1955/05/31 1041 Session. Tae City Council of the ~ity of Anaheim met in Adjaurned Regular PRESENT: COUNCILMEN & Pearson, fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. ABSENT: COt.JM:ILMEN: None. CITY ATTCBNEY, PRESTON TIJRIIER: p~ ,ent. CITY ADMINIS1llA'ItVE OPiICSJ, ICElnt .. MURDOelh Present. o PUBLIC HElRIE; HOUSTON-MAGNOLIA 2720 cht 1 Y pull! sheiCIii--liis'-- Anaheim and May 6, 1105 and Legal Notices territory, PUblic Hearing was ordt terri tory knewn an<i d_lgnated as IION, Pu-,uantto aMolutlon No. II.tin and Cypress Enterprise April 29 1led to O'f'J1_' of ,rop,erty. w1 thin the held on the proposed annexation of the uston-Magnoll. Annexation. c.tifie.te. of .the' Cl tr ~lerk re-l.artlng to the aufflciency of the~ . petition for the annexation of sa !uninhabited.territory to the City,of Anaheim was tubmitted and read in .11, also certification of the City Clerk that written, notices n.d been m.i~ '. 00 May 6, 1955 to each person to whom land wi thin the territory propos" 0 be anne~ed and designated as Houston- Magnolia Annexation as shown in th Ilast equalized County assessment roll of the County of Orange, Californl iavailable on the dateth. proceedings were io1 tlatld at the address sb 10n said a....ament roll or as known to her and to ally person _0' has fll ! his name and. addre.ss and designation of land in whica he has any interest ! ther legal or equitable with the Clerk's office. The City Clerk stated annexation had been filed in the 0 t no writ~.n protest to the proposed ice of the City Clerk. yone in the audience. wlsited to address on; there being no one, declared the MIIyor Pearson uk ed if th e Counci 1 on the propo sed annexa ~earing clo$ad. ORDINMCE NO,. 995: Councilman Wis~r offered Ordinance No. 995 for first reading and fIOved for its passage . d adoption. n AN ClIDINMD! ,OF THi CITY OF ANNEl APPIOV,ItIa. THE ANNIXATION TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM OF TIE TERJUT~Y KNOWN Id$ iSIGNATEn AS IDJSJ'OM-JIAGIIll.IA ANNEXATION. (SAID ORDINAICE WAS READ IN PUBLIC N PULL Fat THE FIRST TIME). PUBLIC HEARIIIG: GILBSiT S1REET N 2721 duly p~1ished in the Anahei. end May 6, 1155 and Legal .Notl.ces. territory, Public Hearing was ord; territory known and designated as 2 ANNEXA1i'ION; Pursuant to Resolution No. lletin and Cypress Enterprise April 29 , 11ed to QDer.s of property within the '. _. held on the proposed annexatioft o-f t-be' lbert Street No. 2 Annexation. Certificate of the Cit ~lerk relating to the sufficiency of the peti tion for; the anne)(atien.of sa! t uninhabi ted terri tory to th,e 'City of. Anaheim was lulDltted and read in 11, alsocertlfication of theClty Clerk. that written notices had been mait on May 9, 1955 to e,ach person to whom land within the territory proposed to be annexed and designated as ~lbert Street No. 2 Annexation as sho~ 1 I the last equalized County assessment roll of the County of Orange, Californl available on the date the proceedinws were initiated at the address sho on said assessment roll or as known to her and to aPy person who has fil his name and address and designation of land in which he has any interest ther legal or equitable w1tn the Clerk's .office. iJ Sl.gned consent to ta"~i. City of Anaheim to pay the propor liability of $aid City contracted tion and content to the annexatio Annexation was rec"eived and 'filed" iog annexation to the City, ther the area. t ' . .' .1 n equally with the property within the nate share of existing indebtedness and ior to or existing 'at the time of annexa- f tern tory known .as Gilbert Street No.2 property owners not originally petition- :repre~enting 100 per cent ownership of 1042 1 The City C brk stat~. ~~!1t; .~.;, w;ttl.t'teA'..pIM:t_t.)tO\tUMt ~po'.ed annexa- tion had been filed h the office of the City Clerk. ' . I .,. '. .... '\ . . . MayOr Pea n asked i'f 'anypne.iri'.the':.8Iici1:enc.''''Jdf.....'.to ad~ress the Council on the matt ; there being no .one~,:.~~l8.re(t/t.h.t }M!arf:ng closed. OJU)I.KA~. NO. 996. . reading and moved unc:ilman Ven WBgon~roff.red Ordin'an~ce No. 996 for ,first its passage and adoption. TV OF ANAHEIM APPROVIN:;, THE ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF Y KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS GILBERT SmElT NO. 2 ANNEXA- After he ' , ledge of the conteq on motion by Council unanimously carried ~ 9 read the ti tl e 0 f Ordinance No;. 