1955/09/13 11'0 19f)!) - 4. PRESENT: AJS.ENT t COO~I Cav4TIClU~Y ,PRESTON c!TY ADMINISmATIVE OF of the C1 ty of Anahe1mmet 1n Adjoumed Regular Se..lon. Pearson, Fry (entered the meeting at 4120 P. M. ). Schutt.. Willer, and Van W.gon... None. Eft & Pr..ent. ER, KEITH A. J.tJROCCHI Present. VERAGE CON'ItWLI Application. from Day" Muket, 10043 ale beer and wlne. RDquet', Merket, 13:) ..it lWoe..y, e, and Di.neyland Hotel ~ Re.t.ur.nt, 1441. South Weat Ie license, were sum1 tted to the Cl ty CouncIl. est from Mr. John D. Light for refund of f11ing.f.. 1n the ~. No. 427 was gr.nted on motion by Councll"n Schut,", n WaQOner. Jl)TION CMlIID. by Chief of Police, Mart A. Stephenson, of Ri~hard c. lIMn to the Uni font Re..rve, servlng wi thO\l~ par, wa. cll on motion by Councilman Van lagoner, ..conded by CARRIED . JYP1iST FCR, RERJND I R aIf1Q1Imt of C5. (X) for V s;eonded by Ccunci lman 'J.~' E~ Appointm . '",,' ,ar, ", eputy City Pa ratt.fied by the City C C.~~.1...1'1 Wisaer.- .11> P1f1I1E&l..fDtI); Plumber. nd, subld tted by. Jack C.. Lefebvr.e ..was ordered rec;elved and fIJ fd' . .~.r'\.. appr.o~ed by e .cit:~ At,to.r.aey on motion by. CouncilllUU'l Fry, ..eondedby Coun.d.J.man Schutte. ON CARRIED. . r ~,_-,-C.L;.c ~~..NO. 3881 Su tt. c"~t an off-sale ottv,. 'Road. Action on th itveming thi suae can tedby Harold. Morle and Maurice McAlilt_ for p..is.ion quor store on proper.ty. d.scrlbed4.201~2o:2,& Anahebl- . variance was withheld until such t1me as an ordinance adopted. Petition requesting annexation of inhabited t~rltory exation was ordered referred to the City Clerk for check- an Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Fry. IDI'ION ATIO ktlown.as Lincoln-Dale igg.on motion by Counc C~IED. T M AMNEXATIO 1" 1 , relative to p Amaheim Annexation, f1 reasoaably definite an .~Ucn,.....as sw.it ...n ..Aler, seconded.b Orange County Boundary Commission's report dated Septe.ber osed annexation of inhabited terr1 tory known .. ....t n9 that the boundaries of the'~r~osed annexation are ertain conti~~ent upon the completion of the Bar~. ,..read, andorclered received and fl1edon motion by Council- ouncilman Van Wagoner. MOTION CARRIED. .Reque. t 0 f p ~i:t.ld. ter.ritory kno ~fer~ed.... to the.Ci ty P tit CQ1indlJaan Van Wago onents for .consent to start annexationproceed~qg. of in- s West AnaheimADnexa.tion and described theretn, wa. ning CODD111ion for Hreport.and reconmendat1on on motion' ,aecondedby C.ounc1l1taDSchutte. .II)1'ION C4R8IED. ~ !relative to p ..st..Mn.exation, find1 ably definite and car aotioe by Gounei lman V .Or.r'-g....~O'I"t..y.. ~t,~"'Y' ~~.. A,i~n.~&.J"tpC)'!':t..'.dat...~..,~ba~ ..ed.. ann.exa.tiooQ.I. inhabited. t.er.rlto.q:.. kJ)ollln...aa lomneya- that the.d.boundar1eso,f thepropoled.anne.xatlon ar.realon- , was subni tted, read, and ordered. received and filed on . Wagoner,. seconded by Councilman Wi.. sere IDI'I ON CARRIED . f: Request of habi t.ed terri tory kn referxed to the City P Councilman Van Wagone onent! .f.or consent to start annexat1onproceecllngs of In- s. Romneya~....tAnnexa,tion and described therein, was ningCOIIIJlisslan for report. and recomnendation on motion by econded by Councilman Wisser. NDTION CARRIED. .Cl! 1._ "Lo.&..AngeleaCouotv..Board .of Supervi.ora' notice .ofclty.tobe known.as.Hawaiian Gardens and alao notice .ofcity to ,.be known a,aDairyValley were o%'de.r..ed rec:;_vtld isser, seconded by Councilman Schutte. MO[1QN CARRIED. OPOSED .1lCORPaiAna of. PrQ.po.sed. incarpora. of pr.o.poaed inc.orp,ora.. on motion by Councilm 1171 r 1 P&(I)OSED IIC~TION OF CIn J e eo.,nty Boa!'d of supevt .er.' notic. bfpt'Q- 'posed. incoJ;pqntion ,fcity 'to De at Tri-Cl iy ..e grda-ed~.lnd onlllO'tlQn by Council.... Van _"one!'; .econd CoUftclluft Wi..er. KJTION CARRIED. EXTENSION OF 1RAStI CONJRNJTa R.equ r' fMII the Anaheim Dl.posa1 COD\Pany for .1x (6) IDOnths' ,xtel\,lon to pre.ent c;ontr .... ..u~1 tted at the JneeUng Qf Augu,t 23, 1955 and held .e..- fer .nport of t~ . AdlalAlatrativ. Offlc.r~ The ~il\i.tntlv. otfi~er r"~ended the extendon 0 the Clontrect lubjec;t to the lncl\J.l~n ot adt:i1- tional areas. I It _. .~. by Co...., 1 that the extension be approved as be s-erved wi tI\. ''U\. po$$ible excep areas. are to'bede~exm1ned by the. .~~ .~"by CoUDciI.en V8I\ ~'**.. elted.<w1 th the prov1sion that .x~.nd.f anes of the.. ar..dWay-Hale St~n, .:~h I exttnded lnl.atreU v, Officer. M9fiON C-'liD. .: 8Yl.nd addrn.~ the Gouncl1 ,tat1~ Murad..,. I . P .onHa:rborBoulft"Ud. hadb"" ord'red. . fle. . to :Q.~."ltrtld 11'1 OctobUaM~ght... . . whleh wo,ld eb~. ..,,,n... -'thinking ~., ,r 'adYi,tct i that Di'~eyl.nd' f.Y~~,. 11M ,~. hl. Op1~~nthJ.t unUl.IUGhUlt. a.the' Oy~, . .bl the' $t~.t .dJttea1atd that: tk. ,r...al. of in order to sa.. tiaeand pxobabl,unn,cessary . ~ ij#BiKJi BOOLiY~: Mr.' Franc.. 0 f D! ..Jood the ~.l of thecU.,1der..$. adY1sBdtbltthe cvU'h_d Is expect d:eliniu e~nge 1n the trafflc pat~ gardlpg thedlv1dlnQ .trl~. He fu C~un*"y ".t~.'1U, of:ao.dj. .1 t 'w. hMd pass: {.s cOlftpleted and tae pa,t the dividing .trip should be delay expense. n IheM.yQ~"UgQe..tM:l . that._ . Pftl1Ce~.'t tC9.th~.w1th, th_C?.ther ~\y owners 00 Harboz BoulevarQ, and Mr. anoe agNed that he would. .~ . POlICE. SUBSTATION. DISNEYLAllh.T~ . 1n1.1tr.t~Ye Offlc_, Keith. A.:Murdo~t.&t.~' parted....Qn :reqltest rece!ved..from.Di. .land. f,cr the".s_tabli$bmeot~ o.f'an Ana~ Ptlice $labatatioD wi th1nth,Qiounds ofth.Dlaneyl~ndP.rk. Thisltatlon .would 'b. opMwd 4u:ring the.a_hour.s as..the Disney rui.Park., tbat ia,. from 9.00 Lit, ~Clll1 zOO P.M. . D1sneylartd a.g~,to....pm~1.d8. neees. ..Qffl:ce .pac., clerlc;,al 'help, and. pay th. .,'.l,'. ..lariEfs of th~ thre, qfflcers ne.e4i' to lUlL thts s.uba~t1on. M:r.. Murdo'chadvls5 . that both he alltd Chl.ef~ of PolIce, L Stlph,n.on..H_r.:c~.ndedtft.. establishm.,..t. .f:" tM s substaUC!)Q, ..,m-i.chWO\t~'4-9:r 1y fac111'.~.. OtKltetpy .p;llt;1119 ac;UVtU.,., .On raoi.1an.by:._ Councilman.Y establishment af the..r~...t:e'i .s.outlifl.t(i. by Mr. Murdoch and f the..' nee.,eary. _!ben · s COMpMSatio three:. City' P~lwItI\..orl01f. CARR! ; i >.. ! . ~ FIRE CONti)ITION C I. WISE C QJ.yagad build1IlQ. ..tfti.l. I.cat" G~aat1n9 a fbe.. huard, and inspect . . . .)fNaOft~ ,.......lICOndld.bJ . Coun,* 1.... wt...1', . thf . . . .JI&I...au:thorized ...mJ,act: .to. .the..JttOYlt1a~ :r . on the. h~,ti. that ,the . Dl.an.~lpd p~..ma,.y. .and. Publ1'e. Lbbility In~A"':e~.~ ;ih.., . DilGuI.1on w... btld ~rd1ng the debrl. and . ft .~. C'.I~ Wi..eo.,afty',p=pUtY'..~. . n o'fthil&rea tdllb....d..hy tn. .Council. ~El.LAIION. OF CITt.IAXES1 . On..1IO ft..". Councllan .Van"goner,. $~r\d..td by.. . Ooundlman. Wioer,..c.an.cellat1on. ol.~ ty.. !axa. wa.sau.t.hDtiztd. ,onj)zaptt'tY.F#JaIId' by.tha .Stat.e:of.,.c&Uf.arn4 far. hig ,y pu:tJ'>o...,.md fOnP.lya.u.u..'~A-P.te'aM'- Anna Leo. MOtION' CARRIED. IESOLIITIOH :~NO. . 291t.... ; ~.,C01~neJ,t~an...s , ~i;A..p~~.ag..and.Gptlon. bfe .~. BHo.lU'l:1an RI)ft1t. ~ .. . . A;..QESOWIION.OFmEC.lIY:canCl.I..Oi .. .CXTYQit ,wlwtlf .,~=rnm..A.~~.&NT O~ CQIt;... VlYING.ID THECIn.'QE_.A'W'TM_ca...RUL..PPOfRr~y.,.RIl......g~BrIl.:ROID ..Mt) PI,1BUC ununRUJlPQSES. . DIlL. iA.f~ ~lut1Qft .1IL~;211t::.Md.. ..... "'" ..,,~ ..AYES 1... . tI:>ES t. ABSI!NT : Qn.;~-.u.:Q.ll t1\e,,~ following vot.. ~-2:eso.lH.tioL... ~lrp..ac1,~~tlld .br't.U COUfCILMEN: COOt<<:I LMEHa COUtCII:.MEIa Jl r I I r ~",. [i 1172 ed ~h. foregoing r..olution d.ly palsed aftd adopted. Subc:llvlder, Dr. Currier. lAcat.. between ...t and Pal.. Avenue. " GtQrge E. Holyoke, ftpOrttd the f1nal _p to bj.8}1b--' Uft'Ut1vt ..p pnvlo\'a:,ly .Pprovad~ an.d that alJ .... lary fu. paId, 'andree~endad the acceptaRGe of ..lde 'IttAC.T 11:). n 'Stneu, ..ou'th 0 The Ci \y EngI st4Jltially the ... .1 ~.,QIen posted and ne fl.l aep. fInal Map of ..n,eelng ...qulrtment ... Fry. A<<)TION CARRIE ct No. 2184 ...~ .Pproved by th. City Council .ubject to n motlonby COUncilNn Va" Wagtjtnir, s~C)Bded by Cot,tnc1l- , _'. ,The Ci,tY.~nQ~ stanUally the,ume aa ' ~."-'.posted and. .ne fiBal_p. S\1bd1vldu, Ivan W.lls and Son." . Locattd on the south- B%'Ookhur, t S tHetI. , . George.B. Holyot.~ r.eported'.thef1nalup, to bt sub- tenia11.v:.e..-.p"..p%*v1aU&~,...apprQY.....and.