1955/07/19 1110 A RBSOWTION OF T IZING THE EXECUTIO INSTALLATION OF AVENUE IN THE CITY [ On roll the following votel 11 the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUI<<:;ILMEIi: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, and Van Wagoner. ~OUICJILMEtf: ,None. J:;ourcl LMAII: Wi s s er . P.M. ~eClared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopttd. , Van Wagoner moved to adjourn to July 19, 1955, 7:00 o'clock tte seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. 5IGNEI). J<.' Session. ,ouncil of the City of Anaheim met in Adjourned Regular r PRESENT: COUNC N: Pea~son, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Vanwagoner. ABSENT; COUN:: N; None. CITY ATTCRHEY, PRe N TIJRNERa Present. CIIT ADMINIS1RATIV IOFFICER, KEITH A. MURDOCH: Present.. closed. PUBLIC HE ING: P was the tiMe and ~ of the territory d Resolution No. 282 and asked if anyon the Council on the been received in h ENTI~B I & M.yor Pearson announced that this e for the hearing of protests on the proPQsed annexation rlbed as the Placentia-Ball Annexation,puX'cluant to ~uly published in the Anaheim Bulletin, July 5 and 12, 1955, !Wished to address the Council. No one present address" :atter, and the Clerk reported that no\wtl tten protests had office. Mr. Murd of the proposed a , City Administrative Officer, outlined the boundaries ation on the map. ! no further discussion, the Mayor declared the hearing RESOLUTION NO. 28 Councillfan Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2858 and moved for its pass e and adoDtion. . esolutionBook, page r A RESOLUTION OFTH N 0 HE CRANGE CONTIWOUS ANAHEIM PROVIDING ElECTORS RESIDING BE ANNEXED TO, I THE PROPERTY IN EQUALLY WITH THE TION, BASED UPON A OF ANAHEIM OUTST DESCRIBING SAID T ANNEXATIONJ ESTABL TCRY, APPOINTING VIDING FOR THE PUB ~ITY GOUN;I'-, OF THE CITY OF ANAH,EIM CALLING A 'Eq:~ , 1955 IN CElTAINTiRlITClty" IN THE" COUNTY: OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED TO SAID CITY OF THE HOLDING OF SUCH aB:TION AND SUBMITTltI; TO THE SUCH TBU\ITCliY THE QUESTION WHETHER SUCH TSRI1Q\Y SHALL <EATED III, .AND MADE A PART OF SAID CITY OFANAHEIJI, Aft!) TERRITCRY BE, AFTeR SUCH ANNEXATION, SUBJECT TO, TAXATION ERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM TO PAY ITS PRO RATA PeJi- ,ESSED VALUATION, OF ALL THE BONDED IWEBTEDNESS OF SAID CITY r G ON THE 28TH DAY OF JUME, 1955, CR THERETOrlRE AUTHORIZED, ITOOY AND DESIGNATING IT BY THE NAME OF PLACENTIA.-BALL ING AN ELECTION PRECIOCT AND POLLING PLACE IN SAID TERRI- OFFICERS OF ELECTION FCR SAID SPECIAL ELECTION AND PRO- ATION OF NOTICE OF SUCH ELECTION~ 1111 )I On :toll call the followini vote. resolution ..'1 dulytpassad. and adoptacl:Df Fry,.. Schutte, W116ft, and Van Wqoner. AYUa NO.1 AIItNT.: COUfCILMENa Cot.JlCILMEN : COtlCILMBI : o The Mayor declared the ft) lng resolutIon duly palsed and adopted. DIscu.sion was held on the proposed .a. found that further survey of th. area owed to det.mIne the relul ts of the r..seof tr.fflc inthat~~... Further held July 26, 1.5, 7.. o'clock P.M. PI ED ' I F Jddening of Itarbor Boulevard, and should be matle and a longer time a _iIMrl.. ptoject repr41ng the l ~onsider.tioa of this utter will ;f I v ARIAtCEtlO~ 3741 SWad tted by J erect a ...U.....t Apartment Building Street. . I. Cl... requesting pem4.lslon to property deacrlbed a$ 325 West Vermont PubJic He~iag was heW the hearing .$ declared clos"- City Council. Action was held ov this ..t~er July 12, ~~5. at. .which tiat action to he taken at .a later date by the to again in.~t the preaises. I The Administrative Officer ___ 1~5 on the proposed purchase of add1- PURCHASE OF T IC requested te- furnish a report Jul' tional Police cars. PERSONNEL; 'lb. Adainlat1"atlve Of follo.int p.......la Ha.ld Eug.n. Tippie, p. Ro.14 .Swiftg.patro.u.an LeoNri S. JtMings, Pi Gayle Le Roy Vnderhill, Dorald Rice, Ilectnct! Neils C. IttllOn, Elect er reco.ended the appoltrtlnent of the I n n er. Departlnent rtJa_t 1 Department ved by the C1 ty Co_all on IIOtion . by CCNncl~,...er. .MnlQ11..CARIl!D.. j bff1cer reported the fOllowing Info~al .ents: SaW aJ1pOutMnt. ..re Councilman VaI1 .,on.