1955/05/24 1;029 A RESOLUUON.,OF THl CITY. CQUtcIL COMMENCE_NT. OF J>RCCl=AnTNCJS Fai THE CITY OFINAHEIM. (EAST SYC THE CITY OF ANAHEIM COWRl1tpltG. TO THE ANNEXAnON OF INHABITED - TSRIT<EY TO ANNEXATION) . I OIl roll call the for.9~ 9 resolution was duly palsed and adopallr. by the foll*ing vote. ' . V' ..;:; C.uncilman Fry dlsquali ~ hiMself to vote and did not vote on this Matter .. he is .. own.- 91 ~ per:ty within .the area. ~ AYES; *8: .ENT I NOT vtm:fGs COUtCILMEN; CCl.JlCI LMEN s COUlCILMANa CClJteIIJ4AH1 Wisser, and Van Wagoner.. " . _ ~ . A lie Mayor declaed thel r..,ing resolution. duly ,..sed ..i-....... C,uncilMn Pry moved ti> djourn. Councilman Wl...r SKoftcled tAe motion. MOrtON CaIED. . ... ; ,,; ~otIlNI!D. ... TIle Ci ty Counci 1 i ty of Anaheim met 1n R..,lar Session. PRESENTs COUtCILMlNa Pearson, ry, Schutte, Wlsser, ... Van Wapner. _lINT: .~ (J(JItCIlJllla None. .. .~~~ :""':~=.~~/ Present. ~1W~Sl,,,J''-Ut.. of the Regular .eeting llilctMay 12, 1955, ~IOO P" llay 16, 1"" 10100 A.M. 81'. app ..conded. I>y' louAe1lman Wi S.$ eX'. tlng held May 10, 1", sw.clal Called , and Adj;o\8f.Md -"1.. IIttl ng , field ed on moti. by CbuacilMrl Van WIIIoner, ON CARRIBD. . RPSOLUTIQI ..~ 217~1 Couacllman l'Ioved foZ' i. passage and adoptio' W.goner offelei hsolutioa 110. 2713 and page A. RESOLUTIO*OF THE. CITY eot.OCI~ ' It<<; THE PAYJeNT OF DBlANDS AGAI THE CITY OF ANAHiIJI APPROVltGAND DIRECT- . CITY AS OJ MAY 24, 1915. _($204.277~53). -fq. Oft roll call the foreg by the foll<*in9 votea 9 resolution was duly passed and. adopted AlES I t~1 cnJlCILMfNa OOUf<<:I LMEN I COUtCILMEN I ,Fry, SChutte, ....., and Van ".ner. Tlae Mayor deelared the~ aIt> PRCPOSALIa The City Clerk wa: struction of:F1re Station No.2, Notice dulyrublllbed 1n the ARab by Council." Wilser, seconded byl regoing resolution duly passed aAd adopted. nstructed to open Bid ProPOS.1I;:fDr con- suant to aesolution No. 2737 and Legal _1l,tln, lIy 11 and la., ,1.9P5, onmotl.. uncilman Fry. MOTION GAIIJBD. ~ o .., l n r 1030 P.M. BIDS RECiIV:eD John M. Dallas 12131 Wilken Way Robert L. Joy 11151 tOBia Lane,' Anaheim Charles w. Devo~e 13551 South Har~ t Boulevard (P. O. Box 37), rden Grove J Marvin E.Lawrnee 2016 South Main Street, Santa Ana Gallegos lh-os. 2211 South Main Santa Ana O'Connor Brothers 811 North 16th Stree~~ Long Beach 's were accompanied by Bid Bonds in the amount of 10%) All Bids ere refer~ed to the Ci ty Adm1nistrati~. Qffic-e2'fQ:r..tabu- laUon and..'report the Meeting to be held May 31, l~lTtiQ..11 Illation by Council- man Van Wagoner, s nded by (louncilman Wisser. KlTIONCAlltIBD. and Robert E. Denh westerly of Brookh Subni tteC by Jaae.a P. Monning for the lteclassification to C-l of the property lying t Street and northerly of Rhodes Avenue. (North Portion), The City ~anning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 149, recommended the app ~val of said reclassification subject to the filing of standard deed restr ttions of the City of Anaheim for C-l classification. matter. The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the Council on the Discussio by the Council fOllowed, and it was considered that the additional requirem t for the d.