~t all bqnda aary 1..., p.itt,.and,%lc~end.ed,th.acceptUc. of said Final Map of .,.in..1J19 requir.ent P",. , )[)TION CARRIED. R I C ON. NO. F- i. ~pftty de.cribe ~. Avenue ft)r a dep .ct No. 26~9 was app:roved by the City C0UJ1G11 .subject to 1'1 motion byCouncillU.A Schutte, second.d by CouncillQn : SutDl tted by._.w.P. Jaeg,er.and.ILYolh1.uk1 requ..t- th.e east. side Q f Brookh\l%'It Stnetl betwetn Broadway ,nd of 335 feet be rezoned to C-l. The City P 1a ...._ .tMt.'Ree~...ific V4!ttaoce No. 431 be als 1. TA. bull pre.en t . 2. The 1n.& Street wi 3. The Inl withem 4. the ina wi theur gCOIIIItiseioft, pursuant tothe1r Resolution No. ~l. nc.... ,a No. F-55-~6-8 be denied .i thout pre.i1MJloe and that ." anct.graftted subject to the fO.1lo.1"g. cond~t1on'l . to be bu11t 1nacco!'dance w1th the plans tian affuU. s.traet i-.provenen.tlon B*kh~t .eurbl at 41f..t fUll..the .centullne.of the, .triet. tian..Af, . full HSU..t.1mprevemen ta~..OD_..W.e..t ,Br6adWay . .. t.32 feet fr_ thecentuline...of the street. . tioll ' .of ...full.. ,.$.tr...t, .1I1pro:vemen ts. on -(hoang." Avenue t 20, feet imm the .centarline~ofthestr.et. by the. Counc11...tt.h.U time. .~"', IaOVIO, "In ..nn.'P,..~nn"'.,.. b, ~tJl"t!t 1~ft .."1%' +..~ ~~, p"'"^.",.ed.. .~.., +". ~..,h.i.. ~4' ~~P' 1 ~()d. b. ~hang.' to...plac..- the u.ol..off:l'!.'.wa.",liquor. +,~11 &"'_t.s..,in."the._Cel._Zone.iD.s.t.uL.of~2 ZOne. On~,.mll~~l f.llOll1"1 votea ..fO%e.goiAg...-c.t.icn .. ....~,.du.l;,.pau.ed. . and adOpted . by the _ DES.&- N:)ES.L. ABSENT : 11..1EHl. purun, F.ryt'. W1I.U, and Van Wagoner. lLMlN.t Schutt.e. I IJEf : None.. ~T"IION NO. ,2~: 1 -pa.aeg., and adopti 1J.Jaan Schutt. offend Resolution No. 2920 and .... for tion Book. page 1173 Ci On roll 'call the foregoi resolution was duly passed and adopted by t~ following vot.: AYES: NOJ;S: ABSENT: COt)l'CI LMEN; COUM:;I!.MEN: COUlCI LMEN; Fry, SChutte, Wisser, and Van Wa~on~. .' r! The Mayor de,-lared the f g01ng resolution duly passed and adoptEd. Counei~an Fry moved motion. M)TION CARRIED. . ourn. Councilman Van Wagoner seconded'tbe ADXUtNID. SIGNED. ~. ~~ ~ ~7c-c/ C1 ty Clerk d (). ..' n n' i l n .~ , if 1174 C of the City of Anabel. ..t 1n Regular S...lon. PR"SNT. ABtIml COOtCI~N cr~' A~.Y. . "'rOl CI.t '~MIflISTRAnvr 0 'earlon. fry, Schutte, WII.er, and Van Wagoner. Non. . , . PZ'"ent. I, KlITH A~ IIJII)OCH. i~.ent. ~,',. ~:'. .Th,' Minute. 0 . R.et\\lar Me.Ung held . Auguat 23, 1915, Adjoumed a lit ....~lng held t. 24, l~, a.. 0 'clock P.M., AdjourntdRegul. .eti", held A1agu.t Z, 1ge!>, 4. P.M., and Adjourned aegular ....tlng held S.,t"'r 6, 190D were .approved on m on by Counci~ Van ",oner, ..conde4 by Coun.i~n Wi.er. ICI'ION CARRIED. o 12H.OO RB~LUTIOI tI). 2921. C to. it. ,....g. .nd ado l1Mn Van W.,oner offered R.,olut1on No. 292,1 and IIIOVed ft. A ,~'TIQN OF THI.. CI ~...wur 0'.._1. EnOP..IqCITY O' NWfIIM APPROVING Atf) .tllGTlNG ,1IT'IHI,CIn,~.O' ~. 13, 19M.' ("9,016.71). fortlol~g r..olutlon ... duly paa.,d and adopted by the On roll fOllowing votta AYES. .~I AB$INTI 'earaon,Pry, SChutte, W1".t, and Vanlfitoner. Non.. Hone. ,tbe..,'''Z'eeolqg r..alaUol) dulypa'Hd.and adop,*. .2J.II. hz'auant t.O"a...1Ution No._,..,.,. .., ~.._..."..,.,.,.l .Anahe1ll.Bu.UaUn......t.30.and S.ept"" 6, 1.. the opan,..B1d....PZ.QIJ)..l...for.. ft. .u.t. -IJ.thU......... SU...t_&oa..C1.,~t f\&...8tuet tQ"Halana .Sh..t," . dzode:r c11Mn .~an ...,on.." .'KODded..by CouncilMn Ii '..1'. . .- ~~":,1Ubl11h1d ,In CUf.Cl.rJt..... 1n.truc. .J..GIg.JlOth aida..of c.n No..,....2.Le,,....on "ao:t.1.on by. KrrJON CARRIED. .~T. It. 1 I t_ 2 ft- 3 117,.-.&.00 PIl1hhaCh & Moore, Inco 646 'North ae.ohwood Dri v Lo'''~~le. 4, Cali fom! E. D. Johnaon & CoaIpany P. I. BDx 29 ANdIItta, Cali'omi.. Slettric ... Machinery oe, Inc. 44. P1Z'..tone Boulevard, .... Gfta, California I ! $17,436.00 $17_,216.00 $10&.00 11 '.1,_1..10 116,7..00 S330.00 Sl.,".CI) ~ ~17th street I Lont. " .,'..,'.,.. .... ch 13, C.l1 fomt, GIlliland Electric eo.pany ~ nc. fSCII., lUte Street : SDutIa Gate, Cali fornia .....,.,' .... Co"ltncterl, In, 141.' But GuY.,. Avenue 111.0 'Puk, California I 116.466._ 110,7..00 &lao.co $1"_.00 ,- i! 1 116,41&.00 None $1"'48.. SI6,666.00 11<<).00 1175 Ci Item I It. 2 Item 3 Sherwin Electric Service 2716 Gilroy Street LQs Angeles 39, California "'beryElectl1c Corporation 1038 Venice Bctulevard. Los Angel.a, California (All Bid Proposals were accom~ $17,994.00 $350.00 $17,644.00 $16,000.00 $15, 670.ee n $330.00 by Bid Bonds In the amount of l~). All Bids were referred to he Superintendent of Light, Power, and '.ter, George Oelker., for tabulation and port on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wisser. M01 N CARRIED. Aft.. tabulation, the S~ intendent of Light, P~eX', and Water r8pOJ:ted the Newbery ElectrIc Corporation tQ e low bidder and recoa.ended the acceptuce of said bid. I .-soWTION 00." 29251 Counci1.Jnan Va Iwagoner offered Resolution No. 2925 and .-ved for its passage and adoption. ; Ref.. to Resolution Book" ~ge A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COOK:IL OF HE CI TV OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTIOO A SEALED PROPOSAL All) ADlDI~ . CONtRACT TO THE _ RESPONSIBLE BIII>ER FCR THE PURNISHING OF ALL PLANT, LAB(Ji, SERVICES, MATERIALS EQUIPM:NT AN) ALL UTIUTIES At<<) 1RANSPCRTATION ItcUDING PO", FUEL, AN:> lATER, ~ PERRJ\MING ALL watK rECBSS~Y TO COtSJ.1lET'>>I) CDFLETE 1HE Jll)LLOWING PUBLIC IAf)R MEN! a A NEW stREET LIGiTING SYSTEM ALO~BCJrM is Of C S1REET fROM CLAUDI S1REET TO HELENA STREeT WCRK CJmm t().21.. n On roll following vote: Il resolution was dUly passed and adopted by th. AYES, OOfS & ABSiNf : Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. COUrcI LMEN: COutCI LMEN I COUM:ILJ.EN: The Mayor declared the f~ olng resolution duly pa.ledand adopted. NTa Pursuant to Ord1nance No. 1007 duly pub- sted on the property involved, Public Hearing il to vacate and abandonsn easement for over, and through property described briefly ]12, both inclusive, in Tract No. 2090. shed to address the Council on the matter. PUBUC HEWOOI ABAN:>ONJENT OF E 11shed Augult 17, 1955 and notices was held on the intention of the public utility purposes upon, along as the southerly 5 feet of Lots 7 t The Mayor asked if anyone Mr. Murdoch described, br fly, the location of the proposed abandonment. No one in thQ aud! QnCe p protests had been received, there sted the proposed abandonment and no ~t\en , the Mayor declared the hearing closed. RESOWT ION NO. 2922& Councilman Sc its palsage and adoption. te offered Resolut1onNo. 2922 and moved for Refer to Resolution Book, A RESOWTION OF THE CITY COON:IL OF, CITY OF ANAHEIM CJU>ERING me VACATION lID.. AlAN:>OmENT Of AN EASElENT FOR PUBU UTIUTY PURPOSES UPON, AIDNG, ovsr, MI) 11IlOUGi THE HlltEINAFTER DESCRIBED R PROPERTY. (5 FEET Of LOTS 7 TO 12. 1R#tCT tC). 2090). 1 i 1116 _. _.~ . On roll call '*10w109 vote.. AYES, telS. ABSENT. . f.....S.....lut1on .. du1YJ)a...d andadtptM by the c LIEN. 'earion, PrY. SGhuttetIQ....r, and YIft "ner. ,IJIIN. No.,.. UlUfI None. lei the for"olng r'lolution.ctuly I p<<i... "an4 ldopUd. . JOB 11). 1., hrauant tG R...lution Mo. al90 and L_,.MciUCt ,. "-,,y pUlithed. in the .1. lull,tln .....t 30.... Sfpt~ 6,. l~, tb,. City C-.n... In.tl11Ctad t '. ... 'toPO..lt .fft taelal.l bAd ..St1't.t~"nt, ''''1...n.t1. _-.we the 8tuth.-n '..1f1cRSthtof Way. 3Q_", 1..1.,.n motion by c:o.Cl1lian Van W.Oo , ........ by Couftcl1manll...r. ItOTION CARlI!I). , BT".~~. ~J~~l.r Contract! ... If.JoX .....01'.... (ko.,aftild By. ~t' of .,500. R.:,J. NQitl, C~ ,.et. _x, 620, ~Mt ,~ (.... penlld by.. 1Dnd1n the __~ of U.). ",60.10 tl f1_ Check Me) .'92Q1J9, elated Stpt..ul'12, i. ta the eetl2O~&O .fenwl totb. Cl ty 1ngJ...., ~. E. Ho~_"fo:r . ti~. by Couftc1lMan ....1', ."c0n4ed ),y CJuud.... Pn. All KlI. _r *~:a::..~ After tabul. below bidder pd. reo. , the City lag1fttft '~te4 the R. J.. ,..1. c.p.ny .. ed tb. ac:cfPtanc;. o,f aid bid. ei'JaR Pry offertet IHolut1.on NIt;. 2921. met-v" fOJ: it. 1- ~ -rOM 11). 2tI3. .,. .', ".... Ind. adoption. lLO' THE CITY OF AlMtEIJI, Aa:svrIIG A .......... THE IDB~ R...... ..... ~."tHI __,. . . IlUAU'" .,... _ ~.,U;II.UXJS:.. , . aTII. ,AfC),.IQt.. AU_ .s&IIY .. e UllROVI!JmfI'I P M:;1 PIC (1fT OF lAY . lC). 101. .fQ~.ng rtt..lut1on .. dulypa..1d and ~.. Ay. the - In roll 'UlI .f.l1ow1M yC.t.. AYES, rills . ABSENt . ItMlNl P.atlon, Pry, Schutte, ....%'. and Van '.ton.~. ..... Non.. IUIIN. Non.. .