1955/09/06 1163 r 6. 1955 - 7&00 P.M. Session. l1le City Council of th, i ty of Anaheim met in Adjourned Regular PRESENT; COUl'GI IJEN : P earsotl ABSENT: COlJ.tCI~: None. CITY ATTau.y,p~!5TON TURNER: CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER, KEI S C The AdDdnistrative Officer repor of the Cla14ina Stre.t Warehouse! job. He fuither stated that he could be dOlle by City forces wit mended the rejection of all bid p Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. n sent. A.MURDOCH, Present. n S CI Y that the bids received for the constJ'\lCri.~<on re higher th~ the estimated co~t of this ught the construction of the warehouse. the estimated cost, and' thereupon, reco.. posals. RESOUJTION .-:>. 2911: Counci lman: for its pa..age and adoption. sser offered Resolution No. 2911aJld JJlOved Refer to Resolution Bop page A RESOWTIQI OF TijE CITY COUlCIL: RECEIVED FCI THE CONSlRUCTION OF! YARD ON .~I fIlINA SlRII!I: AND DEC PERFCRMJI) ~ ECOR:>MICALLY BY DA THERElU C. BE RJRNISHEO AT A IZING THE cONSTRUCTION THEREOF B SUPPLIES THiRE~ IN THE OPEN THE CITY OF. ANAHEIM REJlCTING ALL BIDS E CLAUDINA.1ftEET AT THE CIn ING THAT THE CON OCTlOR THEREOF CAN B:ij., , AND nlAT MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES PRICE IN THi OPEN MARKlT; AND AUTHCR- AY LABCR AM) nlE PURCHASE OF MATER~ AND T. I On roll call the forego pg resolution was duly passed and adopted by the foll~w~ vote: '. , AYES: ~ES: ABSENT : COUtCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUtCI LMEN: arson, Fry, SChutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. nee nee The Mayor declared the! regoing resolution duly passed aad adopted. VARIAtCE NOt 3fl!: Suhmi tted by permission to erect a food marke erty de'scribed aiS 2015-2025 Anahi old Morse and Maurice McAlister requesting i th an off-sale liquor department on prol>"' Olive Road. Public Hearing was held n this variance August 23, 1955 as a re.ult of appeal filed by Harold Morse Albert Brunet on the action taken by the City PlanniJ\g Commission in deny~ the variance. At that time, the hearing was declarel closed with action be taken at a later date by a full Council. Mr. Brunet advi s eel the Board of E~alization, and the on variance. uncil that they had clearance through the additional requirement needed was the FMrther discussion was placement wi thin the Code of this action will be taken to clarify Id by the City Council regarding the proper se, and Mr. Brunet was advised that i..ediate 5 situation and he will be so notified. CRD4.N8 ~..W14: Mr. Murdoch, ity Administrative Officer, briefed the cont:,nt.." of', the proposed Ordinanc No. 1014. Councilman Fry offered Ordinance No. 1014 for-first reading and ml:> for its passage and adoption. n AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAH AMENDING ARTICLE IV. CHAPTER 2" SECTIONS 5200.1 AND ~210. 7 OF THE ANAHEIM NICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE COLLB:nON, REMOVAL, Me' DISPOSAL OF GARBAGE, UBBISH, AND WASTE MAlERIAL AND THE CHARG- ING OF FEES IN CONNECTION THEREW/[ r [ [ 1'1,64 5- 7100 .M. Aft,er hea. p.g read in ~ull the title of Ordlnaqce No. lQ14 and having knowledge of the con ~nts therein, Councilman Schutte moved the read1119 1n full of said ordinance be .aived. