1955/03/08 907 The City Councilor th City of Anaheim met in Adjourned Regular Session. I PRESENT: COUtCILMEN: Pearson ABSENT: COONCILMEN: None. CI TY ATT~NIY, PRESTON 11:JRNER: ~ CITY AIlUNISTRATIVE OFFICER, KEI I I Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagonex. I ~gent. . I A. MlJRI)(X;H; Present. PUBLIC NG. RECLA55IfICATIO Inc., r'"1Uelting property locat Avenue and 'lac entia Avenue be r~ to be on the corner to permit th~ of said Public Hearing by the Cit March 1, 1915. The City Planning Co approved said reclassIfication su Submitted by Prudential Ham.., riefly at the southeast coxner of La p.... ned from R-A to G-l and G-2, the C-2 zoni1tg rection of a Super Service Station. . N01d.ce Council was published in the Anaheim Bulletin, ~sion pursuant to their Resolution No. 72 ~Qct to: ty of Anaheim Standard Deed Restrictions. at along North Placentia and East La Pa~ nlng of these two streets. ents. 1. The fIlIng of thei 2. The deeding of 20' Avenues for the wi 3. Engineering requi' The Mayor asked if ant Council on this matter. audience wished to address the. Mr. George Griffith, 0 er of adjacent property, addressed the Council, objecting to the rezonl of thIs area as being detrimental to the property values of his land. I Mr. Elliott Wilmsen st red that he was interested in business frontage rather than subdi vi sion.. 1 I The CIty engineer, Geo 6e E. Holyoke, advised the Council that both streets were to be lOO-foot stree ~. Ir. Ed Mills addressed he Council and stated that he was interested in whatever would allow him the ~ atest return for his property. The City Council, on ~ion by Councilman Van wagoner, seconded by Councilman 'ry, moved to continu, ~he Hearing untIl Aoril 12. 1955. MOTION CARRIED. J 24 Submitted by Harvey P. Riggle, the rezoning of the property located briefly ween Nutwood and Brookhurst. Legal Notice Council was published in the Anaheim Bulletin, The City Planning Co~ ~sion pursuant to their ResolutIon No. 73 recommended that the reelassiflca ~on be denied. , An appeal from action ~ken by the City PlannIng Commission, filed by Medaris-Smith Real Estate, wa$ feceived by the City Council. , The Mayor asked if an pe in the audience wished to address the Council on this matter. Mr. Jesse MedarIs, Au ~rized Agent, submitted a plot plan and picture of a similar installation at '-'0 ~t and addressed the Council urgIng th€ re- zoning of this area. Others addressing the iuncil on the matter were, Mr. Frank Kellogg, who felt that the installatIon of . he Southern Gas Company would result in nothing more than a maintenance t with garages and trucking. o I o o n......;...........,..'.:.. , ! , \ Mr. R. D. ylor, owner of propertyapproxiaately 200 f_t f~ the pro.posed project, ad ,eased the Council, favoring the installation .s a. protec- tive buffer to the p ~ltry concems In the area. Mr. N. J. 1ehly, also owner of property near the propoled aite, addressed the Councl ,requesting that the rezoning be granted be~..of the protection to the po ttry busin8SS&sln that area; that he, hiMself, DS the operator of a largeultry Bus1A"I, and purchased adjacent property to his at subdIvIsion price as a protective measure against the intrusion 6fhis business. 90S Others add '661n9 the Council 1n opposi tien were; Mrs.. Be.,.lIt - Mr.. Van Horn, Mr. A. W. .n Horn, Mr. Carl Linden, Mrs. SChwartzbach, Mr."'" Be_ell, .&nG'. Mr. Jake SChurin.. There "as a showing of the delegation pr.sent of all those in opposition t the rezoning and all those favoring the rezoning, and it .. evident that 'e majorIty present at the meeting were in opposition to the re%oning. The City C .ncil, on Motion by Council.an Fry, seconded by Councilman Van Wagoner, moved t continue the Hearing until March 22, 1955. NDTION CAIRIID. CouncilJun'an Wagoner moved to adjourn. Councilman Wi.aerucondad the motion. t.lJTION _lED. ADJOURNED. APPROVED. Mayor ~ SIGNED. ncil of the City of Anaheim met in Regular Se$.aloft. PRESENT: COUfCI ~I COUl<<;I crn AT'ItBNEY, PRES CIty ADMINISTRATIVE N: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. I ,None. nJRNER: Present. FleER. KEITIi A. MtJID(X;H& Present. c P C Subrdtted ., Ralph. A. O~Brien and Ralph E. Grah_. equestlng a zone reclassification froM R-A to ~and G-l. The property 1 located bl:1efl y at the aou-th...t CQrner of Ball Rtad altd BX90khurst Street, a the requested G-2zoning is for the erection of. SUp... Service Station at t . corner, with the balance of the area C-l for a proposed Mldical Building. L 'a1 Notiee of said Public Hearing was published in the Anaheim Bulletin Ma 1, 1955. The City ~anning Co_lesion pursuant to their R..olution Mo. 74 rec~ended the graD. ng of said reclassification subject tOt 1. The f ~ing of Standard Deed Restrictions of the City of Anah. '. 