1955/09/27 "1'1. , i Ct. 1 ~ ! 'j i ; I .J TAt CitY' Cou~ p.....,.. CQUtCIUIIN. AltlNTa CQVlCtLMIN. G1h,~, JllIITOff .. C,ltv _KtrrRAnn om ; of the City ..o.L~41ff;~j"flir,..i:..1n2.il\W.i;,"..iOL. __.. P,ar.on, Pry, Schutt.,Wt..t". .nd Van Wagon.r. No".. I Pr.aent. , KlITH A. lUU:Q1Ha Pr...nt. ~. Th. Mlnui.. ot ,AdjournlCt and ..gular ....tlng. h.ld 8f1)t-.ber 13, 19&~ lnISi*:1al ..t1ng h.l~ ept_er 16, 19&&, 'hOO o'clQ~ ,P.M. wert ",,"vtdon .' motion by Council..n Va-, 19oner, .,condld by Councilmln 11"11'. 1()11ON C"IID. ~:I=a:;.a::1 ad:; ~~~1W1 Van 'agoner offtrlld R'lOlut1on No. 2~ and movM R,f.:r to R..o~ tioR Boot, PI" A ~un()N OJ' .,. CIn . II-Q' THI qln OP AHAHIIM APPJ'OYI_. PDI$1'ING 11tI PAtMDrr or ~. AGAI THI CITY ~ 0' 81P_ 27, 19M. (.'.114.73). I . On roll call f foregoing r'lolution w.. duly p...ed .nd adopted by the following vot.. AYIS, i1.MlN1 '.lrlOn, Pry, SChutt.,lill.r, and Van "ton.r. NOlI. LNIN. Non.. A881NT. UU. Non.. Th. Mayol' dec1 ed th. fOl'ego1ng 1"'lOlution dulypa.l. and adopt.. ANMIIlM NellXATIQI, Mayor ',a'"" InnounC.' that eel to .110w an add onal t.n daYI for ib. "l'''I'''O'''P~ xat10n known I' South Anahe1. Annexation. ' ~ ./ Mr.. B. A.", let. Court RlPOl't.l'~ rtcoJded the conti"UN ~lc Hta....'" and .al OM.S'ed and dir eel to preparl . t:ranlc:r1pt of the proc.eding. .nd' f11.th. a-. with thl Clty Cllri b....d. a Pll't of the r.col'd. Mr. Pool addr. ~ed the Council rlqu..Un, th.t 'tho.. pI,.llt "S..,iftlto owner, proteating the 111. ~ua1on in add aMt.at1on be 011I1 t~1d 'fOIl tht '"....1Id annexatlon. '. . . Aft.r tho:rO\l~ .1'ilcu..ton (at. tl'anacz-1pt), ..Publio H,'riA"WI' de- el... '10...., and the Q . y ~ouncil d.tem.nldtblt p:rot'I" hid not_ Al. by the 0IIft.. of property al1ng _I'I than fifty 'PII" c.nt 01 the ........ 'yelUIU9n of the land.! ' ~ION .. 2936. Co ell..n VanWagon.1' offlred R"1~1on No. 2936 aNlllOv. fa. 1 t. p....g. and adop . on. ' I,'er to R.101 1ion Book, PI" I""'" I I i 01 till CIn r DB; . Tl TY 0 VI.NO "'* T1tI Jl)l.QiNG IN ItA t..ITCltY fHI '_r. 1., All) IMDI A , r.-z_B1t APT. I. WImN THI CITY 0' T1OM, QI AIJ- 1li1 101I)11) 26111 DAY 0' JULY, 19&0 DUJeltATING IT BY THI ,. PlEIte! AND POLLING P , PC8 SAID .S;;IAL &Ef1 ' E1.ETION. 1.1. O. THlCITY 01 ANAtCAa Q.AAUMG A 1900 IN C.T~N r"ITCU, !1'fHI .... CHe- TO.. ~',10' WD C%TYO' " IUETIOJI .AM) IUlMtTTIm TO THI ILETaI. . . Dr. 101 ItJI11tIa alii" T_ITClY IIWJ. .. ,~.._ TG~ I.... O,.AlP CITY 0' NWtIIM. AnD THlPlKRln IN .1. TIOI,IUIJET TO TAUTIOIaquAIJ.Y'ltHM.~ TO PAY IT' NO IAt~ PCIITIOM, ,MIa) tfQjf ...' V~u". DDD'.. Qf lAID CITY OJ' AlWlJIM OUTITA)I)ZIIJ ON TNI n..-toJIQII AUTJaI.. D..%IXHGIAJI) t_ITCaV All> Q, IIOUTH AJWII1M ANIIIXATIOth ur.LIIHINO AI ""ZON IN 'AtD 1.. f TCltY , APPOINft'HG THI O,'XC.. 0.' IUETION WI) PROVIDING IQI THI PUBLICATION 0' tlnICI 01 ItCH On roll tall fol1GW1ng yoi.. fo.ego1nt ~.lOlut1on '1' dUlyp...1d and edo".. ~ thl 1210 ~ ! f r ". , lotephenson reI of Aq..eila ..5 eubl1 'tt accident at the V'!'Mont olfice from resldW1ts ~ U.~s. This Matt Attorney to request the through theCi ty of An usl} passed by tAe C1 ty COJJncll. C~t.ti()Jt f:ro. ~.f .tp,lS.,~e' ve to the speed of the Santa Fe tra1hs ~ugh the Cl ty and read. Said Co.unlcation ref.r!'~ to the recent treet crossing and the .any p;r,ottsts r~.lvldbyh18 !tQe vicini ty regarding the CQ!16idered exces$iv. speed of as referred to the~nl.trltlY. Off1cer and~ity nta Fe Railroad Co. to reduce the 8pe~ of their trains T9I 1'1,YAL. . AUT. . I~I ~c pal Code where1n aJaQlMli only in M-1Zo use. " ,cue.1on was held on the poss!bl, chan04t tQ th.Anaheim t revival ....ting' now allowed in th$ ....1 Zone woulg be uncier ,a $PCtc1al Use P&Jll1t and become' an "untia.Alted ~~urION M). 