9.96 and having know- therein, the reading in fUll of sa1C1 oJ'dinance _s waived n' Wisser,s'econded by Gouncilman Van Wagoner. Motion the City Council. p 'C HEARING: R' published in the ~ 1955 and Legal Not~ Hearing was ordered designated as Rich" FIELD ~n . Pursuant' to Reisolution. No. 2722 duly elm Bulletin and Cypres$ Enterprise:Apd.l .24) and, May 6:, s mailed to owners of property wi thin the territory, PUblic eld on the proposed annexation of the territory known and ld Annexation. il I .....::."-~ Certifica of the City Clerk relating to the sufficiency of the petition for the al1 xation of said uninhabited territory to the City of Anaheim was submit1t, and read in full, also certification of the City Clerk that wrltten notic. had been mailed on May 6, 1955 to each.peraonto whOIl land within the te~ tory proposed to be annexed and d-esignatEKi as. Richfield Annexation as shown n the last equalized County assessment ~ll of the County of Orange, Californ '4 avail.able on the date the proceedlngs were initiated at the address shown 0 Isaid assessment roll or as known to her and to an~ person who has filed his n e and address and designation of land in which he has any interest either leg or equitable with the Clerk~s office. . The City ,~'erkstated that no wr~tten protest to the proposed annexa- t~on had been filed.' n the office of the C~ty Clerk. . f ! .Mayor Pe, $on asked if anyone in the audience wished to address the Council on the matt t; there being no one, declared the hearing closed. ORDI,NANCE NO. 9971 ~ouncilman Wisser .offered Ordinance No. 997 for first read- ing and moved for 1 .~ passage and adoption. . . ! I AN ClIDINAl'CE OF IH$,' ~ITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVIOO THE: ~.AiTIQN TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM OF THE mRt tCRY ,KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS ~ICHPIELD, ANNEXATION.. I After he. Ing read in full the title of Ordinance No. 997 and having knowledge ~f the CO,., ,ants therein, Councilma'n 'F~,ymoved the' reading' in full of said ordinance be ved. Councilman Van Wagoner seconded themotl&n. Motion unanimously carried y the City Council. n F I '- Pursuant to Re8'01ution Ne. 2756 Anaheim Bulletin May 17 and 24, 1955, Public H..ring was roposed annexation ot the territory known and designated xation. . t The City. ~erk stated that no written protest to the proposed annexa- tion had been fil ' fn the office of the City Clerk. Mayor PeJi on asked if anyone in the audience wished to ClCWX'ess the Council on the mat: ; there being no one, declared the hearing ClOIN. PUBUC HEARlt<<;: duly published in t ordered held on the as North Sunkist Councilman Fry offered R.solution No. 2784 and uved doption. 1043 c THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CAlITtfi....."ftCI.lL.... 5, IN CERTAIN T!RRITORY IN THE COONTY ANAHEIM PItCJ>OSED TO BE ANNEXiD TO SAID LDING OF SUCH ELECTION 00 SUBMITIIr-<<3 IT<RY' THE ~iS!lON WHETHIJt SUCH TERRI~ : '. DIN, AHOMADE A PART OF SAID CITY OF . I TORY BE, AFTER SUCH ANNEXATION, ERTY WITIiIN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM TO PAY ESSED VALUATION, OF ALL .THE BONDED OUTST ANDING ON THE 10TH DAY OF MAY, SCRIBING SAID TERRITCRY AND DESIGNATING AIl ON" ESTABLISHING AN ELECTION PRE- . ITCRY, APPOINTING THE OFFICERS OF . PROVIDI1t3 FCR THE PUBUCATION OF a.fer to Resolution BoO . page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUN:;IL 0 ELBCTION ON tHE 7ni DAY OF JULY J 1 OF ORANGE.' COITIWOUS IO THE CITY.O CITY OF ANAHEIM PROVIDING Fat THE TO THE ELICT_RESIDING IN SUCH T TORY SHALL Bit ANNEXED TO, ItCORPat ANAHEIM, AND THE PROPERTY IN SUCH SUBJECT TO TAXATION E~ALLY WITH P ITS PRO RATA 'PCRTION, BASED UPON INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID CITY OF ANAHB 1955, OR TIiElETORJlE AU1HCRIZED I IT BY THE NAIE Of "NORm SUNKIST CIteT AND POWMl PLACE IN S,AID ELECTION f'm5AID SPECIAL .ELECTION NOTICE OF SUCH ELECTION. n 0Jt roll call the forego 1)9 resolutl.on was. duly pas&.erl .anc:L adopted by the f01lOllog vote: I PUBLIC HEARI I VARIAn NO. 3A. 