1955/05/10~- a k5 ~.. ~., ~~ r ~~ YJ k` ".~ ~,' 1026 L1.~„Mahe__ i~r3_:Cali farnia, May 10.. 1955 - ? s ~ P.M. 1E5~DI~II~s C unication received by Mr. Don Derr from La Palma. Cattle Co., requesting pe scion to use City-owned property located on La Palma Avenue for a peria ~f six months for a construction compound, together with recommendation of ~ Derr, was submitted, read, and granted by the City Council, subject to `the approval of the Administrative Officer, on motion by Councilman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED.. ~OCLAMATIONs pros limed by the Mayor declaring Anaheim Industrial Progress Week t© be Fridays y 6 through Friday, May 13, 1953. TRANSFER OF FUNS: Frans f er in the amount o f 36, 976.83 representir t~.e ba1- ante of the 1952 Wa ~r Works Extension Bond Fund to the 1934 Water Iics Extension Bond Fund together with other journal entries, was authorized. and permission was gran jed to close the 1952 Electric Works Extension Bond Fund Account and to trap der the account to the Light, power and `.Water pepart~nant in the General Fund on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by:Council- man Schutte. MOTId CARRIED. J, O. S, MINUTES: Th Minutes of the Executive Committee of the Joint Outfall Sewer of meetingshe ~l April ?and May 5~ 1~5, were submitted, a~arovesl, end ordered received a filed on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded'by' Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. E J Mr. Barletta reported that bids for chlorine as received 4 by the City of Anah m were not advantageous at this tirne~ and reccaa~ended that all bids be re~ecte It was mo ~d by Councilman Van~Wagoner, seconded by Cauncila~an~Fry... that all bids for t ~ purchase of liquid chlorine be rejected. 1~0TION CARRIED. Councilma `;Wisser moved to adjourn to May 16, 1955E 1OsOO o'clock A.M. Councilman Va 'Wagoner seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ~' ADJOURNED ~__ ~ , r SIGNED. ~~1. ~~/_..~..~~, j „~_ ~ , City G1 },` t $gE dS; i~. 4, t. H 1 1006 im a i o i lp 1 5- 7~Oa P. ~~ Mr. Warre the existing dwells ~L. Schutz Attorne addressed the Council stating that 9 an thi ~~' to the City of Anah s property was there when the ro ert m and that it was formerly zoned by the County of 0 tinged i as R-4. He stated of th at the proposed dwellings would not depreciate the value e property the @ if Mr. Menefee followed the recommendations of the City ,~*, Planning Co~mission ith plans and types of houses that he has in mind He further advised tha . ?Mr. Menefee had given 30 feet for the widening of Rosemont and if that had not th 6000 een done, the smaller house lot would not have been below ~ e square foo went for retirement minimum. This property had been purchased as an invest- ' urposes. ~= T: The Mayor be affected by the asked how many lots were ad,~acent to this area which might ;tinting of this variance He was ad i d th t ~ 1~, however, only o . v se a there were lot was in this position and all other homes were on ~ a the front of the to rather than the middle. ~! '~' ~s r~ Mr. Henry 330 feet deep and .DuBois stated that the lots alon "Libert Lane rare all ~ g y 'th th b i , e esta l shment of Rosemont`Street to the rear, it . ' gave each of them a ~t to dispose of. He feared the possibflft of uttin y p g ~ :; ~r in anything such as ailer courts, Mr. Menef` discussed the plot plans presented with the variance ,. request and explain- ~ the proposed houses he planned to establish on this property. Discussio followed by the Council and it was considered that the 4 present residence, ?though erected on a slab floor, could be moved and that p the granting of this variance would be breaking down the ar$a. Thereupon the ~o r Mayor declared the , ring closed. ~~ ~~ 7 ~ r Councilman Wisner offered Resolution No. 274b and moved ~'x, ~ for its passage and doption. r`~. {~ '' ;~. ;z Refer to R solution Hook, page ________ t A RESOLUTION OF THE -____ ITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DENYING VARIAN laD. ~.r `~ h On roll ca the following vote: .. 1 the foregoing resolution was dui y passed and adopted by j` ` AYES: ~UI~IL(I-~N: Pearson, Fr Wiser and V n ~ Ys > a Wagoner. ~ Eb NOESs ~ ~}UNCILNIENs None. ~~ ABSENT: °UI~ILMENs None. ~~ ~~ NOT VOTINGs ~UNCILMANs Schutte. ': ~~' The Mayor lclared the foregoing resolution duly passed. and ~o ted. P `„ P C ING: VAR N0. 3 a Submitted by Clyde S, and Joanna Leaker ~ requesting permissios , l to divide parcel of property into three (3) lots, locat-ed I on the east side of ~plewood Street between Ro~neya Drive and Kenwood Avenue. ~~ The City P sinning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 140, I granted said varianc _ subject to the following conditionsi . ,. ~ ~ ; 1. The pa k ent of $2.00 per lot for the acquisition of Parka Recreation Sites. 2. The fi Ong of a r~eord of survey map .with the City of Anahei 'and the County of Orange showing division of pro arty. ~ 3. Engine ing requirements. .:~: µ'~ x Mr. Mungal advised the Council that this property was omitted from ., the subdivision on eya Drive, and that the two (2) lots would meet tie Anaheim Municipal C ` requiranents; and further, there is now established a single-.family reside eon the third lot. ~k ~~~' ~. ~: L~ ~~; ~,: ~. ,a..: .. 1424 Cit ~ { Anaheim. California ~ ~ 14, 1455 ?st)p p.kl. 'k 3 ~,t ;;~ ~3 ;: r ~° r K ':. r 'I granted The City said vari lanning Gc~nmission, pursuant tv their Resolution Ho. 153, subject to reducing the five (5) l t f South Street to fo o s acing on East (4) lots. ' No actin ~-as taken by the City Council. ~~~ off twQ N0. 345: (2) lots f 'omitted by Ralph W. Seward, requesting permission to cut ,ng Rosemont Street. granted The City said varian Manning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution i~. 154, ~ subject to th f e ollowingz 1. The p ' ' ent of X25.04 per lot for the acquisition of P and Recreation Sites. 2. The f ing of a record of survey map with the City of An eim and the County of Orange showing .the prop® lots. No action has taken by the City Council. existin g N0. ~~_ residence ~bmitted by~Helen B. George, requesting Permission to use r a doctor s office whi h i Road. c s located at 211? Anaheim-.Olive The City. denied said varianc fanning Coamission, pursuant tm their Resolution No. 155, No action ;as taken by'the City Council. V I 5 NOS 3 7 Submitted b G M ~ ~' ing a waiver of the y eorge Ho l~etein and Sons, reque~rt- 5-foot frebnt yard setbacks in Tracts Nos ig49 t d , ~ n 2425. The City ]canning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 156 granted said varian , s~subject to the followings ~- 1• Main ing the 25-foot front yaxd setbacks on West Walnut streets in Tract No. 1949 . 2. Main , . ing the 25-foot front-yard setbacks on Oran ,Avenue and Na•tsrood Street in Tract No. 2425, 3. Allows 24-foot setbacks on all interior loth within the subdivision. r No action s taken by the City Council.. ' _y-~R__I~NCE N0. 349: front yard setbacks 4 fitted by Walnut Manor, requesting a waiver of the 25..foot 20 feet on Lot 10 7 I Lots 1 to 9 in Tract s to 9, and a setback of 16 feet on ~~ ~o. 2152. The City P granted said varianc finning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution 1'~. 15?, ',subject to the following: 1. Allows ~ 20-foot setbacks on Lots 10 to 79~ inclus Vie. 2. Allow3~ 18-foot setbacks on Lots 1 to 9, inclua e. 3. Allows 24-foot setbacks on Lots 83~ 84, and 8~ n Walnut Street. The City C Councilman Van Wagon '`Heil, on motion by Councilman Schutte~ seco r ordered said vari s ' ~ Ma 3 5 7• , ance to be e t for Public Hearing P M MOTION CARRIED . . . E I Submitted b Wi i toeing on property 1 y nn ng and.D enham~ requesting C-1 ated westsrir of Brflokhurst Street at the intexs++~tic~n of Winchester and We La Palma Avemaes. P is H on motion y ounc 'n was ordered to be held.