1955/08/23 1144 RESOLUTION NO. 2892:1 for its passage and" ouncilman 'Schutte offe~ed; Resoitition No. 2992 and moved option. ' page r. ~< j ~= A RESOLUTION OF THE! TY COUlCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING THE ENGINE&ttS' REPCRT SUBMITIED B ARnISON & WOOLLSY TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISCRS OF THE (JiANGE COUNTY FLOOD CONlROL ISlRICT, DATED MARCH, 1955. On roll ca the following vote; the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by AYB$ ; NOES: ABSENT; Fry, Schutte, and Wisser. None. Pearson and Van Wagone~. The Mayor Tsm declared the foregoing -resolution duly passed. and adopted. Councilman chutte moved to adjourn. Councll11an Fry seeonded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED. SI~ED. Ci ty Clerk r 23 1 5 - 7:00 P.M. cil of the City of Anaheim met in 'Regular Session. PRESENT: COtJJCI ABSENT: CooteI ACTING CITY ATTClUEY, CITY M>MIMISTRATIVE : Fry, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. a Pearson and Schutte. HIL JC CiiAW: Present. ICER, KEITH A. MURDOCH. Present. FHUT1E ENTERED THE MEETING 7115 P.M.) The meeting a$ called to order by the City Clerk for the purpose of electing a Mayor Pro for the Ci ty of Anaheim. Councilman Wisser n<alnated Councilman Van Wagon Mayor Pro Tem for the City of Anaheim. Councilaaan Fry seconded the nominatl and moved the nominations be clQsed. Councl~an'lss.r seconded the motion. ION CARRIED. Councilman Van Wagoner was seated as Mayor Pro Tam for the City Anaheim. . MINUtES: The Minwte$ on motion by Council" f the Regular Meeting held August, 9, 1950 ~8aiPrOYed Wisser, seconded by Councilman Fry. MOTIoACAlRXED. RESOLUTION NO. 2893: its passage and adopt ouncilman Wisser offered Resolution No. 2893 and moved for r j Refer to Re f>lution Book, page I A RESOLUTION OF THE C ry COOl<CIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AII)"1)ntECTING THE PAYMENT OF D , AGAI NST THE CI TY AS OF AU<lJST 23, 1955. ( $208,241.48) . i . On roll cal I the forego1ng resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: I adopted. AYES: NOES : ABSENT: N:;ILMEN: tCILMEN: PCILMAN: Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. Pearson. Tam declared the foregoing resolution duly palsed and 1145 - 7100 P.M. mD PROPOSALS,. JOB NO. 100: Purs" 4t to Resolution No. 2877 and Legal Notice duly published in the Anaheim Bulle _n August 9 and 16, 1955, the City Clerk was instructed to open Bid Proposals fo 'the Crescent Avenue Street Improvement from Brookhurst Avenue to Gilbert Street .Job No. 100, on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Fry. MOTION ~ARRIED. lIDS l.\ECEIVED o Sully-Miller Contracting Company $7,926.10 P. O. Box 4.32, Orange (Accompanied by Certified Check ;<J1616 in the amount of $1.OOO.OO) R. J. Noble Company P. O. Box 620, Orange (Accompanied by a ~ld Bond in t . amount of l(1)l)). $7 ,274.00 All ,Bids ..re referred t~ ~he City Engineer, Geoxge E. Holyoke, for tabulation and report on motion by.uncilman Wisser, seconded by Council... Fry. l<<>TION CARRIED. After tabulation, the Cit [Engineer reported the R. J. Noble Co.,., to be low bidder and recommended the a .eptance of said bid. leSOLUTION NO. 28941 Councilman W1 .er offered Resolution No. 2894 and MOVed for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, ,age A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CCIHCIL OF tHE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED PRO- POSAL At&> "'AJDIlG ACONIRACT TO T i LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDD~ f(R THE~N!SK-" ERG OF ALL PLINT, I..ABCR, SBtVICES,' TERIALS AHD EOJIPMENT AND ALL UTILITIES All) TRAHSPQlTlnON IlCLUDIr<<i POWBi,fuEL, AND WATER AM) PiRFCftM[NGALL V()RJ( _ESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND COMPLETE tHE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTs THE SCENT AVE S1REET IMPROVEMBiT OM ~(XKItJRST AVENUE TO GILBJiRT STREiL. . JOB NO. 100. . n On roll call the foregoin resolution ..s duly passed and adopted!>,. the following vote: j Wisser, and Van Wagoner. AYES: NOES: ABSINT : tOUtcILMEN: COUf<<:;ILMEN: COUtCILMAN : The Mayor Pro T em declar the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. BID PROPOSALS~ ant to Resolution No. 2878 and Legal Notice duly published in the Anaheim Bulle ~n August 9 and 16, 1955, the City Clerk was instructed to ope~ Bid Proposal ifor the East ,Street Sewer Improvement, from Orangethorpe Avenue to Kenwood .venue, Job No. 1059, on motion by Council- man Fry, seconded by Councilman Sch tte. MOTION CARRIED. 'IDS RECEI VED Nick M. Guho 8335 Atlant1c Boulevard, Bell $2~.514.04 n Rakisi ts Bros. 2240 Barton Lane, Montrose $28,184.22 Spann and Kenton Construction Co. 7321 Fulton Avenue, North Hollywo 4 $33,58l.4l 1146 BIDS RECEIVED (Continued) J. E.Popovich P. .G., Box 261, Torr,. e George Dakovich 2419 South Garfi.l~ venue, Monterey Park 'S23,597.3O $27,908. 10 ..... t j t .... Anro Construction Co. 2480 Ramona Boul BY, Angel as 33 $31,813.62 Edwin L. Barkley I 324 East 19th Stre~ ~ Costa Mesa 1 $25,843.m J. S. Barrett P. O. Box 2126, $29,~.36 ..re accompanied by Bid Bonds in the amount of 10J'). All Bids w~ referred to the City Engineer, George E.Ho1YGke, for tabulation and repor~ n motion by Councilman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARR! . After tabul ~ion, the City En9i~eer reported J. E. Popovich to be low bidder and recommend. 1 the acceptance of said bid. I RESOLUTION NO. 2B95:. founcilman Schutte offered Resolution No. 2895 and moved for its passage and . fPtion. .... ! '-V, "Mutt., Wisser, and, Van Wagoner. , None. Pearson. lution Book, page i ~ Y COUtCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING.!' SIAUD'R" TO THE LOWEST QSPONSIBLE BIDDER POR THE MHI", , SERVICES, MA.TERIALS.AtII E~'PMiNT AND ALL:UTILItlll ~ POWSi, FUEL, AND WATst All> PERFCRMING ALL walk ;NS'2SMRY 'IE THE FOLLOWlIQ 'UBLIC IWROVEMENT: EAST L1RUT .SilER THCRPE AVENUE TO KEN\\\JOD AVENUE JOB NO.. 1.... 