1955/03/15 925 AM. ORANG: COUNT US! VMIA.tCE NO. 1 Gr.vel Pit and Asphaltic Mixing Plant to be located on the southwest corner ~f Canal St~eet and Newkirk Road. On motion by Council.. i Schutte, seconded by Councilman Wisser, the City Cleu was authorized to t te a letter to the Orange County Planning Co~i9sion, Itating the CouA.11's tPosition to the granting of this Use Pemit, as it is not the type of .ineas desired in thatar... MOTION CARRIED. n Councilman Van Wagoner~oved to adjourn. Councilman Wisser seconded.. the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOORNED. APPROV8). Cit n SIGNED. Mayor , V- City Clerk - 7100 P.M. The City Council of Ci ty of Anaheim met in Adjourned Regular Session. PRESENT: CooNeI LMEN: P ear son ABSENT: COUJ<<::I LMAN: Schutte CITY ATTCIUIIY, PRESTON TUltNSh p: CITY AI*ClNI!l'.rRATIVE OFFICER, K!I and Van Wago.ner. Present. BIDS: I 0 0 NO. 10 5: Pursuant to Resolution No. 2641 and Legal Notice duly pu ished in the Anaheim Bulletin, February 2~, ! 1955 and MaKh 4, 1955, the City 1Ierk was authorized to open bid proposals on the Katella-Harbor Interceptor ewer, Job No. 1055, on motion by Counci~an Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilm 'Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. George Dakovich 2419 S. Glrfield Ave., Zarubica C~any 1350 N. Highland Ave., Los Ange .5 28 Nick M. Guho 8335 Atlantic Blvd., Bell Bosko & Bradarich 8512 FishMan Road, Pico J. E. Popovich P. o. Box 261, Torrance Radich & Fergusson, Inc. P. O. Box 67, Burbank Leo Weiler, Contractor 521 N. MaClay St., Santa Ana Penn Construction Co. 3932 N. Depot Ave., BaldwlnPIUtk Frank Chutuk Construction Co. 853 Reeves P lace, Pomona J. S. Barrett P. O. Box 2126, Santa Ana Charles L. Burch &.50n5 2419 N. Chico Ave., El Monte Jerry Artukovich 723 Union St., Montebello Charles J. Dorfman 124 N. LaBrea Ave., Los Angeles 36 Peerless Concrete Pipe Corp. P. O. Box 384, Santa Ana n (All Bid Proposa,ls were accQmp led by Bid Bonds in the amount of 10%) 926 r Resolution No. 2648 March 2 and 9, 1955, purchase of said pi man Wisser. MOTION S EL CI Eft PIPE Alt)FIITINGS PurS\W1t to d Legal Notice duly published in the Anahei. Bulletin ! he City Clerk was authorized to open bid proposals for the I on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Council- IED. BIDS lU!CEIVED Southern Pipe and C P. o. Box C, Azus American Pipe and C 'truction Co. P. o. Box 3428, T' iftal Annex, Los Angeles 54 S48,4M.OO $54,985. ex> United Concrete Pip P. o. Box 425, Ba $56, 703.00 were accOJRpanied by Bid Bonds in the aaount of 1.) Bids were ered referred to the Superintendent of Light, Power and Water for tabulatio ~nd report, on motion by Co~ncilman VanW.goner, seconded by Councilman Wi sse ' MOTION CARRIED. tion, the Superintendent of Light, Power and .ter repo,rted C 1 Co. to be low bidder and recoanendecl the , and further called attention to the 75 days' de1.ivery D Pearson, Fry, Wisser, and Van Watoner. None. Schutte. Councilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2658 and and adoption. A RESOLUTION OF THE Aft) AWARDING CO CITY OF ANAHEIM CO i olution Book, page I TY COUNCIL OF . THE CITY OF ANAHEt.JI ACCEPTINCI ~~';;D ~JtotOlAL TO THE LOIBST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER RR 1HE RJRJI:SHING. TO THE:' TE STEEL CYLINDER PIPE AND FITTINGS. (S48,.e9.00). On roll c the following vote: the foregoing resolution was duly passed and .dopted by AYES: XCI!S.: ABSENT: The Mayor 'elared the foregoing resolution duly passed ,ancl ..dopt_. V ARINCE NO~. 283: Service Station, D1 itted by Disneyland, Inc., for the erection of a Deluxe yland Parking Area. r;.,.......' , I , I The City P.nning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution .0. 75~ 9~anted said varian ~ suhject to conditions. Review of e action taken by the City Planning C~ssl()n .... ordered by the City Counci 1 be held A,pri 1 12... 