1955/06/17 1062 Session. ... 2100P of !the City of Anaheim met 1n Adjourned Regular ~~ PRESENT: coote I N: pearr, on, Fry, and Schutte. ABSENT I COUr<<:;I HI Wis,r and Van Wagoner. CITY ATTORNEY, PRES N TURNER:L Present. CITY AIlfiN1StRAnve FFICER, ~I1'H A. IIJRDOCHI Present. OONATIQN s A repres tati ve ft:, m the Lion's Club presented Mayor Pearson with a check in the sou t of $300. to be used fo~ the planting of tree. on the new Lincoln School l' aygrouad:l, Mayor Pearson accepted the check with sincere appreciation and st ted that jUe only request the Llon's Club aade was that it would be acted u 9n as soo~ as possible. He further assured the group that this would be one. ~ Councilm Schutte 1>Ved that the check be accepted with their heart- fel t thanks and app eciation. '! 90uncilman Fry seconded the JI\Otion. IGTION CARRIED. ; U ION 00 2 Counci l.n Schutte offered R8'solutioft\ No. 2809 and moved for its passage and adoption. A RESOUJTION OF I L OF TIE CI TY OP ANAHEIM fPIJlGE.ANDJ'DlllRMII- fl!CESSITY R1!QIJIRE1M! Ct)NSTItJCTION AIe"'eoM- TO WIT: CCNl1IRJC'ttON OF AN IB"WA1ER LINE APPR~I LL2...300 .~.ST OF PLACmtTIA A~~ TO fEET WEST 10F P_LICENTIA AWIIJE. 'QK aIDER M).. 1339, AND , PLANS"PROFILES, mAWIt<<JS AND SPECIFICATIONS ~ 11iE ; AU1HORI~ING THE CONSlROCTION OF SAID PUBLIC IWROVEMENT , ID PLANS " SPECIFICATIONS, ETC.; AND AUTIiORIZIl<<j AND lERK TO, P~BLISH A NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS FCR THE (BIDS ~O BE OPENED ~~~ 1955, 7:00 O'CL<EK P.M.). On roll by the following v AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the fo~egolng resolutlon was duly passed and adepted C", outCILME~,: Pearson, Fry, and Schutte. COUlCILME: None. COUtCILME: Wisser and Van Wagoner. The Mayo declared 1he foregoing resolution duly pe.ss~ and adopted. R.ESOLUTION NO., 28 for its passage a Council~an Fry offered Resolution No. 2810 and ~ved ,adoption. Refer to 'esolutioniBook, page r-1 A RESOWTION OF TH IZIOO THE EXEQJTIO THE CONSTRUCTION 0 TO BE CON51RUCTED INTIRSECTION OF C 1025 PLUS 47). On roll by the following v 11 the fotegolng resolution was duly passed and adopted e: CITY COU IL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVIf<<; ANI> AU1'HCB- OF AN ITH SOUTHERN. PACIFIC COIIPANY ~LATIJ<<; TO ;A 10" CAS IRON OR STEEL PIPE EtCASED IN AN l8"STEEL PIPE EATH THE !SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD RIGHT OF' WAY NEAR THE i ENT AVE~N THE SANTA ANA FREEWAY. (ENGlNE.lt<<; STATION t-,; AYES: NOES: ABSENT I COUNCILME:' : ~OUtCILME " : ICOUlCILME' : Pearson, Fry, and Schutte. None. Wisser and Van Wagoner. The Mayo ;declared ~he foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. I l t I 1063 Ci C nci~an Schutte moy to meet at thi s time with members facilities. Councilman Fry secon~ P.M. o recess to 3100 o'cl ck P.M. in order the School Board relative to recreatiQoal the motion. MOTION CARRIED. After recesl, the Mayor ~i: lled the meeting to order to continue the business of the City Council. PRESENT: COUICILMEN: Pearson. ABSENT: ,COOf<<:;ILMElth Wisser CITY ATI(JlNQ, PRESTON TURNERI Pt CITY ADMIIIIS'tRATlYE OfFICiR, KEITti ARMORY LEASE, Action to be taken Leese was held over to the next m n ry, and Schutte. Van Wagoner. ent. . MURDOCH. Present. the City Council relative to the Armory ing. SOUTH ANAHEIII ANNEXATION: Discus, n of the boundaries of the propo,sed South Anaheim Ann..ation was held with r erence to the proposed boundaries of the Garden GI'ove Incerporation. Mr. Murdoch, Clty Admin! rative Officer, presented a proposal froJn a Garden Grove City cQDlnittee for change in the boundaries. This proposal was rejected by the City Council $ ce it did not follow the desires of the proponents of the annexation. Th~ ouncil felt that no change should be.ade __ept on spec 1 fic request of thel ponents. RESOWTIOtl ..,.. 