~ication of improvement for RhQdes Avenue be incorporated. closed. no further discussion, the Mayor deolared the hearing Councilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2774 and and adoption. Refer to page J JTY COUI<<::IL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FUl>ltG ~ DE'TERMINlJ<<i TIfAT A C ! IS NECESSARY IN CERTAIN AREAS~ OF THE CITY API> 'ntAT ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE SHOULD BE AMENDED TO JCC9f1)LISH SAID CHANGE OF ZONE. 5 33, NORTH PORTION). by the the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted AYES: NCES: ABSENT; Pearson, Fry, SChutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. None. The Mayor resolution ,dUly passed and ~dopted. Submi t ted by S.. E. Heac&tk, scribed as the northwest corner of Lincoln and North ssified from R-A to C-2 for the erection of a Super PUBLIC HEARIl<<3: RE requesting property Euclid Avenues be re Service Station. The City PI ning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 148, recommended the recla sification be approved subject to the fOllowing. 1. The de lng to the City of Anaheim 20 feet along Euclid venue for street widening. 2. The de ~ng to the City of Anaheim 10 feet along Lincoln Avenue for street widening. 1031 Matter. j TIle Mayor asked if any~ wisbed to address the Council on th.e , . . I llJe ~ia1su-a"'ve Off:' r subJni tted a c.,..nlcaUon h'c.a" Mr. . . Heacock relafve to the dt!ldlng 0 is property for street widening purpa.es, the cOJ1lpeftsa.on tb.-etor, .and th equlred width for the widein90f bet'Set Avenue. ' 'I1Ie Mayo~ aek eel if a9 -.. . gentlelMfl., .._.... at1ne.',_. .....8a the.... . .f the pftIfP~ in ....t!ol\ addre Heacock alsoaddres.ed the Counci] else wished to addre$s the Coun~il, and of property approximately 8CK) .feet.at the Coullcil, uJl9ing the rezoning. Mr. J-ooner, ~:l::t~~~-;~ 0:, ~tli::~e;~~;:::;l:n~: 14. ~ to d10wl tiM f~ the ~.ce'8~ working (Jutef the ~...i't"ed -footage to h dedicated -'rs....t wS.dening. I TION CARlDD. I';';; t- ~ I ,.AtGE ~a."'f .... ttad by cut tw (2~ at. off prop*ty fac Till dCl ty P lann1ng Co_~ .,.nted UJe .ri~. _JKt to t l.f n.. pa~.nt of SZ. Park and Reereatio 2.~ The fillng of a r. Anaheim and the Co lots. w. sew.....l'equ..UIlG pe11ll1ss1on tc.,_..:' on RO"Ont Street. on, pursuant to their Resolution No. 1$4, following. per lot for the acqul's1Uon of tes. of s\D'Vey map wi th the (:1 ty 0 f of Orang. showing the preposed C.-uAi4at!,Gn from Ral .itted, requ.ting the Council to n.. AdMini.atratlve Offi _i ver 0 f the survey requireMent i · Sewud., dated May 16,.-1.5, we_ sub-. onsider the survey requlr~ent. and the City Bn_ro..r MCO-.nded the ch as all the illprov.ents are in.' I 1 C..ncl1un YanWaOOner yerification of a reco%'ded o survey. CARRIED. v ed to gr8l\t the waiv.. ..jectto'tht::--- ounci l.an . Fry. .eeonclect. ;... : ~tl....:'al>nGN .,ECIAL V. ~r. H~ITAL I "tter of Pec,o~llG,e .. tend tori 1710, were s"ittfCI, read, and di On motion by Councilmanl the Council found that the conditib ad not. been .et, and, therefore, hutte, i&onded bv. Cowu:1l1taA Vo ""'1-, required purcvant to Resolution No. 2710 lared the Use PeDd t void. J()TION CARRIED. T SION OF TIME: R UTION NO. 2730& Coftlnunica.tion submitted ., Leonard thl Agent for Valleyl vestunt COWIpany, requating an extension of time to coe.pl y wi th condi tions.. outlined in Resolution No. 2730, was MIll. Mr. Sm1 th addressed the 1n order to c.ntaet the . principal. . uncil, stating the 30 days' time was needed is in No:rway. "SGtuTIO~ NO. 2775. Gouncilaan S~ tte off__ a.,olUtion Ho. 277!) andllloys for its pais", and adoption. Refer to Resolution Boot A JUiSOWTION C,F THE CITY CCtn<<::IL.O tp TIME TO V Ai'-E'( IItVJ!