, fACT NO. 2393: The cty EnginMJ' repo.r~that :eagia.U'l~, rtquire- .ents hue ..n me-t IIfti bcmcll f.~ . aprov..-twltbln said: .tract have b.en posted, and '.!'ecOBBttnded the appro) of said tr.ct. M.ed ,by Councilman Schtte, seco~ed by Counc=1btan Fry, tile 1=1u1 .. of TractrNo. 2393.. appreved Sld ct tco -.lftftri.Dg reqtd.reents. erI~Jf CARltED. )..J DI..scussion of the tract' lwere held and Coul'1cilmanSchutte moved that ~e t~era1tn9 t.)l.~.&Jtem bo~a, being Ults Nos. 1 toe,lO" MJCh9ged tea. the 70-foot froitage. Council..n Fry :teconded the motion. MOTIOH CARRIED. NCIllH. SU~A~TIQN_.h Tlle C~ Plannlng."c--..81eJt!s. rec",_I~$.n, ,dat.. J...:r.y .n*~~,., laSe sldlldtt., .. eel 9~fted:t.Celv"'_,,' tll.'Q!l:;.,tl.ftl>tiy C_I'jlC~lMIn _$..'1'. s.'1'l4ldbyt cllllankliutte. .COrIO. >CAJllIED~.L .[ ~ ' CIUlINAlCa 1- 969&. COUfteiblan V . I..goner off.red Ordinance No. 969 fOr first re.4ing and ...~, fer its pal,tag..: i.nd adoption. OFJJjJ CITY CKlJtclL.i THI :etTY QFAlWIIJIM ClUnNGtTHI,OFFICI OF Nt AND PlE92IBIIG IlfTIES OF SAID OmCE. ,1' . CR>I.~ Nt9t6. CQ\tnof.l.en:SC tte offered &Ninaace... "~~_"'~;.r;:; its passl'9..ndadQptlon. 1pa,9* , ; ANCRD1ftANC' OF. THE CITY OF AMAlU! "DBCLAlUH$ iHEIJIJ~OI\OP lJl! jCJ1W~1t ~'.l" '" AJWIIQN AN BAS PUBLIC ~LrrY p. ...lJPQtI., 0., All) ItlIlOSS .~ ~. ~ ,...', AL.,. '..~" A'1'l~ .~;~..LAC.. RJl A HE.AR.llfG '. A.' ....'r..:.DIJU!QfIIG TMJ$' l1JCGOF NmICIS~~'~1ME'MJLICATIOR OF nus ~t7 " .... E. ('UBUC HEARl , FDRUARY21.,i"t;?~.-61~K ]).14.) (.ACT 111. I!f!>). . . -- o il :l 816 Ci ,;,J PI." ~ On roll call the following vote: forego~ng ordinanqe: wa. duly.pa$$edmd adopted by ~ I ~ I ' ! AYES: NOES: ABSENT: lie. ,nJlE. .)12 t'. ,ea,rso!l,~ry. Schutt., lfiuer. and ..v.n Wagoner. CILMEN: one. ICILMEN: :,one. The Mayor de tared the 'oregoing ori1n.ance duly pass. and' adopted. ClIDINAl<<J: NO. 967: Co .c!llUln Fry oJfered Ordinance No. ,967, and,,:AOVatll. ~ its passage and adoption. Refer to Ordnance Book. page AYES: NOES: ABSENT: .. ~earson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van 'agoner. ~~~:: AN ClQ)I~E Of THE CI 10 VACAtE AND ,UA.NDOM PI1RP08E$ ALONG THE g A HEARING THEREON PUBUCATIOH OF THIS 01CLOCK P.M.)' ~ On roll call he feregQ~ng ordinance..s, duly pas$e4antt."ptMby tile fOllowiftg vote: ~-, I i ! ~ iared the _pregoing ordinance duly'p.assed anet/adopted. 9IDllUJCE NO. 968: Co ilDlan Fr)t offered. Ordinan<::e HQ.t6land;JIWed for its passage and adoption. All ORDIlWCE OF THE CI 3811, 3312, 3313, A. ~IKG. LOtS AJID AR~ anaSt ~PROYIDINCJ RlWLATION TIiElEOF AND BY THE MONTH. Af:ter hearing J'ead the * tl e in ful.l,of Ord.in.a;n. :/No:~ 9~lt ,ana ~ klllowledge of the conten ~ thereof,i Councilaan Schutte moved the reading1.'