1955/06/28 1 ...... ; f I l 1070 . the City of Anaheim met in Regular Session. PRESENT: Pear~on, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. ABSENT: COUtl:I N: None. CITY ATTCRNEY, PRES TURNER:, Present. CITY ADMINIS1RATIVE ,'FFICER, K~ITH A. MURDOCH: Present. MIMJTFS: The Minut S of the R.gular Meeting held June 14, 1955"Adjourned Regular Meetings he June 17~2:00 o'clock P.M., June 22, 11:00 .'clock A.M., and June 27, 1955 w e approveq on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wisse. MOTION OARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 2819: Councilman Schutte offered Resolution No. 2819 and moved for its passage and ~option. Refer to page A RESOLUTION OF THE 'ITY COUNCiL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AID DIRECT- ING THE PAYMENT OF AIDS AGA~NST lHE CITY AS OF JUNE 28, 1955. (SlSQ,435.61). On roll c 11 the for,going resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vo AYES: NOES: ABSENT : ,OUOCILMEN~ UOCI LMEN. OUK; I LMEN ~ Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. None. The Mayor ,eclared t~e foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. BID PROPOSALS: W<R Legal Notice duly p City Clerk was inst well on the south s to be designated as Van Wagoner, se~ond <CIIDER NO. 1354: Pursuant to Resolution No. 2805 and lished in the Anaheim Bulletin June 17 and 22, 1995, the cted to oJ:>en Bid Proposals for the drilling of a 16" water e of West La Palma Avenue between Citron and West Streets '.Well No.8," Work Order No. 1354, on motion by Councilman by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. B~DS RECEIVED $9,022.29 Water Well Supply 11224 South Norwa Blvd., N~rwalk (Accompanied b a certifi~d check in the amount of $910.00) Barber-Bridge Drill og Corp., Ltd. 3020 Empire A~enu ~ Burbank (Accompanied b :a Bid Bond in the amount of 10 per cent) $8,353.26 Saunders Bros. $9,207.29 112 South Pickeri ,Whittier (Accompanied b 'a Bid Bond in the amount of 10 per cent) Roscoe Moss Company 4360 Worth Street (Accompanied b $8,548.00 Los Angeles 63 a certified check in the amount of $600.00) Said Bids Yfere referred to Mr. George Oelkers, Superintendent of Light, Power and Wa ~r, for ta~ulation and report, on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. After tab lation, th~ Superintendent of Light, Power and Water, Mr. Oelkers reported'th Barber-Brtdge Drilling Corp., Ltd. to be low bidder and recommend.a.d tl:1,e ace tance "oJ $aid bid. . ,: - ~ . . 1 , . . t . '. . ' , . . . ~. . i r RESOLUTION NO. 2820 'Council~n Van, W~goner offered Resolution No. 2820 and moved for itspassa e and adoption. Refer to 8so1ution $ook, page 1071 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED PROPOSAL AND AWARDING A CONlRACT TiTHE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE FURNISHlt13 OF ALL PLANT, LABCR, S ~ICES, MA_IALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL UTILITIES Aft) lRANSPCRTATlON IOCL ~r<<; PCMER, FUEL, AND WATER, AND PERRll.M- ING ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CONSlRUC 1 AND COMPUETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IWROVE- MENT: IRILUN:; A 16" WATER WELL I THE SOUT SIDE OF WEST LA PALMA AVENUE BETWEEN CImON AND WEST SlREETS ~ BE DES! ATED "WELL NO. 8 tt WORK amrR NO. 1354. I.ARBER~BRIDGE mILLI ORP., LTlt). r , o On ~oll call the foregoi ! resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYSS: NOSS: ABSENT : COON:;ILMEN: COUtCILMEN: COUNCIlMEN: The Mayor declared the f I PRCP A : CO S to Resolution No. 2809 and Legal June 18 and 23, 1955, inviting Bi water line along Ball Road from a Avenue to approximately 4,108 fee 1339, the City Clerk was instruct man Van Wagoner, seconded by Coun J. E. Young Pipe Line Contractors, 931 East IDscrans Avenue, Los (Acco~nied by a Bid Bond Peerless Co,-rete Pipe COllpany P. O. lox 384, Santa Ana (AccomJllnied by a Bid Bond C. M. S. COBstruction Company P. O. Box 653, Cypress (Accom.-nied by a Bid Bond Bosko Engineering Company 5684 Via Corona, Los Angeles 22 (Acco~i8d by a Bid Bond Graven and Company 8736 Palm Avenue, Bellflower (Accompanied by a Bid Bond WID. DeMotte Eng. Contractors 8304 Center Street, Paramount (Accom__nied by a Bid Bond s. and E. Pipe Line Construction <t. $1.65 $ 5,709.00 P. o. Box 831, 13736 E. Mulberr lDrive, Whittier (Aceompenied by ,a Bid Bond i:lthe aIflount of 10 per cent) Said Bids were referred .~ Mr. George Oelkers, Superintendent of Llcght, Power and water for tabulation an lreport, on motion by Councilman Wisser, seGonded by CounCilman Schutte. TION CARRIED. Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. resolution duly passed and adopted. LI Pursuant ice duly published in the Anaheim Bulletin ~roposalson the construction of an 18" 1 oximately 2,300 feet west of Placentia west of P~acentia Avenue, Work Order No. to open aid Proposals on motion by Council- 'lman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. 0/ Unit Price $2.14 10 per cent) $1.62 amount of 10 per cent) $3.27 lthe amount of 10 per cent) $2.12 10 per cent) $1.92 10 per cent) $2.15 the amount of 10 per cent) $2 . 37 amount of 10 per cent) $ 7,404.40 :$ 5,605.20 ~! ! L $11,314.20 $ 7,335.20 $ 6,643.20 $ 7,439.00 o. 1072 'i t .