&tMElfT .:CO. SE PERMIT FCIl A HOSPITAL, AS SET E CITY Of AlWlEIM caANTltG AN EXTENSION TO CO"LY: WI l'H SPIC1Al.:.;OOJI)ITIONI' POR. A. m IN RESOLUTION NO. 2730. ~ ~ o ~ I n [ J 1032 by the the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted AYES: NOES: ABSENT: . COUtCI LMEN I i COOte I LME){ : [COU~IIJ.t:NI Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. None. (declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. PLUMBER BONDS I P 1 Plumber, Inc., Sam received and filed Van Wagoner, secon er Bonds subnitted by Edward F. McDonald, Bailey, the eenberg Plumbing Company, Inc., were subnitted and ordered en approved by the City Attorney. on motion by Council..n by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. FINAL 1R T St. Michael's Episcopal Church. Located on the south side of South Street between Palm and Lemon Streets. gineer, George E. Holyoke, advised the Council that all engineering requir nts have been met, and bonds and fees have been presented, and recommended the .cceptance, of said map. On motion ~y Councilman Fry, seconded by Councilman Schutte, Final Map of Tract No.2" was approved subject to said engineering reqUirements. MOTION CARRIED. 7 Tedmar Development Company. Located on the south een Brookhurst Street and Euclid Avenue. The City qglneer, George E. HOlyoke, advised the Council that all engineering requir frtts have l1>een met, and bonds and fees have been presented, and recommended the 'cceptance of .aid map. On motion Map of Tract No. 1 J,{)TION CARRIED. Counci~an Fry, seconded by Councilman SChutte, Final was approved subject to said engineering requirements. FINAL MAP TRACT NO Oranje[Yenue just 369: Laurel Homes, Inc. Located between Broadway and t of Brodkhurst Street. The City S. ~ineer, George E. HOlyoke,. advised the Council that all engineering requirem,ts have been met, and bonds and'fees have-been presented, and recommended the tceptance of said map. On motion t Councilman Fry, seconded by Co~ilman SChutte, Final Map of Tract No. 236 was approved subject to said engineering requirements. MOTION CARRIED. FINAL MAP '!RAGT NO. corner of Orange Ave George Holstein and Sons. Located on the southwest Nut.ood Street The City B ~ineer, George E. Holyoke, adviSed 1:he Council that all engineering requirem ts have been met, and bonds and fees have been presented, and recommended the ceptance of said map~ Refer page On motion Map of Tract No. 2 IDTION CARRIED. , Councilman Fry, saconded by Councilman SChutte, F1nal 1 ~as approved subject to said engineering requir..ents. RJ:SOUJTION NO. 2776: Councilman Fry;offftecl Resolution No. 2776 and moved for its passage and adopt pn. 1033 AIE~ PEED 00" PCJl smllT tHE CITY OF.ANAH'EIM A~\I. lG A CJi.~. )I CERTAIN REAL PROPIRTY . AN EASDENT N BAPTIST QUlCH). On roll ~all ~th. fore9o~ relol,ution .. wly pa.a.and adoptltd by the follDling votel AlfSl COUN:;lLMEN: Schutte, W1s..1:, and Van Wagoner. a COUNCILMEN: . C'JIlCILMEN I _ ~yor d~1a:Ud. the RESOW!!" "i. 2777. Councilman for .i ts pas..ge and adoption. Refer to Resolution Hoof . .....A RESQLUT.I0Jl.iL.."..~.:.OF ,THE C:[.TY COOtf;IL D~1m CONVIYIIti TO THE CITY OF AN FOR ROAD lNDPUBLIC UTILITY PURP Qing re8,Qllltlon dul ypa... '.. · 'QOp~. utte offered Resolution No. 2777 and .ved lQ CITY OF ANNIE;rMAq;q';JltI; A, ~. .. CDTAIN.UAL PRCPBTY JOt AN USIUENT (RAYJlR) sP1IlAR). Ontl'011 call tht forego~ by the foll~ng vote& . :re.801ution.. d""l y p..... and adop~-.t A_S: G: ABtENT I CoqlC~LMEN a CClDCIlNEN : CCInC I LMEN : Fry, Schutte, Wl ua:r , and Van _.ser. ? nit Mayor declared. the IUQ.LVIION 1IL. 27781 Councilman for i ts ~s.ge and adeptlOJ;1. Refer to Retolution Book agoing resolution m.tiy ,.u. .. .~~~. offered Resolution No. 2778 and Iloved A R.ESOIJJI10~OF rag ClTY COUI'CIL ..HID. CONVEYIiG TO THE CITY OF AN FCR ROAD ANI) PUBUC UTIUTIES PUR Oll)roll call the for.~ ;Dy the follQldng vote: nii. CITY OF ANAHEIM M CERTAIN UAl._.1Y KJl ES. (ASSIST_U:" '", r"oluUon .. duly pas.ed al'ld.;. adoptfJ!d A~SI CClDCIUCEN: NaJs: CeiDel LMEN: ABIENT: CCVtCILMEN : Tn. Mayor declared the f ~. egolag reaQl.tlon duly passed and adoptt!lf. RESOI>>TIQIf tit.',:."' 