1955/07/12 1088 Quncil of theCi ty ~o,f 'Anaheim met'in Regular Session. PRESENT; Pearson, ,Fry, Schutte, and Van Wagoner. ABSENT: COONe I AN: Wisser. CITY ATTORNEY, PRES N TURNER; Present. CITY ADMINIS1RATIVE FFICER, KEITH A. MURDOCH: Present. r ~""F""'" MINUTES: The Minut $ of the Regular Meeting held June 26, 1955 and the Adjourned Regular M ~ting held July 1, 1955, 10:00 o'clock A.M. were approved on motion by Counci 'an Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. page Councilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2837 and ~ and adoption. Refer to A RESOLUTION OF THE ITY CoutCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AND DIRECTING THE PAYMENT OF DEMAS AGAINST THE CITY AS OF JULY 12, 1955. ($243,634.96). 00 roll Q ~l the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: OUNCILMEN: ,oure I LMEN: OUNCI LMAN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, and Van Wagoner. None. Wisser. The Mayoreclared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. i j PUBLIC HEARl NG: the City Council and notice given fa struction of sanita (Sanitary Assessmen tion No. 2489, adop City Clerk also inf and publications of and that no written to the date set for TARY ASSESSMENT DIS1RICT 1 1: The City Clerk advised this was the time and place fixed pursuant to statute the hearing in the matter of the assessment for the con- y sewers in Narda Street and other streets and alley jDistrict 1954-1) as contemplated by Resolution of Inten- ~ by the City Council on the 27th day of July, 1954. The ~ed the City Council that affidavits of mailing, posting the notice of filing assessment were on file in her office appeals or objections had been filed in her office prior the hearing. The Mayor ~sked if there were any interested persons desiring to be heard in the above .ntioned matter. There was no response from the audience. After a f ~r and impartial hearing having been offered to all per- sons desiring to be ~eard in the matter and there being no appeals or objections presented, the City Gouncil was satisfied with the correctness of the assess- ment and diagram, a q it was moved by Councilman Schutte that the assessment and diagram be appr ved and confirmed which motion was seconded by Councilman Van Wagoner and car ted upon the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: douoc I LMEN : aOUNGI LMAN: Pearson, Fry, SChutte, and Van Wagoner. None. Wisser. MOTION C lED. BID PROPOSALS: WOO :ORDER NO. 1336: Pursuant to Resolution No. 2830-A and Legal No~lce duly p ,llshed 1n the Anaheim nulletln June 30 and July 7, 1955, the City Clerk was qstructed to open Bid Proposals for the construction of an 18" water line f 4m the intersection of Ball Road and the northerly exten- sion of West Street !westerly along Ball Road to the extension of Ball Road and the southerly e 1ension of West Street; and construction ofa 16" water line along Ball Roa from said last mentioned point to Loara Street, thence northerly along Loa ~ Street to Crone Avenue, thence westerly along Crone Avenue to Euclid Av riue, Work Order No. 1336, on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded bCouncilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. 1089 1.955 - 7:00 P.M. S RECEIVEl> S E Pipeline Construction Company .f Nevada 13736 Mulberry Drive, Whittier . $14,670.59 Graven and Company 8736 Palm Avenue, Bellflower $13,553.54 J Bosko Engine.ring Company' $14,223.77 5684 Via Corona, Los Angeles Peerless Concrete Pipe Corporation $11,617.32 P.O. Box 384, Santa. Ana WID. DeMotte Engineering Contractor $14,447.18 8304 Center Street, Paramount ,1;,. M. S. Conetruction Company $19,064.32 8541 La Salle Street, Cypress A. H. Famularo $13,106.72 P. O. Box 239, Santa Ana J. E. Yowag Pipeline Contractors, No Bid 931 East Roscrans, Los Angeles (All Bid Proposals were accomp .ied by Bid Bonds in the amount of 10%) Said Bids were referred .~ the Superintendent of Light, Power and Water, Geo!'ge Oelkers,. for tabulat4n and report, on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councl1ma 'Fry. MOTION CARRIED. After tabulation, Mr. O.~ers reported the Peerless Concrete Pipe Company to be low bidder and reco+nded ~he acceptance of said bid. ' RESOLUTION;NQ. 2838. Councilman V . Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2838 and moved for its passage and adoption' 1 Refer to Resolution Book page A RESOLUTION QF THE CITY COUNCIL 0 ,THE CITy'OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED PROPOSAL AND ,,:AWARDI NG A CONTRACT T ! THE LOWESt RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FCE ruE RJRNISHING OF ALL PLANT, LABOR, S VICES, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL UTILITIES Ar-Q mANSPORTATION INC;L ~NG POWER, fUEL, 00 WArm, AND PERFORMING ALL WffiK NECESSARY TO CONS1RUCT ICOMPLETE THE FOLL<JNING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT:- CONSIRUCT10N OF AN 18ft WATER LINE OM THE INTERSECTION OF BALL ROAD AND THE NCRTH:&RLY EXTENSION OF WEST S1REET! WESTERLY--AWNCf:e}J::C-ROAD TO THE EXTENSION _9E__~~~~___\:l51ADcA@~~lH~ ~Qtrrni:RL'{-EXT .SION CfF-WEST-STREET"- AND CoNS1RUCTION ~ A 16" WATER LINE ALONG BALL ROAD M SAID ~I~~NTI.Q~D POINf TO LOARA S'IREET. THENCE ~ORTHERLY ALONG _LO SlREET TO CRONE AVENUE. THENCE WESTERLY ALONG CRQNE 4VENUE 1Q_..gJf~~_Q._~YE.~ i_~~ _.~, ~O!._l~~~(PEERLESS CONCRETE PIPE CORPORATION). On-roll call the foregoi 9 resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: n AYES: NOSS: AB$NT : COUNCILMEN: P ~rson, Fry, Schutte, and Van Wagoner. COUNCILMEN: N .,e. COUK;ILMAN: W $ser. .L The Mayor declared resolution duly passed and adopted,. : , 1090 r ~'- California 19!>5 ... 7:00 P M. BID PROPOSALS: ."_~~ duly published in t was instructed to 0 Euclid Avenue to Ma Wagoner, seconded b o. 366: Pursuant to Resolution No. 2812 and Legal Notice Anaheim Bulletin June 28 and July 5, 1955, the City Clerk +n Bid Proposals for the Broadway Street Improvement, from ~olia Avenue, Job No. 366, on motion by Councilman Van Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. BIDS RECEIVED Cox Bros. Construct ~n Company P. O. Drawer tiC," $tanton (A~panied by . Bid Bond in the amount of 10%) $52,662.00 R. J. Noble Company P. O. Box 620, Or ~ge (Accompanied by . Bid Bond in the amount of 10%) $44,820.00 Sully-Miller Contra f'ing Company P. O. Box 432, Or ge (Accompanied by Certified Check in the amount of $6,500.00) $61,812.00 Said Bids .ere referred to the City Engineer, George E. Holyoke, for tabulation and repo t, on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Council- man Schutte. MOTIO [CARRIED. ~ation, the City Engineer reported the R. J. Nobl. Company 'recommended the acceptance of said 'bid. to be Schutte offered Resolution No. 2839 and moved .RESOLUTION NO 283 for its passage and r *' Refer Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE ITY COUICIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING, A SEALED PROPOSAL AND AWARDJ[ A CONTRACT TO THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FeR THE FUR- NISHING OF ALL PLA ~. LABrn, SBiVICES, MA1ERIALS AND-EQUIPMENTANIYALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPCRTATION t-lCLUDING POWER, FUEL, AND WATER, AND PERFORMING ALL WCRI< NECESSARY TO GONSm T AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT: THE BROADWAY SJREET I VEMENT, BR~ EUCL]:.p_ A~g~I;_JQJMGNOLIA AVENUE, .JOB NO. 366. R. J. NOBLE COWA .). On roll c the following vote: the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: ~OUNCILMEN: COUNCILMAN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, and 'Van Wagoner. None. Wisser. The Mayo declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. PUBLIC HEARING: R., _.__~SIFICATION F-54-55-38-A: Submitted by Nicholas J. Dovalis and James Gantes for owners of property lying along the north side of Lincoln Avenue :st of Euclid:Avenue, requesting their pr-operti.. be re- classified from R- 'to C-2. r: 'ii;~ The City !lanning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 183, recommended the ap : val of said reclassification subject to the filing of standard deed rest:ctions as.required by the City of Anaheim which will neces- sitate setting up Architectural Committee. follows. Roach. Those ad William ! " essing the 'Council urging the reclassification were as ." Vuks'anovich, Ted Anderson, G. J. Meddick, and Stella C. The Mayo tasked if anyone else wished to address the Council on the matter; there bein Ino one, he declared the hearing closed. 