1955/04/21 978 VARlAlCE NO. 3321 i' . tted by Guatom Furnl ture Stu)p,' for pe:rm1sUill\tc 'et..t' a building for the I nufacturing of cabinets and furniture' on th.'t!t., of' property at 225 No~ Euclid Avenue. The Cityj anning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 131, granted said varia1 . taken by the City Council. , . The Orange County Master Plaits of Streets t tted and Qrdered to be reviewed by the City Planning r hearings on motlon by CouncllBtan Wisse!'~ seconded by K>TION CARRIED. PETITION: Peti tio~ igned by residents on Chateau Avenue requesting a slgn to indicate "Children' Play" and also posting of a speed limit of "I!> miles per hour" was submitted dread. r! j t ! .- page The Adrd according to 473 C or highway; furthe~ schools and cannot trative Officer reported that the Chief of Pollee advised, "Children at Play" sIgns are not pemitted :on any street "15 miles per hour" zones are only permitted in front of posted in a residential area. The City request was beyond rk was authorized to acWisethe pet! tioa.rs that thiir limitations. R EST Fell Vi !ER services for terri matel y three monthsi completed. ICEI The City of Buena Park requested teporary water just west of the City lL.lts for a period ,of approxi- until the Metropolitan Jfater Distrlctconn.ction is was authorized by the City Council. P CHASE OF C I Discussion was hctldj Fullerton, and Mr. would be unable to by the City of Full I S A mu UN . the purchase of caPJcity rights frQJn the "City-of yoke, City Engineer, advised th.:e. Council that Anahe1Jn chase the requested amount due to prior co_i _ents madtt on. Mr. Turne~ City Attorney, advised that the agreement with the City of Fullerton was bel withheld until a definite amount of cap.city rights could be determined~ The City to meet with repres definite conclusion. Inistrative Officer amdthe City Engin.er were requested atives of the City of Fullerton to try and come to a Councilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2717 and and adoption. n r ~J A RESOLUTION OF THE, AND AC ISITION OF PAYJmNT TlmRmp TO EXECUTION OF A CONV TV COUOCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHlDI ._,.......,.,.. T N R L P FCR PUBLIC PURPOSIS, A1.1TffCJtJZING THE ' PARTLY IN CASH AND PARTLY IN PROPBt'TYJ AND AUl'ICII ZIJIIGtHE E OF SAID PROPERTY. ($2,760.00 MARTIN-MEJDBlIa<PIRfY). the foregoing resolution was d~y passed and ~opted On roll c. by the' following vot AYES: NOES : ABSENT: Pearson, Fry, SChutte, Wls&er, and Van Wagoner. None. None. The Mayor clared the foregoing resolution duly passed .nd adop~ . , 97'9 -,7;00 P.M. ION sa 70 71 191 : Proposed Legisl~ afId the Ci t, Attorney, the Administ requested to study the matter and r, I Legislative CQlalttee their finding~ on was dl SCU.8Sed by the Ci tv Council. i ve Offic.er, and the City Engineer .ere mmend to our Representatives of the o Councilman Van Wagoner mp o'clock P.M. Counci~an Schutte se~ April 21, 1955, 7;00 MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED. SICIIED. k- ~~~ Cl ty Clerk S.ssion. o P.M. TheCi ty Council of the, ty of Anaheim met in Adjourned Regular aESENTa canCILMENI ....1 & cpJr<<;IlJEN. Peerson. aTYATT<a1ltflY t PRISTON 'lURNER I Pr~ C.ITY ADMIMlSiDTIYE OFFICER, KEITH i and Van Wagoner. Present. Th. Meet,ing 8S called ~ nominating a .yor Pro Te fer the' tad Counc1~n Van Wagoner Mayor p~ Pry second'eO the nomination. M:>TId ttons be closed. Councilman Fry s'* _n Van Wagoner was seated as MayoIt ->, ~ rder by the City Clerk for the. purpose. of ty afAnaheim. Counci lJaan Wisser no",l,.,.. em for the City of Anaheim. Councilman ARRIED. Councilman Wisser moved nomina- nded the aotlon. MOTION CARRIED. Counci 1- ro Tern of the City of Anaheim. I IMPRO ' rt: Pursuant to Leg.a1 Nq rii 1 and Alril 8, 1955 and Relo] Ized to open lid Proposals on motio Mn Fry. AUTION CARRIED. Spann & Kenton Construction Co. 7321 Fulton ;Avenue, North, HollywQ $33,757.60 Anro Construction Company 2480 Ramona Blvd., Los Angeles 33 $43,769.46 Prank Chutuk Construction Co. 509l A. Street, Ontario $30,817.43 J. S. Barrett P.. Q. .... ,~6, "toe, Ana $l9,295.71 llick M. Guao 8335 Atlantic Boulevard, Bell $24,946.94 n (All Bid Paposals were accompam td by Bid Bonds in the amount of 10%). Councilman Wisser moved ~at Bid Proposals be referred to the Engineer- ing DepartMent for tabulation and ~ tort. Councilman Fry seconded the motion. lOTION CARRIED. ! I After tabulation, the E tneering Department reported J. S. Barrett to be low bidder, $19,295.71. Mr. Murdoch, City Admini ~rative Officer, recommended the accept- ance of tn. 1_ bid. 980 u 1 t:.5'~ 71 ,'P.M. Councilraan Wisser offer<ed Resolution .Na..2716 andmaved Qption. _. olution Book, page TV COUtCILOF THE CITY OF ,ANAHEIM ACCaPT1HJ A SEALED A CONTRACT TO THE LcriBST I!sPONSlBLE BJJe.JQt, :nlB FUR- LABCR, SERVICES, MATERIALS AND EQUIP.NT, AltD ALL UTILI- N INCLUDIt<<3 POWER, FUEL, AND WATER, AND PERl'aUu:tG ALL TRUer AN) COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBUC IWROVIMElU: IMPROVEMENT FROM SE OIA AVENUE TO MAGNOLIA AWNUJ! JOB Err $19 295.71 . On roll C4 the following vote; the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by AYES I NOES, ABSENT : Fry, Schutt., Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. Pearson. adopted. The Mayor, 0 Te declared the foregoing resolution duly p..sed and PUBLIC HEARIt(;. du.y.published in .t Enterprise, March 1 been mailed March 2~, .p%'Cl;osed to be anne. 