217.9. Councilman" utte offered Resolution No. 2779 and -i-ed for its passtge ancl adoption.. Fry, St;hutte, Wl...., ~ Van Wagoner, .. Refer to Resolution Bo01 page A RESOLUTIOMOF TIlE CITY COUNCIL 4> THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AU'11IeUZXMG THE CIn mlAStltim rO~DEPOS1T IN THE SUPIRj ccQaT Of THE STAte OF CAUFCIlNI;A, IN All) FOR THE dlJMtv OF cJlAlG, ALL FU~ RBQUIRED ro'.Qi!POSITED 1'0 __tHE" CITY TO OST AlH lMUDIATE POSSESSI OF CERTAIN PICPERTY REQUIRED RR 1H! . N On roll call the foregot resolution was duly passed an~ adapted by the follOldng vote: AVIS: NCIIS 1 ABSENT : COOlCILMEN: , rson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner.. COOtCILMEN: N! e. CClftCILMEN: . e. The Mayor declared the f egoing resolution duly pas.ad and adoptfd. ~. D n 1 ,<~j n i- i r 1 c 1034 Council.an Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2780 and .e and adoption. page A RESOWTION OF TH CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING CliANT OF EASiMElTS OVER AND ER CERTAINRE~ PROP~TY FCll PUBLIC UTILITY, SEIER, AND SURFACE DRAINAGE OSES. (PARADISE SQUARE, lRACTS NOS. 2577 Mf) ~78). by the 11 the fo:regoing resolution was duly passed and adopted I AYES; NOES: ABSeNT: . tOUl<<.:aLMEN': Pearson,. Fry, SChutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. COU~ILMEN: None. fx>UNCILMEN: None. I The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. PLACENTIA-BALL ANN TION: Report of the City Planning Commission recommending the annexation of t.. area designated as the Placentia-Ball Annexation, dated May 18, 1955, was $ ~i tted, read, and ordered received and filed on motion by Councilman Van Wago ,r, seconded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 278~ Councilman Wisser offered Resolution No. 2781 and moved for its passage and 4doption. Refer to .solution Sook, page A RESOUJTION OF THE 'ITY COUtr;IL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CONSiN'T!!<<J TO THE COMMEtCEMENT OF PR EDINGS Fell lHE ANNEXATION OF INHABITED TERRITClty TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. On roll c the fOllowing vote: the for$going resolution was duly passed and adopted by AYES: NOES: ABSENT : Pearson, Fry, Sehutte, Wisser, and Van .Wagoner. None. None. The Mayor ~clared the foregoing r~solution duly pa"ed and adopted. ON: Affidavit of notice of intention to circulate a t proponents May 18, 1955, was submitted. Councilman Schutte offered Resolution No. 2782,and moved 'option. Refer to R $01utlon Beak, page A RESOLUTION OF THE lTY COUtCIL OF. THE CITY OF ANAHEDM ACI<NOIt~r<<; RB;EIPT OF A COpy OF NOTICE INTENTIO, TO CIU TEA TITION lU!LATIt<<3TO THE ANNEXA- TION OF TERRITCRY TO HE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND APFlDAVIT OF PtJaLICATION THEREOF, AND APPROVI~ THE C . LATION OF SAID PETITION. (EAST SYCAMCItE ANNEXATION). by the the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Pearson, Fry, SChutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. . None. The Mayor lared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. 1035 ,~~ the Cit.y AdIliJllstrati Miller, Cf.>e.tor. for the Light, P: and Mrs. Feme Young, Traffic Gua' Officer reported the appointment of RaJ.pn r and Water Department, SchedUle No. 23-A me fOnGoing appoln motion by Councilman Wisser, seco I ..re rat1fl.. by the City Co_ell on by Coun,llan Fry. ItCtION CARlIED. (ltDIN~1 NQa 991. Council1lan Sc reading .d Iaovedfcr its passage! .fer. to OreliA,nee BoOf AN CRDINMC: OF THE CITY OF ANNIE TIll El.ECtlOItj GOUl'IlCTIOI,AND ANI) III'ROV'EItNTS JJ8 CSRTAIN USI!S IN CERTAIN MEAS WIlHIN THE CITY HIT cnrAJI ARIA. 1350 '.AaE te offer_ Ordinance No. 991 for second d adoption. ~ -I ' ;'" .' j BSTABLISHING CERTAIN RBlJLATIONS OOYERNIai ATION OP<2llAIN BUILDI", STRtCnJRES, LNI), MI) PROVIDING .A.MIIG....RCX:a ARIa AJllHEIM. (ALL UtI)EVEUPED AREA 1225 _~ Alter hearing read in f I tl'l. title of Ol'dIMnc.. *. 