1091 Ci RESOLUTION NO. 2640. Councilman V moved for it. passage and adoptio~ Refer to Resolution Book :00 P.M. Resolution No. 2840 and A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUOCIL 0 ,THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMIN- ING THAT A CHANGE OF ZONE IS NECE$ iRY IN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY AND THAT ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHE* MUNICIPAL CODE SHOUlD BE AMENDED TO ACCOMPLISH SAID CHANGE OF ZONE. i 54-55-38-A . 1 On roll call the,foregoi . resolution was duly passed and adop~ed by the following vote: AYES. NOIS: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUK;II,.MEN: cOUNCI LMAN: The Mayor declared the f Fry, Schutte, and Van Wagoner. resolution duly pas~ed and adopted. 'I ' PUBLIC HEARIJ<<J: VARIAlCE NO. 374: j Submitted by James W. Clemmer requesting permission to erect a ~unit apar +nt building on property described as 325 West Vermont Street. The City Planning Commis denied said variance. Appeal from action taken with the City Clerk's office. pursuant to their Resolution No. 185, the City Planning Commission was filed The Mayor asked if anyol'l wished to address the Council on the matter. Those addressing the Cou ~il in opposition to the granting of the variance were William Loitz, 331 W $t Vermont and Grover Jones, 320 Hampshire. n Mr. Clemner addressed t~ Council, urging the granting of the variance. The Mayor asked if. anyol'l Jelse wished to address the Council on the matter; there being no one, he dee +red the hearing closed. Action by the Council wa held over for further study and investi- gation. PUBLIC HEARING: EAST SYCAMCRE A ATION: Pursuant to Resolution No. 2815 duly published in the Anaheim Bul in June 28 and July 5, 1955, Public Hearing was ordered held on the proposed a 'exation of the territory designated as East Sycamore Annexation. The area of the proposed Administrative Officer, .Keith A. outlined on the map by the Mr. Howard Neidiger, 75$ jFlacentia Avenue asked how the bO\:1ndarles of a proposed annexation were fol'11l and why areas that did not want annexa- tion were included. The Mayor asked the City !ttorney, Preston Turner, to explain. Mr. Turner advised that ~is was a hearing for protests, and if the owners of a majority of the separa . parcels protest the annexation, no further proceedings may be had. If less t an the majority protest, then the Council proceeds with calling an election +d the qualified electors residing within the area are entitled to vote; ana if a majority of them vote in favor, the territory is annexed. n 1092 Cit 7:00 P.M~ Mr. r asked what was considered a parcel of land. The City of property in one plot. torney advised that a parcel is considered to be a parcel ~nership, and further, it could be a City lot or a lo-acre r As to how Mayor advised it wa who set the boundar had been presented boundaries of the p ~he boundaries of a proposed annexation are formed, the the people in the area being most interested in the matter ,S of the proposed annexation; and further, that a petition, ~ the Council requesting annexation and setting up the ~posed annexatiOA~ The Mayor .sked the Clerk at this time how many signatures appeared on the petition. The Clerk ~eplied that 41 people signed the petition of whom 33 were registered voters i ;the area. he did. if anyone else in the audience wished to address the Mr. Neidi r was invited by the Mayor to examine the petition which The Mayor Council on the matt Mr. L. A. Company submitted an elusion of a parcel parcel contained app received and filed. ~terson, Secretary-Manager of the Anaheim Union Water 1 read a letter dated July 11, 1955, protesting the in- ~ land owned by them within the proposed annexation, which ~ximately 37.36 acres. Said written protest was ordered ........ Mr. Presto bility of excluding under the Annexation there is no provisio annexation proceedin all of the steps tak !Turner, City Attorney, advised the Council on the possi- Ilis area and stated as follows: This is a proceeding $tatute of 1913 and as it stands at the pr&sent time, 1authorizing the Council to exclude territory from an once it has commenced, and it must be carried through in rt that are required by law. Mr~ George Ifhrle addressed the Council, advising that his mother was the owner of 15 acre inorth of the Houston Freeway and also 10 acres south of the Freeway and was ~ry interested in knowing what the zone would be on the north side of the Fr 'ay, and further, that she would like to withdraw the 15-acre parcel from 'e proposed annexation leaving it in the Placentia School District. termined stated that the zoning of the area had notbeen:de- Mr. Murdoch City Administrative Officer, advi'sed that there would be no change as far a school districts were concerned; that the change 1n school district is in tituted by the people in the area themselves and is in no way connected with the annexation. n Mrs. Ehrle ~dressed the Council, stating that she favored M-l zoning on that portion of he property north of the Houston Freeway and felt G8rtaln that if the Anaheim U 10n Water Company withdrew their parcel of land from the proposed territory, t at Mr. Ponteprino and she would also want their acreage withdrawn. The Mayor a ed if Mr. Ponteprino was in the audience; however, he was not present. Mr. Murdoch Iso explained to the audience regarding the boundaries that under the law th ' is no way under which a portion of the annexation can be excluded. The ann tion is either approved as it is presently outlined, or it is defeated. It mu ~ go one way or the other as a whole unit. 1093 Ci The Clerk was questioned 4s to hQW many registered. voters resided within the area, and she advisedl1e audience that there were 55 registered voters in the area, 33 of whom si ~ed the petition requesting the annexation of the area, and further, that th !annexation contained 87 parcels of prope~ty. The Clerk further stated that wri ien protest had been received by owners of one par.cel O.f property and verbal. ..jrotests had been received from Howard Neidiger, o~er of one pa~el, an Mrs. Ehrle, owner of 2 parcels, however, protesting only the inclusion of,e parcel. , - n lJ I t'Was moved by Councilm ~ Schutte that the Council find that the protests to the annexation did nQ !constitute a majorlty of the Owners of separate parcels. Councilman Fry ~econded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. The Mayor asked if anyon lelse wished to address the Council on the matter; the~e being no one, he de ~ared the hearing closed. Refer to Resolution Boo~ offered Resolution No. 2841 and RESOLUTION NO. 2841: Councilman moved for its passage and adoptio ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUlCIL ~ THE GITYGF ANAHEIM cALLI~ A SPECIAL TION ON THE 23RD DAY OF AUGU . 1 5 IN CERTAIN TI:RRITCRY IN THE COUNTY OF ORANGE CONTIGUOUS TO THE CITY ANAHEIM PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED TO SAID CITY OF ANAHEIM PROVIDING FCR THE OIDING OF SUCH ELECTION AND SUBMITTING TO THE ELECTORS RESIDING IN SUCH T !