1955/03/29 946 r-, 1956 - 7100 P.M. Proposed relocation of the Recreation Department to gh School property, formerly used by the Elementary iscussed. ~ Mr. Murd01 still one or two y adjacent to the Cit property to be much log on the High Sc reported that the lease on the ~ity Hall Bas_ant had s to run and that Mr. Hoskins, owner of the building all, offered office rental, the rental of the HosJcins. eater than the necessary remodeling costs of the build- 1 property. Mr. Murdoch was to investigate further. RlCUESTED MEETING wi th the Ci ty Counc' especially to maps LEY-KUHNS: Firm of Manley-Kuhns requested a meeting relative to property in the south part of town and orded after the area became a part of the City of Anaheim. o not have the signature of the City Engineer nor the ouncil, and the City of Anaheim takes a view that the meeting was to be worked out by the Administrative t two weeks. These map' approval 0 f the Ci t! maps are illegal. Officer within the Councilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2681 and and adoption. Refer to olution Book, page A RESOWTION OF THE., IZING THE EXECUTION: MENT OF PUBUC WCJU< TO THE CLOSING ANDf. CITY STREETS RELATI TY COUOCIL OF TIiE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING MI) AUlHCR- AN ACJlESMENT TO BE MAlE AND ENTERED INTO BY THE DEP ART- DIVISION OF HIGlWAYS OF THE STAm OF CALIRJ'tNIA, RELATING RELOCATION OF CITY STREETS OR OTHER CONS1RtCTION AFFECTING TO THE FREEWAY. (ROUTE 175, HOUSTON fREEWAY). by the the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted AYES: NOES: ABSENT : Pearson, Fry, SChutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. None. , The Mayor ~clared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. YA\1LT CONNECT CJ>OLITAN DI C Mr. Ge0rge Oelker.., Superin- tendent of Light, Pb r, and Water, was authorized to request the Metropolitan Water District to m a vault connection at Lewis and Cerritos Streets. Councilman isser moved to adjourn to March 29, 1955, 7100 o'clock P.M. Councilman Schutte S onded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED~ APPROVED. SIGNED. Mayor -~/ Ci ty Cl erk n;.... .... (. ........ I~J 947 Session. The Ci ty Council of the q y of Anaheim met in Adjourned Regular PRESENT: COUOCILMEN: Pearson, 1 y, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. ABSENT: CW~ILMEN1_! None. i CITY AITQREY .PRESTON 'tURNER. prt ern ADMINlS*TIVE OFFICER, KEITH, Present. ~OLUTION NO, 2~1 Councilun W~ er offered Resolution No. 2682 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOWTION OF THE CITY COU~IL Of IZING THE EXBj1UTION OFA ITC CALIFORNIA NQl-PROFIT COOPERATIVE STORAGE, llC., ACALIFQtNIA CORPOR On roll call the foregoin resolution was duly passed and adopted by the follawdn9 vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT : COUN:I LMEN: COUN:ILMEN: COUtCILMEN: Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. The: Mayor declared the resolution duly passed and adopt.t. .,t, ubmitted by Harry S. Apter requesting a 00, square foot lot area requlr.ents in Public Hearing was ordeZ1 to be held resulting frOlt an appeal filed by Paul Calvo appealing the action aken by the City Planning COJllnisslon in ,ranting said Variance No. 309. The City Planning Commi$ granted said 'Variance No. 309 subj Lewellyn Avenue and Acacia Street on, p~rsu.nt to their Resolution No. 110, t to the increasing of lot sizes between 66 feet in width. Mr. Apter addressed the, tracts indicating a smaller mini ' uncil, presenting .aps of surrounding' lot area. Another gentleman in the udience addressed the Council, stating that they, being property qwners ~ oss the street, were agreeable to the 60-foot lots but did want nice hOlJles to b, onstructed in the area. Mr. Apter further stated. hat the homes to be built were o.f the con- ventional type with hardwood floot an~ further, that they would abide by the 1225 square feet minimum ordinanct Mayor Pearson asked if. one else wished to address the CouncilJ there being no one, declared the h ring closed. RESOLUTION tC). 