%, ..~nd_ ~LIHi1~"~ Th. ~lnlstratl~ bids fortblllf Cl ty's _,oline r", Troutman and Scholz HeIIie 011 C<8pany 0 f ARab Richfield Oil Corporatio Unun Oil Capany of Cal ~ .1995 \ .!.D4 .214 Mr. Murdoch recODInended and Scholz). e acceptance of the low bid (Troutman CO\lncilman Van Wagoner.. ed the City enter into oMtractwitlt Ift<.;;;; bidder, Troutman and Scholz. Cou ilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. V ,tBIAJC:E NO. 38tJ & Appeal fromaq ~o.n taken by the City -Planning C_lls1_ .....~ was fllld by Harold Mc>rrls arid At ,rt Brunet,applicants requesting Vari... No. 388. - .. . n Pualic Hearing was orele, to be held.on the matter, A.uet 21.. :.1., 7.00 0 'cl:ocM P.M. onJl1otion by Co cilman Wi..er, seconded by Councilman Van 1Ia90f1er. lC>TION CARRIED. 1112 INAl't:;E NO. 1003: tCouncl1map Van Wagoner offered Ordinance No. 1003 for second reading and oved for its passage and adoption. Refer to ~. tJ i: ; AN ClIDINAte!: OF THE 4ITY OF ANAHEIM DB:LARING THE INTENTION OF THE CITY COOJ<<;IL TO CABAN EAS "NT FeR PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES UPON~ AUi)NG, OVeR AND THROUGf THE NAFTER DE IBED REAL PRCPERTY; FIXING A TIME MJ') PLACe "FOO A HEARING THERE ,; AND DIRacTING TH! POSTING QF NOTICES THEREOF A)I) THE 'PUBLICATION OF THIS dRDINMCE. (LOT l, mAGT NO. 1994; PUBLIC HEARING AUGUST 23. 195~. 7:00 O'CL K P.M.). After hea tng read in full the title of Ordinance No. 1003 and having knowledge of the co tents therein, Councilman Wisser moved 'the reading in full . of said ordinance b waived. C::ouncilman Schutte seconded the motion. Motion unanimously carried On roll c 11 the foregoing Ordinance No. 1003 was duly passed and adopted by the foll .ing vote; AYES; OOES: ABSENT; Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wllser, a.nd Van Wag-onere None. None. The Mayor "eclared the foregoing ordinance duly passed and adopted. JOB NO. 1057: Geor. E. Holyo~e, City Engineer, certlfiecL'that J. S. Barrett, C~ntrac,tor had comp +ted the 4 Palma Sewer Improv_e~t, Joe. No. 1017, in accordance with pla . and specifications and recommend.d the work b. officially accepted and notice .f completion be filed. ...- 1 ) page RESOLUTION NO 2 Councilman Fry offered Resolution No. 2859 and moved for its passage and ado tion. Refer to A RESOLUTION OF THEQ:ITY COUN:::JL OF THE CITY OF ANAHBIM FIfi.ALLY ACCIPTJNG THE COMPLETION AND THENISHING pF ALL PLANT, LABCR, SmVICES9 MATBtIJLS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL U UTIES AND TRANSPCRTATION IrcIlJDING,POwa, PUEL,AND WATSt, AM) PERFORM! ALL WORK NB:;ESSARY TO CON51ROCT AND CONPLETE THE F01.LOW- ING PUBLIC IMPROV T:- LA PALMA AVENUE SEWER IM'ROVEMEMT, mOM SEOUOE.\ AVENUE TO MAGNOLIA ENUE JOB NO. 1057. On roll c ~l the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COONCILMEN: ~OUtCILMEN: COUtCILMEN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. None. The Mayor feclared the foregoing resQlutionduly passed andldopted. RESOLUTION NO. 286, Councilman Schutte offered Resolutlon NQ. 2S6Q and moved for its passage and .doption. . fi ~ 1 .,,"";-1 A RESOUITION OF THi ~ITY COUtl:IL OF ~ CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCBPTI~ A ~ DJlD. CONVEYING TO THE CI OF ANAHEiM CERTAIN REAL PROpmTY FOR AN EASEMENT FCB ROAD AND PUBLIC UTI ITY PURPOSES. (LAURA roCKER). Refer to .solution ~ok, page . " On roll c by the following vo the fort!going resolution was dUlY passed and adopted ,; , .' , . '; I ll13 AYES; NOES: ABSlNT ; g=~=: ~ ton, Fry, Sclnttte, Wisser, and!V....9~h,r) · COUNCILMEN: NeI)~. The Mayor declar_ the fcpoing resolution duly palsed and adopt"_ , i n Ap,llc;ants C, E. lZ'iley and E. A', SIegle, A..llew Cab Service of i ei. anda. and Orange Taxieu. requ..ted pezmlts for. add1tlonal cars to b u8ed in the t:ransact1eR of the1rbus1n..., described as 10110"& I > : YEAR ......