9. On roll cal the following vote: the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by AYES: NOES: ABSENT: adopted. t Tem decl~red the foregoing ~&Olution duly passed and BID PROPOSALS & JOB duly puhlished in th, instructed to open B! the intersection of $ Councilman Wisser, se : Pu:rsuant to ResoltittioR No.2S76 .-and Legal Notice aheim Bulletin August 9 and l6, 1955, the City 01ert was Proposals for the construction of Fire Station No. 2 at okhurst and Crescent Avenues, Job No. "364, on titian by i nded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. BIDS RfCEIVED ---- . ~ 1 ~ Construction of Fire Station No. 2 Alternate No.1 $7 ,300.00 Alternate , No. 2 $790.00 :\~ lbert StarlIng '14682 Harbor Bouleva San~a Ana, Californl. (Accompanied by a $ + Bond in the amount of 10% not to exceed $50,000.00 and, in addition theret~ a Certified Check in the amount of $1,000.00). $5l,l50.00 Marvin E. L....ence 2016 South Main Street Santa Ana, California (Accompanied by a Bid Bond in th amount of 10%). A. D. Penball 9432 Euclid ~enue Anaheim, Callfornia {Accompanied by a Bid Bond in th 1147 Ci Bobe:r;t A. Miller 6245 East Clat-8 Street Bell Gardens, Califernia (Accompanied by a Bid Bond Blumer CO"st~ction Co. 1603 De Lon"e Hollywood, California (Accompanied by a Bid Bond Robert L. Joy 11151 Tonia Lane Anaheim, California (tccompanied by a Bid Bond Sonnenberg Builders 960 Laur.l Drive Orange, California (Accompanied by a Bid Bond (Continued) Alternate No. 1 Alternate No. ,2. $7SI.00 o $8,052.00 $8,059.00 1659.00. $6,017.00 $8l4.00 l~). $9,100.00 $790.00 amount of $6,~oo.oo). $8,052.00 $650 . ()() lOA') . n.... , .' $6,900.00 $665.00 All Bids were referred t JtheArchitect, Harold Gimeno, for tabulation and report on motion by Councilman chutte, seconded by Councilman Wisser. K)TION CARRIED. Aft.er tabulation, the low bidder (S50,485.00). Mr. Murdo~h, Adminl$trat e Officer, recoMmended the acceptan~e~Qf the low bid and also the acceptanc lof bid on Alternate No. 1 and Al ttrna t.. 110. 2. itect reported the Sonnenberg Builders to be RESOLUTION NO. 2896: Councilman F offered Resolution No. 2896 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Re.elution Book A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL 0 POSh AND AW~IMG1 CQ,mACT TO T OF ALL PLANT, LAB:>R, S!RVICES, MA TRANSPCRTATION I~LUDING POWSl, ro TO CONS1RUCT AND COMPLETE THE FOLL STATION NO. 2 AT THE INTERSECTION iTHE CITY OF ANAHEIM A(XEPTING A SEALED PRO- LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE FURNISHING ALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL UTILITIES AND , AtI) :WATER AND PERFatMING ALL WCliK NECBSIARY NG PUBLIC INPROVEMENTc CONSlRUCTrON OF. PIRE EROOKHURST AND CREOCENT AVENUES JOB NO. 364. n 1148 I J ~ 7..00 P On roll ca1 the foregoing :resolution was duly passed and adopted by the follow~ng vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT : Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. Pearson. Tem declared the for*9oing resolution duly pass~ and adopted. SID .. PROPOSALS: JOB duly published in th. was inst!Ucted to oPt Warehouse at the City 367, Unit "A," Speci_ by Councilman Schutt~ 367: Pursuant to Resolution No. 2175 and Legal Notice aheim Bulletin August 10 and 16, 1955, the City Clerk Bid Proposals for the construction of the Claudina Street ard on Claudina Street, in Anaheim, California, Job No. Improvement Fund, on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded MOTION CARRIED. SIPS RECEIVS) Bluaer Construction C 8503 De Longpre, ~ (Accompanied by . $10,980.00 in the amount of Sl,500.00). Western Builders Comp 10657 East Solo St~ (Accompanied by a $13,496.00 the amount of 10%). r-, ~ _,,'iBt Robert A. Miller $12,746.00 6245 East Clara Stt t, Bell Gardeos (Accompanied by h- id Bond in the amount of 10%). All Bids w. f referred to the City En,ineer, George.E.' Melyoke, for tabulation and report. t the next regular meeting to be h.ld.e~.er.13. 1_, 7100 o'clock P.M. on tion by Councilman Fry, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. . . I j BID PROPOSALS: CITY V · Pursuant to Legal Notice duly published in the Anaheim Bulletin gust 9 and 16, 1955, the Ci tyClerk was instructed to open Bid Proposals fp the City.s Legal Advertising on motion by Counci~an Wisser, seconded by C ncilman Fry. MOTION' CARRIED. BIDS RECEI VED For all advertising published in a daily Anaheim. be done by the City of Anaheim required by law to be weekly newspaper, published outside of the City of First Insertion SubseQUent Insertions S .50 per column inch The Piacantia Couri 132 Santa Fe Avenue Placentia, Californi $l.OO per column inch ri ! LI>''' The Cypress Enterpri 5376 linCOln Avenue Cypress, California $ .90 per column inch $ .70 per COlUMn inch BIDS RECEIVED For ,all advertising a daily newspaper pu be done by said Gi ty required by law to be'published in shed within said City. First .Insertion Subseauent In~~.