991 and having knowledge Of... the cont~.ts therein, ouneilMan Schbtte aovecl the reading in full of said o~l.nce be ~v... Co~ laiD W.... .....ed the _tlon. .tion unanimously iarrled. ' Of roll call the foreg+ 9 Ordinaftce .. 991 ... cI\tly ,.....:....1, adopted by tie fellowing vote. j AlES: "Sa .EN! J CDJr<<:ILMEN & COOJClIaN. COOtCI IJIEN I Fryt SChutte, Ill..., and Van Wapner. TIle Mayor declared the regoin9 ol'diaaae.' duly....... and adopted. ORDIlWD! . NOli. 992.: CQl8lCllJ1an Va. agoneI' offered Ordinance No. 992 ;'fo~ 'siciM readin, *Id .vel ror ltspa.....i uoption. , I Refer to Ordinance Beo~ AN ClIDINMCB.'OF l'HE CITY Of NlAIE ,J,NAHEI., IOaQlp AL C(J)E RELATIt<<;. T =~~~:~~T USED lHERIINI PROVIDlr<<i RJl ADJlJS tEMALTIES ~ VIOanOM, AND REPE CONfLICT ~'IDI. (J-54-5!>-11)~ After h..ring -,d in; ~l the title of Ord! Aance No. 992,ancll\8Jng' knowledge of ...the COftt_t, th.reln ouncl1man Schutt. .tvel the r..dlng 'ilt';full . of said ordinance be waived. Cou INn Fry seconded the :motion. Motion unanl- .o\.lsl y carri.. AMEli)IJ<<i ARTICLE IX, CItl.TJIl 2 Q".1'JtI HE ESTABLISHEIIT OF 2~~ IN mE CITY Of. $E OF LANI), HlII;HT OPEILIlIlGS, Me YMD BCJM)ARII$ OF '~.. >>1&8. EfjftNIt13 THE TERMS NT, AMIJI)MDT, AltI'INR>RCDEIf't, PR~IBING t<<; ALL SltrIONS at PARTS OF SECTIONS IN On roll call the forego adopted by the following vote: Ordinance No. 992 was duly passed and ASS: .' .Dr. caJNCIIJIEN I COllet tEN . . COOfCIIJEN I Fry, Schutte, \U.s..r, and VM~%'. n The Mayor deelared tbe ! ~IN~E NO*. 993. CotaJlcilman VaI1 I'eading and Jlll)ved for its passage i egoing ordinance duly passed and adopted. goner offered Ordinuce Ne. 993 for second adoption. Rtlfer to Ordinance Bookl, ~ a r c 1036 1955 -.7'1 P M. AN CRDINAOCE OF l CITY OF ~AHEIM -AMENDING SECTIONS 6100t 6100.13,6100.38 (d)t Ge), (g), AND ~h), 6100.;39, 6100.40, 6100.47', AtI> 6100. 76 OF ARTICLE YI, CHAPTSt 1 OF THE tu-JEIM MUNICIPAL CODE, AN> ADDlMi THERETO SECTIONS 6100.84, 6100.85, 6100.86, 6100.87. ~BUSlNESS LICENSE CODE). After he ring read in full the title of Ordlojlnce No. 993 and having knowledge of the C htents therein, Councilman Schutte moved the reading in full of said ordinance . waived. Councilman ~y seoonded the motion. Motion unanimously carri On roll ~11 the fo~egoing Ordinance No. 993 was duly-passed and adopted by the fol ,wing vote!: . Pearsoot Fry, S'chutte, Wiss.er, and Van Wagoner. None. None. AYES: NOES: ABSENT : COUICI!.MEN : CQtftEI LMEN: CQUtCIu.t:N; declared the foregoing ordinance duly passed and adopted. cautESPONlElCE 1 C unication from Richard W. Marse1lus, requesting pe1'l- mission to constr'tlt. t a 6-foot fence of redwood at 626 South Los Angeie.e Street (in Fire Zone 1),.5 submitted, read, and discussed, and action withheld by the Council to all . an inspection 'of the area to be made. CCIUlESPONDEOCE: C unication from the. Orange County Planning COD1I\ilsion, advising the requl .~ent of sidewalks as a condition of approval on all tenta- ti ve maps,was submtted and read. Al)NTHLY REPrn.T: Report of the flow of sewage from the several cities and sanitary distr4ts for the month of April, 195', was submitted, read, and ordered received a . filed on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Council- man Fry. MOTION C lED. Report Q submitted, read, a seconded by Counci Expenses paid on the 3.0.S. for the month of,April'was ordered received and filed on motion by Councilman Wisser, an Fry. K>TION CARRIED. VARIAtCE NO. 350: Submitted by Samson Bil t Homes, Inc., requesting a -waiver I of the 7D-foot frQ1age and 7200 square foot lot area requirements in Tract No. 2567 and