~~-4,~-~,~g 7;04 o~clock P.; Schutte, seconded b C©uncil F y rnan ry. MOTION C1t'IID. ~~ ;G ~~ P ~~' _: ~~ r.~ ~~ ,. tW ~.~ '.-.5. - r 1048 - 7, i Mr. Kuhns farther ~ ised that there would be approxirmately 44,40Q to 50,Q00 cars a day, on p~ ys, accotding to the. survey .made, and .that they were trying to help the affic problem. The next:pvint he brought before the Council was the adaptabilit 'of the area to a Drive-In Theatre. He stated that it is adjacent to a now z rled Amusement park, and he felt that it is a natural place fora ;lve-fin ,Thee. e, He further advi seal. that .they are principal ro ert owners ~.n the area, Owning approximately 4Q acres, P P Y Mayor Pea ion felt that this was a matter for study, and. further felt that die be given an portunity to present it at a more opportune time. The Mayor asked if anyo else wished to address the Council on the matter. No one responded. R O TION 2 , Councilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution ~io..2748 and moved for its passa and adoption. Refer to solution &aok, page ____._._ A RESOLUTION OF THE TY COUI~IL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APpR4AlING ~ ACTION OF TAE CITY PLANNI ~Q1,I~dISSION pSNYING SPECIAL USE P1rRMiT TO ~AN~Y-KUHNS CORPt'~ATION FCR A D 1E-IN THEATRE. On roll ca i the foregoing resolution was duly passed and .adapted by . the following vote: AYES: PiCII,MENs;.; Pearson,, Fry, Schutte,: Wisner, ~ and Vein Wagoner. NOES: UNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: ~U'I~CCILMEN: None. The Mayor ~clared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted, f"1 and further stated t Council felt that the matter should be given considera- tion by experts rely ve to the en tire area. i R- ?ANING - , : A gentleean frAm the au~liMnGe advised the Council fat the property owners in the-area were not~notiffed that the Council was goin to take action on the R-3 Zoning requested by the Manley- Kuhns Corporation an '.asked if the Council could, at this tine, reconsider the granting of this zon ~ They were advised to make application to the City Planning Commission ;non-property owners to change the zone. PUBLIC HEARING Submitted by David S. Collins. requesting a waiver of the P-L ne on a parcel of property .described briefly as 129 West Ball Road. ' The City P Inning Comnmission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 145, denied the waiver of the P-L Zone but allowed the landscaping of the front of the property in acco ance:wfth,plans.presented.. . Appeal fr action taken by the City Planning Coa~missatt~ in order to clarify said action, s submitted by David S. Collins. The Mayor ed if anyone wished to address the Council on the matter. Mr. Mungal advised that .the business established at thi8 1~G~tion wag that of a Nurser and that the City Planning Commission did not waive the use of the P-L Zone allowed the Nursery stock to be placed. out front which would compare to the }I, Zone so that the waiving of the zone was npt sssgry, He further stated th the P-L Zone .would. remain if another use were:estlished there. Mr. Collins P-L Zone. ~3OLUTION N0. 2749s moved for its passage Refer to Re ,addressed the Council further, urging the waiver of the Councilman Van l~aganer offered Resolution No. 249 and Viand adoption, lution Book, page _______. 1~2 is i t _ ~~ it I 'r s An California 10.:1955 • ~ ~~ ~~ ~ O~zNANCE N0. 99~ reading and moved . 'Councilman Sch Ordfr~anoe'No. 993 for first or it e f on ; s passage and , ado ti P ),r4 ~_ ~~~ AN ORDINANCE OF CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING SECTION 6100.38 (a)~ 610Q OF ARTICLE VI CH S 6100, 6I00.13~ 6100.38 d (9}, b1C~0.38 (h) 6100.5' (),. ~ 9, 6100.44, 6100.47 AND 6100 TER 76 ~ 6100.84, 6100.85, . I OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE ~ ~I~ TH~tETO SECTIONS '100.$6 AND 6100.$7 (BUSINESS N 3 . LICE S E}. After h knowl@dge of the fng read in full the title of Ordinance No" 993 and haying ~ tents therein Council of said ordinance Motion unanimousl , man Wise waived. Councilman Van Wagoner seconde~e~eamding in full otio p n. arried. ,$ 4 for its passage an Councilman Van Wagoner offered Ordinance No. 994 and adoption. Said ordinanc 4 te the first time. e was read in public in full for ~ r' AN ~tDINA1~E OF TH BOIJLE WITHIN CITY OF AN AHEIM BERMITTING THE USE OF A PORTION OF ~ CITY _ FflR THE PURPOSE OF LIMITS BY CIE BARD 4F SUPERVI SORS OF ~A1VGE COU Y ]UPROVING C NTY SYSTEM OF ~ , I SAID BOULEVARD AS A PART OF ~ RESOLUTION IdO, 76 its passage and ad s Councilman Fry offered Resolu 1 'tion, tion No. 2767 and roved for 1 ^i Refer to solution Book, page a~ ~ A RESOLUTION OFT CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AIM ~ z SITY F(~ A~ DIREC D ETERMINING THE NECES- ~T 0 THE A~ITION BY F~+[Tt~~rr t~n~ THE WIDENING A1~ I TO THE CITY LIMITS, , ~: OF R k~ ~`i F( ' VENT Gr HARBOR ~Jt1LEVARD I~pM MANCHES~R AVER ~TH&LY On roll c the following voter ~.l the for~gaing resolution was dul II y p~sse+d and adopted by . AYES: I~ESs r ~OtJNCIL(VIEI+1: Pearson, Fry,. Schutte Wieser ' ,and Van Wagoner INCILMEN ABSENTS . : None. ~~JNCILMENs None. . The Mayor ~eclared the foregoing resolution dul ass Y P ed and adopted. It was mo the Count Ri ht,o d by Councilman Fry, seconded b Coun Y oilman Wieser that A ent be designated t for and an behalf a o make aopraisal of the propert 'the City of lMaheim. MOTION CARRI Y ED. _ D ~ R Mtstors Co oration ~ , ~ Mr. Murdoch r atecl authorization to pay Ger:eral loo-Rsmy'Divisi eered into, and f (2 633 feet} t on rental in accordance with a ree~en ;her recommended the urchas g t p a of dne-half of th li : a a to e ne ~1 cost of $~,428,41 .. Payment of half of the line as 'ent ~ al In accordance with agreement and. .purchase of one- ~cammended by the Administrati Was authorized by the man Schutte. MOTION ve Officer, Mr. Murdoch, Council on motion by Councilman Fry, seconded by Council- CARRIED (T b ..., . o e purchased from Bond Fund ) • LI OR CONTROL OFF~I th f The Administrative Officer Mr K i e Council that the and the office servi , . e th h+k~rdoch advis ~ no longex is a Liquor Control Of ' ~ Cice in Orange Count g thi y ; s area is established in th e ity of Long Beach. SIGN POLICY: The Co lished for the erect oil was a9r~ee~ble to the follows ng policy to be estab-. of si ns d g a vertisin sales 0 9 f Tracts: 1. Size o 2. Signs fgns to be 10 feet by 2b feet. b 3. Name o e at least 6 feet off company to be on sign. ground. r~. w~ j~ ~i` a:q. ".-n ~. ;; ~;~- [_},., b i, i~.i - { I, '. 