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. Motion unanimously carried. CANCELLATION OF CITY, I AXES: On motion by GfJuncilman Schutte, seconded by Council- man Van Wagoner, can llation of City taxes was authorized on property purchased by the State of Call rnia for highway purposes and fonn.rlY4;ssessed to the fol- lowing: Mrs. Anna S dersfeld, Vernon and Laura Schul%, George and Ella Collman, Mrs. Josl.e Malmstroll and Mrs..Abbie I. McNeal. MOTION CARRIED. S I Orange County Boundary Commission's report dated August 29, 1955, r'l .ive to the Stanton A~enue Annexation, finding the boundaries of the proposed anne ~tion to be reasonably definite and certain, although in- cluded within the ar' of the prop()sed Tri City Incorporation, was sulDltted, read, and- ordered re ived and filed, on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, sec- onded by Councilman sser. MOrION CARRIED. ORQ{~ NO~lO~: fo~nciLman Van Wagoneroffered_Oldinance No. 1012 for final reading and moved fo ! its passage and adoption. Refer to i. AN otmIN.AN:E OF THE CJU)INAMJE OF THE CI JlJNICIP AL CODE RELA 1HiREIN REWLATlr13 T AlAN' SHOWING THE VIDING FOR ADJUS VIOLATION AND REPS (F-~55-l7, CORRIG TV OF ANAHEIM "NG MlN~acfio. ., mmtLII "AN OF ANAHEI~ .AM!fiJrAl.T. tx, ... APTER. 2 0' THE ANAHEIM TO TIlE ESTABIJ:SHMSNT OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM Am> USE OF LAND, HEIGl! OF ElJIIDINGS AND YARD SPAC~J AlXPTIM3 ARIES OF SAm ZONES; DEFINING THE TmMSUSJU) 'IlIWEIJfl PRO- AMENDMENrI', AND EN:FCRC~NT; P~IBING PEH.A;LttIS FtR G ALL SB:TIONS 00 PARTS OF SOCTIONS IN CONFLICT THJ:REwITH." PN TO LEGAL DESCRIPTION). On roll ca 1 the foregoing ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NQES: ABSENT: tCILMEN.: Pe,arson, Fry, Schutte, W1S$8r" and Van WagoNr. lCILMENI None. ILMEN: Npne. ~Clared the fOTegoing ordinance duly passed and adopted. The Mayor FIN lRACT NO Street near Ball Roa Subdivider, Dream Homes. Loea"', on South Los .Ang;t-les The Ci ty stantially in the s all bonds have been anCe ~f said fina~ I j ! ineer, George E. Holyoke, X'eported the final map was sub- form as the tefltative map previously approved, and that led and necessary fees paid, and recoDlllended the accept- ~. . 'y . -. r ... ,. Final Map to', ,nglneerlng requ1, Counci~n Schutte., 'frqct No. 2637 . was approved by the C1rly., COqlloil aubj ~t tnts. on, JIlo.tlon by: CouncilMan'! Van Watonlr1 .seoended by ION GAI$IiD. 01'). recomm pursuant to request Wi,s.sC ,seconded by Robertson Investment Corp. requested a six 011 Tentative Map, Tract No. 2340 (Much 14, 1916). .' atlon of the Administrative Officer, extension'of time 5 granted by the City Council on motion by Councilman uncilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. moved Councilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2912 and and adoption. t ': I ~. ~ ", ~ 'i ' . olution Book, page A RESOWTION OF THE THE EStABLISHMENT OF S~TION OF tg:llli BY TlLEPHONE COMP TY COUtCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHeJiIZING MIl DIRECTIE BJULEV AIU> STOP SIGN ON r<<:'RTH IJNON S}R.iET AT nflINT.... T S EET. T ARY llJRING CQNSIRUCTIoIt, 1165 81'.6 155 - 7:00P.M. . Oft roll call.tJ\e fo by the follQlin9 vote: resolut1o,I\ .was duly passed and adopted AYES: NOES: _StiNT ~" COUN;I LMEN; COUfCI !.MEN: COOteI !.MEN. Fry, Schutte,. WiSlft, and Van Wagoner. n and adopted. ij.ESOLUTION ~. ~131 Councilman its passage .nd adoption. , offered Resolution No. 2913 and moved for page . A RESOwnON OF THE crn COUN:;IL . CONVEYING TO TH! CITY .OF ANAHEIM STREET AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES THE CI TY OF ANAHEIM ACXEPTING A titAN! DEED lAIN R:H,ALPRCP ERTY FCIt AN !ASBmJIT FOR (KENNEDY AND SNOW). Oft roll call the fo , by the following vote,: 9 resolution was duly pa.