1955/10/11 1213 The City Council of the PRESENT. COUN:I LMEN. Pearson, AISSNT. OOUtCIJJlAN. Van Wago CITY ATTaiNEY, PR.TON Tt.RNERa Pr ASSISTANT CITY ADMINISTRATIVE Of'! M[NUTESI The~nute$ of the Regul lngs held September 29 and 30, 195 3, 1955 were approved on moti on by Il)TION CARRIED. I IIFSOLlITION 00. 29551 Councilman W~ its passage and adoption. : I Refer to. R8601ution BOO~t , ResoLUTION OF THE CITY COUtCIL 0 PAYMENT OF DEaNDS AGAllfST THe e! On roll call the foregoi following vote. AYES. Jl)ES. ABS81T & COUtCIUlENa COUlC I UCEN, COUlCIUlAN. - '.OOP.II. . y of Anaheim met in Regular S~ssion. , SChutte, and Wlsser. nt. , W. F. PRIDAYa Present. Meeting held September 27, 1955, SpecialM.~ and Adjourned Regular Meetings held October uncilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Schutteo er offered Resolution No. 2955 and moved for CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROV!NG AND DlaS::TItl3 THE Of ~TOBER 11, 1955. ($254.174.88). esolution waS duly passed and adopted by the Schutt_, and Wisser. The layor declared the fo oing resolution duly passed and adopted. DUU Ie HEjiJl<<if VARIAN::E NO. 408. .ssion to conatruct and operate a Lincoln Avenue. approximately 290 f The City Planning Commiss said variance aubject to the follow itted by Paul J. Knaak requesting per. ut and Coffee Shop on the south side of east of Brookhurst Street. , pursuant to their Resolution No. 29, granted Conditions. 1. Clearing wi th the Sta to the widening 0 f L1 setback line. 2. Providing of improved plans. The Mayor asked if anyone! shed to address the Council on the matter. Highway Department with reference In Avenue and establi$hing building f-street parking as shown on the _. -.angall presented pla~ of the p.roposed donut shop to tne City Council. The owner of the property i dressed the Council showiog an ovel'-all plan wherein the improvement would be a ~ ny Donut Shop and Restaurant which is a w811- known chain of shops. Revi.. of action taken bYt' e City Planning Commission was ordered by the City Council at their meeting. of Se er 13, 1955 in view of the possibility of developing a service road along Lin, n Avenue. Mr. ~lyoke, City enginee tlve to the establishment of the se highway and a II1nimwn of openings 0 The owner of the property until such time as the rear portion shopping cente~o Then that portion advised that no decision has been made rela-' ce road; however, UncQln Avenue is a major a major highway is desirable. ated they wanted access from Llncol~ Avenue the area is developed into the proposed Lincoln could very easily be fenced off. lttr. LeRoy Lyon, Attorney, I dressed the Council., representIng Mr~. David Dew, owner of the eight and one-hal~ at) acres at the southeast corner of B;roolthurst alld Lincoln Avenue. which property ~ ianediatel y south and somewhat west of the p.18nned donut shop. He stated that I s client proposed a $2 million dollar shopping n o o r, I r I" 1214 center to include depar fore, is interested in the proposed donut shopo The Mayor ask plans for lmprov.ant. Mr. Knaak saidl th..e, and the property th.t tne 52 million doll not it mater1a11zes is a There be1ng nol hearing closed. t stor,s, super market, barile, and othe~ stores and; there- ecting the larger stores and ()pposts the pX'.sellt plan of f the owners of these properties had discussed proposed Lyon stated that h. doubted if they had. at Mr.Dow had offered hi. $10,000 to get h1. out of been assessed by the bank forS~,OOQ.. ,He f~tI\.,r stated investMent is just a proposed development and wh,ther or er thing., and that his improvement is ready to go in now, rtherdlscussion on the matter, the Mayor declared the ..vrIOtI Ni). ~2~6. Co vart.ance subject to arch that the photo and plane recOrd, and thereupon of adoption. ' Refer to Resol~ A RIIOwrION OF THS CITY! ~1Nn Schutte moved that the C1 ty Council approv, tha tutal control and .ngin.ering ~'quir"ent" aad further the PI'Opoald """.8 JonutShop be JIId. 8 part of the eel Resolution No. 29&6 and moved for ita poseage and . IL Of THE CITY 0' AtWIBIM~ING V.IAIC. 11). .t88. On roll followi.ng vote. foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the =~& g! The Mayor deCl+ Pearson, Fry, SChutte, and Wlss.r. None. Yan Wagoner. the foregoing ~'8olution duly passed and adopted. · 4 Subnd. tted by I.. B. Houx, owner, r.....ting per- nal Slgn 12 f.et by 48 f.et near the ~nt.:r'eCt'Gn of rt S.tre.t advertlslng the Knott's Berry 'amo The Ci ty PlaM~ COIIId.ssion, pursuant to their Resolution No. 33. ~l'.nted said vanue. for a 5-ye~ p.nod. Review of actiq, taken by the City Planning Co.tasion .1. o:rde;red by tba Ci ty Council at their lie, .ng h.ld Sept~.r 13, 1 ~~. The Mayor ask~ f anyone wished to address the Council on the ..tt.r, ho"ert.there was no r.