1010 Ci The vote ¢:a the above motion was as follows: - 7100 ;~ AYES: ~OMMISSION~tSs Auest, Gauer, Schumacher, and Rutcel. ~ NOESs ~OI~AITSSION~RS: Hapgood, Schutte, Thompson, and Mungall. ~., ABSENT: COMMISSIONER: Sun~ners. ~~ ~ This moti s# did not carry by a 2/3 majority and thus constitutes no i action by the Coernf lion-" { Mr. E. J. Caldecott, representing the Broadway-Hale development, subsiitted plot plan Hof the prpposed development to be established in the area, ~~ and discussion full wed as to the standard C-1 deed restrictions, the deeding ~~ '~ to the City of nece $ary property for the widening of streets required by the City Engineer, and ~,so the waiver of a height limitation for C-1 zones with reference to plans ybmitted. ., ~~ In additi r~ thereto, further discussion was held regarding the #encing ~' in of the. perimeter of the property, and the standard deed restrictions relative ~~ to parking requirin '75 per cent in lieu of the code restrictions of 66-23 ~~ per cent. ,: ~~ r:~ `~` ~~ Mr. Murdo ~, Administrative Officer, recommended. that the parking requirements be in ~cordance with the zoning ordinance (~G-?,~3 per Cent), and fuxther, that the f cing of the exterior boundaries be .permitted; that this restriction was int r~ded to eliminate fencing between shops within the shopping area. The Mayor 'sked if anyone else wished to address the Council on the matter, and a gentl an, stating that he was a property owner to the north, addressed the CounC ,favoring the rezoning. "'"~ There bei no one else addressing the Council on the matter, the Mayor declared the -wring closed. ii N Councilman Schutte offered Resolution Nci. 2'51, author- , izing the change of done subject to conditions as .discussed .and approved bY~' the Council, and mo ~d for its passage and adoption. Refer to dsolution Rook, peg A RESOLUTION OF THE ITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING Ate DET'PRMIDQNG THAT A IS NECESSARY IN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY Ate THAT ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF TH ANAHEIM I1~NICIPAL CODE SHOULD BE AI~NDED TO ACCONpLISH SAID CHANGE OF ZONE; F-54-55..36 . i On roll c~Il the foregoing resolution was duly passed ar.:d adopted by the following votes AYES: OUNCIL1u~N~ Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Yan Wagoner. NOES: OUI+~ILNENs None. ABSENT: ~OUNCILI~Nt None. The Mayor eclared the foregoing resolution duly passed anal adopted. L ED ENT TIVE TRACT , s hocated at the southwest corner of West Broadway and 5 th West Strut. Subdivider is Walter H. Leimert Co. ~~ Tract contains 29 l ~s. The City tannin Commission voted to a rove th , g pp a revised tentative map subject to the llowing conditions: 1. The P ent of $25.00 per lot for the acquisition of Pa and Recreation Sites. 2. The a ley entering Broadway be eliminated and a turn- ound be pxovided in the alley at the rear end. 3. Engin ing requirements. },4 1420 Anahei~, ~ Cali forma. 14~Y _ 14 19,5 • 7 sQQ P M. t.~ ~. w~ _. .' ,:y ~a >, ~~ ..., I ;~ . PLU~@ B{~Ss P1 er Bonds su}~itted by the South Gate Plumbing a~ H~ G. Cary were ordered be received and filed when approved by the City Attorney, on motion by Count loran Wieser, seconded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. PQ~ lv nt of John H. Maclntyre, Deputy City Patrolman Schedule No. 24•C and Hanoi ~Lonn, Building Inspector, Schedule No. 28-A, was recpn~ mended by the City administrative Officer and authorized by the Ci#~y ~ouhcil on motion by Count loran Fry, seconded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. R L TION N0. 27 Councilman Fry offered Resolution No. 27f~1 and moved for its passage an 'adoption. Refer to resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OFT .:CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING THE KEC1JTxON OF ANA E1u~NT BETWEEN THE CITY 4F ~gIM AND LU~C, Ili. RELATING TO SEAR CONNECTI4 On roll #11 the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following v tee AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wieser, and Van Wagoner. NOES: ~ COUNCILIu~E~t: Nt~ne. ABSENT: ''C4UNCILME~I: None. The Mayo {declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. ION NQ 7 ~ Councilman Van Wagoner offered Resoluti©n No. 27b2 and moved for its pass a and adoption. Refer to resolution Books page A RESOLUTION OF ;CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ~CCEPTI~.d.T fl CONVEYING TO THE C Y OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FE~t AN EXSIfI' FOR STREET WIDENING P OSES. (JANE" AND ROBERTA KERWIN). On roll `11 the foregoing reso ution was duly passed and adopt~l by the following e: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wieser, and Van Wagoner. j NOES: ~ COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT:. ~ COUNCILMEN: Nane. _ The Ma declared the foregoing resolution duly passed end adopted. IO~dI~. 27 : Councilman Fry offered Resolution No, 2763 a moved for ~. its passage and a tion. ~'~~, Refer t ~ esolution Book, peg k A RESOLUTION OF ~ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AI~Iti STING CAN'T DEELI CONVEYING TO THE Y OF ANAi~EII~ .CERTAIN REAL PR~fl~TY F~ AN EAS~"f ~R` STREET WIDENING OSES, lY K~tWIN~. On roll tall the foregoing resolution was duly passed arad mdopted by the following ,tee l AYESs COUNGILMENs. Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wieser, arld Van W~ganer. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILIu~N: None. The May a~ declared the foregoing resolution duly passed argil adopted. 1012 ~- N_ ~ ~~. t ~. ~~ i r~~ t TENNTATIYE MAP. T westerly from Nu 39 lots. n im-: a ifoxni lp 1955 - 7s00, . Q~ 2370s Located on the north side of Cerritos Avenue Street. Subdivider is Miles Thomas Co. Tract contains r i e~ t r4 ~' R :, ;w- :, 4 ~2 ~~ x ,~ ~, tk 1~ rr R. '; ~~~ «~:~'. T~ +' a i;v t:F '.N ~~ E~ The City fanning Commission voted to approve the Tentative Map of Tract No. 2370 subj ~t to the following: 1. The p ant of $25.00 per lot for the acquisition of P~ and Recreation Sites. 2. That ~e norther~.y street in the tract be widened to a ~nim~ of 45 feet. t 3. That a water be supplied by the City of Anaheim and n the Dyke Water Co. 4. Engin firing requirements. The City ~uncil~ on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Council- man Van Wagoner, ap ~oved said. Tentative Map of Tract No. 23'0 subject to the recaeumendations of ~e City Planning Commission and further subject to the com- pliance with the o finance introduced this evening of 1225 square feet livable ~. area homes; and fur her, that the homes built on Lots Nos. 1, 2, and 3 be of not less than 1500 quare feet minimnml. MOTION CARRIED. TENTATI MAP TR Located on the north side of Lincoln Avenue, 660 feet west of B okhurst Street. Subdivider is Gerald Benjamin. Tract contains 89 lots. The City lamming Commission voted to approve the Tentative Map of Tract No. 2625 sub ct to the followings 1. Comp ~tion of annexation proceredings. 2, The ,yment of X15.00 per lot ft~r the acquisition of P k and Recreation Sites. 3. Incr using the width of "A" Street to 45 feet. '~~ 4. Engi~ering requirements. The City Council moved to approve said Tentative Map of Tract I~. 2625 subject to th ordinance establishing a 1225 square f®ot minim hose area, on which firs 'reading was held this evening, and further, on thw basis of the establishm• ~ of a service road. K Mr. Hart .representative of the subdivider, asked to have t utter deferred and held hex to allow time to study the proposition of a servi.~e road. Ac ion w .1_~.Qn n of the CaLncil, TENTATIVE MAP. Located on South Street and extends westerly to Placentia Avenu Subdivider is Hahn-St. John. Tract contains lb5 Iots. The City Planning Commission voted to approve Tentative Map of Tract No. 2688 subject t the following: 1. The ecessary engineering for access streets. 2. The ~yment of $25.00 per lot for the acquisition of P `k and Recreation Sites. 3. Dedi ' tion to the City of Anaheim of 14 feet along Pla tia Avenue and 5.25 feet along South Street for reet widening. 4. Lot marked "Not a part of the subdivision" be giv ' a number in order that improvements be inc orated. 5. Eng Bering requirements. r The Cit council, on motion by Councilman Fry, seconded by Councilman Wisser, approved id Tentative Map of Tract Ab. 2688 .subject to corxlitions as outlined by the C ~y Planning Commission, and further, that Lot No. 109 be reserved for stre 'purposes. MOTION CARRIED. leis SrM ~~: ~': t~ t, p. ~S !: F ~~~, ~, ~, . r. i? .x: ~; s . 4 t ;h <s ~;, ;; .# On roll 1 the foregoing resolution was duly pawed and adapted by the following vote: AYES: ~OUNCIL~I~s Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. NOES: ~01~NCILIY~N: None. A83ENTs ~JNCILI~ENs Ne~ne. The Mayo ~eelared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. LUT`ION N0. 