'OrangeCounty, Calif at the address shown read to the City Coun ST-BALL AT ON:' Pursuant to Res,ol\ttto$'_. 2154 aheim Bulletin, Marc~ 23,and 30. .andi:.n..tbe CypftS8 d 25, the City Clerk certified that \tritten not!ces had 955 to each person to whom land within the territory as. shown In ,the last ,equalized Cou~ty assessment rellof ia available on the date theproceedings.ere initiated said assessment roll or as known to her; and fu:rther 1 the following: ~ . l I _J RELATING TO SUFFICIINCY:OF PETITION ATION OF UNINHABITED TiRRITCRY ,TO ANAHEIM. . STATE OF CAL1FORNIA ) , ~FO~~ ) 158. } , r-, I, DENE M. i certify that upon re4 ~nown and designated! in said petition to ~ tration of voters in roll of the County of to ascertaln if said of the land in the te .;eq_lized assessment said territory. I further a that less than 12 reg of the filing of said said time uninhabited and examination and territory, I find tha one-fourth of the la on the last equalized; petition is sufficien tify that from such inspection and examinations, I find tered voters resided within said territory at th. time etition for annexation, and that said terri,,~was at erritory. I further certify that from such inspection a computation of ~he iotal area contained In said said petition is signed by the oWners of not Ie.. than n the territory by area and by assessed value as shown sessment roll of the County of Orange, and that said on all respects. LLIAMS, Ci tyClerk of the City of Anaheiat dg....Y ving a petition for the annexation of certain tent tcry fROOKHURST-BALL ANNEXAnON, ~ichterritory i. declar. uninhabited, that I exaalned said petition, the ~1s- e County of Orange, and the last equalized ..s8....nt ange to ascertain if said territ~ry is uninhabit., and titian is signed by the owners of not less than one-fourth itory by area and by assessed value as shown on the last 11 of the County of Orange, and that I have inspected i i I Da ted thi s 20th day o. I ~ril, 1955. I i I 1$< ciIl ~. Wll~1",' CItY ... . .1' THE C . ... ..: OF' AHMeIM. (SEAL) " 981 P.M. Mayor Pro Tem Van wa~ er stated this was a PublIc Hearing oo.:;ti. Brookhurst-a.U Annexation and as. if anyone in the audience would lik. 'to. file a written protest against th nnexation or if anyone wished to address the Council on the matter. No onEt esponded to the invitation. nl... t _ The City Attorney, wri tten prot..t had been flIed. test had been filed. asked the City Clerk 1f any' stated that no wri t ten pro-.-' 0.............. · ~.. ... , f. b There being no prote~ to the proposed annexation, Mayor Pro r.. Van Wagoner declared the hearlng q sed. ClmINANCENO. 990; Councilman Wi~ r offered Ordinance No. 990 for first read- i"ng andmovM for its passage and i ption. AN ORDINAtl::E OF THE CITY OF ANAImI ANAHEIM Of 11tI! TIltRITClty KNOWN ANQ PROVIOO TIfE ANNEXATION TO THE CIrt OF SICIlATED AS ~~HURST-BALL ANlmXAnON. in full with the exception of the descrip- s waived, as each Councilman had knowledge exation, on motion by Councilman Fry, nimously carried by the Council. Said ordinance was r tionof the property which portion of the territory included in said seconded by Councilman Wisser and The City Planning Co tecODII.xied the granting of said conditions I 4-55-33: Sublai tted by James P. Manning toC-l and C-2 on property located briefly side and bordering Manchester Av.nue. t ~Sion, pursuant to their ReSOlution. No .129, fassification subject to the ,following' ! of that portion south of Rhodes D CO*il\CIAL. f'Rhodes Avenue to 1:.ain as is o the east is d,efinltel y zoned or nated for this property. rd Deed Restrictions of the City zone.. 1. The reclassificatl Avenue to C-l, ME' 2. That portion nor until the property some other use des 3. The filing of Sta of Anaheim for a The Mayor Pro Tem ask if anyone in the audience wished to address the Council; ~here being no one, d~ ared the hearing closed. ".Murdoch, City Aflmt the Standard type of Deed Restrict~ become effective after the Deed I.e. actual provision be made which wilt the establi slwent and improvement (j) strative Officer, .dvised the Council that s be filed' and that the reclassification' ictions have been filed; and furthel',that eet the approval of the City Engin..r for Rhodes Avenue through the property. RESOLUTIQN NO. 2727: Councilman S, tte offered Resolution No. 2727, aut~.ing the Ci ty Attorney to prepare the n ssaryordinance changing 1htt zo-ne, as .