1955/06/14 n i: f; _h~,,~ l ,..i l 1048 of the City of Anaheim met in Regular Session. PRESENT; COONe I ABSENT: CooteI CITY ATICRNEY, PRE$ CITY ADMINIS1RATI~ ASSISTANT CITY ADMt N: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, and Wisser. I Van Wagoner. TURNER: Present. FFICER, KEITH A. MURDOCH: Absent. STRATIVE DFFICER, W. F. PRIDAY: Present. lI'iUITI!Sl The Minut f of the R~lar Meeting held May,24, 1955, Adjouraed Regular Meeting hel I May 31, 1955, and Special Meeting held June 13, 1955, 11:00 o'clock A.M. ,re approved on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Fry. tON CARRIED. RESOLUTION~ Councilman Schutte offered Resolution No. 2790 and moved for its passage and ~doption. Refer to page i A RESOWTION OF THE ITY COUtl;;IL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVIf13 AtI) DIRECT- ING THE PAYMENT OF S AGA[NST mE CITY AS OF JUNE 14, 1955. (S260~171.24). On roll t tl the foregoi.ng resolution was duly passed and -'opted by the following vo ,: A~S: NOES: ABSENT: ~ou. tl;ILMEN.~. Pearson, Fry, Schutte, and Wisser. OON:ILMENI: None. . ;OUNCI~' Van Wagoner. The Mayor .eclared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. Financial and Operatinl Reports for the re submitted and ordered receivedtJ1d filed on motion by ,conded by Councilman Schut~e.; ~TION CARRIED. Continu~ -hearing was ion submitted by Mr. E. E. Heacock requesting that prop- erty described as t northwest corner of Lincoln and North Euclid Avenues be reclassified from R A to C-2 to permit the erection and operation of a Service Station on this cor ,r. . The Mayor .sked if anyone wished to address the Council on the matter. Discussio followed of the ultimate width of Lincoln Avenue and as a result, the reclass fication was approved subject to a building setback to be established on the +utherly 100 feet of his property for future hign.ay pur- poses, and further ,bject to the building permit to be approved by the City Eftgineer. . closed. no further discussion, the Mayor declared the hearing RESOLUTION NO. 27 Councilman Schutte offered Resolution No. 2791 and moved for its passage and.doption. Refer to A RESOLUTION OF THEctITY COUtCJL OF THE ,CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDIN3 All) DETERMIN- ING THAT A CH ! IS NB:ESSARY IN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY AND THAT ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER .~ OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE SHOUID BE AM!tI)!D' 1'0 ACCOM'LISH SAID CHA E OF ZONE. ( F-=>4-55-37) . Onroll.c ~l the forego~ng resolution was dUly passed and adopted by the following vo .: ,;4 1049 Ci -,7,00 P.M. AVIS: NOIS: ABSENT : CotJtCI LMEN : CooleI LMEN: CotJtCI LMAN: Fry, Schutte, and Wisser. The Mayor declared the f egoing resolution duly passed and adopted. ! n FIRE STATION NO. 2; The AdIIlni$tt ive OfficeZ' after checking and tabulatllWg all Bid PropOsals for the constru4 on of Fire Station No. 2 recommended that all proposals pe rej,cted, and fut er consideration be given on a different type of structure and new propo$a~ called for at, a later date. On motion by Counci~an Proposals for the construction of MOTION C.rID. y, seconded by Councilman Wisser, all Bid re Station No. 2 were declared rejected. PRCFOSED WIDlNING OF HARBat BOULE explained to the Council and audi of Harbor Boulevard. , Mr. George Holyoke, City Engineer, e the proposed pattern for the widening Mr. David~Ra91n address frontage road to be established o~ the island strip to be constructe4 opinion he believed the island stt a freeway, and further that the e$ the property on the east side the He felt the solution to this prob~ down the middle of the highway wh! way that they had always enjoyed. the Council calling attention to the he east side of the boulevard a~ further, own the middle of the highway. In his would encourage speed thereby r.."'i1ing blishment of the frontage road would deny joyment and benefits of boulevard frontage. would be the placing of a double line would give them the frontage on the high- Further discussion foll~ d regarding the placing of signals for the safety of pedestrian traffic as w, as signals for left hand turns. Mr. HOlyoke, City Engineer, advised t* that problem had not been taken up and that the entire pattern was still I a formative stage. MaJor Pearson thanked t~ ~.'