~ i , ..:jfj1< 1955 - 7:00 P.M. After tab Oelkers, reported t recommended the acc ation, th~ Superintendent of Light, Power and Water, Mr. PeerlessiConcrete Pipe Company to be low bi-cIder, and ~ance of said bid. RESOLUTION NO. 2B21: for its passage and Schutte offered Resolution No. 2821 and moved Ref er ijook, page A RESOLUTION OF THE , PROPOSAL AND FURNISHING OF ALL P UTILITIES AND IRAN ALL WORK NECESSARY CONSTRUCTION OF AN WEST OF PLACENTIA A WORK CRDER NO. 1339. TY COU~~L OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AOCEPTltl:i A SEALED TO THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FCI1 THE , LABOR" SERVICES, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL TATION IlfCLUDIOO POWER, FUEL, AND WATER, AN) PERFCRMING CONSlRUCl AND COMPLETE THE FOLLClVING PUBLIC IAI'ROVEMENT: , WATER L~NE ALONG BALL ROAD FROM APPROXIMATELY 2.300 FEET E TO M> .ROXlMA TEL Y 4,108 FEET WEST OF PLACENTIA AVENUE , (PEERLESS COl'CRETE PIPE COMPANY). On roll c by the following the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted AYES * NOES: ABSENT : Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. None. The Mayor foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. ..., t .~"'" PUBLIC HEARING: V, NO. :)621 Sul:ni tted by Manley-Kuhns Corporation re- questing permission ;0 construct a commercial center development on property consisting of appro . ately 40 acres and bounded by Wes,t Street, Katella Avenue, Walnut Street, and e half way to Cerritos Avenue. Council if anyone in the audience wished to address the denied lianning COnlnission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 184, ,No. 362 after determining the following facts: 1. Thep 2. Plans aver 3. It is is de 4. It is the a possi 5. Until use s erty consists of 40 acres. nd artist renderings were presented showing large sho9ping center. the opinion of the Commission that the area , itely destined to become commercial. 'elt that further study should be made of ,a to determine whether this is the best ~e use for the area. this is determined, it is felt no specific uld be granted to the property owners. n _"'W A gentlem the audience, representing the Manley-Kuhns Corpora- tion, submitted ren ~rings and plans of the proposed shopping area together with a letter dated June 22, 1~5, setting forth the intentions of the developer and furth~r express 09 that interest has been shown from the followiog firms: J. J. Newberry, Savn Drug, Thtifty Drug, Panorama Markets, J. C. Penney Co., and Bullocks. matter. s, Archite$t on the project, addressed the Council on the Those ~ssing the Council in opposition to the granting of said variance were: iMoore who stated he felt there should be.. some type of a buffer strip to pro _ct the peQple who want their homes there; Mr. Brown re- quested a parkway b developed for the protection of children; Mr. Miller felt that inasm~Gh,as mo t o{:the traffic will be coming off Katella that the area for the~,Shopping c. tel' should be there and not at the present proposed lo- cation. 1073 Gi The archi teet on the proj I t sta'tedrthat :regardln!J 'the ,ingresses and egreste-s, they could be cut db to one hom.the propGsed three. ":' '". ,I' . Mr. Pearson entrance and exit on the~e should be at least one . , Councilman Schutte felt t , t there should be proper landscaping on the west side and stated that this was a large enough area. a Th8t'e being the hearing ~losed. RESOWTIQN If. 2822: Councilman ject to thelPproval ef the City further subJtct to the establishm Walnut Street and openings, the 1 and further approved on the basis offered ResGlution No. 2822 and m usslon on the matter, the Mayor declared utte mov~ to approve said variance s~ Ineer and Administrative Officer and of a prqper landscaping area along scaping ~o be not less than 40 feet, the plans as subMitted and thereupon fer its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUOCIL NO. 362. .THE CITY OF ANAHEIM 5llANTING VARIMCE On roll call the by the follcadng vote: resolutiC)n was duly passed and adopted AYSa NO.: _NIl FrYf Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagener. CQUJCILMEN: COUJ<<:ILMEN: COtJtCILMEN: The Mayor declared the f resolution duly passed and adopted. ~ j PUBLIC HEARItJG: ,VARIAlCE NO. 364 : SulDi tted by the Ass~l'y of God Cftu:r~h requesting permission to erect a urch at the northwest corner of North East Street and I1lhelmina Street. The Mayor asked if anyon fwished to address the Council on the matter. Reverend Wayne R. Davids n presente4 charts shewing the number of churches located in the northeast ~rea and called attention to the fact that of the six churches in the northe .t portion of Anaheim, five are located within a five-block radius. Reve .nd Davids.nalso presented':a chart showing the flow of traffic through majo~ ~treets to the area proposed for the church si tee Those addressing Dr. Rock who felt the church would bring additional traffic; Mr. Hal'aker who felt the granting of the varian~ would establish a precedent and a opening for the other unimproved lots in the area; Mr. C_ee favored the estab lshment of the church on this location and stated that the traffic would be 'creased whether or not a church goes .in there; Mr. Gill, speaking for Mr. Gruber lprotested the establishment of a church in this location; Mr. Doyle request 'his name be withdrawn from the petition pro- testing the granting of the varia 4e and favored the establishment of a church at this location; Mr. R. G. Mark tom the district of the Assembly of God' Churches assured the Council of t . financial responsibility of the churches and that sheuld the variance be g tnted, the church would be completed; Mr. Cluna called attention to the haz idous conditions created by motorists. o There being no further d $cussion, the Mayor declared the hearing e1os. ed and ftoti fied thOSe -present. t. hat prior.,. to the decision of the ,Coone!l, they would be notified by way of ,~e newspapers. ' .Councilman Van Wagoner m ted that the matter be held over for 'further investigation. Councilman Wisser $econded themotien. lOTION CARRIED. 1074 195:> - 7: P . M. PUBLIC HEARING: V ,ANCE NO.6: Submi tted by Urbin N. Hartman, owner and Delmar Pebley, auth :rlized agen1, requesting permission to construct an ethical professional buildi to acco~odate one M.D. and one D.D.S. on prope~ty de- scribed as 600 Sout Palm Stre.t. n ,I I I , J granted 1. 