~ nse. There being no Discussion was i sigMi were allowed in th~ "'1, however. the area t~ not.... >>-1. All JIlellb would ..tab1i sh a preced amenied to protect those theel ty Planning Comml s ' Id by members of the Counc11. Mr. Almgall adv1a. that 1 Zone, and that the south sld. of the'!'_._y .~. zon. . north on whichth. propos~ s1gn rtOuld b. locattd 18 of the Council faIt that the granting of thJ.svar1anc. and further felt that the Billboard ~lnal\c. .hould be in thoroughfarJs through thee! ty, and th.reupon NCJ'.1es~ed to reco_end a Change to the prtsent Billboard Ox-dinance. ther discussion, the .yor declared the hearing closed.. RE~OJlrrION NO. 2~7. Cou llftan Fry offered Resolution No. 2957 and DlOved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolu n Book, page A. RIIOWTION 0' THE CITY rclL Of THS CITY OJ ANNlEIMDBNYIE V~IA1G. lCJ. 412. an roll or.going resolut1on ..s duly PIsled and adopted by the follow1ng yote. ......, ~ 1 i~ . 1215 Cl AYHIa ~ss, AB~1 (1 COUJ'CILll.!NI CoutCluEN, COUlCI LllAN I Schutte, and "issero The Mayor declarod the fo olng resolution duly p~ssed and adopt~. PUBLIC HEAIlIMlJ '.IAlCE M:). 4131 to erect a Mul~lple Unit Dwelling 0 The C1ty Planning Commiss~ said variance. I bmitted by Fred Y. Kenyon requesting pe~6$ion roperty described as 832 South Philadelphia St. , pursuant to their Resolution No. 34, denied. An ~.al from action tak Iir. Kenyon. by the Cl ty Pl.nnlog COJJIIlisslon was flIed by The Mayor asked if anyone shed to, address the Council on th. matt8r~ n Jlrso Colborn, 838 South p _11 for tIli s type of develoPJl'ent, Mr. .n9811 stated that + Mr. Kenyon addressed the area, 63 we~e ~w presently zoned R stated that as far as appearance wa ing property r_ther than detract. i The Mayor stated tha t per~ sented to those protestlng the gran~ rea ched. ' PCO.Jt.st1ngAnth:"~:~~~~~e:fl~rs1~a;r.. ' (the petition protesting was not f1f CounCl1manSchutte moved ~ investigation Could b. made. Councf ~IED. ' adelphia stated that she felt the lot ..atH being only 47 feet wide. lot was 167 feet deep. cl1 and advised that of the 85 lots in this and that there wert R-3 lots onOllve. ae oncerned, this unlt would add to the surrouhd- front and side elevations could be PI''' the variance, an agreement might be audience stated she had a list of si9natu~es ce and strongly urged the disapproval of it. wi th the Clerk). delay action on this aatter unt11 further an Wisser seconded the JI\Otion. 11>1101 Those persons interested + at the meeting of October 25, 1955? I ~ITIONl Petition objecting to thl 153 for the. co..n....st4Ucti. on 0 fa Roman m1 tted and read. Mayor Pearson sta relative to this matter, and they d prope:rty involved. On motion by Co the Peti tion .as ordered fl1edo )I) e advised that definite action would betaken 00 0 'clock P.M. se of proPerty described. as Lot 2. Tract, )fo.; tholicChurch, School, and Convent, was sub- tha t there was nothing before the Council not' know what use was 90ing to b. put tQ; the ilman .isser~ seconded by Counc11manSchutte, N C~IED. . ~. IT. l.ttilld-ilt''''B. H. Kersten..... D. uthwest Corner of North P~lm '$treet ancl,"'t and C-l to allow the erection of Profe.,lo~} cy, X-ray Laboratory, and GenoX'ol z...~WZ'y, ation at the corner. The Cl ty Planning COlJURlss~ ,pursuant to their Resolution No. 38, recOIl- mended said reclass~fication be appt ed subject to the following conditionsl 1. That the Servite Stat~ without reclassificat~ La Palma Avenue and Nq assigned). ' 2. that the strip facing I Jb"esently classified; ! for a depth of 120 fa' 3. l'bat the belance of EI<iiBCRHOOD COMlERCI be allowed only on a variance basis of the southwest corner of West Pal. Street. (Variance No. 432 North Citron Street reMain as el y~ R-l, SINGLE-fAMILY RSSIDBNTIAL, property beclassifled as C-l. n nr iIr' . l 1216 Full stree~ Avenue wI t~ for street I I 5. Dedi. c. ati. on. I future wid, 4. JDprov.ent$ to be put in on lest La Palma he deed to the Ci ty of Anaheim of 20 feet dening. 5.25 feet to the City of Anah.eim for ng of North Citron Street. f anyone wished to address the Council on the .atter. Attorney, appeared on behalf of the 19 property owners e :r.~onin9, and stattd that in view Qf the restriGtions ing Commission's reca.aendatIon, that of R-l zoning to eet on the east side of North Ci trooStreet, he wished Ing the original protest. ssed the Council and advised that the pr~pqsit~onwas d not expect hi. to build residences in that 12Q.foot sell off the property,- and that the result would be no ...... Warren L. Schu who. originally protested est,<pli~ed by the City r..1n lor ,8 depth of 12 to fl1e a petition withd Dr. Kersten ad1 a9~ble to him if they, strlPJ ftpr did he intend I imp...ent of thJ,s area~ i Mr. McGinnis, :t that strip available to U used; as such. ident on North Ci tronStreet, stated that he d,id not want Kersten for parking purposes and aslced if it could be The Mayor stat the_, that if it was zo he did not believe a parking lot could be established a.