1955/05/04 1004 Cit iE LUTION NO for its Councilman Wisser offered Resolution No. 2744 and moved 'adoption. Ref er page r t., t. A RESOLUTION OF TH CITY COUtCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM Aa:BPTI~ A ~ DEED CONVEYING TO THE GTY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY R:R PUBLIC PURPOSES. (JOEPH AM> RU1H CIA. foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the COUtCILMEN: COUtCILMEN I COUlCILMEN: AYES: NOES: ABSENT : Fry, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. Pearson and Schutte. adQRted. :Pro T em declared the foregoing resolution dul ypassed and Motion w . made by Councilman Fry that the City Ad111nistra~()rbe authorized to furn $h Smart & Final Iris Co. a survey of all of Lot 25 of Vineyard Lot "E5" f the Langenberger Tract. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION C lED. t Boney addressed the Council $ta~in9 that he did not object to having Smart & Inal Co. there but believed some thought should be given to the zoning; and tht warehouses should not be allowed in C-2 zone but rather in M-l zones. He .lieved this to be something for Council.s consideration. n PARKING DIS1RICT: 4 conmi ttee of property owners, .of which Mr. Robert &ney was a member, pres Qted a recommendat~on of parkin, 'districts and submitted a map showing the pr posed boundaries thereof. Mr. Murd ~h, Atiministra~iye Officer, reported that the area shown on the map in the pre tnt fOIm appeared to be too large an area to be considered. Mr. Bone advised that the map and recommendation was for the Council's consideration, and ~hat they wished to meet with the Council at a future date to consider a park mg assessment district. There bemg no further business before the Council at this time, Councilman Wisser oved to adjourn. Councilman Fry seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. sfGNED. n n IJ A RESOLUTION OF THE CONVEYING TO THE CI (JO H AND RUnI G On roll ca~ the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT : The Mayor' ad~ted. Motion wa authorized to furni' Vineyard Lot "E5" 0 motion. MOTION C Mr. Robe to having Smart & F[ the zoning; and tha, in M-l zones. He b n 1 i PARKING QISTRICT: was a member, pres map showing the pro the map Mr. Boney consideration, and to consider a parki There Dei Councilman Wisser MOTION CARRIED. stGNED. n :J 1004 .11. ! I.Councilman Wisser offered Resolution No. 2744 and moved poption. olution Book, page t TY COUtCIL OF THE CITY Of' ANAHEIM AO:BP!IE A ~ .oBED OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY ~ PUBLIC PURPOSES. A . , , foregoing resoluti'On was duly passed and ad.,ted try Fry, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. Pearson and Schutte. o T em declared the foregoing resolution d\al ypas.ect anfi ade by Councilman Fry that the City Adldnlstrnol'" Smart & Final Iris Co. a survey of all of Lot 25.ef he Langenberger Tract. Councilman Wisser seconded the D. oney addressed the Council $ta~ln9 that he did not object 1 Co. there but believed some thought should be given to arehouses should not be allowed in C-2 zone but rather eved this to be something for Council.s consideration. ollll\i ttee of prope.rty owurs,.f ~ich Mr. Robert Boney' d a recammendat\on ~f parkin"districts and sum.ltteda ed boundaries thereof. I I i, Atiministra~i,!e Officer, reported that the area. .hown on faIm appeared to be too large an area .to be conudered. vised that the map and recommendatton was for the Council.s t they wished to meet with the Coun~il at a future date assessment district. no further business before the Council at this time, to adjourn. Councilman Fry seconded the motion. 1002 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: coote I LMEN: COUOCILMEN: COUNCILMEN. Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. None. The Mayo declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. r pag~ Councilman Wisser offered Resolution No. 2742 and moved adoption. Refer A RiSOWTION OF TIi dCITY COUf<<;IL OF THE CITY OF ANAHBIMAOCEPTIE A. CitANT DiED CONVEYING TO THE cty OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FCR AN EASEJem F<R ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES. (WALTER R. WARD). On roll all the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following v te: AYES: NOES: ABSENT : COUN:ILMEN: COUlCI LMEN I cOUOCILMEN: Pearson, Fry, SChutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. None. The Mayo declared the foregoing resOlution duly passed and adopted. PARKING LOTS; Di$.ssion~was held on the present zoning of area described as Lots 25, 26, 27, a4 28, Block E-5 of the Langenb&~ger Tract with reference to P-l Zoning. n It was myed by Councilman SChutte, seconded by Councilman Fry that the City Administrtor and the City Attorney be instructed to canmence nego- tiations for the Ptchase of Lots 25, 26, 27, and 28, Block E-5 of the Langen- berger Tract for p ~lic parking lot use, and if negotiations for the purchase at a satisfactory tice failed, that proceedings of condelmation be commenced for the acquisitio of the property, and further, that the Building Department be instructed to w thhold building permits pending negotiations. MOTION CARRIED. J?IlJMBER BONDS: Re e.al Bond for Pastusak Plumbing Company and Orange County Plumbing Bond were ~rdered received and filed when approved by the City Attorney on motion by Counc Iman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. RECREATION BUDGET: man for their info of May 10, 1955. TRASH COLLECTION: Mr. Murdoch, City Administrative Officer, reported on the agreement for the ~eration of Trash Collection by contract and stated that informal bids had een received and that the low bidder was unable to enter into agreement bec ~se of failure to obtain a performance bond as required; and, therefore, withdr his bid. He further advised the S. & H., Rubbish Hauling, 423 North Townsend Street, Los Angeles, California, to be next lowest bidder at 45 cents per re ldential unit and recommended the award of contract to said company for trash ickup in the outlying areas. Copy of proposed Recreation Budget was given each councll- ation in order that action might be taken at the Meeting r ir~L Fry offered Resolution No. 2743 and moved Refer toiesolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF TH CITY COUf\CIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVIM3 AND AUTHCJi- IZING THE EXECUTIO OF AN.. AGlEEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF AMAHEIM.AlI>B, & H.. RUBBISH HAULING RS TING TO THE COLLECTION AN:> DISPOSAL OF RUBBISH ANt'J mASH.