2947.1 Ci) cil.an Schutte QIfeJ'8Ci,. a.solut1.onNo. 2947 and moved for it, passage and adoption ~i OmcIL OF THE CIn QF ANAHEIM PINDING ANDDlTaJaNING NCISSIIY llQUIasTIfJi ~~tIC)N All> ~J.lTION OF TI THE KATRI.I A AymtJetkUItIC LID sswa.,., ,~ ...... JOB 1<<). .1061 All) APPROVING THlDESIGNI,PLd$',pao- CAT.IONS . THECONSTR.OO':IONtRlQ)F, AU11IaIUNG THE C IMPROVUENT .IN ~J>At(;I WXTH SAIDPLAN8,SPEI,PI- ZING AND DIRa;TING THE C,rTY CLIIUC TOPtJBLJII,A. t<<>1'ICE 1 FeR THE CONSTRtCTION THEREQFJ . All) REs;IS.ING RESOLUTION ~TOBER 25 1955 7.00 ote Ie P.a. . ;: On roll c.all . fpregolng resolution lias duly paesed and a~opted by tn. fo\JMd.ng vote. AYE. N)ES. ABSENT J '!.: LIEN..' . P.,.:r;&on, Pry, Schutte. Wlsser, and Van ""nQ'. . LIEN. None. ,IJEH. None. ........ I ! Id the forego1ng resolution duly passed and .dopted. OPft.-STlEET PARKING LOT. . Murdoch reported that prices have be.tn obtained for th. paving of the parkin lot south of the Ci tyHal1 bu1lding, I. followsl R. J. Nobl. Cornpany,$2,2e5.00, j5ully..,M1ller Contracting Co., $2,809.00. He fu.r,her rell1ndld the Council tha 0 financial partlctpatlon hiM,i be,n .,l"EtCAved, from ad- jaciht property owners.f: tlds lot. It was moved by Councilman "18$.~) seconcittd by Councilman Schutte t the lot be paved by the R. J. Noble Company. ~QJI C_IED. CIliLIAN DEPBHSIiI. Co. aUon from Mr. Charles E. ~iffi th relat1v. to obtain- ing a warning dev1ce sys to COst approximately $17.000 Of which ~ per Ctmt ,of th. Gost ...ld - eorn. tAt Fedex-alaAdStat. Goverr-.ntl .........tt... ~ re~.IIr. ltard.oth, Cl ty n1strat1ve OffIcer. stated that nec...arypl.na and ' SP_. '..','.1f. lc=atlon..s. weUld. ha.. ~. d. ra-.n UP. for tho ,e 1. Aetallat..l.0n. Qf thl, .yst_. and th.~Council requested .-.. oeh to obtain further Info11latIo,n. I ~.~AAD.. Mr. '. tgeS. Holyoke. Cl tyEngln..:rt .addrels. tht Council,' .-:, a4\f1sld that official fiction should be tak,CN1 t.o notlfy'the Orlnl' CountyBo,rd of ".neors to ei tn.r ,mlna'te the present contract Or IIOdifythe cpntJ'act. He recOMmended that the t btract be modified and that th, div~dlng strip be removed except at theinttX'eectlo .of Katella Avenue wbich would match th. dividing strip on the south side of Kate ia Av~nue (County territory), and requ..tld that a double line be placed from that oint extending northerly to Midway Driv.. RESOLUTION NO. 294~b Cou ~ilman Fry offered Resolution No. 2948 and )Roved for 1 ts passage and adoption. Refer to Resolu ~on Book, page 1198 BI.DS ~IFI1VID (Continued) ...... I ZaYas and Sons 906 last lOath Street. tos Angeles 59 I Edwin 1.. Bartl sy ! 324 la.t 19th Street e $13,872.18 $16,099.21 ChOl'_ Consu-UcUOD C y, Inc., 1312 South Gerhart Av ., Lo s Angeles 22 $13,879.62 I Lee WI. , i . $,18.412...5-1. S21 Iforth M!;Clay Stre_ i .Santa Ana (All Bids were aceo Inled by Bld Bonds 1n the amount of l~) All Bids were I ferred to the Gl ty Bngl,ne.r, George I. Holyoke, for tab-- ulaUon and report on me! . on by CouncUMan .is..r, ~ondlld by Couhc:1INh Schutte. K>1i0N CARRISD. ! On reco.enda't ~n of the Cl ty Bngln..r, the Cl ty ~ounc;11 ord.rtd all Bids h_W oyer for tabulation ;nd report at the next meeting October 11, 19.5~, 7.00 o'clock P.M. ! - RJ... TIQN jIbe Gl ty PlaMing C~isslon at their #4joumtd Reg\1lar 1nt . held Sept..per. 1955 :r.c~and~ to the Cl tyCouncll tbtt tta. .r.. known as osneya-West Annexatii.. be considered for annexation to the Cl ty of Anabeta. SaW reco_endation of Ci ty Planning Co_leslon was ordefed rec.tvtd and 1t11111 oncllotion by Councilman ,n Wagoner, seconded by CouncilMan 11$8'1'. II)T10)l CA;RRYII). RE8:)LUTION NO. 29381 Co 'cllman Schutte offered Resolution No. 2938 and moved foX' ita passage and adoption -- A JW8Q.VJTIQNQP 1MB CI11I 901 1IIfJ:y1Ui RIi AN ~. EIM. ' . .Ao.WBST 11. Qf THI! CUY QP ANMilIJI ~:pQ 10M ~ ARNIlXATION Of INHABITS tBRRInltY XO 1118 CITY' ...... ..' ..... TIOItI . .j' On roll call fo~lowing vote. foregoIng resolutIon was ciul y pa8s<<l and adopted by the AYIS. 1<<)15 I ABSENT. P.arson, 'fry,Sc;hutte,W1...r, and Van ..goner. Hone. None. IS AIAH~M ANNEXATION. Me, ing held Septeaber 2 as .est Anahe!. Annexati Sale recommendation of on ~tlon by Councilman the foreg01ng resolutlon duly paa'ed Ind .dopt~. ~. City Planning Co.ission atthei~ Adjoumtd R.1ar 19!