2. The. Road 3. Engia ng to the City of Anaheiat ,20 feet each along ,JU;l d Brookhurst Street foraneet wid~ing. ring requlreaents. 909 The Mayor asked 1 f any e In the audience wished to address the Council, and Mr. O'Niell, repr..eJ\' .. O'Brien and Grah_. advised the Council that no one in the area opposed t~ reclassification. Mr. Stehly addressed tl Council stating that he was in favor of the reclassification. 1'bere being no others i. ....LseRt. adcIreaaill9 the CouncU on the -UBi the Mayor declared the Hearingcl~ td. , RESOIlITIOJf ~. 26511 Councilman $ utte offered Resolution No. 2651 and moved for its pasalge and adoptiGn. Refer to aesolution ~ , page A RESOWTION. OF THE CITY COU. .' rclL ~.. THE CITY OF ANAHIM fIlI)ItIi AND DETDMIMlIG THAT A CIWq OF ZONE IS NECESSARY N CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CI1Y AND THATAlt11CLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNId: AL CODE SHOULD BE AMENDED TO AOCOMPLISH SAm CHANGE OF 201E. ( F-54-55-26) . On roll the following vote: ng resolution was duly passed and adopted.1IJy , COUtCILMEN: t' earson, F1'y, Schutte, Wisser, and Vm lagcmer. COUtCILMEN: . ne. COUNCILMEN: one. , AYES: !l)ES: .ABSENT : The Mayor declared resolution duly passed and adopted. Mr. George HQ1~ke, C~ this property had been checked as in, in 1910; and that this entire eas_ants. He further advi sed th. through to La Palma, and as far a. use. A map 8S presented by the a 15 feet, and he advised that the ~ adjacent property owners and that the property owners to the east as was originally obtained. ! It was further noted t it the parcel to be abandoned ran north,.w>Proxi- lJ\ate1y 525 feet from Catalpa Aven~ it being approxi.ately half way to ~d Jnd a strIp 15 feet in width. Engineer, advised the Council that deeds on r back as 1875; that these easements came ea was laid out with the abandonment of the ouncil that the eas.ent had never gone he City was concerned, it waS of no particular y EngIneer, showing a previous abandonment of ndonment of the 15 feet. reverted to the e abandoJ'IRent of thIs 15 feet would revert to eing the property from which the easement The persons requ.stin~ to be unaware that the street was as there apptars to be some sort 0 that they could be stopped from us so desired. he continued use of this eas_~nt appeared t dedicated clear through to La Palma Avenue, a roadway used. Mr. Holyoke advised the -g:rG\IP 9 that at any time the owners of the pIrOperty Doctor Bechdolt requeS ~ the matter be continued. ... Murdoch reported ~ ~t this certainly was a d~elopltent that had not been anticipated at the time 1 1se subdivisions were laid out. ..... Turner advised thEt aunell that the abandonment act would probably ,....',.. e under the 1941 Act which requi~ the C0W1ci1 to make the f1nding that the ,rea was no longer needed for pre. t or future use, and also find on investiga- 'tion as to what extent 1 t was bel~ used; and advised that tne matter be postponed untIl a further investigation couJ be made. The City Council, on . Jion by Gounci1aan Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wisser, held the matter4ver until March 22. 19&~. MOTION CARRIED. n n n 910 r MItlnES: The Minute held February 8, 19$ Regular MeetIng helcf held February 23, 1 1955 at 11:45 A.M., by Councilman Wisser of the Addourned Regular Meeting and "'egulaJ:' Meeting at 7;00 o'cloc;k P.M. and 8:00 o'clock P.M.; and Adjourned ebruary 21, 1955 at 7.00 o'clock P.M. J and Regular Me~tlng at 8;00 o'clock P.M.; and SpecIal Meeting held March 3, 're approved on motion by Councilman Van Wagonert seconded J.