19!q, ,.00.0' ~loc~P,_M. ,:.on _ti <ro by CQUncdlaian F~y, $et tied by GounclriUlft .W~.._.. MOTION CARRIED. VARIAN:;E NO. 267; facing onto West St itted by David Gordeman for pe:nnlsslon to divide property t into two (2) lots. The City .oning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution "0.82, granted said varian 'subject to condi tions. Review of tion taken by the City Planning Co_ias1en .... Ql:dered Dy the City Council to : held April 12. l~!~ 7:00 et'~~,~,"P.JL..,-~'.n'fIQ*'tim"'}jy Councilman Van Wa "seconded by Council.ul Wisser. K:>TION C_rD. 927 TENTATIVE MAP, TRACT tIJ. 1601: S located at the southwest corner of' tted by Walter H. Lelmert Co. Property st Broadway and South West Streets. Mr. Morningstar, Attoey repres.nting property owners, addressed the Council, and Mr. Leonard Smit~ f Medaris-SMith Real Estatet addressed tAe Council. I n Council action on sa1 itract was withheld until April 5. l~ by mutual consent of agent representi 'property owner. TENTATIVE MAP. TRACT NO. 2537: Lo 'ted between Rutwood., Ball, Brookhurst, and Orange Street.&. Subdivider, Georg iBuccola. said tentative map subject The City Planning Co to engineering requirements. The City Council app ed said tentative map of Tract No. 2537 subject to eagineering requirement ~ on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, aeconded by Counciltin Fry. MOTIO ICARRIED. Located between Broadway and Orange VISED TENTATIVE MAP Street. The City Planning Co. .~ssion approved said revised tentative map subject to eagineering requirement J The City Council app 'fed said revised tentative map of Tract No. 2501 subject to engineering requi:r'ents, on Motion by CotmcilJaan Wisser, seconded by Councilman Van Wagoner MOTION CARRIED. ! VARIAtCE NO. 309: Submi tted by Ha ty S. Aptert requesting waiver of the 70-ftJot frontage and the 1200 square foot ot area requirement in Tract No. 2510. The City Planning Co ~ssion, pursuant to their Resolution No. 110, granted said variance subject to t ~ditions. n VARIAOCE NO. 310: Submi tted by Ha ty S. Apter, requesting waiver of the 7o-foot frontage and. the 7200 square foot t>t area requireaent in Tract No. 2571. The City Planning Co sslon, pursuant to their Resolution No. 111, granted said variance subject to c nditions. An appeal submitted b : Paul Calvo, licensed surveyor, was filed-'with the City Clerk on behalf of the ~or Construction Co., requesting a Hearing be set on action taken by the City Pi I1nit1g Coaaission p-..rsuant to their Resolutions Nos. 110 and Ill. Vic~President and Treasurer of the Mirket March 15, 1955, requesting a Hearing be A Public Hearing was 29, 1955, 7100 o'clock P.M., on m Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. ered to be held by the City Council, March on by CounciLman Fry, seconded by Councilman ,VARIAN:E NO. 315: . Submitted by t on the property at the southwest be wai vEid, and the required. lands A Super Market is proposed to be mentary shops. Market Basket, requesting that the P. L.lone ner of Ball Road and South Los Angeles Street ing area be allowed for additional parking. cted at this location togtther with comp11- , n Mr. Mungall, 'Secr9t the City Planning Commission redu 25 feet to 10 feet. of the City Planning Commission, reported ~at the area of the P. L. zo'nlng ',fran- the ~ihd An appeal by Duncan Basket, was filed with the City C held before the Council on the ma Public Hearing befor the Council was ordered to be held March 29, 1955, 7:00 o.clock P.M., on motio by Counci~an Van Wagoner, seconded by Ceuocl1- man Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. ' 928 :zeft. froa R-A to C-! by Anaheim-Olive R 2: Subad tted by George Schafer, requesting ebaAge of n that area along P laeentia Avern..e in the trian,le boul'id1ed J and Center Street. [l nning Commission recommended to the City Council that the anted, and Public Hearing on the matter was ordered to be 100 o'clock P.M., on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, WIsser. MOTION CARRIED. Submitted by George