.fUll 1 I -" of sa d ordinance be wa Veda Count:11maA'.ry sftcnded the metioAl. ..tion unantmously carried by e City C~ncil. nce Book,! page OF ANAHE:d... ".AMENDING... '-UTIC. LE III.., c~. J5'i'~.,.,~. 6 OF THE i~IM Jl.JNICIP AL Cf8E AND DECLARIMG'VltIC AND~" ,NTAIxaD.BY,1'MiCITY TO'BE ~_l'~' 'f THE INS! .LAnON OF P~I,lIfG J1IETE16 ;1lIIaBXH~ ..r1HE VTH(lRIZIN '. THE CITY, OOUlCIl 1'0 RENT J>~l. tor. SPAc:E AYES: NOES: ABSENT : ILMlN: ".1'son, Fry, Sch.utt." Wls.eri':andVankPtler.. ILMEN: Nt>>ne. ILMEN: None. On roll call he foregCl)if19 ~inance No'. 968 .... ,C!lulYPJl.slCI ,Dd a48pted bythefollowin vote: ; '" - I I I j The Mayor dee I.red the ftreg.olng f>r.iilila.~~ dul:y,;. 'P~J&.t .tpQ ."".J ), -. ~; tccf CJlDINAlCE NO. 965: Couttilman Fry offered Ordinance Mo. 965 ana aoVN lor its passage aM ad~ptiQn. ~" Refer to Ordi nee Book, page AN ORDINJJCE OF THE CI OF ANAHEI' APPROVING' THE ANNEXAtION TO SAiD' CITY OF AllAHEIM OF CERTAIN INHA 'TED TERR1tCRY KOfW AS H1JD()QJh~L:~r~.~ After hearingl'ead in full the title of Ordinance No.9ti&'aa llikriri~ heard re.d in full s.idQrdinance +n its first retding. January 11.,. 1951, Councilman Schutte mav .said readlng in full be waived. CouncilMn Pry seconded the motion. lion unanl.$ously carrIed ., the'City 6....:1. 877 oftllnan.t... dlll,.p.aUd ~:_epted,by ~I..MJ!H. CQJlCIIJIENJ COVlCIUlEN t ~,Sdt\ltt.f .1.ser, and "Van Wagoner. t1~J.~~ =~~.~ R.,-.r teOrdlnance Bclo~ lng:.......cduiy,....amt.opt.. oaK oCtend ; OnJ1;I'WlC.' No.' ~c.'anct rIdV.,,':-;. o . .AIUtA AJI): A .JJtllfDIII; .er hQring read in f 1 the title of Ordinance No. 962 and h..rlng ..... tile ...,Sectltm No.5, c11ll8.nSc'.t'te 'Mvtdth.'rea.l~ :1n full of ..ld ordiRan. be waived. CO\1nci ,n Fry sectnded the JIOtlon.Mcttmm 'lIftdtlaottill y ~arried by tie City Council. Oft roll following vo"'te It St aou~LMEJh : Cot.n<<::ILMEN I I O8JJ<<J;IIJIEN I ,9 o:rdinan,. ... chalypa.'ed and.d.pt8ct by the Frtt SGhittU. _..., aadV'all ....... "', /...... n TIle Mayor declared tlte ctregoing ordinance duly passed. and a4-optNe t ~ - '-. , ~ ' .PINAlCE.NO. 970: CouncilJU.n Van .goner offered Ordinance No. 970 for first ioeadf.ng alii..... "ir 1" pass." ! .... adopt10..'; T ~- ,. - " - ~ \ .. '_.J:" DfE. CITY OfAl~lL '1.Ullnl):t'tfG *",TIQLE IIt,~t.'lt^ *'fI0JI1~.1 MlMC[PM. CfBSRltl '. .. T<> A nME ,AND PLACE FEll.... mmtfG .1BGUltMl" " .., I. Q''C;UU' . ).. IND '711 COllncilman WI.r offered Ordinance No. 971 for fIrst readi... t . aty) of' ArQdae.i'.esfJll1il n Mo. 2"'; oel lIlOVedfWr l-t$ 'JUI..,e and "'8cleptlon. :" ::) AN ORDINAlCEOF THE CITY OF !NAlEl II.rNICIP Ai Cr" RELATING TO THE IS' 'tHmtEIN '~IlCi' THE USE :0]t I MAP SHOll. THE BO\JMI)ARIIS OF S ..OVIDING FCIJ ADJUSTME~, AMHNDJIE THE. YI~n" Am tEP1!