2683: Councilman V moved for its passage and adoption Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2683 and Refer to Resolution Boo~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL 3()9 TO HARRY S. APTffi RE~ESTItI:; SQtlARE FOOT LOT AREA REQUIREMENTS; AND SPECIFICATIONS OF ANY WllDI TO THE cOOtCIL AND APPROVED BY IT!. THE CITY OF ANAHEIM C]tANTING V ARIAtCEt<<). IVER OF THE 70-FOOT HtONTA~ AND 7200 1RACT NO. 2570 UPON CONDITION THAT PLANS TO BE EREC1ED UPON SAID LOTS BE SUBMITTED o n n by the ~ AYES: NOES: ABSENT: 948 Anaheim Callfo 1955 - :.7100 P.M. . t~ the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted ~OUNCILMEN: Pearson, Fry"Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. OUOCILMEN: None. OUl'CILMEN: None. the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. I Submitted by Harry S. Apter requesting a 7200 square foot lot area requirements in The Mayor p waiver of the 70-fb Tract No. 2571. Public Hf3 fing was ordered to be held resulting from an appeal filed by Paul Cal~o app?~ ng the action taken by the City Planning CORIission in f:rlnting sald Varl e No. 310. I I The City ~nning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. Ill, granted. said varian...". No. 310 subject to a revision of the map bringing the lots up to 7200 sq~ e feet inasmuch as the lots facing this tract are all well over the 7200 are feet. ~ Mr. Apte stating that the t from this tract an Apter further stat with hardwood floo feet minimum ordin r" ":". t Mayor P the Council; there RESOLUTION NO. 26 for its passage a It. RESOWTION OF T llQ.... TO HARRY S. S(JJARE FOOT LOT AND S~ECIFICATIONS TO THe COU~IL AND ddressed the,Couocl1 urging the waiver of this requirement, t referred to in Variance No. 309 is just across the street he same reasons apply to this tract as did the other. Mr. that the homes to be built were of the conventional type , and, further, that they would abide by the 1225 square on asked if anyone else in the audience wished to address ing no one, declared the hearing closed. Schutte offered Resolution No. 2684 and moved Book, page ITY COUl'CIL OF TIiE CI.TY OF ANAHEIM CiiANTIt1'2 V.~~E NCL REQUESTING' A WAIVER OF THE 70-FooT fR())N!AGE AND 7200 RE~IREMENT5 IN 1RACT NO. 2571 UPON CONDITION THAT PLANS F ANY BUILDIIGS TO BE ERECTED UPON SAID LOTS BE SUBMITTED PROVED BY IT. On roll ~,ll the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adbpted by t~e following vote , Public H ~ring resulted from an appeal filed by Duncan Sha~, Vice- President and Trea ~rer of the Market Basket from action taken by the City Planning Commissio iin granting Variance No. 315. I Mr. Mun9~1, Secretary of the City Planning Commfssion, repo.rted that the City P'!anning 'lJII\ission granted the reduction of the P-L Zone from the required 25 feet t 110 feet. AYES: NOES: ABSENT : waiver of the P-L Ball Road. n COUNCILMEN: COUtCILMEN: COUtCILMEN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. None. the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. Submitted by Market Basket requesting a southwest corner of South Los Angeles Street and 949 P .14. MaYCfr Pearson asked if a~ Council, and Mr. Duncan Shaw addre$ the requested elimination of the P4 ne in the audience wished to address the the Council, stating their reasons for Zone in its entirety. There being no one else and no writtea