1955/03/22 933 PERSONNEL: r.ployment of David C. 4>oms, Machine Operator, Schedule No. 23-A and Clarence I. SMith, Constructioo jnspector, Schedule No. 28-A, was auth$riaed on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner [secondee by CouncilMan Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Fry moved t adjourn. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. o ADJOORNED. APPROVED. Mayor II GNED. The City Council of t Ci ty of Anaheim met in R.egular Session. PRESENT: COOI<<::ILMENI Pearson, and Van Wagoner. ABSBNT: COUlCILMAlh Schutte. CITY ATTORNEY. PRESTON roRNER: Pr CITY ADMINIStaATIVE OFFICEIl, KEITH Present. IlINlJ1ES: The Minutes of the Adjou ed and Regular Meetings held March 8, 1955 at 7:00 P.M. and 8:00 P.M. and Spa 'al,Meeting held March 11, 1955 at 11100 A.M. and Adjourned Regular Meeting held .arch 15, 1955. at 7;00 P.M., were approved on motion by Councilman Van Wagone , seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOrION CARRIED. o IfSOLUTION NO. 26661 Councilman V Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2666 and .oved for it. passage and adoption page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUlCIL Q'THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING All> DIRECTING THE PAYMENT QF DEMANDS AGAINST THE ITY AS OF MARCH 22, 1955. ($207,452.79). On roll call the fore <ting ~esolutif)n was duly: passed and adopted by the followdng vote: AYES: NOES; ABSENT: Pearson, Fry, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. Schutte. COUlCILMENa COUNCILMEN I COU.cILMAN I The Mayor declared th foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. PUBLIC HEARl.,: RECLASSIFICATION 54-55-25: SubRi tted by C. A. Zi~e1'H\an requesting the property at the SO\! west corner of West South St'reet and South Los Angeles Street be rezoned from '-3 to C-l. Communication submi tt by Albert and Albertine Pletz, urging the rezoning of this propert~was read IJ Petition containing a proximately 30 signatures from residents in the area of MacArthur Manor and Wp t Valencia Avenue, together with $outh '. Los Angeles Street and South Lemo ~treet, opposing said rezoning, was sul:aftted and read. 934 The City P inning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 87, recommended to the C _ncil that the rezoning be granted subject to the follo~ ing: r-, I ~ ~"J 1. The in tallation of an alley along the south property line. 2. The de . ing of land to the City of Anaheim for the wideni , of South Los Angeles Street. 3. The fi ~ng of standard deed restrictions as required by the (ti ty of Anaheim for a C-l Zone. Mr. Perin, ~ropo$ed p\1rchaser of the property, checkedal! property owners wi thin the foot spheJ;'e of influence and secured 8011e 34 signatures wi thin the 300 feet 0 approvetf the rezoning. He stated that there were only 42 pieces of propert within this scope and asked for zoning comparable to the us.s on the other tw corners. Mr. George ~eal$, III West Valencia Avenue, felt that this was a scheme for promotion . and that the main interest of the people. trying to promote this was to .in moneyfram the transaction. He further felt that the change of zone *ld lower property values. Mrs. James t. Littrell, 121 MacArthur Manor, living on the area near Mr. Zinaexman, stat that they plan to live there and hoped it would. remain a residential area. n I i I )3 ~ Mrs. LeRoy tfui tehead, 114 MacArthur Manor, substantiated Mrs. Littrell's statement 'and further stated that they would like to feel that this sort of thing could e finished,. Mr. Perin, j>roposed purchaser, explained the C-l zoning and 'st4ted that their fears of > tavern being esta>>lished there were unfounded,a. it is a use not allowed in t-l zone. He further felt that this rezoning would benefi t the entire a ea. Mr.' S. E. of the unknown. 106 MacArthur Manor stated that they were afraid Mr. Henry ng, 107 _cArthur Manor, advised that those persons already in establish ' businessies near there do not live there. . Councilman Van Wa9one~ remarked that when this came up before, the prospective purchase was asked to present plans. Mrs. ZiJmRe an advised the Council that it was impossible to present plans when they did c>t know themselves what the property was going to be used for. She further ad tsed that their intentions were to continue to live there. The City A torney, Preston Turner, read the list from the Municipal Code of the types of business allowable in the C-1 Zone. Mayor Pear on declared the Hearing closed. n I ~J _WTION MO.. 2661& Councilman Van Wagoner offered a.solution No. 2667 and ..,ed for its passag : and adoptlon because he fer t the Council shoul!. know more about what the area is going tD be used for. solution Book, page A RESOWTION OF THE JTY COUtCI~ OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDIlII ANDDETI!It.MlNlNG TlikT A CHANGE OF ZO SHO\ILD rm BE ~ IN A CERTAIN AREA OF THE CITY HEREINAFTER DESCRlB .. ( C. A. ZIJIID.MA)I . 