-I, it would have to be used for residential purposes. A lady from th~ udience stated she lived directly across the street and did not want to see eith~ parking 9r any business establishments there. Mr. Gall reque~ merctal zone from the re~ Mr. George IIcN~ top this l2o-foot strip. that a cement fence be construt:ted, divid.ing the com- ential. - ! asked if it would b. possible far Dr. Kersten to black A resident at 12o-foot strip, stated in favor of the proposed La Palaa Avenue, direCtly across the street from the she and the owner of adjoining PJ"operty, Mr. Dolan, were elopJRent. Mayor Pearson stated that b,far.. th. hearing on led, the variance granting the .ection of a Super ~er- dered, and Public Hearing was ordered held on this mat- I flIed by Mr. Joe Anton from action taken by the Ci ty ing said variance. p the ~eclasslflcatlon was vice Station should be c ter) resulting frOM an a Planning Commission in g The City Clerk and 1Ir. Ed.die Brinkman, 0 cation, and calling atten hiblted. .s~nted and read a letter from Mrs. Antoinette Brinkman sing the establishment of a Service Station at this Io- n to a Ci ty Ordinance wherein thi s use would be pro- AIr. Turne:r~ Ci t Cod.. Section 431Q.6) the of businesses near parks. ttorney, advised that according to the Anahel. Mtanic1pal wa6-~_ dtf~ite provi~lon re~ating to the establi$hment" Plscussion was d by the Council relative to this section of the Code with a possible ~endmentl e~eoi, and that 1n all probaDllity, the original intent ~ of tb1s section was to ell nate the hazard to children in ~rossin9 back and forth : from the parks to the stor . Thereupon, Mayor Pearson declared the hearings closedo I RESq~IOH NO. ~9?aJ On basis of Section 4310.6 of the Anaheim Municipal COde, Counfil.-n fry offered Re~ ution No. 2958 and moved for lte passage and adoption. n Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY ~ IL OP THE CITY Qf ANAHEIM OENY.ING YARIA!f;E te. 432. " ~ II !~ 1 1217 On roll call the following vote. duly passed and adopted by the AYE&a t<<)ES. ABSarr a COUN:; I IJIENa COUtC I LMENa COUN::I LIIAN I Schutte, and Wisser. The .yor declared the fo . oing resolution duly passed and adopted. ~UITION M)->4~1 Councilman Wi all that area West of the proposed 01 tron Street as recommended by the pessage and adoption. r offered Resolution No. 2959 reclasslfy~n9 vice Station location to.Within 120 fe~~f ty Planning Commission and moved for Its. . Refer to Resolution Book~ A RSSOLUTIOK Of THE CITY COUtCILOf 11lA.T A CHAt&t; Ii ~ IS NS2SSARY 11,' CHAPTER 2 Of THE ANAHEIM ~NICI CIWG: QF ZON!. (F-55-56-6) . i On roll call the fOregOin~ following votea i CITY OF ANAHIIII FINDING AND DETERMIlftG CERTAIN AREAS Of THE CITY AND THATARrtOlJ! CODE SHOULD BE AMENDED TO ~PJC>LISHSAID esolution was duly passed and adopted by thj AYES, l()BS . ABSUT I COUN:;IIJEN I COUtCIUEN. COUN::IUlANa SChutte, and Wisser. The Mayor declared the fo oing resolution duly passed and adoptedo RII: SSIFICATION Jill Joseph and Nadine Vandezande re a. bounded on the north by the Hous Avenue, and on the west by Cypress F-55-56-7a Submitted by Mrso Dorris J''Ohnson' sting c-I zoning on property described briefly Street Freeway, on the east by Placentia , eet. The Cl ty Planning Cornmiss~ ,pursuant to their Resolution No. 40, r$Co..- mended said reClassification subjec~ 0 the following conditions. 1. The installation of f Street and Placentia right of way w1 th cur lines of both streets 2. Clearance to be obtai before building permi 3. the filing of standar Anaheim for C-l, NEI street improvements on Cypress nue, both of which will be lao-foot ines set at 41 feet from the center- from the State Highway Department can be grantedo eed restrictions of the City of HCXJ) COMMBRCIAL ZONE. The .yor asked if anyone shed to address the Council on the Platter. , Mr. Harry Apter addressed I e Council and advised that this parcel of land contained approximately 12 acres. ij presented a picture of the proposed shopping center, to be known as Placentia Cerl r~ and stated that the estimated cost of^'de- v.lo~ent would be $1 million dolla~ Discussion was held on th~ any proposed C-l shopping centers wherein re20ning was obtained for a purely ~ culative purpose on the presumption that perhaps businesses could be built..1 insure the development of these areas, the Council felt that a time limit shou~ be established. "" Mr. Turner believed the o~ tbe Council to restrict the uses to! where it relates to a particular ar~ . be willing to impose their own rest~ years or to a time agreeable to the. vision of two years or thirty month~ ance should contain a provision authotl,ing~ sser number than those outlined in theOOde Mr. Turner asked Mr. Apter if they