also q~esting a waiver on the 1150 square foot miniMUM house area. The City ;lanning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 159, granted said varia Ce. iwas taken by the City Council. Subdivider Suson Bllt Hom.., Inc. This tract CGrner of Gilbert Street and Crescent. Avenue. subject lannin9 C~ssion voted to approve said tentative map . Ing cond! tions I 1. ent of $25.00 per lot for the acqu1s1tion and Recreation Sites. &ding of 10 feet for the widening of Gilbert , which is to be an 8O-foot right of way. rked "not a part of the Tract" to be given 2. 3. 4. requi rem en t s. On moti. the T~~t"Ye Map as outlined b.y the "y Ceuneil.man Van Wagoner,. seconded by Councilman SChutte, Tract; No. 2567 was approved subJect to the recommendations ty Planning Commission. MOTION CARRIED. " .,:"f. ,\;~.',. . : '1 ~, t" . , '. 1037 ..' Jl. VARIN<<;E NO. .333.t.. :Sw.i tted by, original apPllcation to allQw a Dwelling to be ereCted at 934 So The City Planning C~ .granted said'varlane.. a Young, ~..tl'ng'p""'81on'to_.w.!, Ie '.11 ylt..ldencf!t, 1ns'.di '0'-', a~ _1.,) Olive Street'. . ' I. ~ .. :::! .< . "", ..' . , . their Resolution No. ~65, . City Council. V~I~E"liJ.", 3~1 SWIIli tted by P erwet a_ olFate .' ""el, ... , on the east ,ide of Harbo~ lout lip Daniela, requesting p.rmission to tt and CoGJct:all Lounge, l,.,catedbriefly across from th. Di8fteyl.1d Proj~t. lon, pursuant to their RelC)lution 110. 158, foJ.low1ng QtAdi ti01l1 tht building set COMMi..lo~ and the City Engineer of the ~.~Clty Planning C granted ..i~. variance M!ect to : back as specified by the County City of Ana_im. ~e City Council to allowt~ te Mable tlIedevel 'the pro~" building to beerec V AIll AlCElOtli, 3511 Sm.i tted by the front ~ of dwelling locat and the lal.ce of the dwlling lbe City Planning C granted Hid variance subject to 2-4"by 36: . on this variance to Mav ~l~. l~ r to produce floor "Ian or sae ..tQti Gl . f., P. 0 'Kane., ~eque.tinvp.1'I\issiOn to us. t 924 Eaat Center Street for an Office re.ldence. - ion,pur-..ant'to the!.r a..oluti$n No. l~, erection of an advertising sign not over e City Council. ole Sign SerVice for permission to erect tising Tract ,No. 1697. ' .- iODt pur....t Q:) their Beselution No. .161, following conditionsl 1.. Signs ahall be a 2. Slg_ will bep or 1es&. 3. A permit must be t " The n-. of the.t erected. 5. 81gu MUst be 10 f any street or hi, 6, At the intersectl set back 2S feet. 7. All lilft. shall ha 8. The fM per sign s 9".. Slgnvarlaac:e. sha " advertising only t size ,of 10 by 21- ,... ad for a tftak5.ada .,...IOd .f 6 month" n out wi th the Bulldl. hpartlleat. ~08tP&hY .at app~.Jl. ..ry' lign back of the r~of__y line of f the st:reets,t tblt al.. _at be a 6-foot ground cIa__e.. I be ra..oo. be per.m!-,*~ f~r dizectienal s~,ns ts wi thJ..n tlw City Ll.a.ts .f Anahem. Nt action was taken by' YARIAY:;E HO." 3fi~~ ,~ tted by to erect sigll at P*_tia ami Sa Ie Sign SerY1ce 1*lfU..U", pandssion An. Stz--.t.. advet"tla1:ng 1z-act No. 1697. 1 The City Planning C~l lon, pw:-aumt to the1z- ....lution No. 161, granted said variance subject 0 th8 .'.llOlflng condltl... 1.51gB, "11 hit a: 2. SlFI 1Id.11_ or le..,. 3. A permit mult be t Ill. of Ie 'D\t. ,2f> fut. 'or. ..-.. tar1_ .f 6} IMNI:'thI out wi th the BuIlding Department. )" .~"...., ~ ~ ! I 'I l i o ~ J i -n ~ i . I [ 1038 . 4. ' The e of the sign company must appear- on; every sign erec ed. 5. Sign: must be 10 feet back of the right-of-way- -line of any ~reet or highway. 