.e interested pe..r$Ons for th.eir sugg.st$on....s and advised that the matters in q, . tion would be given thorough consideration, and that further investigations w. d be made and they would be so notified. RESOLUTION NO. 2792: Councilman F t offered Resolution No. 2792 and moved f~r its passage and adoption. ! n Refer to Resolution Boo~ page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUtCIL 1REASUR:ER TO i EPOSIT IN !HE SUP FOR. THE COONIY OF aiANGE ALL FUND CITY TO OBTAIN IMMEDIATE POSSESSI ING Al'f) IMPROVEMENT OF WEST S1REET THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHCIiIZING THE CIn. C OF THE STA TE OF CALI FORNI A iN ANn EQUIRED TO BE DEPOSITED TO BNABLE nm OF CERTAIN PRCPER1Y REQUIRED R)R THE WtDBM- I ~ resolution was duly passed and adapted. by On roll call the forego1 the following vote: AYES: NOIS: ABSENT : n COONCILMEN : COUN:ILMEN: COUNCILMAN : Schutte, and Wisser. The Mayor declared the f egoing resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION to. 2793.: Councilman *ser offered Resolution No. 2793 and moved for its passlge and adoption. Refer to. Reaolutior\ ,Boo~ page I I ! i , I . , ~ II 1 1050 n i i~~j A RESOLUTION. OF T CONVEYING TO THE C AND PUBLIC UTILITY j;ITV CO\JNZIJ.., Of -mE .CIJV OFI AN~IM ACCEPTI~. A. CltANT DilEO OF ANAHaIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY REAN EASEIENT R:R lOAD POSES. (~AY SVIFT AND Gm1TUJD~ SWIFT). - On roll 11 the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: ' . J . ". . AYES: J:;OUICILMEN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, and Wissar. NOES: COU~ILMEN: None. ~SENT!:,... J:;ourcrLMAHr... Van~aQonf!:!'. d f,,' _I .. . ~ ~. , declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. ION NO 27 Councilman Schutte offered Resolution No. 2794 and moved for its passage and ~doption. A RESOWTION OF TH CONVEYI., TO THE C[ AND PUBLIC UTILITY ITY COOtGIL OFTft: CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCDpTI"I ~ ~~ D~D OF ANAHaIM CEaTAIN REAL PRoP~lrY rPR AN:EA$Etefr,.PCR ROAD POSES. ( fRANK SWI FT AND RUTH SWI FT) . .. \. ,. \ .. ~ - .. On roll c ~l the fo~egoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following votel AYES: NOES: ABSENT : . . .. . I f;~~I~LM. EN.,,: Pear,sont Fry, Schutte, and' Wisser. t;OUII:ILMEN: None. ~OUtCILMAN: Van WagoQ,r. The Mayor 'eclared the foregoing resolution dUly passed and, adopted. ,.., I Ii .~ ~ " , .. ~ R SOWTION NO. 27 . Councilman Fry offEt:r:'.ed R.$olu:t.1on .No. 27:95.and moved for its passage and ado tion. . . , R~f:er. ~ 'SQlution. ~,..p.~e 'j '.. "~. . . ; ( A.. ~QWT;rONOI: TH~.. I't'!: GOU~L. 9f THE., ~I.T);.;GP ANAHEIM, It<<J TO THE CITY OF, ElM AN ~NT IN CERT.AIN RiAL PReP ..' PUBLIC UTILITY PUR' ES. (DISNEYLAND. ItC.). On roll e 11 the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following votec AYES: NOES: ABSENT t q;QJ~:tL4EN:J.' .P~r$W1, ft'y,. Schutte, and Wisser. ~cyrcILMEHI Hene..:,.." . : d:OON:ILMAN: Van W~".." . The Mayor ~eclared the foregQing resolution. duly p..sed a:ad adO))ted. SOLUTION NO 27 Councilman Wisser offered Resolution No. 2196 and moved for its passage and tdoption. R-ef,r to .solut,iQ,n Book, page n l ,J A RESOWTION OF THi'ITY COUN:IL. QF 111JiCITY OF ANAHF::;J:M A.CC!PTI~,A~ Earr- ING TO THE CITY OF AHEIM AN ~ASMNT IN CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY lOt RQ8 Ate' PUBLIC UTILITY PURP ES. ~,)", \. Qn. roll ~ !l..th" foregoi", r...l\il<t~on.,wa~ .ly".._ _ ",ttd,.by' the following vote: . . AYES: NOES: ABSENT I COUtCILMENc Pearson, Fry" Sch~tt.., 'pnd .Wi-asc. QOUt-CILMEN; None. dOUtCILMANc Van Wagoner. The Mayor declared tbe foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. 1051 o RBSOLUTION NQ. 27971 Councilman ~ utte offered Resolution No. 27?7 and IIIO~ for its passqe and adoption. ; Refer to Resolution Boo~ I A RESOUITION OF THE CITY COOfCIL ~ CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF AN FOR ROAD >>I)iPUBLIC UTILITY PURPO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AOCEPTlOO A ~ANT M CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY RJi AN EASEMENT ( DIsNEYL.A)I)', II(; ~ ) . . ", On roll call the forego~ resolution was duly'passed and adopted by the fOllowing vote: . A YB.S : NOE,: ABIENT: COUN:ILMEN: COtnCILMEM: COUlCILMAN : rson, Fry, Schutte, and Wisser. Wagoner. The Mayor declared the. ~ .egoing: resolution duly passed and adopted. ~SOLUTIOI MI. 2798: Councilman i offered Resolution No. 2798 and moved for its plssige and adoption. I Refer to Resolution Boo~ . page A RESOWTION OF THE CITY COOtl;IL ~ CONVEYIfI:; TO THE CITY OF AN FeR ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY ptJRp THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTlr<<3 ,A CEANT M CERTAIN REAL PRCPERTY Fai AN EASEMENT (DISNEYLAND,' INC.). On roll call the forego~ by the following vote: resolution Was duly passed and adopted AVIS: NOI5 : ABSENT : COOtCI LMEN: CotJ)CI LMEN: COOtCILMAN : Schutte, and Wisser. , " '.': o Wagoner. The Mayor declared the. egolng resolution duly passed and adopted. 