~TCRY THE QUESTION WHETH~ &JCH TStRITCRY. SHALL BE ANNEXED TO, I~ORPCRATED~N, AND MAmE A PART OF SAID CITY OF ANAltEIM, AND THE PRCPERTY IN SUCH TERRITCH ~BE, AFTER SUCH ANNEXATION, SUBJ~T TO TAXA- 'TION EQUALLY WITH PROPERTY WITHIN 'tHE CITY OF ANAHEIM TO PAY ITS PRO RATA PORTION, BASED UPON ASSESSED VALU tION, OF ALL THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID CITY O. F ANAkEIM OUTSTANDING ON TH. 122ND DAY OF JUNE, 1955, OR THERETOFORE AUTHCRIZiD: DESCRIBING SAID Tem {ORY AND DESIGNATING IT BY THE NAME OF "EAST SYC~E ,ANNEXATION"; -ESTAB ..SHING AN ELECTION ,PRa::;INCT AND POLLING PLACE IN SAID TERR I TOOY , APPOINT] THE OFFICERS OF ELECTION FCR SAID SPB:IM.. ELECTION AND PRQVIDING FOR THE PU ~ICATION OF NOTICE OF SUCH ELECTION~ l After hearing read in fu 1 the title of Resolution No. 2841, Council- man Van Wagoner moved that the re qlution be read in brief, giving the Council the pertinent action therein. Cocilman Schutte seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. The Clerk readportlons f the resolution pertaining to the following: The petition was receive by the Council the 22nd day of June, 1955 and on that date Resolutl.on No. 2 ~5 declariRg the intention to call an election and naming the territory East Syc ore Annexation was passed. Resolution No. 2815 called for the holding of a blic Hearing on the 12th day of July, 1955 at the hour of 1:00 o'clock P.M.; 4nd that on said date a PUblic Hearing was held, and the City Council of the ity of Anaheim found that written protests were~ot made by the owners of a ~jority of the separate parcels of property within the territory proposed to e annexed; fuxtber, that the property to De annexed will be assessed to pay i 5 proportionate share based on assessed valuation of all bonded indebtedn ~s of the City of Anaheim outstanding or authorized ~n the 22nd day of Jun , 1955. Th. date of the election as declared to be Tuesday, the 23rd day of August, 1955. Further, the Couna ] established one voting precinct to';be named the East Sycamore Annexatio :Precinct and declared the Wanda L. Stankey residence--Potio, 774l Placentia !e., Orange County, California, to be the polling place; and named Zula B. 'ehl, Inspector of the Electi'on Board, . artd Cecilia R. Morton and Wanda L. St ey, Judges. ~.. Th.. Clerk ',read irr full t , The resolution further instructed calling the election. proposition to be submitted to the electors. e'Cl:erk a.s to the publication of the notice The Mayor4eclared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. c1t th~ AYES: NOES: ABSENT: 1094 ,.P .M. ~l the foregoing 'resolution: waS du6.\y~~f5ed:,and adopted by 4 .' ~ , OUNCILMENa OUNCILMEN: ,0Uf'.CI LMAN: Pearson, Fry, Sch\.rlti'J'1. and Van Wagoner. None. Wisser. NORTH SUNKIST ION CANVASS OF RETURNS OF SPECIAL ELECTION: Mayor Pearson appointed Councilma !Van Wagoner, Inspector, and Councilmen Fry and Schutte, as Judges, for the pur Qse of canvassing the returns of the votes cast at the Special Election h~ q July 7, 1955 for the annexation of territory known and designated as the N~th Sunkist Annexation. The Canva ~ing Board received the semi-official returns of the election and compared them t !the tally lists and found the number of votes reported on the semi-official r 1urns to coincide. ! ~uftCi ISchutte moved to approve the pay roll of the election officers. Councilnt ~ Van Wagoner seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. I ' i ~hen considered the.absentee VQte. A comparison of the ~tification envelope to that of the affidavit of regis- !Register of the East Anaheim No. 1 County Precinct was (all members. The Board signature on the id tration in the Gran made and verified b The Mayor $sked if anyone present wished to challenge the vote. There was no response. r The envel ~e was opened and the ballot was deposi t'ed in the ballot box and then remove iby the Inspector and declared one absentee vote in favor of the annexation. RESOLUTIONNO 2 moved for its passa Refer to j Councilman Van Wagoner offered ' Resolution No. 2842 and and adoption. page RESOLUTION NO. 2842 NOF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAliEIM CORD OF CANVASS OF RETURNS OF SPECIAL ELECTION ED UPON ITS MINUTES. WHEREAS, .e Ci ty Council of the Ci ty of Anaheim has canvassed the returns of a certa! !special annexation election held on the 7th day of July., 1955 in certain uni torporated territory sought to be annexed to said City of Anaheim; and WHfREAS, canvass of returns CANVASS OF RETURNS .id Clty Council has caused a record to be made of the t said election, which record is entitled RECORD OF THE SPECIAL ANNEXATION ELECTION held July 7, 1955.: r \;f>- NOW, THER fORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that said r ~ord of canvass of returns of said election be, and the same is hereby orde ~, entered upon the minutes of $ii>id City Council. THE FORE fNG RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this,12th day of July, ~1955. ATIEST: /s/ Chas. A. Pearson MAYOR OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM s Dene M. Will s CITY CLERK OF THE Y OF ANAHEIM 1095 Ci P.M. On 1'011 call the following vote; duly passed and adopted by AYB5: NOBS: ABSENT: COUN.::;ILMEN: COUOC I LMEN : COUOCI LMAN: Fry, Schutte, and Van Wagoner. fl, \ tJ - The Mayor declared the f resolution duly passed and adopted. RBJORD OF CANVASS OF R I NS OF SPECIAL ANNEXATION ELECTION Ha " JULY 7, 1.955 Th_City Council of the canvass of returns of special an ity of Anaheim hereby makes a record of ation election. Said special annexation 1955 in the manner provided by 1 held on the 7th day of July, That for said election s precinct which is designated as City Council duly established one voting TH SUNKIST ANNEXATION V()TI}fG PRECltCT. That the polling place f such election was established and main- tained at Lonnie Louis Bruns' Ga ge, 8181 $unkist, Orange County, California, which was within the hereinafter escribed unincorporated territory. The description tion known as the NORTH erty proposed. to be included in the ann.xa- EXATION is as follows: A parcel of land, being jportion of Fractional Section 1 and Section 12, Township 4 South, Range 10 W ~t, San Bernardino Base and Meridian and more particularly described as ! ~lows: n Beginning at an angle po as established by the Ward Annex 27 as passed by Ordinance No. 81 Secretary of State on September section of the northerly right-o property line of a parcel descri NW 1/4 of SW 1/4 of Section 12; ,t in the existing Anaheim City Limits tine 1ion to the City of Anaheim, Annexation No. t! on August 12, 1952 and filed with the , 1952, said point also being the inte~ way line of Anahei~Olive Road and the east $d as the easterly 102 feet of the NE 1/4 of fence, 1. Northerly 897 feet, re or less, along said existing Anaheim City Limits Line, and said easte ~y line, said line also being the east line of W 1/2 of W 1/2 of said Sectio 112, to the south property line of a parc~l described as S 1/2 of N 1/2 of S '1/4 of NW 1/4 of said Section 12; thence, 2. Easterly 4.00 feet a ,ng the easterly prolongation of said southerly line and said existing Anaheim C 1jy Limits Line to a point; thence, 3. Northerly 660 feet, ,re or less, along a line parallel to and 4.00 feet easterly of the easter y line of W 1/2 of W 1/2 of said Section 12, and then following along said ex.~ting Anaheim City Limits Line to the easterly prolongation of the northerly Ii .~ of SW 1/4 of NW 1/4 of said Section 12; , thence, 4. Westerly 994 feet, m prolongatiOl1 and said existing easterly line of the E~st Anaheo by Ordinance No. 700 on April 9, on May l3, 1946, said point beio at right angles from the westerl westerly line also being the ceo 'e or less, along said line and its easterly elm City Limits Line to a point on the IAnnexation to the City of Anaheim as passed ]946 and filed with the Secretary of State ilocated 330.00 feet easterly, as,measured line of NW 1/4 of said Section 12, said r line of Placentia Avenue; thence, n 1096 :.00. P.M. .... ! . ".' , 5. fly 1000 fe~t, mQre~,rl~$s,,!alQng\~/!'lq,e;,)parallel toa'nd 330.00 feet easterl [of said we;st~rly line ,of* ,.l/4,:o'f;~'iS~1d....c>,Jj, 12 and on, said easterly line of Ea t Anaheim Ann~xaticm.to,:a':'Polpt, 33Q~QQ~feet s.outhe~ly, as measured at right a $les from the northerly line Qf,NW<~/4of said Section 12, said northerly line *lso being the center line of La Palma Avenue and said point being the mO$ isouthwesterly corner of the Roberts Annexation to the City of Anaheim, Annexat ~n No. 18 as passed by Ordinance No. 761 on August 22, 1950 and filed with the tcretary of State on September 21, 1950; thence, 6. Easte ty 990 feet, more or less, along a line parallel to and 330.00 feet souther from said northerly line of NW 1/4 of Section 12 and on southerly line of $ .d Roberts Annexation to a point in the easterly line of NW 1/4 of NW 1/4 of t. aid Section 'l2 and also being the most southeasterly corner of said Robe s