-AuNG.AL1. $ .Ini. (F-.*5~19). IANBID.' ......111.1...... TIG.LE' IX, "CHAP~'()F. '......... SJIIINT ()P 2'0 S 1M TIm CI'OF AtWiEXM AND, ,.II... 0., .~UJI~ ..:~!SP..!S, ,AlXlPJ:IHG ZOIES D!FIU.....!IE ....t~ "'f~),.: , " . ..... .' .....', ...~....., AND ENFQlCElENT, P~S;IUBING PIIQLTIU .RR' TlOIlS ORYPIiTS OFSECTIOIIS IN C~ICT mIRE.. After hearing read in f 1 the t1 tie of Ordinance No. 971, rea.lll' 1J11 full ()f _d'''~.:..Wa lywatMd':by the CityCWJltil'onllotiOJl hy j';ll... Council"" ~tte, secol'lded by C6. cllBlan Fry. MOTION CAlRIED. .. , ., t i.RESQWTI~ Nt.".. 262.....4J CouncilMan S. :utte offered lesolution Wo.,:,.!624;aJ1I..W.X' if ts pasHge --.rtd adoption. Riter to.Ruolution JIG ( 1 p... , 1.1., nm.-.;;:t:tT'f fJP AtUKEIM i.woINTIM.; ItI'rH'n.. ~I.. . ; .l~ RE5dlUTIO.P ltfI' CIn CQUICIL ,JE'PUn CITY .~ ?F nIE CITY OF 878 i, I I I i . ! On roll call the followlngvote: AYES: !fOES a ABSENT : J . forego~n9' . r.~on, was dulyp..sedand a_JlhdDy ~ILMEN: E' earson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, lmd Van W.goner. I I..MEN I fle. ILMEN: ne. : 'oregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. "cy:UTI.o~.NO. .26251 ~uncibtal\ ~ry offered'lleaolution No. ,2625'and'~.oYed for f'ts paasag. and adopt!. .'.. A RESOLUTION OF THE eI run CLi"RK AS ELL AS OTHER. P APElS AM:> TEl DEPOSIT TRUST FU page 'I COUrcI~' ,FTHE CIT! OF AltWi!III. AUl'HCltIZItIG '.llm'DVUIY JCITY C,', .... AJtI et'Pl '1'R.SAtIItD 1'0 S1CU!E CHBerS:'AMD RlR . OW BEHALF OF nIB ClTYIN COIOIJECTION <WI1H THE ACCOUNT !NO RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 2511. ' i .1 . PWNICATlON. Commun ation fX'Olja.,' the HoracaMann PTA nlat1ve to nO."1-lill' comic ..oka and necessary Ie ,slatiol'\t~ereon was subutitted and read,. and refettectto tile City Attorney for 'yestigati.n. . . GHY AUDITQl.. City Au 't.or W..8. 5.=. a...'., th.o. rized. to use adjustiR. 9 j.OlU'. n.lentr.i..*s as _tI1.ed hy Diehl ad any,' itors, on motion by Counclwn Fry; 8~dtd by CO\mcilWlan Wisser. TIOM G '. liD., . itted ~y Harbor and Ad..s PIlJll1)ift9 and Ehln,...-nd o1'dered jreceived and filed_en approved, by th., City uncilmanIW~sser, seconded by CQUtlcilmanFry..:J<<)TION !! : I . I ~ NlJdiNG BQtI)~1 Bonds Jlml.p weresubJRitted Attorney, on motion by CARRIED. 