~ed. and adopted AYEs: reES: AaSEN! I COUl-CI LMEN;, COUNCILMEN~ CooteI I..MEMr. arlon, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, . and Van Wagoner. nee nee regoing resolution duly passed and adopted. SPS:;IAL~IS: In view of the r determined ,,' at a Special Census d growth wi thin the Ci ty of Anaheim, it Wls uld be requested at this time. ~RESOLUTION tI). 2914: Councilman. Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2914 ahd moved for~itl passage and adoptiop o page A RESOLUT10N.;OF :rHB ClTY. COUNCIL DEPARTMENT OF CCJ.tMJIlCE, BUREAU OF! OF ANAHEIM AND DIRB:TING TIlE CITY' THE CITY OF ANAHEIM .DIRSCTINGTHAT THE CENSUS OF mE .UNITED STATES BE REQUESTED N TIlE CITY On roll call the foregp g resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following votel' AYES: NOES; ABSENT ; COUOCI LMEN: CoutCILMEN: COUrcILMEN.c arson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. nee nee PWMBiR BONDI: Plwnber Bonds su C. Fay were lubmitted and or.d&red! Attorney on ~tion by Councilman S CARRIED. resolution duly passed and adopt1ld. ted by Pi-erce Engineering Company and Glenn ceived and filed when approved hy the; CIty utte, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MotION EMPLOYMENT: Due to the. texmlnati Keith A. MUrdOCh, reported the fol of personnel, the Adtnlnlstratlv;e'bfflcert wing replacements: o Dale Arthur Wilcox, D Meredi th C. Camplin, C Roy Duff, Sr., Constru~ Y Ci ty Patrolme. tructlon Inspector in Engineering Department. on Inspector in Building Department. Said appointments were Councilman Wisser, seconded by Co tified by the City Council on motion by ilman Van Wagoner. MOTION CARRIED. [ P LIC UTILITIES C plication of South atreemeat wi th th'e located at 518 Sou Stores, Inc., was $' C ETION OF JOB pleUofl tlf, JO}) No. specif1ettfons, and 1106 .S Appllccation'sUlJnltted Dj Mel vln H. Uhrich submitted and read.' ION'S INIONa . The opinidn .~d order regarding the ap- Cali fornia Edison Company to c!irry out th,e tems of an trof Anaheim for a monthlyrental'chargeof a Substation, ILos Angel.. Street ana further supplying the Broadway-Hale i tted and, read. . . "36 George E. Holyoke, C1 ty Engineer,' certified the co. by the R. J. Nob1~Company in accordan~e with plans and cOJrlnended the wo1'(be offlciall y accepted. R LOTION NO. 291~ i Councilman Fry offered Resolution No. 2915 and moved for its past.~e and ad ion.' Refer to A RESOLUTION OF THE CC*PLETION AND THE MDT AND ALL UTI Lt ,P'''lQMING ALL WCI1K PROVEMENT: THE WI BALL ROAD JOB NO. On roll c the followingvolea AYES I NOES: ABSENT: r The Mayor DISNEYLAND POLICE ,w th 'r.c~datio~ estaJlishment of a and ordered refer~ report. ONMENT OF sm aIIft~onMent of all Street, from the so terminus; Cypress S minus; and North II Said communication page - TV COUlCJL OF THE CITY OF .ANAHS.. At PINALLYrlilJPTING THE NISHING OF ALL PUNT, LABCIi, SanGES, MA.. tALS AND EQUIP- AND 1RAHSPatTATION IN:;LUDING PC>WER, fUEL, AND WATER, At[) CESSARY" TO