~ recommended by the City Planning C~ ission and City Administrative Officer, and moved for its passage and adoption. , page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUlCIL Of CITY OF ANAHEIM FIN>IE AND DBTERMIJf.l-. ING THAT A~ .OF ZO~ IS NECES$ Y IN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY, AND TIf:AT ARTICLE IX, CiiPI!R 2 OF THE ANAHEJ J.lJNICIP Ai CODE SHOUID BE AMENDED 10 ACCOMPLISH SAID CHANGE OF ZONE. ( 4-55-33. On roll call the foreg ~n9 resolution was duly passed and adopted DY the following vote: n AYES: II)ES: ABSENT ~ resolution duly pa.sed COUlCILMENa COUtCILMEJla COUtCILMAN : Wisser, and Van Wagoner. The Mayor Pro Tem decl IJ\d adopted. fl.:: j' ::J n. ... I . i ~ n I .. :982 i 'PM PVlLIC IfEARING;R Cleaners and Fritz property de~crlbed. zoning on property the Bosa Overall p 551 FICATION f,. , SUblRltJted I byBos-&Ove.rall ssens. The Boss OVer.all Cleaner$ reqa..ted M-l zoning on 7882 Euclid Avenue, and Mr. Fri tz Goofsens requested C-2 which the Waterwheel Restaurant is located. and north of rty. . ...... .... ." The Mayorl 0 Tem asked if anyone wished' to address the Council-on th. matter. Mr. Murdo Avenue and the prob/l , , brought up the subject of the future widening of Euclid s involved with ,the, Boss '<N:ex.-all Plant,. ,. . of the Boss Ove;rall Cleaners stated that their property enter of the street and that the building set back <M'~..l~.!I:fi that they h4d realized for several years reet Wid ." F..; might be desired. He further advta,dthat quest the rezoning to ~l due to insurance carried on Mayor Pro area if ~l zoning. Van Wagoner asked if the City had control over this granted. ~. MurdQ~ adv1sed that the M-1 zoning could be refused to adjacent territory ,due to 'th crctthat the primarty reason for the rezoning of this- te~lto~ wa:, thajt ~ use actually. exlsttd! pr1:ol' to .,the )8:nnexa.tion to ~tbe' City of Anaheim. . Mr. Fri t~;j ossens agreed to . the. de&cation.for street widening, but reminded the Counci ~ hat under the present circunstances it WOYld work, .a' ~ hardship on the 8os$ erall Plant. Further dt deeding of the neGe. provi siem that the q necessary expense i* mate easement of 50 j ussion was held and it ... ~br.a11 parties to the ry area for the future widening of the street, with the y would b,ear the. expen.ee of the:widen1ng, including any he chUg.. of the building that is required with an ul ti- et from the center line of the' street. The City P nning COMaission, pu~suant to their Resolution No. 123, recommended said re~ ssification be approved subject to the following condition.. 1. ficatiQn of tne-Boss ave1:all p~:rty :to , . JWtUFACtUII~. 2. That, Goossens' property be re~oned for a depth of 40d eet to G-2, GmERA.L CO~IALal1d the~, balanCl to C-l, N1!IQlK)RHObD COMlllltIAL. 3. The fil 9 of Standard Deed Restrictions of the Ci ty 0\ ahelm by Mr. 'ri tz Goose.ns. ada..ss . .. rem asked if anyone else in the audience Wished to ere being no one, declared the hearing,clO$ed. RESOLUrIQII NO. 272B~ for i 1:& passage and ] ditions as outlined fOllowing! - '" ,~ ouncilman Fry offered Resolution No. 2728 and moved ption, authorizing tAe change of zone subject to con- the City Planning CODlftission and further .subjeCt to the l. That t 2. Because 3. On the easemen for wiei expens. pense 1 to uti 1 the c en property is ,already 1" an industrial u.... f the insurance probl_ which faces the owae~" ndition that there be granted to the City an of whatever portion of the terri tory there is ing purposes, and that the City will bear the f the widening, including any necessary ex- the changing of the buildlng that is required e the easement, making the street 50 feet from r line. . ~ . J 983 Ci , j, .~. 7.;00 P.M. Refer .to"~lution A RESOLUTION OF. THE' CITY COOK:IL Of HE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDIr<<3 AND'DETIRMINING TIiAT A CHANG:: OF ZOHI3 IS N!CESSARY: CERT AI N ARQS OF THE ClrtAMD THAT AR-TICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICt CODE SHOULD BE AMENDED TO Aa:;OAFLISH SAID CHANGE OF ZO~. (F-54-55-34). ! On roll call the for.! ing resolution was duly passed and' adopted by the following vote; r I n AYES; NOES: ABSENT & CWr<<:;ILMIN . COUtCILM!N ~ C(){JtCILMAN ~ Fry. Sch'Utte. Wi sser,- laM: Van' Wa9on~~ i None. Pearson. The 'Mayor Pro T_ deq red the f.""t.,p...~utiorL~l,.~ and adopted. . J Refer to Resolution n IU~$OLUTION NO... 2718: Councilman SQ tte offered Resolution No. 2718 and moved for its passage and adoption. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUN::IL OB' 2.95, ENTITLED "A RESOLUTION OF 1'Ha P:BlSATIONPLq FOIl CERTAIN CLASS!S i THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND ESTABLISHI EII>LOYEES WI'OON THE WACE AND SAL 8lAMINATIOMS, HOLIDAYS, AND VACATI AtID 2141." E CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDIt<<; RESOWTION NO. ITY OF MAlmI. ESTABLISHING A1 BASIC COM- EW>LOYAENT IN THE AlJNICIPAL SERVICE OP' ' REGJLATIONS R>R THE PLACENENT OF PRESENT SCHEWLE PROVIDED; PROVIDING FOR PHYSICAL J Mf) REPEALlt13 RESOLUTIONS NOS. 2056-A ! On roll call the for' ing resolution was duly paesed and Dpted by the fo 1101l1n9 vote I AYS!: WOES: ABSENT I CC>tJt(;ILMBNai Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van. Wagoner. COUM:ILMBN.I one. .. r j COt.JtCI I.MAN 11 earson.. aftd adopted. The Mayor Pro rem deci ed the. foregoing resolution duly passed WOWTION NO.. 27231 Ce1lAcllJlan F its passage and adoption. i ~ffered. Relol~tion No. 2~3 and moved for I : Refer to aesolution , page A RESOLUTION Of THE CI IT COUK;IL OF: CBNVEYlt<<3 TO 11IE CITY OF ANAHEIM C AND UTILITY PlaPOSES. (P-C LUMBER E CITY Of ANAHi:IM N;EPTI~ A GRANT DP-FD NREAL PROPBRTY RJt AN EASEAENT FCR STREET ANY TRACT NO. 2090 .' On roll call the for by the following vote: ng resolution was duly passed and ad~p~~ i I frYt.SChuttet:Wisser, and Van wagoner. one. earson. I n:....... II I " AYES: NOES: ABSENT; COUtCILMEN: , COUteI LMEN: COUICILMAN: The Mayor Pro Tem decl the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION t40.. 