- MAKE Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2861 and n E~NE NO. P~326762 P2I-326839 P26-326779 P26-326783 SBtIALNO. 2~1"130 ' ,2f>198083 2Sl981()l.~ 25198153 19!>5 l~~ 1~5 1~5 P 1 ~O\.lth sedan " " It " " " Said request for permit accompanied by a check in the Mk>unt;'of $Q.OO. On mOtion by Counc1lman S tte, seconded by Councilman Fry, said peai t ... ~rov... mttON CARR~ REPCRT OF EDENSES OF J.O.S. & Re fiscal year 1~~~ was subm1tted C01n\cilNl'1 van '.gon.~,' s.cond.' t of expenses paid J,ipy the J.O.S. for the d ordered received ind filed on .otlon by Counc11.aG Wi..er. MOTION CARRIED. flQUtiV~ S~I The : <thitfof Po' vard, Itep' oR'.",taont:Drive at Lo, placed on S.ta Ana StZ'eet at ' . recOBDendeci the installation .f a boule- Str.et and 81se that boulevard ItOp' ~ Street. ) , RESOWTIQN l(). 2861: Councilman moved. for i.. pae.age and aclopt1o Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUtCIL THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUnlCltIZING AND DIRJiCT- ING THE .T.U-.n OF TCF SI ON SAMrA ANA a.JET AT THE X_- SECTION Qf ~TA AlA lJI) Lg)N S TS AM> 0 EI1"IDn' dRIVI:AT ,'tHE INTI!R~IOJ( OF WESTJIIff tRXU AND LeMA. On roll call.the foregoi 'resolution was duly palled and adept.f'Dt the following vote. AYBE: NOES I ~NTI ccvrc I LMEN: CclJNcILMEN: COtnCILMiN: Fry, SChutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. The Mayor declared the f . 901n9 resolution duly pa'led:' and adopted. IESOWTIQN lI>. 2862; Councilman 'Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2862 and ~ved fo~ ita pa...ge -and adopti A RESOLun<* OF THE CI TY COUt-J::IL ING T mOM M.AJDIE AtI.) REQUDllIi ALL VEHICLES TO 5 THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DESIGNATING ANDDE~ TQ . TOEA nBOUGI HI~t' ERJtE EN11!RIIIG CE CROSSING THE SAME. n 'On roll call theforego1 resolution was duly passed and adopted"1iJy the fOllowino vote: ,I, .~. AVIS: NOBS & ABSENT : COUa::I.LMIN: CaJtCILMEN; COOte I LMEN & lon, Fry, Schutte, Wl...~, and Van Wagoner. e. The Mayor declared the f going r~solution duly passed and adopted. 1114 l' ClIDINANCE NO. 10001: :~Councilma""Van ~Wagon.r,offt!'1d Ordtnance No. 1005 for first reading and moved fits pass_,ge and adoption. AN CRDINAlCE OF THE ITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICLE III, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIP Ai 0 ,'E BY ADDIlfG A NEW SECTION THERETO TO BE NUMBBRED 3289. (35-MILE SPEED ZONa iWE51'MONT IVE). ~ I After hea 1Jng read ill full the title of Ordinance No. 1005 and having knowledge of the co 'ents ther.in, Councilman Wisser moved the read1ng 1n full of said ordinance b waived. aouncilman Schutte seconded the motion. Motion unanimously carried. ~ST FOR P ELL Commun1cation received from Walter H. Brasher requesting permissi for his son, Michael E. 8rasher, a9. 12, to sell ice cream bars at the 3-way s nal light at Manchester and Lincoln was subm1tted and read and denied by the C.ty Council, on motion by Councilman Van Wa9o~er, seconded by Councibnan Schut MOTION CARRIED. to adjourn. Councilman Van WCk!Q.ner seconded CCU'SPQtmEICE ; C advising that the R requiring flood haz for all subdivision cities, was submitt Councilman Wisser, micationfrom the Orange County Flood Control District 11 Estate COJllnissioner of the State of Caliiorn!'