would tions on the property for a period of two nCil, and Mr. Apter agreed to a time pro- I' the completion of the development. I n n n 121B ..... gestecI that Mr. Apter get in touch with the City Attorney restrictions, and thereupon declared the hearing closed a later date. JOB Notice duly published i City Clerk was instruct Ga:s;.ge at the City Yard Cotncilman Wiss~, seco 7 UNIT "B".Pursuant to Resolution No. 2946 and Legal he Anahelm Bulletin September 28 and October 5, 1~5, the to open Bid Proposals for the construction of a Shop and Claudina Street, Job No. 367, Unit "Bt" on motion by by Councilman fry. MOTION CARRIED. BIDS R~EIYSD A. D. Penhall 9432 S. Euclid Avenuel Re. cons.truction Co.,.n III EIIl Street, Anahe I 538,966.00 $39t~.OO palco8Stee. 1 corp...oratio~ P. O. Box 1368, 1~1 ~ Lexington Ave., femona (All Bid Proposals ~ e accompanied by Bid Bonds in the amount of l~) $40~737.00 ..... , i Located on the west side of Acacia Street, north of All Bids were ~ erred to the City Engineer, George E. HOlyoke, for tabu- lation and report on m01 n by Councilman Wisser, secpridedby Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. ; The Ci ty Engin, recollllllended the award of Bid be held over to the next meeting of the City COU~ 1. The City Bngln ,George E. Holyoke, reported that the final .ap was sub- s~tlally the same as tentative map and that all bonds have been posted and nedessary fees paid, an~ ecommended the acceptance of said flnal .ap. ..... by the City Council June 28, 1955 to use the Final Map of T* t No. 1517 was approved by the City Council subj.ct to entlne.-ring requlrement~ n DlQtion'by Councilman Fry, seconded by CounCilman Wisser. M:>TION CARRIED. Located on the southwest corner of Broadway and lest The Ci ty Bogin. ,GeOrge E. Holyoke, l"eported that all bonds have been pOlted and necessary fe~ paid and reeollDended the acceptance of said final map. Communication _ Leonard Smith, Broker, requesting that a Member be appointed to the AI'chl t. ,ural'"GQntrol Comi ttee, was submitted and read. Final A4ip of TJt engineering requlrement~ Schutte. ,MJTION CAftRIEQ Architectural Control CQ motion by Councilman liS t No. 1607 was approved by the City Council subject to n motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman The Mayor appointed W. F. Priday as member to the ittee. . Said appointment was ratified by the Council on r, seconded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIBD. Located on the northeast corner of MagnOlia and Orange The City Engln~ , George E. Holyoke, adviSed that no action on this map could be taken at this 1t e as the developers failed to file theflnal map. TR~T Ml. 28541 Final ; Planning Commission, and 1769 and 2286. of Tract No. 2854 was presented to the Anaheim City is relates to the reveraion to acreage of TraQts Nos. Variance No. 3 abore parcels for a sho I , I ~ I I~ 'j 1219 The (;1 ty Planning Comm1s~ Tracts Nos. 1769 and 2286 be w1thd1 Mr. Uolyoke advised the northwest corqer of Katella and Ie -p and reco___ the approval 0 Tentatiye Map of Tract N to engineering requirements on mot Pry. 14>T1OO CARRIED. n voted to approve Tract No., 2854 and that from the :records and yoldedo ncl1 that Ifact No. 2854 (located on the treet) should be considered as a tentatIve- aid tentative map. i54 was approved by the City Council subject by Councllmanltsser, seconded by Councilman n ubdlvider, George Holstein and Sons. Lo- of Ball Roado No action was taken on t requirements, lnd a variance reque now in process. tract as the lots do not meet the m1nimum g a wa1 ver to the minu... requirements 1 s I at the northealt SUbdivider, Gilbert Manor, Inc. Located .et and Crescent Avenue. the ~lty Planning Commiss Map subject to the following condi recommended the approval of sa,id tentative Sl 1. The payment of $25.00 and Recreation Sites. 2. Engine.ring requireme 3. Pull street improveaae of the subdivision" a located. r lot for the acquisition of Park on that parcel .arked "not a part upon which a house is presently Reviled Tentative Map of subject to conditions as outlined b Councilman Scn.tt., seconded by Cou ct No. 2567 was approYed by the City Council' e City Planning Commission on motion by 1.ln Wisser. lOTION CARRIED. n TtJf.TIVE ~. ~T lI). 