- eel 'the f~.oing reaol...tion chaly ~..edanct ......!II Q2J Purl'W't to ".lut1on lfo. 2891 and ~...l Notic. .IttUft ..t 30 III! ...__, 6, l.....~tv BI. P.~..l. Ie.. the '..,nt 4-.... ..u.t_~ e.' to u.... St.. ~..,t, JOb... No. l:ax... on MOt!. by Counc!lMn Ceunc11Mn qll..er. IOI"ION C 11). . B~~~I~ ~..Bh.. Conluuctlon I .. C, St,ent.. (~.. by . BoJIIIIn thl ....ntof 1.). . S6.~ 113.~ 1177 '(Continued) Ci Sull'1-M111.rC;.o~tr~cting Co. I P. O. Box 412, Orange l (Acc~an1ed by a Certified Ch. r No. amount of S1,000.(0). i I I $7,90~~60 92098, dated Sept"'r 12, 195!> in the 11.931.00 I. J. Noble ~y Po o. Box 610., OZ'W1ge (AccOJIIPanled 'by a lid Iond1n 111 Bids _rer.f.rred t' , \llatlon and J.IpOrt on lIOt~on by C Wi..er. ETlew C_I&O. ~ . City Enlineer,GIoro' I, Holyok., fpr.t~ l1aan Van Wapner, '.COM" by Counc1_ Aft.r t.bulation, the Ci lie low bldd'X' and. rec08Iended the engineer reported the R. J. Noble C~ny to .ptance of ..1d b1d. tte offered ieaolutiQn No. 2924 end moved for IUOWTIOl4 NO, 2924& Councilman ft. pa...... ahd adoption. Reier to Resolution Book, A RESOWTION OF THE CITY COO1C;I:L Q All) AWARDING A CONTRACT TO THE PLANT, LAKa,. SERViCES, MATERIALS ItCWDIl<<iP.t RJEL, AIC) WATER, COIItLETE nm PoLIDWING PUlLJ;C I OM PNTl ~ NJE TO UJE S CITY Of ANAHEIM NDPT.ING A SlAI.BD ~AL USPONSIBL& BIII)IR Rll TllERIt.'$II~ ALL E(J1IP.NT All) ALL UTILIT.XES AND~. . 'TAfJON P1!RIQUIIt<<3. ALL .. NlDSSARY TO CONS1R~T All) teNT. TIE YERIDIT AVSIIJI 81111T IlApISIEtg, B 1<<) 102 On roll call the forego1l following vote. resolution wa. duly p....d and adopted by the l AYlla N1ISa ABSENT I fry, Schutt., 11..,S', and V.n w.~~~ CQnCXIJEN I COON:IIJEN I COUtCILENI The Mayor declared the f .agoing relolutlon duly p....d and adopted. C I HQlSTQN NO.2' ON. Pul'luant. t.o..Rea01U.. tion ".0.. a.,81, 2. ...,'~.'>,'".".....:.'ti publifhed . nthe Anahel. "il.tin Cypre.. EnteZ'pri.eAuguat 12 ~nd 19, \tRI... Public H.~lnv ,.. ordjred h.ld 011 . proposed ann.xation of un1nhab1tld ~8ft_tfry "'~.gnated al the HO\I.ton Ho. 2 Aa1 xation. Affidavit of the City C1 Jk of the mailing of ~itt.n notic.. to all perlon. ownlqg property within sa~ proposed ann.~.t1on was .ubldtted and read. The Ci~y Clerk further stated that 0 written p~ote.te had been ~'c.tved 1n h.~ office. . Th. Mayor asked if anyon I. wi. shed W. addr... the Council on. .tP...tter, there being no one, he declared th,hearingoloaed. . . CR>INAN:E NO. 1016- CouncilMan V 'Wagoner offered Q:rdtnance No. 1016 for 'firet read1ng and ~ved for its pas.age d adopt10n. , AN CltDltWaOf THE CITY OF AtWE~, ~XtG TIE ANIIiXATION TO THE CI~'~ _1. OP THE 1'BIItI'1OtY KJI)IN AN) DesIGNA DAS iWSTON tI). 2 ~nON. After hearing read in fu ! the title of Orct1nancIt No. 1016 and hlJlftno, Il.,..,_ knowledge ..Of the contents. th.. erein. O,~nCil.lUn Van Wagoner moved the .Z'tad1ng. 1n ~ full of said ordinance be. _lved. ,ouncibw\ Fry seconded the motion. Motion unanimously carr~ed. ' CANVASS Of TURNS Of ECIAL appointed C~cl1man Van Wagoner, 11'* c ...: ~ Frr, al Judges, for the SptclalElection held dealgnated as the East 0" of canva-sllnq.~the retums of the .otea ctst -at a at 23, 195~ for the annex.tion ofter{i., ~n.1JJL'" ..ore Annexation. 'iJ The Canvass!n and cOMpared them to th s~-offlcial returns t ard received the s....offlclal returns of tha ~l.ction ally list and found tbe nuaber of vote. reportld on the olnclde. ~ ''] j Councllaan Sc a~oved. Councilman V te .oved that the p.~ll for the election officers be IIagoner seconded the II()tion. JOJ'ION C~IED. ~ION 11). 29261 C cll..n Van '.goner offered Resolution No. 2926 .00 moved fOt'. it. pas.age and ado on. RESOWTION t<<). . THE CITY COOICIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHE~. OF CANVASS QF RETlItIS OP SPECIAL ELECTION NITS MIMJTES. WHlREAS, the returns of a certaln s 1915 incertaln uninco Anlbe1llJ and "EAS, said o'.D1Mrnl of said elee. OF8P5IAL ANEXAT10N E y Council of the City of AnaheJa hal canvaa-.d th. al aM8xation election held on the 23rd day of A\atu-t, ated territory sought to be annexed to..id city 'of ty Council has CMlsed a record to be ..de of tM canva._ nt wb1ch recol'd Is .,tltled REC(R) OF CAtfVASS .0PE1tR. ON HEU> AU(lJST 23, 19fe. BElT IESOLVIID by the City Coun~il of the City of Ai1aheba 8 of return. of said election be, and the ...11 her'" Minutea of .~id City Couftcll. WTION is signed and approYed by me thi_ 13th dey of ....... tal, THEREIQt tAtt sdd reGord of can o1$red, entered upon THE RJlEOOING 5."", 1~5. J ATlEST. I,; Cha,. ~~ rtfr~~ MAD 0' THE CITY OFANI'. ' CI 1M On- roll fol1011110ng vote. A~S& M:Esa ABSENT. fongel.ng reeolution ._ duly passed and adopted by the harson, ~, Schutte,ft..er,andV" 1fetJoner. Nane. Mon... ed the foregoing resolution duly pas$edahd'adopted. ...... : j I ! I. 1 : I RBa)II) OJ: C~ i I The Cl ty Coun of returns 0" special a of the C1ty of Anahelll hereby mates a record ttf'Je-anva.. aUon election. OP RE'l\IbIS ~, .fetAL A~mON I!U!Ct1OH HEtD NwST 23, l~. Said special 1n the manner provided xation election __ held on the 23rd dlfy'of- August, 1955, law. That for laid J ection said City C&W1e11 dUly eatablUMd Qne "t1ng pre- ciactllhlch _s desigfta1 ae the EAST SYC"... .~ATJOH VOTING MlCIIGT." 1179 - 7100 P M. That ~he polll~9 place f wanda, Lo St.nk~y residence--PATIO, which was wi thin the hereinafter de, - _. - . such election was established and maint.lned'at I--Placentia Awn.~ '~ CouQtL,'Call'ornta, lbed unineo%porated territory. The description of the p rty propo$ed to be included in the annexation known as the SAST SYCAKRE ANNEXATI' Is as followsl A parcel of land being a 11 Township 4 South, Range 10 West, ularly described as follows I tion of Fractional Sections 1 and 2 and Section n Bernardino Base and M8r1d1an and tnore partie- Beg18n1ng at an angle poi established by the Acacia Street An 35 as passed by Ordinance Noo 841 on State on May 18, 1953, said point 3D.CO feet northerly, as measured ai tional Section 2 (said southerly Ii and the westerly line of Set of SIt' I in the existing Anaheim City Umits Linei.eS ation to the City of Anabeim.. Annexation No, ril 14, 1953 and filed with the Secretary ()f the 1nteraecUon of a line parallel to and ight angles of southerly line of said Frac- also being the centerline of La PatmaAvenue) Set of said Fractional Section 2; thence, or less, along $aidex1sUng Anaheim City set of Sit of set of Fractional Section 2 to 1 of Golden State T.:I'aet No. 2 as sho-, on a scellaneous Maps, Records of Orange Co., 1. Northerly 630 feet, mo Limits line and said westerly line 0 the most sout"'ster1y corner of Lot IMp thereof in Boot 4 at Page 68 of thence, 20 Continuing northerly Anaheim City ~ts Line and also al a line 20.00 feet southerly, as mea~ said Lot 21 (said north line also be pOint also being in the south line c CSty of Anane!., Annexation No. 41 . and filed with the Secretary of Stat feet., -more or less;, along said existing 9 westerly line of said Lot 21, to a point SA ed at right angles, fram the north line of 9 the centerline of Romneya Drive) and said the East Romneya Drive Annexation to the passed by Ordinance No. 889 onAprl1 2, 19$4, on May 10, 1954; thence, 3. Eqsterly 6SO feet, mot easterly prolongation, and also alon point in a line parallel to and 20. from the easterly line of said Lot of Baxter Street); thenc~, i 'or less, along sa1d parallel line and its said existing Anaheim City 1J.ad ta line to .'