'UI~ ~ On sootien by Coun4 m8~ Sch~tte,' ,seconded '!?y Couricii~~~ ~Fr." I the followint Plumber Bonds were q ered received and filed when approved by the City AttGrney. MOTION CARRIED Olson Pl R. and B. ] Cass Plum.. ~' " Kennedy. P Sanders P Jack Bred. ng Company umbing and Heating Company g and Heating and Supply CGmpany bing Company' . ' ft ~NANCE . NO. 998& Councilman Fry 'ffered Ordinance No. 998 for first read- ing and moved for its passage and option. AN ORDINAtCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHE~ ANAHEIM NBNICIP AL CODE RELATIt<<; TO ANAHEIM API) THEREIN REGJLATI~ 11:i~ SPN:";ES: ADOPTING A MAP SHOWING Tft TERMS USED 11ItREIN; PROVIDING FCR ; PRESCRIBI!<<3 PENALTIES Fffi VIOLATIQ SECTIONS IN CONFLICT THfREWITH. AMENDI t<<3 ARTICLE IX, CHAPlm 2 OF THE HE ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF SE OF LAtC), HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS AND YARD BOUNJARIES OF SAID ZONES; DEFINIOO THE JUSTMENT, AMENDMENT Art) ENFCRCEMENTf AND REPEALING ALL' SECTIONS 00 PARTS OF 4- 5-32 . rJ QRDINAtCE NO. 9&1: Councilman Il. r offered Ordinance No. 987 for second reading and moved for its passage d adoption. Refer to Ordinance Book ~ 1052 r1 Cit AN ORDIN~ Of THE ~ITY OF ANAHEIM AENDIl'I3 ARTICLE: IX, CHAPTER..,2 .OF'. THE ANAHEIM WNICIP AL E RELATlt<<; TO THE ESTABLISHJeNI OF ZONES IN THE CI1Y OF ANAHEIM AND TIiEREI fiEGULATING THE USE OF LAND, HEIGHT OF BUIIDItCS AND YARD SPACES: ADOPTING JAAP SHOWING THE OOUWARIES OF SAID ZONES; DEFINING THE TERMS USED THffiEIN; PROVIDING FeR ADJUSTMENT, AMENDMENT AND ENFCRCEMENT; PRSa::RIBING PENALT! FCR VIOLATION AND REPEALING ALL SECTIONS CR PARTS OF SECTIONS IN CONFLI' THatEWITH. (F-54-55-27) . i.J After he ~ng read in full the title of Ordinance No. 987 and having knowledge of the co tents the~eln, Councilman Wisser moved the reading in full of said ordinance !waived. Councilman Fry seconded the motion. Motion unanimously carried On roll c 11 the foregoing Ordinance No. 981 was duly passed and adopted by the foll ~in9 vote, AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUteI !.MEN: ~OUr<<:;ILMEN: tOUteILMAN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, and Wisaer. None. Van Wagoner. The Mayor .eclared the foregoing ordinance duly passed and adopted. r--, ESS T DISm C 4-: Notice of filing aSSe88Nmt for the construction of san! tary sewers .p Narda Street and other .$u.et.. and alley (":;~..es.... ment District 1954,. J as cont8lnplated by Resolution of Intention .IOr'--', and of the, time and pIa. of hearihg as to said work and assessment _s .-.Ltted by the City Clerk w. stated that the 12th day of Julv. 1955 .at the hour of 7:00 o'clock P.M. D ylight Saving Time as the time and the Council Chambers of the City Hall, C ty of Anaheim as the place when and where all persons interested in the w tk done or in said assessment will be heard by said Ci ty Council. Said date for Public Hearing was ratified by the City Council on motion by Councilma Fry, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. I j PLACENTI~BALL ANN TION: The Affidavit of Publication by proponent$of Notice of Intention 0 Circulate a Petition, published in the Anaheim Sulletln, May 2B, 1955, was $ itted. Schutte offered Resolution No. 2799' andaoved page A RESOWTION OF THi I TV COUlCI L OF THE CITY OF. ANAHEIMICKNOWLEDGIE S&;JIPT OF Copy OF C I RELATI1f3 TO THE ANNEXA- TION OF TrRRITORY T THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND AFPIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION THBtEOF, AND APPROVIMJ THE C CULATION OF SAID PETITION. (PLACENTIA-BALL ANNEXATION). .by the tl the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted t: AYES: l'()ES : ABSENT I OUN:I LMEN I N:ILMEN I (jOUtCILMAN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, and'Wisser. None. Van Wagoner. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. n J -R June 1, 1955, corre to letter dated May filed on motion by CARRIED. The Orange County Boundary Commission's report dated ing the error in the description of the boundary pursuant '5, 1955, was submitted, read, and ordered received and ncilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Schutte. NDTION Peti tion Mahr-Rader Annexati seconded by Council , uesting annexation of territory known and described as was received and filed on motion by Councilman Wisser, Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. 1053 Ci RESOLUTIOH NO. 2800, Councilman f offered Resolution NO..2800 and moved for its passlge and adoption. . Ref.r to Resolution Boo1 A RESOLUTION O. F THE CITY COUN:IL ! OF A PETITION FCR THE ANNEXATION OF ANAHEIM, DESIGNATIOO THE TERRI THE BOOM)ARIIS OF THE TERRITORY P THE DAY, HOUA AND PLACE WHBRE AN) i SUCH TERRITCIIY SO PRCPOSED TO BE AN) SHOW CAUSE WHY SUCH TmRITCRY (PUBLIC HEARIN3 TO BE HElD JULY :2 page THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACXNCMLEOOI~ RECEIPT CERTAIN UNIftoIABITED TSmITCRY TO THE CItY Y AS THE MAHR-RADER ANNEXATION; DESCRIBII<<3 OSED TO BE ANNEXED AN) GIVIM:; NOTICE OF N ANY paSCH CMNING REAL PROPERTY WITHIN D MAY APPEAR BEFORE mE CITY COUtCIL OUID NOT BE ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. 1955 7100 P.M. . n AYES: NOISI ABSENT : On roll call the fore90~ resolution was duly passed and adopted by' the following vote: COUtcILMEN: ~ rson, Fry, Schutte, and Wisser. COUteILMEN: ~ e. COUtCILMAN: ~ Wagoner. AYES: NOES I ABSENT : n The Mayor declared egoing resolution duly passed and adopted. requesting annexation of terri to.ry known Annexation was received and ordered Ing on motion by Councilman Wisser, ION CARRIED. lAST SYCMl.JtI ANNEXA TI€>N: Peti ti and designated as the East SycaJlO referred to the City Clerk. for ch seconded by Councilman Schutte. Hous~~rnr T A AN@EXATI · Ordinance No. 995 for second read Counci~an Schutte offered for its passage and adoption. Refer to Ordinance Book,: AN CRDINAtCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEI' ANAHEIM OF l1fE TERRITCRY KNOWN AtID ~IlIiJHE ANNEXAITON TO THE CITY OF SIGNATED AS HOOSTON-MAGtI)U~ ANNEXAnON.. After hearing read in fU knowledge of the contents therein, of said ordinance be waived. Coun unanimously carried. the title of Ordinance No. 995 and having uncilman Wisser moved the reading in full man Fry seconded the motion. Motion On roll call the foregoi adopted by tbe following vote: Ordinance No. 995 was duly passed and COUteILMEN: COOJ<<;IlMEN: COOJCILMAN : Schutte, and Wisser. I I I I I I ! i 1 4 ~ The Mayor declared the f' going ordinance duly pa.saed and adopted., GILBERT S'lRE.ET NO.~TIQN1__ iNAtEE NO. 996: Councilman Fry offered Ordinance No. 996 for second readih and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Ordinance Book, AN ClIDINAN:E OF THE CITY OF ANAHEI ANAHEIM OF THE 'fERRITCRY KNOWN AND! TION. n 'PROVI~ ~ ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF IGNATE> AS GILBERT SmElT NO.2 .ANNBAe- After hearing read in fu~ the title of Ordinance No. 996 and having knowledge of the contents therein,' uncilman Schutte moved the reading,in fqll of said ordinance be waived. Count man Fry seconded the motion. Motion unanimously carried. 1054 1955 - 7,00 P.M. On roll ~ll the fOfegoing Ordinance No. 996 was, duly passed and adopted by the fol d~ng vote* G AYES: NOES: ABSENT : COUtCI~1 COUtCI!.MEN : lCaJtCILIMIf ; ! . , Pearson, .Fry, SChutte, and Wlsser. None. . Van Wagoner. lUglFIILD I' No. 997 for second ~.clared the foregoing ordinance duly passed and adopted. QJDI~ NO. 9971 Councilman Wissaroffe:red Ordinance ading and moved for. its p.ssage and ,adoption. inance BQok, page AN ClIDINAN:E OF T ANAHEIM OF THE ~ITY OF MfAHEIM Al!PROVIH3T6EA~TION TO JtIE CITY OF [CEY KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS RICHFIELD ANNEXATION, After he knowledge of the co of said ordinance unanimously carri ng read in full the title of Ordinance No. 997 and having ents the~ein, Councilman Wisser moved the reading in full waived. Councilman Schutte .seconded the motion. Motion On roll ,~l. 1 t.he f011890ing Ordinance No.: 997 was duly pass.-d and adopted py the foll;nng vote: . , . AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUtC I LMEN: PearsoQ, Fry, Schutt., and Wisser. tOUtCILMEN: None. ~OUN:ILMAN1: Van W8goner. ,.., The Mayor 4teclared the foregoing ordinance duly passed\and 'adopted. SOUTH ANAHEIM . The City P lanning ConmtJ.~aiQn' s repc>,rt..reCCJRRending eannexation of t territo~ ~nown and de6i9nat~.,.s the South Anaheim Annexation was subft ted and rt!ad and ordered received and flIed :onmotion by Councilman Schutte, $econded by Councilman Wiss~r. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Wisser offered ResolutiQn No. 2801 and moved for its passage and tdoption. ;f P: ~ - .'1 page A RESOLUTION OF THI: ITY CQUt(;IL OF THE C;ITY OF ANAHEIM CONsmMn(fi W THE C rc N OF [t<<:; ~ THE ANNEXATION OF INNABI.rfD TIltRI!CB.YTO THE, CITY OF ANAHEIM. ANAHEIM ANNEXATION). by the the fo~egoing resolution was duly passed and adOpted AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, and Wisser. None. Van Wagoner. clatfd the foregoing reso1utIon duly.passed and adopted. Application by Yellow Cab Service of Anaheim and for increase irr,'rates was submitted and read. n i J The Mayor P LIG HEARI Red and Orange Taxi The Mayor . ked if anyone wished to address the Council on the matter. Mr. E. A. which the applicati agle add~essed the Council stating the conditions Under for an increase in rates was submttted. There bei' : no one elae addressing the Council on the matter. Mayor Pearson declared the hearing closed. 1055 Ci RESOWTION 11). 28021 Councilman $ utte offered Resolution No. 2802 an~ .oved for ita passage and adoptio~ Refer to Resolution Boo~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUtCIL (:RRA.c;F- TO C. E. BRILEY AND E. A. Me RED 00 SANGE CAB FCR TAXI S THE CITY OF ANAHEIM (fiANTI~' A RATE IN- GLE DBA YELLOW CAB SERVICE OF ANAHEIM ICE IN TIiE CITY OF ANAHEIM. n . On roll '0<<11 the 'forego~ by the follOldng votes ' r'elolutlon '..5 duly pasred and 8doptetl'. AViS: COUNC. · lIMEN I ~ NOIS: COUNCILMEN: ABSIENT I ComcII..MAN I l The Mayor declared the 1 son, Pry, Schutte, and Wisser. e. .lJoner. egoing re$olution duly passed and adopted. IImSONNEL.. 1'be following appointnl te were ratified by the City Council on aotion by CotIItcilman Wisser, seco~ by Couneilaan Fry. MJnON CARRIED. - Marion B. Tatum, Pa Merle Meyer, Appre~ Ma rvln P. Bu9hnel~1,: Mrs. Crystal P. We Mrs. Irene Mae Me olman, Schedule No. 24-C ee Draft&a&A, Schedule No. 14-A aftsman, Schedul e No. 25-A Steno-Clerk No.2, Schedule No. la-A , Steno-Clerk No.2, Schedule No. la-A RECJJEST ~ 'lfiANSFER OF FUNDS: Rest to transfer the Meter Deposi t Trust Fund fram the Security First Natid 1 Bank to the California Bank was held over for invRtigation. MINUTES OF J .9.S.: Minute'S of th~ oint Outfall Sewer Executive Co.e1 ttee' Meeting n8\ld June 2., 1~5.ere:.. .tted., read, and e~eredapproved and filed on motion by Councilman Wis , seconded by Councilman Schutte. MOTI. CARRIED. n INYITA[ION: ,'In.vitation to;:.papti.:ci te in the Fourth of JUly' Parade at : Huntington Beach was submitted and ead. B:>ULEVARD STCfS: Recommendation q for the plac_ent of boulevard st ' Palm Street at La Palma :Avenue wa~ by Councilman Wisse:r., .s'.conded by . Fry voted no. IDTION CARRIED. the Chief of Police, Mark A. Stephenson, on Lemon Street at North Street and on bmitted and read 'and authorizedon'motion cilman Schutte. On roll call Councilman CORRESPON)E~ 1 Communi cation f service in Tract No. 2426 was s onty-Roach, Inc. relative to utility ted and read. METROPOLITAN WATER DIStRICT SERVI Resolution No. 4~85 authorizing t or near the intersection of Dale authorizing the execution of an ag, said service connection to be $22, received and filed. ONNECTIONI Metropolitan Water District onstruction of a service connection at at and La Palma Avenue and further ent, estimated cost of construction of .00, was subni tted and read and ordered RESQLUTION: ~ 29031 Councilman for its passage and adoption. offered-Resolution Noi. 2603 and moved n . I. Refer to Resolution Book~ A RESOLUTION !IF THE CI TV CQJtCIL 0 ING TIm CONS1lUCTION OP A C' LI NE NEAR THE INTmSECTION OF LA P TAN WATER DIS1RICT AND APPROVIOO ($22,000.00) . E CITY OF ANAHE];M :V~Z=:; ~ ~.' ..~. i- . TO THE MEmOp .. · .. ..TEIl" I . AVENUE ~y THE MEmOPOU- PAYMENT OF THE COST THBiEOF BY THE CITY. 1056 ~ - :7100 PM On roll ~l the fo~egoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vo ~., il'i , ~"..... AYES: NOES: ABSENT: POUtCILMENa > Pearson, FIf'i/, Schutte,. and Wisser. COUfCILME!'41 None. . COUNCILMAN: Van Wagoner. The Mayor~eclared the foregoing resolution duly P4ssed and adepted. WTXON Council_n Schutte offered Resolution No. 2804 and moved for its passage and ~doption. Refer to ~solution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF ~ ~ITY COUK:'tIL OF mE CITY OF ANAHEIM ASCERTAIJfItG AJt) DnSRMINING THE PRE. LING RArF OF.AG~ TO BE PAID POR EACH CRAP! (It TYPE OF PDU<MAN, ~ MEC IC NEEDED1 FCR PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS FeIt.THE FURNISHING