>5 reCOJRJRended to the City Council that th, a;r,. known be considered for annexation 'to 'the Cl 'tv of Anahelm. C1 ty Planning Co-.1ss1on was ordered received and filed utte, seconded by Councilman Van '_goner. MQTIO" C~. RBllLUTION NO. 2939. qo 11aanWI$ser offered Resolution No. 2939 and moved for Its pas'age and adoption. A ~I..tTI'IpN ()F THE CITY, __ 0' ~8IDtg ftII ANAIEI.. . WSS'I' ANAHEIM IL QF T. HE ,C..ITY. 0' ANAH&lM~. .'. .... IE '!t..-.,.. ....~. '-JlRl AJOIIXATION Of ItliABITED TlRRI " y TO 1111 CftY Of DATION). -. ." . .., On roll following vote. foregoing resolutlon was duly paased and adopt-lei by the ,""'"N.~ 1204 ~ 1 I t AYBSi NOES. ABSENT. Pearson, Pry, SChutte, Wllllr, and Ian _.goner. None. None. C I G.rg. F. O.lkerl, cut h_ capleted the Weat aCCordance with plans a accepted. td the foregoing 'resolution duly passed and adopted. 1 The SUperintendent of Light, Pow., and W.ter, ed that the Peerless Conerete Plpe Co., I. contractors, I Road 18".and 16" water ,line, Work O~w No. ,1336 1n specific.~on$, and reCOIIIended the work b, efficially R.poLUtxON NO. 2944& Co peilman WIsser offered Resolution No. 2944 and moved fo~ 1 tl pa..age and adoption I j R.fe~ to Reaol ~1on Book, page A ~IOH OF TIU! CIT)' 0UlCI1. OF THE CIn OF ANAIWM FINALIJ: ~JP1IJ<<:; .. ~~JON AND THE ftJttU ING 0' ALL PLANT, LABQi,SlRY~C'8, MAT.IALJ AID .P. . ... AAJ. UTX.LITIBS 'IRAN$P(BrATION IJI;UJDItIi PIJIR,PtJEL, All) .rat, AJIP PlIIIB'Mxll3 ALL IQRI HE MY TO CONSTRICT AM) CO.LITI tHB POtLOWJNG PUBLICi 1M- p.8IeNT. I P AN 18'" WAT. LINE fROM 11IE INT&SETIOJI 0' BAtt ao~ A T raTHERLY IX N OF WEST STRBIT was L I T S:TION OF BALL ROAD THE $OUTHSRLY EXTENSION OF WBST STREY AND TRtC ION OP' A 6" lATER LINE ALO BALL ROAD FROM SAID L ST JENTIONBD POINT TO LOARA STRBIT T B NCli.THI!RLY ALONG A STRSET TO CRONE AVENUE THatCH WI! .LY ALONG CRO AV E TO EUCLID AVENUE ORDER NO. 1336. ~ I I On roll call . foregoing resolution was duly Pissed and adopted by the following vote. AYES. M:>ES I ABSENT. Pearson, Fry, SChutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. None. APP CAtION BEFCJlB THS dba Douglas Bus Une for oPtlatt a route between No action was taken by CBlCIJJS. Communication r relat1ve to the approx1m suant to Resolution No. 35,100, the approximate set forth requir_ents a 8d the foregoing resolution duly pa..1d and ad.pted, IC UTILITIES CO~SSION Application of Albert Lippa certificate of public conyenienc. and n.e.llity to ta Ana and the Douglas A1rtraft plant .11 subll tted. C1 ty Council. Ived from Robert W. Burgeas, dated Sept.-ber 16, 1~5, cost for a Special Cansu. to be taken of Anlhel. p~r- ~was submitted and read. and ba.ed on a populat1on of t of the Census would be ~. 150.00. The c~unlc.tion procedure to obtain the Special Census. RSSQLU;+ONt(). 2940& Co pl1Nn-SGbutte-offered., a..olutlonNo ." 2945 and ~v~.for 1 ts' passage and adoption. Refer to Re$olu fon BoOK. page A RISQLUIION OF THE CITY UK U OF j--' IN tHe CITY OF ANAHEIM, OF ~IIM. AND AUTHORIzt m..Pea. On ro 11 fOll,owlng votea foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopt.-:l by the AYES, NOES a ABSENT I Pearson, Fry, SChutte, Wissert and Van ..goner. None. None. the foregoing ~e801ution duly passed and adopted. 1200 ~ c S PIM<itAPH 1 (a) TO SUBD1Y ~ION A, AND AlEM)ING SUBDIVISION c-4. 9200.9 SUBDIVISION AJ 9200.10 SUBDIVISION A All) BY ADDING SUBI>IVISION 81 BY IPJ)ING A HIlI SETION NUEfilED 9200.101-1 AND 11<<3 SB:TION 9200.21. (CHANGES TO C-I, C-2. All) P-L ZO AND ESTABLISHING ZOD . After hearing ~ad in full the title of Ordinancl No. lOl~ and having knowledge of the content I therein, Councilman Van Wagoner lI\ov,edthe reading in full of said ordinance b !waived. Councilman Wisser seconded the mot1on. Motion unanimously carried. On roll call by the following vote. j I , foregoing Ordinance No. IOl5 was duly p.ss~ and adopted AYES. M:>ES I ABSENT J I: !.MEN. J, pearson,' Fry, lisser, andYanW,gonlr. UlAN. Schutte. LMIIIa None. tad the foregoing ordinance duly paaa~ and adopted. ! ARIAN::E NO.7 Sw.1 tted by frank R. Krogllan reque.t- commercial building at 1933 Anaheim-OllVI Road and lease a portion thereof for an ff-sale liquor