~, feet easterly, as measured at right angles I (said easterly line also being the centerline I I I 4. No~therly 679 feet, mQ I or less, along a line parallel to and 20.po f8.8, t. e,. asterl.Y, as measured at. right , 9les, from the, wes.terlY line and i t.s,. so...Uth... erly prpl()l),gatlon of Lot 16, and also alo sa1d existing Anaheim City Liadts Line, to' a point in the north line of said Lot f; thence, I 5. Westerly 680 feet, mq 'lor less, along said existing Anaheim City I.1Jnits Line and also along the north ine of Lots 16 and 17 of SCiid Golden State Tract No.2 to the north~st corner. said Lot 17. said point also being located in the east line of said Acacia Stre Annexatio~J thence, I 6. Northerly 660 feet, mo ~ or less, along said existing Anaheim City Limits line and also along easterly ~ne of Lot 14 of said Tract to the northeast corner of said Lot 14; thence, 1. Westerly 6~ feet, IRO ~i t~ line,: and also along north 1111 f.,t easterly, as measured at right Pra~~onal Section 2 (said easterly tMace, or less, along said existing Anaheim City of said Lot 14 to a line parallel to and 20.00 gles of the easterly line of NIt of said ne also being the centerline of ACacia Street), 8. .North"lr 583.04 feet. ~long said P. .arallel 11ne and also along said ex1.s:t1.ng. Anahe1ll CityLimi ts line to ~ point; thence, 9. Northeasterly in a di of said Golden State Tra'tNo. 2 and or less, from the centerline of said H:ne--to ap~lnt in ~e south l1ne of Lot 6 d point being cI1stant easterly 231 feet, .ore acia Street as measured at right anglesJ thence, n n Il lIS> Se 13 10. Easterly 4 of Mid Golden State ea.terly~. as measured a erly line also being th 9 feet, more or les8, along south 11n. of L4atl, 6, .,~ ,nd ct No. 2 to a point in a linepaJ-allel toalld 20.00 feet 19ht ~les from ._terly line of laid Lot .. (aa1d ..s~ enterline of Baxter Street), thencet ,.... i I 110 Northerly noltherly line of s~id 12. Easterly 4 and Lot 3 of said Gol po,"t in a line paralle f..- ..sterly Section 1 alto being the centerli I 13. NortherlY) p~t In a 11ne paralle flWt the northerly line :belng the centerline of I 140 E.sterly 1 1::.'t., c ~r~::s~:r~~C:~o~., Ave uel thence, i ~ I i 15. Southwest A ..., .... . e to the northwest .. .1'1yas measured at Cal fornia Freeway to b ! 16. Southeaat iC:i" ,rline of Route l"rn ea,' 1y, as measured 81 S!lc,ion 1 (said JIIIS terl t I 17. Southerly I erl~ line of Et of Frac1 ;:~~tr~~~e~~~ti~~ ~e(:~., Av:te) I, thence, '. I 1.19 feet, more or lesl, along ~1d parallel line to the 4, thence, 8.68 feet, more or lel6, along the north ~lne Qf laid Lot State Tract No.2 and 1ts easterly p~oloni.~lon to a o and 30.00 feet easterly, ai measured at rlghtangles"-__ of sa1d Fnctional Section I (said ..terly Section I1ne of Cyp~e66 Avenue), thence, 8.6e feet, more ,or l8SI, along said parallel lln. to a o and 30.00 f..t southerly as measured at right angle. said Fractl.onal Section 1, (said north_ly line a180 angethorpe Ave.), thence, 1 feet, more or le.l, along ..1d,~ln'2w.ll.lto north Section 1 to a point in a line parallel to and 30,.00 sured at rlght angles, from the centerline of Placentia y along said line parallel to center1.ine offltcentia y prolongat~.on of a 1.IAe par~1181 to and 71.00 ftet south- ght angles, from the centel'lin.ofp~0P9,s"6tat. of nown.s Rou,te 175 Section BI said paral!,). line also being way line of said freeway, thence, -- Y 1570 feet, more or less, along sald 11nepara11el to ction B to a point in a line parallel to arid 20.... f..t ight angles frOM the westerly line of Et of Hid Rrect1ona1 ine also being the centerline of Sunlcist Street), thenc., 50 feet, more or less, along said line parallel to .at-" nal Section 1 to 8 point In a line parallel to and 30.00 d at right angles, from the south Section. "lln,e of said south section line a180 belng the centerline of La PalJaa ........... ! ,'.. i 18. Westerly a' sec~on line of Fractio Ll.t~s line as establis tion No. 18 as passed bi Sec~tary of State on S~ ! 19. Continuin~ and .~IIO along said exi to ~d 330.00 feet east ~.',f....I.. id.Fractional Sect~ Pl~ nt1a Avenue) and S~ atlon, Annexation on" rl1 9, 1946 and 11 . i 20. Northerly I S8C.!E:' , .,line of .F.ract1o~ lJ._,sllne to a point ' at r ght angles from sal feet, more or leIs, along said linep~rallel to ...t Section 1 and also along said existing Anaheim Clty l1ne parallel to and 4Z>.OO feet northerly'.' measured" south section line of Fract1on$1 Section 1J thence, feet, more or leis, .1ongsild line "parall.lto south S~tlon I to an angle point in the exl,tin.,' Maheia City by the Roberts Annexation to the Ci ty of Anlhelm, Annexa- rdinance No. 761 on August 22, 1950 and fIled .,tth the ember 21, 1950, thence, sterly 990 feet, aore or less, along s~d p~r.ll.l line ng Anahe1m City LiDdts line to 8'point 1n a l1fte parallel y ae measured at X'~..9ht angles, from the ..t~ectlorillne 1 (said west Section 11ne also bell.\gthe Ceht".rllne of pa4allel l1ne being the east line of the ~aat Anahe1m s, to the City of AnahellA, aa passed by Ordinance No.. 700 lith the Secretary of State on May 13, 1946, thence, 21. Westerly feet, more or less, along said line parallel to $outh seq,;~.~.OD line of Practlo $tK;tlon 1 and allO along laid extstingAnab.~. City Li. s line to a point i a 11ne parallel to and 30.00 feeteasteJ'l,y,.. ..aaured at r ght angles from sail at Sect10n line of Fractional Section 1, thence, 1181 n Cl ~. S~,rly._.oO.f"~' S.~t1on IJ,ne..f 'r.ctlonll Sectlo~ y..d:t.. 11M .tbe...t..l.ypro.~9. AQrtheJ'ly, a. me.lured at right Section 2, thence, 23. ...terly 360f.et, ..aterlyprol.ngation .nd al.o al.. , point in th....t.l'ly 11n. of the ITactlonal s.tUon 2. thence, re o:t .1..,.,...alQ.n9,....ld 11n4it PIJ;.ll..l t.~.. ~'.t . andal.oalQI1Q, Uid .x~..tlJ>> ~.1Ja Ci~y i~ft Qf.. a line. RUIllel ~ and 330.00 f..t J, fr_ the south S.ct1Qn lIne of Pract1on~1 OJ' 1.... alQng M1~ 'par.allel l"n.. and Ib ,.I.d .xi.~~~g ~ba CltJ ~.... '. ..i. '.llne to. t~.25 acr.. of: $.&t. of Sit Qf $.Et of $aid 24....,~1' ~Of..t, ~~1'..'~....'..0fS!.. .1.~ ,I. ..tftt ~n' the ecieftt.~'.' ,f $YCallOr ,'.1 e. or 1.... along......l~..t.rly 11~e ,and~lt. .Mld ex11tlng Anah.l. City, Utdt.li~ ,to. tr..t I thence, ' ,. -.r. ,qr 1....,fJ.,QDg ..~d c.nt.rl~n8of , IIt1qg ~.1. City ~t.J.l..t~ th~..t -ru:oe E. ..11.~. S1lb41v1..1on. I' ,.ho. on.... .g. 4601 ..cellaneaua...p., Record. of az.... t .q'Uthea.t.r~.y COrner of the Mon%'o. E. -.11ace exaU,on No. 23, .~'-.,p..Hd by OrqlAenc. No. the Seeretuy of State on April 10, 19&2, ~ . .,'~.i ~tI\wt""'l,Y27.1Q I tr~~ ~ ';'~..,J,tQ:'.l,qOl ,.1 ,.,u...,.,..\.y. ......f ~t,,,. of .. ,the:r~f' .....~,,\ ~oIt llatl ~:t)!, .......<t \J.1!fiit, ."J~ .....~9! the, =r:;Q1~~~..~ ~:r:J ~...",.. . 26. North_aterly 1340 f.. ... IIOre or l.~., a1911g .,id exS.a.tlng Anah,1In c:Jty ~~t..l.1ne aQd al,o_,loM..., 1y I1ne o.f Lota 4 and 2 of ..1d Monroe E. Walla.ce 8u11d1_,.lon to a.po1nt loef 30..00 fe.t south.-1y,.. ...sued at J'tgbt angl.. ft_ ..s.,d ,Qutherl y SectlQn neof' fractional Sec:tlon 2, .aid point a1ao .Ing locatecf'atan angle point in id Acacia Stre.t Annexatloru thence, . 27. Northerly 60 feet,. orl.ea.,along .~ldexl.t1ngAnah..lm City ~t. u". MIl ~..1ng .aid .~ . 1y ..cUon u~ .of Pr"UQA41 Sect10n 2 at ;l".. I'1ght DOl.. to . point 1n a 11."e. .Uel to and 3O.CIO fMtOo1'tb'1'ly, ,I' ~ . . _right . angl... frOlt ~d louth_1 Section, Una of hactlona1 Section 2, th.c:., I 28. Eaeterly l~ f..t'1'. or le.8, along .aid line parallel to IOU. tberlY. Seeti..'.on ,U.ne ,O..f Pr. .ct1on~ s.cu. ,on 2 and ,.l'o~longa.ld mlting Anah.s.a Qt.ty ~.lt. u.n. to the pOint of bnning. That the propoalt1on a1ted to the elector.r..lding wi thin I~d..... lficoz'poratedteni'tory"a.. ' fJ ONM ann.xed to tb, , ~ the property 1n '~,".fte:r _h . ,.on ....lly.th tbe ,l'MaheiM to ..y 1t. ....... val_tlo", , ealdCi ty Qf 22. lea, 01' th..~ YES tI) ..... That .~1d C~ tyCo,ncll. of thrH dIY.fr. ,and .fter' the d II1d election, and It laid !'GUlar Mh return.. .. t Ita regular ..et1ng ,aftar the 'xpls-aU,_ of ..ude.1ectlQn tocanv... thel'etualof tlno 'dldMAk. and ca.pl.te it. canv... QI .. _. . . nt:tfl'_ ~ by it8C 1. That tM ,mol. ft\llbe;r 2. That th, ~. of YO vote. c..t at ,VCh eleotlon .. 46. cad at .UCh .1ecU,QQ 1n' favor of .ann..:~~ of I\ICh retum., ~d C1 ty Countl ~ fl,....., 118D Cl 3. That the r Of votes cast at such election aga.inst annexation _at 10. 4. That the er of ballots received as absentee votes was o. _ I"L p~~ M. "1~ ... . ... CITY CLERK OF'I1m,; ,<'0' __III ~INAfa" NO. 1017& Co rtttdlng and IIOVed for i AN (JU)J NNa OF THE ex T A~I. OF CBRTAIN I ilman Van Wagoner offered Ordinance No. 1017 for fi~st passage and adoption. F ANAHSIM APPROVIt<<3 THE ANNEXATION TO SAID C~T,Y OF TERRITCRY KtOfN AS EAST S.YCAKRE ANNEXA~IOrt~ After hearing knowledge of the conten of said ordinance be wa un.nlmously carried. ad in full the title of Ordinance No. '1017 and having thereln, Councilman Schutte moved the reading in full · Council~n Van Wagoner seconded the Iftotion. Motion CAIN ASS OF RETURNS OF appointed Councilman Va Fry, as JUdges, for the Special Election held A designated as Placenti in, the absentee votes. IAL ELECTIONa PUCBNTIIt-BALL ANtEXATIONa MayorPearson agoner, Inspector, and Counc lman.Wlsser and Councilman ose of canvassing the returns of the votes cast at a st 26, 1955 for the annexation of terrItory known and 11 Annexation, and for the further purpo$e of canvass- The Canvassin ancl compared th_ to th s~-official returns t ard received the semi-official returns of the election ally list and found the n\8ber of votes reported on the oincide. -- Councilman S approved. Councl111\an V te moved that the payroll for the election officers be Wagoner seconded the motion. MJTIPN C~IED. The Canvassin of the signatures on th registration in the Ora and verified by all me nallies o.f those voting a votes. There was no re oard then considered the absentee votes. Acogparison dentificatian envelopes with the original affid.vits of County Grand Register, Katella No. 2 Precinct. ... made s of the Canvassing Board. The Inspector announced the ntee 8n.d asked if anyone ,present wi$h~d to challenge the nse. The ballots ~ reeults declared accordt REf>LurION 00. 