935 I 5 - 7;00 P.M. On roll call the adopted by the following votel oin9 resolution was duly passed and n AYES: NOES; ABSENT : Pearson, Fry, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. Schutte. The Mayor declared t ~ foregoing resolution duly passed. and t.dopted. P\JBLlC HEMl I RECLASSIFICATION 27: Property owned by E. P. llapgood. Pe ,tion subd tt..by The. a R. Murphy, Authorized Agent, request- ing chang. of zone froin i-A to B-3 that property located at l341 ..st La '.l.a Aven'Ue. The City Planning C i$sion, pursuant to their R.esolution No. IS, recommended that the reclassifi jition be granted subject to: 1. The .~ection of 6-foot masonry fence on the east side of the pro ty. 2. The deeding ofl feet along West La Palma Avenue for street wide hg. The Mayor ask ad if o to address the Council. Mr. Leonard Heying a ressed the Council and stated that he thought they should also put a fen on the west side of the property. , f Mr. E. P. Hapgood a were no objections to the erection to the erecti~n of a masonry fence:. essed the Council and stated that there a redwood fence but that he did object Mr. Walker stated classificati~ft when it was to be p arid agreed that they would not op ..sa condition of the rezoning. that they would maintain a redwood the group intended to oppose the re- ented to the City Planning Commission, it if the erection of the masonry fence further stated that he didn't believe ence. Mr. Pina addressed urging the stipulation of the masonry fence. Mr. Hapgood advised e Council that the construction of a .asonry fence on both the east and st sides of the property would male. the cost prohibitive and thereby elimi 'te the consummation of this transaction. tESOLUTION NO. 2668; Councilman V Wagoner moved that the rezoning be grurted, based on the erection of an attrac IVe 6-foot redwood fence on both the e..t and west sid., said fence to be se In concrete and thereby offered Resolutitn No. 2668 and moved for its passage j d adoption. Refer to Resolution A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COOOCIL 0 THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDIOO AND DETERMINING THAT A CHANGE OF ZONE IS NECESSARY N CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY AND THAT, ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHE MUNICIPAL CODE SHOULD BE AMENDED TO ~ PLISH SAID CHANGE OF ZONE. F-54- 27. n On roll call the adopted by the following vote; going resolution was duly passed and AYES: NOES: ABSENT : OOUNCILMS ~ Pearson, Fry, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. COUtCILMEt! None. COUNCI = \ Schutte. adopted. The Mayor declared he foregoing resolution duly passed and ...... ! i 936 1905 All( 7 cOO P.M. PUBLIC HRARIfI3: Co., requesting cha West Broadway, South Santa Ana Freeway. SIFIGATI N F-54-55-28: Submitted by the Walter H. Leimert zone .rom R-A and R-2 to B-3, onp:JOperty IHNnded by Street, Southern Pacific Railroad right-of-way, and ~{ ... Mr. Morn! owners in opposi tion petitions containing 'tar, Attotney, addressed the Council, representing property the proRosed reclassification and submitted protest signatuJtes. The Ci ty P ning Co.lssion, pursuant to their Resolution No.. 89, recommended that the 'eclassifidation be approved subject.to the-following; 1. The fi member the Ci Anahei Tha t n that i 9 of deed restrictions incorporating that a :f the Arcbi tecturalCommi ttee be appointed by . Council as a representative of the Gi ty of 'to pass on plans subni tted for buildings. [entrances to garages be allowed from the street, , all entrances to garages must be from alleys. 2. Mr. Harold across the street f last 8 remaining acr advised that the ar attention to the inc of such a large grou ck, 312 ~outh West Street, which is located directly the proPQsed area, considered it unfortunate that the would be considered for multiple ,dwellings and further would probably accommodate some 87 families, and called sed traffic problems created by the additional location Others add ,sing the Council in opposition to the proposed rezoning were Mr. Edward Tho:, 410 South West Street, Mr. W. R. Peacock, 324 South West Street, Robert 'Davis, 422 South West Street. proposed , of the Medaris-SIRi th Real'tors pre'sef1ted a map of the ssed the Council urging the change of zone. of discusQion, Councilman Van Wagoner moved that. inasmuch of the City PlaMing COlllnission had expired and that I t officially been made, that this reclassification be , ty P lanni.ng Commission for another Hearing. Councilman ~ion. MOTION CARRIED. As a resul as terms of two memb new appointments had referred back to the Wisser seconded the CONTINUED PUBUC Riggle, requesting r side of Ball Road be , ment by the Southern G& RECSSIFICATION 1'-54-55-241 Submitted by Harvey P. ning from R-A to M-l, on property located on the south en Nutwoad and Brookhurst Street to allow the establish- s Company of a maintenante yard~ Appeal from action tak.en by the City Planning Commission was SU~ mitted and Public He . ng held by the City Council, March 8, 1955, 7:00 P.M., at which time said P 'ic Hearing was continued to this date. Communicati p dated March 18, 1955 submitted by Mr. A. W. Van Horn, Sr., opposing the rec ~ssification,was read. . ~ I Those addr.1ng the Council were Mr. SChuringar 1041 'Bal1IQad,who felt that the area c!I.d be better used as a p~rk; Mr. Jerome Stebiy:adv!