2811: Cou~cilJl\an hutte offered Resolution No. 2811 and moved for it, passage and adoptio I I i I page THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACI(~ EDGI~ RECiRT TITIO RELAn. TO THE _tA- 1M AND AffiDAVIT OF PUBUCATION THEREOF, PETITION. (SOUTH ANAHEIM ANNEXATION). A RESQLUTION OF THE CITY COUlCIL OF C<PY Of JIl[ICE- OF I EN I N TrON OF TERRITCRY TO THE CITY OF AND APPROVING THE CIRCULATION OF S n On roll call the foregoi ~ resolution was duly passed and adopted by the followlng vote: AYES: NOIS: ABIENT . GQUN:;I LMEN: COUtClUEN: GOUtCIDEN : rson, Fry, and Schutte. e. ser and Van Wagoner. The Mayor declared the f ~egoing resolution duly passed and ~~ed. TRAFFIC SIGNALS: The Ci ty Engine obtain infoDaal bids for the imm located at Euclid and Manchester Avenue and "11 Road (County Agre. seconded by touncilman Fry. MOTI that due to the urgency of the in would be obtained from four conce RESOWTION r-I). 2812: Councilman for its passage and adoption. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUtCIL ING THAT PUBLIC CONVENIENCE Am PI..ETION OF A PUBLIC IAFROVEMENT Tb EUCLID AVENUE TO MAQl)LIA ,AVENUE PROFILES, DRAlINGS ~ SPECIFICATI IZING THE COISTRUCTION OF SAID PU PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ETC.; Aft) PUBLISH A NOTICE INVITING SEALED (BIDS TO BE ENED JULY 12 1 5 i George 1;. Holyoke, was authorized to te installation of traffic signals to be nues (State Agreement) and Manchester nt), on motion by .Councilman Schutte, CARRIED. Mr. Holyoke advised the Council llation of these signals that bid proposals who were reported to him to be reliable. offered Resolution No. 2812 and moved n I THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDIOO AND DETERMIN- E~IRE 1HE CONSmUCTION AND COM- IT: THEJRQADWAY S1REET IMPROVEMENT J'8.OII I<<) APPROVIt<<; THE IESIGNS,P LANS, R:R THE CONSmUCTION THEREOF; AUlHCIt- C IAPROVEMENT IN ACCCRDAtCE WITH SAID CRIZItIJ AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO OSALS FCR THE CONSmtJ:TION THalEOF. 00 O-CUXX At . l064 On roll c ~l the foIitgoing resolution was dulypaaaed andadGpted by the following vo .: AYES: ttOUN:IIJ.EN~' Pearson, Pry, and Schutte. NOES: ~OOtCILMENi None. ABSENT. ~OOliClIJE, If1slIer and Van wagoner. The Mayor'.eclared ~e foregoing resolution duly pa.sed and adopted. PBRSONNEL; The fol +wing appo~n~nts were ratified by the City Council on motion by Councilma 'Schutte, .econded by Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. Thomas M. '.nasco, F~NMan, Schedule No. 24-A Williae L,' nard Beck, r. Fireman. Schedule No. 24-A Cornelia !kker, Cle -Typist, Schedule No. l4-A CouncilmaSchutte mpved to .djourn to Wednesday, June 22., 195!;), 11:00 o'clock A.M. (touncilmani Fry seconded the motion. IIJTION CARRIED. PRESENT: Pear~ont Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. ABSENT: N: None~ CITY AITCRNEY, PRES .N TURNER:.i Present. CITY ADMINISTRATIVE4)FFICER, ~ITH A. MURDOCH: Present. V A. AND F.H.A. I ECTIO S. 'The City Council requested the Administrative Officer to write to the Vetera~s' Administration and the Federal Housing Administration rega ding the iospections made by these agencies on newly con- ~~~tro ~g:~~f}~c 1.. tfia tri~l.r~t~~;r~i~aih~i H~~rIlJi~Htm a1i8fig II ~&~ew:Uir~y ore hooses in ~n1s trac i'. , PRIVATE PATROL: Ap ication w,s submitted from the William J. Burns Inter- national Detectivegency, Inc, requesting a business license for the conduction of private patrol a the Disneyland Amusement Park: Said applicatlon was accompanied by a ce tificate of insurance covering Bodily Injury Liability for $100,000 to $300,00 and Property Damage for $IOO,OOO, together with Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of $l,OOO~-OO. ADJOURNED SIGNED. Sesslon. Chief Burns Detective L 1955 - 11:00 A.M ~he City of Anaheim met in Adjourned Regular alice, Mar~ A. Stephenson, recommended that the William J. cy be granted said buslness license. On motion by Council~an Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wisser, said permit was gra ted and bUfiness license authorized subject to the approval by the Clty Attorne of necess.ry bonds. MOTION CARRIED. n _':.i.