6. At t , intersection of the streets, the signs must be set .ck 25 feet. 7. All tgns shall have a 6-foot ground elear'ance. 8. The +e per 8i9n_~hall be i2!.OO. 9. Signtariances 8hall be permitted for directional signs adve ~ising only tracts within the City Limits. of Anaheim. ; No taken by the City Council. VARIA~J: NO 354: to erect s1gn at 1 itted ~y Melrose Sign.Service requesting pezm18sion , East Cerltter Street, advertising Tract No. 1697. The City ilanning COJ11llission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 168, granted said vaxi ' subject to the folldwfng conditionsl 1. 51gn !Shall be a MaxlJll.11\ size of 10 by 25 feet... . r, ..".. 2. Signs ~ill be permitted for a maximum period of 6 months or 1 3. A pe t must be taken out with the Building Department. 4. The n Ie of the sign company must appear on every sign erect 5. Signs .ust be 10 feet back of the right-of-way line of any $ teet or highway. 6. At th I intersection of the streets, the signs Must be set ~ ck 25 feet. 7. All s,ns shall have a 6-foot ground clearance. 8. The f.. per sign shall be $25.00. . 9. Sign.riances shall be permitted for directional signs adver sing only tracts within the City Limits of Anaheim. The Ci ty granted said varian No action as taken ~y the City Council. itted by Melrose Sign Service requesting perndssion to and Euclid Avenues, advertising Tract No. 1981. V JR I ANCF NO _ ~'\~ ! erect sign at Linco nning CommisSion, pursuant to their-Resolution No. 169, subject to the following conditions: 1. Signs hall be amaxiJR\.lll size of 10 by 25 feet.. 2. Signs . 11 be penni tted for a maximum period of 6 months or les It 3. A penn t must be taken out wi th the Building Department. 4. The n . of the sign company must appear on every sign erecte ~ 5. Signs 1tst be 10 feet back of the right-of-way line of any st ,et or highway. 6. At the Intersection of the streets, the signsmwst be set ba J 25feet~ 7. All sl ~s shall have a 6-foot ground clearance. 8. The fa !per sign $hall be $25.00. 9. Sign v 'iances shall be permitted for directional signa advert 4ing only tracts wlth~n the City Limits .of Anaheim. No , / s taken by the City Council. VARIANCE NO. 356: itted by Melrose Sign Service requesting permission to erect sign at Placen Ia Avenue north of Santa Ana Street, advertising Tract No. 1697. , ..: -l'.. f . ~"i~, ". .f ~ ., f :" ':i ~ The City 'P Ituiirig COlll11i sSlon, pursuant to their Resolution No. 170, granted said variance Subject to the following conditions: 1. Signs s fAll be a maximum size of 10 by 25 feet. 2. Signs 11 be perm1 tted for a max1Bun periOd of 6 months or less 1039 a ~ Ap.~~t.._,t be 4. lb. n._ of the si .~-;~.... !l. Signs _It be 10 .y.t~t or h 6. At the intarsectio ..t ~._ 2t fee"t. i 7. All sips shall h Ij. ""'.,'.,-p.r slgn . $I.".: v.,ia"c8. . adVertisIng only t I i <Nt with'. tbct~ Btd141ng Depar1aent. e.mpany must appear on ev.ry si9ft back of th, right-of-way line of . f the stre,-t., the signs _at b. . 6-f.otg~ ~l.u~c.. 1 .. .fa.... 0' ,-rdtt_ fqr~r~U"l 8igns tl wi thin tM Ci ty Lialtl of Anaheim. Ci ty Council. .~ YAlIAM:;E t9,.Zltl JulI,IIitttd..by to erectai. on Centft Street 2D9. 1 .d:!\. ....,'lgn ;SUv! M nquutla, peal..10ll '_ of Larch Street, adv.rt1s1ng Tract No. " ion, put"suant to their R..olution No. o the f.1l1ow1.... condi U.s. size of 10 by 2~ teet. , .. f~ a' ....,~ period of '6 montha. n out with the BuildiDl,.JN,artllent. co.apany .at app.... on IN" sign ]be City Planning Camm 171, grantedt .aid . grlance. subj_ 1. SlgRa 8all be a 2. $1.911. .w111.~.;p.. or le.,. :It A permit must be ~.. The.n_ of the All ..eeted . !l. Slgna.,st ~e.lO f any.t.et or hig a. A~ tJle.lnttr..ctlo set back 25 feet. 7. All ..i~s shall ha Ii The f..:p., sign.s 9. Sign vaiuc.s sha 8ivertiaing only t eack of the rl9llt-of....y line of f the street_, the .llfts ..st be a 6-foot.~. cle..n.., -I b. sm.~. be p~itted for directional signs is wi thin the City. U..t"ofAnaheim. . action ...S taken bYl City Couneil. . . 