27~1 Councilman Sch te offered Resolution No. 2724 and moved for its passa~ and adoption. Refer , page 984 15.i- 7:00 P.M. A RESOWTION OF TH~ ITY COUtCIL OF TH!! CITY GFANANEIM ACCBPTI~ A CltANT. DEED CONVEYIM; TO THE C~ OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY R)ft AN EASBENT FCIl S'IRSET WIDENING p~ SESe (HERMAN H. FREESE). Pry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagon,er. titne. Pearson. On roll the following vote:! the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by AYES: NOES: ABSENT : adopted. The Mayor! o Tem declared the foregoing resolution duly p...ed and RBSOLUTION MD. ?7~~~ fo% its passage and! Councilman Schutte offered Resolution No. 2725 and moved option. olution Book. page A RESOLt1I'ION OF THE COINEYIM:; TO THE CI AtI) UTIUTY PURPasE$ TY COUtCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIMACCEPTlfG A ~ DERD OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FCIl AN EASBMEtIT 1m ROAD (RALPH W. SEWARD). On roll ca. the following vote: the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by AYES. NOES: ABSENT : n ;J Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. Pearson. Fry, Schutte, .ss.r~ and Van Wagoner. None. Pearson. adopted. The Mayor 0 Tem declared the foregoing resolution dulypasHd and RESJWTION K). 27281; Councilman Wisser offered Resolution No. 2728 and moved for its passage and! ptlon. lution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE MAllJPjC11JRll<<; CO a ~ COUN:IL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CJiANTING.' to fW-o, EIeNT Rm 11UU:$ AtI) BESS Dvm CERTAIN .:(ti;'..ER'JY. On roll call the following vote: c, the foregoing resolution was duly passed ~nd adopted by AYES: NOES: AaSENT: Tern declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. R.ESOWTI~ NO. 2729: '.' ~ounCllman Fry Qffered Resolution No. 2729 and JaO"Ad for its passage and adopt fn. n lution Book, page A RBSOWTION OF THE G COUtCIL OF THE CIlY. OF ANAHEIM ADOPTIJ<<,; x.:r,~. . .......I~ TREE LIST" DESIGNATI THE SPECIFIC TYPES OF lRES THAT MAY BE P . '. .,.. CITY S1REETS, DiE WIDTIi 0 ARKWAYS IN WHICH SAME CAN BE PLAN1'ED. AiD THE .'.AleE APART WHICH SAME AtJStE PLANTED. On roll ca1 the following vote: foregoing resolution .as duly passed and adopted by 985 - 7.00 P M AYES: NOBS: ABSENT: COUlClUEN. Cotm::IIJEN~ COUtCI~~ Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. Pearson. The Mayor Pro ed the foregoing resolution duly passed and adapted. n 'LACENTI~~ AMN8YATIO~1 The Ci Council received the report of the Orange County Boundaty Commission on motib by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Council- _n Schutte. KITION CARRIED. PLACENTIA--SOUIH AMlJlftATION: The rt of the Orange County Boundary C01M\ission was received and ordered filed on ~ ion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. EUCLID-BALL ~ATIONI Request or roponents for consent to commence anne~ tion proceedilgs of territory desct ed as Euclid-Ball Annexation was received and ordered ~ferred to the City p~ ning COJllnission for recoDIRendation, on motion by Co.cilman SChutte, secoo by Councilman Fry. J.{)TION CARRIED. .T SYCMlRB ANNDATIOlh The rep ..s received .nd ordered filed on un Schutte. MJTION CARRIED. () f the Orange County Boundary Commi saion io.n by CouncilMan Fry, seconded by Councll- 'iILiERT STIES NO. 2 ANNEXATIONI t report of the Orange County Boundary ComRdssion wal received and order~ iled on motion by Councilman Schutte, seconded by Ctluncilman Fry. K>TIOtf _IED. Petition requesting t G[lbert Street No. 2 Annexation wa~ peti tion ..s ligned by all owners ~ ordered received and filed on moti~ un Fry. A[)TION CARRIED. ~LUTION NO. 2721: Councilman wi er offered Resolution No. 2721 and movfMi for its passate and adoption. annexation of the territory known as ubmi tted , and Mr. ~ reported said propertYJ thereupon, saId petition was by Councilman SChutte, seconded by Council- n Refer to Resolution A RESOLUTIDN OF THE CITY CooteI L OF OF A PETITIoN FOR THE ANNEXATION Of Qf ANAHEIM D.IGNATIt13 THE TERRIT~ DESCRIBING THI BOUNDARIES OF THE T. JlITICE OF THE DAY, HOUR, AND PLACE PROPERTY WlTIilN SUCH TBRRITCRY SO CITY COUtClL AND SHOW CAUSE WHY SUt CITY OF ANAHEIM. (PUBLIC H I HE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACK!DtLIOOIMGRSEII1!. SRTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITCliY TO THE CITY AS THE GILBERT STREET )I(). 