2. mi tted to granting ]anning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 179, to the following conditions: elopment ~f the property in accordance e precise plans which are a part of this off-street parking in the rear signed by approximately 36 persons was sub- as a result Public Hearing was ordered held. a petition signed by 24 persons approving the matter. The Mayor asked if a$yone wished to address the Council on the Mr. Peble addressed the Council and presented plans and a picture of the building. Those add essing the Council in opposition to the granting of the variance were: MrsBoysen, Mr. Earl Vipond, and two other unid.ntified gentlemen. Dr. Cummi gs, Dentist, addressed the Council with reference to the establishment of hi dentist office at this location. Mayor Pea son stated that the Council wanted to make a plot of the entire area and che ~ the name$ of both petitions for and against the variance, and thereupon he de lared the fuearing closed with action to be taken by the Council at a later ate. PUBLIC HEARING: NI STREET ION: Pursuant to Resolution No. 2755 duly published in t e Anaheim lBulletin and Cypress Enterprise May 20 and 27, 1955, Public Hearin was order~d held on the proposed Ninth Street Annexation. Affidavit qf the City Clerk of the mailing of written notices to property owners wit in the proposed annexation was submitted and read. The Mayor City Clerk stated t if any written protests had been received, and the written protests had been received in her office. The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the Council on the matter; there being no one, he declared the hearing closed. ORDINANCE NO. 999: Councilman Schutte offered Ordinance No. 999 and moved for its passage and adoption. Said ordinance was read in public for the ,first time. n j I AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ~IM APPROVlr.x3 THE ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF A.~AHEIM OF THE TERR TORY KNOWN' AND DESIGNATED AS NINTHSlREET ANNEXATION. The readi 9 of the proposed boundaries of said Ninth Street Annexa- tion was waived on Qtion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Schutte and unanimously car led. Said area was outlined on the map by the A~nis- trative Officer, Ke th A. Murdoch. 1075 PUBLIC HEARIltIG: PLACENTI SOUTH 2754 duly p~lished in the An.hei "and 27, 1955, Publ i c Hearing was tion of uninhabited territory des Pursuant to Resolution No. ulletin and Cypress Enterpfise May 20 ered to be held on the proposed annex.- ated as ~lacentia-South Annexation. Affiaavit of the City Cl persons owniftg property within sa read. of the mailing of written notices to all proposed annexation was submitted and o The Mayor asked if any ~ City Clerk stated that no written en prote~ts had been received, and the otests had been received in her office. The 'Mayor asked if anyone there being no one, he declared t shed. to 4ddress the Council on the matter; hearing ~losed. ! Wagoner offered Ordinance No. 1000 for sage and adoption. .(JIDINAtCh ~ lQOO 1 Counci lman Vr 'cfirst readinlg and moved for its P AN CRDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHE ANAHEIM OF 1HE TERRITCltY KNOWN APPROVING THE ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF !SIGNATE$ AS PLACENTIA-SOUTII ANNEXATION. Aft~ hearing read in tul knowledge of the contents therein the map by tile City Administrativ reading in full of said ordinance motion. Motion unanimously carri j I lthe title of Ordinance No. 1000 and having 'the propo$ed boundaries being outlined on ~fficer, Councilman Van Wagoner moved the "e waived. Councilman Wisser seconded the PLACENTI....~ ANNEXATION,; Pe~ t 'n requesting annexation of inhabited territory kdDwn and designated as ,he Placentia-Ball Annexation was submitted and read. I The following certificate trelating to the sufficiency of the pet1~on for the ann8kation were submitted ~nd read in full: o "CEliIFICATE RELATING TO . ANJEXATION OF INHABITED STATE OF CALIFCRNIA ) ) SSe COUNTY OF CllANGE ) FFICIEOCY OF PETI nON FCR THE ITCRY TQ> THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, CIty Clerk of tne Ci ty of Anaheim, do hereby certify that upon receiving in my .4ffice a pttition requesting the annexation to the CitY:Df Anaheim of certain territory known and designated as PLACENTIA- BALL ANNEXATION, I have checked s~d petition and have examined the County registration of voters to ascertart the total number of qualified electors residing within the territory des~ibed in said petition, and that I have in- spected said territory, and I fur ._er certify that from such examination and such inspection I find that the tial number of qualified electors residing in said territory is 32 electors .d I find that said petition is signed by 22 persons and that 18 of the per~ns whose names are signed to said petition. are qualifi.d electors residing wthin the territory described in said pe- tition, as shown by the County re tstration of voters of Orange County, California, and I further certify that said las~entioned number of quallf;1IQ electors constitutes not less tha one-fourth of the qualified electors re- siding within the territory proPQ td to be annexed, as shown by such Count~ registration of voters. . I further certify that sa4 territory described in said petition is contiguous to the City of AnaheilJl 4nd does not form a part of any other in- corporated 01 ty. DATED: This 28th day of .ne, 1955. n Isl Dene M. Williams CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM (SEAL) tt 1076 ~.... " ;June 28 '.,1955'- 71 ' R. M. Cit lE RELATING TO SUFFICIENCY OPPETITION ~fm THE' N OF INHABITED TERRITORY TOi.mE;'GITY;OF'~ANAliEIM. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) SSe COUNTY OF ORANGE ) I, B. J. ~ITHt County Clerk of the County of Orange, do hereby certify that I am t . county officer having charge of the registration of voters in the Count 'of Orangeiand I do hereby further certify that I have examined or caused Q be exami~ed the petition received by the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim for the an~exation of certain territory to said City of Anaheim known and d signated a$ PLACENTIA-BALL ANNEXATION, to ascertain the total number of qua ified electors residing within the territory described in said petition, a shown by the County registration of voters, and to determine the numbe of qualified electors whose names are signed to said peti tion. I further 4ertify th~t from said examination it appears that the total number of qua tfied electors residing within the territory described in said petition is 32 electors and that the total number of qualified electors whose names are sig ed to said petition is 18 electors, and that said number represents one-four l or more ~f the qualified electors residing within said territory. DATED: RESOLUTION NO. 282 Councilm~n Fry offered Resolution No. 2823 and moved for its passage and adoption. A RESOLUTION OF THE ~ITY COUNq!:L OF THE CITY OF AtfJU-tEIM OiQJ;AiING ITS INlENTIOH TO CALL A SPECIAL E TION TO SuBMIT TO THE ~JALIFIED" ELECTatS RESIDltG IN THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIB TffiRITCR'Y THE QUESTION OF ANNEXATION OF SAID TERRITCRY TO THE CITY OF AN lM. (PLA~NTIA-BALL ANNEXATION. PUBLIC HEARlt<<J TO BE HElD JULY 19 1955 TENT rIVE DATE OF ELECTION. AUClJST 26. 1955). n ,..,i r1 ! l! I 1 i.J (SEAL) Refer /s/ B. J. Smith COUNTY CLERK OF THE COUNTY OF CRAOOE tt page by the AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foriegoing resolution was duly passed and adopted COUNCILMEN: COUNCI LME~ I COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte; Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. None. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. BARROWS ANNEXATION: June 20, 1955, rela designa~ed as aarro filed on motion by CARRIED. Peti tion nated as Barrows The City 1955 and found to area according to . Report or the Orange County Boundary Commission, dated ve to the proposed annexation of uninhabited territory Annexa~ion was submit.~ed, read, and ordered received and puncilman Schutte, seconded. by Councilman Fry. MOTION questing annexation of said uninhabited territory desig- exation was submitted and read. lerk stated that said petition had been checked June 28, signed by the owners of 100 per cent of the proposed e last equ~lized County assessment roll. 1077 Ci '195~ - 7JOO P..M.: RESOLUTION ~. 2824i Councilman V p Wagonerbffered Resolution NO. 2824 and moved for i te passage and adoption i Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL 0 QF A PETITIQI FOR THE ANNEXATION 0 OF ANAHEIM,I)E.SIGNATIl'X3 THE TERRI THE BOUtOARIIS Of THE TERRITCI{Y Pl\ THE DAY, HOUl, AND P LACE WHERE AND SUCH TERRITC8Y 50 PROPOSED TO BE AND SHOW CAUSE WHY SUCH TERRITCIlY PUBLIC HE NG TO BE LD U T , THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACKNOIILEIX;ING RECElfT CERTAIN UNINHABITED TffiRITORY TO THE CITY Y AS THE :rsARRO~. ANNEXATION, DESCRIBING OSED TO ~ ANNEXED, AND GIVING NOTICE OF EN ANY PIERSON OWNING REAL PROPERTY WITHIN HXED MAY APPEAR BEFCltE lHE CITY COUtCIL.. OULD NOTaE ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. 55 . On roll call the followi", votel resolution was duly pas$ed and adopted by AYBS: NO.1 AB8NT : coote I LMEN : COUtCILMEN : COUICILMEN: Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. The Mayor declared the f re~lutlon duly passed and adopted. TENTATIVE M". TRACT NO. 2740: S ivider R.lph H. Winkler. Located on the east side of Dale Avenue 415 feet ; uth of Crescent Avenue. The City Planning Commis n voted to approve said tentative map subject to the following conditio 1. The payment of $25.~er lot far the acquisi tion of Park and Recreation sites. 2. Engineering requirelni s. 3. The completion of a ation proceedings. This map came before the meeting and held over for the pre presented nor anyone ,resent repr di sapproved wi tftout prejudice on . Councilman sthutte. MOTION CARRl uncil fo~ approval at the June 14, 1955 tation of plans. There being no plans nting th~s tract, the tentative map was icn by Cduncilman Wisser, seconded by TENTATIVE MIl. TRACT 10. 262~: north side of Lincoln Avenue 660 ivider G.rald Benjamin. Located on the t west of Brookhurst Street. Thl~ map came before the mutual consent for further study uncil May 10, 1955 and was held over by i a servi eft road. TeAtatl~e Mar> of Tract N '..2625 was approved by the City Planning Commission SUbject to the follow! conditions: 1. Completion of annexa :2. . Payment tJf $25.00 pe and Recreation sites 3. Increasing the width 4. En91n..ring requirem ion proceecJings. flot for th.e acquisition of Park ttAtt Street to 45 feet. Salll tentative map was a by the City Council subject to conditions as outlined by the Cit ~lannin9 Gommission and further subject to the establishment of a service ~oad and a connecting road near the north end of the property, runnin least and west. FINAL MAP. '@ACT NO. 2414: and Orange Avenue. The Ci ty Engineer, Georg fEe Holyok" reported that all bonds were posted and necessary fees collect and recommended the approval and accept- ance of said final map. at the n~rthwest corner of Gilbert Street Final Map of Tract No. 2 ~4 was approved by the City Council subject to engineeri1ng requirements onmo ' on by Councilman Fry, seconded by Council- man Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. o [] ...; o 1078 Cit Hall Anaheim alifornia FINAL MAP lRAGT NO 2537: Ar~a bounded by Nutwood Street, Ball Road, Brookhurst Street, md Orange Avenue. ..... I I i The City ngineer, G~orge E. Holyoke, reported that all bonds were posted and necessar fees coll~cted and recommended the approval and accept- ance of said final ape Final Map ~f Tract N~. 