2872. Su between Acacia and Baxter Streets, ! ld.r, Acacia HaMes No.3, Inc. Located th of the proposed Houston Street Freeway. I The QIty Planning Commissi to the following conditions& 1. the payment of $250001 for the acqulsi tion of Park and Recreation Sites. I 2. Ingineering requir8De~ . Tentttive Map of Tract Nol 872 was approved by the Ci ty Council .u~.ct to conditions as outlined by the Ci Planning Comadssion on motion by Councilman .eser, se~nQd by CounciUlin Schu i I()TION CARRIII). TENSION Of TIME,' DIG! NO. 1949. i OIIDWllcation requesting an extension. of tille to November 3, 1956 on Tentative Ma T:ract No. 1949, Subdivider. George M. HolsteIn and Sons, was aubm1 tted and read. motIon by Councilman Schutte~ seconded by Councilman Fry., an ex-tension of six ) months was granted gn Tract No. 1949. AfJ'rION CARRIED. voted to approve said tentative map SUBject NO. 0 The Cl ty Eng1neer, George E. Holyok.., rtllpOrted on Bids received for the c, troction of the Evelyn Drive S_er Syst_ lll. ., and stated that Edwin L. Barltley wall ow bidder and rec~ended the acceptance of . s.id bid. RISQWT10N 1iC. 29601 Councilman ti~ r offered Resolution No. 2960 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refe~ to Resolution Book, 1220 ..... I A ~WTION OF THE CITY I ANDAW~ING A CON'IRACT t PLAIf, LABCR, SERVICES, It-CI,UDINGPCMER ,fUEL, A COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING P lO6Q.' (EDWIN Lo BARKLEY M UtCIL OF THE CITY 0; ANAHEI-M ~EPTlt1; A S,~ PROPOSAL THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE B11)OER PCB THE falNISHlJ<<3 Of ALL ERIALSAND EQUIPMENT AND ALL UT!LITlES AND TRANSPORTATION WATeR, AND PBlfClUalli ALL W9RJC rm;E$SAiv TO CONSTR\I;T AND Ie IIIlROVEMENT, !HI: EV~YN DaIV; SBml SYSTlU.t, JOB 00. On roll following votel ~:: g= ABSENT I ' cou~ i The Mayor decl, foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the Pearson, Fry, SChutte, ind W1s$er. None. . Van Wagoner. the foregoing resolution duly pa~sed and adopted. C 1 T C. Application by the Plcific ny in the matter of extending seX"Viee and establishing and referred to the City Attorney for report. POW LINE CROSS,ING BtE Company with reference t was discussed. PARK-WEST ANAHEIM. Agreement with the Southe;rnPaci fie e proposed power line crossing at Bu,na Park-West Anaheim ~ION NO. 2961. Co~ ilman lisser offered Resolution No. 2961 and moved for its passage and adoption. on Book, page A R4sPwrION .oF THE CITY THE ' CO. Fal LICENSE FCIl N:RfIiS THE RlGiT QF WAY OOIL QF THE CI.TY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING ~ ~lIaJZING TO BE ~E AND ENTSRSD INtO WITH THE SOutHl8NPIlCIFIC CONSTRtCTION AND MAI.NT~E OF AN E~TRIC POWER 'LlNE SOUTHERN P JC;IF.IC COJFANY. ~ On roll fol~owing vote. foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopttd by the Pearson, fry, SChutte, and Wisser. Noneo Van Wagoner. AYES. coa.. t()ESl CO. ABSENT I COO The Mayor deCl~ the foregoing resolution duly passed and adoptedo Notice by B. J. SJR1 tb, County Clerk of. the f11ing of ulate aPeti tion ..eking the incorporation of GaMen 1955, was submitted and read. Cancellation of City Taxes on property pUlChas8d' by the .y purposes and formerly assessed to J.... B. "lllame, ads was authorized on motion by Councilman SChutte, ADTION CARB.~ED. of California for D. Acton, and Ida Lo seconded by Councilman F* ~~~ij ~. lQl~, CouAl lman Wlsser offered Ordinance No~-1019 for final reading and 8Ov8d for its passag~ nd adoptiono e Book, page r Ii ; I I IR.AK;E OF THE CITY I ANAHEIM AMBEII[; ARTICLE III, CHAPTIIl 2 0' THe ANAHIIM tp~ CODE BY APJ)III3 i N8I SETION THfIlEtO TO BE tIJ.ERSD 3291. '(ap.-n LIMIT. After hearing ~ d in full the title of O~dlnance No. 1019 and having knowledge of the content. ;.reln~ Councilman Wisser aoved the reading in full of said ordinance be waivedJ oune!1118n Schutte seconded the motion. Motion unanimously carred. l221 c On .,11 call' the foregot by the fOllowing yot.1 1019 .IS duly passed andadopiifj t AYs. tC>BIJ - A8$1Nr I COUEIlMBNI QOU!CILlEN. COOte I UlANa Schutte, and Wiss,r. Th, ....yor declared the f fINAK::IAL BD..~~'I:ING Rt;PC8TSa ~tllDber, l~w"".ord.rld reell by Coune! l..n 11 s8.r.. ACTION CARRI lJM:T NO. 27l~Jtr.llannes addree8 ~d..alks around I cul-de-sac on a "bin Hood Co_t, and requested tha Street. Mr. Mllyake adv1sed that Dlseussion by the Council fOllowed, Counc11man Sc_tte. tJle CI ty Counei Court, Tract No. 271~. from the ext JeTION CARRIED. I I PJ.\JMBm BO~IPIlRPer Bonds SUl:IBif' Silperlor P1UlDbl..ng Ro~t ract o. rs, a nd filed when Ippa-ov4d by the C1 ty Att by Counci lman Schlltte. .,TION CARR DfP~NNELI Th. Assistant Adain1str 1. Fellbaum, FlremanJ Calvin James Police Matron (~eplac8ment)o SaId Oft .0t1on by Ceuncl1man SChutte, Ie o!ng ordinance duly pasled and adoptedo ncial and Operating aeports for the month of and filed on Ilotion by Council..n Pry, seconded th, Council relative to the estab11shaent of .,~ lOC.tM wi thin Tract No. 2112. known .-s J.d.-elks be allowed to be. stoppec.t at N19o. plan would have ~ b. revised end re.~t~id. on mot10n by Councilman fry" s.eonded~~ ranted the waiver of sidewalke in Robin Hood ion of N10be Street around the cul-de-aac~ by Anthony C. Brake, Jack B. Stanford, vedere Plumbing Co. were ordered reeel.ved and ey on motion by Councilman Wisa.