2927. cf for its passage and adOf ~ I deposited in the ballot box, removed, tallied, and the to law. cilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2927 and mbved on. RESOWTION t(). 2!R.7 A RE SOI.1n' ION CAUSIOO A RE TO BE ENTERED I I , I WHEREAS, the~ rew. ',.. os' of a C.erta1n, sp , 1955 in certain uninco An..e1a, and THE CITY COUtCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM OF CAW ASS OFREnJRNS OF SPECIAL ELECT;tON ON ITS MI NUTES. y Counci 1 of the CIty of AnahelJft has canvas.ed the al annexation election held on the 26th day of Augu~t, ated territory .ought to be annexed to .ald City of - I . WHEREAS, said~ ty Council has caused a record to bem_de of thecanva.. of returns of $a~d elec, n, whlch record I, entl tled RECORD OF CANVASS OFRETURIIS OF SPECIAL ANNEXATION E TION HElD AUGUST 26, 195~. BE IT RESO~VED by the City Council of the City of~e1m & of returns o.f sa1d election be, and the saM 1. ft_... Ddnutes of said City Council. '. 1183 THI RJIEGOIlE RESOWTIONI ~eptember, l~. signed and approved by.. this 13th day of . ATTEST. ~ ..~ ~I PeU~ . ... 01' ... . TYOF AJWIEJM ~ /f/D~~I~mn~ .. . '!In.~ 'CITY 'Of ~I. On toll call the foregoi reaolJlUon .a. duly pa..ed and adopted :ft.. ,.~. following votel A_. lQ11. AB$I!IT . cnJlCILlEHa WJ~ILlEN& cnJtC;I LIEN. Fry, Schtaite, Wi'HZ', and Van "goner. The _yor d~cl.red the f+, 01119 ;J:'..olutlon dulyp..18d and adopted. RIaR> OE CAW ASS OF RE HELD OF SPECIAL ANNEXATION ELECTION ST 26, 195f). The City Council of the q: . y ofAnaheUa hereby.-.. a recoZ'd of canvae. of return. of a,p8~~.J anBexltlon et t1on. Said. .speclal annexatl~n e .+ctlon was held on the 26th day of August, 19M, 1~the ~,r p:ro'fld~ b)' 1a.o I . ~ ~~f::':::t~e::i~e s; ~~~~i~In~~~~_I~~'" . ~.". ' '. ~t tbeHpoll~l.}g .place f~' j,sueh eiectlon was ~.~ll.hedand .pt~ln.d.t I J f~, ~~:a~i~~s~r~~~~r~:S:~~. C.J.1t'o~.t ,m1c:b .. . . -j" . The ,d""LPtl'on of the.p~. rtY.proposed to be included in the aMexat!.on ~ a. the P~~~~L ANNEXA1 : N i8 a. foll~& A pan~l ofr iand ~inga j rtion of Sectlons 22. 23 and ,24, Townlttlp4, South, Rcmge 10 W.st.,. San Bernardin Base and Meridian and .ore part1,cul~rly, ~ scribed.. follows 1 Bt9lM1gg at an aJ!gle,po~ ..tablished by the' Ball Road Annexa ..passed .by. ().rdlnance No. 814 on " state o~ SftPtlllber .22, 1952 saic:i ,pd parallel to and 30.00 feet northeas line of. Los Mgel.. Str,eet <.leoJcq to and 3O.CJO teet southerly as mea' of said Section 22, (said north See thence, in the exi sUgg AnaheiJII Cl ty U:ld.ts line .. on to the City of Anahet., Annexation No. 28 It 19, 1952 and filed with the Secretal'y of t alae be~Q9 the 1nterleetlpn of'. 11ne ly, as me8suredat rightangles, of the cent..- .as U.'S. Hip.y Ho. lOI),~a I1ne ~al1.1 at rightangI..; f~ the north SecUpn' 1tl\8 . on line alsobe1ng the centerline of Ba,ll Road). I 1. Et.terly 400 feet, .-dol$o _long~d parallel line 2~ ~t1nu1ngea.terly Anahei. City Uaitl line and also al ..measured: at,:r1ght angle8fromn', .st camerof th.e E.st Str~et .. pas8~. by Qa-ctlnanceNo. 954. on'l) stIat. on' 'JanWaI-y 31,' 1955. thence, Of le'l,a~,OA9 ',aid exl,ltlng 01 ty Um1t. Un. e 8st Section line of laid Section ~J thence. feet, more or less, along said existing . a line parallel to and 30,,00 feet, soutbel'l, Section l,ine o.f said Section 23 .t~ the south- on to' the City of' Anahes..., Annexation No. 50 er '28, ,1954 and fl,led with the $ecr.~ of l 3. ContimQ.ng eaater 1 y , f.et, IIO~. or le.., along saJ.d parallel U.. and its ...tuly prQlongatlon to ita tet-..ctl.on Jd,th ,.Un. parallal to ,and 3Q.., 2. 11" . , ....... j ~..,'..,...~, -. ,.t.r.ll,....., ~a.. sur , '., ..- 23,' <.ald eaat P llCen't1a Avenue), then , ,. 4. Scartherly . ,,.t ~.ttlf:ly, .. 26 'It. 1nteritKUon . feet northerly as ofuJd. Sectl'pn 23, sai A~4ft' ..thence, 5. Welterly pra,long,t1on, to a point tbt!IiCe, at rl,ghtangl.., fre. theeas-tel'ly :~ect1,.t J'tn, ".C).,~.a~d Hctl,on 11.ne of SttCtl,on' 23 .110' Wlng tbectnterllneef 10 '.t, aore01' 1..., al.ong.~d 11n~ '~11~1 to" and . . __..trlght -.1_,1 ~,..t.ec,t1()R l~n. of .Ject~JIr) the ..ately prelongatlon of a line ,calt.l to ~ -.. aaw:ed, at right angle. froll, the .outh.rly..'tlC)~ .11~~ outherly section I1ne ..lso belng 'the centerJlne of,:Katella , . .'. . . - . - feet, more or 1..., along said parallel line and 1 ts the ..aterly 11ne of SIt ofswt of said Section 23, , 7. "".rly of,.... of .Sect10n 23' to t~ .U_...: ..' . 8. No~.t .... '.1.. 8tr..t to' That. the pro ineorporated terr1tory feet, lIIore or 1..., .long ..nol'tberlY.'..l~.. of..a11 SIt . . elsterly right-of__, II_of -..1d~. "1.. Stre.t, .6. NQ:rth.rly' feet, 1101'. or le.~, ,.long '-.1d ....t.l' l~M tf>, the . .~...tftl, COI.'IWr of lei &lit of &lito' SectiGn 23, thee'..,. ' . ' .'. ~ I I. ',. ,'..' .'be'~'i" to~. c.il'~~. ...... propel'ty In AllllXAn~ be".f~' S1ICh t to taxau.on ....11y with the dCity 0'''' .to pay It. "upon .an"led valuatIon, ~.. of ..dClty of "9 en July 29, 'lee, or thereto- YES -.I fo11014ng.1Qnf -.1d 8_,lt8rlY rigbt;.i.o""y line of Int of MglMlng~ Ion .~tted to the electors residing .tth1.n .~d un- I tI) Th~t .~d City i. day. frflli, and a UOI\;and It aa ns. . uncil .et. at 1 tlreg\llar _etl,ng .ftetthe exp1~.~.. ~the date of .aId election to canv... th. ~.t~.or' :regu~.r ..etlng did uk. andc.plete Its C"'~of 1. ita ~a.. of web j.eiutft., ..ldctty~tL'~nd.-I e ruaber of vote a caat at tUch el'.,Uon ...22. r of.vot.a ca.t at auch election 1nfavorof annexation we ''fIO. .3. l' ofyot.s~st at such electl,on ~~ln.t ~ex~tton' .. 2. ~ I 1 4. That the of ballot. recel Yed .. abaent.. vot.. .. 2. of ballou J'ecelwd .. abHnt.. vote. in '.veof 5. Thet the on wa. 2.' '~, 6. That the o. of _llotsrec.ived .. ..ent.. vot.. agJd.naten.x.. ~~ ~ .~Mn .... .. CITY C ' . . . OF THE CI . . Q' 'AIWI!I \~. , . 11- .111A1Q1 11). ' 1011.. CounciJ8n I ,"'fI..... ... I. ~t. ,...... ., ~IJWD.' .. CIty 0' ... .. ClarAt. I-.nu 1WIITClty ,. AI.. Muiftl l'..ln ....... ,I ... oontIIrt. tMnin,i tai. o~'." lilt.... CetIn.s. ........., " " .fIIIl(; o . . M1s.c H-.1" ... '...ld .. the The ..,. .... II I ....-1 .01 the at.rldl~ ..1.. Tu ........ that .., di"j _YI,,81"-. n.., .1,10 ,.It the: _1... alJ ,f the ___ oS,U.. .... Th_ bet", no fRth_ ct~ ~-=.f~ ~.~. fllluncl-.n v. ......1' .wid that ....~... "'.~"I. 01'" OIG ... .... ,. It. ,...... and . ~,l... If r.CXTY 0' AIWIIl t;'4E~~ .fI.... "11I11I ca m... ItrY 0.. _III, Ae ...ZIQ ....10 CIIIf'ia . .. ItC_wa 1'0 _~7, IJllUJlIVI, 1E1~ 2M IClUIIYI, .-n'ItJI 2te3 ., $IC11 AI. ....ng r...- 1n fu~ ........ " .. -.Ment. ...~, i ., ...'..... .. .vld. ~ _Illy........ 1QIl., ... ,.,tIt m(~,~mI 'B) WI,CXTY ~ .\fJl'. AI '1.M:Im~~ ~ the titl. 01 ~J".. ... 101,' ,tnd .'dM ' 01.. 8,_. ...... '1M' :r_.. in ...1. ,.,. ..,' ..0.... ttMt .u.. IIDU.~' I ......t to PHI..... 10. 112.*".~,." IIdl._n _It _ at .ept.... .. 1-' ..... .. U.. T.. ' , ... to ....... the c.-Itl en the ._~ 1.. 11'1t...... _I' .... ~t, tbi,. ...t ..,., ",1__..~ 'af..u..... .. 'T.. ~ .. .. l"t. '''N' 00.... 1 ~. TIX .',..... 1ft Uwt elate. ..i-, tta.,...,. cIeol... .~ ....... ~.lffl.. At'....,. IMI..... '1n.ntrltftta. ~n . .. the l~fTl$1:lIJILU .. .. ~___. . .... .iJ1~"'" '-, .. ~~ A~ .e. , ... 1011 ,.. ft...." 1'1II1I&..., ... ~fII~.. ' n .. PI<<T 1 01 DIYJGOIt 21 0' ,till CALL- .~"..', . "..., ,...,"IT 1'~_~..... ....,..~. ~,I. .,ks~..17,~ Q' -.w- _,A' '" fM... '..T_....,.. _lIlY' .11111 TIll ~.%L Q" .TIII .., "II ....,. ., ....~ _ IV' ~,..,.. IV' .