1955/02/23 9G!> Ci &00 P.M. The City Council tty of Anaheim met in Regular Session. PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUrcILMEN: Pearson, :ty, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. CITY ATTOltNEYt" PRESlDN roRNERa ADS., t. aITY ADMINISTlATI~ OFFICER, KEITH ,~MURDOCH: Absent. ! [] The meeting was called t. I order by the City ClerIc and adjou%'ned to March 8, 1955 at 7100 o'clock P.M. .r lack of quoruan. , ' ADJOURNED. APPROVED. SIGNED. "I Cl SJ*;ial Meeting of the C 1,:y Council of the Cl ty of Anaheim was called by the Mayor 11141 o'clock A.M., Th tsday, March 3, 1955, and waiver of con.~t to the holding of said Special Meet n9 was signed by all m.bers of the Ci ty\ Council. The purpose of the SpeciaMeeting was to consider and authorize the ..le of real property owned by the ! ty of Anaheim on VerMont Street to the Anaheim El._tary Sehool District, blch property is described in Re$olution No. 2198, and te cons14er any other matt s that may come before the meeting. o PRESENT: COUtCILMEN: Pearson, ty, SChutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN I None. CITY AITOIQIEY,. PRESTON nJRNER I Pre tmt. CITY ADMINIS!lATIVE OFFICER, KEITH ~ MUR.D<X:H: Present. IALE OF CITY NED PROPERTY ON V SmEET TO I Th. Anaheim Schoo! District wants to pu hase 2.57 acres of property owned by th.Clty on Vermont Street and would like to *,ake this purchase i_edlately so as contracts can be awarded for the construction ~f their building prior to the 17th of this IIOnth. The terms of this purchase 1.11 be at the rate of $4,~OO.OO per acre, or $11,565.00, aad the Anaheim School ~strict will give the City an option to pur- chase, at the SaMe price, property .ned by them at another location. This ' represents an agreement to sell to ile City of Anaheim an equivalent amount of property at tlte same price just as bon as the School can take the necessary pro- ceedings. Mr. Turner further exp1a ned that it was impractical to have an exchange of properties because the School Di trict must advertise the sale for three (3) weeks before they can complete a sa e, which proceedings, he advised, have already been started. Mr. Murdoch advised. the buncil that according to previous action which he was authorized to negotiat _ two (2) parcels of property were involvedl one, the Vermont Street property wh ph the City owns, and a portion of which the School District wants to add to the t school site; and the second, a parcel of property on Palm Lane, known as Die lnson property. The Anaheim School Distx-ict aas purchased approximately ten (10 acres on Palm Lane and wishes to exercise their option in which they entered nto a little over two years ago to purchase a PQrtion of the City-owned propert on Vemont Street. o He reported that, the eas ~st way to complete the transaction so that it . .. is fair to both the City and the S pool is to nave the City sell the 2.57 acres of Ci tY-OWfled property on Vermont S ' eet to the School District for $4,500.00 per acre, and the City to purchase 5 ac ~s on Palm Lane at the same price, $4,500.00 per acre.