2 ANNEXATION, ITORY PROPOSED TO BE ANH.!XHD AND GIVING HE AND WHEN ANY PERSON ONNlt<<3 REAL SED TO BE ANNEXED MAY APPEAR BEFCRE THE TERRITCRY SHClJLD NOT BE ANNEXED TO THE 7 O'CLOCK P.M ). On roll call the for Oy t~e following vote: ting resolution was duly passed and adopted ! ! I IFry, Schutte, Wisser, 8ndVan Wagoner. I None. Pearson. AYES; NOES: ABSENT I GOUlCI LMEN , COUtCILMEN * COUtCI LMAN * The Mayor Pro Tem det n and adopted. the foregoing resolution duly passed HOUSTON-MAGNOUA ANItn(~nONI The tort of the Oruge County Bounduy Com- mission was received and ordered f! on motion by Councilman Fry, seconded by Councilman Schutte. MOTIONC~ D. Petition requesting t Houston-Magnolia Annexation was 5U peti tion was ligned by all owners d> laid petit~on was ordered received .econded by Counci lman Schutte. It<<!> annexation of the territory kno-" as tted, and Mr. Murdoch reported said property within the proposed annexation. d filed on motion by Councilman Wisser, ON CARRIED. 986 .. ~TION 11). 2720~ Councilman Schutte offe:l'ed Resolution No. 2720 and moved fo~t~. passage and! option. )' olution Book, page A RBSOIJ.JrIQH OF THE OF A PETITION FOR OF ANAHEIM.DESIGNAT DSSCRIBIl<<3 THE BOU~ NOTICE OF THE DAY, It, PROPERTY WI'IHIN SUCH CITY COUtCIL AND SH CI TY OF ANAHEIM. (p TY COUtCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACKNOWLEmIlG R8:&IPT' ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN UNItttABlTED TERRITCltY TO TMI CITY THE TERRITCliY AS THE HWSTON-MAGNOLIA ANNEXATION, IES OF THE TERRITOOY PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED ANI.) GIVING , AND PLACE WHiRS AND WHEN ANY PERSON OWNING REAL BmITQlY SO PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED MAY APPEAR IEP'CRE THE CAUSE WHY SUCH TERRIT(RY SHOUID NOT BE ANNEXED TO THE LIC HEARING MAY 31 1 5 7100 O'Cux:K PM. On roll ca the follQwing vote: the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Fry, SChutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. Pearson. The Mayor Tem declared the foregoing resolution duly pas lid and adopted. I Petition requesting annexation of the t&t'r1wZIY"-oe ichfield Annexation (\In1l'1Aabl ted) was sullal tttlll,Uad.1 y Administrative Officer. reported that saicl~tition ". s of the property w1thin the area proposed for annexa- s ordered received and filed. on motion by CQunc11..n uncllman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. r-, i J ;J RI and designated as t read. Mr. Murdoch, was signed by all 0 tion. Said petition Schutte, seconded by RESOWTION NO. 27221 for its passage and ouncilman Schutte offered Resolution No. 2722 and moved ption. page A RESOLUTION OF THE C OF A PETITION FOR ~ OF ANAHEIM DESI GNAT I , THE BOUNDARIES OF THi DAY, HOUR, AND PLACE TBmITQ{y SO PROPOSEJP CAUSE WHY SUCH TERRI'f HE 100 MAY 3l 1 COU~IL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACKNOWLEIiXUNG RICEIPT EXAnON OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED TPl.RITCRY TO THI CITY THE TERRITCRY AS THi RICHFIELD AWNEXATIONI IEseRIBIt<<; ~RITCRY PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED Art) GIVING HOT-ICE OF THE ERE AND WHEN ANY PERSON OINIM3.RBAL PROPERTY WITHIN SUCM o BE ANNEXED MAY APPEAR BEFatE THE CITY COUf<<:;IL Me SHOW Y SHOULD NOT BE ANNEXSD TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. . ~PUlLIC 00 O'CL l( On roll cal Ithe foregoing r.esolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote; AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. Pearson. Tam declared the foregoing resolution'duly passed and n adopted. ENTATIVE MAP (Variance No. 338) Submitted by Century Manor ':1ocated at the south' t corner of Santa Ana Street and South East Street. tentains 60 lots; 0 tier of lots wi th 9000 square feet; two tiers with' 7200 aqu.re .,"ei',_ two rs with 6000 square feet. The City PI ing Commission voted to approve the tentative map subject to: 1. t of $25.00 per lot for the acquisition of ecreation Sites. 2. g of 5.25 feet along East Santa Ana Street widening. 9S7 1955 - 7:00 P.M. The City Council apprq said tentative map subject to the condJ~ tions as outlined by the City Plan" 9 Commission on motion by CouncilDlaa"Fry, seconded by Councilman Schutte. MO ON CARRIED. VARIANCE NO. ~~! Submitted by th, esser Enterprises, Ltd., requesting a waiver of the7Q-foot frontage and 1 00 square foot lot area requirements in Tl'act No. 262", which is located OQ. omneya Drive extending northerly to the Houston Street Freeway. ' n granted sion, pursuant to their Resolution No. 134., No action *as taken by he City Council. "lA-teE NQ~ ~6: SWxnltted by th of the 7o-foot frontage and 7200 s 2637, located on South Los Angeles ealty Engineering Co., requesting a waiver re foot lot area requir.ents in Tract No. reet south of Tract No. 2090. I The City Planning Co. granted said V8l'iance with the exc~ reserved for future commercial use$ sion, pursuant to their Resolution No. l35, ion of lots 1 to ~, inclusive, which are No action was taken b~ he City Council. YfIlIAt<<:;E NQ. t.11: Submitted by.E. I tic (2) houses in adGitlon to the A of the lot at 1039 Liberty Lane. ! . Menefee, requesting peraission to erect " sent house which is located near the midd1e 'lb. City Planning Couut 9ranted said variance subject to t~ sion, pursuant to their Resolution No. 136, following conditions: nt Street 60 feet by 95 feet. plans and photographs presented~ th n, .' ~- 1, Making lot on RQ' 2. Compliance with tn the variance reque 3. The deeding of 5 l' of thil Street. 