~~Qnf $1.OO per column inch Anaheim Bulletin 232 South Lemon Stre Anaheim, California $1.25 per column inch I e accompanied by Certified Check. in the aJROUItt of $t)O.OQj. (All Bid Proposals 1149 Ci 95~ - 7.00 P.M. On .otion by Councilman for all advertising to be done by published in a daily or weekly new Anaheim were referred to the Admi lation and report. MOTION CARRIED. utte, &eGonded by Councilman Wisser, Bids e City of Anaheim required by l~.; to 1).8 Japer published outside of the City of I trative Officer and City Clerk: :for tabu- n On motion by Counci~an utte, seconded by Councilman Wisser, Bid received for all advertising to be ne by sa~d City required by law to be published in a daily newspaper pub shed within said City (subnitted by the Anaheim Bulletin) was accepted and ~he Mayor and City Clerk authorized to enter into an atlireeent for and on beha1 !of the Ci ty of Anaheim. MOTION CARlUED. . . PUBLIC HEW EI ABANDQNMEIIT: Pur posted as per instructions conta~n on the proposed vacation and aband purposes, being the westerly 6 fee publication of said Ordinance No. intention to vacate and abandon sa copy of notice so posted. ant to Ordinance No. 1003 and Notices duly therein, Public Heating was ordered. held ent of an easement for publi~ atility jof Lot I, Tract No. 1994. Affidavi ts of 3 and of posting notices, declaring the easements, were presented, together with The City Clerk advised t ,t no written protests regarding this abw1- donment had been received in her 0 ice. The Mayor Pro Tem asked the matter. anyone wished to address the CouncllQn Mr. Holyoke, City Engine , addressed the'Council advising this easement was owned by Buck Homes a ,is located just off Romneya Drive e~st of Euclid, and recommended the ab nment, ex;epting therefrolR the we,terly, 3 feet of the northerly 30 ,feet of e easement as described. Refer to Resolution the Council on this matter, the n There bei~ no one else Mayor Pro Tem decleed the hearing RESOLUTION NO. 2897: Councilman for its passage and adoption. offered Resolution No. 2197 and moved A RESOWTION OF THE CITY COON:IL a ;I'HE CITY QF ANNiEIM CRDSIU)(G THE VACAT IlEII1 AND ABMVONMSIT OF AN EASEMENT FeR BLIC UTILITY PURPOSES UPON, ALONG, 'OVER, AND THROUGl mE HEREINAFTER DESCRI REAL PROPERTY. (LOT It TR.t\CT NO. 1994). On roll call the foregoi resolution was duly passed and adopted by the followdng vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COOtCI LMEN : COON:; I !.MEN : COUNCILMAN: !' Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. edopted. The Mayor Pro Tem declar the foregoing resolution duly petased and ,.,' PUBLIC HEARII<<i: VARIANCE NO. 388: Subni tted by Harold Morse and Maulee McAlister requesting permission to ect a food market with off-sale 11quor department on property described a 2015-2025 Anahei~Olive Road. The prop- erty is presently classified as G-l. ~ The City Planning Commis denied said variance. n, pursuant to their Resolutlon No.9, Appeal from action taken by Mr. Mars e f owner, and Mr. Brun the City Planning Commission was filed applicant-purchaser. 1150 matter. asked if anyone wished toaddre~s theCouncll on the ....... I Mr. Mauric. and advised that thi, that his broker had $ property owner withi~ ties to the west are sition to the liquor cAlister addressed the Council in favor.:::of the variance rea carried "no connercialttdeed ,rntdc;UOAI. H. stated ured signed releases to this restriction from every he area. He further reminded the Council that the proper- sinesses and that th~wer&.no~rotest$ filed in oppo- ore. Mr. Brunet they were anxious to which is located on t dressed the Council favoring the variance and stated that cureHanother location as they planned to close the store Santa Ana Freeway. ~ec, 14012 Anaheim-Olive Road addressed the Council in ting of the variance, calling attention to the hazards Mr. J. D. opposition to the gr. that would be created ~ Mr. T. A. T of the variance and & along the highway, a sdale addressed the Council inappositlon to the granting ted that he felt there were sufficient hard liquor stores that there was no need for more. Councilman the action to be tak~ ing closed with actip stated he felt there should be a full Council to decide Thereupon, Mayor Pro Tem Van Wagoner declared the hear- to be taken at a later date. PU I V questing a waiver of; Tract No. 2723. Submitted by Realty Engineering Company re- square foot lot requirement on Lots 37 to 73, nin9 Coanission, pursuant to their. Resolution No. 13, granted ubject to a aeview by the City Council to deteraine the size and type of dwel ngs to be erected on Lots 37 to 73, inclusive. This variao b was necessary due to the realignment of streets as re- quested by the City 0 ! Anaheim. . Tern asked if anyone wished to address the Council on the matter. G. W. McPh variance be granted. agent, addressed the Council requestIng.'the The Mayor p the matter; there b RESOLUTIOtl NQ. 2891&1 for its pas sage and ' Tem asked if anyone else wished to address the Council on no one, he declared the hearing closed. Schutte offered Resolution No. 2898 and moved Refer to page. ~Y COUtCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM GtANTIt<<; VARIAtCE NO. 392. 1 I. , I the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by A RESOLUTION OF THE - , I i ' On roll ca the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT : Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. Pearson. The Mayor Tem declared the foregoing resolution duly pal.ed and adopted. " 1151 PUBLIC HEARINCla SPECIAL USE PERM! ! $\a...i tte4 by Wl1li_ ,J. Wesolek for per- mission to coastruct a 34-bed conva .scent hospital at 1514 East Center Street. Tn. City Planning Co.Is~on, pursuant to their R..olution No.6, 9ranted saidtpeclal .Use Permit su>>;ct to the fellowing cORdi tlons; 1. The erection of a bu~d1ng in ac;cerdance with plans pre.ent.. ' 2. The providing of off .treet parking as shown on the plans. Th. City CoUftci1 moved t jreview the action -~en by the City Pi.... ning Commission and ordered Public taring to he held 'onthls date. . The Mayor Pro Te asked j t an.yone ill tb.e audience wished to address the Council oa the .atter. Mr. Marshall Victor, res4ent at I015 Birch Street, addressed the Council relative to the S1Z8 and t . of sign proposed to be erected on the IN11ding. Mr. Wesolek advised Mr. ~ctor that no thought at the present time had been give. to the size or type ~ sign. Mr. Murdoch, Administrat e Office%", acivised that th~e Ci ty of Analie!'