OF ALL MATERIALS, P , LABCR Aft) SERVICES FeR lHE IRILLING AND COIPLETION OF A N THE sootrH SIDE OF WEST' LA PALMA AVENUE BETWED GIlRON AND WEST S1REBS. On roll t tl the foregoing resolution was duly pa$$edand adopted by the following V$ t: AYES: NOES: ABSENT I ttOUt-l;ILMENil Pearson, Fry, Schutte, and Wisser. tOUtCII.MENi None. dOUtCILMAN,~ Van Wagoner. The MayoX'.eclared.the foregoing resolution dwly passed'aRd adopted. J i Councilman Wisser offered Resolution No. 2805 and moved for its passage 'and ,doption. Refer to ,solution Book, page A RESOU1I'ION OF tHictITY COUNClL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIMFINDltfJ All> DETERMINIOO THAT PUBLIC CONVen . E AtI) ~ESSITYREQUIRE THE CON91RUCTION AIt"~LETION OF A PUBLIC I"pRO NT, TO WIt: PRILUNG A 16" \VJ:ER..JELL ON THE SCJJ11.t SIDE o WEST LA PALMA t TO ,BE DiSIGNATED "WELL 00. 8 " WC8K NO AND APPROVltI; THE DESIGNS, PLANS, PROFILES, IJtAWINGS A~ SPBCIE ATIONS Fea nlE CQNSTROCTION TWBtEOF; AU1HCRIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OF SAX !PUBLIC I"ROVEMENT IN AOCClIDAN:E;WITH SAID PLANS, SPECtFI- CATIONS, ETC.; AND .11ICRIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLiRK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE INVItING SEALED PR 05ALS FOR THE CONS1RUCTION rnmEOF. (BIDS TO BE CPENED 8 1 7. ). 1 """" page by the the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted AYES: NOES: ABSENT: NCILMEN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, and Wisser. OUH:;I LMEN: None. OUNCILMAN: Van -.go.er. The Mayor eclared tAe foregoing resolution duly passed 'and adopted. RESOLUTION NO 2 for lts passage and Councilmtn fry offered ResolutloR No. 2806 And moV9d option. Ref er to . RESOLUTION OF THE ITY COUt-CIL OF !Hi CITY. OF ANAHEIM AUnlCRIZIfIi THE BiB=.. CHASE AND ACQUISITI' OF CERtAIN RiAL PROPatTY. (LOT 26 ,OF ANAHEIM'.IWESrMIDrr COp.f)ANY 'IRACT, $22, .00, PALM LANE). 1057 Ci On roll call by the following vote: duly passed. and adopted AViS: NOE: ABSENT I cot1lCllMiN: . CO~ILMEN: COUtCILMAN : son, Fry, Schutte, and Wissex-. e. Wagoner. n The Mayor detlaX'ed th.. fINAL MAP. 11tACT NO. 2152,. WalJ1u~ egoing reeolut1on !,dulyp...ed and adopted. Located at "Walnut. and DaMon JStreeta. The City Engineer, Ge01 E. Holyoke, advised the Council that the necessary bonds have been posted all fees paid and.reca.mended the approval of said final map. On ItOtion by Councilman I aler, second" by Councl1.1tan Schutte, Pinal Map of Tract No. 2152 was approv"~ MOTION CARRIED. FINAL ~. 'l'RACT tV. 2377: Cente~. orporatlon. Located at,th'09~~h?r..t corner of Euclid and Ball. The City Engineer, Georg E. HOlyoke, advised the Council that the ;ecessary bonds have been posted. all fees paid and re~Q"ended the app~al of said final map. 1. n On 110tion by Councilman! sser, secondecLby Councilman Schutte, Final Map of Tract No. 2377' was approv~ I.{)TION CARRIED. REVISED TiNTATIVE MAP. TRACr~ NOS. 711 AND 27 I Subdivider George Buccola. Located east of Brookhurst Street i the south side of Orange Avenue. The City Planning Commi~ on voted to approvesaid.ttnt.tt~e aap subject to the following condition 3. The payment of $25. Park and Recreation j All lots .arJced "no'ti n'Ullaber. Enlineerlng requir~ per lot for the acquisition of tes. part of the tract" be ,given a 2. The City Council, on mo~ n by Counci~an Schutte, seconded by Councilman Fry, approved said, Rev~ Tenta.t1ve Map of TraGts Nos. ,2711, and. 2712 subject to conditions as out~ ed by the City PlanningC~ission. TENTATIVE MAP. '!RACT NO. 2666: S. Loc'ated at the southeast corner of ivider Hirsch-Victory Enterprises, Inc.. oadway and Loara Street. The City Planning Commis subject to the following condition to approve said tentative map 1. The payment of $25. Park and Recreation 2. The completion of a 3. Lots .arked "not a ~ a number and Includ 4. Engin,ering.requir~ per lot for the acquisition of tes. xation proceedings. t of the subdivision" be given Ith the subdivision. ts. n V~IOCE tI). 366. Submitted by H~ a waiver of the 1o-foot frontage ~ The City Planning CommiS! granted said variance~ ch-Victory Enterprises, Inc. requesting lrements in said tract. n, pursuant to tbeir Resolution No. 116,. No action was taken by ~ On motion by Councilman Tentative Map of Tract No. 2666 wal lined by the City Planning Commis~ the blueprints for the homes be p~ is approved. MOTION CARRIED Ci ty Counci 1. sser, seconded by Councilman Schutte, approved subject to conditions as out- and further subject to the proviso that nted and accepted before the final map ) 1 i t ! : I ! I~ fl ::'--:,r9' n i j 1058 ~ Subdivider Ralph H.Winkl.or. : Loc.ted on the feet south of Crescent Avenue. ~e lanning C~ission approved said tentative map subject to Ions: 1. ent 0% $25.00 per lot for the acquisition of d Recreation Sites. ring re~ir..ents. pletion Qf annexa.tlon .Pr.o~.edints,:. 