'MIN<<;E 1O.;l~1 Sulai tted by ~ I.brook & Herziger Building Corp. reque.t- ~n, permissitn to ~.ct sign at t~. ,northeaat ~.m.r of Ol'ange Avemae and Brookhurst Slreet. . The City Planning C~ granted ..id variance subject to i on, ~rs~..t to.~.lr _...lation No. 162, following eondltione. 1. S1gn6 &hall be a m 2! Signs will be pum or less. 1.. A ptllllt.lIUlt bet 4. The nillle 0 f the si erected. 5. Signs 'must be 10 f_ any .tHat or high 6. At the intersect!.. set back.25 itet. I 7 II All eigne .mall 8a' 8. The f..,per sign s 9. Sign variances shat advertising only tf JlRII\ size of lODy 2~ feet. ed for a ..x~ pe~iod of 6 months " .. '- n J)vt _tit U&e.Bul1cllrlt. D.,artment. caapany ..at appear'on flVery sign back of the ..lgh't-of....,. line of . i the str.ets,: the aigaa,..s.t .be a 6-foot ground cleuuuie.. 1 be $25.00. be pen! tted for directional slgns ts wi thin the City UDd t. of Anahei.. I . ~ , +' . CI ty CouncIl. . ..,. J . . I." YARIAJ<<;E JI).~1~91 Sula1 tted by R~ rt N. Menzie, 1032 UGtrty Laae, ~..t. Ing. peniaslt11'.tf:,cut ..f.f 'two {2),j tSt' 7Q feM .,. 1.1t,"'. ~ ~ , ~~ t:: . ( ~ c n fj 1040 The City .lanning C~~isslon, pursuant t~ their aesolution No. 163, granted said varia 'e subject to a 15-foot front yard setback on these lots, and further subjec to the following: 1. 2. rovement of the street as outlined in the 1submi tted. ent of $25.00 per lot for the acquisition , and Recreation Sites. 'erlng requirements. ~as taken by the City Council. 3. No VARIAICE NO. ~O! blni tted by Laurel Homes, Inc. requesting a waive!' of the 25-foot front yard tbacks to 20 feet on Lots 1-20 and 37-169 in Tract No. 2369, and also re i ting a waiver for 20-.foot rear yards for Lots 21-36, in- Clusive, and on Lo 170, 171, and 172. l1anning COD1nission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 164, granted ~ subject to the following conditlon6; I. ning a 25-foot front yard setback on Orange and Broadway with 20-foot rear yards on these two s eets where necessary on account of the house size. 2. Allo og 20-foot front yard setbacks on all interior lots. No action was taken by the City Council. VARIJJCE NO. 361: ~bnitted by Richard L. Martin requesting permission to cut off three (3) l~s from property described briefly as 1439 East Broadway. The City lanning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 166, granted said varian ~ subject to the following conditions: 1. The p r.ent of $25.00 per lot for the acquisition of Pa and Recreation Sites. The f ling of a record of survey map with the City of An heim and the County of Orange. Engin ~ring requirements. 2. 3. No action.as taken by the City Council. Councilman Schutte offered Resolution No. 2783 aftd moved .doption. Refer to .solution Book, page A RESOWTION OF THlEctITY COUtCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHSIM AtJ1HCRIZItI; THI~ PUR- CHASE OF CeRTAIN R! ., PRCPERTY fROM L. B. ROQUE! AND.BETrYR()(JJET PCR$1REET WIDENIM3 PURPOSES. $2 500.00 AND ACCESS FROM GIlRON SlREET . by the 11 the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted t: AYES: NOES: ABSENT; COUNCILMEN: <;OUN:ILMENl COUtCI LMEN; Pearson, Fry, SChutte, Wisser, a&d Van Wagoner. None. None. The Mayor~eclared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. P N . . The Isaac Walton League was granted perMlssioa to h,n9.~b~qe.:Jf' adv;ert~ . ng'ey,nt to be held June 24, 25, and 26, l~,on motion by ~O~(;ilin.a.n.. Vat'\:'. . goner:,:'seconded by CouncilJnan Fry. MOTION CARRIlp.. ' - '. ;'~ f . , .< '. Cotinci'1m '. ':V...o W~9onermoved to adjourn to May 31.'" 1955, 7too 0 'clock P.M. Councilman Wi ter seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. SIGNED.