1955/08/24 1161 PRESENT: ABSENT. CITY A CITY COUtCILMEN: Fry, SClltte, and Wisser. COUlCILMEth Pearson Van Wagoner. PI.toM na... AlP. t. ArtvEOmcmt, KEI~ . JlJRDOOHa Present. i order by the Ci ty Clerk for the purpose ! Ci ty of Anaheill. Counci lJAan Schutte o T_ for<tbe ,City of M..im. Council- Iftovld the n.inatioRs be cloled. Councl1- ~ION CARRIED. Councilmantlisser.was seated helm. n Th* Ci tyCounci 1 .P .M., Ci Session. ty of Anaheim lIet in Mje\trlled Regular !h. meeting was called t of electift9.4 Mayor Pro T_ for tll ft.inated,:o.-.cilJlaa Wisser Mayer ~ft Pry ...~... the nOMination a MaR Schllttetecondllth. metien. as Mayor Pro! em for the City of , ~TANTQR .~. ~~nOlb ..,.r".f 'the Ci tr'" P lauiagCQMd.aion rtlat1V'.,~ i.. to- the pHp9fltd annbation of tert'ory deler .bed as the Stanton Avenue .Ad... tion was subl! tted and read in ful. Council_n Schutte moved that .aid re,ort be recei vttd and filed. Counci lman fry seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED~ Refer to Reaolutlon Bool tllESOWTIOH NO. 2910. Councilman f offered Resolution .No. 2910 and moved for its passage and adoption. A RESOU1TION OF THE~CITY GOUICIl. <P 11m CITY QF ANAHEIM~CO.'lQffING TO THI~GOM- IBEEMENT OF PROCDDIIGS R:R THI EXATION OF INHDITD !IIllItcRY TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. (STANTON AVBIIJE ION). COUtCILMEN: C()'(JfC ILMEN : CClJMCIlMEN : resolutien was dlll y p....ed aad aeopt":.by On;roll a.ll the forego! the foIlowin, vote: AY8S: NOSS: ABIENT: , SChutte, and *iller. n rs~n and VanW..oaer. The Mayor Pro TEIR decla the feretolng resolution duly passed and adopted. CQMcilJRan Schutte MOVe<! . *0 adjourn to 4130 P.M. t Thursday, Aug..'~;.25, 1955. CouncllmaR Fry seconded the .otion. MOnON C~IED. ADJOURIIID. SI~ED. The City Council in Adjourned Regular "Ci Session. PRESENT: COUM:;ILMEN: Fry, SCh1te, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. "ENT: CotJN:ILMAfl~ '..r"n4!.t CITY ATICllNq, PlISTON "...: _ tnt. CITY ADMIIIS1aATIVE OFFlCJIt, KEITJt+. MJRDOCH: Present. n Th. meeting was called t "leeting . Mlror P. r. far the ct Council.. V. W.goaer Mayor p~ l' Wisser see.onfed the nOMination and Pry seconded the motion. II:>TIOlll a Mayor Pro T_ for the City of Anah ! order by the City Clerk for the purpose of y of Anaha1a. COWlcl1aan Pry n_lnated . for the City of Anaheim. Councilman oved the nominations be closed. Counci1llan lED. Councilman Van Wagoner was seated as