. is now letters frqm the Qrange County flood Cmntrol District in Orange County, both inside and outside incorporated , read, and ordered received and filed on motion by ; onded byCounci lman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. PAYROLL, The estab P ark and Recrea ti on City Council. shment of Seasonal Aide, Grade 15, and the relocation of Director from Grade 35 to Grade 36 was authorized by the ...... : Declaration of Restr1ctions filed by Medaris-SMith i 1607 was subni tted. Mr. Murdoch reco.eJ1ded the revised ;ctions be accepted. Said Deed Restricti()ns .ere accepitld n Schutte, seconded by Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 2863: moved for itspassa CouncilM4n Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2863 and and adoption. !solution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE ~ EEl) ABATEMENT. TY COUtCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CONFIRMING ASSESSMENT On roll c the following vote: 1 the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by AYES: NOES; ABSENT: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. None. The Mayor clared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopt... ILEa IN and Insurance Compa from April 21, 1955 was submitted "and 0 on motion by Counci CARRIED. Policy executed by Hartford Ste~ Boiler Inspection of Hartford, Connecticut, PremiUll\ $58.00, for the period April 2l, 1958, covering the boilers at the Power Plant, red received and 'filed when approved by th&City Attorney, n Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION .- Councilma the motion. MOTION SIGNED. ~K, ~L~ --'_~~~ City. Clerk I I ! I I I l ! ! , ! 1115 C The,Clty.CGURG11 Y of Anaheia..t in Regular Seasloft.ij J j 'RESENT: C""".,(lJ~ILMEN: Pearson, , .~y, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. aSENT: GOUtClIJENt Hone. CITY Ancae!j PRES1ON'11JR1Et1 Pr, nt. CXTY ADMIMlS1IATIVE OPPICER, KEITH, ~HI, .aent. ASSISTANT CIrI AIE:MIS1I.ATIYE OFFI~ ,W. F. PRIDAY, Present. f IJ-TES: Ther::M1nutd.of. t.eaepl: .....ing.h~ld July, 12,1'" and AGaqunW:. "'lar M_tllg held July 19t l.f): . approVld on .ot1en by Council.an-Vp. "goner, secoAded by Councilman Sch tee MOrION CARRIED. lSOWTION NO, 2864, Councilman V, I..gofter offered Resolution No. 2164 .,if e"'yeti for lts.,p...." and adaption.. I I Refer to a8sol.utlon Book .tage A' RESOIlJTION OF THE' CITY COOtCIL Of tHE, CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING " AtI> "D, IRECTING THE PAnEMT 0' Daw8S AGAINST THE JTY AS OF JULY 26, 19.55. ($199,882.33). . . ! n On ~ol1 c.11 the foregoi J resoluti@ .as duly passed and a.4opted ,.Dy the following,'votea ! j , -,. AYES: CClJK:," ILlEN: P., , t'son, Fry, Schutt.~ .sser, and Van 'WagcJfter. NOES: CauteI LMEN: NO . ABSINT: C01.JEI LIEN: No . , , i The Mayor declared the fo ~oin9 resolution duly passed aQdadOp~". ITD PR<POM1it..._.__~.__ ! Pursuant to RelolutlonNo. 28::>>1 andLlhl Ibtice duly JJUbll~shed July 15 and 2 t 1955, the C1 ty Clerk .at instrUct.. to' ~ Bid Pl"o,..als for the QQnst~f ton of Steel Cyllnci.r~O~.Nt. _tn.L1ne I' Jl Crone, 10_,' ad and Ora~. IV.nu,., "it, Work OM.r .0. l349,on motion by Couneil- An Van Watoner, seconded by Couftc1 fan Fry. Jl)TION CARRIBD. n Ya! 'I' .tli~e ~. '16,965.00 S E Pipeline Construction ~pany . I Nevada P. O. Box 8Il, 13736 E. Mulberry tive, Whittier i n / lejac Construction C~y 7241 Orangethorpe Boulevard. $1.23 $14,391._ri atavenand Galpany 8736 PalJl A.-nue, Bellflower $1.39 $16,263.80 Peer 1 eSI Conc.ete Pipe Corp. P.O. Box 314, Santa Ana J. s. Y0Ung Pipeline Contractors, 931 East Roaecrans, Los Angeles (All Bid PrQposals were accQIIP ~ed by Bid Boftda 1n the ;;..-att'of'll") _ - $1.40 $16,380.00 $1.43 $16,731.00 Sai. Bids were referred .ter, Geo:rgeOelkers, lor ubulat~ lisser, seconded by Coun,citman Sch~ the Superintend'At of.Light, .'OWfI"t and and ~.' o,n.otiQli,by CO\lfte1~ e. MOTION CARRIED. Af.. taDulation, Mr. Company to be low bidder and rec... - .Oelkersrepo:rteci th.a.j_ConstNcUen ed the acceptance of said Bid.. IiSO~YTION NO.. 2at5; Councl1man Se .tte offered Resolutlon No. : 216a and moved Ibr its palsa,_ aftd adoption. : Ref. to itesolut1un BMdt.