4. The filing of a ra An..1. -aAd the C cfivlsion of the px1 t along Liberty Lane for the widening rd of survey map with the City of ty of Orange showing the proposed arty. No e Ci ty Counci 1. ~IAM:;E NO. ~: Submitted by CI ;'ssion to divide the parcel of la ttreet between Romneya Drive and K s. and Joanna L. Leiker, requesting P8JJ- escribed as I the ..st side of Maple.ood :. od. Contains 3 lots. The City Planning Co sion, pursuant to their Resolution No. ~~, granted said variance subject to th following conditions: 1. The payment of $25. Park and Recreatio 2. The filing of reco Anaheim and the Co of property. 3. Engineering requi per lot for the acquisi tiol'rof ites. of survey map with the City of y of Orange showing the division n An appeal from action to the sizes of hames to be constru ..d read, and Pyblic Hearing was 0 19. 1955, 7:00 o'clock P.M. on moti un Fry. M:>TION CARRIED. en by the City Planning Commission relative d pursuant to said varian;e was submitted ad to be held by the Citye~il,~ by Councilman Wisser, seconded by tIouncil- 988 l~... 7:00 P.M. VAlIANC& NO. 3371 f ttedby Charlene Murane, requesting permission to operate a Beauty Shop at 82 outh Claudlna Street. nning Commission denied said variance. , No action I ! V MIAJCE NO. 338: , frontage and 7200 s' located at the sout s taken by the City Council.- tted by Century Manor, requesting a waiver of the 70-.foot re foot lot area requir.entl in Tract No. 2602 BIGb is st corner of East Santa Ana Street and ,South Bast Street. granted nning Co.-ission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 142, subject to the following conditions I opos<<i to have one tier of lots 9000 square t to Tract No. 1468. two tiers of lots to be 7200 square feet. two tiers of lots to be 6000 square feet, will be directly across the street from R-3 property. l1ngs will range from l~ to 1400 square livable area. , 1. It isi feet . 2. The n~ 3. The n: as th and Mot 4. The d feet ~ No s taken by the City Council. itted by Century Manor, requesting a waiver C)f VIe 7Q.foot act No. 2651 which is located on East SycaMOre Street 1559. V AlIAtCE NO. 339: frontage.n lots in easterly of Tract N. n" [ I <- nning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution ,No. l43~ granted s taken by the City Council. V~ NOa 3Alh itted by La Palma Cattle Co., r.equesting a waivu of the front setbacks m 25 feet to 20 feet in Tract No. 2093 which is located at the northeast cot r of Brookhurst and La Palma Avenue. The City P nning ColMtisslon, pursuant to' their Resolution No. 144, granted said variane subject to the maintaining of the ~foot front yard setbacks on all lot$ n Brookhurst Street and West La Palma Avenue, but allow- ing 20-foot on inte* rIots. No action s taken by the City Council. VAJtI.AK::E NO. 33ii itted by Mrs. Yanda Young, requesting permission to erect a Duplex Dwel~ 9 at 834 South Olive Street. nnlng Co_lssion denied said variance. In...............'... ! ' I ~.J No action s taken by the City Council. VARIAtCE NOa 341: , i tted by David S. COllins, requ..t1ng a waiver of the P-L Zone on property escribed as the north side of Ball Road east of Leon StrlAt. tions. nning COII8ission granted said variance subject to condi- 1955, Fry. Review by the City Council was submi tted by David S. a in was ordered to be held by theC1ty Councl1."y 10, · on motion by Councilman ~sser, seconded by CounCilman 989 The City Planning Co ssion recommended the granting of the permit subject to conditionsl and I communication from Arthur B. Weber set- ting forth f~ther agreeable cond~ ons was submitted and read. RESOLUTION ~. 27301 Councilma.A $ utte offered Resolution No. 2730 and mov'ed for ita pa,asage andadoptior/1 n REVIEW ~ H9SPITALSIThI Submlt~ by Valley Investment Co., requesting permission to erect and operate a! spital on property described briefly al: 300 feet north of La Palma Aven~e: Brookhurst. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL ~ THE CITY OF ANAHEIM GiANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT Fca 1HE CONS1RLCTION A MAINTENNCE OF A HOSPITAL AT BROOKHURST STREET ANI) LA P AUAA. AVENUE IN THE: TY OF ANAHEIM. Refer to Resolution On roll call the for ing resolution was duly passed and adopted by tne fOllowing votes AYES: NOES; ABSENT : COUlCILMBI* COUlCILMEN. COUlCILMAN * The Mayoro Pro T em de~ Bnd adopted. TENTAnVE MAP. IRACT NO. 2651: (V Manor located on East Sycamore Stt Tract No. l519. Contains 30 lots. Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. Pearson. resolution duly passed Submitted by Century side and easterly from The City Planning Co. lssion voted to approve said tentative map subject to the following: r The City Council appt eel said tenta.tive mapaubject to the conditions a. outlined by the City lanning CommIssion on motion by Council- man Wisser, seconded by Councilau chutte. MJTION CARRIED; TENTATIVE MAt. !RACT f<<). 