2537 was approved by the City Council sub- ject to engineering ~equiremen~s on motion by Councilman Fry, seconded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CAlRIED. PERSONNEL: Chief 0 Police, ~rk A. Stephenson, appointed Harold G. Thornton, Deputy Ci ty Patrolm n for the ct;~ ty of Anaheim. On recomm qdation of the City Administrative Officer, Keith A. Murdoch, said appoi tment was tatified by the City Council on motion by Councilman Van Wago .r, second~d by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. PLUMBER BOND: Plum Etr Bond for Plumbing Contractors, Inc. was submitted and ordered received an filed whem approved by the City Attorney on motion by Councilman Wisser, econded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 2825 Councilmin Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2825 and moved for its passa e and adoption. Refer to ~solution ~ook, page ,...., I' I A RESOLUTION OF THE :ITY COUNClL OF THE CITY qF ANAHEIM PROHIBITING ANY AND ALL ING OF VEHI 'E UPON at ALONG ANY PCRttON OF HARBOO BOULEVARD LYING WITHIN THE CITY LIMS, BETWEE$ THE SANTA ANA FREEWAY AND KATELLA AVENUE, AND ALONG ANY PeRTI N OF SOUTH WEST SmEET LYING WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS, BETWEEN BALL ROAD A KATELLA AVENUE; AND REQUIRING THE POSTING OF SIGNS THEREON BY THE CHIE OF POLICE. On roll c 11 the for$going resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vo 1 page AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. None. The Mayor eclared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOWTION NO. 2826: moved for its passa Councilmct.n Schutte offered Resolution No. 2826 and and adoption. Refer to ITY COUOC~L OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ESTABLISHI~ THE , PUIlSUANT TO ARTICLE III, CHAPTCR 3, OF THE ANAHEIM IXING THE TIME FeR THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE CPERATION OF ,IDE NORlli LOS ANGELES SlREET BETWEEN CHAR1RES AND CYPRESS On roll c by the following 1 the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Pearson, fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. None. The Mayor clared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. 1079 Ci ahelm Cali P.M. RESOLUTION M). 2827: Counci Iman fqr its passage and adoption. offeredlResolution No. 2827 and movf!d Refer to Resolution Book, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTlt<<i A DEED QUITCLAIMING TO THE CITY OF ANAHE;r CERTAIN aEAL PROPfRTY FCJi SlREET IM- PROVEMENT PlaPOSES.. THE IfiOADWAl ANTA ANA iCOIFANY AND C. FRED SMITH). o AYES: NOBS: ABSENT I n On roll call the foregoi by the follawing vote: and adopted COUl'CILMEN: COUOCILMEN: COUtCILMEN: Fry" Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. The Mayor declared the f resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION ~. 2828: Councilman ~ser offened Resolution No. 2828 and moved for its pas.age. and adoption ! Refer to Resolution Book, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL DEED CONVEYIIIG TO THE CITY OF AN FOR ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPO 1 THE CITY ~OF ANAHEIM ACX;EPTING A mANT ~M CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT (MARY:,LOU TALBOT MILLfR). On ~oll call the foregoi by the foll~lng vote: resolution was duly passed and adopted AYES: NO.: ABSENT: COUt<<::ILMEN: COUtCI LMEN: COUOCI LMEN : son, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wa9oner. The Mayor declared the fo going resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION ~. 2829: Councilman for its pes.ge and adoption. offered Resolution No. 2829 and moved Refer to Resolution Book, A.. RESOWTION. OF THE CITY COUOCIL J THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACXEPTING A CJiI&NT DEED CONVEYIJfG TO THE CITY OF AN 1M CERTAIN REAL PRCPERTY FCJl AN EASEMENT FCR ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPO. (RECTCft L. COONS). AYE$: NOS: ABSENT : On roll call the foregoin resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: COUlCILMEN: P ,",son, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van ..goner. COUNCILMEN: No~. COUNCI LMEN: No.~. The Mayor declared the fo egoing resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NQ. 2830: Councilman W ~ser offered Resolution No. 2830 and moved for its passage and adoption. o Refer to Resolutlon Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL 0 i THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCiPTING A GiANT DEED CONVEYIIG TO THE CITY OF AN iM CERTAIN REAL PROPSlTY Fat AN EASEMENT FOR ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPO$ . (DEPARlrMENT OF VETSiANS I TIlE STATE OF CALIFCJlNIA AND RAY Y. ALLONEE. the n I t ,.,,1 AYES: NOES: ABSENT : The REPORTS a The folIo License Report for Report for May, 195 . The above Councilman Wisser, 1RANSFER OF RJNDS: balances as of June Parking Meter, Recr exact amounts of th June 30, 1955, and transfer as soon as Said requ Van Wagoner, second REPCRT OF CHIEF OF section of Palm at a boulevard stop on ~ l [ be placed 1080 1955 - 7;00 P.M. 1 the for~going resolution was duly passed and adopted by Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. No n e . None. foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. 