. bad purchased property for a park a playground site innediately adjacent to the proposed locatiGn of the conval . cent hospital. 'He pointed out that theZ'e will be an operating playground on at location, and before any investment:!.. ..de, it should be known that there*ill be noise from active youngsters playing there. Mr. Wesolek stated that. did not believe noise created by children using the playground would annoy th!patients. The Mayor Pro Tem asked f anyone else wished to address the Council; there being no one, he declared the learing closed. USOLUTION NO. 2999: Councilman F ,offered Resolution No. 2899 and moved for Its passage and adoption, granting 'e Special Use Permit pursuant to condit!ens as outlined in the City Planning Co :ission's Resolution No.6 and further pur- lUant to the dedication for widenin I and full improvement of Center Street fronting the affected property. Reier to Resolution Book !page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUOCIL OF 'tHE CITY OF ANAHEIM CiiANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FCR THe CONSTRUCTION AND AWl ENAlCE OF A 34-1E1) CONVAL.E!:CBNT HOSPITAL"AT 1514 EAST CENTER S'IREET IN THE CITY F ANAHEIM. On roll call the forego! resoluti&n was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYBS: NOBS: ABSENT: COUtCILMEN : C~llCILMENI COOtCILMAN : , SChutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. e. rson. The Mayor Pro Tem declar the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. GONTlNUED PUBUC HEARING: RECLASSI 4rnold Con$t~tion Company requ.. and Ball Road be reclassified from ..ent of a market and allied stores II ON Submitted by the 9 that the northwest corner of Brookhurst iA to C-I {25 ~cres)to allow theestabli. t this location. n ni .. n I . i 1152 Ci TheCi'ty Pl .f. niR, COIIIIIission, pur auaRtto their Reiio1utiiln No. 191, recOMmended the appro lof the reclaslification subject to the foll~n, condi- tions: I .... .~ 1 I.: The fil . deed r, 2. The de' Ball Rcb 3. EAg:kne4' 9 'of standard C-I, 'NElGiBCRHOOB GOMMFJl(1;IAL rictions of the City of Anaheim. ng to the Ci ty of Anaheim 25 f..t alom)' I. and Brookhurst Street for street widening_ ng requirements. ..II matter. r The Mayor F T_ asked if anyone wished to address the Council on the Mr. Murdoch ~xamined the plot plan pr...nted by the developer. and sta~ed "that the devel tlftent shQwn'on the"plan wdlildtake' the Jerttire '25 acres. There bein9 '0 further discussion on the matter, Mayor Pro Tem Van Wagoner declared tbe aringclosed. . ~WTION NO. 2900 a ouncilman Schutte offered Resolution No. 2900 aftdmoved t ttDr its passage and a ption. Refer to Re +lution Book, page ~: -RSS(i)Ilff.ION OF THE; ct y .cOON::;]L 0',-: THe CITY OP ANAHEIMFINDINGAtI> DETSRMINING ,ffiiAT A CHANGE OF 109 S NECESSARY IN CERTAIN AREAS {)FTHE CITY AND THAT ARTICLE :'!X, -CHAPTBR 2 OF THE"{ AHEIM MJNIC:IPAI/CODE .SHOULD BE' AMENDED'TO ACCO&PmSH SAID CHANS5 OF ~ ZONE. p,. 55-40.,; .' , . ..... 't ~ ~ "/ , . I ..,_... On roll cal Ithe foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: j i :'~ ~ 1 _:_-::1 AYES: NOES: ABSENT : Fry', Schutte, Wi&ser, and VaifWagoner. None. Pearson. adopted. Tem declared the foregoing resolution duly pass_ ...,/ 4;ONl'INUED . PUBUC H the City Planning Co Municipal Code, cont~ : PRCPOSED CHANGES TO THJi MJNICIP AL CoOE: '. Purauant to ssion's Resolution No. 172, recomm~dlng:Cha~g..'~o.the ed Public Hearing was held. The Mayor P Tem asked if anyone wished to'~add:r.ss;.:the Council on the matter; there being n jone, he declared the h.aringclos~. J Councilman. ~sser offered a resolution authorizing the changes to the Municipal Code' as out. ned in the City Planning COJnIRissiontg Resolution and moved for its passage nd adoption. . After furth * discussion, and in view of additional time required by the Council to consid ~ these changes, Councilman Wiss~r withdrew his motion. ~ l! I ~ f , The Mayor P at a later date. Tern announced that action would be taken by the Council TS, NOS. 2491 AND 2492': Stibdi'V'i~e:r,' Prud,ntial Homes. Olive Road and East LaPalma Avenue east of Placentia Sunkist Street. The City P.t 2.91 and 2492 subject ing Coan1!ssion approved said .tentativei map of 'Fr*c'tff 'Nos. the following conditions: 1. t of $25.00 per lot for the acquisition d Recreation Sites. g requirements. 2. 1153 Ci Mr. George E. Holyoke, q ~y Eniin8e~t advised the Council that the ~9ineer for this development and h . I had wo!'ked out a street patte'Jrn that wpuld allow access for those property own .s on LaPalma who would otherwise have the rear portions of their property Ian ~ocked; however, the plan did not meet with the approval of the subdivider. Mr IHolyoke was concernedwlth the drainage and sewer problems in this area but leI t these requirements could be worked out I before consideration of the final as. ni ~. . The subdivider, Mr. Scho ~, advisej that he was willing to meet any of the requir.ents of the City and work out any necessary street changes, should it be the request of the City. He rther advi.sed that to develop this street in addition to the cost thereof, he ould lose 4 or 5 lots. Further discussion was h d with the property owners involved who agreed to pay their proportionate re of the st.reet and, if necessary,cledk cate an additional 10 feet. Councilman Schutte moved that the Cl ty Council request that the .C1:ty Engineer and the engineer for the d telopment company work out this problem with the least pos41ble hardship to the .bdivider, and that the property owners. ~.. an additional 10 feet providing the t lots would still contain a depth ofrequlred size and bear their proportionate C $t of this improvement. Councilman Wisser aeconded the motion. MOTION CARRl Councilman Fry moved to IJ"d 2492 subj~t to the rearrang_ and sewer p~lems as requested by recommendatioas of the Ci ty P lannin JIOtion. MJTION CARRIED. 