2. 3, - - Ac aouae pla..s.. I by the City Council for the presentation of ;, Subdivider Realty Engineering Company. Located North ~ange. The City subject tOlthefoll 1 ~ ~ anning CQmmission voted to approve the tent.tiyo ~p Dg'.condl'tionSJ . ., l. Line : North Rose and North Bush Streets with these exis~f19 street~. on the nprth. -' ::,.' ~ . I 2. - Gypr Street II1Ust extend to East Street with full impro ~ent on both sides. 3. The yment of S25.00 per lot for the acquisition of ,Pa~k pd Recreation-Sites. 4. Engi ring requ,ir.ents" VARIAla NO. 365: ittni tted b!y Real tyEngln..ring COJItptny. requestif1ga:-_iver of the 70-foot fron 1ge requi~ents in said Tract NO. 2723. The City Janning COfI8d,ssion, pursuant to their Resolution No. 175, granted said varian _. No action~s taken by the City Council. , . On motion ~y Council~n Schutte, seconded by Councilman Pry, Tentative Map of Tract No.2; j was apprpved subject to conditions,-as:butllned by the City Planning Comm! .10n and fUrther subject to the filing of deed restrictions I also that a provls1 . be made in said deed restrictions that all plan'. for buildings be submi t ~ to and approved by: ,the G1 ty . Gouncilr and further subject to the applying for .nd obtaining of variance for the waiver of themlnimuDt ,lCi>t size necessi.tat by the lining up..of .s.treets as requested by, the Engineer- ing Commi ttee. MOT (t)N CARRIED. ( Subdivider Manle.y-Kuhns CQrporation. "'venue and Ninth Street. The City ~anning Commission approved saidrevlsed tentative.ap subject to the foIl Ing conditions. 1. The pyment of $25.00 per lot for the acquisition of P4 It and Recr.atlon Sites. 2. The Jt.'f)cation of the north end of Ninth: Street ,as shown on the revised map. This relocation has becom ;necessary on acco1;1nt,.of the flood 00nt191 chann .~ to the w,st. 3. Eng!n _ring requirements. On motionoy Counci~an SChutte, seconded by Councilman Fry, Tenta- tive Map of Tract: N . 1647. was approv~ uPQn Ithe ~~u1d;!t~on6 ;I' Q~tllned by the Ci ty Planning CODlni $ion and further upon the condl tion tbat..:t.he :.uDcl,.,.ldV.1 submit to the City ncil proposed deed restrictions to be approved by the City Council and re rded prior to the submission and approval of the Final Map. MOTION CARRIED. Sa deed restrictions are the usual deed res~rictions required by the City for su Ided property relating to the make and type of buildings and improvements to e erected upon the property. I 1059 n!... ~ . .. 7:00 P M. VARIAl<<,;E 1<<). 364: Submitted by t~ Assembly of God Church requesting per- Mission to erect a Church Buildin~ t the northwest corner of East Wilhelmina Street and North East Street. . The City Planning COlJII\i~ on, pursuant to their Resolution No. 174, granted said variance subject to ~ providing of off-street parking as shown on the plot plan presented. Appeal to the Anaheim C~J tures was sWati tted and- read requ variance and setting forth their I On motion by Councilman I Hearing was Qrdered to be held on : ICTIOO CARRIID. Council signed by approximately 72 signa- ing the Council to deny the pr0posed sons therefore. hutte, seconded by CouncilJnan Fry, Pvbll. e matter, June 28, 1955, 7:00 o'clock P.M. VARIANCE NO. 362& Submitted by 1 ey-Kuhns Corporation requesting per.mi,aion to constI'1lCt.a eo..rclal Center eloJilftent on property consisting of appro xi- _i:ely 40 ac1'es, bounded by west.. eet, Katella Avenue, Walnut Street, and one- half way to Cerritos Avenue. Mr. Mungall, Secretary ~ the City Planning Connission, advised the Council that said Variancff -No. 36~ ad been denied by the Cl ty Planning COlI- mission. y,the City Planning Commission was filed Public Hearing was ordered to be held on ck P.M. on motion by Councilman Schutte, N CARRIED. YARIAf(;E NO. 367: Sulmi tted by CEt ury Manor requesting a waiver of the 25-foot front yard setbacks in Trac.t No. ~2. n The City Planning commi~ on, pursuant to their Resolution No. 177, granted said variance subject to maintaining of a 25-foot front yard set- back on East Santa Ana and South t Streets. No action was taken by ~ City Council. YAltIANCE 1<<). 