Annexation; thence, 7. North}'lY 330 feet, more or less, along said easterly line of NW 1/4 of NW l/4 of. . ection 12, and easterly line of said Roberts Annexation to a point in the mtherly line of NW 1/4 of said Section 12, thence, 8. Conti ,ing northerly 30 feet, more or less, along east. erly line of SII l/4 of SW l/-I ,f Section 1, T4S, RlOW, SBBM, toa point 30.00 f.et northerly, as meas~ ~ at right angles from southerly line of SW 1/4 of said Section 1, said poi t also being the most northeasterly corner of said Roberts Annexation; thence, 9. East, ~y 1320 feet, more or less, along a line parallel to and 30.00 feetnortherl 10f said southerly line of SW 1/4 of Section 1 to . point in the easterly lin.lof said SW 1/4, said point also being on the cent.r line of Sunkist Street; ~ence, r L 10. Contt ting easterly 20 feet, more or less, along the easterly prolongation of la. .. described line to a point 20.00 feet easterly, as measured at right les from easterly line of said SW 1/4 of Section 1, T4S, RIOl, SBBMj thence~ 11. South !! ly 30 feet, more or less, along a line 20.00 feet easterly of said easterly Ii to the most northerly line of the NE 1/4 of Section 12, T4S, RIOW, SBBM; th ,ce, I 12. Conti ~ing southerly 2640 feet, more or less, alon, a line of 20.00 feet easterly ~f westerly line of N! 1/4 of said Section 12 to a point in southerly line 0 1 said NE 174; thence, 13. Conti ~ing southerly 500 feet, more or less, along a line 20.00 feet easterly of we ~erly line of SE 1/4 of Section 12, T4S, RIO., SIBM to a point 30.00 feet, . Imeasured at right angles, northerly from the center line of said Anaheim-Oli , Road; thence, 14. Weste ~y 1370 feet, more or less, along a line 30.00 feet northerly of the sa ~ center line of Anaheim-Olive Road to the point of begin- ning. That the toposition subnitted to the electors residing within said unincorporated terr tory was: r Shall N City of said NOR annexatio , property pro rata of all bo Anaheim 0 fore aut SUNKIST ANNEXATION be annexed to the ~heim, California, and the property in , SUNKIST ANNEXATION be, after such subject to taxation equally with the thin said City of Anaheim to pay its rtion, based upon assessed valuation, ed indebtedness of said City of standing on June 3, 1955, or thereto- ized? YES NO l097 Ci That said Ci ty Council at at its regular meeting after the expira- tion of three days frOJlt and after ihe date of sattA election to canvass the returns of _idol.etion, and at id regular meeting did mete and complete its canvass of such returns. That from and by its can .ss of such. returns, said City Council finds: 1. That the whole numbEl/of votes cast at such election was ,lO. n 2. That the number of v1es cast at :such election in favor of annexation _6 8. ! 3. That the n~er of v tion was 2. cast at $Uch election against annexa- 4. That the number of b ~lots received as absentee votes.as 1. I 5. That the number of b_lots received as absentee votes in favor of annexation was l. I 6. That the number of b~lots received as absentee votes against annexation... O. (5/ D,ne M. '1111~s CITY CLSItX OF' THE CITY OP ANAHEIM ORDINAJ<<:iE NO. lOO2: Councilman V , Wa,oner pft.red Ordinance No.. lOO2 for first reading and moved for its P $sage and adoption. AN ORDItWCl OF THE CITY OF ~.~ ,.,APPROVING THE ANNE. . urION TO SAID CITY OF ANAHEIM OFOIRTAIN INHABITED TEBRtcay KNOIN AS lUtm SO.IST ANNEXATION. ' After hearing read in fu 1 the title of Ordinance No. 1002 and nav1ng knowledge of the contents therein Councilman Van Wagoner moved the reading in full of laid ordinance be waly . Councilman Fry seconded the motion. Motion unanimously carried. , VARIANCE NO. 378; Submitted by M ~ton M. Sell requesting permission to utilize the westerly portion of ... land lying on West RoatnfYa Drive and also the 35G feet aouthQf the pt .ent trailer al te for additional trail.%" spaces. l The City Planning C011ll\is ~on, pursuant to their Resolution No. 190, denied said ~varlaQce. Appeal from action takem ~y the City Planning COJIIRission was sub- mitted by Mrs. Marie N. Sell for ~lton M. Sell. Public Hearing was ordered to be held tn the Jlt.atter, Au ust ,: 1955, 7:00 o'clock P:M.,on motion by Councilman Ian Wagoner, seconded Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. VARIANCE NO. 379; Submitted by F,nk R. Krogman requesting permission to erect a c~erclal bui.ldlng 110 f tt by 50 feet and lease a.portion of the building for an off-sale liquor & ~re. The City Planning Commie fon, pursuant to their fte.olution No. l" denied said variance. n Appeal from actIon taker). .!y the City Planning COI8\ission ",.s sub- mi tted by Stephen F. Gallagher, A' orney fo~ Mr. 'Frank ft.' KrQgni.:n. Public Hearing was ordered to be held. on. he matter, ~. ust 9, 1.955,7100 0 'clock P.M. on aotion by CouncilMan SChu .e, seconded by Councilman Pry. k>TION CARRIED. ' 1098 Ci REVISED TENTATIVE TRACTS 1 ,2 , , "~/Ut4~e tracts are ':' located between An. ~m-OllveRoa. and, E:ast Lafa~ Av~n\ffri.~'1he ,subdivider is Prudential Homes. I ; j ..,. The Ci ty ~annin9 Commits-,ion ~~thb.~d ,;qp~rt,,~l.'~f .Tract No. 2569 and approved Tracts Nos 12491 and 2492 subject to.'thefoll'owing conditions: 1. The p yment of $25.00 per lot for the acqu$:,9,1tiQnof Park +d Recreation Sites. 2. Engin +ring requirements. " .- ! Action on ~hese tracts was withheld by ~he City Council by mutual con6e~t.~f Mr, Harf }I\Pter, represen"tai1V,.,:Qf the\P:rude.ntl,l.Horon,,1;o.be COll'- tinued to Au ust 'o,n. motion by CouncilmaA Schutte, seconded by Council- man fry. M)TION C lED. i " . - Pet1 tion, 'fom property owners adJ.cent to ,the 3 t;racts was $ubnl tted and read wherein th" requested some arrangement be made for the inlta..1lation of a street whereby. he south portionS"of their properties could be developed. The petition was rerred to the City Engineer's office, aAd the interested persons present wer ! instructed to contaet the-:(ji ty,Enginee:r.. RECLASSIFICATION NO. 1'-54-55-41: VARIAICE VARIANCE NO. 383: ,bni tted by Tidwell and Bernier requesting a waiver of the 70-foot frontage rt ' irement in Traet No. 2757. . The City ,~anning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No.4, granted said variam +. , r l , . ~. .' '.' '.' . On motion ~y CouncilinanPry~ s~oI)ded .by Counctlmln "Se8titte, .~tion taken by the City ~ +nning Commission was set for Review and Public Hearing o:rde:red to be held, ust 9 1955 7 00 o' MOTION CARRIED. RECLASSIFICATION NO the property descri for a depth 0 f 275 of the property to Tract No. 2757). ~ , F-54-55-4: Submi t teet by Tidwel!' andB.roiJar reque.s timg td as lOl4-1028 South Los Angeles Street be reclassified ~et to C-l zoning (Lot 1, Tract No. 2757) and the bal.nct 'e rear be reclassified to R-3 zoning (Lots 2-13 inclusive, _ .. _ : . ~) . j 'J : The City ~anning Commission, pur$uant to their Resolution No. 192., recommended said re ~assification. Public ij~ting was ordered to be held before the Ci,ty:Qouncl1, AuQUst 9, 1955,7: .io'clock I'.M.:ton motion by ,Councilman VanWagoner, seconded by Councilman Schut _. MOTION CARRIED. TENTATIVE TR NO 257: .Subdividers, Tidwell,.and Be:enler.,', Lo~ted at lOl4-l02S South LO$ ngeles Street and runs back to the railroad "1.trlc1c. : \ Action on thiS map ~~ withheld by mutual ~onsent to AUQUlt 9. 1955. 7:00 0 "1~Gk.' P .M~., . which time .the variance and recla$si,f'i~ation 'iJI>ertal-.iAg to this'tract will so be considered. . r TENTATIVE MlP, TR ...7. ~viqer, Ivan Well~ ancdSoos. ,.Located on the south side of 0 nge Avenue 523.70 feet east of Brookhurst.Stxett. The City tanning Commission approved said tentative m,p subject to the following condi ~ons:' I tment 'of $2!),.OO per lot for the acquisition of Park ~d Recreation Sites. 2. Engin ,ring requirements. 