store. I Mr. Stephen F_tlla9her, Attorney for Mr. Frank R. KrogNn. addr...td the Council and in view the final passage of Ordinance No. IOl~ placlng off- sal. 11quor establishmert in C-I Zone, he r.quested the application for Variance No. 379 be withdrawn. - .. On motion by G ~ncilman Wisser, second4Jd by Councilman Van I.goner_ laid request to withdraw appJ ~ation for Variance Noo 379 was granted. MOTION CARRIED. V~IMCE NO. 388, Subm1 ed by Harold Morse and Maurice McAlist.r reque.ting per-' ~10h to erect a food i rtet w1 t.h an off-sale liquor departm.nt on property de- scribed as 2015-2025 Ana i..olive"oad. In vi. of th-. '~hange in the zoning restrictions, pura\lallt to Ordlnan,c, NO., 1015 'U,thOrilin9 th, ii, us, 1n a 1;-1 zone., th"e a,ctlon ta, ken by "th, . C1, ty 'lann1ng C~s.ion in denying Va ance. No. 388 was approved by th. City Council on ,.tion by Councilman Van lagone ~ seconded by CouncilMan lisser.MOTION CARRIBD. INltTATIOI. Mr. Bud Lan own. Conunander of the Ana,he1.. .erican Legio.nPost" in- vi 'led all members of the i ty Council to attend"Old-TIlters' Nightt~jt Monday, O,ctober 3. 1955. '8211 Subdivider, Thos. J. Lawle.s, Jr.(C.l~r Company). orner of West La PalJDa AVttnut and Mayflower 'tr.tt. The City PI.n~ 9 CommIssion voted to approve the tentative .ap subject to the followlng condit1 s. The paymen lof $25.00 per lot for the acquisition of Park and R r.at1on S1tes. An 8-foot sement to be provided along the ..st side of the tra . A full eas tnt of 10 feet along the east aide of th. tract. Full $tr.e 1JRprovtIRent along JtstLa Pal.a Avenue and Mayflow,r .et. 'Engineeri requ1r..ents. I ! The City Coun~ " on motion by Councllman Van Wagoner, .econded by Council- man 111.81', approved sa .ntative Map of Tract No. 2821 $ubject to conditions al o....ln. by the Cl ty PI ng COJaisslon. IQIION CARRIBD. 38, SubdivIder, J. J. Dwyer. Located at the louth.tlst nd W.stmont Drive. 1. 2. 3. - 4. ~. 1202 AYES. lC)ESI ABSENT . Pearson, Pry, SChutte, Wisser, and Vln W.ooner. Hone. None. red the foregoing ordlnan,c" duly passed and adopted. ~INANCI NO. IOIS. Co eilman Schutte offered Ordinance No. IOlS for final read- ino aJld -.eved for its R sage and adoption. AN QRaItWCs OP THE CI AlWiEIM Of CERTAIN I P ANAHBIM APPROVING THB ANNSATION TO SAID CITY OF II) TBRRITCJlY KlOIH ~,PUCBNTI'A:-BAU. ANNIIXATI,ON. After hearing knowledge of the conten sald ordinance be waiv calTi ed. ad in full the title of Ordinance No. lOlS and hiving therein, Councilman Schutte moved the reading in full of ' Councilman Fry seconded the motion. Motion unanimously On roll call by the following yotes I ~ foregoing Ordinance No. IOl8 wal dulyp...1d and adopted AYBS. NQBSa ABSENT J Pearson, Fry, SChutte, Wlas8r, andian lagoner. None. None. ed the foregolng ordinance duly pasSed and .dopted. EDISON COMPANY INSTALLA HI On motiQn by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by oincUlun Pry, authorlt ion was granted to have the Edwn C~.fty install six ~ (6) underground ducts a' imanholes from the City's existing iubstatlon to ClauCllna ., Staeet dUring the constr ~tlon of their substation. I.I)TI0N CARlIS. ' i p~ FCJi WELL 00. San I Superintendent of Light, Powe:r) and..t.Z' to Z'tport on informal bids received b Ihim for the furnishing of a pump for Well No.8, Octobtr 3 1955 11100 o'clock A . J .O,S. RIRRTSa aeport Sections 3 and 4 and tr. report of flow of sewage ordered received and fil man Fry. M:>TION CARR I ED ~LurION ti). 2940. Co ~cllman Fry offered Resolutlon No. 2940 and Jlovldfor 1 t. pa.tag8 and adoption. expenses paid by the City of Anahetm 1n maintaining ing Sections 5 and 6 of the Joint Outfall Sew.r and alao rom the several ci tl,es for the month of Augult. l.