'prove s.id Tentative Map of Tracts NO$. 2491 sof the lots and the wc:rJc.ing out of drainage eEngineering Departaent and furth.1X' to,tne Commission. CouncilMan Wisser seconded the Councilman Fry moved tha LaPalma be widened and inproved to conf~.rm with this subdivision at the same t .e and in the same manner and that the expense be borne by the property owners. C~cilman Ilsser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. n !vider, Ralph H. Winkler. Located on the ! of Crescent Avenue. This map was resubni tted, THNTATIVE MAP. TRACT NO. 27401 east side of Dale and 415 feet together with proposed plans. The City Planning COl11J1is ~on voted to approve the tentative map sUbjKt to the following conditions: 1 1. The payment of $25. per lot for the acquisition of Park and Recreation. ~tes. 2. Engineering requi~ ' ts. 3. The completion of a ~xation proceedings. Councilman Wisser moved.. jmtative Map of Tract No. 2740 be appJ'Qv.ed. subject to conditions as recommend j by the City Planning COJmP.isslon. Coun-ctlMan Schutte seconded the motion. MOT I . CARRIED. c;RDIN~E NO. 1011: Councilman F pffere.d Ordinance No. 1011 for final rea_ng and moved for its passage and adop Dn. n AN CRDINMEE OF THE CI TY OF ANAHEI ANAHEIM OF THe TBUtITClty KNOWN AtI> PROVING TIm ANNEXATION TO TMB CITY QF I~ATED AS BARRCJlS ANNEXATION. After hearing read in f ~ the title of Ordinance No. lOll and having knowledge of the contents therein, uncilman Wtsser moved the reading in full of said ordinance be waived. Coun man Fry seconded the motion. Motion unald... mously carried. 1154 ...... f ~ i ~ f ~ -"1'. Cit Hal M. On roll ca~ Ithe foregoiag OrdinanCe Mo. 1011 wa. dwlypassed and adopted by the follow 'g vote: . I tCILMEN& Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wag,ner. tCILMENs None. tCILMAN: Pearson. AYES: NOES: ABSENT : adopted. Tern declared the foregoing ordinance duly passed and J.O.S. REPmTS: Repq of expenses paid for maintenance for the month of July and' the flow report _ the month of July, 195~ were ordered received and filed on aotion by Council W[sser, seconded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRISD. I J.G.S. MINUTES: The 1nutes of the Joint Outfall Sewer Executive Committee Meeting held August 4 1955 were ordered spproved and filed on motion by Council- man Wisser, seconded Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. I I PLU", BON)S;Pl\ll\~ ..reordered filed wl1 Schutte, seconded by " Bonds subnl t.ted by W. Howard Ro.ss and lal ter E. Hauptman approved by the City Attorney, GR motion by C~uncilman uncllman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. C LLATION OF CITY : On motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Council- ..n Schutt., canceL14 on of City taxes was authorized on' property pu~cbaeed by the State of Califorri to be used for highway purposes and formerly assessed to Mrs. Dora A Littleton and William and Rose Vuksanovich. MOTION CARRIED. ......... A RESOLUTION OF THE G :FOR ON! YEAR, OF THAt 'SF ANAHEIM AND THE On roll cal the following vote: the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by AYES: NOES: ABSENT : Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. Pearson. Tam declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. , I aRnJNANCE HQ. 10121 . ~uncilm.n Schutte offered Ordinance No. 1012 for first reading and moved for ~ts passage and adoption. ~ I I ! I AN ORDINAtCE OF THE a ORDINANCE OF THE CIT~ JlJNICIP AL CCDE RELA Ti THER2IN REWLATING nf A MAP SHOWING THE BOQ VIDING FeR ADJUSTMENt VIOLATION Al() REPEAL] ( F-54-55-17 ) . Y OF ANAHEIM AMENDING GlmINArCE .NO. .992. ENTXTLBD "AN F ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF TH! ANAHEIM TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONJ:S IN tHE CITY OF.' AN'AHEIM AN) USE OF LAND, HEIGHT OF BUILDINGSANf.). YARD SPAC!SI ADOPTING ARIES OF SAID ZONES; DEFINING THE TERMS USED THEREIN; PRO- AMEN)MENT, Aft) ENFORCEMENT; PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FeR ALL SECTIONS at PARTS OF SECTIONS IN CONJ:LICT THP.RBWITH." After hear~ ~read in full the title of Ordinance No. 1012 and having knowledge of the contts therein, Councilman Wisser moved the read1nl in full of said ordinance be wai. . Councilman Fry seconded the motion. Motion unanimously carried. l 1155 Cit n PERSONNEL, Mr. Murdoch, the following personnel: ve Officer, reported the appointment of Huga Bass, Custodian at John F. Murphy, Maintena Gilbert L. Range, Fire Public Library, Schedule No. 19-A. Department, Schedule No. 25-A. i rtment, Schedule No. 25-A. Said appointlleptC) were . 'fied by the Cl ty Council on motion by Councilman Schutte, seconded by Co iIman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. IlESOLUTIOltl. O~ CO~ATION. Resol ion congratulating John O. Thox,-Mqll, ,Operator, Li.t, Power. and Watttr artment, on his retirement and fi1thful;ih services rendered to the City of elm during his employment, was subai tte4, read, and unanimously passed by th City Council. fINAL MAP.. 