objections to this Mayor Pearson declared the hearing I RESOLUTION NO~ 2685: Councilman V. .oved for its passage and ctdoption, Refer to Resolution Book. hing to address the Council on this matter lie Hearing filed with the City Clerk, , 0500. o Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2685 and A RESOWTION QF THE CIty coutCIL Or ~TO THE..MAlKET BASK IT RliQlESn CORNER OF sootH LOS ANGELES STREET! WALL NOT LESS'THAN 2 FEET HIGH ANDi MOUND THE P.IMETER OF THE PROPER' HE CITY OF ANAHEIM CIlANTING VARIAtCE MO. WAIVB\OF THE P-L ZONE AT THE SOOnoo!lf.. BALL ROAD UPON ,CONf)1iTION THAT A MASOJa' INCHES THICK BE ERECTED AND MAINTAINED On .011 call the foregoi the following'vote: resolution was duly passed and adopted by Ava: NOil: ABSENT : son, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagon.r. CQUlCILMEN: C(XJICI LMSN : C()JICI LMEN : The Mayor declared the resolution duly passed and adopted. JECLASSIFICAUON F-54-55-28: Su rezoning of Afoperty located on WeI taken by the ti ty Council at thei~ referred back to the Planning Co~ of two member,s of the City Planni ' ed by Walter H. Leimert Company for the Broadway to &.3 upon which action was eting of March 22 and said reclassification sion as a result of information that te%ms ommission had expired. n The City Attorney report that the action taken by the City Planning Commission was valid. Cotlncilman Schutte moved 0 vacate the motion made referring ilt bacJt. to the City Planning Commission, ~ ch 22, 1955. Councilman Fry seconded tae, motion. MOTION CARRIED. I' COmMunication received sition, requesting the matter be m Mr. Morningstar, Attorney for the oppo- tinued for one week, was submitted and read. / On motion by Councilman said hearing 'Was ntinued to r owners and iAterested parties eou n Wagoner, seconded by Council~Wisser. 5 1 5 7:00 o'clock P.M. so that property be heard. MJTION CARRIED. Mr. Medari s and both were advised Ap:r:,i 15th me.til'l9_ PUBLIC : questing the"' , property described b between Center Street and Anahei~ Council and Mrs. Thomas addressed the Council, would be taken by the Council until the 2: Subni tted by George Schaf eZl'''~. fly as the west side of Placentia Ave~ ive Road,be rezoned from R-A to C-l. n Th. City PlanniQ9 COBlJ\i~ on, pursuant to their Resolution No. l16, recommended the reclassification b granted subject to the following: 1. The dedication of 2$ Wid. e.ning. of East .,cei The dedication of 1 widening of this hi The dedication of 2 widening of this hi' The filing of deed BCRHOOD-COPMERCIAL ~ 5 feet to the City of Anaheim for the r Street. eet on Anahei...Oli ve Road for the aYe eet along Placentia Avenue for the aYe trictions as required for C-l, NEIGH- , in the City of Anaheim. 2. 3. 4. 950 u 1956 - 7:00 P.M. Council [asked if anyone in the audience wished to address the fer; therebe1ng no one, declared the hearing closed. Councilman Wisser offered Resolution No. 2686 and moved adoption. page A RESOLUTION OF T THAT A CHANGE OF 4 ARTICLE IX, CHAP COMPLISH SAID CH CITY COUtCIL OF THE. CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING IS NECESSARY IN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY AND 11iAT 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIP AI. CODE SHOULD BE AMENDED TO AC- OF ZONE. (F-.54-55-29). by the 11 the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted AYES: NOES: ABSENT: I OUNeI LMEN: OUNCILMEN: OUtCILMEN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. None. eclared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. PUBLIC HEARING: R requesting that Lot SSI ICATION F-54-55-30: Subni tted by George D. Buccola of Tract No. 2537 be rezoned from R-l to C-l. The City ianning commiSSion., pursuant