()TION CARRIED. W D amounting to $322, COIIn1 ttee be approv deaands in accordanc MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Van Wagoner reportad dem.a.nds against the City i55. Councilaan Wisser moved that report of Finance i and that warrants be dr-atm upt,n the Treasurer to pay said wi th report. Counc1lJUn Schutte seconded the motion. REVISED TENTATIVE I These tract. are bound.td by East La P ma Avenu.e on the north. Sunk.llt Aven.... en the "'I,t, the Anahe1m-Olive Road 0 the southt and NOJ"th Placentia Avenue on the ..at. Sub- divider, Prudential .es, Inc. The C1ty P ing C~s8ion advised that practically all of the lots met the requir.eat. 6fthe new ordinance - be,iog over 75-footfrQlltagft _ but I do net have the requ *ed 7200 Ddn1aum lq1Iare f..t 0 f area J and th&t YaManee Mo. 31_ was granted by t . Planning' Coaaission for the waiver of the 7200lCpiare feet mlnimtnn requlr ent; and further approved. the Revised Tentative Maps of Tracts Nos. 2490, 24 1, and 2492 subject to: n cij,.,., -4.:~ ~ ' 1. 'ent of $2$.00 per lot for the acquisition of Parle eation sites. Ing requlr...nts. 2. Tract No. to lack of 1nformati Sueet. not a roved by the City Plaaning C~is81on due the exact location of the extension of Ea.t Center The propos Council, and the Cl Councilman Wisser,. 2492, as recommended tive Map of Tract No. CARRIED . , plan for the subdivisions were ~..ented to tAe City Council, on .otion by CounciI.-an Van Wagonet,I_Mded by ! ved the Tentative Maps of Tract.s' Nos. 2490, 2"'~ and the City Planning COIDie.ion, and .d.iaapprovedthe Tenta- 2569 due to lack of proposed street pattern. M>TION l5l7: This tract is lo~.ted at the. northWest "nft of . a Street and is the tract referred to under. VariAnce No,. ing COJllnlssion approved saId tract subject to. 1. ot of $25.00 per lot for the acquisitIon of Pm . ation s1 tes. 09 requ1r_ents. that the tract would not be subjeGt to floodiJaf. 2. 3. House plans or this tract were not presented, as it is understood it is designed for 1 vidual budld1ngs. ....... I iJ I ~ f ~ I 't On motion Councilman Wisser, secon.ded by Councilman Schutte, Tentative Map or Trac No. 1517 waa approved subject to Engl_rlng Requ1r_...ts and recommendatIons 0 the City PlannIng COMmissiQn due to the fact of the .hlPe of the area to be su ~vided reSll ts in this particular size lot. KJTION CARRIED. TENTATIVE MAP TRACT 07 ; Located at the southwest corner of West Broadway a.nd West South Street The subdivider is Walter H. Leiaert COIRJ'an'fit Mr. lfiedu-ls adYised ttie City P 1a lng COBlnl sslon that the tract would be us8dlor c\t$tom-buil t Multiple-Family Resid ~ces. 911 to: 0- - .8.0) P.M. sion approved said tentative maps aei."$"t: , 1. The payment of ~ ' and Recree.tion si__ Engineering requ1~ ents. That there be no ~ ranee from the street to garages. lot for the acquisition of Pa~k 2. 3. It was reported that ~ foot miniaunrequir_ents _t do rt alleys have ..en provided at the ~ Reclassification F-~4-55-28). Ac~ March 15. 1915. v TENT A TI VE JI!Aa TalC! NO. 15301 loG Street and R~eya Drive. Contaiq (Pertains to Variance No. 292). lots are in excess of the 7200 sqware meet the 70-foot fronta.. Inlnl... All of all lots. (This tract pertains to I n by the Ci ty Counci 1 was Wi tbheld to i Jed at the north..st corner of Baxter 150 lots. Subdivider, Don Hunt & A&.ociat~. sion reported this tract contains 58-foot e the lots are 57.5-foot frontages, and ldbe moved to tn. easterly part of tD pped up to 7G-foot frontages, and appre..a subj.-ct to: The City PlannIng C lots except along BaKter Streett advi sed the IDts on Baxter Street i tract, and t., the, east, could be ~ said Tentative Map of Tract No. l~ 1. The paYll\ent of $2~ and R.~reation si~ Engineering requi~ Provisions for th~ Moving the wester] tract. per lot for acquisition of Park 2. 3. 4. ents. dening of Baxter Street aNi R....ya Dri vI. 7.5-foot lots to the east end of the n the CIty Council 1 dividers unt\~ the proceedings fOD ti n by mutual consent of the sub-- exation of this area has been cOJaencect. fINAL MAP m.! NO. 23501 The Ci ngineer, George E. Holyoke, report~tbat all bonds and necessary fees for s tract were in and. approved. Counci1.alm 'ty moved that the Pinal Map of T t No. 2350 be approved subject to Bnglnee~ Ing requirements. Counci~an Sch~ seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. 1. FINAL MAP 1RACT NO. 1997: The Ci t! all bonds and necessary fees have the final map;. FInal Map of Tract .an Fry, seconded by Councilman S MOTION CARRIJID. Engineer, George E. Holyoke, reported that n paid and recommended the approval of . 