1955/09/29 n ., .. "11.11 the "..... .~ fOl10111"".."". .... ~.IE"" .... ..' ..' 'GI.ltel. ..J.. , ----I . . . i '. ~. .. '. "n. .,,~' _~18"" ., ".' .....,. Oft. _luU.OA .. Gly ....... ... ....... ~ J -, JIy,. ......, "...,. ... IN' ....... . .....J... .y ",...- .. 'M,,'-. ."..,. ...a.. lit. .. .,. ...,. .tr" . . tIn..ll .al1 .. t, .. fo~llll1t.. .....; , ....I_..~. .y PI.... .. ..,t,1III aw .... Pry.. .__.., ....,. aM 'an "'...,. .. 1..1"'. *1y pa.... .. ....t... ... .. ...i...... 0' .. taaHI(.), -,., c,~~, MCI 'T~I1ity Qa.." ... "1Df:]'.~'J' IIRV' .. ... .wi1a&t1. to O,~ ..,aey.. &~ ....", ...... ~ ~.,J.IIft IMUftU to tht Uiitt.1cI fund .~y. ... ne ..", ."1'" tba e..~=!r,t'~=: ~ tlaat un_ ... on'to $il "'411.,! .aw.. ....~.. :I.", ...~ ..'.In.... .Uon. . =.... ~=~' pl... C....i_ VII) ~" .'110. ..II. .C.-oilJllft PlY . -.. , 4Itr'H~ \. ~ ...~ ,::.:~ =1.=' no~ :I::':' -;: ~'C:t&.':r.:L" ..u", 01 tilt C'ty Cotanoil .. · ~. .111 1. i.r.~... ..' _.. Of ~ ..,..'. =-... '............................... teU' ....1'.-........ fh.,.,.. '.. ............. to MntWtr.... , '. ... ..., . _1"''' ....ftIU.. 111,.. int.'n.. ......Oft .. ... City .,.', ., 811 iMt ..-tau. itnitory k 11II dHf..... a. "",.J......J.. _..... . If~?ti.~=~~~: · Yen ...... ,Counoi... of'." .."1\1...." 110. IIIIO''''' ~ '", ion. . , t.n............... f .. I I 1208 10n Bookt page A USOLUTiPN OF THlCl .1l!iI ~ THE ANNBXATION AS . c r UN;IL QFTHE'CITY QPANAHIIM T.III~~+1p ~ Wr- THAT CERTAIN TERRITC8Y TO THe CITY Of AHAMStM l)acRIBBD On roll call the following vote. foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by AYES. l(}lSa . ABIENT I I Pearson, fry, SChutte, 1181er. and Van lagonero a None.. . None. The Mayor dec There being n~ mo~ to. adjou.rnv Coun~ I the foregoing resolution duly palsed and adopted. rther businels before the Cl ty Council, CoW\cil..n Pry n Sehutte .econded the 8tgt1on. M>TlON C",XID. tt . ADJOtRQI) . SIGJIED. ... c -- j The Cl ty Counc by Mayor Pearson. 'Waiv Meeting was si,gned by al ..et1ng. The pu%pose of fo~ content to Co.Mence Anabel. to be known and I PRS8ENT. CO~ILMEN11 ABSINT. COUICIt.NBN. CI. ArnBNEY, PI.TON, CIn . ADMIHlStRATIYB 0"1. LIICQLN ANMIXATION. to tat. no further actio l.i'1l01,." ......01n Annexation on MO, ~ CAaIID. B.IilfLUTION fI). 29511 Co for its passage and adop ilman Van Wagoner offered Re.olution No. 29&1 and moveQ n. of the City of Anaheim..et in Sp.c1al....S.on .alled f notice of and con lent to the bolding' of Hld -.,cial .mers of the CIty Council prIoJ" to tn. holding of .aid . ..eting was to consider a rtqUest fl'Oll th. proponents ceedings for 8M.xation of t.nitos-y to '\he City of 19n8 ted as W.st Anaheim Annexat10n No.2. earson, Fry, Schutte, Wissert and Van w.goneZ' 0 ne. I Present. , KEITH A. IllUXXiH. Pre.ento e City Council requeated the City Planning C~'11on n the proposed annexation known and d'11gnattd ..W.at n by Councl1Mn Schutte, seconded by 00unc1..,,' 'Iy. ~ l j I i ; I J A riao1.UTION Qf THE CI.TY -1d..1G THE ANNIXATION ~ UtcOLN ANNIIAT.ION. I :On roll call 4 fOllowing vote. I AYBS. CO~ :S~, g~ I The Mayor deCl+ the foregoing resolution duly '.111d and adopted. . Request of proponentl to th. Cl ty Councl1fof cen- or the annexation of terrItory d.'c~S.btd 1n stid requ..t . ~.Il ()F tHE 'UYO} ~M t"'W'''T~''~~ , THE CITY OF ANAHEIM 0' THAT C,.fAIN T '..' ... ItJdN AS foregoing resolution was duly palsed .nd adopted by the Pearson, Pry, SChutte, Wisler, and Van Waganer. None. None.