'IliACT NO. 241()2, Subdiv er, Cunninghaa Developnent CQlltpany. Lor;. cated on the west side of Euclid ~nue betwe.n Broadway and. Orange.. GeQrge E. Holyoke, City gineer, rtPorted that all bonds had been filed and ne.essary fees paid and ..comended the acceptance of said final map. Fin;al Map of Tract No. 2 was approved by the City Council subject 'to enginMri~ requirements on mot 4n by Councilman Schutte, second,edby Counell- 1Mn Fry. MOtION CARRIED. fINAL MAP. l\ACT NO. 2578: Subdiv4er, Tedmar Development Company. Located on the south site of B~oadway west 'of~uclid Avenue. gineer, reported that all bonds had been +commended the acceptance of said final George E. Holyoke, City filed and necessary fees paid and map. n ! FilJal Map of Tract No. 2 18 was approved by the City Couneil ..ubj~t to enginetriqg requireaents on mot tn by Councilaan Wisser, seeonded by Cou.ncil- man Fry. MOTION CARRIED. FINAL MAP, 11ACT NO.. 2490: Subdiv Cier, Prudential Homes. Bounded by East La Palma, SuAkist Street, and Anah t~Olive Road. Getrge E. Holyoke, City ~gineer, reported that all bonds had been filed and"oecessary fees paid and _commended the acceptance of said final map subject to the completion of a exation proceedings. Pinal Map of Tract No. 2 ~o was approved by the City Cpuncil s~~~t to engineering requir.-ents and fu ther subject to the completion of the annexa- tion proceedings on motion by Coun J.lman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Fry.;: MOTION CARRIED. JOINT AGaEEI11INT: Agreement submit ~ by the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph'!i Company for the' relocation of tel ttone lines on Harbor Boulevard was rePOf~ upon by George E. Holyoke, who adv ~ed the Counci~,that this being the second move, the expense would be borne the City. Said agreement was refe man Schutte, seconded by Councilma to the City Attorney on motion by Council- Fry. K>TION CARRIED. :l ME1ROPOUTAtj WATER DIS1RICT: Reso l1tion No. 4654 of the Metropolitan Water District was sutlnitted and order ,-eceived and filed on motion by Councilman Fry, second,- by Councilman Schut: MOTION CARRIED. AHEIM CH OF COMMERCE; Resolution p f the Anaheim Chamber 0 f Commerc e wi th ane road to connect Lincoln Avenue with to the proposed Santa Ana Freeway, was ,sub- RECOMMEN)ED SlREET P ATIERN BY THE offered by the Executive Committe reference to the providing of a Euclid Avenue, running parallel mitted and read. 1156 Discussion ~a9reement to bear th, present plans, and t~ 110wOO and Mr. Holyoke advised that the State indicated cost for the construction of the 2 lanes pursuant to this cOAstruction was scheduled for this fall. On motion Council favored the and further consider land for the additio~ and pave the additio~ Councilman Schutte, seconded by Counci~an Wisser, the ane road instead of the 2-lane rOild, as presently planned, that if the property owners would provide the necessary width and construct the curbs that the City would grade width, thereby making this a 4-lane road. MOTION CARRIED. ....... j CORRESPONDENCE : C~ requesting an extensl from C. V. Tao1'1llina, Anaheim'DisPQsal CoMpany, contract, was ordered referred to the City Attorney. CORRESPON1EOCE: Co.- ication from Anaheim Encampment, No. l05, I.O.O.F., com- mending the Park S.p1 ees, was submitted and read. -- ~CRRBSPON)EtCE; Co. ication from Thos. L. McLaughlin, relatl ve to Variance .Ho. 276 and the movi* of his house by the City from its present location and plating it in the 001) tion it now is for his deeding to the City of Anaheim of the necessary 20 feet or the widening of P lacentia Avenue, was sw.itted, read and discussed and or_ ed held over to allow time to investigate the cost of the _DYing of the house. i ~ORREg>Otl)Era. comq,jication from Orange County League of Cities advising , AnaheiM's share of th gasoline tax allocated by the Board of Supervisors to be $16,956.00. ; CORRESPOtl>ENCE: Co.. rication from C. B. Cook of the Valley Investaent Company, requesting pftlllissio* 0 move the office building loc::"ted at 313. South Los Angel.. Street to the propert line and remodeling the buildln;1~as 'submitted and read. Mr. Murdoch ICity Admdnistrative Officer, advised that the building was located in Fire Zonei . 1 and is a building which was allowed by a previo~ waiver by the Council land the relocation of this building to the front wouid remove therefrom the +les lot for used cars. i On motion b ~Icouncilman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Fry, a waiver was granted for perm! ion to move this building to the front, to be not closer than 20 feet from the idewalk, nor closer than 15 feet from the south property line. MOTION CARRIED CORRJiSPONDBCE: Co~ ication from Norman w. Gordon of the Law Fia of Iacoboni and Gordon, informing he Council tkat they had been' retained' by MarcUs H. Gray 'relative to injuries stained on premises owned by the City of Anahelmand re- questing the matter ~ referred to the proper office. < Said COJImUn ation was fOI'Warded to the Administrative Officer and insurance agent on mo on by Councilman Schutte, seconded by ~ounci~an Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. ' ...., IJ I I I , RESOUfTION NO.. 290l: ~ouncilman Wisser offered Resolution No. 290l and moved for its passage and a';ption. Refer to Rtt ,lut10n Book,page I A RESOLUTION OF THE q~. COUtCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIMAUTH(EIZING THE ~CJt,\SE AND ACQUISITION OF C AIN REAL PROPERTY FCIi PUBLIC PURPOSES. . (PARI OF ll-1/4 ACRiS OWNED BY GECJl COLA, LOCATeD ON THE WEST SIDE OF NUTWOOD, SOUTH OF CRANGE AVENUE). On roll ~al the following vote: . the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. Pearson. adopted. Tam declared the foregoing resolution duly pas.ed and 1157 Cl - 7,00 P.M. .,UBCHASE Of FiRE mOCKS; The AdlRiJ..l ,trati ve Officer recoJlllencAed th, purchase of two (2) Seagreve, Model 500-B, 1, . Igallon pUJRpers for the Fire Dep.rtau~ntf. ~ne to be delivered January 15. 