1955 SPB:;IAL CENSUS: ,. E. B. L..1s, Supemsar .fthe, ~1~lCensu~ ..,d. a preliainary announc.e of returi1s as of January 7, l~' to be; 2',927 population. Payroll in the amount 0 $2,645.54, cov.ring ,the cost of servicesp.no11Red for the Special Census, was authoriz~ on motion by Councilm.an Van Wagoner, seconded Qy CQuftcl1aan Sclwtte. MOTION C.IED. REPalT: '~ual R~~t Qf th'PoliceDepartJj~rait. 111$ ordered rtece1 ved and fll<<l, on motion byCdflRcll..n Council'" Fry. MOTION ,CARRIED. p, .G. DiP AR.1MENT ANNU sDlitted, approved, Van Wagoner, seconded TI Repo:t~ of expenses paid during -the .~tA,. Qf,D~.u,.r, 1954 was submitted and rdered reci.ived and filed, on motion by Councilman Vp WagoR,er, seconded b Gounciimap Fry", Jl)TIOR CARRIED. S4J:.E OF PU!I>ING UNIT, rge Oeli:~rs, Superintendent of Light, Power, Uld 'late., .. authorized to, sell ~1ng uni:~ ob~lne.d in tkepurehAlse of prop*tffroJlt 1_n Wells, on mo'tion . Gouncilmatl Wisser, nconded by Ctuncillftanfty. Jl)TION CARRIED. ~ I ' I JUFRM=rAON CONPJIlElCE: ,'eGreatlottitl Director and. Assi.s:tDt JleG::reatiMal Llirector WC'e authorized to atte . the join~ Meetings of the Recrea~ional. Gonferen~e at St..fl. t.a.cliVz, Fe....,ua. ry 12 ~." rough. .14t.'. and the ea. tim. a.tell &xpJ!l1.....s.....0f_..................:5I...~..........:IU....>.. h. :.". . ~. paid!n advance s.,j :t to i t_"zed expenSh .upon retum__Sa\lttuail~L_ ffiClftion by Councilman Va iWagoner, Seconded by OouncUman"s.e~. II)T~"".. 'l.1tASH COU~IIOJblh. ,oposal fot colleeti~of trash .~th1nJte8:h1.~)__X'lt.& irt this City byP1."iv.t.~()ft'tractoril wasr, dlsQI$$ed Pi 'the ,City 4olmCl1.. Mt",,' Mulrdoch reportSd thr.e 'formal hi. proposals hadb..nreclfiiv'ed at t)d.s;:UWt~and believed an additional 0 would b. forthcoming. HOTEL-MOTEL DISNEYLAND I . Original tequest for reclaasi f1ca;t.10!l' of:! tbb~ 'ftft1tO allow the establishment .of Hotel-M,tel to serve area near DisneylaRd..' e:n.nged to a requested variance for Blore d+finl te c01l:trol oftheu:.a,..;and;~l1f1d of $25.00 difference in fi tng fee wa, authorized to he made,. on mot1on))Y,~tl1MP. V. -.gon.er, seconded b CGuncil.llla~ WIsser. MOTION CARR1SlD. . '" ;': 1 I I i I i ! I I .. 879 J p.~~J ;~ P~t of o.......~;sya.cat1cnl that Mr. Hess. WIll unable to use cil.airtllast year wa. a\lthori%ed.,_'.o~,r~ lCottnd.l- man Van la.gGJler, seconded by coun_llWl Fry. lCrION CAlRliD. ..1.R...t~f.F:r.ftkCOD., Deputy C.lty ended llyi1ilhe Nliial"isttati VEt Offl;c:erancl Chief ::0,. .i........ y Council, on motion by Council.an Wisl.r, .. . CABI..., B4Plo-,..nt sf I"an S:. ttAraft...n, Sched.. . 2+A".