275 ,Councilman Yen Wagoner offered Resolution Na. 2737 argil moved for its passe ~ and adoption. Refer to solution Rook, page~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE OITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ;A,~"~t~~ T ~ P ~ ~E AC~iISITION OF. TAIN R PR~TY FOR PUBLIC Pt~RPOSES A~ SIZING THE PAYMENT OF THE HASE PRICE FROM THE GENERA. ~1Np, (,TOSS G~'tCIA,.~i' OF VINE ARD LOT " OF THE L $8,000.00). 0n roll c ~,1 the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following voter AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser~ and yen Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: ~~JNCILMEN: None. The Mayor ~eclared the foregoing resolution duly pe~8eed and a~do~lted. R 0 I !Councilman Wisser offered Resolution No, 2758 and m©ved for its passage and adoption. Refer to solution Rook, peg A RESOLUTION OF THE °ITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHC~IIZING THE .~- I OWNED BY THE CITY FOR CERTAIN PROPERTY OWI~D BY SMART Ai~J FINAL IRI COMPANY, A Ct~RPORA'~ION. _ On roll c the following votes AYES: DOES: ABSENT: The Mayor its passage and Refer to A RESOLUTION OF THE SITY FCR AND DIRECT PUBLIC USE. (SOUTH TRACT. l the for+~going resolution was duly passed and a~pted by iOUNCILMENs Pearson, Fry, Schutt, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. ~DUI~ILMENi None. btJNCILMEN: None. ~clared the foregoing resoluti©n duly passed and stdopted. ;Councilman Fry offered Resolution No, 2759 and moved for ~.on. solution Book, page, . TTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DETF~MINING THE 1'E$- THE I BY EMINENT DOMAIN OF ,$~- iALF OF LOT 25 OF VIN&YARD LOT "E5" OF THE LAIC On roll ca ~. the for~ggoing resolution was duly passed: and adopted by the following vote: AYES: pUNCILt-~N: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser~ and Yan Wagoner. NOESs ~UNCILMEN: None. .~ ABSENT: ~IJNCILMEN: ,None. The Mayor ~~clared the faregof ng resolution duly passed and adopted. ~: T. t. E. r~ ~~ ,; 4'~ ~' s$ N. ~5 :, ~} F y,{ 1014 . ~ , C its passage and ad Refer to A RESOLUTION OF TH. PLETION ArID THE EC~JIPMENT AI+D ALL AID PII~FORMING ALL I1dpROVEMMENT: EAST OF -OLIVE STRn On roll by the following p ton b@ filer Mayo; A~CEPTAJ+ICE OF PROD that the Sully-Mil] Walnut Street, knor cations! and recd com le i 1Q, 1955 ~- 7:t~ P.1N. - Councilman Fry offered Resolution No. 2752 and moved for tion. resolution Hook, pig :;CITY COUI~IL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINAI,I.Y,~~? THE ~t7RNISHIN(~ OF ALL PLANT, LASOR, SERVICES, MATERIALS ACID ~"ILITIES ACID TRANSPORTATION INCLUDING p0y~~ FUEL AND WATER tK NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC GOAD SEWER. T i~GRn~-~u~~rr ,ten,. r r . ~.,,,~.. .. `.- _ - ~', JOB N0. 1056, X11 the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted tes !COUi*~ILME~I: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. COUNCILII~~s None. COUNCILME~i: None. declared the foregoing resnlutiort duly passed and adopted. T Nom: The City Engineer, George E. Holyok@~ certified r Contracting Company had completed the improvea~ent,of as Project No. 44, in accordance with plans and specifi- nded the work be officially accepted and that notice of =~~'uw~lu~ N~ ~~ rsoved for its passe Refer to -~ A RESOLUTION OF THE C~LETION AND THE EQUIPMENT A~ ALL U ADD PIl3FORMit~ ALL. IA+PROVEN~NTs T Councila~an Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2753 and ~ and adoption. esolution Book, page CITY C~Jt~IL OF THE CI TY OF ANAHEIM FINALLY ,~~~;~!Zj~ NISHING OF ALL PLANT, LABCR~ 5ERVICES~ MATERiAIS ADID CITIES AND TRAI~P~tTATION INCLUDING POWFR, FUEL A~ WATER NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND COIVPLETE THE FOLLO~I,II~ PUBLIC OJ NO on roll c by the following vo it the foregoing resolution was duly passed and ado ted as p AYES: NOES: OUNCILI~Ns Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wa oner. UI~ILMEN: None. g ABSENT: OUNCILN~N: None. The Mayor k eclared the foregoing resolution duly passed and ado ted. ~ P PLACENTI~-SOUTH --_____, territory known and r ON: Petition requesting annexation of uninhabited si nated P and read. g as lacentia-mouth Annexation was submitted The follo in fulls ng certificate of the City Clerk was submitted and. read "CERTIFIC RELATING TO SUFFICIE~Y OF PETITION °: FOR THE EXATION OF UNINHABITID TH3RITt~tY THE CITY ~ ANAHEIM. 4 STATE OF CALIFORNIA C(~JJNTY OF ORANGE ss. F ~~ M I, DENS M. certify that upon re WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim do hereb living a petition f t or the annexation of certain terri o rY AYES: NOES: ABSENT: The r,~ t-a ~* ~.~ ~' P;; T,~ ~~ l.~ ,~ _F ~~ ~~ t ~; ~~ :~ !~ ~r ~~' ~~ a ~, ~: -9 1016 knawn and. deSignat as the .NINTH STREET. ANNEXATION,., which. terri~tc~ry ~i.s declared in said tion to be uninhabited., that I examined said tition the registration a ;voters of the County of Orange, and the last e~alzed~ assessment ,roll of a County of Orange, to ascertain if said terri~to~y is un- inhabited and to a ' rtain if said petition is signed by the owners of not less than, ons-fourth of eland .in the territory, by area and by .assessed. valuer .as shown on the. last.., ' alined ,,ass~s~a~ent roll of the County. of Orange and that I have inspected said territory. ;Z hereby, ether cartify that :from such inspection .and examinations, I find that .less th h 12 .registered votez~s resided ,within said. territQxy.~at the,time of the fil ~g of slid petition for annexation and that said territor was at said time un hhabited territory. I further certify that from such in•y spection and examin lion and frc~ a computation of the total area.,contained in said territory, find that said petition is signed by the owners of not less than one-fourt of the land in the territory, by area and by assessed value as shown on t e last equalized assessment roll of the County of Orange, and that said petit pn is sufficient in all respects. Dated thi 10th day of May, 1955. (SEAL) Map of th to be contiguous to s Den M. Wi fauns CITY CLERK OF THE CITY 4fi AIIJA H ~'~pr+oposed area to be annexed was presented, ei~ it was noted he existing City Limits. -~ Councilman Wisner offered Resolution No. 2755 and moved for its passage and aldoption. Refer to solution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE FOR OF ANAHEIM; DESIQV~47 SCRI$IN~ ,THE. HOtJ NOTICE OF THE DAY,, H PR~ERTY WITHIN SUC~1 CITY COUNCIL AND SHE CITY OF ANA~IEIM. (p On roll ca by the following vot TY COUNCIL OF .THE CITY OF ANAHEIM A~CILEi~C~~r r~rt~r AXATIQN: OF :CERTAIN UNI~ITED ~R&~T~tY ~TQ ~TI' CITY THE TE~tITt:Y AS THE NINTfI S FET AI'~il't"flt~- I S r OF THE TERRITORY 'pR~fD TQ ~~ ~~C; "~- ~~CtNG AHD. PLACE WHO A1~1: ..ANY. F~SQN. O~+IIN~; A TERRITORY SO PROPPED TO BE ANNEXED MAY l~PEAR BEFORE THE CAUSE WHY RICH TERRITORY SHOULD. NOT $E ANND To THE ~LIC HEARING TO BE HELD JUNE 28, 1955, 7100 P.M.); ll the foregoing resolution was duly passed and admpted ~~ AYES: UNCILMEN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisner, and Van Wagoner. NOESs I~CILMEN: None. ABSENT: OUI~ILII+~Nt None. The Mayor eclared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. NORTH SUNCIST ANNEXA ONs Petition requesting annexation of inhabited term tort' known and desig ~ted as the Narth Sunkist Annexation was submitted and read. The follow~#g certificate of the County Clerk was submitted and read in full. I "CERTI FICA FOR THE A. CITY OF STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE I, B, J, certify that I am RELATING TO SUFFICIENCY OF PETITION RATION OF II+~iA$ITED TERRITORY TO THE EIM. ss. H, County Clerk of the County of Orange, dp he~a ounty offices having charge of the registration of ,~ k. ;;X X~ ;g: ~,r ~. ~'[ ~' fIx ., ;~ „~ ~; ~:~ ~~~ :Y i~ ~- t" f fi ~~, ~,~, u ;:~ __i 1016 -7 knorm and de$igna as the NINTH STREET. AA~iEXATION,.which. territeryar .: declared in said p;e #tion to be uninhabited., that I examined said petition, the registration of ~-oters of .the County of Orange, and the last equalized assessment ,roll of ~e County of Orange, to ascertain if said territory is un- inhabited and to as ~rtain if said petition is signed by the owners of not less than one-fourth of ~e land ,in the territory, by area and by .assessed. valuer as shown an the last.:e 'alined,assessment roll of the County. of Orange and that I have inspected said territory. , ,I hereby .