~' were on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, 1"Conded by Council- page A IISOLUTION OF THE CITY UN;IL QF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCBPTItG A ~wr Nl!'n CO_EYING TO THE C,ITY OF ElM CERTAIN REAL PROPBRTY FCR AN BASBlENT PCltIOAD AtI) PUBLIC UTILITY PtRPQSiS. (B. B. MALOUF). . n I I '" On roll call following vote. AYES., NOIS & ABSENT. foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopt~ by the Pearson. Fry, Schutte, Wisser, a.ndVanlagoner. None. None. the foregoing resolution dUly palsed and adopt". .Ui&PLUTXOH NO. 2941. Co ilman Van Wagoner offered Ordinance No. 2941 and Moved for its passage and adop Refer to Resolu on Book, page 1202 ~ c AYES, t<<)ES. ABSENT, Pearson, Pry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van "goner. None. None. ed the foregoing ordinance duly passed and adopted. QRUINANCE NO. IOIS. Co ilman Schutte offered Ordinance No. IOIS for final rea~ int and MOved for 1 ts pa age and adoption. AN,QRDIJW<<;E Of THE CITY, eF ANAHlIM APP,' ROVIt<<a, , THE ANNaxATION TO SAI.II CI,TY Of ANlHI!IM OF CBRTAIN INHU fBD TERRITORY KtON AS PLM:;INTI'A-BALL ANNlXATION. I After hearing .ad in full the title of Ordinance No. 1018 and having knowledge of the content !therein, Coul1cilman Schutte moved the reading 1n full of I said ordinance be waived i Councilman Fry seconded the motion. Mot~on unanimously carri ed. """- I I I On roll call t . foregoing Ordinance No. lOle was dulypa.sld and adopted by the following yotea AYBS. COU~LMBN, I Pearson, Fry, SChutte, Wisser, ~d Van Wagoner. NOES. CO lJEN. None. ABSENT. COU LAEN. None. The Mayor dec1 ~ed the foregoing ordinance duly pasSed and adopted. EDI$ON COIFANY INSIALLA11 On motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by ouneil_an Fry, authori~ ion was granted to have the Edison C~any install six (6) underground ducts a Inhales from the City's existing substation to Claudina St~et during the C6nst tion of their substation. MOTION CARRIBD. r I PUMP FOR WELL NO. 81 informal bids received b 3 1955 11&00 o'clock A. uperintendent of Light, Power, andW.ter to report on 1m for the furnishing of a pump for Well No.8, Octob~r J.O.S. RBPCRTS. aeport Sections 3 and 4 and tree report of flow of sewage ordered received and fll man Fry. K>TION CARR I ED. RSSlLUTION NO. 2940, Cou pilman Fry offered Resoluti.on No. 2940 and moved for 1 ts pas.age and adoption. expenses paid by the City of Anaheim in maintaining ng Sections 5 and 6 of the Joint OutfalIS...r and also am the several cities for the month of Augult, 1915 were on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seConded by Councl1- A RISOLtrrION OF THE CITY CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF PUBLIC UTILITY PtItPQSES. UlCIL QF THE CITY Of ANAHEIM ACCIPTIt<<i 4 (;WJT' ~J') EIM CERTAIN REAL PROPeRTY FCR AN !AS_NT fORiOAD AND B. B. MALOUP . On roll following vote. foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopt~ by the AYES. NOES I ABSENf J the foregoing resolution dUly pasled and adopted. RESQ4.UTION NO. 2941. Co,", ilman Van Wagoner offered Ordinance No. 2941 and II\Oved for its passage and adopt Refer to Resolu n Book, page 1208 P~~H l(a) TO SUBDI AI 9200 .10 SUBDIVISION NtIIBERBD 9200 · lot, All) Alt) EST A81.1SHI MG ~ [ After hearing ad in full the title of Ordinanc. No. lOl~ and having knowledge of the content therein, Councilman Van W.gonerI\QY,edthe r..dlng 1n full of said ordinance b waived. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOtion unanlMau.ly carried. Qn roll call by the following vote. I I ~ foregoing Ordinance No. 1015 .0' c1uly plea. Ind adopted i AYBS. '~ IJWI " .,', pears, on, Fry, 11.8.1', and VanW.goner. NOBS. LIAN. Schutt.. ABSENT. LMIIIa None. The Mayor decl red the foregoing ordinance duly P.ssed and adopted. ! C IC I i I E 11) Sw.1 tted by Prank R. Krogllan reque.t~ lot p~.slon to erect Ico..ercial building at 1933 Anahel.-Dl1v. Road and leas. a portion thereof for an fff-sale liquor store. I Mr. Stephen F. tllagher, Attorney for Mr. Frank R. Kl"09Nn, .ddZ'...td tAt Council and in view the final passage of Ordinance No. IOl~ placiftgOff. sal. liquor establishllleil . in C-l Zone, he requested the application for Variance No. 379 be withdrawn. ..... ! ! . On motion by c: ~ncilman lisser, seconded by Councilman Van W.gon_. .aid r~est to withdraw appl ~ation for Variance No. 379 was granted. MOTION CARaISD. V~I~E NO.3S8. Subm! eel by Harold Morse and "'uric. McAlist.r reque.ting per-' ....1_ to erect a food, rt.t with an off...sale liquor departl\.nt on prop.1rty de- scabed as 2015-2Q25 An. 1M-011ve1tQaQ. In vi.. of tn-I' han,. 