1997 was approved on motion by Counct~ te subject to Engineering Requiremanta. mE FOLLOWING VARIAte FOR E SUBMITIED TO THE CITY COmcIL R INFORMAIION: VARIAK;E NO. 280: Subal tted by T , of setback rwquirements on certain West Broadway and Orange Avenue, r DeveloPMent Co. requesting the waiver ts in Tract No. 1728, located itetween of Euclid Avenue. The City Planning Comm! eranted said varIance subject to: ion pursuant to their R..olution No. 76. The maintaining of on West Broadway e 25-foot setbacks on all lots facing Orange Avenue. I e City Council. n No 'ARIMCE NO. 2S1: Subnitted by Mi change in frOAt and rear yard se located as follows: Bounded by Or the east; and Broadway on the nort The City Planning Comm~ granted saId variance. NO action was taken by .brook and Herz.iger Bldg. Corp. t request1ng lines on certain lots of Tract. No. .~ e Avenue on the south;. Gilbert Street on their Resolution No. 77 . Ci ty Counci 1. 912 V"I~Ji K). ~8'): itted by La Verne Roquat, as Authorized Ag4tnt, request- ing change of %onlng romR-O to R-l in Tract No. 2184, lylngbetwen North Ci tron and North We. Streets, just north of Lanz Drive. ~ granted ,nnlng ColJIItlssion pur'suant to their Resolution No. 78 s taken by the City Council. vaI~E NO. 283: S tted by Disneyland., Inc., requestIng pemission to erect a service stat .n near the eatrance of the parking area of Di sneyland, Inc. The City P_nning Co-.isllon pursuant to their Resolution No. 75 granted .aid varianc'subject tt: 1. ence betwten D~sneyland, Ceunty, anci ,Ci ty &t.tI~ · exact location of the ,service stat1cm rela.lw !inal stre_t a.ad traffic pattern. > eil held over this variance to the meeting of ",h 15, 19$5. V .ARIAlC::E NO. 284: mission to erect a p N01"th.Palm Street. 1 t ted by Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Masterson, requ..U., per- .ssionalaffice building on property located at 327 n The CIty Pl ning Commission pursuant to their Resolution No. 79 granted said variance ~ubject tal 1. The pro ding ofaldniJm.R of nine (9) off-street parking spaces . f1 the property. No action _. taken by' the City Council. V~E NO. a~1 S, tted by K. p. Knox, r.....ting pe~s.ion to wect 2, one-story duplex dwel ogs on the rear portion of the lot located at theaDtJth- ..It corner of Loara ireet and Alomar Avenue. The City PI ning CODll\ission pursuat to tbeir R.s&lutioft No. 14 deniecl said variance. . taken 'by the City Council. )'~&t;;EII). ~: 'itted by f. D. ...tfall, requ..t1ng perml.aa1,oto us. 'the existing building ,at ll4-l1' North Cl_.tine StrMt for ~1_1, Engineering, Light . fecturing, and Light Machine work. . granted ing C~ission pursuant to theIr Resolution No. 81 ject to a 1. . ing of a8 many 0 ff-st.ree't parking spaces at bf the property as pos$ible. n f . if# taken by the City Council. IAR,~E )(). 2$71 $ tted Dy Qavld Coriteaan, r.qu..Ung peDd...tont. cut 'two '(2) lots from a p el located .223 feet north of" th~r tenter lInt of"st La Pal.. Avenue on No h West Street and extending northe:rly 139.25 feet. The City PIa ,ing COJlllltlsian pursuant to theirResolutionNQ. 12 granted said variance ~ject to: 1. The appl ~ant bringing in a written petitiQn fraa the property owners t Iwh~ he h~s sold lots. stating that they are .tiling to put 1 ! improvements as requi:fed by the C1 ty ,!ngineer. 913 100 P.M. 2. That the two (2) ticular lots requested by this variance .ust be improved. requIred by the City Engineer. I Payment of $25.00! r lot for the acqulsi tlon of ParIe and RecreatIon sites. The City CouncIl held ~iS matter over until March 15. 19!5. IARIMCE li). _: SU1Bltted by Iv, ~Worthington, requesting peai.sien to ..ect a trip~.x dwelling with gara, on property descrIbed as 809 South Lalon Street. The City Planning Com$ Ision pursuant to their Resolution No. 80 denied said vcriance. f Jig action was taken by the City Council. I YAA1A.tCElfQ... p; SW81 tted .by D1 ylaM, Inc., requ..tingptmnisslon to .ect a HG_l-4total, including ... ant, Cocktail Loung., sm.nlng Pools, II1d viirloU8 c-.pl1taentary shops a seNic. station on the Disneyland proper- ty. 3. n Nt for the acquisition of Park The City Planning Co panted said variance subject tOt ~sion pursuant to their Resolution No:. 115 I Disneyland, County, and City Englne,r. , tual width of South West Street and 'South 1. A conference betw relative to the Walnut Street. e City Council. J. Lawless, Jr., (The Calaar Co.), request- 25 feet to 20 feet on c.rtain lots in eet just north of Tract No. 2390 and south I l!IOCE NO. ~ SYbni tted by Tho .1'19 waiver. 