~rther certify that.:from such inspection and examinations, I find that ,less th n 12 registered voters resided .within said.territo~ey.at the,time of the fil ~g of said petition for annexation and that said territory was at said time un r~habited territory. I further certify that. from such in- spection and examin Lion and from a computation of the total area.,contaned in said territory, find that said petition is signed by the owners of not less than one-fourt of .the land in the territory, by area and by assessed value as shown on t e last equalized assessment roll of the aunty of Orange, and that said petit an is sufficient in all respects. Dated thi 10th day of May, 1455. (SEAL) _/s/ Rene M, Williams _ CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANA1~I f~ Map oft _.~roposed area to be annexed was presen~ed~and'it was noted to be contiguous to~ a existing City Limits. for its passage and Refer to A RESOLUTION OF THE OF ANIIM; DESI(~t~ SCRIBING ,THE BOUI~A NOTICE OF THE DAY, PROPERTY WITHIN SUC CITY COUNCIL AND SH CITY OF ANAHEIM, (; Councilman Wisser offered Resolution No. 2755 and moved option. olution Book, pag [TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM( ACKNOINLEL~GIIr,~~p~ ANN,~XATIQ~N OF CERTAIN U1VIN~IABITED .TERRI'i`~Y 'I0 -'!'' CITY THE TEtITEY AS THE~N'~i, S ET A13caT7nu. ~~, . OF TTiE .TERR'IT~Y ~PR(~?OSED TO 'BE' A1NI~'X, '~ ~QIWG ~' ~lR, AMID. PLACE ~ AND WHO ;ANY PERSON. OWfiIING :Ad TERRITORY SO PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED MAY APPEAR BEPC~E THE `CAUSE WHY. SUCH TERRITORY SHOULD NOT BE ANNEXED TO THE LIC HEARING TO BE HELD JUNE 26 1955 7:00 p,M-); On roll ca l the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adapted by the following vot s AYES: NOESs ABSENT: The Mayor NTH SUNKIST ANNEX. tort' known and desi~ read. The folloi in full. ILMEN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van. Wagoner. ILMENs None. ILMEN: None. eclared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. ON: Petition requesting 'annexation of inhabited terr3~- ~ted as the North Sunkist Annexation was submitted and certificate of the County Clerk was submitted and read "CERTIFICA RELATING TO SUFFICIENCY OF PETITION ~ THE ATION OF INHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF IM. STATE OF CALIF~tNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE I, B. J, certify that I am ss. H, County Gleric of the County of Orange,~do herd ounty officer having charge of the registration of 1014 T -r hj if ~,- F~, ,. z ~~, F 7 a ~~_ City Hal RESOLU~~ON_N0. 275 its passage and ad Refer to A RESOLUTIQN OF TH G4#~LET~ON A1~D THE < i ~C~)IPMENT A~ ALL ~~ Ali PERFORMING ALL INpROVEMENT: EAST OFOLIVE SIRE On roll by the fallowing v~ AYES: NOES: ABSENT: The Mayo; that the Sully-Mill Walnut Street, kn cations, and reccrosh completion be filed ~.SQI~JTION NO Councilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2753 and moved for its passe ~ and adoption. ~'"`"! Refer to solution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUI~IL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINALLY ,'~:~L~"i THE GONPLETION Ali THE NISHING OF ALL PLANT, LABC'~~ SERVICES, MATP,RLd1I.S APB ~IIPMENT A~} ALL U CITIES AND TRAWSP(~{TATION INCLUDING POWER, FCl`EL WATER, PERFORMII~ ALL NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT ~ C01VpI~TE THE POLLONG PUBLIC I~pROVEMENT: THE ROVEMENT DF YfAL1~1T STREET ~tt~tu ~uenr,us"c~ e~cn~~c m~ ~.~ s On roll c ~.1 the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adapted by the following va ~s AYES: ~OUI~ILMEN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wiser, and Van Wagoner. NOES: OtJNCILMEN: None. A&SENT: ~CUNCILMENS None. " The Mayer declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adapted. PLACENTIAc-SOUTH A ON Petition requesting annexation of uninhabited territory known anc~ esignated as Placentia-South Annexation was submitted and read. The follo~ng certificate of the City Clerk was submitted ark read in fulls i "CERTIFIC RELATING TO SUFFICIEI+I;Y OF PETITION F~'t THE TION OF UIJINHABITID TERRITORY T~3 THE CITY F ANAHEIM. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ss. CaJNTY OF ORANGE I, DENS M WILLIAMS, Gity Clerk of the City of Anaheim do hereby certify that upon r 'eiving a petition for the annexation of certain territo~r 7;00 P.~.~. ~, Councilman Fry offered Resolution No. 2752-and moved for ~tion. resolution Book, page~_ ITY COUI~IL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINALLY~~~;,PI$~~ ~ . NISHING OF ALL PLANT', LAt, SERVICES, MATHIIAIS CITIES AID TRANSPORTATION INCLUDING. POWER,. FUEL A~ WATER, ~tK NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AMID C(~1PI,ETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC ~AD SEVIIER I11~ROVNT FAOhi PL-ACE~1T'jA AVENCI~ TO 4:W FEET '` J0~ B N0. ,1056: t ~.1 the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted ~_ ~OUNCILMENt Pears+an, Fry, Schutte, Wisner, and Van Wagoner. ~OUI~IL~N! None. ~OUNCILMENs None. r x ~eclar~i the foregoing resolution duly passed and adapted. N0 44. The City Engineer, George E. Holyoke, certified Contracting Ccampany had completed. the improvement., of as Project No. 44, in accordance with plans and specifi- ded the work be officially accepted and that notice of a, ~:t- ~~: 1018 ••, f On roll o ~l the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: {~OUNCILIu~N: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. NOES: ~OUNCILMEN,s None. ABSENTS ~OUNCILMEN~ None. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. LUTION NO. 275 ~ Councilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 277 and moved for its passe. ~ and adoption. Refer to !solution Book, page_r_______ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM RING THE PURCHASE APID ACQl1ISITION OF TAIN R PROPERTY Fit PUBLIC PURPOSES AND ~lT~RIZING THE PAYMENT OF THE HASE PRICE FROM THE GEAIB~AL FUP~. (JOS~'H t~tGIA, LOT OF VINEY LOT " OF THE L N $9,400.04). On roll c ll the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AXES: COUNCILMENs Pearson, Fry, 5chutte, Wiser, and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. The Mayer declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adapted. R 0 I Councilman Wisser offered Resolution No. 2758 and moved for its passage and 8doption. Refer to !solution $ook, page ____r__ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING THE, N P OWNED BY THE CTTY FCR CERTAIN PR~~TY OWNED BY SMART ANb FINAL IRI `COIU~ANY, A CORPORA~'ION. On roll c 1l the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wessex, and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMENt None. ABSENT: OUNCILMENs None. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adapted. RESOLUTION N0. 275 Councilman Fry offered Resolution No. 2759 and moved fflr its passage and ads lion. Refer to solution Book, page________ A RESOLUTION OF THE ITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DETERMINING THE NECES- SITY FOR AND DIR C THE ' I I BY EMINENT DOMAIN OF tAL FROFBWTY FC1~ PUBLIC USE. (SOUTH ALF OF LOT 25 OF VINEYARA LOT "E5" 0~ THE LAIVifi ,,,~, TRACT . On roll c 1 the foregoing resolution was duly passed. and adopted by the following voter AYES: UNCILMENs Pearson, Fry, Schutte, i~isser~ and Van Wagoner. NOES: , UNCILMENs None. ABSENT: UNCILMEN:,None. The Mayor eclared the foregoing resolution duly passed arx~ adopted. 