9 report~ were submitted and read: Business and Dog e, 1955;J.0.S. Expenses for May, 1955; and J.O.S. Flow we~e ordered received and filed on motion by by iCouncilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. tequest wa~ submitted by the City Auditor to transfer , 1905 f~om the Sanitation, Traffic Safety, In Lieu, ltion, and!Retirement Funds to the General Fund, the balance~ to be determined at the close of business ~ificatiori will be made to the City Treasurer of the ssible after that date. twas graryted by the City Council on motion by Councilman by Counc~lman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. SIGNS: Traffic survey was made at the inter- ta Ana S1reet to determine the feasibility of placing thereby making this intersection a 4-way stop. of Police recommended that a stop sign not location at the present time. CITY FIRE INSURANCE: Fire Ins4rance in the amount of $159,023 covering City property and $15, covering books: and periodicals of the City Library will expire June 30, 195 Cover nate has been issued for 30 days due to a pend- ing change in establ.shing new rates. Said cove man Schutte, second EXTENSION OF TIME: Land Company reques Tracts Nos. 2437 an On motion extension for a peri note was qrdered received and filed on motion by Council- by Counc11man Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. ACTS NOS. 2437 AND 2 60 Richard Barclay of the Hukee an extension of one year on approval of Tentative Maps, 2260. Councilman SChutte, seconded by Councilman Wisser, an of 6 months was granted on said tracts. MOTION CARRIED. CHURCH: The Zion Lutheran Church request&d permission e in Anaheim City Park for Sunday Services between the 8:00 P.M., September 11, 18, and 25, 1955. Said requ t was granted by the City Council subject to the schedul- ing by the Director f Parks and Recreation, on motion by Councilman Fry, seconded by Council n Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. n I I CORRESPONDENCE: Co nication from Mrs. M. J. Atherton,calling attention to the nuisance created by the Music Conservat$ry's Band practice in the garage at the rear of her pert~was submitted. Officer was ordered referred to the City Administrative 1081 camESPO)l)EIt;E: CQJl'Il\unice t~on fr permission to leave the state for by Councilman Van Wagoner, second ; A. G. T~a, Ci~y Treasurer, ~equestin9 ree weeks in July was granted on motiOR by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. CORRESPOrt:>ElCE: Communication fr "No. 2746 denying Variance No. 331 Council decided to reinvestigate Mr. E. P.! Menefee relative to Resolution s submitted and read, and the City s variance request. g CORRESPOJI)E~: Communication f Mrs. Hoyre representing mothers of Placentia Villa T:ractrequestiog Ii ark and ~ecreation si te in their; area was submittel and read. The City Clerk was inst ground ar.a .oon to be developed this locatio". ~ed to advise Mrs. Hoyle that "the play- the Lincoln School site 1s to service Y I quested t'hat, Mrs. May Belle E. Spi Said appc;>ln.ent was ratified by ing requir~tnt$ on motion by Cou Wisser. MOrlON CARRIED. Mr. A. G. T\II\a, City Treasure%',re- eX' be appointed Deputy City Trea.tirer., Council ,:subject to the nece:ssary bon~ , 1m an Van 'iWagoner, seconded by Council_D ORDINANCE NO. 1001 ~ Councilman Wi reading aod .oved for its, paSSjge er offer$:! Ordinance No. 1001 for first. d. a90ptiqn. AN ffiDINAtCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHE[ ANAHEIM A.lJNEtIP AL CODE RELATlOO T OF ANAHEIM All> THEREIN RE(lJLATING. YARD SPACES;~ ADcPTING A MAP SHOW! llIE TERMS usED TH81EIN; PROVIDltIJ PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATI SECTIONS IN CONFLICT THEREWITIi. AMENDING ,ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2, OF THE HE EST ABJt1SHMENT OF ZONES I N TIlE CITY USE OF 1Ul8. HSGHT Of BUILDlHGS AtI),;~ THE OOUNtlARIES OF SAID ZONES; DEF+~t(; ;; ADJUSTNENT, AMENDMENT. AND ENFCRC EME NT I AND R~EAL~l<<J ALL SECTIONS ~ PARTS OF 4- 5- 7 o After hearing read in ful i the title of Ordinance No. 1001 and having knowledge of the contents '. rein. Co\.tJ)cl1man Van Wagoner move.d. the reading in fUll of said ordinance waived. Councilman Schutte seconded the motion. Motion unanimously ca ' ied. Fry, SChutte" Wi~ser, and Van Wagoner. RESOLUTION It). 2830-A& Councilma. an Wagoner offered Resolution No. 283D-A and moved for it~ passage and ado THE CI TV OF ANAHEIM iIWItG. AND DETERMIN- , SSITY REquIRE THE CONSTRUCTION AND CO~ ITI CO~TRUCTION OF AN 18" WATER LINE THE NCJiTHSlLY EXTENSION OF WEST STREET, RSECTION OF BALL ROAD AN) THE SOUTHERLY ucn ON \ OF A 16" WA rER LI IE ALOt<<:; BALL TO LOARAiS T Y 0 IESTER~ ii OJ<<) CRONE It, .,. JUE TO EUCLID NG THE DasIGNS, PLANS, PROFILES, DRAWIf<<iS frION THEREoF; AUTHORIZING THE CONSlRUCTION . ANCE WITH SAID PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, Ere.; TY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE INVITING ON llIEREOF. (ijIDS TO BE OPENED JULY 12, n. I L_ On roll call the the following vote: resolution WqS duly passed and adopted by AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUtCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUIe I LMEN: The Mayor declared the fo egoing resolution duly passed and adopted. On motion by Council~an Schutte, seconded by Councilman Wisser, the subdividers were in 1ructed to!deposit the required fees, and that portion over the amount cha ~ed City c~nsumers to be refunded when and if the terri- tory is annexed to he City. It was considered that the developers had a valid reason for re esting refund, and the City Auditor was authorized to accept the deposit 0 cover that additional charge with the stipulation that the charge for the dditional ~mount be refunded upon completion of the annexa- tion. MOTION CARRI D. Cit ~ j 1 WATER CHARGE, lR C waiver of the exces the Council that th was contemplated to that the Lincoln-Da that reason the ann pated. j 1082 1955 -, 7100 P.M. Mr. Yocky addressed the Council regarding the ive charge., on water for their Tract