0' front yUd ...tbacks T~act No. 2l17j located on Gtlbert (1)tf Tract No. 2126. n The City Planning Camm~ panted said variance subject to: ion pursuant to their Reeolution No. 83 I 1. The payment of $25,. aftd Jtecrea tlon sl t 2. Engineering requir No action was taken by e City Council. VaIAN:E NO. 3.1.-4: Subn1.tted by Pru. tlal Homes, Inc., reqtl&StUtg the ac~.'" aftce of the pJ1lposed Tentative Maps 1 Tracts Nos. 2490, 2..'l, and 2492 with less than the fO-foot frontage and ~ 7200 square foot minll\\1n area, 01 lots as required. I Mr. 1It.m,a.ll, Secretary. ~' the Ci ty Planning C01Bi sslon, advi sed the Council that said Variance No..3 was granted by the City Planning , C-.nission. I f I ~ ~ ~ l' I No action was taken by e City Council. CIAL USE P T DR VB-IN THEA (Aladdin Drive-In Theatre). The pr~pG:ty i. located sou of Orant.thorpe h. e on the east side of North L80n Street, just north of Ole .KlIVen Car Company ! n Mr. Mungall, Secretary tut the Specld U,e Permit had bee" the City PlannIng Commission advised anted by the C~is&ion subject to: 1. The widening of L 2. Tbe issuing of as, Theatre to be loca ' Street, as they pro on the Lemon Street' Street to 100 feet. al Use PerMit fo~the ~ive-In from alx,)ut 300 feet back of Lemon e Light Manufacturiftg to be established ntage. 914 19!O .., 8aOO P .,M. . $lon by .. City Council and thole concerned, it wa_ MOVed by Councilman Schut . that the Special Use Pem t be approvtd IUbject to Bng'n..:r- ing Req\tlr_ents and t;u>>ject to recommendations by the City Planning C_lss1onJ and further, that an access road to Patt Street be provided. COUAcilltan Wisler seconded the motion. .U",: s I c i I On roll the foregoing motion was passed and adopted by the follow- ing vote: AYES I f<<)ES : ABSENT : Fry, SChutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. Pearson. None. To be 1-..UcI .t the a.....ted ,>>y L. :P.. Mr. Munpl t Secretary of the City Planning Co.l.slon_via. that th.Speclal Use PerM 1- to allow the use of this property as request. ._ approved by the City 'lanning Commission subject to conditions. GOIIInunicat.n dated March 7, 19!6 was submitted to th. City Cq\U1c;il, signecl by 5 signatu ., requesting a revIew of the cas., as tney ,..1 th allowance of this sp4ial use would jeopardize their poultry and egg business. The matter. as set for review. April 12, 1955, by the City Council, on motion by CouncIl an Van Wa9~ner, seconded by Counci~ Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. Il ~~r.." N Q JB ,13z City Engineer, George E. Holyoket certified that the: J. s. Bar~tt: Co' ractor had cOJBpleted the Cerri tad-West Int~ S-*, Job No. 1053, in ace , ance with plans and specifications, and reOl Jll'.rMhtd, the. acoeptance of the WQ and the filing of notice of completion. ION 11). 2612: !Councilman Fry offered Reeolution No. 2652 dd .oved fo~ its passage and adop on. lution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE ~LETION AND TIlE MENT, AND ALL UTIU AND PERFCRMING ALL IWROVEMENT. (CERRI JOB NO. 1053). COOlCIL OF niE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINALLY ACCBPTIIF 3HE SHta; OF ALL PLAHT, LABat, SERVICES, MAnRlALI .IJI) EQlIP- MI) 1RAIfSPCRTATION, IN:LUDING POWER, BJEL, AND a!SR, NECESSARY TO CONS1'R.UCT AID CQMP LETE THE FOLLCJlIl<<3 PUBLIC' WEST INT CEPTGR SEWIR, JJm1~F WEST AlWmIM S~.~. On roll cal . the foregoing resolution was d\tly passed and ,-,t.. by the following vote: AYES; NOES: ABSENT : Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. None. n: ~ _J lared the foregoing resolution duly passed and ."'\Id. FIN IAL AND CP and ordered rece1 ved Councilman Wisser. 1955: Were s'Ldlldtt. d filed on motIon by Councilman Van Wagoner, secGltdedby ION CARRIED. RESOLUTION 00. 