10]2 ~~~ ~~ C .t 1 ~ fv,~n, M l4 1955: - '~zQD P 3~; t.,il TENTATIVE TRAC Located on the north side of Cerritc~~ ~lvertue westerly from Nut ~ ,Street. Subdiwider is Miles Thomas Co« Tract contains ;-~ 39 lots, ~~ ~~ '1 ~ f ;,~ .:m T.~. ~f T; The City nning Commission voted to approve the Tentative Map of P~ Tract No. 2370 subj t to the Following: ~~ f i 1. The ent of $5.00 per lot for the acquisition of P and Recreation Sites. 2. That ~ northerly street in the tract be widened to a i of 45 feet. 3. That water b~ supplied by the City of Anaheim and n the Dyke Water Co. 4« Engin ing requirea~ents« The City ncil~ on motion by Councilman Wisner, secor~ ed by Council- , man Yan Wagener, ap ved said Tentative Mdp of Tract Na« 2370 subject to the reba~estdations of City Planning Cc~mission and further subject to the com- pliance with the o fiance introduced this evening of 1225 square feet livable area homes; and fur 'r, that the homes built on Lots Nos. 1, 2, and 3 be of not less than 1500 s are feet minimwn. MOTION CARRIED, TENT TI : Located on the north side of Lincoln Avenue, 660 feet west of Bro burst Street. Subdivider is Gerald Benjamin. Tact contains 89 lots. The City P finning Commission voted to approve the Tentative Map of Tract No« 2625 subje to the followings 1. Comple ion of annexation proc~dings« 2. The pa ent of 91.00 per lot fpr the acquisition of Pair ~ and Recreation Sites. ' J' 3. Increa ~ng the width of "A" Street to 45 feet. 4. Engine ing requirements. The City C ncil moved to approve said Tentative Map of Tract I~. 2625 subject to the finance establishing a 1225 square foot minilt ise area, on which first fading was held this evening, and further, on t~ie° bass of the establishment ~f a service road. S Mr. Hart, ~presentativa of the subdivider, asked to have utter deferred and held ov ,~ to allow time to study the proposition of a sf~Ce road. Ac ion ~ consent of the Council. ! 1LlY1R11V~ MAt+. ~ - ~. 2688: Located on Scauth Street and extends westerly to Placentia Avenue. Subdivider is Hahn-St. John. Tract contains 1~i5 cots. The City P tinning Commission voted to approve Tentative Map of Tract No« 2688 subject to ~e followings 1. The ne 4ssary engineering for access streets. 2« The pa ent of X25,00 per lot for the acquisition of Par 'and Recreation Sites. 3. Dedica ion to the City of Ar~ahe~m of 10 feet along ~; Placers a Avenue and 5.25 feet along South Street for st het widening. 4. Lots m ' ked "Not a part of the subdivision" be given inumber in order that improvements be incQrp ated« 5. Engine ing requirements. The City C ' cil, on ~aotion by Councilman Fryi Seconded by Councilman Wisser~ approved sai 7 entative Map of Tract No. 2688 subject to condf tons as outlined by the City lanning Canmission~ end furthers that Lot No. 109 be reserved for street 'poses. MOTION CARRIED. 1020 ~~ Cit Hal Anahei Gaiifornia ~4a .10 1955 - .7x00 P.kl. -a~ ~~' PLUMBER BOI~IDS: F1 er Bonds submitted by the South Gate Plumbing a~ H. G. ~~ Cary were ordered ~ be received and filed when approved by the City Attorney, on motion by Counci an Wisser, seconded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION ~. ' CAI~IED. ,..,, PER NNEL: ~plo t of John H. MacIntyre, Deputy City Patrol~an, Schedule ~~ ~ ~ No. 24-C and Haxol Lonn, Building Inspector, Schedule No. 28-A, was recom- °~ ~ mended by the City inistrati~e Officer and authorized by the City Couhcil -~' ,g on motion by Counc loran Fry, seconded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. ;:~ ~~ f~ ~ RESOLD ION N0. 276 : Councilman Fry offered Resolution No. 2761 and aaoved for its passage an '.adoption. Refer to esolution Book, page ____r___ A RESOLUTION OFT 'CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING THE (ELUTION OF ANA ENT BETNIEEN THE CITY OF AI~iAHEIM AND LU INC. RELATING TO SEWER CONNECTIO On roll 811 the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted ~ by the following v te: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. F NOES: COUNCIL1u~NS None. ABSENT: 'COUNCILMEN: None. The Mayv .....declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. t~ ~~g OLUTIO NO 7 Councilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2762 and ,.~ r~ ~t1 moved for its pass ~e and adoption. ~ s ~~ x~ , ! Refer to ~esolutian Book age ~ F ~ ~; ~~ A RESOLUTION OF TH 'CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM P I ~~ CONVEYING TO THE C ~'Y OF ANAI~IM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASNT ~R ~~~ ~ STREET WIDENING P AMES AND ROBERTA KERWIN). DOSES. (J ~ ~~ , ~~ On roll 811 the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted ~~ by tfie following v Vie: ~~ ~ ~~: AYES: , COUNCILMENs Pearson Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILME'Ns None. g ABSENTS COU~ICILMEtd: None. '~ ,. ~~ ~~ The Mayo declared the foregoing resolution duly passe end adopted. ~:~ Y a ION N0. 276 S Ccrtuacilman Fry offered Resolution No. 2763 anal moved for t:3' its passage and a tion. ~~ Refer t Resolution Book, page ___,~ f ~~ A RESOLUTION OF CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF A~tAI~IM E~TIH~ ~ CANT ~E ~ T;F CONVEYING TO THE , Y OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PRC@E~tTY F~ AN EA51~'T POR STREET WIDENING P OSES, Y K~WIN), F;. On roll ' 11 theforegoing resolution was dulypas~se~d aadvpted e~ ~ by the following ' e: ~,~ - ~~ AYESs COUNCILMRNs~ Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser,~a~d Van War~oner. NOES: COUNCIL~9~1: None. L~~' u~u ABSENT: COUNCILI~N: None. j Yid The May ~ declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. :,~ ;; k iS )~~, 1~ ?. Fr i-f ;,z %:~~ ~_ ,~. .. a ~,,, ;.:Y T- +. ,: ,:~ ~' t~ 1'e ~:f F+ ~~ :; _. ~~ ;~ .~ ~i i i j i r 1 City Hail The vate AYES: NOES: ABSENT: This moti action by the Comm; 3~~An~aheim. tali 7 c t)0 ~~~ 1010 ~ the above motion was as follows: ` ~OM~ISSION~tS: Auest, Geuer, Schumacher, ,and Ruticel. ~OMN(ISSIONERS: Hapgood, gchutte, Thompson, and Mt~ngall. -OMMISSIONERs Summers. did not carry by a 2/3 majority anc~ thus constitutes no ion." Mr. E. J. aldecott, representing the Broadway-Hale development, su~itted plot plan of the proposed development to be established in the area, and discussion Poll ed as to the standard C-1 deed restrictions, the deeding to the City of mace nary property for the widening of streets required by the City Engineer, and Aso the waiver of a height limitation for C-1 zones with reference to plans fitted. In additi ~ thereto, further discussion was held regarding the fencing in of the perimeter ~f the property, and the standard deed restrictions relativa to parking requirin '75 per cent in lieu of the code restrictions of 6fr2/3 per cent. Mr. Murdo ,Administrative Officer, recormnended that the parking fequirements be in cordance with the zoning ordinance ~~6-2,/3 per cent), and urther, that the f sing of the exterior boundaries be perstitted; that this restriction was int dad to eliminate fencing between shops within the shopping area. The Mayor matter, and a gent]+ addressed the Counp: There beii Mayor declared the l stied if anyone else wished to address the Council on the an, stating that he was a property owner to the north, favoring the rezoning. no one else addressing the Council on the matter, the ~aring closed. A,~O.,,i~TION ~' ~ Councilman Schutte offered Resolution ~. 