'Submitted by Walnut Manor, Inc., request- ing a waiyer of the 25-foot front rd setback line to 20 feet in Tract No. 2152 on Lots Nos. 10, to 19; .and.8 s1back, of 18 .feet on Lots 1 to' 9, inclus... '\ ive. This t:ract is 10.cated on the est side of Walnut Street north of Damon Avenue. AYES: NOES: ABSENT : COUNCILMEN J COUlCI LMEN a CotncI LMEN I TIte Mayor declared the Fry, Schutte, W1sse~, and Van .a9o~er. resolution duly passed and adopt~. The City Plannirlg Co-u. ~ion, pursuant to their Resolution No. 157. granted said variance subject to t . following: n 1. Allowing 2o...foot s. acks on Lets 10 to 19, inciusive.. 2. Allowing la-foot s~ 'acks on Lots 1 to 9, inclusive. 3. Allowing2G-foot I sa aoks on Lots ~ 83, 84, and 8f) on Walnut Street. The Mayor asked. if anyo wished to address the Council on the matter. ~ . I : Mr. Mungall, Secretary the City Planning Co..1aston, advised the Council that the subdivider h. twi thdrawo his request for the IS-foot setbacks. There being no one else the hearing closed. dressi~g the Council, the Mayor de-cla>>8d . .. RESOLUTION NO. 2785: Councilman S utte offered Resolution No. 2785 and moved for its passage and aQopti~n A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUtCIL 0 1HE CITY OF ANAHEIM CEANTIl<<J V ARIAJCE JiQ-~. n -- On roll call the 'foregQ .9 resolution was duly passed and adopted by the follo.tng vote: AYES; . NQE$I ABSENT; cOUtCI iJEN a ~ COU~ILMENI cOUrt;IlMEN: The Mayor declared the Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. resolution duly passed and adopted. 1044 ~ posalji for the imp Job No. 365, pursua in the Anaheim Bull Wagoner, seconded 365: The City Clerk was instncted to open Bid Pro- ent of West Street frea Ball Road to lCatella Avenu., ' to Resolution No. 2771 and Legal Notice duly published n, May 19 and 25, 1955, on motion by Councilman Van ouncilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. BlDS BECEIVEP Sully-Miller Contra! ing Company $92,600.35 P. O. Box 432, Oxi e (Accompanied ertified Che<<;k in the amount of $10,000.00) Cox Bros. Gonstruc~ n Company $85,514.84 P. O. Drawer "C",; tanton (Accompanied Bid Bond in the amount of 10 per cent) 583,394. 70 R. J. Noble Compan)t P. O. Box 620, 0Jf (Accompanied ~ in the amount of 10 per cent) All Bids l re referred to the City Engineer, George E. Holyoke. for tabulation and repq ,on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Council- men Wisser. MDTIO~ ARRIED. After ta t' ation, the City Engineer reported the R. J. Noble Company to be low bidder a recoD8ended the acceptance of said bid. . I Councilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2786 and mOved and adoption. ,.., i ~ L~J solution Book, page ITY COUtCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A S1W..ED , 0 THE LOWEST RESPoEI8LEBIDDER Far 1HE NT, LABCR, SfRVICES, MATERIALS AfI) EQUIPMENT AND ALL TATION ItCLUDIt.I; POWER, RIEL AND WATER, AND PERPCRMING CONSmUCT AND COIF LETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIct IIFROViMENT: TREET FROM BALL ROAD TO __KA 1"ELLA A~~J.. JOB t<<>. 365. A RESOWTION OF PROPOSAL AND RJRNI SHING OF ALL UTILITIES AND TRAM ALL WORK NBC ESSARY I IAFROVEMENT OF WESt On roll ~ ~l the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: i AYES: ~' au. N::ILMEN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. NOES; OUtCILMEN; None. ABSENT I OUI<<;I LMEN: None. ec1ared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. bmitted by Phillip Daniels requesting permission to erect and operate a'MoteD. Restaurant, and Cocktail Lounge on property descrlbed briefly as the eas ide of Harbor Boulevard, across from the Disneyland pro- j ec t . c The Cit~ lanning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 158, granted said vari' subject to a building line setback a$ speeif~ed by the County Road Commi~ ner and the City Engineer of the City of Anah.lm~ Mr. Mur established at 95 advised the Council that the building line has been t on the east side of Harbor Boulevard. The buildimgs. ider presented plot plans and elevation of the proposed I 1045 1.