~',' lecondlef' va Officer reported the appointment of Robert S8, Apprentice Draft8llln, ind Mrs. Eth.l.B~ne8, ointllents were approved by the City Council ded by Counci laan Wis s.r. .,T10N CARlI". '(.IGABa aequtJst to change the nam :rom Red and Orange Cab to "City Cab" on the following listed cars was submitted dread. .- 1. 1 tIS5 11&5 11&5 l~l JIB SJiRI.~ .1<<) J · .GQtal -~. Red Red Red Blu. Red P 1 Yl'O~th .edan . .. .. " .. tt " " 2!191464 ~198130 25198083 25181776 25117948 The City Council approved I Councilman lchtltte, seconded by CO\l~ IpEASE IN RAtes - TAXICAB. Due tj' rlqUeeted a n.. rate SChedule, to a in Anaheim, as 10110w81 40 cents f 1/4 mdle (p~esent Charge, 10 cents tline. ' e requested change i.n n..., on IIOtionby l.an Wi seer. IInltN C"IID. ncreased costs of operation, Mr. E. A. .S~;.i~~ to Yellow Cab ServiCe and City Cab. T drop and first mil., 10 cents each addl U. ~,.....,t: additional 1/3 mile), $4.00 per hour,..1 . n9 Publlc H..ring Wile order 7~QO o'clock P.M. on motion by Coun t.8tION CARRIED. be held on the matter, OctoMr~, l~, an SChutte, seconded by Councilman lila.r. ~ R.OAD NO. 2 ANNEXATION! Pet1 tio of inhabi te(l ten! tory d..cribed th 2 Annexation ... ordered received a by Councilman Schutte. MOTIQN CARRI The following cert1f1cates' to the sufficiency of the petition. .questing annexatJ,on to the City of AnlAtlll n and known and designated as Ball RoU;1Wro. iled on motion by Councilman lister, s.COndtd the City Clerk and County Clerk relating $w.itted and read in full. n n n n I ' ~ ~ ~ I : , I I i 1222 Ci (SEAL) .. "CERTIFICATE IE ANNEXATION Of STAlE Of CALIPaiN,IA ) ) eoUlTY Of aiANGE ) I, DEN! M. WILi that upon receiving in m Anabeim of certain terri hav. checked said petiti ascertain the total numb~ scribed in said peti tion,1 cert! fy that from such e~ of qualified electofsre~ said petition is signed signed to said pet! tlon in said petition, as sho California, and I furthe~ tors constitutes not les~ the territory proposed to I further certii tiguous to the City of A ci ty. INGTO SUPFICIBllJY Of PETIT10N f(IlTHE ITeD TElRITCIlY TO THE CITY OF ANAijEIM. ~ City Clerk of the City of An~he!m, do heZ'ePf certify ffiee a petition requesting the annexation to th. City of y known and designated as BALL ROAP~. 2 ANNEXATION, I and have examined the County regi8tration of. voters to of qualified electors residing within the territory de- nd tha t I have inspected saId terri tory. and.. I further ination and such inspection I find that the total number Ing 1n said territory is 192 electors. and I find that 99 persons and that 59 of the persons wbose n....s are qualified electors residing within the territory described y the County registration of voters of Orange County, ertify that said las~entioned number of qualified eleo- an one-fourth of the qualified electorsreslding within annexed, as shown by such County regl$tration of voters. that said territory described in said petition is con- 1m and does not form a part of any other incorporated of October, 19550 Is! p~. .M., '~,U1!& CITY CLlRK OF THE C TYOF. ANAHE1M "CERTIFICATE AHNliXATION OF I S1' ATI OF CALIFCRNIA. ) ~ ) s~~ COUNTY Of CltAlliE ) I, B. J. S~TH,l that J; ill the county offlt County of ~ange and I dOl exa.loed the petition rec, annexa...... t.1on of certa1n te.rt BALL ROAD 00. 2 ANNEXATIO, siding Wi thin the ter:ri to trat10n of voters, and to signed to said petition. I further certif numb~ of qualified elect~ is 192 electors and that t signed to said petition i$ or more of the qualified tt Dated this 5th d NG TO SUffICI~Y Of PETITION fCIl THE ITED TIRRITQlY TO THE CITY Of ANAHEIM. unty Clerk of the County of Orange, do hereby certify having charge of the reglstra t10n of voters ln the reby further certify that I have examined or caused to be ed by the Cl ty Clerk of the City of Anahel.for the ory to said City of Anaheim known and deSignated as to ascertain the total ntlnber of qualified ,lectors re- described in said petition, a8shown by tht County regia- termine the number of qualified electors whose nalllesare that from said examination it appears that the total residing withln the territory described in said petition total number of qualified electors whose names are 9 electors, and that said number represents one-fourth ctorsresiding within said terrltorYe of October, 1955. (SEAL) z s! Bf~"'.. COUNTY C . 0 THE eorirrrY OF aI_ .M RBSO~IQN NO. 2962 a Cou~ l.an Schutte offered Resolution No. ~962 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolu BOOk, page 1223 M. A RESOLtITION OF THS CITY COtDCIL 0 CALL A SPB:;IAL EI.B:;TION TO SUBMIT ~~ DmcRIBg) TE!RRITCRY THE QUES Of ANAHEIMD L ROAD NO. 2 ANN O'CLOCK PeAl. )0 E CITY OF ANAHEIM D~LAR1NG ITS INTENTION TO HE QUALIFIED EtS::TCltS RSSIDING IN THE HEREIN- OF ANNEXATION Qf S~D TfBRITORY TO THE CITY ON. PUBLIC HE On roll fOllowing yote. esolution was duly passed and adopted by the AYES. IC>ESI A8S8T I COUICI UlENt ~ILENI COtJrC I UlAN. Schutte, and Wissero The Mayor declared the fo oing resolution duly passed and adopted'o 1cation from the Security Tl tIe InsuraJiei COo, nd read, and stated that upon thei:r examlna- on of proposed annexation known as West to be definite and certain, contiguoU$to' any other cityo Said communication was" y Councilman Schutte, second,ed by CouncilMan .