-1.." . P~'l TO".. IIaMI!IYI>> ~ _, ",1_', I~VI, ~. .. TO 2_.1, 2e4 ~ 2614.1. .. titl. .f 0:N1,... ... 1.11 ... haYint" I,. V.... II.... .... -......&.,.1 P.IY ....... ta.. .~.. ....... ._"I~' n, .. ,....t. ....1.". III. .,. *1, ... "tlll'tl. 2, 1", '.lio ......... I ... t.n ter ~ ,1IId .....,.. .. ..... III' .. .,' ... A,. a._ , '.', C, ',Sa..lte, .. --. " 'In." th'.. ,,0, .1, ,tr ~,.."""", .. ~ ....d b..crilMt ..s.d"l ~.... _......... _. en'" .... .net. to ...... . bana'u~,t of ' ......~... and 11.1. taw .... wi,." .ty Cleft, .. .. .... a pat of HOmI. I ns.,~lty Cl~ ....__ U a ~tn... .. teeti".. _,_~W&,.,. ...., .1-.1." ,.0.1. ., hili __ f11111. IIW....... ..'... ni, .. -......... IIf _City C_1Il. .. ......" c...,' .1.__ '$lI'-, ."'~."" : 1 ....,...,,'.I~,. ,. 'I'~"', ,the hlDl,.... . ..... U. .... ',. M... ....... f:7,!' 1. tI. '. ~_'1 0 till (10) ..,. Ie' tit. ftlinl .1 IIrf' . --'1 ~. ...,.,,. '., ft,~ '.... .....uti_ .. te the. .'4I1IA". JfIIIWIt. 111.... .ucII ~DP. , fIfIU~ IE._.. YMlAIG aG. -.. . t'tlll ." 1.... A. TMntt 1'...... ..........onto _tot . retail .toM ~1nt 'O~ the ..1. of ~, ........ 1 j ~ r il " 1-.& gl'lRted C tu .UeJlbly._of -.11 un~.t.. g~ propeX-'~y.deKr~~_a._ 2~t~~~UgcOlt1 Avenue. 9 CoIIR18610n. pursuant to thei,r Relolutl,on No. 14, ect to the fOllowing condi U.uu of boats in a building between the hours oct A.M. and 6100 o'clock P.M. requirement that a revl_ by the City ontage road might be required. CtiOD taken by the City Planning COIIDi..l.cm .. fileA 1.. 2. An appeal f and '.11 c Hearing orde Those addr.ls Anthony J. Graves, Jerr Attorney for Itt. Trevet .....ly of the. boat a yac\dID cleaner. They and the fact that the d use. th.CQun~II 1ft flYQr of grant1ng the vula.nc. "1',.. lctor Maler, George A. Trevett, and St~ P.~ Gall...r, They .dv18ed that the tools 1Ih1ch Jlauld be ...eeI in the ts would be no lIOJ'e o'ffensive then a ~~ 1......1' or lIed attent~Qn to the setback of the proposed bua1ne.s lopment of ihe highway no longer' ...'\traGtfd.;r..tdent14l 4 Those.ddre.s Mr'.. Ed Daly, Mr. Arth C"'oll. The oppoeltlo that the noise created gr_ting of this varian wouJ.d lie detr1meRtal to ..ze in favor of the re of bOats. the Council In oppoli t10D to the variance .... Mr. and telt, Vance L. Hill, Merl M. Sanders, and MOrrls J. el t that manufactulng should not be in thi. al'e,aand . 1d be a nui'an~. Th..,_re of the opin1on that ... ld establish a precedent 111. thlsunillpl'CMId area *ich property values. Tbe1lajorl ty .01 those 1. oPPoll tlon sporting goods store .but .... Qlppo_ to theaasembly Discuuion by shakld be vacated 1n ord to ~1.ln9 and, futh_, n1. C~&slon was requ AVelue being a major str " There being no\ heaing closed. i IB~TJ:ON M). 2Jllh. Co its'. p...ageand adoption R, ,8, ~', r t'.R.&O.'.~. A RI8OLVrlON OF .TMI CITY On roll call foll~Rg vote, ' Council fol10J18Q aa towbether thepr..ent action that Mr. Trevett might amend hl s appllcotlon to liadt it · over-all pltnning of Lincoln. AVHU~. TMC1.tyPl.....'" ed to make their rec~.nd.tian. relative'to Lincoln' with access rNds. rther dIscus.lon on th., utter. the Mayo=, .clared the 11..n Schutte offe~ aesolutlon No. 2928 and IJOvtd far . If OF THE CITY OF AfWEIM J),mm;rr:; V'AlIAIb!:_~... foregoIng resolution ._ duly' passed and _.t..~by tb. AYES, Y)ES. ~lffl Pearson, Fry, Schutte, 1I18ser, and VanWago,..r. None. IIone. the fOnQQing resolution duly pa..1d IndatlOpted. ....03. Sw.1tted by Robert P. Ralls7 M.D. :r~Un9 al Center to include a Medical Building and. ~l... . escr1bed as 11152 East l3roadway. Cam.1ssion,pursuant to their Resolution No. 22, gr.nted deeding of 10 fe.t along Broadway to the City of dening. . actl.0n t.en by the City Planning R W t<<a& V AIU ,. sa on to erect a cent, Rest Home on proper The City Pl::1' said variance IUbj ect to , AnUelm for future stree On the .otIon co..I.810n _as set for r . 1181 1Ir.' ~ MviMd that ....,.".~'. U,.,'. ....,.' ..".. ..",',....,..' no,.. rtb ~ C)f cant felt that tha. active U.. of (,)f thelled1cal ~."ter and ~onval.8, hi s request. ., eh.cito -~.__ th._~~~ ._~.__--'._.! echool Jd. th _ ..u__t pl~a..d ~.. prcpa8dCOft"ll,lcent b.."and If the.~ plf.YP'ound __lei Int..feJ"e ,_tb the .o~..~~ t b.e. he II1ght at thi8 ts.. Jd. sh to. tIMJl"aw I Dro Ralls ad~es.ed the c:11 ~tat1ng he.. fully .-re at the prGpOaed pl.ayground area, anQ he pre.ented p~ot pl~ of the proposed hosp1~ sit..___ Ing th4t...P~ to be. . gr..td Ar5.f~ theactul conval,elcent ',,-.. He felt ~t thepropoS8d uses of the. area,s would acttlally cOlllpli.ent...~h ~~~. Deli __Ill no one else 4telered tW ~Ag closed. ..slAg the Council on the...tter, the *yP:J" ,.. offar. RetoluUen No. 292.9 and .ovid f.' it_ R.f~ to Resolution Book, ...unl. .. TIE CITY COOICILOlt CIn OF MAlEl. ca.-rINGVARIMG 11), ... .. ~l c.ll the forego! resolution... duly ,..Md and adopted !IF tM le1l"'", WIt.. AIBIJ ... .AB$II/rr & Fry, ScInItte, ..eer, ,.nd. Van ....... CWEIIJfJNI <DJICIx..tIa CDJICIIM!N& .. ...,.. declared the f MILIC HEAltlIIIt' '''AlII! 11). 379. ..alon to .ret .. c~U'G1al bull. Pfttion th...., fer an off. sale 11 The Cl,ty Planning COIE,a Mid variance. I'D reaolatlQn cn.ly pal...s and ~opted. ttldby ,... R. KroJllfh nqII8.t1nti~ at 1933 ""-..ol,1y. Road and tG,. ~ . Itore.. , puauant to 'their Reaolutl,on No.1, dInl. An....l frOll action tat .....n. F. Gallagher, Attorney for by the City Planning ea.tsslon was fUed ., o IT." R. Krogaan. Public Hur$;ng wat held 0 $' ..ttd' August 9 Met HnUnuect to this cMte. In vi_ ,.ofthe Propohd' rrt to the Anahe1m~c1p.l CoQe.. changing '1M. all__ tA €be ~1 ZoQe t4 IJ\t~ " thai qf ..,t.Ml.' liquor .stab11.....t.,. tbl. he&r1!!1 ... c:antlaued ~ 5 ' 27 1 1.~...clock P.M. on IDOtl,Qn br c.ncl_n ,........., .etonded bY 'n ft...,.. *10R GABlUIW.. . PUBLIC ~~ BlCLASSIFICATION JIg property at the louthea classified t.. C-l with the exception bOtb streets... btt reclassified G-2 i . I J;.~21 SubD1tted by L. W. Webb request>. ~ of Br~ Qd Euclid. Avenue be.~~ f t.he corner ld;th front.age of 150 f..'ton r the purpose of erecting a service stati~, rile ei'ty Pllnn1ng C~18'~ , JllI'lUIDt to theIr a..olution No. 16, rle'" .oo.ttd that aecl.ss1fication No. F- !)6...2 be disappr()ved for theznson that ~ recl.~a1ficatl.. there 1. no as.v. that the appUc-ant Jd.,ll confoDl to ..tfi8. pl.- .. PJ1t..t... !be ...,.. asked if anyone shed to addn.. tbeCounc11 on the.ntw. Plana of the proposed aha ng cer.ter ... pr...t. and d1.~~"'. MI'. .Joe L8Ions addressed t Counc!. 1 favox-lng th. recall! f1catlon. TIle" being no further di saion, the Mayor-..decl.. the. bttu'lng ,.c1.nId. n n il 11. f1 . '~ I ,J 'C .". RilOWTION 00. 29301 C sQlject to architectura of G-l Zone restriction ita paasage and adoptlo ciman Schutte IIOved the :reclassification b. .app;roved ontrol, engineering requ1rements, and the net...." filing and thereupon offered Reaolution No. 2930 and moved for A .SOWTION OFnm Cl! A .. OF ZONE IS CHIli 2 OP THI ANNEI OFrZOfe. ( s..5~2) . OOM:;IL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FIft)ING Art:> DETERMINIM:; THAT Y IN CERTAIN AREAS OJ': nm CITY AN) THAT ARTIeta IX, CIPAL CODE SHWLD BE _reED TO ACI;()IIJLI8H SAID GHM<<;E On roll folilowing vote; foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the AYES; OOES. ABSENT I Pearson, Fry, SChutte, Wisser, and Van la~ner. None. None. ed the foregoing resolutlon duly passed and adopted. F-55-~3: SubRitted by Delmar, Bill, and , Tract No. 2799 be :recla..~fied to R..-3 The ci ty PI At H~'ed Reclassification tot. 1 through 5, inclu tnt.iOn of a heavier \IS g GODIJdsslon, pursuant to their Resolution No. 17, recOJD- · ~5t).o6-3 bed! sapproved, as the proplJrty ett'J'QUhding e,of Tract No. 2199 should' be protected agatnstthe in- 1""-' if anyone Jdahed to address the Council en the .atter. addressed the Council stating that he and hi. brothers rea, and that they would not have requ..tect B-3 zoning felt it would be detrimental. Mr. Delaar P ~ 2> R-l lots in th on these 5 lots if they Several of th the granting of the R...3 jacent property ~.rs addressed the Council protesting ing. . After all lnt Ing clned. tedparties had been heard, the Mayor declUed the bear,.... RESOWTION 00. 