2637: <Y lance No. 326) Subni tted by Realty Engineering Co., located on the w+ side of South Los Angeles Street just south of Tract No. 2090. Co~ ins 50 lots. The City Planning Co ssionapproved said tentative map subject to the following: The use of Lots 1 to to be dete~lned later. "The City Council app~ ad said tentative map subject to ~ondl~ tions as outlined by the 01 ty PIa ng COIIIRission on motion by Cduncl1man Schutte, seconded by Councilman W ere MOnON CARRIED. 1. 2. COJRpletion of an The payment of $. Park and Recreatl The deeding of 5. street widening. Engineering requ~ 3. 4. l. Making A and B St mean moving Iris The payment of ~ Park and Recre.t~ Engineering requ! 2. 3. n ation proceedings. 00 per lot for the acquiaition of Si tes. feet to the City of Anaheim for ents. ets 54 feet in width which will reet 8 feet to the east. 00 per lot for the acquisition of Sites. ents. o I "_ 990 subject Entftprlses, Ltd. and extend norther! SuJ>>nitte<t bytb. ,Leeser ese tracts are located on the oo"h side of a~.,. !)rive to the proposed Houston Street Freeway. aooing COlllniasion voted to approve said tentative map ng* 1. All must 2. Requ be in 3. Make "not I 4. Payaae Park 5. Engln lic utility .....ents on tAe perimeter . 'minimum of 8 fftt. that parcel "not a part of the $ubdiviston" ded and improvements be put in thi s parcel. treet out of Lot 4 for future access to ~rcel art of the tract." of $25.00 per lot for the acquisition of Recreation Sites. ing requireMents. l. 2. on of annexation proceedings. ie utility easements on the perimeter must 1mum of 8 f..t. ee to be moved eastward to a parcel "not a the tract." of $25. 00' per lot for the acquisition of Recreation Sites. ing requirements. 3. 4. 5. n The plans r the proposed hOlRes in th_se tracts "J'e sul:af."taId. I Mr. Murdod advised that there should be a condition to.pr.ndefor a street into the Sf! ion undeveloped at the rear of the propertywnich'will ultimately be develq for residential purposes. n as No. "3" to read as follows I After fur1:1 the CIty Council as ing exceptions: di scussion, the maps of both. tracts were .PP:IOved by commended by the City Planning COIIInission with the follow- Condition as No. "3" to,be eliminated. JRACING Condition "3. e-sac to be moved eastward to the parcel rt of the tract" straight through to rlced "D" Street." CARRIED. Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Fxy. MOTION '-<;'-~ '''-''~- ~ Located at the northwest CQJ)ner of Nu~ Street The Admini$ ative Officer reported that all fees have been paid, and 'the improvement ~ ds for the tract have been filed. The City Cq cil approved said Final Map of Tract No. 2426 __ject to engineering req\li~ enta, on motion by CouncilMan Fry, seconcted byCMt.ftcl1_n Wisser. ACrION CAIR~ 991 Ci 1 5.... 7100 P.M. 1'1 NAL MAP. mACT 1<<). 23961 ~rovement *onds filed for that all fees have been paid an~ Said Final Map of T~ t No. 2396 was approved subject to engineer- ing requirements on motion by Couri lman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Fry. MJTION CAMIED. o FINAL MAP. lBACT NO.. 2481: JaECLASSIFICAtJON F-~~~alu ~equestin9 property be reclassifI cial uses in this area. n this tract was withheld to next meeting. ted by the Breadway-Hale Stores, Inc., frOM R-A to C-l, allowing various comer- No ~tloft was taken I the City Planning COD'll1isslon. Th~ CltyCouncil o~ public H,arift9 to be held May 10. 1955, 71()O o'clock P.M. on motion by Co 1 il.-n Wisser, seconded by CouncllJnan Fry. J()TION CAJmIeD. IF'C~~TFICA'UON F-541-~'-3iJ: Su1:Irn ted by Alfred A. HOly." reGIUeatlng reclassI- fication fr~' R-A to G-l on propexi located at the northeast Corner of Euclid Avenue and K~ella Road. The CIty Planning C reclassification. ssion recommended the approval of said The City, CouJ\Cil 0'- 7zoo o'clockp.M. on motion by Co IVTION CaI.. W.LL ROADANlfXATION NO.2: Recei J'8pOrt and alcla the City P lanniRg , ordered r.ei9'ed and filed on mati' _n Fry. M01tON CAlRIiD. Public He8t'i~ to be held May 10, . 1955, lman Fry, seconded by Councilman Schutte. o of the Orange County Boundary Commission's Ission's report were submitted, read, and by Councilman Schutte, seconded by Council- RESOLUTION NQ. 2719: Councilman fer its pass... .nd adoption. offered Resolution No. 2719 and moved Refer to Resolution k, page ! E CITY OF ANAHEIM OGNSRITING TO THE NNEXATION OF INHABITED TERRITcRY TO THE ON NO.2). A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COOlCIL COMMENCEMENT OF PROCEEDINGS FCR CITY OF ANAHEIM. BALL ROAD ANNEX On roll call the for by the following vote: ing resolution was duly passed and adopted AYES: NOES: ABSENT & COUt-CI LMENI& COOIeI LMEN~ Cotn<<:I LMANk I Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van ~agoner. NGne. Pearson. The Mayor Pro Tern dec the fopegotng resolution dUlY passed and adopt_~ o PERSONNEL; Eaployment of the foIl n9 personnel was ratified by the City Council on,motion by COuncilman Wis r, seconded by CouncIlman Schutte. Jlk)TION CARRIED. Erwi~ Kelly,! fuge COllector, Schedule No. 21-A Jerry Dick.n~ , Fireman, Schedufe No. 24-A James Roncoli Patrolman, Schedule No. 24-A jPNCH CRD1tAItiE: CQn~ideratlon of until the return of Mr. Pearson on Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. e Bench Ordin~ftce was ordered to be delayed tion by Counci ImaQ Sehut.te, seconded by m ~ fl ()RJ)IMAYfE NO. 9891 i r.ading and moved uocilman ,Schutte offered Ordinance No.. 989 fO!i'~ ' its passage and adoption.. inance Book, page TY OF ANAHEIM AlEfI)ItG ARTICLE III, CHAPTER. 