D. Buccola, requeatlftg reclasai- 1 on Lot 1, in Tract No. 2537. ning Coeission recQDII\.cted to the City Coineil that ..id anted, and P1&blic Hearing was ordered to be held on the 'clock P.M., on motion by Councilman Vara'Wagoner, Wisser. MJTION CARRIED. Submitted by Manley-Kuhns CorperatieR, requesting t Street, Katella Avenue, Walnut Street, and: half way to Submitted by Manley-Kuhns Corporation, requesting ~ Tract No. 1641. said reclassification. I Submitted by Manley-Kuhns Corporation, for per- Drive-In Theatre on property loeated at the ~outhwest. Street and Cerritos Avenue. n The Ci ty P ~nning Commission denied said Special Use Permit. An appealm action taken by the City Planning C~is.ion relative to Reclassification f=~55-3l. F-54-55-32. and SD~ci.~ Use Pexmlt for Drive-In Theatre was filed b Manley-Kuhns Corporation with the: Ci ty Cle%'k, March 15, 1955, requesting a ring before the City Council on April 5,.19R)~ On motion Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Fry, Public Hearing on Reclassi ~ations F-54-55-31, F-54-~5-32:, and Special Use Pemi t for Drive-In Theatre wa rdered to be held by the City Council, April 5. l~, 1:00 o' clock P.M. ION CARRIED. ; jDVERTISING SIGNS, . R. W. Murphy, owner of the Melrose Sign Servieet adctte... the Council on behal 1 of the Pacific Coast Sign Contractors Association' relative to advertising sign ~or the sale of houses in new subdivisio~urging the Council to take earl action regarding the adoption of a uniform ordinance. o Mr. Mungal neighboring citie~ tha t can be adopted reported that a committee was being formed co.prlsing that work would be started very soon on an ordinance all cities. Mr. Murph. ~eported that he bad been invited to be present and _8 with the City on thl I proposed ordinance. VARIA,N:E NO. 298; C, ncilman Van Wagoner moved that action taken by tbe Cl t'y Council setting thi ~ariance for a review to b. held on ~rq, 5, J~ 7.00 o 'clock P.M. be res de<!, and that the action taken by the. City PI .' 'Dg Commission stand. C, ncilman Wis8'er. seconded the motion. MOTION CARBlED. C LUnON OF CIT AXES: Cancellation of City Taxes on propertyfomerly asse$sed to Magda H.enson and Ernest H. Lottmann,purchasedby the State of: California for high ' purposes, was authorized on motion by Counc1lJaan Van Wagoner, seconded b Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. 929 JOU~EV ARD S~ SIGNS: ReqUest fr Rave a two-way boul evard stop at t thereby making this intersection a students crossing Broadway from th field, waft reported upon by Chief tthe Anaheim Union High School District to I intersection of Broadway and. Citron Streets ur-way stop to secure the safety of the . ~remont Junior High School to the athletic . POlice, Mark A. Stephenson. ded that their request be 9:ranted, and The Chief of Police further ~o_end.. roadway at Lemon Street thereby making e to the increase in traffic and the prob- o Chief Stephenson rec that the boulevard stop be install that a two-way stop be installed 0 this intersection a fou~way stop, lem presented in crossing Broadway. Di scuslion on the pr. sed stop at Broadway and Citron was held and action on the matt.r was def. until the school is ready to betif1 operations, and at tnat time app late action will be taken. tion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by ent of boulevard stops on Broadway at The City Council, on Councilman Fry, authorized the pla Lemon Street. M:>TION CARRIED. BQULEV ARD ST(F SIGNS: Stop sign .. .. authorized to be placed stopping southbound traffic on Weet Street at Westmont Ion motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Counci lman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 2659: Councilman F offered Resolution No. 2659 and moved for its passage Ind adoption. Refer to Resolution page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CWtEIL 0 tTHE CITY OF ANAHEIM AtJTH<JtIZIHG ~ REPU. QF MONEY DEPOSI1ED BY AS SECURITY RIl THE CONSlIOCTION AND INSTALLATION OF WATER LINES OUTSID !OF lRAGT NO. 2121. ($1,400.00). n On roll call the for ~in9 resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT : COUNCILMEN. iPearson, Fry, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. COUNCILMEN. 