to their Resolution No. 117, recommended ,said re ~assification be approved subject to the fOllowing I 1. if anyone in the audience wished to address the ~ 2. ing of 20 feet to the City of Anaheim for eningof Ball Road. ing of standard deed restrictions as required , NEIGHBORHOOD-COMMERCIAL ZONE, in the City of Council. The Mayor ~ Mr. Mill Mr. Buccola's rezon1 location, also want rezoned C-l. ddressed the Council, stating he h~d .no objections to , but he, beillgthe owner of the property west of this action on his reclassification to have his property " I Mayor Pear ~n asked if anyo.. ne else wished to address the Council; there being no one, ~clared the h..rlng closed. n II RE$OLUTION NO. 2687, j,Councilman Schutte offered Resolution No. 2687 and moved for its passage and ~option. i Refer to R~olution Book, page A'. RESOLUTION OF THE ..1. TY COUOCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AIC) DETERMINIt<<; TIiAT A CHANGE OF 20 IS NECESSARY IN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY ,AND THAT ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE SHOULD BE AMEWED TO AC- COMPLISH SAID CHANGS . .F ZONE. (F-54-55-30). by the fOl~~wi~~lv~~ ~ the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adQpted AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Pearson, Fry, SChutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. Nc;>ne. The Mayor lared the foregoing resolutiQn duly passed and adopted. .1 950 - 7100 P... ia ,March 2 by Ora ,. Miller requesting the reclassi- desoribed as the Ie-acre tract at the and Ball Road. I)FCLASSI FICAT\ON F-S.t-5S- 7: Sublni ~ fication from I-A to C-l on proper~ northeast corner of Brookhurst Str~ ! Public Hearing was held ij no action was taken, pending the pi Shopping Center. On QctoHr 13, 1954, the ner requested that action be withheld on this reclassification until his re n in approximately a month's time. On March 24, l~, the owner requestecjl ction be taken on his application. 1&:., Miller addressed the Council on the atter. the City Council Sept.-ber 28, 195~, aad entation of a tentative plan of the proposed AYSS: NOS: ABSENT: COUt(:;I~N : COUNCILMEN: COUNCII..MEN: resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 2618: Councilman.~ er offered Resolution No. 2688 and moved for Its passale and adoption. ' Ref.r to Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COOI'CIL 0 THAT A CHANCE OF ZONE IS NECESSARYI lX, CHAPS 2rOF THE ANAHEIM MJNIC~ CHANGE OF ZOMl. ( F-54-:55-7) . HE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING All> DETERMINING CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY AND mAT ARTICLE L CODE SHWlD BE AMENDED TO JCCONE'LI5M SAID On roll call the forego! the followin9vote: resolution was duly passed and adopted by Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. Th. Mayor declared the II!OADWAY-HA~ PRCPERTY: Communic~ on was received by Mr. "'rdoch from Coldwell- "lanker requettinv an indication t~ the location is not objectionable for the erection of a: Super Service Statid on the Broadway-Hale property. On motion by Councilman ruled that n~es.ary plans and sp~ Committee app&lnted for that purp mittee, action will be taken aced hutte, seconded by Counci~an Fry, the Council fications mutt be submitted to an Architect..al , and ~ject to the findings bf said C~ ngly. CAI<<::ELLATION'OF NT DUE TIlE CI Ci ty Auditor, Beatrice M. Miller, requested the cancellati.on afa balance due e City in the amount of $450.00 from Mrs. Dorothy Ford for improvements mad, and the account be written off. I ., Mr. George E. Holyoke, (j; Iy Engineer, explained that Tract No. 1911 to the east of this property used the rossing, and soon properties