29311 Co 1 tl;' ~I.age and adoption iwn Schutte offered Resolutl'on No. 2931 and aO'led fQr t<<;IL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FIN:>ING .MI) DETERMINING OOT BE CR,ANTS> IN A CBlTAIN AREA OF THE crTY HEREIN- ,3 . On roll fOllowing vote 1 foregoing resolutlon was duly passed aMI adoptlld by the n I AYES: l<<)RS & ABSSNT: Pearson, Fry, Schutt., lisser, and Van Wagoner. None.. None. PU C HEAlUNGJ RECLASS ingproperty located at the forego1ng r,solution dtlly pasled and .t>ted. CATION NO.. F--55-56-4a Sw.1tted by L. G. .w.s requ..t- North Euclid Avenue be reclasslfied to R-3. The City 'Piano: CODIIIisslon, pursant to their Resolution No. 24, r.e-.. menled Reclassification F-55-56-4be approved subject to the deeding of l.nd alQng Euclid Avenue for eettddening 1 f required by the Englneerlng DepartlRent. .- 1189 II The Mayor .sJted 1 f anyon, there being ne one, he declared th. shed to address' the Council on the mattar, earing closed. IlSOLUTION NO. 2932. Councilman Ft offered Resolution No. 2932 and moved for its ,....ge and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOWTION ., THE CITY ca1t1:1L Of CITY OF ANAHEIM FIII)ItG Att) J),!TERMIIGtG IHAT A CHMQll()P lQII IS re::&SS.Y,J CERTAIN AREAS Of THE CITY AN) THAT _tlpLl B. CHAP'!ii 20P THI! ANNlEIlIlIJNIct L C(J)E $HOOLD BE AlEN:>ED TO ACCO"'1JSH 8.UD CHANGE OP 20". (p...&~6-4) . I On 1'011 following vote. resolution wa. duly palled and adopted Dr the AYES. tl>Ela AB9INT I COOtCIUEN. COOteI LEN. COO~I IJEN. Fry, SChutte, W1laer, and Van Wagoner. The Mayor declared the f~ oing resolution duly palsed and adopted. ""~~6-~. sw.1tted by C. Loulle Truxa. IS the north_It corner of South LOI An,el.. fied to R-3. The City Planning Co_I. n, pursuant to their Re,01utl,on No. Z, :rea... aended Reclalllflcation No. ~55- be approved .ubject to the fOllOJd"ngcondlt1ona. 1. The deeding to the C~ of AnaheimS feet between South Los Angele. Street a outhLeMon Street for the cOMpletion of the full ~dth ofl ley. 2. The deeding to the C1j of Anaheim 6.~ feet for the future widening of South LOal gele. Street. The Mayor alked if anyone .hed to addre.. the CouncIl on the matter. Mr. .rdoch sU9ge.ted tha the improvement and dedIcatIon of the alleybe ade by the property owner8. Then being no further dl' I.lon on the matter, the Mayor declared the h.arlng clo.ad. IISOtuTION HOo 2933, Councilman Va .goner offered Ralolut1on No. 2933 and -.ved lor it. pa..age and adoption 8ubjec 0 the conditions aa outlined 1n the City .Plan- n1ng Co_lss1on'. Re,olution No. 2~, nd further lubject to the dedication and 1m- p~ovement of required alley by the perty ownerl. Rafer to Resolution Book, A RSSOWTION OF THE CITY COUtcIL OF CITY OF ANAHEIM PIM)ING A~ DETERMINItG TSAT A CtiANQE ;F1.OlC IS NECESSARY J CERTAIN AREAS OF THS CITY Ale THAT ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 Of THE ANAHEIM AlJNICIP CODE SHOOLD IE AlEtI)ED TO ~O"LISH SAID CHANGE OF ZONE. (F-~~6-~). On roll call the foregolng tesolution wae duly p...edand adopted by the following vote. AYES. t()ESI A8$!IT . COJtCILAEN I COUtCILMEN I CanCIUENa on, Fry, Schutt., Wl,.er, and Van Wagoner. The Mayor declared the for 01ng relolutlon duly palled and adopted. In I.. ." n J It. ...... I 1 'I ~Irwa lI). 10141 Co int and moved for its .: . , ,. .." , FPa8DO~.1 ,and 'month of ~ugu.t; 1'" 1ItfItre. brei.rid ~hC.1~and f1,led on agoner, &econded by CounciJaln Fry .ADrION CAJlRIED. ilun '''seer offered Ordinance NO. 1014. fQr fl."a.! read- age and adoption. , ,~ Book, pag. ANCJtD1NAta OF THE CI ,FANAHE. '. '. I.M. ,Mee.."". . .....ING..,II,CJ,E.. ,IY~ CHAP11!I.,' .,' .: '~..'., SECT. '. J. OMS,'. ".5.2.,00.' '.1 AlIa. 5210.7 .()F THE MAlE .,NICIPAL ~ 1OU1!lIfT5 TIE OOLtlCTlOII. ..AL AM> D,IIIp,osAL OF <w1BAGE, au SH .AlI) WASTE MATERIAL, Are THE CHARGItG OF PES IN CO~ HEtr,XCI THER.EI{.[ tHo ........ I I I Pearson, Pry, Schutte, W188er, and Van W.goner. None. None. After he.rin~i k,*,,'...',.,' .1__., .. e.' of the co. nten sa" ol'd1nance be wa1 .~ly carried. I I On roll call ~ byahe follotll~ vote. I I ad in full the title of Ordinance No. 1014 and ha,vlng the.ln, CouootlNh 111..rmoved th.re~n, 1n full, of Councll_n V.,. "-on.. aeconcledthe IftOtl on. Mot! on un.nl~. ; ~" ! ~ ,: , foregoing Ord~nance No. 1014 was du~y pasled and adopted AYES, OOES. ABSENT. The Mayo:r d.C~ ~NAIa ~. lOl!h Co fint reading and moved ment to be located in ed the foregoing ord1nance duly p&8ledand 'adopted. i1MhPry offered Q1'd1nanc;e No. 1015, aa corrected, for 1 ts passage and adopti,on.(O,ff-sale liquor ..tabI1sh- Zone instead of c...2 Zone),. . AN ",UWt:E OF THE ex . F AIWIElM ,~XIG 4ncLE ~.. CH6f'tIUt. 2 OF rHB~~. ""AL CC8I BY MEII> SECTIONS ~6 _VISION'~4J.~~7 BY )IIJ..ItG .,Mt". ~"'H l(a) TO StJlelVISI . AN) AAElCIE &1JIDIVISIQI c.4t ,9210.9 .-lVIII._ A, 92..10 SUmiVISION At BY All>ING SUJl)IVISION BJ BY ~Itf3 A .. $l!.CTIo,f tlJMBERED 92..1..... AN) AJE~ING ION 9200.21. - I I , After hearing k~l~ge of the cent en of .aid oX'dlnancebe .u lIOutl y carr! ed. d in full the tItle of Ordinance No. lOl$.d b.vi"9, er.l.A, Coun"~ Van W.,on.X'ltOved the 1'..dlngln full · Councl1~ W1.aereeconded thellOtion. IIotion-unani- ~AlCE tI). ~I Su. bul~l", located at '406 by Mr.. Edith Jenkins recpaeatlng p.~....lO,n to Use 'th &ad.ly Street for the tetch!,ng' of ballet dancing. I ! The Clty Pl_n~ COItiallon,pUr-.nt to their Resol\ttf.,on--"'. ,~,gz,an~ said variance subject tol' . fOllowing 'concl! 'tl,onl' . . I 1. U.lng the of ballet 2. RentIng -th U.,.lng ,car. el 3. U.~n9 the .~ 1 cturing the d~ hoUrs for the t..chfJlg cing. 11 to private 1ndlvlcbrals ororganizationsj "theaelectlon of.~h cllenta.' . tof the oli ICbo01 fIr off.au..t ))I~IO. No 'action wa$ : en by the Ci ty Counc1l-~ by Thos. J.Lawl..., Jr., rep:r..enftM the Cal..-r Co~. 7t)..foot frQnt.,e and 7200 Squn.foot ...' lot reqUire- -tbaclts on certain lot., and '. atnJaaat ...yUd requlr.- .t NQ. 2021 llJUc;h '1 a lQoatedon -.alLa Pallia Avenue Mayflower Street. v Al\VJa t<<>. 416. Suba1 r.eqleltlng a waiver of _nt8~ 1I10s.. front y _nts. certain lots in be"'n Magnolia Avenue . . The City P lann~ a.1,..1'On, .. pttt-.nt to tbe1rRe.oluU.on He. ~7, ~... "1~ variance 8ubJect to I' e follow1ng cQhdltlonl. ',' i 1191 'n;.,. ~. .. Cl - - 1. Lot& 1...9, Inc;l~slvct,., y~ ~t~ek. of 20 ~ 2~ Lot 7tall1n1ll18 reat Jain!.. rear y~rd Q f ! .-1nSatIJ rear yard$ of 3. M1n1.. frontage, 601 feet. 4. PrM.4ingan a..foot . tract. Providing a ~ of the tr~ct. I. Pltl1 street blprov_ Nayflo,rer St~t. No act1.on was taken by tlJ 16, InClusJve. and ....8 to have front t. of l~ feet. Lots 2 and5,. teet. Lo~,$ 3, 4, a, 9, and 16, 7 feet. et,and ~ area, 6000 square _ent along the _,It ,Weofth.e foot ...eMntaloQg the east stefe along W.st La PalM Avenue and o plAta t<<)~ $l1~- Subaittld by , ....ion to.~Ad operate a _t Clock R..taur.t" 'to be'lo,ceted at "tella Avenu.. ~.ct;..,'.pJ~ln9 Co_!s~ n, p}a'.'Uant ~o thel,:r aeaolvUon No. 28, gzaR~ _d Yar1an~' -Mbjfte$ to the foll g cond1 tlon.. 111 P1'Qpe:rU.. c.l>>or.t1onr....Ung ~,. and Cocktail Lounte ,~ o.~ct~on wlththe . rtorth...t corner of HuboI' Bo\lI.~1'd anc1 . . ..... ,I'!"'. ~. -fbe,' ~"(.1~.t1on of . ,.~~+~.rd ~d. Katell~ , frdll' tie: eMterli.n.. a. Ttw,'t"..tallatlron of . ~_." .tre.ets - the ~.! ~~~~. .ay start ~ .I ~ .tlon was taken ~y tn 1 str.et iatprovlMJ\t on Harbor ~.n.ew1 th . eurb aet at 47 feet both street,. , ,..foot ..llllb~' pukIng are.. abut 1 totpr down to 1 foot at entr.ncelo the 1n,lde ofC1D:bs if so desired. , . ~f1lMai ~. ~' $~tteddbYP.I~ ......",.' ...." ."8 a.., .: n "".", 'and 'co,.',., ff," ShQJ). 0, n ! 110 feet ~"f ix'cH$ha'.t stJ'eet. · J(nutrequ..t1qg peml.,l,on to .rect....., ' lOUth .id. of IJ.nco~nAV*nue,.Pr).roxl8Wly. i l t par'auant to their b~lut1.~J') No. 29, gr.~ cortdi tionsl ' i ~ C'ty't.~iJ\9 Co~& _ci MriMGetubj..t; to. the fo11 1. Cleu1.1\9 with the Sta to the Jdcl.n1n.g. 0 f L1 i ,.tbatlt l~ne. 2. ,Providing 0 f Il1proved In vi,. of the prop08ed 0, Council, on_tl,on by Counc,11....n P ~~n ~:~=il:~~5~7:= ;~.~r H!--.y Dep,.tMnt Id. th r.f~r.n'e In Avenue and 8stab1i,h1ng ,b~,14S.rig f-street parking .. 11\0* on the pliinS.i ul planning of IJ.ncolnAvenue, the City .econdedby CoWtcllMn Ii ".X' , ItOved to ,~ Caa.!..I.,cm,r.~.t1y. .to Varianc,', ,No. P.M. .AOI'ION CAAIUBD. ' VJiIAtCE NO. iIh.,Subai,'tted' by Do, ,D. and Eugene I. Wells requ..tlng pemi"slC)n to install and Gperate a filling 8~ .on Qn property loca't.r at the .outb....t cox- nft of Orange ."enue and BroOlthurat Nt. . !be ~, ,ty. Plan~.". c.1u1 t I*1'want to thtir a.lolutiQft ~. 