26501 ~ounci1n\ian Van Wagon.roff.red Resolution No. 2610 and ,.oved for 1 ts passage.nd adoption. Refer to Re ~lut1on Book, page 915 A RESOLUTION-eF THE CITY COUNCIL ~ ;i~~ION OF TIlE WITHIN WHICH AN' IXJI:1fTED BY'AUL VUKICH CONS1RUC CQAI)ANY ROMNEYA SEWER I an roll call the foreg ng resolution was duly passed and adopted hy the follo_09 vote: I ']be Mayor declared th, oregoing resolution *1 y passed and adopted. AYES: COUtCILMI:N: NOES: COUNCILMEN: ABSENT I COUN::I LMEN I C U '.SADE on behalf oftna Jack Shuler TeIIR~ Kirsten, located near the corner ~ County Crusade for Christ MeetiAg~ April 3; ,indalso allowing the er. date congregations. Mr. Karraker: holding of Bvangellstlc meetinge. The are. is presently type of Spechl Use in M-l zoning. The Mayor advi sed Mr. nature has al.aye b..nfx-. the 1 that his request carry the recomm tion. o Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van CHRIST: Request subni tted by .fe KaiTeker, allow the use of propertyttWJ\ed by Doctor Citron and La Pal.a Avenue, for &noran,_ beginning March 12 and continuing until ion of a tent on Hi~ property to accovoo- sed the Council that this was a jQint ned R-3, and the Municipal Code permits this rraker that the former request of this 1 Ministerial AssoclatioR,and suggeste4 ations of said local Ministerial Aslocia- Councilaan Schutte sug Ited that he get net only the local Ministerial Ailsociation' s approva~ ut also that another location in ~. conect zone be o.tained. n RESOllJTIOIINL 2653& CouncilJRan $ utte offered Resolution No. 2653 and moved for its passege and adoption. Mr. Karraker thanked t their limit" schedul&, he stated location. ,JlRTH 501'1<151' ANNEXATION: Consen revised. descftption of the North Council for their consideration, but due to at time was not available to secure ano~.r f the City Planning CODInission on the i at Annexation wa s subni tted and read. I Refer to Resolution BQ~, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUOCIL 0 THE CITY OF ANAHEIM COHSENTIlrI; TO DiE CCltMfJ<<:;atINT OF PR<X;.EEDING5 FOR AlfNIXATION OF INHABITED 11IIRITCRl TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. NORTH SUNKIST TION) .' Gi1 roll call the foreg tn9 resolution was duly passed and adopted by the foll~ng vote: 1 AYES; COUtCILMEN: ear son , Fry, SChutte, Wisser, and Van agoner. t<<:>ES: COUOCILMEN: one. ABSENT: COUlCILMEN: one. n The Mayor declared th. oregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. I IIROOKflJRSI-R~ L ANNEXATION: Peti1 ~n requesting annexation of uni~lted 'teni tory kndlm as lrooJchurst-Ball ~nexation was aubmi tt_and ordend rec.lved and filed. : i BE50LUTIOJII Hi. 2054: Councilman S *utte offered Resolution No. 2654 and moved for its pas~e and adoption. ! I .fer to a.solution Bo ,page 916 M. n A IESOWTION OF THE tIT CClJK;IL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACJOQrLiDGIHG RECfIPT OF A PBTITION FeR 111 l ANNEXAnON OF CERTAIN UNIItiABITED TERRITCIlYTO TIG GITY OF ANAHEIM DESIGNAn THE 'TEJ1UUTCRY AS BROOKJlJRST-BALL ANNEXATIO-. DJlERIBING THE BOUNDARIES OF TERRIT~Y PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED, AND GIVING NOTICE OF THE DAY, HOUR, AND P CE WHERE ANP WHEN ANY PERSON OWNING REAL PROPSRrt WIlHIN SUCH TERRITClty SO PI OSED TO BJ: ANNEXED MAY APPHAR BEFCRE THE CITY COUlCIL AND SHOW CAUSE WHY H TBtRITCJtV SHOULD NOT BE ANNEXED TO !HE CITY OF ANAHEIM. (PUBLICATION MARCH 1 AND 25 1955. PUBLIC HEARING APRIL 21 195f)). AYES: NOES : ABSENT : Pearaon, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. N~e. None. On roll ca 1 the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: The Mayor lared the foregoing resolutIon duly passed and adopted. LI N- E a Requelt of p~oponents toC~4Il1.C:. anexa,tion proceed- ings of Inhabited tory known as LIICOLN-DALE ANNEXATIONwa. subId tted to th. City Council and ered referred to the City Planning Co..nssion fe>%' their recommendation, on JlIJ on by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIb. RESOLUTION NO. 2~1 Copcilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2655 and moved for 1 ts pasS89 ~nd adopti:on. plution Boole, page o A RESOLUTION OF THE C TV COUtCIL OF THE CITY OF MAHEIII ACCiPTIE A ~~ O~, COJIfiYIr<<J TO THE CITY F ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY JItR'. AN EASEMENT PCJt DRAINAGE PURPOSES. ( eador, J. and Joan Helena Pi.trok). AYES: NOES : ABSENT : the foregoing resolution was duly passed aNt Mopted by Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van ..goner. None. NORe. On roll cal the following vote: lared the foregoing resolution duly pasled and adepted. SU I ISION TRACT BO : Improv_ent bonds for Tracts Nos. 2350 and 199' ..re ordered received and~led when approved by the City Attorney, on motion by CounciLmaft Wisser, 5e .nded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. Bonds, s\lbRd tted by James L. McNally, dba McNally PluUi~ , were submi t teet and ordered received and fl1 eeI....n ' arney, on