2 0'.. tHi BY AIDING A HE. SECTION maETO TO BE NUMBERED 3288. A SIE BALL ROAD 3f) MILES PER H On roll c the following vote: the foregoing ordinance was duly passed and adopted by AYES: NOES: ABSENT I Fry, SChutte, Wisser, and Van Wagon.r. None. Pearson. adopted. '0 Tem declared the foregoing ordi~anc. dul Y p..... and FPCRTION OF.NlJTJ<<X>D S I Held over. AM) SfF.C:{AI~ ns}! p~Jn(TT ~ Subnl tted by MaBley..Kuhas Corporation. Publi earing 00 these requests was previQusly held with action to be taken by the G y Council at a later date. No action taken at this meeting. RESOLUTION NO. 2731, Councilman Schutte offered Resolution No. 2731 and moved for its passage and option. ~ olution Book, p_ge A RESOWTION OF THE I TY COUlCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPRQVIJ<<; AND AUTH<R- IZING THE EXECUTION i All ACaBRMPt{t TO BE MADS AND ENTE!REJ) Ith'O 'BY A8i) EIlEEN THI CITY OF AHAHEUtJ 1HE PLACENTIA SANITARY DISIRICT RELA~IE TO THI USE BY THE CITY OF ANAH!:j OF THE ffiAr<<3ETHCIU'E mUll( SEWE!R LINE OF PLACEMTIA. n On roll c~ the following vote: the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adepted by AYES, NOES: ABSENT : Fry, SChutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. Hone. Pearson. adopted. The Mayor Tem declared the foregoiag resolution duly pasled and Y OF (JiAM3E fOR THE CONS 10 OF Y of Orange for the construction of the Fir. S~Uon was led on motion by Counciiman WisseI', seconded by Council- D. Said purch. man Fry, seconded by Y J The Administrative Officer recOlmeaded the Copy Machine at the approximate cost of $530.00 to be cy Fund. was authoriaed by.the City CounciloR metionby'CoUAcl1- uncilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. SubDi tted by Fred Atel. The Chief of PoJtlce suani tted a report r, tive to the investigation of Mr. Fred Ato1 and recom- mended that Mr. Atol granted this partnership business license subject to a non-arrest record f m the Federal Bureau of InvestigatIon. Said reque. for business license was granted by the City Counci 1 on motion by Council 1 Wisser, seconded by Councilman Fry subject to said recommendations of tij Chief of Police. MOTION CARRIED. 993 1956 - 7:00 P.M. Cl IOENTIFICATIoIiJ OFFICI!R CON)lI:;RJ:rJ;:! he City Council on motion by Councilman lasser, secon4ed by Councilman Sch+ e authorized Forest Wolverton, Identifi- cation Offlce~ to attend a Confere~ in Santa Barbara on May 25 through the 28, 1955, as recommended by the chi of Police. MOTION CARRIED. .SRA~NG .~T: Report of Expen, paid for the month of March in mainta-in- ing Sections , and 4 and treating .. tions 5 and 6 of the ~Qlnt Outfall SeWer was submi tted and ordered received; filed on motion by Councilman Wisser, I a-econded by Councilman Schutte. Mt> ON CARRIED. 4J.tPITl QU.rt~1y Audit by Diehl aria CODlpe1y was submittedt read, and ordered: .,celved and filed on motion by Co: ilman Schutte, seconded by Councilm.an Fry. II)TION CAlaIS.. ~ST TO H~ BANNF-R 1 The Anahe~ High School was granted :JIequest to hang lanner over Cfnter Street at Lemon, rom May 9 to May 21, advertising their -rop of tb:. P4P.ft Slww,on motion ~ Councilman Schutte,second8d by Council- ..n Fry. II:>TION CARRIED. 0, L~ ~ELLATION 'F CITY T~1:S1' On mo Oouncllman Fry, cancellation of Ci ,,-sed by the .State of California to Ivan Wells i.nd Sons. AOTION C n by Counci1.JM.n Wisser, .econded by taxes was authorized on property pur- Hi,hway '__se6a.. f:o..r I y ass..sect , . 1IANSFER. Of lWi)S& The following t nsfers were authorized on motion by launcilman Schutte, seconded by Co~ ilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. . I - AJlXJNT TO $45,000.00 $20,000.00 , 9t~.OO $35,000.00 $l~,OOO.OO ation Fund ic Safety Fund ation Fund eu Tax Fund ng Meter Fund General Fund General Fund GeFt.ral Fund General Fund Special IlIprov...nt Nnd n MIJi! OF CIty-'llHED PIlCPERTYa DiscU ion was held on the proposed sale of IIoperty ~. on Da.on Street, 10. 5 feet by 120 feet, pending the execution Of Quiet Title. ~. Murdoch advised ~ t an offer had been received to purchase the property lor 12,500.00 to be us as a building -site and recommended the "Ie of the property. , Said sale was author~ by the City Council, and tbe City Attorney was requested to prepare ~ necessary doc\Dents on motion byCWneil- ..n Fry, seconded by CouncIlman Sc~ tee MOTION CARRIED. A lYE MAP lR T 72 Aing the eng1lleet'ing on Tract No. the owner req8sted a variance in 1:1 5 feet to 4 feet on 6O-foot streets I1dewalks on all Cul-de-sac streets The City Council on n1 10n by Councilman SChutte, seconded by Councilman .Fry favored the eliminat n of sidewalk requirements on the CuI-de- sac streetronly in Tracts Nos. l7~ 2577, and 2578. MOTION CARRIED. 7 A representative of the firm 8 addressed the CQuncil, advi sing that' matter of sidewalks to be reduced from and further requested the elimination of o ADJOORNED. .., Councilman Schutte IDa the motion. MOTION CARRIED. to adjourn. Council.an Fry seconded SIGNED.