1. The City t',uncil approved said tentative map subject to the conditions as outlined by the ty Planning Commission on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by counci 'n Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. l099 P..M. TENTATIVE M4f. mAGT NO. 2570: . .1vider, Dunsmor Construction Company. Located at the northeast corner 0 ;Romneya Drive and Acacia. On motion by Councilman ~n Wagoner, seconded by Counci~an Schutte, the City Council approved said T 1ative Map of Trac~ No. 2510 subject to: 1. The payment of $25. Park and Recreation 2. Engineering requir_ fQr the acquisition of J MOtION CARRIED. TSCTATIVI MI!.. fRACT fI). '2571: 9 vider,Duntmor Construction Company. Located It It. northdst corner 0 ,Romneya Drive and Acacia. On motion by Councilman.n Wagoner. seconded by Councilman Schutt., the City Coecil approved said r.1a'tive Map of Tract No. 2511 subject to: ! l. The payment of $2~. Iper lot for the acqulsi tlon of Park and Recreation ~tes. 2. Engineering requir" ts. 3. That the improvemtmt .f the corner be made at the cost of the owner. ! MonON CARRIED. FINAL MAP. mACT 00. 2J401t LOGa~ at the rear of .11tl1.._ Street between ROI\neya Dri" and La P aJ..a AVeIlu. The Ci ty Engineer, Georg E. Holyoke, reported that all engineering. requirements have been met and t all nec..s~ bonds and fees have been posted aRd ftCommended the accepce of sai4 'Ina1 ..p. PiMl- Map of Tract No. 2 1 wa. appnYedby the Cl ty Council subj'Kt to said engineering requirements motion by Counci~an Fry, seconded by Counci lIMn Schutte. MOTrON CARR! :] PI NAL MAI? mACT ,NO. 2302; and Spadra. at the northwest comer of Romneya Drift The City Engineer, Georg ;E. Holyoke, reported that all engineering >>equirement. hay. be&nIMt and ~ all nec.'ssary boAds and fees have been posted and recoaunended the accept .ce of said liftal map. Filial Map of Tract No. 2 was aPJ*'Oved by th. City Council subject to said.engl.neering requireents ~ lIotion by CouncilJRan Fry, seconded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRt b. FINAL MAP. '!RACT 00 .2.093: Avenue cmd lroakhurst. at the northeast corner of West La PalaUt Tht City Engine~r, Georg! E. Holyoke. rep.orted that al1&1\91n,eering requireaent. have beet lJ\.tand "~ all nec..sary bonds and fees )1.aTeB.. posted and recClllDended the accep . ce of .aid f1nal map. Final :Map of Tr.~t No. ,3 wesapp:r:oved by the City Council iubjeGt. to said en;&nearing requirements ~ motion by Councilman Fry, seconded by . Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARR! 1 L H George E. HGlyoke, City J!ngineer, contractors,. had completed ,.JC.at.ll accordance with plans and specif! said job. CEPT S OF WiST AN 1M 5 ertified. 'that the Zarubica Company, as Karbor In'teNeptor Sewer, Job NO. 1055 in ~tions and rec~ended the acceptance of ' 1100 r .., " 9f>f) ... 7:00' P j Councilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2843 and . and adoption. page A RESOWTION OF THE dITY cOUt{;IL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM fINALLY ~IPTING THE NISHING OF ALL PLANT, LABCR, SERVICES, MATSRIALS AND LITIES ANI> 1RANSP<ETATION It-CLUDING POweR, RJEL, AND WATER, NECESSARY TO CONSmUCT AND COM'LETE THE POLLClfING PUBLIC LLA-HARBCR INTERCEPTCR SEWER OF WE~T ANAHEIM SEWERS, JOB COMPLETION AND THE ECJJIPMENT AND ALL U AND PERFCRMING ALL IMPROVEMENT: THE K ,NO. lO~. On roll c II the foregoing resolution was duly p.ssed and adopted by the following votes AYES: NOES: ABSENT: i..OOM:ILME..N..: Pears en, Fry, Schutte, "and Van Wagoner. OUlCILMEN: None. OOtCILMAN: Wisser. The Mayor feclared the foregoing, resolution .d\li1.,Y. passed and adopt.. RESOLUTION NO. 28441 Councilman Fry offered Resolution No_, 2844 and. moved for its passage and ado ~ion. r- a: L Refer to ~solution Book, page I ' A RESOLUTION OF TH~ fITY COUtCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHIJM FINDINGMDDETaMIHlf<<3 THAT IT IS NEGES TOP'UR E FCIt . USE BY.. THE eA!fGE COUNty JOIMT OOfFALL S NTHE fWl)LlJ<<; OF SRAGE, AND AUnKliIZING 111 PUBLIc.ArION OF A NOTICE INVITI SEALED PROPOSALS 1HEREFOR. (CPEN BIDS JULY 269 1955. 7:00 ,O'CLOCK P.M.). A RESOLUTION OF T ME~EMENT OF PROC OF ANAHEIM. (Lloo the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. ON: The Anaheim City Planning CODll\ission's report (meet- recommended the City Council consider the annexation of ed and known as Lincoln-Dale Annexation. On roll c ~l the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following votea AYES: NOES: ABSENT : ~ 00.. tCILMEN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, and !Van WagC1Der. QUN:ILMEN: None. J<<;ILMAN: Wisser. LIOCOLN-.DALE ing held July 5, 1 the territory desc Said re Van Wagoner, secon was ordered received and filed on motion by Councilman , by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. . . RESOLUTION NO. 28 moved for its pass '. a: Councilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2845 and e and adoption. esolution nook, page [ ~ITY COUl'CIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CONSENJ~JG TO THE COM- INGS FCR THE ANNEXATION OF INHABITED TIRRITCRY TO THE CITY DALE ANNEXATION . ing read in full the title of Resolution No. 2840 and having knowledge a ithe contents therein, the boundaries being outlined on the map by the City A ~nistrative Officer, Councilman Schutte moved the reading in full of said re ~lution be waived. Councilman Fry seconded the motion. Motion unanimously ~arried. llOl Mr. Murdoch, Administra ~e Officer, advised the Council that a check ! had been lI1.dit with the State High Division who in turn had checked with the federal offiCe having jurisdictio ver fedfttal .1d for seco",ry road syst.s, and both the federal &gene, and t State Hitbw*y Division appear to have dif- ferent opinions ether than. that .ssed in this letter. Their ,opinions were that if the annexation did not tak place until after the expenditure ot the funds have been authorized, that i 1'1 the expenditure of the funds being author- ized prior to annexation, that no 'traction of the expenditure would be made. 1 Cj., . .... 7.00 PM. On roll call the forego! _ reaolut1on was duly'pa.sed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ADlSm II COUt+CILMEN.: P.. irs. on, - Fry, Schutte, and Van Wagoner. COOI<<;ILMEN: N. e. CC1JICILMAN.: . sere ~ ~ Mayor declared the f tegoing re.olutiort duly passed and adopted. I JiOUSTON NO. i A*EXATION; The Cit ICl,rk reported that according to the laat equalized aSles_ant roll and the .cords in the office of the County Ass.ss~1') it could not be ascertained if the petition was signed by the requisite numba' of owners within. the territory. I On motion by Councilman ~ Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Schutte, the Clerk was authorized to requ..! evIdence of ownership to determine if the petition was signed by the requisi . nunber of legal owners of property within the territory. l<<>TION CARRIED. ' .~ ANME~ MMiXiAtlON: Co_un~ tlon datld June 29, 1955 from Mr. A. 5. Koch, County Surveyor and Road Commissio r relative to the 5-mile improvement of KatelIa Avenae,a p1'Oject being sorted primarIly by federal funds, and t.hat the road would not be eligible for ase funds should the territory be within the City Limits, was sum! tted and read. A communication from th July 7, 19&>and signed by Jack F. read relative to the examination proposed South Anaheim Annexation tion definite and certain and con of AnaheiJl\. Said oOIJ8\mication Councilman Schutte, seconded by C , pecurity Title Insurance Company, dated Carnes, Title Engineer, was submitted and , the legal description of the area in the d stated that they bad found the descrip- suous to the present City Limits of the City ; ordered received and filed. on Motion by cilman Van Wagoner. A()TION CARRIED. Petition requesting an tion of the territory described therein as South Anaheilt Annexation was s edand ordered received and referred to the Ci ty Clerk for checking on mo j n by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRI PERSONNEL: The City Administrati following personnel: ,!inancial and Op.ra't.l,ng~~ Reports for the ceived and flIed on motion by Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. FINAtCIAL All) OPiRATIlfG REPCRTS: month of June, 1985 were ordered Van Wagoner, seconded by Council Guy Ii. Justus , , Schedule No. 2~B. Harold Bastrup, Patrol. " Schedult No. 25-B. LaJrrence Latham, Patro 'n, Schedule No. 25-A. Douglas R. $wantz, PatX1 an, Schedule No. 25-A. GtIorge J. Platfoot, Pa . 