~5 .. 7100 p. the Ci tyCoun~ll apprQ ~ the variance in accordance with ,the ':"_ plans and sptcif1cations preaente44nd the neeessary ..stablis1'ulu!n.t 'Of the,...., ." setback line and other engineeringtequirements. . '. " . . , RESOLUTION NQ. 27871 Councilman S ~utte 'Offered Resolution Ne. 2781 and ~oved for its passage and adoption Refer to Resolution Bo~, page o A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUI'CIL 0 OF THE CITY ~~ COMMISSION THE MOTEL. RISTAURANT AND COCKTAI PRELIMINARY 'LANS AND ELEVATIONS CJIDBlED FILED. On roll call the foreg~n9 resolution was duly passed and adopted by the foll~ng vote: AYES: II)ES: ABSENT I COUtl,;IUiE)l; Itearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van W.goner. COUtCILMEN: t. one. COUlCILMEN: ne. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. F FIRE S TION NO.2: Award of Bid Pro- sed new Fire Station No. 2 was held over SPECIAL USE IERMIT: Pursuant to R ,olution No. 2710 and Resolution No. 278 granting a Special Use Pemit for .e construction of Hospital, Medieal Office, and Pharmacy at the northwest corn t of La Palma Avenue and North lest Street I in the City of Anaheim, the City C ,ncil at the Meeting of May 24, 1955 de- clared the Special Use Pe:rmit void 'S the conditions as established in Reso- lution No. 2710 had not been met. n 6ommunication from Att tney Alexander H. SChullman, urging the reconsideration of the Special Use _emit and setting out the intention-of hi s client with reference to the i . ediate c<*nencl81ent of the proposed. 'con- struction an. requesting an extent .n of time to allow the posting of the required. Faithful Performance Bond: ei tiler through a bonding company or a cash deposit to the City, was subm tted and read. 1Ir. Schullman the proposed plans. the Council, and discussion was held of In conclusion, it was ttioned by Councilman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Fry to rescind the , ,vlous action taken in denying the Special Use Permit. A()TION CARRIED. Councilman Schutte moy . that an .ddi tional 30 days' extension' '. of time from~tonight be granted fo 1 the com,liance of conditions as set' forth in Resolution No.27l0. Coun tIman Fry seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Dr. Milton O. Zucker a fressed the Council and advised that Dr. KolkeJ' .5 now in Europe and ,. transferred his interest to him, and that he now was the principal in t , transaction. PURCHASE OF TH CA1.1 NIAE ON cot&> AMi FACILI TIES I On motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded b iCouncilman Wisser, purchase was author- ized of Southern California Ediso~~ampany facilitie~ excluding mete~lo- cated on BroGkhurst Street north 0 'La Palma Avenue, at a total cost of $1,049.57. MOTION CARRIED. n ~..;.,. 1046 1 " -,'" ~tmR GSPQNDt:V":1=! ! Co to erect a wood fen the Counci l, and Mr,. property owners pri nication from Richard W. Marsellus requesting p.~i.sion at 626 South Los Angeles Street was again brought befe.- rsellu$ was advised to obtain the consent of adjacent. to any action of the Council, as this was in Fire Zonl>l. I Application from ell, Callfornia was submitted to the City Council, and ss license was denied by the Council on motion by Council- ouncilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. VICE: Communication received from. Mr. E. A. Slagle ice of Anaheim was subnitted, read, and Public Hearing red to be held June 14, 1955, 7:00 o'clock P.M. on ~an Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. · . Resolution of the Orange isors regarding proposed agreement for the improvement Ball Road and Katella was submitted and ordered received County Boundary Co tion of the boundar No. 2, was received Anderson, Deputy Co and verified and th scription which was made, and tha t they and definiteness. received and filed. · Reply to communication dated May 25 to the Orange $io~callin9 their attention to an error in the d.scrip- of the proposed annexation known as Ball Road Annexation m the County Surveyor and Road Commissioner by H. P. Y Surveyor, who advised that the error bad been checked the. correction on the copy of th, ~p and legal de- iginally