19~6, . ~ the other. to be delivered July 15. l~. He advised th. Council that prices ~d been increased August 1, 1955; however, purchasers, placing orders within 3C) Clays would still have the advantage of the lower cost, a~ he r,cammeqded the ~acement of orders at this time for both pumpers in orier that the City caul i take advantage of the lower cost. On motion by Councilman t'y, second~ by Councilman Schutt., purchase orders were authorized for the pure .se of two (2) Seagrave, Model 5OQ-B, 1,000 gallon pumpers. ($19,582.50, plus .x). JM)TION CARRIED. n RESOLUTION NO. 2902: Councilman Sc \1tte offered Resolution No. 2902 and moved for its passage and adoption. adopted. n Refer to Resolution Book page A RESOWTION CF THE CITY COUrcIL OF fHB CITY OF ANAHEIM ASCERTAINING' AND DE1EBMI1- ING THE PREVAlUI<<3 RATS OF WAGES TO MECHANIC NlEDID FCR PUBLIC WCRKS CO PLANT, LABORIND $BRVIG135 FOR THE C ING SYSTEM ALONG BOTH SIDES OF CENT CLAUDINA S1REET TO THE EAST PROPER CITY OF ANAHEIM, CALIFCRNIA. PAID FeR EACH CRAfT (It TYPE OF WCI\JQJP.. (Ji ACTS F<R THE FURNISHING OF ALL MATERIALS, smUCTION Art) COtJPL2TION OF A NEW Sl1EET LIGHI- S1REET FROM THE EAST PR<PERTY LINJ:1 OIL_S~TH LINE OF NORTH AND SOUTH HELENA STREET, IN THE On roll call the foregoi the following vote: resolution was duly passed and.adopteq by AYES: ~S: ABSENT : COUN:;ILMEN: COUK;ILMEN: COt.hCILMAN : Wisser, and Van Wagoner. The Mayor Pro Temdecla the foregoing resolution duly passed and ~SOLUTION NO. 2903: Councilman Wi &er offered Resolution No. 2903 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book page A RESOWTION OF THE CITY COUOCIL OF 'THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETMMINING THAT PUBLIC C6NVENIENCE AI'{) A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT TO, WIT: A C.ENTffi smEEI mOM CLAUDINA 51REET I NG THE DESI CJfS, PLANS, PROFILES, THEREOF; AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTI WITH SAID PLANS, SPECIFICAnONS, E CLERK TO PUBUSH A NOTICE INVITING (BIDS TO BE CPENED SEPTEMBER 13 1 REQUIRE 1HE CONS1RUCTION AlC> C()).j)LETIOti OF 1RIET UGHTI S SiTS . S HELEN" S1RiET, YlRI( aij)1R NO. 2185,.PROV- WINGS AND SP:~IFICATIONS. FOR THE CONsra~TION OF SAID PUSUC IMPROVEMENT IN ACCCRDAtCE .; AND AUTHCRIZING MI> DIR2CTING THE CITY , ALED PROPOSALS FCR THE CONSTRUCTION THEBEOF. 7:00 O'CLOCK P.M.). On roll call the foregoi g resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSBNT ! COUNCILMEN: COUlCILMEN: COtm: I LMAN ! Wisser, and Van Wagoner. n The Mayor Pro Tem declar the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. CO/t.P~EJION OF. JOB NO. 1339: George f. Oelkers, Superintendent of Light, Power, and Water certified that the Peerl ~ Concrete Pipe Company, Contractors, ha~e completed the East Ball Road 18" wa er line, Work Order No. 1339, in accordance with plans and specifications, and commended the work be officially accepted. 1158 Ci 3 1~5~ 7.00P . REgoWTION NO. 2904: ouncilman Wisser offered Resolution No. 2904 aftdMved for its passage and aptian. .lution Book, page ...... I ~ ] A RESOLUT'ION OF THE COMPLETION All) THE MENT AND ALL UTI LITI PERFCRMING ALL WCRK PROVEMENT: CONSlRUC WEST OF PLACENTIA A COUtCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINALLY ACXEPTIE THE ISHING OF ALL PLANT, LABCft, SERVlCES,MATiRIALS AND ECJJIP- AND TRANSPCRTATION IOCLUDING POWER, FUEL, AND WATER, At[) ESSARY TO~COlCSTRUCT AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC 1M- N OF 18" WATER LI B RO OM R 2300' TO APPROX. 4108- WEST OF PLICENTIA 'AVE. W. o. #1339. On roll cal the follo~ng vote: the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by AYES: NOES: ABSENT I Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. Pearson. Tam declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and ",;adopted. ! RESOLUTION NO. 29(1)1 i ~ounci1l11an Fry offered Resolution No. 2905 and moved for its passage and adopt ~n. lutlon Book, page -- , I.i A RESOLUTION OF THE t COUtCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AOCEPTING6 ~~ DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY F ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PR<PERTY' FOR AN EASJlENT FCIt ROAD AtI) PUBLIC UTILITY POSES. (RICHARD G. AND MAR<lJERITE E. MITCHELL). On roll cal the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES I NOES: ABSENT: ~ Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. (j:: None. (I; ICILMAN: Pearson. t Tem declared the foregoing resolution dulV passed and I ~:adopted . REOOWnQN NO. 2906: ouncilmanlf1,.ser q>ffered Resolution No. 2906 and !lOved for its passage and' ption. lution Book, page I A RESOLlIE:lON OF THE ~ Y:COUDL :OFTI4E CI~TY OF ANAHEI"AOCEPTIRG'~ ~ DEEQ CO.EYING TO THE CITY F ANAHEIM CERr AIN REAL PRCPERTY' FCR AN EASIIENt RJ1 STREET AND PUBLIC UTILITY POSES. (AlPHA BETA .RJOD MARKEts~ INC. .ANI) "R'ICHARDG. Me IT! E. MITC On roll cal Ithe foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the foll~n9 vote: I AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. Pearson. ...-.- I adopted. I The Mayor P . Tam declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and I RESGUJIION NO. 2907: ~ouncilman Wisser offered Resolution, No. for its passage and 4 +ption. < I Refer to Re +lution Book, page 2907 and moved ll59 .M. G A RESOUJTIOI OF THE CITY COUJeIL f mE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A ffiANTDIED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ItRTAIN REAL PRcPERTY ~ AN EASEQNT Fat SlREET AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSE _ (RICHARD G. A.ND MARCiJERITE. E. _~TCHELL AND COMET ,. INC.). On roll call the foregoi, resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following votes n CCXJtcILMEN : COUtcILMEN : COU~ILMAN: AVIS: NaBS : ABSENT : Tnt Mayor Pro Tem decla:r the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOWT~ f). 