271, date©r- firing the change of done subject to conditions as discussed and approved by~° the Council, and mo ~d for its passage and adoption. Refer to solution Book, page __^___~, S A RESOLUTION OF THE {ITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FILING A~ I~MII~II!d0 THAT A IS NECESSt~y IN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY A~ THAT ARTICLE IK, CHAPTER 2 OF TH ANAHEIM 1~1NICIPAL CODE SHOULD BE Ab~IVDED TO ACCOMPLISH SAID CHANGE OF ZONPs F-54-85-36 . On roll c I1 the foregoing resolution was duly passed ara~l ad®pted by the following vote: AYES: OUNCII~Ns Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisner, and Yan Wagoner. NOES: I+~ILIVEHi None. ABSENT: OUNCILME Ns None. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed arwl adopted. I E TIME TRACT : Located at the southwest corner of West Broadway and ~3''th hest Street. Subdivider is ~lalter K. Leir~rt Co. Tract contains 29 lets. The City fanning Commission voted to approve the revised tentative map subject to the allowing conditions: - F 1. The P dent of ~S.OO per lot for the acquisition of Pa 'and Recreation Sites. 2. The a fey entering Broadway be eliminated and a turn- found be provided in the alley at the rear end. 3. Engin firing requirements. ~' 1022 t E k; Cit 1 ~ h Celif rnia J,O :1955 - , 7: Q0 ORDINANCE NO ~ ~ ~ • 9~ Council~an Schutte offerer prdinance~No. readir~9 end move for its passage and'ado tion. 993 for first p 4 AN ORDINANCE OF E' 6100.38 ~ CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDII~ SECTION5 6100, 6IE~.13 6100 fie), 6104 c (g) 6100. ~ .38 (d),~ OF ARTICLE VI, ..TER 1~OF ~ (h), 610039, 6100.40, 6100.47, ANA 6100 7 THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL C 6 6100.84, 6100.85,.6100.86 AND 6100.$7. ODE, AmING Tff~ETO SECTIONS (,BUSINESS LICENSE). After h firing read in full the title of Ordinanc knowledge of the dntents therein, Councilmen Wiss a No• 993 and hawing of said ordinance be waived. Councilman Van Wa oner moved the reading in full Motion unanimousl carried. g seconded the motion. `~""i""'"'c ~~ 4 Councilman Van Wagoner offered Ordinance No. 994 and moved for its passage a adoption. Said ordinance was the first time. read in public in full for AN ORDINANCE OF CITY OF ANAHEIM PERMITTI BOIILEV D WITHIN R CITY LIh~ITS BY THE. BOARD OF SDP~yIF A PORTION OF_ FOR THE PURPOSE OF ~1upR0VING AND ~+AI~rraT TT ,~ SAS OF MANGE COUNTY, ~O1 NTY SYSTEM OF 1~ S~ SAID ~ULEVARD AS APART OF THE DCrnrttTrn.r .,,, ~•+-•+~L+U11VlY rn1, lr Councilman Fry offered Resolution NO. 2767 and 1!!8V"@d ~©r its passage and ad ption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF TH CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SITY FOR AID DIREC I~G THE AC I IT ANAI~EIM D~TERMINII~'a THE NECES- INIFNT T1[1A,tarer nr ~-.. THE WIDENIi~ AID I OVEI~NT OF ttAftBOR '~ ~~' ~~AI pRn~~RTV F(R TO THE CITY LIMITS.: ~tJLEVARD ~tOM MANCHESTER AVER 30UTHH~LY1 On roll c 11 the foregoing resolution was duly passed and ad the following vote:. opted by AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILII~N: Fearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wa COUNCILMEN: None, goner. OOUNCCILMEN: None. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. It was mo ~d by Councilman Fry, seconded b Co the Count Ri ht-of a A ent a designated to k y uncilman Wisser that for and on behalf o 'the City of Anaheim. MOTION CARRIEDisal of the property -==~n-~~ ~.tcrn Motors Corporati©n, Mr. Murdoch r u o tion to pay General lco-Remy Divi io erered into, and f 0 633 feet) t in acco re l s ;her recorrin,ended the purchase of° rdance with agreement one-half f , a a to o tha line al cost of $30,428,41, Payment of half of the line as w dental in accordance with agreement and tcommended b Purchase of one- O i as authorized by th man Schutte. MOTION fficer, Mr. Murd©ch, Council on motion b Cou clm~e CARRIED Fry' seconded by Councii- (T b . o e pur haled from ond Fund) LI OR CONTROL OFFIC the Council that the The Administrative Offic M rdoch' advised a no longer i i t and the office servi u s a L quor Control Office i Orange County, this area is established i n the Cit of y Long Beach. SIGN POLICY: The Co lisped for the erects cil was agraIQ to the fo of si ns scy to be estab- d l i g a vertising sales of Tracts 1. Size of 2. Signs t signs to be 10 feet by 25 feet. b 3. Name of e at least 6 feet off ground. Company to b e on sign. ;:, f, ~.~ ~' 1008 i Mr. tCuhns further sad that there would be approximately 44~OOQ to 50,400 ~~ cars a ~ay~ on p~g~ t~yi~g tt~ help the y~, aeco~cding to the. survey .made, and .that them were. affic ralele~a Th i t ' was the adaptabilit p . e nex :po nt he brought before :the Gouncil ' Hof the area to a Drive-In Theatre. He stated that it is ad,~acent to a now z far a eve fi Th 'ed Amusement Park, and he felt that it is a natural place - n , ea~ ~ owners in the area ~ ~ e,. ~€e ,further advi seal that .they are principal r© art i~ a o P P Y ''~ ppr ximatel 40 c ~ y a res.. r ~~' ~~ ~~ ~ ~i Mayor Pe that he be iven en 9 ' n felt that this was a matter for stud and furth Y, er felt w portunity to present it at a r ~k r r Mayor asked if anya more opportune tire. The alga wished to address the Council on the matter. No one °~ t responded. ~• ~~ ~~ R- 0 TON NO r ;Councilman Van Wa oner off ~ .: g Bred Resolution >~o. 2~45 and ~= moved for its pass . 'and adoption. ' 9 Refer to elution Book, peg r A RESOLUTION OF THE TY COUNGTL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING THE ACTION ~~ OF TIDE CITY PLANNI ' Q~IISSION LNG SPECIAL USE P~R1~T TO 1~1ANl~EY•KUI~VS V ~~ CaRPCRA l'TON FCR A D E-IN THE~;TRE. - - ,. ~~ On roll ca the following vote: ~ the foregoing resolution was duly passed and, adopted lay 4 ~' ~~ AYES: - ~ NCII,,I~N~,.: Pearson,, Fry, S~chutte,: INisser, and Yan Wagoner. N{}ES: UNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: I~ILMEN: Nt~ne. ~. 'w The Mayer '"" Glared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted ~ ~ and further stated t tan b ex t l , Council .felt that the scatter shou],d be givim considera- y per s re a f ve to the entire area. ~~' R-: 7ANI advised the Council . - : A gentlemkn.from the ~tdi~nGe at the property owners in the. area were not~noti~fed that the C©uncil was goin Kuhns Cor oration `to take action on the R-3 Zoning requested by the lk~nley- ` k d i p a: granting of this zon as e f the Council could, at this ticse, reconsider the , They were advised to make application to the City Planning Commaission ~ non-property owners to change the zone. P ~ ~ a waiver of the P L Submitted by David S. Collins requesting - Ball Road. ne on a parcel of property described briefly as 129 West s: ~~ The City P finning Co~nnission, pursuant to their Resolution No, 145 denied the waiver of the P-L Zone but allowed the landscaping of the front of .the property,ira accv dance:with,plans.presented.. Appeal fro action taken by the City Planning Coami~siac~ in order to clarify said action, ~s submitted by David S. Collins. The Mayer eked if anyone wished to address the Council on the matter. Mx. Mungal advised that .the business established,at thi8 1QQ~t~~n ~ was that of a Nurser ... ;and that the City Flemming Commission did not wrai~~ the .use of the P-L Zone, t allowed the Nursery stock to be placed. out fret whic~i would compare to the He further stated th ]• Zone so that the waiving of the zone was nc~t pessary. the P-L Zone would i if there. . rema n another use were:ealished Mr. Collin f addressed the Council further, urging the waiver Of the P-L Zane. ,.s r I~~OLUTION N0. 2749:, Councilman Van wagoner ®ffered Resolution Na. ~' a~ I - moved for its passag end adoption. rh `~ #~ Refer to R lutian Book ~ peg .Lx_ i~~. , .4 ~. ,t: ,. `~ f ~. ~- _. ` i 1024 :~. ~~ Cit H ! aheim a: ~.fosn a Ma 10 1455 - ~7s00 P,M. The City ~anning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 153, granted said varian ~ subject to reducing the five (5) lots facing on East South Street to fo !