90, ~.nted said variance aubject to the fOllo.s.,~ co~ltl~n'J 1. The incorporation O,f 1 street Impl'O....nt. on Bl'oolthu;rst ,l Str..t - the curbs to ...t 41 feet frQII the cen.Une I>f l_ . ~_huJ-8t Street. ' 2. the1.ncorporat1-on of f 1 .tr..t II1p~t. ,Qn OJo..,ge" Avenut,. the curbs to be let 20 :eet from the clnterline of Or$ng.~venu." No aQUon "6 tuen by the ~~ ty, Council. ,IAtCE tI). 4Ub sw.itted by Ho... CwWpgn. :requeetlng, pel1I1..1on to.~8Ct _ C",,: ~.te ,. .,.ryjce ltitlan on propert d..Crlbed... the 1\O~.t corn~Z' ,of Sucl!d and . e Avenael. ' r ~ ~ I j ,~ I I '11J11 . - , The Ci,ty ~~. s~_ variance subject.t l~ The In. Ave.. iMcli.d A , 2. Theint A..... ' Orange A , ~,.lQ11, Ru..i to tbe1r a.lolut1on No. 3~, 9:r~t~ a fo1~o.i~g c~~~~~~n~~ _ tlQn' Qf full atzo8Jit 1"-Qy..nt. on aucl1d e.ba ' .et '..t -41, feet f~~ th,_ cent.:r,lln. of . ': dQll.f full..tJo..t~~.i 01\ ~.... ~. "t ..t 20 'Nt f:rOIt the cuterl1rieQf e. .n, by the CJ ty CO\tI\Cl1.~ _A19 .11>. ~ll --..- by Lr1aA. .I~n~ ~.tlng~~,,,~'n to.;r~t . t....rer c11r.c~I,G~ ,1 "yertj.,.lng Tr.Gt No.2". , The City Pl ~..iQn, RUt.-,tto tb.1ra.~.utl.on No. 32, gruted lay ..-teet ..j act to .follotd....c()~ tlc;M\'" 1. S.i'....eM 2. 519ftl.l _nth. ();r 3. A pe.st 4. The ~ _.ct.,. 5. Sign..... any ItJ'M 6. At. the. in .et back 7. ,AIl 81gna , 8. The ft. 9. S,ign yv~ advert!.1 be.._~ .~~. ,of 2IC) Iq\UU:'It,f..t. ~Dd. tted for a -.xt,.. P.1'locl: of 6 ... t_qten ,CMtt.-th, the~ld1ng D"'~t. the algn Q......,....t.PPfAtt on every .1g~ - ~-....-:. . 1.1 f.t 1Mok.' th.,j:tP~Q'f...y l1n.Of" r hi,g"y.' .. .,' 1 ';,' . .' , ..Ue.n of u.ttreet.:,' -,.lgna...t .. feet. ' ~ ~~ t~.~ cl.uen~. ..., IM11.. be :pa_ttedf,r dire~~.~nal '~II\I only tI'.tt. '...tadn th.e! ty U,a t. of,An6.. en by the City CD_ell. !Iy L.,,: ~...__~.t~"':J~'~"~1.cm ~,'..'J'.t"'.'i~lrfc-" . .,.,', t,. O~lr:-,...~.'... '~,. , ...~.. ._',~~ ~, 'i,~.t;~n..r of ... "4y,,,advartl.11L9"~Knott ""'. Betry F... g C~..1on, pu.r-.nt to th.ir R'~Olut1_ Me. ~, granted of five (~) yen.. The Cl:t., P -.1. van,ance for .. peri R _of act iana. No. 412, .. orde:r Q''C.ct .P.Lon _tlon b ~"ID. -== ~11t:~ =~~ The City P lan~ saicYUiance. : I taken ..by the 01 tyPlann1n, CC*ld..1Qn.~1.t~,. to V&J-. by th~ City Council to be h.ld October 11. l~, 7100 uncllaan SChutte, ..<:ond. by C<<>qncl. .,.a. It IDTION '. by Pred Y. Kenyon requ..tlng pem'il~ to ,trRta pertyat 832 South Phil..1~,a Stre.t. . ec..1.81on, pur~t W thelx- a..Qlu..ti"" No~ ~, denJ,1d An appeal fr by ~. Y. Kenyon, and 11.J .... 7 & ~,' 0 'cloct P. ..~. JUrION C__IED. ! tio" ti<<a" by,th. City Pl~n9 .e~.._1on .. ....;t~ G , . , .. .... ~,,'. . ,;"..tc>> b, h"l.d on...tb, '".,....t,t..I',oe"..taber.' Qn aotlon by COUftci~. Fry, ..condld by ~Cl'" i VMUfD m. 414. sw-tt t....U'y directional 819 The City Plann .aid variance eubject to 1. ~lgaa8~1 by ~cktG%' aJMI Bvan. nque'.t~ng pend.d.. to .-rect a d..tl*1ng MUI.. and loti in Tract No. 2aY. C~a.lon, p*..,.t to th.~:r R..ol1iUon Hp. ~, gr...... follo-.ing Condit1Qola a ..xs....1z. ,of 2&.0 ....J:'. f.et. 1198 P M Cl 5 20 ~igns will be permitt Months or lesso 3. 'A pe1'1l1 t InUst be tat. 40 The nule of the s1gn I erKtld. s. S~gn. must be 10 feet any street or highway 6. At the IntersectlQn . set back 25 feet. 7. All slgns shall have 8. The fee per sign sha~ 9. Sign varlancea shall! advertising only tra+ for a maximuM period of 6 out with ~he Building Depa!'tment. any "It appeu o,n eve4Y s1gn ack of the right-of-way lIne of the streets, the slgns.uat be 6-foot ground clearance. be $25.00. perDdtted for directional signs within the City Lbd. ts of Anahelat. No action was I~I>>n 11). 416. Subaitted by Ha ..aslon to erect a service station. .ctel on property described as the! _ive. y Hler8 and Robert L. Dukes r"equnt1ng .JIIft- rive-in restaurant, and a 6O-unit deluxe uthealt corner of Harbor Boulevard and Mid..y The City Planning COIIDis, n, pursuant to their Resolution No. 36, granted hid variance subject to the foIl 9 condltionsl 1. The Insta.llatlon of ~ street Il1prov_ents along Harbor Boulevard and! dway Drive. 2. All. bui Idlngs er.ct~ at confol'll to the standard building code of the I ty of Anahel.. No action was taken by tl1. City Council. ~~IAtCE rt). $2L SubId tted by ~ Lou Talbot K:n8 rtqU..ting pend..lonto .:v1~e a lot lYing bet.-en Liberty ne and Roaemc>nt Street into two (2) pare.ll, on. lot to be 60 by 150 feet, the ~ Qnd lot to be 60 by 126 feet. The City Planning COJIIIds~ n, pursuant to th.ir Relol\ftlon No. 37, pen", laid variance ~ject to the folIo conditions. 1. The payment of $25.oq er lot for the acquisition of Park and Recreatlon $ e8. 2. The filing of a reco~ of survey map with the City of Anahei. and the Count of Orange. No action was taken by tl1 City counc1l. aa:USSIFICATION t<<). F-O~56-61 5", ..,operty lying along the south side be reclassified to C-l with the exq Avenue and 190 feet on North Pal. S of a service station. tted by Dr. E. H. Kersten requesting that f La Palata between Cltron and North Pala Stoet. tion of that corner of 1M> feet on ,..t-"",.~ eet to be reclassified to C-2 for the e:rectlbn' The City Planning Commis. nt pursuant to their Resolution No. 38, re~ .ended the reclassification be appr ed subject to the following conditionsl 1. That the service sta basis wi thout recla. of West La Palma Ave No. 432 assigned) 0 2. That the strip facing Pfeaently cla.sified, for.r a depth of 120 f 3. -tnat the balance of " IEICiiB:EHOCD COMMERCI" 4. Full street laprO,v8R ~th a deed to the Cl widening. property b. rK.lasalfied .a. C-l, to be put In on hit La Pallia Avenue of Anahe1m of 20 feet for Itreet be allowed only on a variance cat!on of the 10Uth~.t cQrner and North P a 1m Street. (V ari,ance North Citron Street r...ln a. 1y, R-l, SI~ FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, '~ , , n n ! L' n ri. J ~ i_,J fl ..., 11. C , f 5.25 feet to the Cl ty of AMhe1ll for ingof North CltronStreeto . .s ordered to be bald on the .atter October 11, le5. by CQuncilman Schutte, seconded by Councl1..n Wllser. RE SIFICATION M). B-5 tea' e Vandezande reques the '. Houcton Street Freew Cyp~.I$ Street be re~on 6-71 SubRitted by Mr8Q Dorris Johnson and Joseph and 9 property described briefly as bounded on the north by on the east by Placentia Avenue, and on the weat by o 0-1. Public Hearl 7.00 o'clock P.M. on mot .urION CARRIED. as ordered to be held on the utter October 11. :1.955. by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wisser. Councilman Va agoner moved to adjourn. Councilman Wisler seconded the Motton. K>TION CARiIED. Al)JQURNED . SIGNED. Ci c The Ci ty Coun Ia~P.ar&on for the p Ing'and detemlning the of *,rtun or mechanic n a~t. in connection there co.. before said...ting Qf the City of Anaheiut .et In Special S...lon called by Ie .of cQnsidering the adoption of a r..olut1.~uc.rta1n- ling rate of _ge. to be p.idfor tach cl'aftor type ed for public wgrks, contracts, and do and pe;rfonany other h, and to transact any other bUIlnels that ..y lurfully PREIENT . lB$INTc caJtCILMEN. CI1Y ATTQiNEY. PRlSTON CITtADMINISTaATIY! Off I AcknQ1lJledgmen Ing u:.. slgnect by all _ ~ION 00; 2934, Co ~t. . pal sage and .dop earson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. one. '. Present. J KEITH A. MURDQCHI Present. f notloeand consent to theholdlnq. 9f al1d_,Spec1al Me.t- rs of the City Council. iJ.auan Van lagoner offered Retolution No. 2934 and ..eweel n. r<<;IL OF THE CITY Qf ANAHEIM MCBRTAINIItG ~ I_MINIIG S TO BE PAI.D F(Jt i~ CRAFt' CJt TYPE OF MltKlANCIt IECIWIIC ACTS RJl THE RJRNISHING OF ALL MATERIAJ.S,PLANT LABCIt UCTION AND Q F NITS "B" AND "C n SPECIAL IJFROv&MENT RJ.e. On roll following vote. foregoing resolution was duly passed .ndadopted by the AYES: NQESa AB$ENT & Pearlon, Fry, Schutte, lisser, and Van lagoner. None. None. I I The Mayor dec~ ed the foregoing r.so1utlQn duly pa.sed and adopted. lItO lIST LIN:OLNANNIIXATIONa a.....t ~ pzoponentl for con..nt t,o .atiz.t ,"c.ld1ng.1 .~f tbl annlxat10a oftft'rltory d..U'11n laid requ..t and d.a1gaat... ...t Lincoln Annexation... refened to the City lann1ng.C0III1allon for r~.t1Qnana ripQrt. on JIOtlon by Caunc11Mn Schutte,., nded by CouncllMn W1a..r. ICTIONCARRID. Couaci~n Van .agoner mO ~ to adjourn. Counci~n Pry ..conded the _tion. IIn'ION CARRIED. : I I ADJQUINED . SICIED. . n n n