$ed that the map shown by the Gas Company of their intended plans will1.ooJC"1AuCh betteI'" than most of t .~ homes on Ball Road. They claim that they are not going to have any thin that would make it look like a maintenance yard. Mr. R. D. T ylor asked if those present in favor o'f the reclassifi- cation would rise. proximately l8 persons indicated their approval. Mr. Nichola Stehly stated that he was still in favor of:thisproject, that it was going to ~lp the fa~ily in creating a buffer zone fOr their poultry business; fur her that he felt it would be good for the entire neigh- borhood and called at ention to the increased revenue derived by the City through taxation, sho Id this development be allowed. 937 Ci 1955 - 7100 P.M. Mr. ZlnIner, resident on ookhurst Street, went on record in favor of the reclas$ification. Mr. Kuljis st,ated he ori ~nally signed the petition against the reclassification and would like to ~ve his signature removed rro,m thatp~ ti tion. n!,. L Mr. Tom Stahly stated h~ ~ived on the Stehly Poultry Ranch, and that while attending school in Los geles, he boarded next to a gas company installation such as the one propos for this site; and further that this was located in a very nice district ~nd the installation was a credit. ~Clark, resident on ~l Road, stated she had lived there 38 years and was against the proposed. ! elassification. Mra. Lindgren addressed problems cre<<tedwi th the add! ticn the necessary increase in populati .i tes in the area and tile hazardou: tenance yard to the school childr e Council, calling attention to the hoaes already approved for that area and tbe hOlAes will draw, the proposed school ~raffic condition created by this main- ~n going to and from school. Mrs. Carter stated she. Ived right next door, west of the proposed installation,. and that they haven t J>een able to sell their home because no one wanted sUCh a large area and ,i ,and the rezoning would open the area to other light manufacturing. Mrs. Thomas Boswell the gas company could locate. the property could be better used Mayor Pearson asked the going in there, and was answered there. dience how they would feel about business no one objected to the proposed business Mrs. Scnwarzbach stated adjacent to the proposed area in and didn't feel that it would lend at the west line of her property was !ch they planned to establish the pipe yard y increased value to her property. n Mr. Buccola, subdivider; d owner of property on the north side Q-f Ball Road, felt that he would abid by any decision made by the City Council. if there wasn't any industrial area that Mr. Carl Lindgren stat for C-l purposes. Mrs. Van Ho:tn spoke reg'ding the installation of a high fence ~M stated that Mr. Kennedy made ltpl,n at the County Planning Commission's meeting that they were proud of th~r installation and would put up a fence that could be seen through. Mr. Norton, resident at1he corner of Ball Road and Nutwood, felt that every effort should be made t "alleviate traffic on Ball Road. Persons in the audience felt that the Hearing should. be closed as the hour was getting late. Counci 'an Van Wagoner moved that the Hearing be continued to ~r1l 5. 1955, 7:00 P Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIJ!I).' . n CONTINUED PU~IC HaJtING: ~ ;C OSING AND ABANDO~NT OF :PCllT~ON QF " NUTWOOD STREiT: This Hearing was 4ntinued to allow the City Attorney to investigate ihe matter. The City Attorney advis d that the establishment of these easemtJlts resulted frOll the Stearns Rancho S -ivey, 1910, which at every quarter section line estulished an ea$ement for4d purposes., There is nothing,to indicate that it has ever been opened for4d or street purposes. There is a trail a~jacent to the property of the lQf backing up to this; however, the owners who are OPPO$ed to the closing hay service entrances available from the front of their property to thei.