1n tne zoning restr1ctions, pursuant to Ordinancl No. 10J.5 author1z1ng th, 1,., U,.', in a C-1 Zone, th,' action ta, ken by ,th, . C, 1, ty P,"nnii\9 C~.&lon in denying Vt ance No. 388 wa. 'PPZ'oYed by th. City CQuncil on MUon by Councilman Van lagon 't seconded by Council.an 11ss,r.M)'fIOIC CADI.. _rATIO... Mr. Bud La.. o.-n_ Co.ander of th, An....i. ~.rican Legl,Qn'C).'t, in- vited all lIt.ers of th. ity Council to attend "Old-Tlmers' Nlgtatt~ IIonday, Q,c tober 3, I 955 . 821. Subdivider, Thos. J. La.le.., Jr. (Cll..r COlltplny). om.r of lest La Pallia Avenut and Mayflowe%' Street. The City Pla~"g Commission voted to approve the tentaUv. up subject to the following condit!.s. - ~ I 1. The payaen iaf $25.00 per lot. for t.he acquisition of Park and Rreatlon Sit.s. 2. An B-foot s._nt to be provided along the west slde of the tr. . 3. A full .a. tnt of 10 f.et along the east aid. of tnt tract. I 4. full stree J1Mprov_ent along'.stLa Pal.a Avenue and Mayflower reet. :>. 'Engln..rln!rtqul1W1ents. The City Coune .~, on )lotion' by CouncilJaan Van Wagoner, .econded by Counctl- ma"liS.8:r, approved sai. · iTtntative Map of Tract No. 2821 subject to condi t10ns aa o\l.'ned by the Ci ty PIa lng C~ ssion. IQIION CAlRISD. . Subd1vider, J. J. Dwyer. Located at tn, Icuthwe.t ,and Wes'bnont D-r1 ve. 1204 ......... AYES. NOES. ABSeNT. Pearson, Fry, SChutte, W1aser, and Van ',gon,r, None. None. I ted the foregoing 'resolution duly palled and adopted. · I The SuperIntendent of 1J.gbt, Power. and later. ed that the Peerl,ss Conc:r&te Pip. Co. J a' contractors, 1 Road ISltdand 16" water ,Una, Work Order No. 1336 in specifications, and recommended the work b. .ff1c1a11y C I George F. Oelkers) cert had caapletad the West a accordance with plans an accepted. RM~LU'J'ION NO. 2944. Co ~cilJDan Wisser offered Resolut1on No. 2944 and moved for. it. pa...ge and adoption I j ion Book, page A ~~UtION OF THE CITY ~ AID THE FtRN . .. AiiALL UTILITIES p....NG AIJ,. WaRk He; PR*BIeNT. U;; I AND THI tGTHSRLY BXTBN T &:;TION Of BALL ROAD OF A 16Jt WATER LINE ALO THSlCa NCJtTHSRLY ALONG AVSNUE TO EUCLID AVENUE ......, On roll call th foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote. AYES. CO U, He,.,' t=,N' Pearson, Fry, SChutte, Wlaser, and Van Wagoner. NOBS. COU~'. None. ABSENT. COUNt NI None. r The Mayor decl. ~ the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. P~PtICATION BEFORS THE P IC UTILITIES CO~SSION. Application of Albert Llpps dba"Dou9lU Bus Un. fOJ:"t' C,.rtiflcate 'of 'public convenience and n, '"sllty to Op8,Jate a route between $ ta Ana and the Douglas Aircraft plant wal subia! ttld. No action was taten by th :City Council. CE~I Communication re +ived from Robert W. Burgess, dated Sept-.b.r 16, I~O, relative to the approx1ma4 cost for a Sp.cial Census to be tak.n of Anah.i. pu~ suant to Resolution No. 2 14, was submi tted and read, and based on a population of 35,000, the approximate Q tt of the Census would be 55, 150.00. The c~utd.catlon set forth requireaents an Iprocedure to obtain the Special Census. RESQLUUONNO. 29451 Co,", qilman .schutte offered R.'Qlutlon ,No." 2945 and ~v...for its passage and adoption. ' Refer to Res01u n Book, page - I I I A RIIOLUTION OF THE CITY C BtliBAU OF IN THe CITY OF ANAHEIM,. OF ANAHSIM, AND At1I'HORIZI THERlPOi . On ro 11 fOllpwing vote. I ~oregoing refQlution was duly passed and adopted by the AYES, NOES. ABSBNT . Pearson, Fry, SChutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. None. the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. II. c Bt-II>S JtSIlVID (Continued) Zavas and Sons 906 last lOath Street, ros Angeles 59 I $16,099.21 Edlr1n L. Bartley 124 I..t 19th Str.e.-t $13,872.18 .