368: Sukaitted by Yq ey and Spurrier requesting a waiver of the 7Q-foot frontage r~uirement. inTttt No.. 2721. The City Plaming COIIII\i~ on, pursuant to their Re~lutionNo. 17&;, granted said variance. No action was City Council. Y ARIAl'CE 1<<) . 369: Authorized Agent, requesting perm~ Building to accommodate one M.D. . South Palm Street. n N. Hartman, owner and Delmar Pebley, ion to construct an Ethical Professional one D.D.S. at property described as ,610 The City Planning Commi~ granted said variance subject to ~ on, pursuant to their Resolution No. 179, following coftditions: n j 1 ~ '-2~ I ~ 1. The development of i1 property in accordance with the precise plans w~ hare a.part of this record. 2. The providing of of. treet parking in the rear of the property. .. Pro'test to the ,ranting was submitted and read. said variance, containing 36 signatures, j .1 :;~ j ! ij I J t j 1 I The City Council, on MO~ Councilman Fry, in view of the pr~ taken by the City Planaing Commis~ held June 28 1~5 7:00 o'clock ~ by Councilman Schutte, seconded by st received, moved to review tbe action and Public Hearing was ordered to be' I()TION CARRIED. I i I~ 1 ; I 1060 n ~ 1 Ii, LZ w'~,~~ VARIMCE NO. 370& ada.lon to erect a Gilbert Street. i tted l1y Kenneth W. and Edna L. Hol treq\te.tjng per- ngle-FandUy Residence on property desc~ibed as 311 North The City ~anning CQllnisslon, pursuant to their Resolution,No. 181. granted said varian ~ subject to the follo~ng conditions: 1. ent of 125.00 per lot for the acquisition and Recrteatlon Sites. 2. ing of ~ feet-to the City of Anaheim along ilbert Street for future street widening. 3. The f ling of a record of survey map showing the 2 lot. This m~ to be filed with the City of Anahe . and the County of Ox-ange. 'i~. Mo action "as taken by the City Council. YARIAtCE NO. 371 : ~foot front yard bni tted by Hanson and Hintz requesting a walver of the tbacks in Tract No. 2501. The City tanning C~ls.ion, pursuant to their ResolutIon Mo. 182, granted said varian , subject to the maintaining of 25-foot front yard setbacks on all lots facing t1 Broadway and Orange Avenue. No action ..,as taken by the City Council. VARIAlCE NO. 372. "itted b~. Mil ton E. aAd Josie, Selousek re..,sUng per- mission to use the ~isting duplex dwelling' located at'407 North Pal. Street for Professional Of ices. . ~ o The City ~annin9 Co~i&siont pursuant to their Resolution No. lao, granted said varian. subject to the fallowing conditions: 1. the duplex apartments'only for ethical, depal' . ental, or medical office.... 2. All $ ,ns shall be siRdlar to the type used at the ntthwest cOF'oer of West Cypress and North Palm nets. <.i%e to be 9" x 32"). . 3. The p vidlng of,' off-street parking according to ti plot plans presented. No action,.as taken by the City Council. However, it was noted that the signs are to be the same size as those already established. 55-38-A: Submitted by Nicholas J. Dovalis and James Gantes requesting p . party 1 yihg along Lincoln Avenue west of Euclid Avenue be rezoned from R-A to C-2. Public H. ing was ordered to be held on this matter July.J.2, 1955, 7:00 o'clock P.M., motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Schutte. WTION C lED. ~ The City P lanning C~ission"$ le.olution , recommending to the City Council var10us changes to the e, Section 9200, pertaining to Planning and Zoning_ ing was ordered to be held on said proposed changes, _.clock P.M., on motion by Councilman Schutte, seconded MoTION CARtIED. RESOWTION 00. 2807 Councilm.n Wi sser offered Resolution No. 2rr:n and _vael for its passage and4doption. Refer to .solution Book, page 1061 c - 7.00 P.M. On roll call the forego~ resolution was duly passed and adopted by the foll~ing vote, AYES: NOES: ABSENTs COUlCILMEN: ~CII.MEN; CCJJK:ILMAN: son, Fry, Schutte., and Wisser. 'e. Wagoner. The Mayor declared the r egoing resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION re. 2108. Councilman utte offered ResolutionKo. 2808 and Jlto'Ud for its passage and adoption. A RESOLUTION IN THE ~nSl OF P RJt ALLOCATION OF GASOLINE TAX RJtC)S ON MAJQt S"mEE On rollcall the forego! resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYIS: NOIS : ABSENT: COUN:ILMEN: CWtCILMEN I COUN:ILMAN : rson, Fry, Schutte" and Wisser. e. Wagoner. Tn. Mayor declared. the f. eg()ing resolution duly passed and adopted. Councilman Wisser moved: adjourn to Friday, June l7, 1955, 2:00 o.clock P.M. Copocllaan Schutte $ onded the motion. K>TIOM C~IED. ADJOURNED. SIGNED. n / n n