CONSlRUCT AND ~OMPL!tE'THE FOLLGW1NG PUBLIC IM- NG AND I ROVEMENT OF \reS STREET FROM KATEL foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by Peanon, 'Fry, SChutte, Wisser, and Va. ~.9oJ'ter. Non'e. None. clared the foregoing ~esolution duly' passed ~ tdopted. I ' AnON: Cosunication frOll F,. W. Schum4eh~r, to,.t~:r f Chief of Police, Mark A. Stephenson, relative .to the station within the Disneyland Park, were submitted; read, to the City Administrative Officer for investigation and' : The Anaheim Union High School District r~ested the eets within their propertyboundaries,specffically, Ohio edge of the High School property line north to its pre.ent et, from the west property lIne east to Itspresent te~ ois Street, from Cypress Street to its present terminus. ordered referred to the 'Engineering D.paT~ent. EXTENSION OF'TlMEI IAtCES NOS. 312 AND 313. Frematic Ho..., Inc. requested an extension of 4 m hs on Variances Nos. 312 and 313 to per.Mitthe erection of signs for the sa1 : of homes. Said exte Van Wagoner, second' r FIRB SIA ION NO.2: cammuaieation changl Park Cotlpany to Ove; Attorney. on was granted by the City Co,unell on motion by Counc~~.n by Counc1l1llan Wisser. MOtION CARRIED. ' MANGE OF 0 TCR: Sonnenberg Bu1 l'd.~.wImit tecl. a the stJll~Qontt'actor suppl yingoverhead doors f~ .James D. or, lnc'. Said cOlllllunication was referred to the C1 ty ~ VARIAteR ,NO. 276; i tted by Thos. L. McLaughlin. In view of the CQst 1n- volved, the Mminis 'tive Officer recommended the City take 'no further action on the proposition s mitted by Thos. L. MClaughlin to move his house from its present. -locationfo the deedi09 of land neeesjary fo~' streetwiuening. Thereupon, ~he offer submitted by Thos. L. McLaughlin was refused by the City Council on tion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. 1167 ~SOLUTION N9l 2916. Counc.i1man Sf tte offered Resolution No. 2916 .nq moved for its pais". and adoptiQn. Refer to Resolution Bop 1 ~ RESO~UTI.ON OF Tl{E_~(;ITY CQUtCIL 0 ~T . S A PUBLIC IMP EN! TO WITI THE APPROVING THE DESIGNS, PLANS, PRO $1RUCTION~EOF;. AU1H(;RIZING THE ACCCRDAfCE WlUi SAID PLANS, SPECI me CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A. NOTICE! THEREOF. (BIDS TO BE OPENED SEPT HE CITY OF ANAHEIM F~HDIJtG >>I> DETSRMINING REQJIRB THECO)lSlR~nQN ANI) OO,*LEnQN OF LYN [RIVE ,SYS JGl9 NO 106 ,~ 5, DRAWIOOS, Ate> SPSCIFI IONS FOR '1liE CON- N$TRUCTION OF SAID PUBliC IJJPROVEMijNT ~" nONS, ETC. J AND AU~IZING AND DI1EGn.. '~TI NG SEALED PRcPOSALS FOR THE CONSTROCTION 27 1 ,7:00 P.M.). . n 9 resolution was duly passed and adept8lby On roll the following vote: AYES: teES I AaSENT ; COUrcI LMEN: COIHCILNEN I COOler LMEN; arson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. nee a.ESOWTION NO. 2917; Councilman its passage and adoption. regoing resolution duly pa&sed and a~pted, er offered Resolution No. 2917 and moved for Refer to Resolution E CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING ANDDE1'ERMINING REQJIRE THE CONSlRtl;TION ArI) COMPLEnON OF It RO FR AND APPROVING THE DESIGNS, PLANS, PROFILES, CONSmOCTIQN !HaiOF; AtJ11rICRIZING THE CON- IN ACCORDANCE WItH SAID PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, THE CITY CLERK TO PUBUSH ,A NOTICE INVITING N THEREOF. (BIDS TO BE CJ>ENED SEPTlMBEA ,27 " A RESOLUTIONpF 1;'Hi CITY COUOCIL THAT I NB:;S A PUBLIC IWR[)VEMENT TO WIT: El<<JE TO EUCLID AVENUE JOB NO. DRAWINGS, ~. SPiCIPICATIotIS JUt SmUCTION OF SAID PUBLIC IJI>ROVEM ETC.; AND AUTHCEIZING AND DIRECTI SEALED PRCI'OSALSFClt THE CONSmOC11 ~ 7:00 P.M.). n on roll the following vote: ng resolution was duly passed and adQpted by AYES: lOis, .SENT: Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van .