- Chii-. COf1stz'uGUon Co 1312 IMIth Ge:fhart Av y, Inc.. .) Los Angeles 22 $1~,87t.62 L. ....1..1 $~1,4~1, 121l1ortb *Clay Stre. ~&anta Ana (All Bide wire acco tnitd by Bid Bonds in the ~unt of IOS) All Bids were i tferJ'1d to the Cl ty Bngln..r, George I~ }kJlyoke, fo~ tab- ulation and report on .. ,on by Councll.an .18"er, ..condee! by Co.hc111tlA Schutt.. ... CMRISD. ! On reco.endat .n of the City lingin..r, the Cl ty(:ounc;11 otd.rfKi all Bide h_W oyer for tabulation +nd report at the next ....ting October 11, 1~5, 7;00 o"lock P.M. TI . IThe Ci ty PlaMiAg C~..ion at their A,J.jOUJ:J1. Regular nt" '._lei septlMbe:rj l~ r.c~ended to the C,1 tyCouncil that tit. a'.. tnoJln as oJlfteya-West AnnexatS " be considered for ann.xation to the City o'f Ara.... SaW r,c08Rendation of .',. Ci tyPlanning Co.-1ssion was, ordered ree'S-vld and fll" on,.Uon by Councilman ,n ..gon.~. seConded by CouncU.an .'1&e,:r. II)TIOJfQ~. ~ RB4fJLUTION l<<>. 2938& Co lici1manSchutte offered Resolution No. 2938 and JROvtd for it. palsage and adoption Ref.r to RelO~ ~ion Book, 1*1- 11. Qf TIll! C1IY OF AUHUII GMJtJ1Itq TQ ," .~ ~T10tl G1 I'-IT. tERaXn:lV ~ TQ c:m<.' ..< .:.A' rIOII ~ ' ';); On roll call foU-owing vot.. foregoing reaolution was duly p...<<i and ...tecl by the AY~. 11)15 J ABSENT J C P.arson, fry,Schutt.,ll"'.r, aAd Van ......1'. None. None. - the fo_egoing resolution dUly pal.ed and .dopt... II ~M ANN~TIOJb _.1ng held Sept.-ber 2 as lest Anahel. Annexatl Sal, r.c~endat18n of on ~tion by Councilman I tn.. City Planning Co_lssion at their Adjourned .....lar j 1"5 rec~ended to the City Council that the .;r.. known ' be considered for ann._otion 'to th.C! 'ty of An.b.1.-. Ci ty PlaMing Co.-1ss1on was ord.red rec.ived and f11ed utte, seconded by Councilman Van W.gon.r. MPTIO~ CAl~ID. - ~ j ~~ ~UIION tI). 2939. po iImanWisser offered Resolution No. 2939 and IIOved for itapasaage and adoption. 111, ','","," ...wrrIQN", ~,', ., THE' CI, TY,' ' .,.,0' '11I>1. RII .. ,Werr ANAHEIM II. Qf T, HE ,c.',,' ITYO' ANIIIIU, '"., II ~. '" ,I, t.i' ':W,'. ",II".',,' , '.,.."",.,..,.,, .n~, ANlIXATION Of INHABItED TIRII , Y to 1111'~ " ,".,. .. ' , ' ION). ' , On roll fallowing yote. foregoing r.solut~on W86 duly paased and adopt.teI, by the .,.- I 206 ",...i... I S iAKlA Pi IRA! Co.unication fn_ C~1.f ot.Pol1ae Ma'" , 1.0 Stephen$on rela e to the speed of the Santa Fe trains ~ough the Ci ty of Ala,a.he1la was SWIll tteCI Ad reado Said co.\Ullc;atlon r.f.;r~~to the recent accident at the Ye:nnont reet crossing and the .any p~ot'sts reeeived by hIs office from residents in ~e vicinity regarding the con~ldered excesslve speed of th~ tr-.lAe. Thie lIatteX' as referred to the AdJainistrative Offie.". and C:lty Attorney to request the ,nta Fe Railroad Co. to red\lCie the speed of their trains through the Ci ty of Anah ~JR. TIE UV,IJALJEeTING5a 8cusslon was held on the possible chang, to the Anaheim M.m1cipal Code wherein t t revival .eeting$ now allowed in the ....1 Zone would be ali.- only in 11-1 lon. unaera Special Use P....it and betome an "unclaaei,f~8(i uS.o" R~LUTION t()! 2947.. CQ~cil..an Schutte off.fad, a as.olutt on No. 2947 and moved for l~pa.sage and adoption ! - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY ~ ,PUBLIC CONVSNIBlC:E I A PUBLIC IIFROYEJENT TO S ET TO PLACENTIA AV FI ,,', J cPWiINGS, AND sP CO 'TRd:TION OF SAXD P CATIONS, ElCe J AND AUT INVIt:ING SEALED PROPOS NO. 2918. BIDS TO BE ,.UK:IL OF THE CIn OF ANAHEIM FINDING AfC)'DETaMINING NCI&iIty IIQUIaE THIi CON6TR~TION Ate) CPJF~STION OF T. TNS UTALr A AYBNUE TR.tJIIK LINE S..wilfROM.ra JOB NO. .l061 Ale) APPROVING THE DESIGNS, PLANS, PRO- lATIONS FOR THECOHSTatCrION" 'tUlIP" AU11GIZING THE IJFROVEJlENT ,IN ~PAIGI WXTH SAID PLANS, SPECIFI- ING AND DIRB:TING THE C,ITY CLERK TOPUBLiIH,A rl)TICE THE CONSTRlCTION THEREQFJ AND RES::ItfDING RESOLUTION <X:TOBBR 25 l~ 7.00 OIC K P... . On roll fo~_in9 vote. AYBS. IC)BS, ABSENT & , fpregoiog resolution ~as duly passed and adapted by th. ' , . , i C',. "!' ,'. P,ar son, Fry, Schutt.) Wisser, al\Cl Van ltagone:r:. co ,N. None. COUlC; HI None. ~ the foregoing resolution duly palsed and adopted. OFP-&TREET P~KING LOT. 0 Murdoch reported that prices have be.on obta1ned for the paving of the parking at south of the City Hall building, I' follows, R. J. Noble Company, $2J285.QO, ully....M111er Contracting Co., $2,809.00. He further re.1,nded the Council that~o financial participation had b.enr.c.