2908: Councilman ty offered Resolution No. 2908 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book A RESOWTIOII OF THE CITY COOICIL t THE CITY OF ANAHEIM &:C~TING t GiANJ~UD CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM fRTAIN REAL PROPERTY Fat AN EASEMENT Fat SlREET AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSE. (RICHARD G. ANDMMCl:JIBITIi E. JlJ,'J.'C'IELL) If On roll call the foregoi 9 resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOIS : ABIENT a CWtCILMEN: F~, SChutte, Wiss-er, and Van Wagoner. CClJK;ILMEN: N flee COOte I LMAN : t prson. adopted. n Tn, Mayor Pro Tem declar the foregoing resolution duly passed and RESOLUTION 10. 2909: Councilmant:hutte .offered Resolution No. 2909 and moved for its paslage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book A RESOLUTIOI OF THE CITY COUtCIL ~ THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ~OCEPTING A ~.>>rf ~ CONVEYIlt3 TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM TAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT Fat S1REET AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES. Rl ' G. MARClJERITE E. MITCHELL . AYES: NQJS: ABIENT: n On roll call the foregoi resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: CCIJK; ILMEN: COUN::ILME" : COUOCILMAN : Wisser, and Van Wagoner. The Mayor Pro Tem decla the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. IJ&>ROVPYJ:NT OF HAR~ BOOLEVARD: Mr. George Easton appeared before the Council relative to the dlvidin~ strip 0 Harbor Boulevard. SALES TAX: Mr. Murdoch addre$$ed the Council reglrding a sales tax program, and the following facts were det . ined: The rate of growth, tog her wi th its resulting capital expendi.turf demands, has been even greater t expected a year ago. At that time the forecast was for a population of ,000 by July 1, 1956. It is now apparent that the population will be nearl I 60,000 by that time. Suc;h growth wiLl place a financial burden upon the city poner than could reasonably be expected.. The impact will not take place . 1 the latter part of this fiscal year. The remedy, however, requires action 1160 Analysis 0' he practical effects of uniform ,ales tax l~islation recently adopted by t State legislature shows that such le9islatl'on~lrtually insists that cities a pt a 1% sales tax by April 1, 1956, if not considerably sooner. ....... , The necessl ~ of postponing very desirable improvements and services year after year in 0 r to take care of the essential facilities requi~ by growth appears about , recur again unless steps are taken to prevent the recur- rence. i j Likewise t ~extreme g~owth-rate incr.a$e, contin~e$ to keep the Gity from improving the q' . i ty of service in such commonpla\c~ functions as street sweeping and sidew~lk epair sinc. they are de~irable bvt not essent~.l functions. I The Mayor f all members of the Cc ahould be made at thl basis of operation. ORDINANCe NO. lQ131 buncilman Schutte offered Ordinance No. 1013 for first read- ing and moved for its ~assage and adoption. , . Tem asked each Councilman his view on this matter, and c.il present believed that the enactment of-tne sales tax time in order to continue the GitY~$ econQBdcally sound -- AN CJIDIN.w:;E OF THE C Y OF ANAHEIM ADOPTING PART 1 OF DIVISION 2 OF THE CALI- FCRNIA RBVENUE AN) T nON CODE, KNOWN AS mE "SALES AND USE TAX LAW." AS IT EXISTED ON JANUARY 1 955, EXCEPT SECTIONS 6006, 6008, 6009, 6009.1, 605l, 6066, 6067, 6068, 6069, 601 6.071, 6091, 6201, 7052, 7056, 7l02, 7l03, 71S1,AND 7153; IMPOSING ,A LICENSE T FOR THE PRIVILEGE OF SELLING AND A LICENSE TAX FOR THE PRIVILEGE OF USING cR THERWISE CONSUMING TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPIiRTY WITHIN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM; AND ENDING ARTICLE I I, OF THE ANAHEIM KJNICIP AL CODE BY ADD- ING THER&TO CHAPTSi INCLUDING THEREUNDER PARTS 1 TO 5, Irc~USIVE, SECTIONS 2650 TO 2650.7, IOC VE, SECTIONS 2651 TO 2651.9, IOCLUSIVE, SECTIONS 2652 TO 2652.2, INCLUSIVE, S . ION 2653 AND SECTIONS 2654 AND 2654.1. (PUBLIC HEARING SEPT~UR1=R 13, 1955, 7 po 0 'CLOCK P. M. ) . ~ After hear! knowledge of the con of said ordinance be unanimously carried. read in full the title of Ordinance No. 1013 and having ts therein, Councilman Schutte moved the reading in full ived. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MotieP P ERMI I.: Mr . Mungall used to mclke a traffl1 property as a landin G. Ludder, informed and if this develops port.lon of the bla.ck,.. is determined, they , The Ci ty C Councilman Schutte, vised the Council that tb. Goodyear blimp, ,which 1$ being survey of the Anaheimar..,was using the'Manle,..Kuhne ield. He stated that the operator'of the blimp, Mr. Fred that the public was interested in riding in the blimp, to a commercial venture, they would like to use the unused pped area of the Disneyland parking lot. Until this fact uest a temporary permit to use the Manley-Kuhns property. cil granted a temporary permit for 30 days on motion by cnded by Councilman Wisser. MC[ION CARRIED. ST ANTON AVENUE AN ings for annexation Avenue Annexation wa' mission for report, MOTION CARRIED. ON: Request of proponents for consent to s:tarJJ?~ceed- territory described therein and designated as StlfttGn ubmi tted and ordered referred to the City Plarud.ng Com- motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councl1-.oSchutte. Councilman Augus t 24, 195~. Co hutte moved to adjournr to 3;00 o'clock P.M., W~lr.,. llman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION cARRIIIN;--; .S~,GNFD. . ~"