1955/10/03 ........ , j !IIII"""'III , j 1210 c 3 of the City of Anaheim Met 1n AdJouz-ne(1 Regular Sesslon. PUSSMT. COIMiIi ., · . " J COUlCI d~ : .':. " '.~NIY, PRESTQN F1.H1STRArlYE QP.. r~_B~_p~~ . r~%'ted that five 5) for 'ell NO.8, and rec the furnishing of a Fai H.f~th81' advised thati it aho,u14 be subjett tol.,!, thereby resulting in rep Pearson, F~y, lisser, and Van 'agone~. S~hutte. ... Present. , KBITH A. "1UXJ;H. Present. Superintendent of Light, Power, and lateI', G89rge Oe1kera, ormal bids had been received for the futnilhing of . pUmp ended that the >>id of the Orange County,UIIIp C01Ip8ny for nks-Morse pump in the amount of $7,042.22 b, accepted. . 1s pX'1c. wal a maxJ,.. price, and ~f the b1~ .a. awarded, riatlons in the requir.ents as detewned by the City, tion of the cost. A gentl..n r cOI!JIPany would bewlllin ..JYiIg~ON 1<<). '2953& C+ ;; fOJ"" it. pa s sag e and a4o~ A '-UTl::f;; :: R::ot ~-:~I ~~~;~ ~F ONE1 esenting the Orenge County p"COtIpany 8ctvisecl that the o aake any changes the City would require. ci~n Van Wagoner offered ae.olutJ,on No. 21&3 and moved on, page tKIL OF THE CITY OF AHAHEIM AUTII1lI~JfCi T" P'~~E a~IQiSE, FIGtRE 6922. D&I!P ....I!It. TIDAl. '~Y'" "<IUC On roll call following vote.a foregoing resolution was duly p.ssedand adopted by the .>"~'Z'~~ AYES. tl)8S. ABSENT I Pearson, Fry, Wlsser. and Van Wagoner. Schutt.. None. I , FJ;CATIQN tI). F-5 that the area deacr,bed La Palme Avenues, consis c-2 Zones. th, foregoing resolution duly pa88~ and adopted. 11 Submitted by Prudential Ho.es, Inc. r.qu.sting · 1 Y a8 the southeaat corner of P1acenti. and last 9 of approximate1 y 14 acres, be reela..illed to 0-1 tnd fybl1c Hearln9 s ordered to be held on this matterl Qctllber ~~t ~~5, 71~ o'tlodc p." on IIIOt~ by Councilman Wisser, seconded by !;;ound~n Yen "a~er. Jl)tION CARRIBD~ ~Ii NO. 4~81 Subad~ by Edward J. Voltz requesting p.m..ion to add one addftiollal office on pro~ ty described as 924 East Cent.er Street. The Cl ty P lann granted said variance s the rear of the property 0 Co_lsslon, pursuant to their ae.olution No. 39, t to the providing of improved aff.-street parking in n by the Cl ty Council. t. On the rtco....tlon of th, Chi.' 'of Po110., the speed 11a1t on Santa An.Stre.t to 30 Id.l.. per rd to Placent1a Avenue. CR~ "p. 1019. Coun~ Van Wagoner offered Ordinanc. No.. 1019 for first 1'8a.g and IIIOV<<l for its i suge and adoption. All CID,l:lWEi Qf rHE ern .. ANAIIBIM ~IlIi_~~ ~. e.rat 2 ~ THE ~M ..ooczPAL COOE BY ADDING SB:TI0NTHIItETO 10 II 1UB8ID ~91.(~ 1,JlO;r, SANT. ANA &raSET). After h..ring r~ in full the t1 tIe of O:rdi.nance No. 1019 W1d having knowl_ge of the contents, erit1n, Councibun Van Wagoner IIIOved the reading in ! I It I 1 1211 ~ .. ouncilman Wiaser aeconded the ."ono Mot1on . II ,co.AIIY Agre.ent sw.1tttcl by th, .' ,.."," t OJ' right to conltruct 'U1elr 66 KYA_ AdIIin1atrative Officer and tAe S~.rlnt.., and report. "'~T Of X. s~v~nON ARMY. a C'lty Sale. r. ... ref~" to th 1LtJ118 ." PluDeX' Bond aubJd -.11ed When ..1'0..... by 1!he City A ..conded by ctuncilllan Pry. II>TI .t of the Salvation ~ for eXeMptlon of ty Attorney, Mr. Turner. , by Jack S.tanford wes o:nlered :rec.1 v.r.. ' nay, ' O,n IIOt1on by Councll11an 'an ..'90.; AU1;.. . . Mr. Turner, City Attorn.,., brG\lgat up" the r property to widen West Streett w1 th ~'_enc. wners for the payraent of a portlon,of ~. , AdlUniltr.tlv. Offieer, advl.. that ""~:d C~~~lm.n Wisser moved ~tob.r 3. i,~. CouncilMan Van AIItotaNID. 5I.ED. adjourn to 4100 0 · clock P.M. this .ft,-on goner seconded the IIOtion. Jl)TION CAtRRXIR. The City Council of the ~SlN'J:. fiOUJI;lLIIENJ P..rson, I JIII*!'., ~IUI!N., None. ~TY An-calEY. PRaroN TtJUta. prt CITY ADMINIS~TI'B OPPICBR, DITH I ..IPT ANAHIIM _r.JON 1<<). 2. Af~ ff intention tD ell', C. rCulat.. a petiti the Ci ty ~of AAaheba, known and d.s aubrd. tted and _fttareel received a.nd I by Council_n Pry. IC>TION CMlI.~ ~IOJf JO.. a9l4J . Ceunc:11aan y~ "goner offered a..olution No. 29M and MI(~ .1' 1 ts pal... aIId acioptiono ! ty of Anahel. ..t in Adjourned Rtgul.~ ."'.