1955/08/01 1129 Ci ~ 11:00 .M. Th.'City Council of the.. ty of Mahei. met in .Special Session. PRESENT: COUICILMEN: Pearson,! ry, Schutte, and Wisser. ABSENT: COOJl:;ILMAth Van W.g~ r. CITY ATT(JtNEJJ PlSSTON TURNSt: Plt ent. CITY ADMIIISaATtvE omCER, KElnt . MURDCX:HI Pre.ent. BUm THE JliETIlfG 11 II!!) A. M. ) o Sp~ial Meeting.as eal~ of automobilll for the Police Dep~ connection tierewith, and to tran4 come before ..id meeting. Notice ber of the Council, and acknowled .lOIbers of tile Gouncil twenty-fout by Meyor Pearson to consider the pure.... ent and do and p.rf~Dl any othel," aGts 1n t any other business that may lawfully said 5p~lal Meeting was served each _... 'nt and consent thereof was signed by all ours prior to theholQlng of said meeting. PURCHASEJ The Administrative Off~ r reported on info~a1 bid quotations X'eGeived for ,the pur~ba8e of. fo"r) tQJDOb11es for the Police Departaent,.8 fellows: IlI.AUR BID Cyril Cooke Motors $1,870.55 gob MdQoy Motor Company l $1,767.01 each RODert H. Boney tuth) $1,863.37 each CORe Bros. (Che olet) $1,822.75 each n Cottncilman Fry moved to I chase four Fortis fram the MeCoy Motor COIIpany at $1,767.01 each. Counc1 an Schutte seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Aller further dilcusslofl Of-ficer .ad.. Ge9rge E. HOlyoke. llith prOIMrtf oeers and consider. center liae. amINAlCE NOt. lQ08. Qounc;ll.Nn F 't offered Ordlnance No. 1008 for first rMd- lng and mDvel for its passage and ~optlon. i AN CRDINAfCE' OF THE CITY OF ANAHEJ FIXING MIl' LEVYING. A PR~SlTY TAX ON ALL PROPERTY .ITHIN THE CCEPCRATE LIMl OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM F<Jl THE FISCAL YEAR l~l~. After hearing read in fu knowledge of the contents therein. said ordinance be waived. Counci unanimously carried. the title of Ordinance No. 1008 and having ounci1man Fry moved the reading in 'full of n Wisser seconded the motion. Motion QRDINAlCfi NO. 1009; Councllaan' W" er offered Ordinance No. 1009 for first reading and .oved for its passage d adoption. n AN CRDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEJ[ AMENDING ARtICLE IX,. CHiPTSL 1,. SECTIOJI 9l00.14,SU.AR.DAPH (f) OF THE 1M M.JNICIPAL CCDE. (CNBCKING FEE, SUBDIVISION lAPS) . RESOLUTION 'f. 2879: Councilman" ser offered Resolution No. 2879 and moved for 1 ts pas"'e and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book ~ i ~ ~ ,I , , ~! I :~ l "" 1130 C foraial' A RESOWTION OF THE TY courclt .'OF, THE' CI"fY OF ANAHEIM' _aPTltli. A CIl.,u DJ;1ij) CONVEYING TO THE CIT OF ANAHEIM ,CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY Fell ~ EASEMSIT FCIi ROAD >>I) PUBLIC UTILITY POSES. ($UfEST'R; AND GAYLE' B. }!HT~. AYES: NOES: ABSENT : Pearson. Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. 'None. Non.. On roll ca the following vote: the foregoing resolution was duly pasled and adopted by The Mayor ,clared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOWTION fl). 2880. iCouncilman Fry offered Resolution No. 2810 and moved for it. passage and ado, ~on. I" j Refer to a~olution BOok, page A IlESOLUTION OF THE TY COUMCI L OF THE CI TV OF ANAHE1M ACKNOILEDGIlIi &JK;BIPT OF A CCPY OJ 0 A PETITION ,'REUtIMGTO'THI ANNDA- IION OF IERRITCRY T<P HE CITY Of ANAHEIM AND AFFIDAVIT OF PUBUCAIION THDEO" AN) APPROVING THE CI ULATION OF SAID PETITION. (BALL ROAD ANNEXATION NO..~ AYEs: NOES: ABSENT : On roll ca 1 the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adoptee! by the following vote: The Mayor 5IlJEN: pea.... 1'60n, Fry9 Schutte~ Wisser, and Van Wagoner. tel LMEN : NOne. I UN::ILMEN: None. the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. N I On motion by Council_n Van Wagoner, seconded by Council- BlanCs.., the City ~lerk was authorized to publish a notice.invlting JDld proposals for the Ci r.'. IS legal advertising. Bids to be opened August 23. 1956., 1:00 o'clock P.M. rION CARRIED. LOS AltGELES COUNTY · Request from Los Angeles County Fair to bring in po.y teams advertisi said Fair wassubbittedand read. COUNTY FLOOD : Request from the Board of Supervisors for action to be, taken on the nge County Flood Control report w~s submitted and read and will be consider 'again at the meeting to be held AUQust 9. 1,.. 7100 o'clock P.M. ORDI~NO. 1010: ~ouncilman Schutte offered Ordinance No. 1010 for firlt reading and moved fo i its passage and adoption. AN CIlDIlWCE OF THE JTY OF AlWiEIM AMENDING ARTICLE III,.. CliIITSl -2OF'THE ANAHEIM IIJNICIP AL C .~ BY ADDlr<<i A NEWSS:TION tHSiETO TO BE NUMBIIlEl) 3290. (35-MILE SPED LIMIT; WEST SlRSETBETWEEN KATELLA AND WINSTON). i motion. Councilman Schutte moved to adjourn. Councilman Wisserseeon4ed the MOTION CARR 1;D. MJJOURNED. SIGNED.