connectingw this line will be charged for saia onnection which will more than take care of the added expense. Said cancellation was a~ orized by the City Council on motion by J Councilman Fry, seconded by Councl an Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. MOTHER COLONY HOSPITAL: Survey by ugust W. Koenig, Hospital Consultant, waj' sub- mitted by the Board of Directors 0 the Mother Colony Hospital Association of Anaheim, California and ordered rived and filed on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman S~ tte. MOTION CARRIED. Submitted by the Arnold Co~ ing on Lot 152 of Tract No. 1826, located venue and Romneya Drive~ The City Council, pu~s and adopted December 28, 1954, a nance reclassifying said area su~ to their Resolution No. 2604 duly passed rized the preparation of necessary ordi- t to conditions as outlined therein. o o n 952 7;00 2.J1. ,- , 1 I I : j communic~~on dated MaTch 25, 1955, from Anson I. Dreisen, tQtether with copy of Dec1aJ/ ion of Restrictions as recorded March 24,- 1955, Book 3(XJ7, Page 569, Orange Caty Records, was submitted. I Mr. Murdq ~ reported the Declaration of Restrictions for C-l zoning was in10rder and rEt4nunended the introduction'of Ordinance No. 986. councilma... Ivan Wagoner offered. Ordinance No. 986 for first reading and moved for its p ~sage and adoption. i ITY OF ,ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICLE IX,CHAPTER 2 OF THE E RiLATIOO TO THE ESTABL1SJiM!NT OF ZONES IN mE CITY OF EGJLATING THE USE OF LANDS, HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS, AND A MAP SHOWING THE BOUNDARIES OF . SAID ZONES,DEFINING THE ROVIDI NG FeR ADJUSTMENT, AMENDMENT, AND ENFCRCEMENT, FOR VIOLATION, AND REPEALING ALL SECTIONS CR PARTS OF ! THEREWITH. (F-54-55-l5, RESOW'IIONNO.' 2604, C.P.C. AN ORDINAOOE OF THi ANAHEIM MUNICIP AL <t ANAHEIM AND TIIERElIt YARD SPACES, ADOPTI TERMS USED TIlEREINt PRESCRIBING PENALTI SECTIONS IN CONFLIC RJ!SOLUTION NO. 58). After he_ !ng read in full the title of Ordinance No. 9B6 and having knowledge of the c~ ants therein, Councilman Wisser moved the reading in full of said ordinance b waived. Councilman Van Wagoner seconded the motion. Motion unanimously rried by the Council. ORDINANCE NO. 987:. ~ouncilman Van Wagoner offered Ordinance No. 987 for first reading and moved f ~ its passage and adoption. ' I AN ORDINAtCE OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL C ANAHEIM AND THEREIN YARD SPACES, .AIXFT~ THE TERMS USED TH~ PRE&:RIBING PENALTI SECTIONS IN CONFLIC RESOLUTION NO. 88). ITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICLE IX, CHAPTffi 2 OF THE E RELATIOO TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONES IN TIlE CITY OF EGULATING THE USE OF LANDS, HEIGHT OF BUILDIOOS, AND A MAP SHOWING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID ZONES, DEFINII<<J N, PROVIDING FOR ADJUSTMENT, AMENDMENT, ,AND ENFORCEMENT, FCR VIOLATION, AND REPEALING ALL SECTIONS OR PARTS OF THrREWITH. (F-54-55-27. RESOLUTION NO. 2668, C.P .C., After he .ng read in full the title of 'Ordinance No. 981 and having knowledge of the cents therein, Councilman Fry moved the reading in full of said ordinance waived. Councilman Schutte seconded the motion. Motion unanimously carri y the Councl1. bmitted by Maxine K. Wilbur requesting permission to cut y 135 feet on property located south of Romneya Drive 5-1127 Liberty Lane. VARIAl'CE NO. 322: off 3 lots, 55 fee and described as 1 denied ,lanning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 120, ~ No. 322. Iwas taken by the City Council. ~Ubmitted by E. M. Kirk for permission to move the Cottage ated at the intersection of South Palm Street and Harbor iutheast corner of South Palm Street and West Water Street. No VARIANCE NO. 323: Barber Shop, now 1 Boulevard, to the The City ~lannin9 Commission, pursuant to th$ir Resolution No. 121, denied said Varian :~ No. 323. [I taken by the City Council. RECLA IF Submi tted by James P. Manning and RoMl:t ~nham requesting the re~ from R-A to G-l and G-2 on property located at Manchester Bouleva and La Palma Avenue. The CitY~lanning Commission, pursuant to their ResolytionNo. 