&90. t SChutte, ...er. and Van '.gone:r. t. ~HJ Pr...,t. ant of Publlcltlon by proponents 0" ._.~;. relating to the aMexatlon of tftT~tOIY'~' atect as West AnUm ~t1on 110. 2~ led on motion by CO\U1clu.n .1...., 8 ~,' f""" Refer to Resolution Boo~ , RESOLUTIQtl ('I: THE CITY COIMiIL .Y 01 C 101 TO C 18IRITClty 10 CIn 0' ANAHIIM 1M; THE C~ULATION OF SAID PETITI CIty OF ANAHIIM ~tI3~, ' or A PITITIOtlIILATIIIJ 'II) rHl" . ',.... t.)~ IDA' Y, IT Of .'VlLIeArIQH r""i, ~ "' .,....'.'. (lIST ANAHBIM AllNllATION JO. 2. . 1: , On 1'011 following vot.. : " ',C resolution was duly pasled and .dopt"~ ",. =: AB8INT . COtKI(.M8NJ C~IL.tb COUtCIUEN J Pry, Schutte, 111ser, and Yan ".90_. . '. The Mayor declared the f Ding resolution duly pall. and adop~, n n n r ~""!!' T Turner, advised the Ci the Anaheim Memorial Ho neeessary state approva~ seconded by Councilman granted to comply with C"'ISD. 1212 . DR I H. The City Attorney, Preston ouncil that Mr. Alexander H. Schullman, Attorney fo~ ,.tal, Inc., requested an extension of time to allow for f hospital plans. On motion by Councilman Wisser, , an extension of 30 days from October 12) 1955..s ditlons as outlined in Resolution No. 2710. MOTION Councilman Ya~ agoner moved to adjourn. Councilman Wisser seconded the )()TION CAJmIED~ ADJOllU4&D . motion. SIGNED. n n . ~~~..~~.J City Clerk 1213 - ,.OOP. The City Council PRESINT I CoutCII,.ME_. Pearson, ABUNT. COUICI~. Yan Wag CITY ATTcaNi1!. PUITON Tt.UIER. P ASSISTANT CI" AlM!IdSTRATIVE O'P ty of Anaheim met in Regular Session. ry, SChutte, and Wisser. f. PRIDAY, Present. Meeting held September 27, 1955, Specia1~t- and Adjourned Regular ~etlngs held October uncilman Wisser. seconded by Councilman Schutteo , ; MINUTE~I The Minutes of the Regu lngs held September 29 and 30, 1 3, 1955 were approved on motion b I()TION CAJUlIJI). pSOLlTfIOtf N+ 29551 Councilman its passage and adoption. ser offered Resolution No. 2955 and moved for A RESOLUTION Of THE CITY ComcIL 'AYMENT OF DI(JJwGS AGAINST, THE CI HE CITY OF ARAHEIJI APPROVING AM) DIRB:TIR1 tHJ!' Of CX;TOBER 11, 1~5. (S2~.114.88l. On ~oll following vot..1 . resolution was duly passed and adopted by the AY.. NO.. ABIitlr I COUtCIIJENa COU~IUliNI courcILMAN. Schuttct, and Wisser. The Mayor declared the f oing resolution duly passed and adopted. ~ltted by Paul J. Knaak requI.ting per. nut and Coffee Shop on the south side of t east of Brookhurst Street. .. sslon to cOftstruct and operate a Uncoln Avenu.. approximately 290 The City Planning Commds said variance subject to the folIo n, pursuant to their Resolution No. 29, granted conditions. 1. Clearing wi th the S to the wtden~ng of setback line. 2. Providing of Improy plana. The Mayor asked if anyont lIr. Mungall presented PIt The owner of the prope:rtt wherein the illprovement would be a I Itnown chain of shops. : Review of action taken b Ci ty Council at their meeting of S developing a service road along 11 Highway Department with reference olnAvenue and establiehlng building ff-street parking as shown on the ished to address the Council on the matter. of the proposed donut shop to the Ci ty Cowacll. ddressed the Council showing an over-all plan nny Donut Shop and Restaurant which is a w811- e City Planning Connlssion was ordered by the ember 13, 1955 in view of the possibility of In Avenue. Mr. Holyoke, Cl ty EnQlnel advised that no dociaion ha~ been made reIa-' five ,to the ..tabllshment of the '8 ice road, however, U.ncoln Avenue is a major llighway and a minlln\111 of openings 0 a major h1ghway is desirable. The owner of the propertY tated they wanted access from Llnco~~ Avenue until such t1lle as the rear portio~ f the area is developed into the proposed shopping cent~o Then that portio~ n Lincoln could very easily be fenced off. Nr. LeRoy Lyon, Attorney~ ddressed the Councl1,representing Mr;, David IDW, owner of the e~ght and one-ha~ <at) acres at the southeast corner of BJ'ootburst ...,',~",cli Lincoln, Avenue, which property.l iJIIDediately south and somewhat west of the Planned donut.hop. He stated tha~ is client proposed a $2 million dollar shopping ~ ~ o