1955/03/03 9IrJ ,23 Tn. City Council ty of Anaheim met in Regular S.ssion. PRESENT: COUlCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUJI:;ILMElh Pearson, T, Sehutte,Wisser, and Van Wagoner. CITY AnOllMEV PRESTON roRMER: i t. CITY ADMIIISlATlVE OFfICER, KEITH . MURDCCHI Abs.nt. I ,.. mMting wa s called March a, 1~1 at 7.00 o'clock P.M., I order by tite Cl ty Clerk and adj ourned to r lack 01 quorum. AaJOURNEI>. APtROVED. SIGNED. 'j: - 11145 A.M. Special Meeting of the ty Council of the City of Anahei. _S c'11IN by the Mayor II.. o'clock A.M.. raday, March 3, 1955, and waiver of con*t, to the holding of said Special" n9 was signed by all JJl.bers of the City" . Council. Th. purpose of the Spec! Meeting w.s to consider and authorize the .ale of real 'property owned by tht ity of AnahelM on Vermont Street to the Anahei. E18llf\tar."yschOolDistrict 1 which property is. described in Resolutl0n No. 2198, and to tonstceX' any. ot1\e1' .at ~s that may' co.e before the meeting. PRESENT: COUtCILMCNz Pearson. t:ry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. ABSENT: callCILMliNI None. CITY A rrcaNEt, PIt!STOI TUllER ,p ;ent. CITY ADMIl1saATIYE OmCER, KEITH A. MUR.D<X:H: Present. ~LE OF CITY~NED ,.CPERTY ON Y 8m T TO I I The Anaheim Schojl District wants to chase 2.57 acres Qfpropertyowaed :I>y the"C*ty on Vemont street and would like t 'I mate this purchase u.edlately so as c..fttr~ts can be a_rded for the constructio I Qf their building prior to the 17th of this"; IIlOnth. The terms of this purchas trill be at the rate of $4,500.00 per ac~., or $11,565.(1), and the Anaheim School pistrict will give the City an option t...r- chase, at th. SaMe price, property bwned by them at another location. This J I represents aft agreement to sell to the City of Anaheim an equivalent amount of property at the ea.. price just as ~oon as the School can take the necessary pro- ceedings. Mr. Turner further expl ned that it was impractical to have an exch,Jnge of properties because the School ~trict must advertise the sale for three (3) weeks before they can complete a' e, which proceedings, he advised, have already been started. ... Murdoch advi sed t which he was authorized to negoti one, the Vezaont Street property School District wants to add to t property on Palm Lane, known as D has purchasell approxi..tely ten ( their option in whIch they enter a portion 0 f the City-owned prop pouncil that according to prevlo\ls actlon , two (2) parcels of property were involvech , ch the Cl ty owns, and a portion of which the r school siteJ and the second, a parcelof inson property. The Anaheim School District ) acres on Palm Lane and wishes to exercise 1nto a little over two years ago to purchase on Vermont Street. He reported that the is fair to both the City and the of Ci ty-ewn. property on Vemont acre, and the City to purchase 5 per acre. est way to camplete the transaction so that it . hool is to nave the City sell the 2.57 acrn treet to the School District for $4.500.00 per res on Palm Lane at the same prlcet $4,500.00 [J o o 906 n 1~5 .,. lla Mr. MurdocH for consideration at It was explained tha " they were purchasing. thi 5 would further wd aately 5 acres for R. School sites. rther explained that the resolution before the Council s time pertains only to the VerMont Street property. ough the City was selling 2.57 acres on VerMOnt Street, aCres on Palm Lane at the same price per ac.:re, and that out the formula of the lQ-acre sitesJ that is, Qlproxi- eation and Park sites and the remaining acreage for Mr. Murdoch urther advised the Council that the reason the SeAool is pUrChasing only 2t aq s from the City is that they already own a parcel pf approximately 3 pr 3$ cres, and this would result in the same relation8hip on the,Yermont Street p~ erty that it wlll on all other sites. . RESOLUTION NO. 2649: ouncilman Wisser offered Resolution No. 2649 and moved for it. passage and. ption. page COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM.~^Ul'HCBIZING THE SALE 01 o THE ANAHEIM &::HOOL DIS1RIC~ AND AUTHCRIZING nm EXECUTION ($ll.565.00. Vexmont Street School site). On roll cal- the following vote: the foregoing resolutlon was duly passed and adopted by Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Vanwagoner.' None. None. AYES: NOES: ABSENT : n lared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. There being 0 further business before the Council at this tiMe, Councilman Wisser mov to adjourn. Councilman Fry seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOORNED. APPROVED. SIGNED. o