1..n, (Unlfom Reserve, serving without pay). Paul Bruce, Fireman, Scj ule No. 25-A. Donald Quict, Firenan" edule No. 25-A. p.t Mayer, Typist, part~me, Schedule No.l5-A. Robert E. Campbell, Jr. iFireman, Schedule No. 25-A. :] Officer reported the appoIntment of the S.d appointments were Councilman Schutte, seconded by C tified by the City Council on motion by cilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. 1102 J 00 P M. NO 21 Pursuant to Resolution No. 2832 duly passed and adopted by the City ouncil June 28, 1955, consenting to the comm.n~..ent of proceedings for ann *ation of inhabited territory known and designated as Ball Road Annexation No.2 upon a corrected boundary description, the City Clerk was directed to cha ,e the records showing the correct description of the terri- tory and to republl ~ the notice of intention to circulate a petition on motion by Councilma IVan Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO. 999: $ouncilman Fry offered Ordinance No. 999 for second reading and moved for its p .sage and adoption. Refer to tdinance Book, page AN ORDINANCE OF T~. eITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING THE ANNJ:XAnON TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM OF THE TERR. tCRY KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS NINTH S'IREET ANNEXATION." After hea ~ng read in full the title of Ordinance No. 999 and having knowledge of the co tents therein, Councilman Schutte moved the reading in full of said ordinance}j) jwaived. Councilman Fry seconded. the motion. Motion unani- mously carried. On roll c ~l the foregoing Ordinance No. 999 was duly passed and adopted by the foIl +ing vote: I AYES: NOES : ABSENT: j ctOOtCI!..MEN : ~OUN:I LMEN: ~OUM:I LMAN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, and Vah Wagener. None. Wis&er. The Mayor ~eclared the foregoing ordinance duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE NO. lOOO~ jCouncilman Schutte offered Ordinance No. 1000 for second reading and moved. f t its passage and adoption. Refer to dinance Book, page AN C1IDINAtfJE OF T~~ITY OF. ANAHEIM. APPROVING THE ANNIXATION TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM OF THE TBU\ tCRY KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS PLAC:iNTIA-SOOTH ANHJ!XATION.. After he. ~ng read in full the title of Ordinance No. lOOO and having knowledge of the co tents therein, Councilman Van Wagoner moved the reading in full of said ordln. fe be waived. Councilman Fry seconded the 'motion. Motion unanimously carrie~ ! On roll c II the foregoing Ordinance No. 1000 was duly passed and adopted by the foIl _ing vote: (tOUIICI LMEN : ~OUtCILMEN : ~OUOCI LMAN: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Pea1tson, FJry, Schutte, and Van Wagoner. None. Wisser. The Mayor ~eclared the foregoing ordinance duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 10011 ,Counc11manVan Wagoner offered Ordinance No. 1001 for second reading and ~ved for its passage and adoption. [ Refer to AN ORDINANCE OF TH~ ~ITY OF ANAHEI~ AMENDING ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL E RELATING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND THEREIN EGULATING THE USE OF LAND, HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS, AND YARD SP ACES: ADCFTING A SHOWING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID ZONES; DEFINING THE TERMS USED THEREIN; ROVIDING FOR ADJUSTMENT, AMENDMENT AND ENFCRCEMENT; PRE- SCRIBING PENALTIES VIOLATION AND REPEALING ALL SECTIONS CR PARTS OF SECTIONS IN CONFLICT THEREWI (F-54-55-37 , RESOLUTION NO. 279l). 1103 C P.M. After hearing read in fu 1 the title of Ordinance No. 1001 and having knowledge of the contents therein Councilman Schutte moved the reading in full of said ordinance be waived. Cou ilman Fry seconded the motion. Motion unani- mously c,rrled. On roll call the forego! , Ordinance No. 1001 was duly pas,sed and adopted by the following vote:. , J AYeS: ~S: ABSENT : CQutCI LMEN; coutCI'UEN 1 COU~IIJI'AN : Fry, Schutte, and Van Wagoner. The Mayor declared the ~egoingol'd1n.nGe dulyp...ed and adopted. RESOLUTION ,0. 284Cu Gouncl1llln .0 Wagoner offered Resolut1on No. 2846 and moved fo~ its passage and adopti' i A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUN:-IL AND THE CITY CLERK TO ENTER INTO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WCJU(S, I=(E SCHEDULSD GeNStlUCTION THEREOF, OF THE INTJltCHANGE OF THE SANTA IZING THE CITY AUDITOR TO DEPOSI SATE THE STATE'S CONTRACTCR ~ On roll call the forego by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT : COUOCILMEN: COUlCII..MEN1 COUOCILMAN: THE CIn OF ANAHEIM AUn<<IlIZIIGTHE JMYIB A(BEEMDT wITH THE STATE OF CALIRmNIA. CONSTROCT1ON BY THE STATE, PR1CJt 1'0 THE THE "OFF a." IN THE SOOTHEASTQUADRANT FREEWAY Atf) HARIOO IdJLEV ARD; All> AUTij<B.. 1RJNDS WITH THE STATE SUFFICIENT TO CaMPEN- ITIONAL COST ItCURRED rnEREBY. resolution .a$ duly passed and adopted Fry, Schutte, and Van Wagoner. :l The Mayor declared the resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOWTION NO. 2847& CouncilJaan y offered Resolution No. 2847 and moved for its palSage.nd .'option. Refer to Resolution Bo A RESOUTfICIi OF THE CITY COU~IL THE CITY. OF ANAHEIM ,::cEPTING A <RANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF 1M CERTAIN REAL PR<PIIlTY feR AN IASS-.r, FOR ROAD AfI) PUBLIC UTI LITY PURP ES. (JOSEPH D. AND D~OTHY C. HUARTE). On roll call the forego. resolution was duly passed and .dopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT : CooteI!.MEN : COUOCILMEN: COUf\CI LMAN : The Mayor declared the Fry, Schutte, and Van .agoner. resolution duly passed and adopted. RBSOLUTIONNO. 2949: CouncilaanSchutte Qffered Resolution No. 2849 and moved for its passage and adopti '. Refer to Resolution BoQ .~ pege j n A RESOwrIQItI Of THE CI TY COU~II. f THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AOOD!1JjG A CIlAllT ' DEED CONVE'lING TO THE CITY OF AIf 1M CERTAIN REAL PI<:FelTY RR AN EASEMBHT FOO . ROAD Ae PU.BLIC UTI LITY PURP ,55. (MABEL W. WALKER). I ' ,~ r-: I , i..ccJ 1104 by the fOl~w~~~l v: 1; the foregoing resolution was duly JiI'~~~ and adopted AYES: NOES: ABSENTs , ~OUN:ILMalJ Pearson, Fry, Schutte; '.rtd Van Wagoner. OUrcILMEN: None. ' OUl'CILMAN: Wisser. The Mayo~ 4eclared the toregoing resolution duly pa..ed and adopted. ! Council.an Van Wagoner ,ffered Resolution No. 2849 and .. and adoption. "solution Book, page ITY COUtcIL OF THE CI TY OF ANAHilM AU11iaRIZING TIlE DEPUTY L AS nJEl.TY CLERK THE CITY 'mEASURER, All) THE DEPUTY C CK A., OTHm P APJRS AND DOCUMENTS FCR AND ON BEHALF M IN CONNICTION WITH THE METER DEPOSIT mUST RJND ACCOUNT, TIONS NOS. 2625 AND 2511. On roll 0 ~l the foregoing resolution was duly:p8ssed and adopted by the fOllowing vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: OVNGI LMEN I OUOCILMEN: OUrcI LMAN I Pearson, Fry, SChutte, and Van Wagoner. None. Wisser. The MaYl~ eclared the foregoing resolution duly passed aAd adopted. CORBISPOtl>ENCE : C tionlnvt tit\g the a the Annual Steak 'aa to 8:00 P.M., was s tion with thanks. nlcation from the Anaheim Municipal Employees Associa- Administrators, Ci ty CQuncilmen and their families to ecue to be held July 28, 1955 at the City Park from 6:00 itted and read. The City Council accepted the invita- CCRRESPONDOCE: C relative to requiri Hahn-St. John Cons~ Placentla Avenue a mitted and read and for consideration. nication from Roland T. Reynolds ,'and Orville G. Thomason a chain-link fence around property to be improved by the ction Company, north side of East South Street ea.t of iapproxlmately 600 feet west of Sunkist Avenue, was sub- dered held over until the subdivision map is presented CCRRESPONDEtcE: C nication from Mr. and Mrs. Alden Connor, 9432 B%'Qokhurst Avenue relative to 1 zoning was submitted and read.' The Council was advised by the Planning Eng i er that the Connors have been advised as to the neces- sary steps to be t to rezone the area. CORRlSpONDENCE: Co nication from Margaret Such requesting benches in the City of Anaheim was bmitted and read. BOULEVARD STCP: Th ~hief of Police, Mark A. Stephenson, recommended that a boulevaJ'd stop be p . ed on Euclid Avenue at Ball Road, thereby making this intersection a 4-wa oulevard stop. RESOLUTION NO. 28501 j Councilman Schutte offered Resolution No. 2850 and moved for its passage and option. olution Book, page TY' COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTIiQiIZING AND DIRECT- OF A BOULEVARD ,STOP SIGN ON EUCLID AVENUE AT THE INTER- EAND BALL ROAD. 1105 Ci - 7 -eX) P M. On roll call the foregoi ~ resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote; , AYl5; NOIS: ABIENT : COUN;ILMeN; COONCILMAN : COUrcI LMAN: Schutte, and Van Wagoner. a The Mayer declared the f tegoing resolution duly passed and adopted. PERMIT RJt 4 ADDITIONAL TAXICABSI.. ,. 