\~"If WASTE WATER DISPOS Turner from the Was the Magnolia Trunk Water Disposal Camp City of Fullerton, to take thei.r waste Mr. Holyo of Anahelm ls to be and he further advi or not the City of Disposal Company in I CO A Communication dated June 20, 1955 to Mr. Preston . Water Di,posal Company regarding the capacity rights in awer was s$bmitted and read. They advised that the Waste oy's propetty was in the process of -being annexed to the aking the .greement with the City of Anaheim, to continue a ter, unnectessary. a, City En~ineer, advised that the agreement wlth the City effective ~ntil the annexation to Ful.lerton is acctaplished, ad that this matter should be followed up to see whether llerton i$ actually going to service the Waste Water their line$. I I h 1065 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUOCIL q JOINT CONS1R~rION AND INSTALLA TI BAFFIC GONI'I\OL $IGNALSYSIEM AND . EUCLID AVENUe WITH STATE HIGHWAY ~ WITHIN THE C~TYOF ANAREIM, AND P , THE-COST THEREOF BY THE CITY OF-~ HE CITY OF ANAHEIM AU'I'HCRIZING THE ITIi THE STATE OF CALIFCJtNIA OF A 'AY LIGtTINGAT THE INTERSECTION OF E VII-ORA-174-ANA (MAtCHESTF:R AVENUE) DING F<E THE PAYMENT OF A PORTION OF -, 1M. o AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ~ESOLUTIOH NO. 2913: Councilman W ser offered- Resolution No. 2813 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Boo~ On roll call the foregoi resolution was duly passed and adopted by the followdng vote: COUOC I!.MEN: tGOUN:ILMEN: COUtCILMEN: son, Fry, SChutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. The Mayor declared the resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 28141 Councilman for 11.s passage and adopti~. offered Resolutlon No. 2814 and moved Refer to Resolution Book, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUr-l;IL 0 TION OF A LEAlE AND A~E~NT WITH U. S. INDUSTRIJAL CHEMICAL COAl>Af'.{Y REAL PROPStTY AND THE 1REATMENT OF RESOLUTION NO. 2807). HE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTIKRIZING THE EXIDJ- TIONAL DISTILLERS PRODUCTS CORPORATION1 ISION, RELATING TO THE LEASIOO OF CERTAIN WAGE AND INDUSTRIAL WASTE. (RESCINDING On roll call the foregoin resolutlon was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: n AYES: NOES: ABSENT : COUOCI LMEN : courc I LMEN: COUNCI LME N: Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. The Mayor declared the fo ~90ing resolution duly passed and adopted. - ~ .pAHEIM PUSLI~ LIm.ARY: Miss Mart' I Mettler, Ci ty Librarian asked that the Library Staff join the City's group ~75829-A Blue Cross Health Service beca~se due to their small number, they wer l no longer eligible for full coverage under the California Physicians' Service ~an. Said request was granted t' the City Council subject to the City b~aring no portion of the premium t." on motion by Councilman Fry, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRt ..CERTIFICA1E RELATING TO FFICIENCY OF PETITION FeR THE ANNEXATION OF INHABt D TERRITCRY TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. certi ficate of the City Clerk was sub- EAST SYCAMORE ANNEXATION: mitted and read in full: STATE OF CALliORNIA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF CRANGE ) I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City tlerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby ce,rti fy that upon recei vlng in my 0', ;ice a peti tion requesting the a,nnexation to the City of Anaheim of certain t ritory known and deslgnated as EAST SYCAMORE ANNEXATION, I have checked aid petition and have examined the County o