~ved from ad- jac'ht property owners fo ithis loto It was moved by Councilmen Wlsser. S8Condttd by Councilman Schutte tha the lot be paved by the R. J. Noble Company. Jl)TI()N CARRIED. - I IYILIAN DEPBNSia Co_un lng a warning d ce syst the cost would be borne . real. Mr. Murdoch, City' speCifieatlon& would have th, C.unel1 requested Mr. ation from Mr. Charles E. Griffith relative to obtain- to cost approxlJ1t8tel y $17 ,000 of whl~b ~ p.:r cent .of theP'ederal andStete Goy.~t. WIS ,sw.1tted a~ inistrattveOfflcer, stated that necel8ary pl.ns and o be drawn up for the installation of this syst., and 8eh to obtain further Info~atlon. IWUUt~NW' Mr. and '..,. sed that official of iupem sora to ei thar He rec~ended that the c except a t the ,intfX'$ectlo on the south side of Kate line be placed from that eS. Holyok.) Ci ty&ngln...) aclOre."" the ~oW1cl1 ction, should be taken, to notify the Oran;e County Board nate the present contrac't Or IR9dify the epntr'act. tract be modified and that the dlvl.dlng strip be r~oved of tatella Avenue which would -etch the dividing atrlp a Avenue (County territory). and t-equ..ttd that a double int extending nQrtherly to Midway Drive. RESOLUTION NO. 2948. Co ilman Fry offered Resolution No. 2948 and IlOYed for 1 ts pas..ge and adQption. Refer to Resolu n Book, page 'tl96 .;... , i C . j 7 ~ . ne Ci,tj ~C,o\.t ~; of the City ".o.L~,,,~l~;".~AL. "... p........ C~IUIIN., ".rlOn,Pry, Schutt't.t..,c. and Van Wagon.r. AlllNr. CQVtCIU.at* NoM. ~ttY.~AmJtNIY. RIITON' IBIPX'e.ent. ~.ty .'NII1IAnn . aITH A. JlltlQJHa PI'.I.nt. ~1aI":.~n::':.~':t=~~' ~:-::~r o,=~~;!I;.~~1:'::'=W3:,./!I&& MOMon by Counc11..n Ya' , lIOn.., ..conded by Council.." li..lf. ~TI)N C"IIJ). ~I,* 11). 2930., C fit ~i. ,.'llgeand ado cilaan V.n W.goner off.-td R.aolut1on No. 2'~ and mov. on. A_mOM 01' r.- Cl p oar ~ACMI 11.0' 1111 GIn 01, ANIHIIM APPJ'OVI. 'NlDpm_- DII TN. CITY ~ ~ ..,... 27, 191&. (.,',....'1). I ~ foregoin9 r'lolution WI' ,4ulyp...ed .nd ldop~td by the On roll call followin9 vot.. AYI8. -... AllllTa LIllI. ',.rlOn, Pry, Schutt...ill.r, and YIft .aton.r. lAIN. Non.. LIllI. Non.. ed th. fOl'1I01ng r'lOluUon dUlyp.... and a_ted. ANAHIIM ~1'IOtI, Mayor "'1''''' .MOunC"'~t . to allow an , onal ttn daYI for th. "1'.'''01 ~ xation known I' SOuth Ananei. Aftft.x.tioft. ' ., ckt Court Report.!'. tlColdtd tht oonU....,.11o ~d.. 4Id to pl'lpll" I thftlcl'lpt of th. proc"'!"" and '11'. b....d' . part of tbe record. ~ i ' Mrl. I. A. .. .11I ... oz-d'l'ed .nca cStr' ... wi tb the City CI. Mr. Pool addr, o..r. pJ'Ot..tlng the 1 annexation. ' . . ad the Council JI.....Un' ~.t tho.. p.,.ele _~",to uI10n In 111d am.atlon be 0111 t~1d 'fOIl the .Pl'OJlOt. Aft.1' thozoou ct... glol", and tM tbf, ..... 01' PfOpftty of the land. S.'.l',CU','10,n (a.. U~',C"lP, t)." ... . " \1",,1>>1,1, 0,' KtW.n9.",'...",',',.,".,,'...,.,."""..",',.,.,.",.,..,',' , yQounoil det'IMfted .at p:rot..t. had not__l., IW lint -M than fifty 'p. 'Ctn~ 0' th. ......... vtlulU", ~I" 11). 2936. ~ cl1..n VanWagoner off'l'leI l"l~ton No,' 2916 aM IIOVad iot 1 t. "'''9' and adop on. .ef. to l'eOl~on Ioolc, p... I,!; 0' tHlCln 01 ~_WlNG A tie IN C.T~N _ItalY:.I.,"., ,'.", TO .. AlI-.. ,.' IUD C%TY O' ." "'..,"'. ,.... IWIIILICTION ,MI). IUlMInll1Cfm THI q,.. " r. 101 -rncaSlDC _I~ IIW+ .'.- .... 1__ t W.AlD CITY 0' NWtIJII. Ate 111 ,...tt IN._ TIOI,IUIJ~T TO TAXATION IQUAU.Y"lttC._III~, to PAY IT' ..0 RAtA PCaTIQH,..- \IJQIf ,.__y~~ .... af IAIJ) CITY OIAlWlQII ourrrAll)ztlJOM THI ~toJ\M AU11DX", DIIGI,%IZNGMJ>> T"I,.'1 NG 0' UlIH ~M~IXATIo., IITAlLIIMINCI. UTI~N II, 'AID r_I*V. APPOttlt%'HG THI O"IC.. 0' IL1CfION AJI) PROVXDINO IQI THI PUBLICATION 0' tl)TICI 0' IU:H ~ j , I I On 1'011 "all fol1aw1no vote. , 10l'.1ng rnolut1on ... d1alypalHd Iftd ...,.. aty tM '\