submitted to the Boundary COMmission had been find the map and description satisfactory as to certainty d communication was submitted and read and ordered 1 NO mi..ion to erect a bounded by Cerritos Company right-of-wa i tted by the Manley-Kuhns Corporation requesting per- el o~ Motel s Qr Motel..Hot.,l on p1'OpertydeMn..1d as enue, Walnut Street, and the. Sou:Wtern California Edison' ~nd Ninth Street. i The City P nning CQ_lssion,grant-ed .aid variance in accordahc. with precise plans itted. Councilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2111 and and adoption. n ,.. page TV COOtCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CltANrIJtG VARIArEE tv, by the j ! the foregoing resolution was duly passed. and adopted AYES: NOES: ABSENT : Pearson, Fry, Schutte, 11.._r, and Van Wagoner. None. None. The Mayor clared the foregoing resolution duly ~s.ed and adopted. Attorney subnitteda co..unicatioA froJR the St.te of escrow instructions and directing the return of all the proposed Armory site wlthlnthe C~ty of Anaheim. ARM:1I.V SITE: The California withdra documents relative S RNCALlFORNI Agreement, dated No: cilt;ti~~., Wq, sul:Di \.,:'f.. '. ... _.<'. The Admin for the rental of t was satisfactory to ,..... On mo-tion agre.-ent was auth , approval 0 f the Sup ISON CONPANY RENTAL AGmEMENT: Th, Supplement,l Lette'I' er 13, 1951, relating to the rental of substation fa- d, and read. - , . , ItrativeOfficer recommended the entering into agre.ent se facilities and stated that he believed the agreement now e City. i. , Gouncl1aan Fry, secoadld by Councilman WisleJ", the letie zecfto be signed by the Mayor and City Clerk sub"_t to the ntendent of Light, Power and Water.' )()TION CAlRIID. 1047 .M. RESQWTION NO. . 27891 Councilman V Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2789 and troved for its passage and adoption A RE 9Jl.UTI ON OF THE CITY COUlCIL Q IZIHG THE EXID1TION OF AN lIE IEP ARTMENr OJ; PUBLIC WCIlKS, DIVISIJ TO THAT PCETI<>N OF STA. E RWTE VI CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM [THE CITY QF ANAHEIM APPROVING AND AUTHCR- lro BE MAD! All) ENTERED INTO WITH .THE OF HIGHUYS STATE OF CALIFORNIA IELAT~~ IP-174-ANA All) WHICH EXTENDS THROUGH THE o Oft. roll call the foregQ by the follOlf1ng vbte: resolution was duly passed and adopted AYES: NOES: AllSENT : COUK;ILMENs coutCILMEN; COUlCllJEN 1 Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. The Mayor declared the resolution duly passed and adopted. Councilman Wisser moved '0 adjourn,! Councilman Van Wagoner -seconded the motion. J()TION CARRIED. ADJOUUED. SlGNEE) . 1 ~f)- 111 A.L o . The City Council of PRESENT: COUtCI.LMElh Pearson., . ABSENT: COUlCILMAN. Van Wago CITY AITCRNEY, PRESTON 1URNER: Pr CITY ADMINIS1ItATIVE OFFICER, KEITH i ty of Anaheim met in Special Session. , Schutte" and I!. saer. ent. . MURDOCH. Present. Special Meeting was cal and take whatever action necessary known as South Anaheim Annexation, connection therewith and to transa before said meeting. Notice of sa of the City Council, June 10, 1955, receipt of s.ld Notice. by Mayor Pearson to receive a request egarding proposed ann.xati~p. of territory d to do and perform any other acts in ' any other bu$iness that may lawfully come Special Meeting was mailed each member and all members of the Council acknowledged SOUTH ANAHEIM ANNEXATION: A reque containing 81 signatures to commence annex- ation pro-cee<fings of the territory scribed in said request and designated as South Anaheim Annexation was submi :ed and read. The area proposed for a .ap and dtscussion followed r_elati area, more particularly the sewer the City Administrative Officer a the probleB\s involved in this area. On motion by Councilman said request for annexation was r~ recommendation and report. MOTION Councilman Schutte mov the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADC'OURNED. SIGNED. exation was outlined by Mr. Murdoch on the . to the pJ'Obl_s lovolv,ed in serving this 'stallation problems. Both Mr. Murdoch, ~. Holyoke, the City Engineer, axplainea D seconded by Councilman Wisser, the City Planning Commission for Councilman Wisser seconded "---;L. 'u CIty Clerk ./.?