~;_~q:~t:..U_,~,~,~.y the Gl ty Entln"r and Adad.ni$tl"at e Officer, __ lutiloftzlldlJy the-, C-1.,tY~1l1, . on motion by Councilma.n Wisser, . onded by eOdcl~.aJl Seftut~. MOTMB CAllIS. c , : . the C~ty. of Ora.,. of tax cancell.Uon on lint aaal,,)Oda* n<1..e.dM by AdtJalAl.tr~i... Co\tD:cilNa'Sctl\ttt*, $80nded. 111 CfUB~l,lIa_ .U CONSOLIDATI. Of PARK All) RBCIIA their a~ltQ ..ltlb.. J4or1I011_"., . 'S1:ft91.d.r-, 1ft .. .1IIIi' plunge; and 'the CltyAttorney wa$ the Code toacc-.plish this eons. DEP I The City Council indica.teet O;ftbe ~reatlCJftlancl Pnk a.,~,. ,tJ\tCl -of pnhl.., .~.., :s~ .ttHS, COAct..-l.ns, nstructed tQP~ tne necuauychange tl'l' dation. C~.31P ~WnOJl;'NO.~. 20495. following c nges to be made to a<<dIng, "lsslst.t City Attorney ( $c......1. No.~21"1 $eo.'t1on l3 bJ; . ...11 ..allOwed' 1$0.00 per .-tit. to, "Payt'OII Offl"Cer, $170.00 ,. , e ~1n.i8~U~. Qf.C",;.d"~ ~.'~~. .. . olution*. .~l .lect1M ~3:~b) if... }~"'by rt-tIJae), Schedule Mo. 20," "Fir. 'Intptetor, .. by. atWl-. '~!,AUi...nt .fU,tY.At.__ .,f.fic.ir_tal~tt:'Js.etlon'2$ (f) _""C~'" ,tn." (1':, .... II =.;ui~Nl. ~~;:ll~~:tl r Wagoner offered .Reaelution No. 2~, ~Rd _le1'; t1lRMolutlon Do A RESOLUTIGW OF THE CITY COUtl:IL 13 AND 2t (t) OF RESOLUTION NO. AHAIiBIM..............iitIIJ.I .......'. '.....,SHI..MG. -A IS ".:IC IN THE MItflIIPJ;,.. SERVICE OFTH& THE PLAClltUtll OF PRESENT lIP PJlOVIDING MIl PHYSICAL FXAMINATI RBSOWTleNSf~NOS. 205"A AID 21Al.: t f 't.p~ " l' -'p __ ~J,,-.: ~ THE CI111GJ MAHBII ~NI"llIGSlCI_f.i~"(l:f)J, ENTITL$1 "1 RBSOLUTION OF THE CIn OF p~ -.. GSlTUaeMSIES"O'fMP_ H,lStA.ijt.'.Rljy~II_' .. .nuN tItl . ,'.' 1WA;":[~~.PJt.fWIDQ1 t, HOLIJ)AYS, AND VACAnS_, AMD R.EPEALING OIl roll call the f0890''''9 resolution ...duly pan.el .and. ~.Jt-ud BY'; the follo.1a9 vote, APSe ~S: AlSENT I CQUl<<}ILMEtI: ~ILIElb COUlCILMEN. Pr, f SchllttJt.. 11.alft, "ancl :V.!WaIO~ DIe Maye declared' the tnegeint IWH:lUtDrl).duly:_.&...UtI...._~.. ~~~qtTIOIl~~~14~ .tJ\at.-:lf.l1Jf:'l'Iptrty lOCJt.. ,dditoftuCliAlt ~.. Resolu preparethl;ne~.saary ordinance ".ddllf tt- GeunmiL. Dee.... 1 r~l.$;.l'l.tloD, ~. tke City '.A, ..tell.i. an Amhttect MUd RESOWT19NIIO. .2627:. . . Counci I.an 1 t1J pu.9<<;and..pt1on. Wex- ~ a..olvUon Do A RESOLUrlct Or THE .Gln,C~1CIL' CERTAIN Cln-OWN!]) PROPIltTY TO t"lW~'t.a.~nJbothe~ f.;_ __li. %0. S""Of...tsbaw-;M\In'~lpt)ioJt\.LtW. .,,: No. ~' ~%lng th..C1ity!;A't~tti! nglng th1~s zone subject to condi tiOJls. ., I.A. FUnbftdl.$cuJd>>n..... jU-IIf~.A.:i tPe; . ~...,.ns'b:ucrted .to' .lM!~'a. \~lutlon. r1Jld~ '~.-..ntsin_r"'I ZOU.,' offered a.solution No. 2627 an4 .eved for ;l 'IliEC-Ll'l ,OJ' ~ .fII:u,i'llli:~.oP STATE OF CALIFCaNIA F(Jltf. AS AM MtJIIlV lITE. 880 J On roll call the fQrego~n9 resolution _64\(ly pa&5ed anGueptWd)jy the following vote: r-, 1 i I I i AYES: NOES: ABSENT I co .