No. 2451. He advised s area was 'I in the proposed Lincoln-Dale Annexation which be completed in the very near future. Mr. Murdoch stated e Annexati~n had been revised two or three times and for xation of this territory has taken more time than antici- P TITION GILBER 2....ANNEXATION, TRACTS NOS.. 2450 Am ?46a! A petition was submit eel to the ctity Council signed by residents on Webster Street regarding Gi hert Street No.. 2 Annexation and Tracts Nos. 2450 and 2468. Said petitio was read ~n full. Mr. Aless', representing petitioners, addressed the Council, stating they were not oppos to the Gilbert Street No. 2 Annexation, but they did want certain condit'ons consid~red when Tract Maps Nos. 2450 and 2468 were presented. Said peti ~on was referred to the City Engineer on motion by Council- man SChutte, second by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. ~ RESOLUTION NO 2 for its and Refer A RESOLUTION OF THE NO. 2632 ESTABLISHI NECTIONS WITH THE P HAVING BECOME A PAR MARCH, 1938. On roll c by the following AYES: NOES: ABSENT : The Mayor HOUSTON NO. 2 ANNEX tory described ther and ordered referr Wisser, seconded by n {I Fry offered Resolution No. 2831 and moved $ook, page TY COUtC]L OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING RESOWTION THE CHARQES TO BE MADE FCR ANY AND ALL DISPOSAL CON- C S IN AREAS ANNEXED TO OR OTHBiWISE OF THE crlY OF ANAHEIM FROM AND AFTER THE 1ST DAY OF the foragoing resolution was duly passed and adopted Pearson, Fry, SChutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. None. foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. ON: Pet~tion requesting annexation of uninhabited terri- h and designated as Houston No.2 Annexation was submitted to the City Clerk for checking on motion by Councilman ouncilmanFry. MOTION CARRIED. LINCOLN-DALE ANNEXA The report of the Orange County Boundary Conmission, dated June 1, 1950, s submitted and read in full. Mr. Murdoch, City Adminis- trative Officer, sta ed that an effort was made to reach agreement regarding the inclusion of the additional property; however, no agreement could be reached. Mr. Presto Turner, Gity Attorney, advised the Council that they had no authority to add 0 or take 'from the boundaries as set forth in the propon- ents'request for ann ~ation. Request fr *' proponents for the annexation of territory described in said request andesignated. as Lincoln-Dale Annexation was subMitted and ordered referred to . e City Plianning Commission for recommendation Ghmot1on by Councilman Schutt. seconded by Councilman Fry. JDrION CARRIED. t I i ~ ;.,{, 1083 Ci 1955 -, 7:00 P.M. VARIAtCE NO. 37eu Submitted by! in H. Frtedman reques.ting pexmission :~o 'erectdirectlona.l sign ,a,tthe .sou ast cornEtr of Broadway and Euclld Av8l'lllN, 35 feet from the center line of ,~dway and !155 feet from the center line of Euclid Avenue for the period of 0 : year. Th~City Plannin~ Commis ~nt pursu~t to their Resolution No. 18&, granted said variance subj ect to ' fOllowl119 conditions; No .ction was taken by t , c n 1. Signs sh.ll be a lUX 2. Sign S Ilill bepermi t or leas, 3. A permi tJlust be taX 4. The n_e of the ,sign erected. 5. SIgns must be 10 fee any street or highwa 6. At the intersection set b.ck 25 feet. 7. All signs shall have B. ,The ,fee per $ign sha 9. Sign variances shall advertising only tra size oi 10 by 25 feet. fo,~ a ,.~xi.Mt.lm p,eriod of 6 months, , out with the. Building DepartMent. m}Deny muat appear on eNery sign 'back of the right-of~way line of the streets, the signs must be 6-foot. ~ound clear.ance. be :$25_ OQ,. permittEtd for directional signs ! wi thin the Cl ty Limits 0 f Anaheim. ! i Ci ty Counci 1. I VARIAN:E NO.. 376: Sulai tted by M !tin H. Frlledman requesting permission to erect directional signs to be loce at the southeast corner of Brookhurst Street and Sroadway 35 feet from center lllneof Broadway aftd55 feet from the center line o.f Brookhursc '! and the ,ather sign to ,be' loc~'ted appr~l- Mately 400 feet south of the ahov borner on :the east side of Brookhurst Street and 51 feet from the center [ine. ' n 1. 2. size of 10 by 2~ feet. for a ~i~ period of 6 months The City Planning Commis pn, pursuant to their Resolution No. 186, granted said variance subject to ~ followiqg conditionSI . 3. 4. Signs shall be a maxi Signs will be permit or less. I A perMi t JIlUst be tak J out wi th :the Building Depart.tlent. The name of the sign Pmpany must appear on every s1gn erected. Signs must be 10 feet pack of the ri9ht~of-way line of any street or highwa ' At the intersection 0 the streets, the signs must be set back 25 feet. All signs shall have The fee per sign shal Sign varianc,s shall advertising Gnly trac 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. t ; 6-foot gmund clearance. I be $25.00. ~ permitted for directional signs ~ wi thin the City Limits, of Aftaheim. No Ie ti on wa s taken by th + Ci ty Counei 1. VAlIMCE NO.r278: SulDi tted by Mi ~on M. Se1.1 requesting permission to- utilize the westerly portion of t I land lying. on West Roeneya Drive and I also the 350 feet south of the pre ,nt trail~ site for additional trailer s1 tes. ! o The City Planning Comrniss denied said variance. pursuant to their Resolution No. 190, No action was taken by th City Council. iJUICLASSIFICA'JION F\-;>4-55-39: Sub$ ted by Ho..ard A. Cunningham requesting 'C:2 zoning Oft the property describ as the nOrthwest corner of E~clid ' Avenue and Orange Avenue for the e ~ction of a service station. Public Hearing was order it? ~QO 0 'clGck~P .M. on motion by Co man Wisser. 