motIon by Councilman SChutte, seconded !:>>y ON CARRIBD. PLU~ BGNDS& Pl Co., and Douglas R. S approved by the City Councilman Wisser. r1. t .' I J IRDI NAJ<<;E NO. 981: A addressed the Council thorough discussion. lecond reading who mo ntleman who represented the California Bench COMpany lative to their ad9ption of said ordinance. After inanee No. 981 was off.rld by Councilman Schutte for for its passage and adoptiQn. Refer to AN CJtDlNAtCE OF THE CI OF ANAHEIM REPEALIPI,; amINAw;H NO. 887. (BIIQI ClmI- IAI<<;E) . AYES I NOES I ABSENT ~ Pearson, Pry, Schutte, Wisser, and Vaft Wagoner. None. Hone. On roll call the foregoing ordInance was duly passed and adopted by the fOllowing vote: The Mayor delared the foregoing ordInance duly pas.ed and ad....... 917 The 01 ty Clerk was a\l .its, on motion by Councilman Van MOTION CARRIID. ORDINANCE NO. 9821 (Second readi, held over). rized to return applications for,BencR'Pe:t- goner, secoNled by Councilman Wisser. (JU)INMCE NO."; Councl1un Sc~ te offered Ordinance No. 983 for second reading and ~ed .for its palsa,e I d adoption. n After hearing read in 11 the title of Ordinance No. 983 and having kn.owl.sge of the contents t ftin, CouncilMan Schutte 18Qvtd th.%'e.d- in9 in full .f qid orfllnance be. ved. CO\U1cllJRan Wisser seconded the Ilotion. MotIon unanillousl y curled. AN CJmINAJCE OF THB CITY OF ANAHE~ ANAHEIM .NIOIP AI.. COD! BYAMDDI 8300.14, 8301,', .20, 8300.24, 8300. . THEREUNDER; AOOING SUBSECTIONS (0 ADDING SECTION 83e0.2o-A THERETO. 1 ANEtI)ING ARTICLE VIII, CHAPTER 3 OF THE ECT~ONS 8300.10, 8300.11 (b), 8300.13 (h), 8300.44, 8300.47, 8330. 8340.8, AND 8340.9 (p), AND (q) TO SECTION 8300.13, AM) BY ELEC1RICAL CWE . On roll call the for~ ng Ordinance No. 983 was duly passed and adopted by tRe following vote: The Mayor declared th~ oregoing ordinance dulYP4Issed and adop:had. amINAN:E .NO. 984: Mr. Preston T~ er, City Attorney, explained to the City CouncIl We, contents of the.",propo. Ordinance No. 984, r.,ulating and pro- hibi ting ill.strated comic/books. ouncilman Schutte offered Ordinance No. 984 for first" reading and moved fQ its passage and adoption. AYES: comcILMEN: )()ES: COUICI!.MEN: ABSENT: COUtCILMEN, , " AN CIlDINAJCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHE! ILWS1RATED "COMIC" BOOKS, MAGAZI, PROHIBITING THE PRESEN:E IN THE C~ CATIONS GIVIt13 ILWSTlAIED ACX:CU TION RAISED UPON DISPLAY OF PROO FCR VIOLAnOI OF ITS PROVISIONS. Fry, Schutte, Wiaser, and V.n n PROHIBITING THE PRESEJ<<:E IN THE CI IT OF , AND PUBUCATIONS OF AN OBSCENE NAl'URE; OF "CQMIC" BOOKS, MAGAZINES, AND PUBLI- OF SPECIFIED CRIMES; STATIN3 THE PRESUIIP- ED PUBLICATIONS; AND PROVIDING PENALTIES I I After" hearing read 1nl 11 the title of Ordinance: No. 984 and having the contents therein fully I plained by the City Attorney, Council.an Wisser moved the reading in full ~ waived. Coun~ilman Fry seconded th.. motion. Motion unaniJlOusly carri RESOLUTION NO. 26561 Councilman W ser offered ResolutIon No. 2656 and me.. for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution BQ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COlJlCIL Q OF CERTAIN C/EJACITY RIGHTS IN THE DISTRICT, FIXING THE PRICE AND CO ANAHEIM N3 CONTRACTING AGENT FOR NAMED, TO EnCUTE A CONTRACT FOR DISTRICT FOR THE SALE OF SAID CAP , page n Qn roll call the fo~ n9 resolution was duly pasled and a.opted by the following vote: AYES, , 'COtJtCILMEN: Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van III>ES: COOteI LMEN: ,esEIIT I CWr<<:;I LME1t I 1h. Mayor d,clared the oregolng resolution duly passed and adopted. ~l8 BILLBQ S ALONG PdsdUssionwas held regarding bll1ioa>>da along the Preeway, the control hereof, ais to the size and n..-ber allowable,. aJldthe proposed unifom ot'd t\ance to be adopted by all citIes 1n the County regulating said billboards. L P eFT C NC The City Council established the policy tha~ no variances be granted for the e ,ction of signs in non-confomlng zones until a wdfo:rm o1'd1nance regulatln, Signs in all cities within Orange 'County can be aQQpted. CITY PLUNGE REK>DELI Discussion was held on the necessary repainto the City Plunge before . Plunge can be put into operation this Summ.er. Mr. Murdoch and Mr. Derr report on the approximate cost, and it was d~lc1ed to call for bids on the work, re trying the rIght to award all or any part of the necessary repair work. RESOLUTION 00. 