- gtages. Fifteen feet of the original 938 1955 ~ 7& ~ I easement has been abandoned and reverted to the property owners to the west. the propo~ abandonment of this ,ddi tional 15 feet will be taken from the p perties to! the east. It will be noted that the section extending to the nor h has already been abandoned, and if this were allowed to remain open, it woul ,result in a dead-end street, 15 feet wide. The action of abandonment to be taken by the Council is under the 1941 Act, and the fi_lngs the Council has to make are whether it is presently needed for street purposes or whether t ~s apt tQ be needed in the future. Mr. Turner further stpted that there was no fWtdence that it had ever been developed $ a through road and that there is no indication that there would be any n ~essity in the future for developing it as a street or highwa~ for the reas . that streets are proposed on either sid~ of 1t the depth of one lot to Ie eas~and to the west by tentative map. already sub- mitted to the City. Councilman Van Wagoner asked if it was ever called a street and dedi- cated as a street, a d the City Attorney advised that it was an easeaent re- served for street orjoad purpo&es and that the easement is there. I. Located on the west side of Gilbert Street north of should Qussion re.ulted as to where the property woyld revert t be accom~lished. the west, ol t said that he owned the 4th lot of the property to .till opposed to the abandonment of the area. Mr.. Dixon and that he was will "ated~ he lived in the area that has already bee~ abandoned, g to pay a reasonable amount to hav~ an all.,estDlished. n j '! In the fin wi th Mr. Berger, own be worked out along to April 5, 1955, 7: seconded by Councilm analysis, it was suggested that the group get together. of the ptoperty to the east, and see if something could ose lines; and, therefore, the Hearing was continued o'clock P.M., on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. on this map. ative Officer, Mr. Murdoch, reported that all the bonds approved,. and recommended the accep.tanee of said final Final Map .accepted by the City Council s,*ject to. englAeering requirements, on mot! n by Councilman Fry, seconded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. Loca~ between Lincoln Aven\t8:alld'Broa;way, extenCII- Ing from Brookhurst t Euclid. The Adminis rative Officer reported that all necessary bond. for imp~ovements were in, tpproved, and recommended the acceptance ofaald fInal map. ~ J ,j Final Map w . accepted.. by the City Council subject to engIneering requirementst on moti . by CouncIlman Van Wagoner, seconded by Counc11mon Wisser. MOTION CARRl I. VARIMCES NOS. 312 313 RE E T FOR WAIVER OF CONDITIO : Mr. Herbert Tobin requested that action aJcen by t e City Council relative to VarianGes'Nol. 312 and 313 granted permi 'ion for the erection of temporary girectional signs advertising the sale t houses in Tract No. 2111, that the limitation of the size of the signs fro 10 feet by 25 feet. be waived inasmuch as the""signs for these locations were lready constructed and that they were between,5€) feet by 70 feet in size. He Urther agreed to any arrangement as to the time limit on these signs and st ted that at the rate the houses were selling, the 4-month period would more tha suffice. 939 Ci CO\tJlcilman Schutte moved that a waiver on the size of signs granted in these variances be approved and.at the signs be granted for only the +-month period. Councilman Fry se~ *ded the motion. On roll call the motion ,S duly passed and adopted by the follow- ing vote: Wisser, and Van Wagoner. n AYIS: NOIS : ABIENT ; COONCILMEN: CCJ.HCILMAN : ccancILMSN : MOTION CARRIED. COMIIJNITYfAI&. Mr. Robert J. Hein! addressed. the Council on behalf of the Anaheim J\Jftio.. Chamber of Commerce. t'aquesting pe%U\ission to hold the aMual Community Fair July 7 through the 1 the He stated that this would involve participation of all the Service a Civic Clubs in the Anaheim area. Councilman Van Wagoner s . tee! that it had been the policy of the~ Council to grant this Community Fat i as it has been a yearly event and that it was the oAly one of its kind th ! allowed; and because the precedent has .een establisied, he moved the Coun' !l approve the Cormnuni ty Fair and that it be referred to the Park and Rec tion Department for the necessary SCheduling. Councilman Wisser sec ed the motion. MOTION CARRIED. fIRE STATION: Mr. Harold D. Gimeno Architect for the preparation of plans ~ specifications of the proposed ~ Fire Station, presented said plans for the City Council's approval. H! requested that the necessary resolution De prepared by the City Attorney to allow the first publication to be the 29th wi th the opening of bids on the 22n . or 2.5th of April. Mr. Murdoch reported tha ! the territory is not yet annexed to the C! ty of AMbe1m but reCl8llended th. facceptance of the' plans a~d spec! fications and advised tltat constw:ction could"e started. n Cowac,1.... Wi$aeroffer a resolution of nece$si ti' tdthtAe optlJd.:ng ef the bi.s te, be April 21. Mr. MurdoGhHviseQ that J.nasm~ch as this was still located in County terri ttry, it WQ\tld be nece, ,ry to obtain a variance fNm the County Planning Commission for the const tion of the proposed station. Gguncilman Wisser moved p rescind his motion to aGopt a resolution of necessity and the opening of bid r on April 2l for the Fire Station. C~ll- un Van Wa90ner seconded the motion . MOTION CARRIED. IC.A'IELLA- ITm SEWER Hol yak e, repQl"ted th. Zarubi ca Com recommended the awarding of said bi . NO. lO~; The City Engineer, George L y of Los Angeles to be low bidder, and RESOLUTION. NO, 26691 Councilman V moved for its passage and adoption. Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2669 aad Refer to Resolution Book A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COOI'CIL OF 1fHE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED PROPOSAL AND JlARDlr<<; A CONTRACT TO tHE LCJl~T R.~ONSIBLJ: BI.IDG PeR nm R.JRNISHING OF ALL PLANT, LABat, S 'CES, MATSRIALS AND EQUIPMENT, AND ALL 1ffILITIES AND IRANSPCRTATION, IlC.. J4G POWER, FUEL, AND WATER, AND PDRJUi. 1MG ALL WCIU< IECESSARY TO CONSmUCT 1Jm COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC I.aOVs- MEN!: THE KAtELLA-tiARBCE. INTERCEPT SEWER OF WEST ANAHEIM SEWERS, JOB NO. l055. (ZAJUJBJ:CA COJl' ANY $150 614.. t7 . n On roll call by the following vote: resolution was duly passed and adopted AYES: NOES : ABSENT : 940 - 7,%00 '.M.. Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. None. The Mayor eclared the foregoing resolution duly passed and..a4opted. o IT T if19 the passage by before the Congress IC: ,... E. P. Hapgood addressed the Council request- e City Council of a resolution opposing,certainacts now TION NO. 2670 Councilm4n Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2670 and meved fer its passae and adoption. Refer to.solution look, page ,ITY COUJC~L OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM OPPOSING THi QWFJt ;PROJS:TS AS PROPOSED IN S. 500 AND H. R. 270 AND THE flYING' AN-ARKANSAS ,ROJELT AS PRCFOSED IN S. 300 AND H. R. 412, NOW PENDIOO IN COtGtESS. On roll ell the fortgoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES I ABSENT : C;OUtCILMEN* Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. qOUfCILMEN. None. COUfCILMEN. None. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and-adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 2671 Council~n Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2671 and moved for its passa . and adop~ion. Refer to .solution Book, page Il (~ I A RISOWTION OF THi ITY COUtCJL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FIt$IlG AND DETERMINING THAT PUBLIC COWENI AND N!tESSITY REQUIItE THE COMS1RUCtI8If 'IdI>_LETION OF A PUBLIC IIIFR T TO WITF ADDITIONS AND ~TERAnONS TO.~tGPOOL A,\: Cl P JO NO. AJI) APPROVI}C; THE IESI<tiS, PLANS, PROFIL!8, IItAWINGS, AND SPECIFICATIONS 1HE COJ$TRUCTION. THEREOF; AU'IH<JiIZING THE CONsTROCTION OF SAID PUBLIC I~I"EMENT IN ACCORDMCE WITIi SAID PLANS, SPECIPICATIONS, ETC.. AND AU1H~IZING AND .IRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS THE CONS11tUCTION THEREOF, ANDRBSCINDING RESOWTION NO. 2657. OPEN BIDS RIL 12 5 . On roll c 11 the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT I (:OUNClIJAEN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. tOUN:aLMEN!1 None. . tOUtCILMENil None. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolutio~ d~ly passed and adopted. HE WTION Councilman Wisser offered Resolution No. 2672 and moved fo~ it~ pallAg~ and odoption. n Refer to ~solutlonBook, page I , A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUrcIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTItG ~arr OF ~~~~I<<):~T, tREAI.PR~ERTY R]I,. PUBLIC UTILITY PURP<>S1!$. <mtIBIT m.. On roll c "1 the foregoing resolution was du'ly passed 1Ild~~.1)_'1 by the following vo e: 941 C AYES: NOES: ABSENT : COUNCILMEN : COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. Tlw ~yor deelared the qregoing r.solution duly passed and adopted. IiSOWTION NO., 26731 Councilman V~jWa9oner offered Resolution No. 2673 and .-ved for its passage aftd adoption. n A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COOlCIL OF iHE CITY OFAHAHEIM ASCERTAINI:NG AND Deriaua... It<<; THE PR!V AIUNG RATE OF S T ,ltE PAID KJl EACH CRAFT CR TYPE OF M)RKMAH OR aecHANIC NIEII!D FOR PUBLIC \UtKS CO ACT FOR tHE FURNISHING OF ALL MATaiIALS, 'LANT, LABeR, AND SERVICES RR THE DITlONS AND ALTeRATIONS TO SWIMMING POOL AT CITY PARK IN mE CITY OF ANAHEIM. On roll the following vote: AYES : NOES. ABSENT : COUOCILMEN: COUN:;ILMEN: COON:ILMEN: Tke Mayor declared the resolution was duly passed and adopted by '.arson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. ~ne. one. resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO~ 2674: Councilman Wi .er offered Resolution No. 2674 and moved for t ts passage and adoption. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUtCIL OF1'HE CITY OF ANAHEIM DECLARING ALL WEEDS AND RANK ffiOWTH caoWING UPON PUBLIC STIt TS AND VACANT LOTS TO BE A NUISANCE. n On roll call the foregQ $9 resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: A1ES: NCES. _NT: COUNCILMEN: COUl'{;I LMEN I CooNe,looN: The Mayor declared the ,tarson, Fry, Schutt., Wisser, and Van .'goner. One. ,nee resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 2675: Councilman Wi $er offered Resolution No. 2675 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Boo t page A. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY. COOlClL OF tHE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCFPTING A CJt.ANTDEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM C TAIN REAL PROPERTY FCR AN EASEMENT roR PUBLIC VTlkITIES. (ROBINWOOD PARK, LID, ACT NO. 2287). On roll call the forego ag resolution was duly passed ~nd adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES; ABSENT: COUtCILMEN: COUK:;ILMEN; COUlClLMEN: ,arson, Fry, SChutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. q>ne. .ne. n The Mayor declared the .regoing resolution duly passed and adopted. IESOLUTIO~ NO. 2676: Councilman Wi $er offered Resolution No. 2676 and moved for its passate and adoption. Refer to Resolution Boo t page 942 ~ ..~"~ Cit A RESOUITION OF T PTY COOKjIL OF 1HE CITY OF ANAHEIMACGEPTING ~. ~ D~ CONVEYING TO THE C[. OF A.N.AHaIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FCJi -1Nr11 LLn,.ea'lUJIUC UTILITIES. (IVAN . LS & SONS, 1RACT )(). 2288). I . On roll c .n.l the fo~oing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following va ~: AYES: NOES : ABSENT : ~lCI~: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Vcm Wagoner. tOUfoCILMEN: None. tOUlCILMEN!: None. The Mayor feclared the foregoing resolution dUly passed and adopted. RI$OWIION NO 7 1 Councilman Fry offered Resolution No. 2677 and moved for its passage and ado tlon. Refer to A RESOLUTION OF THaITY COUN:;!L OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUnICltIZDIG THE PUR... CHASE ,AN) ACQUISITI OF CERTAIN REAL PBCPERTY RR PUBLICPURPOSBS. (MENDEZ, $20,~o.oo) . by the PearsOR, Fry, Schutte~ Wisser, and 'Van Wagoner. None. None. the for~oin9 resol~tion was duly passedaRd adopted AYES: NOES: ABSENT : 1 The Mayor pclared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. 1i2$OLUTION NO. 2678~ Councilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2678 and moved for its passa and adoption. page A RESOUITION OF THE tTY COUNCIL OF ",'DIE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHC.JtIZIl<<3 TMB MAYCJt MI> mE CITY CLERIC i ENTBt INTO AN ~~~NT WITH THE STATE OF CALI.RItIlIA DEP ARTMENT OF PUBLIC. it DIVI~ION OF HIGHWAYS RJR TIm CONSTRtx;TION BY THE STATE OF AN I I S11 THE SANTA ANA FREEWAY AT. -GADWAY S'IREETI AND AUTHCRIZING THE TY AUDITca TO DEPOSIT TIlE ESTIMATm COST 1HifbOp WIlli THE STATE. ($11,360.00) , On roll ca 1 the fore,oing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES I ABSENT : Pearson, Fry, Schutte~ Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. None. The Mayor lared the foregoing r&solu~ion duly passed and .~ed~ ~, ~ ,I I t REPCIlTS: Reports of penses paid in maintaining Sections 3 and 4 and treating Sections 5 and 6 of 18 Joint Outfall Sewer and report of flow for the IIlGnt.h of FeQruary was appro d and ordered received and filed on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by C uncilman ~an Wagoner. MOTION CARRIED. ORP1N~E NO. 982: C ~ncilman Wisser offered Ordinance No. 982 for second reading and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Or !nance Book, page 943 Ci AN ORDIN.AN';E OF THE CITY OF ANAHEI STABLISHI~ CatJAlNJmC&JLATIONS GOVERNING IfIE DECTmNt,CONlDlUCnON, AND At. ATION OF CERTAIN BUIlDINGS, S'lRUC1URES, AND IltPROVEMSrrS, AND CERTAIN USES LAND, AtI) PROVIDING A MINIWM FLOCR AREA IN CERTAIN AREAS WITHIN THE CITY 0 iuwlEIM. (~.J~.~u_...lgl....t H~.SII1. After hearing read in fu a the title of Ordinance No. 982 and having knowledge of the contents thereof, ouncilman Van Wagoner moved the reading in full be waived. CouncilJRan Wisser.condee! the motion. Motion unanimously G8rried by the Council. On roll call the forego! Ordinance No. 982 was duly passed and adopted by th. followiR9 vote: n AYES: NOES: ABSENT : COUtCILMEN: COUtl:1; LMEN : COUN::I LMEN : Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van 'Wagoner. The Mayor declared the ordinance duly passed and adopted. ORDINAJ\[;E, NO. 984: Councilman Sch reading and moved for its passage e offered Ordinance No. 984 for second adoption. AN CRDINAlCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEI fROHIBInNG THE PRESENCE IN THE C;tTY OF ILWS1RA~ ~C"BOQKS, MAGAZI . 