8llow Cab Service of Anaheim requested pef\- mits for -4 a4ditional taxicabs des tibed as follows I ~ l~ 19!5 19:>3 19!>l MAKE ENGINE NO. P26-215ll3 P26-33503 P24-8416l P 1S-383274 5BRIALNO. 25191464 25181776 25139395 25117948 P 1 y&\outh sedan " " " " " " Said request for permit s accompanied by a check in the amount of $5.00 and,grtnted by the Oi ty Coun 1 on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Schutte. ION CARRIED. (RDINAN:E NO. 1003: C01.1nc!lman V I W4tgoner offered OJ'dinance No. 1003 for first readl", and moved for its pa ~age and adoption. AN CJIDltWCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEI 'DECLARING THE INTENTION QF THE CITY COOlCIL :, V:L~~JN:J:~~i ~~~~~~ ~~:'I ~:. A~tX~ER FC8 A HEMI., THlRBONJ AMI) DIRBCTt THE POSTING -oFNOTlCl6 TlEREOFIND'QIJ PUBLICATICNeF THIS CJU)INA)[;E. (p LIC HEAaIIIG au. 23 95!) 7.00 O'CLOOk P.M.). I] After hearing read in fu ~ the title of Ordinan~e No. l003and having knowledge of the contents therein, ~ouncilman Van Wagoner moved the reading in full of said ordinance be waived. touncilman Schutte seconded the motion. Motion unanlaously carried. CJ..AIM FCR D~GB5: Claim for dam s presented by Faith Spacensky, mother of Michael Mack, for injuries sustain" by her son April 14, 1.5 wassw.l tt. and read. Said claim was denied b j the City Council on motion by Council.an Fry, seconded by Councilman Schutt ~ MOTION CARRIED. LIBRAR.YBOARI APPOINTENT I Mayor arson appointed Harold Kahn .ember of the Anaheim City Library Board. Said pointaent was ratified by th.e City Couftcl'l on motion by Councilman Schutte, & onded by Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 2851: Councilman F V offered Resolution No. 2851 and moved for its paS8Ige and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book A RESOLUTIOIi,.OF THE CITY COUN:IL ING THAT PUBLIC CONVENIE.ocE AND P LETION OF A PUBLIC IltFROVEMENT, fR.QM THE lNIlRSBCTIONOF CRONE TO NlJTMXI) stREiT THmcE NCRTHER THElCE WESTElLY ALONG CRANGE AVENtJ APPROVING THE DESIGNS, PLANS, PRO CONS1RUCTION THEREOF; AUTH<:nrZING IN ACCCfC.DANCE WITH SAID PLANS t SP DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLI THE CONS1RUCTION THEREOF. (BIDS j THE CITY OF ANAtEIM Flll)l~ AND DitmMIII' SSITY REtJJIREnIE CONSlROCTION AND CO.... WIT: CONSTROCTION OF A 16" ~Aret LI~ CLID AVENUES WEST&RLY ALD CRONE AYEU ALONG NUTWOOD STREET TOCRANGE AVEl<<JE. TO MAGNOUA AVEt<<JE, WCItK (JID1!i NO. 1349; S t lEAWINGS AJI) SPECIFICATIONS RB THE E CONSmUCTION OF SAID PUBLIC INfROVEMEHT FICATIONS, ETC.; AND AUTH(JtIZIM:; AND A NOTICE INVITING SEALm> PROPOSALS PeR BE CPENED JULY 26, l~, 7100 O.CLOCK P.M.). n 1106 On roll c 1 the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following votes AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, and Van Wagoner. None. Wisser. qOUrcILMEN: dOUtCILMEN: dOUN:;I LMAN I The Mayo~4eclared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. VARIANCE NO. 364: :'bmitted by the Assembly of God Church for permlsllon to erect a church at t,.' northwest corner of North East st~eet and Wilhe1mina Street. Public hea ,ng was held on the matter June 28, 1955 at which time the hearing was declare closed with action to be taken at a later date. AYES: NOES: ABSENT : resolution duly passed &Id adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 28~ : Councilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2952 and moved for its passa ~ and adoption. Refer to 'solution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THe ITY COUI'CIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIMDISAPPROVIN6 THE ACTION OF THE CITY PLANNI OMMISSION ~ANTING VARIA)CB NO. ~64 AND DENYING SAID APPLICATION. On roll 0: the following vote: the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by Pearson, Fry, Schutte, and Van Wagoner. None. Wisser. ~ The Mayor VARIANCE NO. 369: itted by Urbin N. Hartman and Delmar Pebley requesting ptmi'sslon to erect professional building at 600 South Palm Street. PUblic Hearing was held on 'e matter June 28, 1955 at which-time the hearing was declared closed wit ~ction to be taken at a later date by the City Council. R Councilman Schutte offered Resolution No. 2853, granting said Variance No. , pursuant to conditions as established by the City,Planning Commission and furt I subject to the requirement of a 25-foot setback, and moved for its passa 'and adoption. Refer to Pearson, Fry, Schutte, and Van Wagoner. None. Wisser. olution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE OF THE CITY PLANNIN" DITION THAT THERE S TY COUOCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING THE ACTION OMMISSION <CiANTING VARIAlCE NO.. 369 UPON THE FURTHm CON- L BE A MINIMUM 25-F'OOT BUILDING SETBACK. On roll ca ~ the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT : ...... I I I ; : 1 I I I ; The Mayor ~clared the foregoing resolution duly pi85ed and'adopted. JOB NO. 1050: Georg! E. Holyoke, City Engineer, certified that Mike Miller Company, :Contractor. ~ad completed Ball Road Interceptor S..r, Job No. l()f)O, in accordance with p _ns and specifications and'fecommended the work be 'accepted. page IN 24. : Councilman Fry offered Resolution No. 2854 and moved for pass&geand adop Jon. 1107 On roll Gall the forego1 ~ re$olut1on W&$ duly pasled a~d adopted by the following vote: o AYlS: ~: AIIENT : CQUN:ILMEN: COUNOl.LMEN: CCJlnCI LMAN: F~y, ~chutte, and Van Wagoner. Tnt Mayor de~l.red the f ~egoing r.solution duly passed. .nd .dqpt". )'mSOLUTION I'C). 2855: Councilman V p Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2855 and moved for its passage and adoption . Refer to Resolution Book j page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUOCIL i THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVItG AME~~~ -T... 3 TO THE ACBEEMENT FCJ\ MAINTEN~ bF STATE HIGlWAY IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. On roll call the forego the following vote: resolution was duly pasled and adopted by AYES: NoIS: ABIENT : COUtCILMEN: CQUteI LMEN: COUOCI LMAN: Fry, Schutte, and Van WagQner. The Mayor declared the RESOLUTION tI). 28561 Councilman for its pasuge and adoption. 8going resolution duly passed and adopted. ) utte offered R..olution NO. 2856 and~ytd n A RESOLUTION. OF THI!. CITY COUOCIL OVI OF A MAJm CITY THE CITY Of ~~I~ Al)(J>TING ~,.ANI) ;:~; SPEtelTURE OF GAS TAX ALLOOATIOI!I PCR On roll call the by the following vote: resolution was duly passed and adopted AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUrcILMEN: CQUNCILMENa COUtCILMAN: Fry, Schutte, and Van Wagoner. The Mayor declared the egoing resolution duly passed and adopted. PURCHASE OF ,uTaMDBlLiS: InfoDm~ ~id quotations for the purchase of additional automobiles were referred to the < inistrative Officer for his recommendation. CITY'S GASOI.JNE REOUIREMENTS: In the City's gasoline requir~ents Officer for report. al bid quotations for the furnishing of , e referred to the Ci ty "'lni,trative [J POLICY OF T C IL RE I wa.s establi"'ed by the Ci ty Counq st~eet, when subni tted by organ! poli tical n.t.ure advertis1ng an , referred directly to the Superint to act. The following policy : All requests fQr baMer. overhanging a' ons of a local, non-controversial, non- t of benef1ttG the cOl8Uftlty, will be ent of Light, POIIer, and Water, ,with pow.r 1108 Cit 'VARIMD: NO. 3771 existing dwelling a Ambulatory Persons. The City. Janning COIIIftission, pursuant to their Resolution No.5, granted saidvarlan ~ unless the deed restrictions on the property prOhtbit the proposed use. itted byJ. J. Bargsten requesting.pemission to use the 1240 West La Palma Avenue for a Boarding House for Aged- Certified. ~opy of Declaration of Establishment of Conditions and Restrictions pertai ~ng to Tract No. 1597 was submitted. 