26$7. iCouncilJMU\ Fry offered ae-solation No~ 2857 ahd moved fo'%' ita passage and adop ton. Ref.. to R .olution Stot, page ' AYES: OOES: ABSENT : TY COUtCIl. OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AtI> E1DM1NII<<3 All) NlC_rt RlQUlRE THE CONS1RUCTION AND C'-UTtON OF o WIT. ~-AW 011 nm_1IoII1IG P00L AIJ2 I'JCiLJT~ .. , AND APPR, ING THE DI!SIGHS, PLANS, PROFILES, DlAllINGS AND CONS1'R.UCnOJl THERlOP; At.JnICRIZING THE CONS1lttJCTION OF SAID 'AOCCltDAN:' WITH SAID PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ETC. ,AND ING 1HE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE INVInlli SEALED ,OCTION tHEHOF. ((PEN BIDS, MARCH 22, 195&, 7&. O'CLOCK A RESOLUTION OF THE THAT ,PUBUC CONVEMI. A PUBLIC IMPROVEMl!N] E ANAHEIM CITY P SPECInCAnONS , PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT 1] AUTIiCRIZING .AM) DIR PRCFOSALS FCR THE C P.M.). Pearson, FI'Y, Schutt,., Wisser,ancl v.n Ifa90ner None. None. ~ J'}1 ~~j On roll -e. the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adepted by the fol1owi"9 vote: The Mayor lared the foregoing resolution duly passedtildactepted. PERSONNEL: Mr. Murd p reported the appointments of tbefollowtng ,.,oanel for ratification: Bruno . Vil.la, Patrolman, S,chedale No. 24-A;,R~ld C".Chil4, Patrolman, Schedule I. 24-A; Ruth E. Hise, PBX Operator, Schedule No. 15-AI Rial H. Barnett, Ref ~ Collector, Schedule No. 2l-B; Alona JIa. Farrens, Stenegra- pher, Schedule No. 2 A; John Woodstra, Accountant, Schedule No. 29-AI Kenneth Vorce, Refuge Collect ~, Schedule No. 2l-B; Donald Colburn, Athletic Official; and Douglas SChwanz, 'puty City Patrolman to the Uniform Reserve serving without pay. o. SaId Appoln snts .ere., approved by the City Council, on JROtion by Councilman Van Wagone t seconded by Councilman WIsser. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Murdoch tecoBmended Don Derr be placed in charge of the cQabined departaents of Recrea ~on and Parks, and that the now Assistant aeereaU.nal Director, Lloyd Trapp> 'be made Director of Recreation. This action was approved by the Council. RESOLUTION OF CONDOL L. HatWIIZI A Resolution of CQndGl8ACe Wa' unanimously passed by he City CO\mcil, expressing be:rHv_ent of the City Council and the Ci ty ~ily of the passing of Hannah L. Honi tz, _lOpe of the City Engineering . partment. ..C~~ONDma: Sho~ ~ine Planning AssociatIon of California, requesting that coBatUnication be fo~ ed to seftators and asa.l)'JIen,asking th_ to oppose any bill which seeks have any part of the oil royalty money diverted for purposee other than caches and parks. Said c~lcationwas referred to the City Attorney. 919 en 8 19~..... C;ODI;niSPml)~& An&beia Union Hig~ Citron Street. Di strict, regard1 ng curbs on North CORIESPONDEN:;i: Anaheim Union H1g~ chool DistrIct, requestIng two-way stop . signs at the intersection of Broad' and Citron Streets. Said communication ... referred to the 'Police Co_iss er. o CORRESPO~M:aa Metropoli tan Coac~ ine. application befor'e the Public Utilities 00..i58ion fo~ an alternate route t Los Angeles-Santa Ana, Route No. 58, to provide pa$s..ger s.~ice to tdsne nd. CORRESPOND:M# Pl"aJ\chi se Stat_e s.uthern California Edison Co., : Southern Count;es Gas Co., $ll,47B.32J 41. CORRESPONDENCE: State Forestry, c nding the Anaheim Fire Department in the ..tual aid ret(Uest for co-"peratiofl nd assistance rendered th_ in the bowling alley fIre of February 24, 1955. GCItIESPONDElq: Resolution of N ftO artificial island for oil drill t Harbor Chamber of CORnerce, urging that be allowed. o.-lasion, policy regarding the adoptloa n was referred to Mr. M\tMoch. ~~O....& California Highwa .f., Preeway rQltes. Said co.tunica The foregoing communi received and tiled. subni t ted, read, and ordered ~P LANNlt<<; COMIISSI0N APPOINnENTS, 1Ir. M. Gauer, meJlbers of the City l' Said appointments were ratified by Schutte, secQtded, by Coun,cilaan F yorPearson appointed Mr. Joe Thompson and ning Commission for the ensuing term. e City Council on motion by Councilman MJTION CARRIED. n INVITATION: The City Engineer, G the Orange County Engineering grou Club, for a trip to Disneyland. invl ted the Council to attend March 18, 1955, at the Elks CouncilJRan Van Wagon .'clock P.M. Councilman Schutte s' to adjourn to March 15, 1955 at 7100 the motion. MJIIOH CARRIED. ADJOOJtNED. APPROVED. Mayor SIGNED. o