(4} lots. ' No action was taken by the City Council. j ~ ;; VAR.'.: ~ NQ b~nitted by Ralph W. Seward, requesting permission to cut ! ~ tip, off two (2) lots f _ ng Rosemont Street. The City lanning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 154, r granted said varia ~~ subject to the following: 1. The ent of X25.00 per lot for the acquisition of F and Recreation Sites. 2. The ling of a record of survey map with the City of eima and the County of Orange showing .the prop fed lots. No actio nwas taken by the City Council. VI~IANGE N0. 346 omitted by Helen B. George, requesting penaission to use existing residence or a doctnr~s office which is located at 2117 AnaheitsE-Olive € Road. The City ,lanning Commission, pursuant to their Resoit~ton No. 155, denied. said varian ~. No actin was taken by~the City Council. i VARI S N 7 Submitted. by George M Hol;~stein'and Sons, request- s5: !'"'"I ing a waiver of th !25-foot front yard setbacks in Tracts Nos. 1949 and 2425. 3 ~ ~ The City Alarming Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 15b, , granted said varia ~esJsubject to the follorings '~ ;~ :.>. ~x' 1. Main dining the 25-foot front yard setbacks on ~~ West end Walnut. Streets in Tract No. 1449.. 2. Main ~init~g the 25-foot front yard setbacks on Oran ~ 'Avenue and Nutwood Street in Tract No. r 2425 _~ "~~ 3. Allo ing 20-foot setbacks on all interior loth` r~. ~ with ~ the subdivision. ~ "i No actin ~ was taken by the City Council. ; . ~~ SARI E P~. 349s 6ubmitted by Walnut 1~anor, rec~sesting a waiver of the 25-foot front yard setback to 20 feet on Lots 10 to 79, and a setback of 18 feet on ~~~ ~ Lots 1 to 9 in Tr ~ No. 2152. ~ ppp4 { The Cit Alarming Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 157, '~~ ~,~ granted said vari a subject to the followings ~$ 1. All ng 20-foot setbacks on Lots 10 to 79~ ~~ inc save. °~ 2. All ng 18-foot setbacks on Lots 1 to 9, inc 3. All 'live. ing 20-foot setbacks on Lots 83, 84, ~ and on Walnut Street. ~~ The Cit Council, on motion by Councilman Schutte, secor~ by t, Councilman Van Wa nex, ordered said variance to be set for Public Hearing ~a ~;u M~_3 `' 7 • ~ 1ls~c P. M. MOTION CARRIED. . ~{ I C I Submmitted by l~nning and. Denham, requesting C-1 zoeing on propart located wi~stexiy of Brookhurst Street at the intersection ' of Manchester and est La Palma Avenues. :4- p P lic in was ordered to be held ~~;,___,,, 7:{~ o'clock P.~ ,~ on motion y nun Tan Schutte, seconded by Councilman Pry. MOTION CAR~tIPD ~, ,;~ ~;4 ;., 1006 Mr. Warre L. Schutzy Attorneys addressed the CvunGil Stating that the existing dwelli ' on this property was there when the property was annexed to the City of Anah ~ and that it was formerly zoned by the County of Orange as R-4. He stated t the proposed dwellings would not depreciate the value of the property th ' if Mr. Menefee followed the recommendations of the City P Tanning Commission th plans and types of houses that he has in mind, He further advised tha ~Ir. Menefee had given 30 feet for the widening of ,Rosemont, '; and if that had not en done, the smaller house lot would not have been below the 6000 square foo fiinimum. This property had been purchased as an invest- ment for retirement ` rposes. The Mayor 'stied how many lots were adjacent to this area which might be affected by the ~ rating of this variance. He was advised that there were 1$, however, only o 'lot was in this position and all other homes were on the .front of the to xather than the middle. Mr. Henry ~. DuBois stated that the lots along~Liberty Lane r~ere all 3~ feet deep ands ?th the establishment of Ros~ont``Street to the rear, it gave each of them a ~t to dispose of. He fasted the possibility of putting in anything such as ` oiler courts. Mr. Menef 'discussed the plot plans presented :with the variance request and explain the proposed houses he planned to establish on this property, E; r (Y 3. t ~' r a F° Fi ::f ::fit t.~ I~~ `~~ "x Discussio #followed by the Council and it was considered that the present residence, though erected on a slab floor, could be moved and that the granting of thi' ~rariance would be breaking dotal the area. Thereupon, the Mayor declared the 'ring closed. Councilman Wisner offered Resolution No. 2746 and moved for its passage and ;option. Refer to R olution Book, pag A RESOLUTION OF THE 'iTY COUI~Il OF THE CTTY OF ANAHEIM DENYING V~VR_, I~r,,1~D:. .~~_ On roll ca i the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: ~IINCILMEN: Pearson, Fry, Wisner, and Van Wainer. NOESs ~UNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: ~UNCILMENs None. NOT VOTINGt ~UNCILMANt Schutte. The Mayor ~clared the foregoing resolution duly passed. and adopted. C ING: VAR N0. 3~3b Subeitted by Clyde 5 and Joan Leaker, requesting permissia 'to divide parcel of property into three (3) late,` lacat~d on the east side of plewood Street between Romneya Drive and Kenwvod `Avenue. The City P ,finning Cc~€nission, pursuant to their Resolution Na. 140t gxa~nted said variant ~ subject to the following conditions .., ~ ~ 1. The pa ant of $25,0© per lot for the acquisition of ~ Park e ~ Recreation Sites. 2. The fi #~ng of a record of survey map .with the City of Anahei ,and the County of Orange showing division of pro arty. 3. Engine ding requirements. ~'• Mungaladvised the Council that this property was c~itt~d frog the subdivision on R' eya Drive, and that the two ~2) lots would meet the Anaheim Municipal Go r uirements• and further that i ~( ~ , e snow established a single-.family reside ¢e on the third lot. 1026 ,: :F z~ Y~ ~.~ . ~,~; , ~~' ~~. ~~ S~ f h _~:~ ,,¢ {~ti ~~~ n Ananei Califo is Ma 10 .1955 - .7s00 P.M. CORRESPO~ENCE~ C©. re estin ~ ~ 9 P tNm~unicatimn received by Mr. Don Derr f rom La Palms Cattle #mission to use City-owned r Avenue for a peri p operty located on La Palma of six months for a construction reconunendation of Council subject compound, .together with r. Derr, was submitted, read, and granted by the Cit o th y , Councilman Schutt e apprpval of the Administrative Officer o n motion by ,seconded by Councilman F M D ry. OTION CARRIE , PROCL~4MATION: P Week to be Friday, laimed by the Mayor declarin Anaheim I ndustrial Progress 1Kay 6 throu h F id g g r ay, ~y 13 1955. TRANSFER OF ~rDS: once of the 1952 Transfer in the amount of $6,976.83 re resenti Ater Works Extension B d hall Extension Band Fun i on Fund to the 1454 Water marks ~ together with other journal entries was th perm ssion was gr Account and to tra au orized ted to close the 1952 Electric Works Extension Bond Fund d sfer the in the General Fun S account to the Light, Power and `.Water ~e art~en t r on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner s d y man chutte. MOTI _ Co n , econ ed b !1 CARRIED, y u cil J.O.S•--_ T Sewer of meetings h e Minutes of the Executive C~nittee of the Joi. ~t Outfall ~d April 7 d ar~dered received a Councilm Wi an May 5,1955, were submitted a +~ filed on motion by Councilman Van.W ' pproved, and agoner s c d ' ' an sser. , e on ed by MOTION CARRIED. J 0 by the City of Ana Mr. Barletta reported that bi dim were not advantageous dorece as received t hi d r all bids be reject a t s time an ~ c~ended that It was that all bids for by Councilman Van~Wagoner, seconded b C ' Y vuncilmen Fry.. purchase of li uid hl q c orine. be re ~ected. LOTION CARRIED '~ Councilm A•M. Councilman Va ~i . Wisser moved ~y l6' 1955, 10:00 o~clock Wagoner a u seconded the motion MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED SIGNED ~- ~_ / ~T ~ . ~ . C -( . City Clerk E