1 No action ~as taken by the City Council. VARIANCE NO. 3801 ~itted by Birmingham Construction Coapany for permission to erect a TemporafDlrectional Sign advertising the sale of h~s in Tract No. 1825. Sign to ~ located 40 feet from the centerline of East Center Street and 50 feet south Q I Rose Street. . ! The City! ~anning COMmission, pursuant to their Resolution No.2, granted said varian t subject to the following conditionSI 1. Sign$ ~hall be ai'maximum size of 10 by 25 feet.. . 2. Sign. ~ll be permitted for a maxtmum period' of 6 months or l't' · 3. A pe.. t _st be taken out with the Building Department. 4. The J1l e of the sign company must appear on every &itn erect 5. Sign$ st be 10 feet back of the right-of-way line of any $ ,eet or highway. 6. At th I intersection of the streets, the signs must be set ~ Ik 25 feet. 7. All $ ns shall have a 6-foot ground clearance. ~ The f per sign shall be $25.00. 9. Sign riances shall be germdtted for directional sign. adver ,sing only tracts ~thin the City Limits of Anaheim. No action .as taken by the City Council. i ! VARIANCE NO. 381: ~itted by Birmingham Construction Comptny'for permission to erect a Tempora~ jDirectional Sign advertising the sale of homes in Tract No. l825. Sign to . located 30 feet from the centerline of East Sycamore Street and 42 feet tom the centerline of North East Street. The City tanning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No.3, granted said varian. subject to the following conditions: 1. 2. Sign. .hall be a maximum size of 10 by 25 'feet. Signs .ill be permitted for a maximum period of 6 months or Ie .$. A pe t must be taken out with the Building Department. The n a'of the sign company must appear on every sign erect Signs ~ust be 10 feet back of the right-of-way line of any s eet or highway. At th intersection of the streets, the signs must be set b k,25 feet. All sfns shall have a 6-foot ground clearance. The f .1 per sign shall be $25.00. Sign.. .riancesshall be permitted. fordlrectlonal signs adve~sing only tracts within the City Limits of AnaheiM. 3. 4. 5. 6. - ~ I 7. 8. 9. No action as taken by the City Council. 1109 PM. MASTER PLAN. OF AREA (PLAGENTIA- R.solutio~ Nt. la7 recommending in the P lac.tia-Ball Annexation I The City Planning Co~iss1Dft's j establishment of a Master Plan of the a~ ~ submitted. Ptelic Hearing was orde, 7:00 Q'cl.,k",P.M. on IIOtion by Co MOTION CAlRIED. to be held on the matter, August 9, 1955, iIman SChutte, seconded by Councilman Fry. o APPLICATION PR : The Am,erican Plant Protection, Inc. made application for Private Patrol Lie 5e and furmshed a photost.tic copy of s.. curi ty Agre.ent with the Departm , of Defense also photostatic copy of Cerli- ficate of Inlurance, together wi ~pplication fee in the amount of $25.00. Chief of POlice. Mark A:e ptephenson, reeoRlended said application be granted subj.ct to our MUAicipal Ce reg.rding Plant Protection Services. Said application was gr nishing of a bond in the amount 0 motion by C~Acilman Van Wagoner, ~ed by the City Council subject to the fur- t5l,OOO.OO approved by the City' Attorney, on ~conded by CouncillllBn Fry. MOTION CARRIED. I , nt covertng period fram January 1, 1955 to xed atainst the City of Anaheim for the 1$ was s~itted. WA TER PROTB:jION STAT2MENT: Stat June 30, 1951, totaling $2,670.85. pUlftPing of ",ter from Ci ty-owned Authorization for payme man Schutte, seconded by Councilm' of said tax was -.de, on motion by Council- Van Wagoner. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINAtCE NO,. lQ()4. Ceun$ilman S, reading and IIOved for Its passage tte offered OrdinanGe No. 1004 for first d adoption. AN ClIDIN~ OF THE CITY OF ANAHE THE ANAHBIMIIJNIC IP AL . GOI)J BY 4291.19 m 4291.26, OOTH IN;LUS1 CfiDINAI'CE.S ca PARTS OF au>INAtCES CITY-COU IE H County Surv.,or relative to the e Committee was read and explained who rec~e~ the policy be ado is under no .bllgatlon to accept AMENDING ARTICLE IV, CHAPTER 2, PART 6 OF NEW SB;TIONS 11I.S1O" TO BE NUMBaiED RELATING TO". P~B,t AN9 RESCINDING ALL GOHFLICT THBRElfITH. n COll8\un1cation from A. S. Koch, lishment of Clty-County Cooperative Highway 1 Administrative Officer, Ke1 th. A. Murdoch, d wi th the understanding that the Council recommendations of the CQlln1 ttee. On motion by Councilman . n Wagoner, .econdtdby CouncilJRaJl Fry~ Kei th A. Murloch was appointed. M r, and George E. Holyoke, appointed Al ternate M_er. MOTION CARRIED. ' PURCHASE OF lATER COMPANY STOCKs inistrative Officer, Keith A. Murdoch, was instructed to inve,ti,ate the pOI le purch... of Anaheim Union Water Company Stock and report his findings to ! City Council. PLAYffiOUfC) SITEs Copies of resol tive to theacqu111~iQn of prope 2577) were submitted. ons passed by the Board of Education rela- for a new school site (Tracts Nos. 2501 and The City Attorney was a for our entering into joint negot chase of said site, on motion by Fry. MJTION CARRIED. orized to prepare the necessary documents ion with the School Di$uict for the pur- cilman Van lagonar, seconded by Councilman n RESOWTION t<<). 2857: Councilman moved for it$ passage and adopti Wagoner offered. Resolution No. 2857 and 1110 A. RESOUJTION OF THE ITY COUN:IL OF THE CI TY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AND AUTHCR- IZING THE EXECUTION F AN ACiiEEMENT WITH THE COONTY OF CEANGE FeR THE JOINT INSTALLATION OF 'IRA IC SIGNALS AT THE INTffiSECTI0N OF BALL ROAD AND MArCHESTER AVENUE IN THE CITY ANAHEIM AND COUNTY OF (RANGE. On roll t ~l the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote& AYES: NOES: ABSENT: $OUN::ILMEN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, and Van Wagoner. ~~:;i=: . :~:~r. The Mayo~ feclared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. T Councilffi4 IVan Wagoner moved to adjourn to July 19, 1955, 7:00 o'clock P.M. Counci~an St ,tte seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. 1955 - 7: P . M. SIGNED. ";' Session. , i .uncil of the Ci ty of Anaheim met in Adjourned Regular PRESENT: COUNCI N: Pearson, Fry, SChutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. ABSENT: coutCl N: None. CITY AITCRNEY, PRE$ N TIJRNER: Present. CITY ADMINIS1RATIVJ; FFICER, KEITH A. MURDOCH: Present.. PUBLIC HEARING: P was the time and pI of the territory d. Resolution No. 2823 and asked if anyone the Council on the been received in he ENTIA-BAL IN: Mayor Pearson announced that this e for the hearing of protests on. the proposed annexation ribed as the Placentia-Ball Annexation, pur.uant to uly published in the Anaheim Bulletin, July 5 and 12, 1955, ished to address the Council. No one present addressed tter, and the Clerk reported thatnO\wtitten pJ'otests had office. Mr. Murda 4, City Administrative Officer, outlined the boundaries of the proposed ann~ation on the map. 9 no further discussion, the Mayor declared the hearing closed. moved Councilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2858 and . and adoption. . ....-- [ I r j j" 1 Iry COUtl;IL, OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CALLING. A Sf&::!jL , 1955 IN CERtAIN TERR I TCRY .. IN tHE CaJNTY OF ITHE CITY OF ANAHEIM PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED TO SAID CITY OF THE HOLDING OF SUCH ELECTION AND SUBMITTING TO THE lSUCH TBmITCRY THE ~STION WHETHBt SUCH TERRIDY SHALL <EATED IN, MI) MADE A PART OF SAID CITY OF ANAHEIM, AND !TERRITffiY BE, AFTER SUCH ANNEXATION, SUBJECT TCl TAXATION EQUALLY WITH THE PR :ERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM TO PAY ITS PRO RATA PCR- TION, BASED UPON AS ~SSED VALUATION, OF ALL THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID CITY OF ANAHEIM OUTSTAND ",G ON THE 28TH DAY OF JUNE, 1955, CR THERETOFCRE AUTHCEIZED: DESCRIBING SAID T]TCRY AND DESIGNATING IT BY THE NAME OF PLACENTIJr.BALL ANNEXATION: ESTABLI ING AN ELECTION PRECII'CT AND POLLING PLACE IN SAID TSffiI- TCRY, APPOINTING :OFFICERS OF ELECTION Fm SAID SPECIAL ELECTION AND PRO- VIDING Fm THE PUBLATION OF NOTICE OF SUCH ELECTION~