~er. COUtl;I IJ4EN I COUtC.ILMEN: COUOCILMEH: " The Mayor declared th~ oregoing resolution duly passed and a~led. JESOLUIIQN NQ. 2918; Counci~man ~ Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2918 and .oveci for its passage and adoption Refer to Resolution Bo ,page THS CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING Nt).1)ETiR~~lllQ REQUIRE THE CONSlRUCTION AND COM>LETION OF !ELLA E 1061. AND .APPROVING THE n~IGNS,PLAlfSt PR~ FOO THE CONSmUCTIQN Dlli\EOF; AUTHCBIZIItG OVEMENT IN ACCORDAl\tE WITH SAIl) PLANS,SPB::I- DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLIsH A NOTICE NSmUCnON TIllREOF. (BIDS TO BE OPENED :l On roll, the following vote: ng resolution was duly passed and adopted by i\ I I [,'. ' . _:. . I [ r ll6B S" . AYES: OOES: ABSENT: 4,OUtCILMENI Pears,on, Fry, Schutte;, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. ~OOrcILMENI None. ~OUrcILMEN: None. The Mayor ~eclared the fo;etgQing resolution ..duly passed and adopted. ANNUAL REP(JlTI . Ann l:.:RepertfQr :tIlle. ~iscal 'JUr'1~19'J5,subRitted by, the Anah.im City Plaftni COl1ll\i...i;4Ift, was oruftd received, and filed 00' motion by Council.Jnan Van Wago r, secondltd :by Councilman Fry. MOTION--CARRIED. T: RepOrt of ,.tlre P'il:eInspector, relaUv.'to th. c. w. erred to the Administrative Officer- and City At tOrfl ey for _cow" #irION SUIT: : On motion by Councilman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Fry, Cit IAttorney, Preston Turner, was authorized to meet with the attorney represent! ,~ the property owner on West Street for the ,purpose of ob- tainingneoesaary e ..ent for street widenIng. MOTION CARRIED. 'f P AHEIM MU ICIPAL CODE: RecoDlIlencfations pursuant to the City Planning Commi ion's Resolution No. 172 relative to changes to the Anaheim Municipal Code perttning to CA.l and C-2 zoning and creating a new zone to be known as C-3, toget+r with recOIIInended changes to the P-L Zone, were discussed. Public Hearing on .s matter was held by the City Council July 26, 1955 and continued to August~3, 1955 at wbich. time said hearing was declared closed with action to be takent the Council at a later date. ORDINANCE NO. 10151 (Councilman Schutte offered Ordinance No. I015 for first 'reading and moved f .~ its passlge and adoption. AN ORDltWCE OF TH! ,'MUNICIPAL CXl>E BY: PM~IPH 1 (a) :TO SIOM'A, 9200.10 SU SECT! ON fIJMBSlED 92 ITY OF ~IM AMEHDING ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER.2 OF THE AlWtIIM IG SlEtlONS9200.6 . SlJaIVISION C-41i,t2.00.V rtt ADDING IVISION A,..Al\D. AMiNDIl<<3 SU1I>IVISION ~4; 9200.9 SUJl)lVI- . VISION A, AND BY ADDING SlJB.)IVISION B; BY ADDIE A NlW ' .10-1/2 Atl>AMENDING SECTION 9200.21. , After.. In9 read in full the title of Ordinance No. lOl~ and having knowledge of the c4 ' ents therein, Councilman Van Wagoner aovedtrhe.-.c:u.ng In full of said ordlna' e be waived. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. Motion unanimously carried ' ~ EWlINARDI relative to the isl for a distance of 1 dlvtding strip woul te M made for the Mr. Murda recommendation woul salvage as much of pattern of the road ings approximately . Vlc Bro~.nd Mr. George Easton add~.a.ed the Council d constructed on Harbor BoUlevard" north of Katella Avenue, 50 feet. They were of the op1nion that construction of the lbe omitted from the contract, and that arrangements were ~oval of that portion already installed. addressed the Council stating that he felt his 01'lg1na1 be the most practical solution to the probl_, that is, to e dividing strip as they could and construct the ultimate ,t this t~e which would contain a dividing strip with open- ery 800 fe.t. Councilma jSchutte moved that the constructed island be removed. Councilman Fry seco 4ed the motion. Mr. Holyo 'i' Ci ty Engineer, advised the Council that ina_ell as this work was being done' y the County under a contract let by th_, the City could not remove the divi ng strip. He further advised that becaule the entire con- tract is being held .1P due to the dividing strip and the right of way, he felt a review of the con ., act with the County should be made and that the Board of Supervisors be nott , ,ed that certain modifications to the contract are desired. Councilma man Fry wi thdrew hi Schutte wi thdrew his motion to remove the strip. Council- second to the motion. 1169 n 6 19o~ - 7:.00 P M. CouncilJUn Schutte m~ that the County office handling the contract be requested to modify thecontrad, to remove the dividing strip. Councilman Fry seconded the Ilotion. MOTION CARRI .TIIl SUP,.LY: Tl\e Superintendent reported the water level to be da caused by .the prtsfl,nt big};} temp. W..ter District has threatened to of Anaheim in a very s.rious situ Li9};),t" Power, and Water, George Oelkers, usl y low due to the excessive demands es, ad, further, that the Metropoli tan blish GOQ~ls which could place the City the City Council requ~ curtail the .c.&sive use of watexi Motion by CO\8'1cilman Schutte, see . intendent of Light, Power, and latl use'of taQk ~goa$ usiag water fo~ ..,-rION CARRIED. that an ...,.1 be made td the public W ring this cr1 tical time, and, furttter, oil ed by Councilman Wisser, Mr. Oelkers, Super- , was authorized to stop the unnecessary mpaction and all other unnecessary u.~. PURCHASE OF 4'TOlaDTIVE EQUIPMENt: that the neceSsary attachment to ~ loader would cost 54,221.00. . MJrdoch, Administrative Offic~r, advised ert an International Tracklayer to a Sk~p- Purchase of said atta nt was authorized by the City Council on _tion by Councilman Schutte, secq ed by Councill'llanWlsaer. MOT~ON CARRIED. Mr. Murdoch furtherr rted oninfomal bldlrecelved from. local automobile dealers and recommended he_purchase be made from low bidder fo~ the furnishing of the following: n ton pickup. ness coupes; 1 - 1/2 ton pickup; and 1- 3/4 'The Council considereq hat the 3/4 ton pickup should have a lU9C aotOr, and 011 lRotioo by Counci1lU~ I'l Wagoner, seconded by Council.lllan Fry, pur- chas. of said vehicles was author~ on the basis of low bid as recolun.nded, wi th the 3/4 ton pickup to have tli larger hors:epower motor. MOTION CARRIED. Council~n Schutte mo~ o'clock P.M. Councilman Fry seco . September 13, 1955, 4:00 MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED. S1 GNIID. Ci ty Cl erk ~v, n