'AND PUBLICATIONS OF AN O~ENE NATURE;, PlOHIBITIMG THE PRESEtCE IN THE CI OF COMIC BCXJ<S, MAGAZINES, AND PUBLI- - CATIONS GIVII<<; ILLUS1RATED ACCOUNT OF SPECIFIED CRIMES; STATIr<<J THE PRSSUIFTION tAISED UPON DISPLAY OF PROHIBITED LICATIONS; AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR 'IOLATION OF ITS PROVISIONS. After hearing read in f j1 the title of Ordinance No. 984 and. h.a?1ng tno.ledge of the contents thereof, i cilman Schutte moved the reading inNll of said ordinance be waived. Coun lman Van Wagoner seconded the motion. Motion unanimously carried by the Council. n AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. On roll call the foregoi Ordinance No. 984 was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: COONCILMEN: C<JJK::ILMEN : COUNCILMEN: The Mayor declared the egoing ordinance duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 985: Councilman Van ~eading and mov.ed for its passage goner offered Ordinance No. 985 for second adoption. Refer to Ordinance Book, AN OlIDlNAlCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEI ~.ING ARTICLE III, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM M1NICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING CTIONS 7210, 7210.1, AND 7210.2 AND BY ADDING THERETO SR:;TIONS 7210.3 TO 0.6, BOTH IJlCLUSIVE. (REGV~TIONS OF~T "lREES) · After hearing read in f i the title of Ordinance No. 985 and having knowledge of the contents thereof, uncilman Wisser moved the reading in full of said ordinance be waived. Coun ;lman Schutte seconded the motion. Motion unanimously carried by the Cmun;11. n On roll call the foregoi Ordinance No. 985 was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: 944 1955 - 7 00 P.M. AYES, Jl)ES. ABSENT : Pearson. Fry.. Schutte,:Wtss'er, and' Vo W.g~her. )fene. None. The Mayor ordinance duly passed and adopted. PLUMBm BONDS; On Wissar, the' followi by the City Attorn ion by CQuncilman Van Wagoner, second~ by Councilman Plumber ~nd$ were ordered rece1ved and filed when -approved MOTION dARRIED. an's Pl~in9 and Heating Co. n .....Le~ttt dba, Liberty Plumbing Co. n E. Vin~tieri E. Marcijand n j ~J . The ~port of the Orange County Boundary' C~s8ion approving the bounda . es of the! Ninth Street Annexation, providing the north boundary of the sout~est portion of the annexation coinGides with property lines, was ordered :r ~eived and filed, on Motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, se~onded by Counciln Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. WEST ANAHEIM ANNEXAT N: COlllltUflication sutai tted by the Anaheim City Planning CaMmission, March 2 11955, recpmmending the City Council consider for annex- ation, that area as .own on th~ map and known as lest Anaheim Annex.Uon, was subJRi tted, read, *nd ordereti received and filed, . onllotionby Councilman Wi$ser, seconded byctuncilman Van Wagoner. MOTION CARRIED. Connunication submitted by the AnaneimCityPlanning 1955, rec"'ending that the area known as Lincoln-Dale.. ~ed for anbexation to this City, was sUbmitted, read, and tiled, o.n Jjtot~on by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Council- 10N CARRIED. BALL lOAD ANNEXATION . 2: Retuest of proponents to cODllence proCeedings foi:r the annexation of te :itory destribed in said request and known as Ball Road Annexation No.. 2 was Jteceivecl all\ld ordered referred to the City Planning Commission for their ecommendations, on motion by Councilman SChutte, seconded by Councilman Fry. TION CARRtED. CI requested to taJc e n ereetio"rt"ofa Ftre S on motion by Council CAlIRI &D. SA ANA REtvision of the original Santa Anapteeway Agre8tent 1941 ' dments tJ,ereto, were subRitted by the City Engineer, George E. Holyoke, a discussed by the Council. Action on these proposed amendments was wi thhe d to allow further study. VAlUAtt;E HO. 299: S i tted by Arthur J. Roquet for pemission to erect a.... GrOCery Store at 758rth LE!III()IIi Street and remodel. the existing building at 754 North Lemon Stree . on prope~ty presently zoned R-3. n [i t I The City PI nning Commission, pursuant to their ReaolutiQn No. 95, granted said variance $ubject to condl tlons as outlined ilt'toaolution No. 95. Communicati ~s receive~, dated March 17, from Dorothy A. Barnett, ~Ol North Lemon Stree and Mrs. perald Willis MyE'-rS, 262 West North Str..t, Apt. 2, requesting to have their names r.-oved from the petition circulated bt Mr. ,Roquet in approving te reclassifi.-non, were sumi tted and read, an" Mr. Mungall, Secretary of the City P1annlng Commission, was requested to an...r said communications. MDTI. CARRIED. 945 \i*MUNICATION. Co-.unicatibn fr. Ihaheim Union High School, requestt Street at Lemon street, reading "Vo 5," was submitted and permission wa Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by e Citizens Advisory COlJIni ttee of the , to hart' a banner across and over Center Yes - Special High School Election - April granted by the City CQ~ncil on motion by ouncilman Wisser. MOt'10N CARRIED. n COMMUNICATION. COBmunicatlon from e Anaheim Municipal Employees Association .