'None. COUNCILMAN: Schutte. The Mayor declared th foregoing resolution duly pasled and .<<opted. PURCHASE OF THERN CALlKRNIA ED N COW ANY F ILl TIES I Facilities Ideated Oft South Street between Placentia enue and East street. George Oelkers, SuperlntEdeRt of Light, Power and ater, rec08tended the purchase of $aid facilities at a total cast of $6,1 ...58, and Mr. Keith A. Murdoch, Administ~.tt'Ve Officer, also recommended said pu 'ase. Purchase of said faci ~ties was approved, and purchase order was authorized on motion by Councilmam *lsser, seconded by Council.an Fry. MOTION CARRI ED. OOMMUNICATIOI: Communication from ~emmerer Engineering Company requesting an extension of time on Tentative Ma_ for Tracts Nos. 1979 and 1981 for a period of one yea~ ~to the fact that t.se subdivisions have been divided, the request was referred to Mr. Murdoc . for recommendation. o COMMUNICATION: COIIftUnication from the Military Order of the Purple Heart, Inc. . . ' .. f requesting ~ission to exhibit a tique and modern ftrearms in the City of Anaheim during the year, the exact Ciate to be determined later. Said request was gran ~ by the City Council to be at the dis- cretion of tlte Chief of POlice, on $totion by Councilman Wissert seconded by Councilman Pry. MOTION CARRIED. 930 . TTEE OF THE JOINT curF L 5 . Meeting .helC!l March 3, onlered rec81ved and filed on motion by CO\McilMan Van ouncilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. C ILLATION OF CIT AXES; The Anaheim City School District request cancella- ticftof City Taxes 0 . property purchased by th_ for school purposes, and descrlbed briefly b ~r. Holyoke, City Engineer, as being that parcel purchased from the R. and W. C pstruction Company, located on La Palma Avenue. Said eanee ~ation was approved on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seeonded by Council ~ Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. ! The City C ,rk was authorized to request cancellation by tbe Orang. C..ty Board of Sup isors of County Taxes on that portion of property pur- chlsed on La Palma A nue to be used for park and recreation slt.., On ~tion by Councilman Van W. ~ner, seconded. by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. (5 acres).: , n CRDINAK;E NO. 9851 tuncilman Van Wagoner offered Ordinance No. 985 and moved for its passage and ~optlon. , I ~ OJU)ItWCE OF THE AJMHEIM JlJNICIP AL C Atl)IHG THERETO SECTI TY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICLE III, CHAPTER 2 O,"1'HE BY AMENDING SECTIOS 7210, 7~lO.l, Afe721O.2 Me BY 5 1210.3 TO 1210.6 BJTH ItCLUSIVE. (S'tttEET TRHS). This prop(/) ~ ordinance was .~lained by Mr. Murdoch, Adlnini'strative Officer, and on moti + by Counci~an Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Fry after hearing read t t title of the ordinance in full, the reading in full of said ordinance was. ,ved. Motion unanimously carried. RE T R:>R PROC Mayor Pearson. ON YOUTH TENfERANCE W!EK, APRIL 1, 1955; Was referred to u R~f FASE OF CLAIM:.. Mayor and City Clerk were authorized to sign aelease of ClaiRt filed against lRer Myers,through auaran_Insurance Company, in the _ount of $95.~as reeo... ed by the City Attorney on motion by CQuncilman Wisser, seconded by Councilm . Fry. MOTION CARltIED. ' CD*UNICATION: CODUI.icatlon frOJn the Redel CQrporation, requesting assurance on tn. renewal of th Ilease of Ci ty-owned property, was subml tted, and on the recomJl\endation of Mr ; Murdoch, the assurance of the renewal for one year on the s... easis was made 'the City Council on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Council. .~ Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. PACKEItS COlD STORAGH .. Requesting a waiver of the assessment of $3.75 per front f, "tfor the instal11ion of 100 feet, 2" water line along Olive S'treet for the expansion of their Q .ration. Discussion f thi s probl_ was held, and Councilman Van Wagoner moved that Mr. Murdoch and . Oelkers work out the situation in accordance with the resolution governingihe installation of additional facilities. Councilman Fry seconded the motion. I MOTI ON CARRIED. Ri80LUTION NO. 2660~ tCouncilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2660 and ~yed for its passag land adoption. n page A MSOWTION OF THE. TY COUtCIL OF !HE CITY OF ANAHEIM- APPROVING ANa. MI'J1fJtI.. THE EXECUTION OF AN NT Wlm THE <:RANGE COUNTY PEACE OFFICE.' ~Ii_. IOC. RELATING TO THE SE OF TAR<ET RANGE. On roll ca i the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted ht the following vote, A YES: NOES: ABSENT : Pearson, Fry, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. Schutte. lared the foregoing resol~tion duly passed and adopted. The Mayor 931 .RETIREMENT SYfTEM AMENDMENTSI Mr. rdoch reported that an actuarial survey to detemlne \he cost of various 1 Legislative Aaendlllents to the State Retirement Syltem would be approxi. ~ely $320.15, and recommended that this information be obtained. IESOLUTION NOt 26611 Councilman V Wagoner offered aesolution No. 2661 anct Moved for its passage and adoption. n Refer to Resolution , page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COOlCIL OF ADMINIS1RATION OF THE STATE RE trHE CITY OF ANAHEIM REcpISTItG THE BOARD SYS TO MAKE AN ACTUARIAL SURVEY. resolution was duly passed and adopted On roll call by the fOllotdng vote; AYES: NOES: ABSaIT I COUlCILMEN: "earson, Pry, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. COUtCILMEN: ;None. COUtCILMAN: iSchutte. The Mayor declared th 1foregoing resolution duly passed and apopted. IlESOWTION NQ. 26621 Councilman ."ser offered. .Resolution No. 2662 and moved; for its pass..e and adoption. , page Refer to Resolution A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUtCIL 0 !THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AND AHTHCJUr1.,. ING THE EXECUTION OF AN A<Jt.EEMENT i . BE MADE AND ENTERED INTO BY AND B:E11IIElI)~THIi CITY OF AKAHIIIM AND THE CITY OF FU SiTON RELATING TO ADJUSTMENT OF BOUNDARY LINE. n ing resolution was duly passed and adopted On roll call by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT : COUK;ILMlth tPearson, Fry, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. COmcILMEN: None. COUlCILMANa Schutte. The Mayor declared th foregoing resolution duly passed and .d.,ted. AGtEEMENT-ANAHEIM AND FULLFRTON: ~ scussion was held ona proposed agre..nt between the City of Anaheim and th ICity of Fullerton relative to the. eeon.leal feasibility of the serving of area iwith sewer facilities other than within their territorial limits and the working ,ut of fees charged by each city for such service, and the agreement by the C ty of Fullerton to sell to the City of Artahelm certain capacity rights in the Mag ~lia Trunk Sewer. The City Attorney was. tequested to draw up the necessary resolution to enter into an agreement for the exchange of sewer services wherein it was to the best interest of both cities, ~ motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. WATER METER CHARGES: Discussion w ~ held on the reconnended increase of chQ'9.. made for the installation of water ~eters, and the matter was taken under advise- ment by the City Council. n The Ci ty Attorney advised the City t ~ Legislature relative to annexation proc..o- ltESOLUTION NO. 2663: Councilman V n Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2663 and moved for its passage and adoption Refer to Resolution 932 A RESOLUTION OF THE tTY CCUrcIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM URGIlG tplalInOM TO !HI ENACTMEMT OF LEGIS, ION PRCFOSED IN THE 19U LEGISLATIVE. SESSION 0' CALIFatMlA RELATING TO THE TION OF TERRITmIES TO ClUES. Fi.' .;.. lJ On roll c the following vote: ' AYES: NOES: ABSENT : the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by Pearson, Fry, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. Schutte. The Mayor clared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOWTION IV. 2664: Councilman Van WagoRer off_red Resolution Me. 266.4 and moved for ita pass and adoption. Refer to olution Book, page Pearson, Fry, risser, and Van Wagoner. NORe. Schut te. On roll c Q the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: The Mayor 'clared the foregoing resolution duly passe<l and adopted. A RiS0U1TION OF; THE ~TY, C<XlNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING All) DIT!RIIINIKG THAT PUBLIC CONVENIE E AND NECESSITY RECJJIRE THE CONS1RUCTIOK Atf) COJI>LETION OF A PUBLIC IMPROVEME 0 WIT I BALL .B.OADStRI!ET IJiPROVEMENT mOM ~:io~:r T. 0 LES . AND APPROVIt<<3 mE DESIGNS,. PLANS, . ftU!S,' DRAWINGS AND SPECIFI TIONS FCR THE CONS1ROCTION THEREOF; AUTIlRIZIMG THE CON- S1RUCTION OF SAID P IC IAPROVEMENT IN ACCQIU)AICE WI1H SAID p~, SPH:;IFICA- TIONS, ETC.; AND AU IZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUlUSH A NJTICE INVITING SEALED PROP ' ALS FOR THE CONSmUCTION THEREOF. (01'EN B1~ APR~L 5, 1955). u AYES: NQES: ABSENT : Refer to Councilman Wisser offered Resolution No. 2665 and moved option. olution Book, page On roll ca !I. the foregoing resolution was duly passed and. adopted by the following vote: r AYES; NOES: ABSENT ; Pearson, Fry, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. Schutte. The Mayor ,clared the foregoing resolution dulypasaed and adopted. ~NICAnON: Co icatlon from Anaheim Cold Storage pertaining to the ~ sightly conditions a .oss the street from their business, being the BeU\Qnt Packing House, resul lng from fonner fire, was su1:aitted and read; and the Administrative Offict was authorized to investigate. 933 PERSONNEL; Blllployment of David C. oms, Machine Operator, Schedule No. 23-A and Clarence I. Slfti th, Construction nspector, Schedule No. 28-A, was authorlaed on motion by Councilman Van Wagone sec(!)nded by Counc1.l.Itan Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Fry moved motion. MOTION CARRIED. o adjourn. Councilman Wisser seconded the .ADJOURNED . APPROVED. Mayor SIGNED. - 7;00 P The City Council of t City of Anahei. met in a.,ular Session. 'RESENT: COUICILMEN. Pearson, Sry, Wisser, and Van Waloner. ABSBNT: COUtCILMAN: Schutte. CITY AITCJt.HEY, PRESTON ruRNER: Pr .~ent. CITY ADMINIS"ATIVE OFFICER, KEITH ;. MURDOCH a Present. MIMJ1E$ ~ The Minutes of the Adjou.,ed and Regular Meetings held March 8, 1955 at 7:00 P.M. .and 8:00 P.M. and Speal.J4eetil1l held March 11, 1955 at 11:00 A.M. and Adjourne4 Regular Meeting held arch 15, 1955. at 7:00 P.M., were approved on motion by Councilman Van Wagone ~ seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOrION CARRIED. o On roll call by the foll~9 vote, Fry, Wisser, and Vafl Wagoner. ~SOLUTION NO. 2666. Councilman V Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2666 and .oved for its passage and adoption Refer to Resolution page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COU~IL 0 j THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AND DIRECTING THE PAYMENT QF ~S AGAINST THE~ITY AS OF MARCH 22, 1955. ($207,452.79). ing resolution was duly passed and adopted AYES: NOES : ABSENT . COUlCILMEN; COUNCILMEN c COUN:ILMANa I The Mayor declared th foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. PUBLIC HEARIIIG: RECLASSIFICATION 54-55-25: 5ubai tted. by C. A. Zi~eDlUtn requesting the property at the sou . west corner of West South St'reet and South. Los Angeles Street be rez~ned fro. _-3 to C-l. . o Communication submitt by Albert and Albertine Plet~urging the rezoning of this propert~was read Petition containing roximately 30 signatures from residents in the area of MacArthur Manor and W Valencia Avenue, together with $outh , Los Angeles Street and South Lemo ~treet, opposing said rezoning, was sub.1\t.. and read.