~.., IIJIEN.. .'. ': 1'", earson,Fry", S$hutt.e. Wisser, aM Van Wagoner. COILMEN: one. . .. C ILMElh one. . . the foregoin. resol1rtioll1 duly ipasaed aM ...,tClffl. JlESOlllTION NO. 2628:. quncilman fan Wagoner offered Resoltt!ti.oJ\; NG. 2628 ~and .vea for its pa\ssage d adoptio4. AYES I NOES: ABSENT: coo. .. telL ~F THE CITY OF AJWl!IMAPPROPIl.i,I. rrx. S._.t..". ....AIIf PROJI)TI~N OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ~" AV'MaIZXII THE C~ "OF CCJIMIIGi' FOIl lHEOOIJfGJOP' MID'.'fJInsING . ATION TQ'THE CHAMBER OF CQJ.OO!RCE R>R SaVICES 10 BE ,ANAHEIM. A RESOLUTION OF THE CI FUNDS R>R ADVERTISING cpN'II.ACTWInlTHE AID PROVIDING PUR COli> RENDERED TO THE CI TI 0 On roll call the following vote: e forego~ng resolution..s'duly passed and adopted by r/ ~earsOft, Schutt., Wisser, an~ .iYe Wagoner. *ry. !tone. "red' tAe~.regoing resolution dUly passed and :adeptetl. IjJSOWTIONHO. 2629: neil_an ~isser offered Resolution No. 2629ancl JIOved for its passage and ad tion. AYES: I<<>ES I ABSENT : i I I I A RESOLUTION OF THE CI AID 'ACQUISITION OF cm Pnnces L. McNeill). COUICIL ~,F DIE. ... CITY. OF ANAHEIM AUl1{()R.' '12116 ntS ~-.cKA.SJ N REAL p. fERTY FCE PUBLIC PURPOSES. (Joint..... On roll call the followlng vote: be fQregoi~9 resolution was duly passedaad adopted by P,~arsont Pry, SChwtte, Wiss.r, and Van "goner. N'pne. _nee The Mayor dec 'red the f~re9oing resolution duly passed aM'a..,ted. RlSOUJTION M). 2630: llncilman Schutte offered Resolution No. 2630 and _ved for its passage and adO' tion. Refer to Reso,tlon Book~ page ~ i f I i f j , A 'RESOLUTION OP THE CI COUfCIL or.. THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUllPlIZI~ ._............... ".'.. caTUN lEAL PROPERTY AUTHORIZJNG THE EXECtJTION OF A CONVEYIEE " .... (Molly Manufacturing C. any). On roll callae foregoing resolutlonwas duly passed and adopt_ by the following vote: . . I The Mayor decued the fq,regoing resolution duly passtd and ..opted. "-.'~.I <_.. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: P,arson, Fry, Schutt.., Wisser"aDd Van W.pn.r.. N~ne. N+ne. .. ..~ ~~J i~...' ...~~, ~_cilalllt wapner otl_red a.aolvlUtm Noi~ 203l .nd .*"". fo~ 1. pesuge and adopt1. ... 'J 'QJI. nll.U11J tM fo follt1rit! v.te. I i THE Cln!~PA~l~~'=-;F ~'uL";tL 1J MtIlOl.tl~)l'l_. .11:,. ))a..Iii.no ;:ad.t-.:w, , CCIJICILMlUh cClnicXLIIIN. GlMdx..rt:, Frr, Schutt.. .seer, _mil.." 'Wagoner. iwg r,..Jutlo. dILl'i.'std aRd.:'.deptil.:c' P.M. . i oll.raln Schutte.v I to adj ourll to '.tRey .a,~ 1"'-, at ., tel;;. fttllet wl.s;_ .-e..... ..tiol'l. MOTION CADID.. ~. ~..... Sfllu. n 1l j