'IVTION CARRIED. to be held on th, matter July 26, IP55, ilman Van WatcUler. seconded by Gounel1- 1084 alifornia ~ubmitted by Arnold Construction Company request- cribed as the northwest corner of Brookhurst Street and fied from R-A to C-l for the erection of a. Neighborhood n Public He ~in9 was ordered to be held on the matter July 26, lQ55, 7;00 o'clock P.M. 0 'motion byiCouncilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION C lED. . I ITE OVER RCPOSED RICHFIELD SERVICE 5 I N L. A. Air- ways, Inc. requests permissio~ to use the roof of the Richfield Service Station to be erect. at DisneYland as a Heliport at the property described as the west side of Ha bor Boulev~rd south of Winston Road. . Communica ion from Disneyland, Inc., dated June 20, 1955, a.vised that a study and su ey was ma4e and as a result it was determined that the Heliport site shoul be 10cate4 from the standpoint of maximum safety to all concerned. These s dies indi(!;ated that the Heliport should be located in the northeast secti due to,tle prevailing winds and clear, unobstructed take-off over the D sneyland p~rking lot - this being the rear portion of the Tomorrowland sectio . The City Lanning Co~ission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 189, granted Special Use ,ermit at the new location which is south of the original location requested, and furthe~ in accordance with the map which is a part of the record. No taken *y the City Council. N OF HARBCR D:IMr. George E. Holyoke, City Engineer, reported the following regar :09 the wi~ening of Harbor Boulevard: He would request 60 feet on the east side and dQ away with the service road. Mr. Turne " City Att4rney, advised that a definite date should be established to meet .th the p.ople in the area in order to reach a final conclusion on the m ter. WASTE WATER DISPOS Councilman Schutte, Disposal Company t of said waste water immediately or noti COWANY: On motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by e City A1torney was requested to notify the Waste Water if the agreement with the City of Anahelmfor disposal s to be entered into, that they execute the agreement the City to the contrary. MOTION CARRIED. BALL ROAD ANNEXATIO 0 2: Communication of the City Engineer, George E. Holyoke, and City Cl k, Dene M. Williams, dated May 25, 1955 to the Orange County Boundary Co 'ssion, calling attention to an error in the description of the boundary of 11 Road A~nexation No.2, was submitted and read. n I J Book, page A reply f advising the error i made and verified, as to certainty and A. K. Koch, County Surveyor and Road Commissioner, the description was checked as suggested and correction further finding the map and description satisfactory ~finitene9s, was submitted and read. RESOWTION NO. 2832: for its passage and Councilman Wisser offered Resolution No. 2832 and moved option. Refer A RESOWTION OF THE ;rTY COUOCliL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CONSENTING TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF PR EDINGS FOA THE ANNEXATION OF INHABITED TBmITCRY TO THE ~ CITY OF ANAHEIM, UPO CORRECTEDiBOONDARY DESCRIPTION. (BALL ROAD ANNEXATION NO. ~). ' by the the' fbi-agoing resolution was duly passed and adopted 1085 l? M. AYiS: NO.: ABSINT : COUK:ILMEN: COUrcI LMEN : COUN:I LMEN : Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. The Mayor declared the resolution duly passed and adopted. Co~cilman Van Wagoner mp ~ to adjourn to Friday, July 1, 1955, 10:00 o'clock A.M. Councilman Wis ~r secondEki the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ~ ADJeURNED. SIQlED. A.M. The City Council in Adjourned Regular Session. PRESENT: COUN;ILMEN: ABSENT: canC:U..M~: Van Wag CITY ATTCJl NEr , PRESTON TURNER: P CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER, KEI 5chu~te, and Wisser. Present. SPECIAL USEERMlT: HOSPITAL ME AL OFFIC PHARMACY HCR' T CORNER "LA PALMA. ANQ:I<<aTH WEST S11lEET: d for Penfosence, signeclby the McDo~.id Bros., principal, and St. Paul-Me ry Indem~ ty Cmpany, surety, in the s. of $75,000, for and on behalf o.f D Louis H. Kolker and/or a corporation 1.0 be fonned and known as Anaheim Mrial Hospi:tal, Inc., pursuant to condi tfons as outlined in Resolution No. 271 I was submitted and r~acl. o COuPcilman Wisser moved of the permit now be authorized. MOTION CARRIJD. explained that the bond was for the gu.rantee of the hOispi tal wi thin 6 months from April t the construction was 9Ging to bepe~ ieved that the bond was now in proper,form Mr. Turner, City Attorney of commencement of the constructio 12, 1955. He further understood formed by the McDonald Bros. and for acceptance. t the bond be accepted and that the issuance buncilman Schutte seconded the motion. CANCELLATION OF TAXES: Cancellatl ~ of City taxes on property formerly assessed to Roy C. Cotliss and Walter H. L ttert Co., ,purchased by the State of California for highway purposes, was authoriz . on motion by Councilman Fry, setonded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIE SOUTH ANNiEI' ANNEXAT~ON: The re tt of the Orange County BoundaJ"Y COJlllli$,filon, dated June 21, 1955, was suanitted Jind read as follows: "On motion by Commissiona \ Eckel, dUlly seconded and carried. the letter and peti tion for the proposed anne ,tion of tierri tory to the Ci ty of Anahe!. (South Anaheim Annexation) presen ' to the BOundary COllllllssion on June 20, 1955, was disapproved as the descr ption ~as not definite and cer~ain as it cuts property and ignores property lines and streets." Diseussion of this matter 'ollow~ ard inasmuch as this wa~ not con- sidered a report on the definitene ~ and certainty of the proposed boundaries, Councilman Schutte moved that the ~ty obtain a title report to determine if the boundaries are definite 'and ce ~ain. Councilman Fry seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Upon .receipt. of F ~ti tle report, the Orange County Boundary Commission is to be advised accord ~gly. , o