-questing th. adoption of the prop 'ed 3-week vacation plan and the considera- tion of a 5 per cent or $15.00 min monthly raise for all City employees beginning with the 1955-56 fiscal y r, was received and ordered filed. f CCIAIlNICATIONI State Compensation surancePund.~d" in the amount of 114.07 on the policy ending Novembe ,29, 1952 was submitted and read. COMt4JNICATION: Communication from .. J. C. McNeill requesting an extension .f time to all" the vacation of pr 'erty pUI1;hased by the City, was referred to Mr. Murdoch for investigation wiJ . power to act. USOj.UTION NO.. 26801 Councilman Va~a9oper offered Resolution No. 2680 ~nd .eved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Be ~ page , E CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDlf<<3 AND DETERMINING , R~IRE THE CONSTRUCT:ION Ati) CCM>>Ltt!OIf 'AI..MA-MAGN)LIA mull< SEWER JO NO FILES, DRAWINGS, AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SAID PUBLIC I.ROY&- EClFICATIONS, ~TC.; AND AUTHOR.IZING AND NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALSFQR THE IL 21 1955., .,~LUTION QP THE CITY COUlCIL OF 1'IrATPUBLIC CONVENIEICE ANDz RECESSl Of' A PUBLIC I)I>ROVEMENT TO WIT: AM:> APPROVING THE DESIGNS, PLANS, 1HE CONSTIWCTION THEREOFI AlJTHORIZI .NT IN ~O~ WITH SAID PLANS, DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TOPUBLISa CONSTRUCTION THEREOF. (~EN BIDS n On roll call the forego by the followi~g vote: resolution was duly passed and adopted AYES: NOES: ABSENT : COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COONe I LMEN: Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. The Mayor declared the resolution duly passed and adopted. .~s: Disc~sion was held regarq the establishment of a policy regulating the placement of fences and who sh bea~ the cost of their construction. It was considered that a subdivisio jgoing in next to a chicken ranch, the sub- divider would necessarily erect the ~ence; and that a fair policy to follow _uld be the person or subdivider p ducing the conditions that require the fence should bear the cost of their Qonstruction. It was further discussed. h that' where there was a definite ne for a fence, it would be. included wi tt)in their bonds for improvements. PIIRS9NtmL: The Administrative Offir, Mr. Murdoch, recommended the emplo}'JRent .f an Administrative Intern, Albert air, to help alleviate the burden ofwark now accumulating in the Administrat 'e Department. Said. employment was author- ized by the Council. in the Water Department, Schedule No.... n ERtployment 24-A, was authorized. L JOINT MiETING: To be held March 28, l~. H. R. BILL 4~; Discussion was h~ Introduced by'Harris and Henshaw p . the well head. pn the proposed legislation which has been ining to the regulation of natural gas at 946 RlEIUiATION AR the building on the School District, wa Propos~d relocation of the Recreation Department to gh Schoo] proper~y, formerly used by the Elementary discussed. Il _J Mr. Murdo still one or two ye adjacent to the Cit property to be much iog on the High Scho reported that the lease on the 91ty Hall Bas...nt had $ to run and that Mr. Hoskins, owner of the lJuildlng Hall, offered office rental, the rental of the Hoskins. teater than the necessary remodeling costs of the build- 1 propert~. Mr. Murdoch was to investigate further. -RJiQUESTED MEETING LEY-KUHNS: Firm. of Manley-Kuhns requested a meeting with the City Counci relative:to property in the south part of town and especially to maps r Corded after the area became a part of the City of Anaheim. These maps~o not hav~ the signature of the City Engineer nor the approval of the City ~ouncil, ahd the City of Anaheim takes a view that the maps are illegal. T t meeting ~as to be worked out by the Administrative Officer within the n xt two weeks. RESOLUTION NO. 2681; Councilmao Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2681 and moved for its passag and adoption. $olution BOok, page A RESOLUTION OF THE .~TY COUN:;~OF DiE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVINGMf) AUlHCE- IZING THE aa:cuTION .. AN ACJiNT TO BE MADE .AM) ENTEREJ) INTO BY THE DEPART- MENT OF PUBUC QK$ !DIVISIOII . F lfiGHlfAYS OF THE STA1E OF CALIRJIUiIIA, RELATING TO THE CLOSING AND! IRELOCATIOIl OF CITY STREETS OR OTIlBi CONSmOOTION APFB:;TING CITY S1REETS RELATI TO THE FRlEWAy. (ROUTE 175, HOUSIDN: FRes.JAY). ~ j by the the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted AYES: NOES: ABSENT : Pearson, Fry, SChutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. None. The Mayor lared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. YAULT CONNECT ME tendent of Light, Po Water District to mak OLITAN ' I C Mr. George Oellcers, Sup.rio- , and Wa~ert was authorized to request tbe Metropolitan a vault connection at Lewis and Cerritos Streets. Councilman . sser mov~ to adjourn to March 29, 1955, 7100 o'clock P.M. Councilman Schutte s bnded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED. APPROVED. SIGNED. Mayor Ci ty Clerk 1