122, recommended the re 1assification be granted subject to conditions. Public H ring was ordered to be held on the matter, ~ril 21. 1955. 7:00 o'clock P.M., n motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION C IED. P.,M. 953 Ci ~AS$IFICA1JON F-54-i5-3A: Su~. ted by Boss Overall Cl.ean,ers requesting rezoning f.rOll R-A to 16-1 on prope~ located at 12501 Euclid Avenue. I~' ' The City Planning Co~i~ on, pursuant to their Resolution No. 123, recoJllllended 'the reclasa1flcation ~ granted subject to conditions_ I Publi c Hearing was orde* P.M. on motidn by CO\1RCil_n Schu1 CARRIED. BE ST IAI OF FILING Fa: RECLIFICATION: Request from Mr. AlfredA. Holve forthl waiver of fillftg fe O~ application of reclassification of property 10C..... ted at the nQ,rtheaat I mer of Katella and, Euclid Avenues was subni tted ani referred to Mr. Mu~ h fer investigation. to be held Ap..i 1 71.. 1955~ 7:00 0 'clock , seconded by Councllman W1sler. MOTION offered Resolution No. 2689 and movectfpx RESOLUTIOJ Nt. 26$9: Councilman its passage and adopt1~o. __:r Refer to Resolution Book A RESOLUTION' OF THE CITY COOrcIL ING AGAINST ANY TYPE QF 0 I AND ITS ENVIRONS WHICH WOUID IltF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM OPPOSING AND PROTEST- TI WITHIN THE LAGUNA BEACH AREA "DiE BEAUTY OF THE SHCRE LINE AND CQJMJNITY. On roll call the foregotl by the following voteJ resolution was duly pasted and adopt. AYES: CQUlClIJEN: NCES: COUOCILMEN: AlDEN!: CQUK;ILMEN: rson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and VanWagoner. e. e. TRe Mayor declared the I egoing resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION 11>. 2690: Councilman for its passege and adoption. offered Resolution No. 2690 and moved A RESOLUTIOI OF THE CITY COUtCIL I IZING THE EftCUTION OF AN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AtI) THE A SCHOOL B\JI NG FOR RECREATION P THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AriD AUnlCIJ,,- TO BE MADE AM> ENTBRED INl'OBY AND BllWIIN UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR USE O~ A OSES. On roll call the foreg~ 9 resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NeES: ABSENT: cwtCILMEN: COUOCI LMEN : COUOCI LMEN: arson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. nee ne. Tbe Mayor declared the resolution duly passed aftd adopted. RESOUJTION .,0. 2691: Councilman n Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2691 and moved for its passage and adoptip Refer to Resolution Bo A RESOLUTION OF THE CI TV COUl'CIL ING THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CI COMMISSION GF THE STATE OF CALI ELLS~111 /fENUE CROiSING OVeR COMP ANY . THE CITY OF AIfAHl;IM AU1H<ltIZING AND DlRECT- F ANAHEIM TO GIVE NOTICE TO THE RAIlROAD IA OF JITENTION TO WIDeN AND' IJI>I.OYE DE LINE of THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD 01;1 roll call by the folle.ing yot.: 9 resolution was duly passed and adopted --1 o n n 954 n I 1 """"" March 29 1 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: UOCI LMEN: UNCILMEN: UNCI !.MEN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser" and Van Wagoner. None. None. Tl'\e Mayor4 clared the foregoing resolution duly 'passed and adopted. Fry offered Resolution No. 2692 and moved for