<:T ANAHmJ ~~T~N NO.2. Co elated October 3, 1955, was subni tt t10n of the attached revised deseri _helm Annexation No.2, It was fo ~e City of Anahe~m and not a part ordered receivtd and filed on motto \f1sser.. ADTIOI CARRIED. ~ESPONDBNC~. Communication frOffiti the City Council to consider the ar when called upon to approve maps fo development. They further advised or 520 homeso Their homes range fr priced from $17,900 to $19,0000 Th filed and advised that thi s request! OQRRESPONDENCSI Communication from I park. a house t~ailer temporarily at: was submi tted end read. Sa1d reque motion by Councilman Fry, seconded , udential Home5~ Inco was submitted requesting east of Plac&ntia Avenue as "select residential" ubdivision purposes to further protect their t they had control of approximately 150 acres 1450 to 1600 square feet livable area and are ouncil ordered the communication received and uld be given every consideration. So Fred Jo Hughes requesting permission to e rear of her residence, 168 West H111 Avenue, was granted for a period of six (6) months on Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. .I, .. CORRESPONDENCE! Communication from I uthern California Tract Termite Control request- ing busine~. ~cen&e was referred t~ B Priday for investigation and report. CQRRESPONDENCEI Application from a lleense to opelatea Roblnhood Pope on Lemon Street next to the drug st Streets was suamitted and reado Onl I man Wisser, said request was denied~ I 00 La Hartwig to obtain a permit and business Unit in the space of the first parking met~r , at the intersection of Lemon and Center . tion by Councilman Schutte, seconded by Cou~cl1- K>TION CARRIED. Ti4FFIC CONTROL SIGNAL. Agreement for joint instellatlon of pre-timed! of South Street and Los Angeles Str~ recommended the acceptance of said 4 h the State of California,Olvislon of R19~~Y8 affic control signal system at the Interseet!.on was submi tted. Mr. Holyoke, City Engineer. eernento Ri$O~UTION MO. 2963& Councilman Scij te offered Resolution Hoo 2963 and moved fo~ its passage and adoptiono ' Refer to Resolution Book, A RBSOLUTION Of THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIE COtf5TRlCTION AND INSTAL T ON 0 THE INTERSECTION Of' SOUTH STREET WI saEEr, WITHIN THE CITY OF ANAHEiM, AlMHEIM OF ITS PR~TIONATE COST- 0 f CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHCIlIZING AND APPROVING PRE- TlAED TRAFFIC NTRO 51 AT STATE HIGHWAY ROUTE V~I-CRA-2-ANA, IDS ANGELES AUTHCRIZING THE PAYMENT BY THE CITY OF tEM INSTAL~TION. On roll call the foregoin~ esolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote. o ,n ", n rl I j ~ 1 n 1224 AYES. NOES, ABSENT a Pearson~ F~y, SChutte, and "isse~. Noneo Van Wagoner. The Mayor deCl~ I the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. Submitted by L. I. Webb r.qpestlng property at the southeast corner of Broa y and Euclid Avenue be reclassified to 0-1 with the ex- ceptlonof the corner wi a frontage of 150 feet on both streets to be reclassified C-2 to allow the erectio~ f a service statlono The Ci ty Counc!' ing on the matter and ad prepare the necessary or conditions; namely, archi sary filing of G-l zone ~ Discussion was ~l zone ~estrictions, th of streets, to be maintai tions, that being a 10 bYI area. It was considered ' would govern in this instb at their meeting of September 13, 1955 held Public Hear- ed Resqlution Noo 2930 authorizing the City Attorney to nee changing said zone as requested, subject to certain tural control, engineering requirements, and the neces- rictions. d on the parking requirements contained 1n the suggested of a minimum of 75 per cent of said property, exclusive for customer and servi. ce parking) and the code X'ostri 0- feet parking area for every 150 square feet of building t the ruling as established by the J4laheim Municipal Cede eo Mro Turner, Citf tlon No. 2930 would have ordinance, but due to a t parking restrictions, the! at this meeting. ttorney, advised that the conditions outlined in Resolu. be complied with prior to the se~ond reading of the limit on escrow and the obtain1ngof a ruling on the plicants requested first reading of the ordinance be held CliDI.NAN:;E NO. 1020. Coun~ man Wisser offered Ordinance No. 1020 for first readingr. and Moved for its passage: d adoption. . I AN CJU)INAtCE OF THE CITY I MUNI. CI. PAL,.., COD, E RELA. T IN G T.,.' THEREIN REGULATING THE US MAP SHOWING THE BOUNDARle FOR ~JlSTMENT, AMENDMENT ~ REPEALING