Refer olution Book, page 1\ RESOLUTION OF THE, CONVEYIt<<) TO mE CI S1REET WIDENING PURl' TY COUtCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIMACCBPTING A~ANTDE!D OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FCR AN EASEMENT FCR ES. (MANLEY-KUHNS CORPORATION~. On roll ca ~" the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT : ! ~UNCILMEN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. UOCILMEN: None. UNCILMEN: None. i tClared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. The Mayor Request of extension of time by the Kemmerer Tracts Nos. 1979 and 1981 will be reported upon by the at the next meeting. n iJ RESOLUTION POSING, LL IN LEGISLATIJRE: A resolution pfrom the City ~f Long Beac~opposing a bil Ito take away oil properties owned by municipalitie~was referred to the City .ttorney for recommendation. . PROPOSED HARRIS BIL4 i The proposed Harris Bill in Congress, regarding the increase of rates on das sold by producers of natural gas, was referred to Mr. Turner for additiona linformation. ELIMINATION OF P-L, E SOUTH LOS ANGELES S T: Mr. Collins addressed the Council stating that e was the owner of property on South Los Angeles Street and was concerned wi the problem of the P-L Zone. He des1red to learn the status of the propos ordinance eliminating the P-L Zone in this district. He was advised, that ~e ordinance was being drawn up and would be presented for consideration in the rlear future. MJJOURNED. Councilman chutte moved to adjourn to April 5, 1955, 7:00 o'clock P.M. Councilman Wis r seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. APPROVED. SIGNED. n .5 Session. ityof Anahel. met in Adjourned Regular PRESENT: COUt<<:ILMEN: pearsoa chutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. ABSENT~:.COlJII(;ILMAJh Fry. (ered the meeting at aloe P.M.) CITY ATTC8NSY, PRESTON TURNERa Pent. CITY ADMIIIS'ltATlVE OFFIGBR, KEI. . MURDOCH I Present. BID PROPOSAI.$: The City Clerk wa, Road Sewer I.-provement from Place~ . Job No. 1056 pursuant to Resoluti~ in the Anaheim Bulletin March 23 . seconded by Counei~n Wisser. uthorized to open bid proposals on the Ball a Avenue to 440 feet east of Olive Street, No. 2664, and Legal Noti ce duly publi shea 30, on motion by Councilman Van WagO,.ftft'" ON CARRIED. J. S. Barrett P. O. Box 2126, Santa Ana $20,655.90 Charles J. DOrfman 124 North La Bre. Avenue, $24,886.85 $27,971.69 ;80.0 & ka~ioh Co. 8512 F1s~n Road, Pico Nick: M. Guho 8335 Atlantic Blvd., Bell 128,482.87 Frank Chutuk Construction Co. 853 RM!Vel P lace, POMona $28,859. -46 George Dakovich 2419 s. ~field Ave., Montere~ $34,703.60 Arno Construction Co. 2480 Ramona Blvd., Los $38,822.65 $39,253.54 << Spann & Ken1Pn Construction Co. 7321 Ful too Ave., North Hollywq Charles L. Burch & Sons $44,722.56 2419 N. Chico Ave., El Monte ! (AlII BicA Propolal~. ~re acco~ ..jnied by Bid Bonds in the aMount of 10%) On motion by Councilmct . Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wis$er, said Bid Proposals were referred. the City Engineer for tabulation and report. MOnON CARRIED. I After tabulation, the Co., $20,655.90 to be low bidder RESOLUTION 10. 2693: Councilman' moved for its passage and adopti. ty Engineer reported the J. 5. Barrett d recommended the acceptance of said bid. n Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2693 and , page THE CI TV OF ANAHEIM ACCiPTIN:; A SEALED THE taElr RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FCR 1HE VICES, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL IlfG POWER, FUEL AND WATER, AND PERFORM- AND COJ,f)LETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IM- N'r FROM PLACEIfI'IA AVENUE TO 440 FEET J. S. BARltEn t $20.6~. 90). a ~ o