ALL SB:TIONS CR: ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICI..E IX, CHAPTS 2 OF THE ANAHEIM E ESTABLISHIENT OF ZONes IN THE CITY Of ANAHEIM AND F LAND, HEIGHT OF BUILDINCE AND YARD SPACESI A;lX>PtING A F SAID ZO~ES; DEFINING THE TERMS USED THSiEIN, 'PROVI})Il<<3 NO ENFORCaENT, PRSS;:RIBING PENALTIES Fell VIOLATION AND TS OF SB:TIONS IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. (F-55-.56-2) 0 After hearing r, knowledge of the contents said ordinance be waived. mously carried. in full the title of Ordinance No. 1020 and having erein, Councilman Wisser moved the reading 1n full of ouncilman Schutte seconded the motiono MOtion unanl- RESO~ION ljO. 2964. Coul) Iman Schutte offered Resolution No. 2964 and mov~ for its passage and adoption. n Boole, page A RESlLUTION OF THE CITY ~ ALL OF THE mR&, CONDITIQ WITH. IL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM fINDI,NG AND DerlllJGHllIi THAT AND PROVISIONS OF RESOLUTION NO. 2110 HAYS BEEN COM'>LIBD On roll call the oregoing resolution was duly passed and .dopted by the following votel AYES. NOES. ABSENT I Pearson, Fry, Schutte, and Wlssero None. Van Wagoner. The Mayor decla the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. ACIUii.NT. EASEMENT TO S the ~anting of the easem ment .as approved wi th the: to the City if the Edison C the pUrpose for which it WEt ERN CALIFORNIA EDISON C Discussion was held on to Southern California Bdison Company, and said'''se- sertlon of the condition that the easement would revert any ceased to use it, or if they ceased to use it for granted 0 It25 Ii~T]lTTON l<<)ft 2Q6!l1 PtI&sage and adoption. r offered Resolution No. 2965 and moved for its Beflr to Resolution Book AaESOWTIOII O' THE CiTY COtKiIL Of AI.' TO, CALI N A .. IxfCUTIIN ,S~D CJUItT OF EA8 E CITY OF ANAHSM AU'IlUlIZING ~tIi OF SON COIPMY Fell A SU1\STAnON AND AtJ'I'H(aJ';tNG n u On roll following vote. resolution ..s duly passed and adopted by the AYa. ... ~. COUtClIJEN. C()lJII;I UEla COUtCIlMNa Schutte, and Wisser. The Mayor declared the f 'Wlni: OF qa~ ~. The Cl ty If! "1on chantint the name of Carleto g01ng resolution duly passed and adopted. iog Co-.isslon was requested to institute ircle to Dwyer Driveo and Roach, Inc. requesting pel'ft\ission to er~t ng the sale of lots and houses in Tract No. V4llMCE . t<<). 4~1 Sub1d tted by Pon a Temporary Di..ctIonal Sign advert 2426. Sign s1.. 12 feet by 16 feet The Ci ty P laMing ColIId s said variance IUbject to the foIl 1. Signs shall be a maxi 2. Signs will be permit or 1.8$. 3. A per-it must be tak -4. The nUle of the sign erected. ~. Signs -.Jst be 10 f.. any street or hIghwa 6. At the intersection back 2~ feet. 7. All signs shall have 8. The fee per sign wil 9. Sign variances shall advertising only tra n, pursuant to their Resolution No. 44, granted concli tlonSI size of 250 square feet. for a maximum period of 6 months out wi th the Building Department. Ilpany must appear on every sign n act of the right-of-way line of the streets, the signs must be sat 6-foot ground clearance. e 125.00. p.~tted for directional signs wi thin the Ci ty L1Dl1 ts of Anahe1m. No .~tlon was taken by 1 ty Council. VtJIANCE NO. ~I Submitted by A. ~ Hull requesting pe~ls8ion to operate a _II unit for Rubber Stamp Making ~ Printing in his gerage located at 211 East Alberta Street. i The City Planning Co_is~ ~d variance aabject to the fOllOWj 1. Confining the buslne~ property. ! 2. Limiting any sign to I 24 inches. : No action was taken by t~ V4lI_e ti)~. ~J Subni tted by Pho t6.,.ct a Teaporary Directional Si Tact No. 22t>1. stgn size 10 by 25 The City Planning C08l1s~ sAd variance 81bject to the fOll01 n~ pursuant to their Resolution No. 45, gr-"ted cond1 tionsl to the present garage on the ertise the busln.ss to 18 by n x Construction C~.ny requesting pexm1ss1on advertising the sale of houses and lots in et. , pursuant to tb.l;paesol uti on No. 46, granted conditionsJ 1226 Gl n ! 1 -""" P II 10 Signs shal~ 2. Signs .ill I or lesso 30 A p'1'IIl t .~ 40 The naDle 0 f1 erected. 5:- Signs must any street 60 At the lnt back 25 fe . 7. All signs 6. The fee pe 9. Sign varia advertls1n e a max~um size of 250 square feet. perMitted for a _x1aua period of 6 months be taken out w1 th the Build1ng Department, e sign ,coap-.ny JRUst app"r Qn ey," sign 10 feet back of the right-of...way line of h1ghway. eetion of the streets, the signs must be set 1 have a 6-foot ground clearance. gn will be 525.00. eh.ll be pe~tttd for dlr8~tlonal s1gns ly tracts within the City Umits of Anahel.. n by theClty Council. by W. Eo Crouch requesting pe1'llissionto build. and or I)octorsand Dentlsts at 1522-15X> Bast Center Street. Co_las1on, pursuant to their Resolution No. 47, granted erection of the building as shown in the application. n by the Ci ty Council. by ~a.cia Homes No.3, Inc. :requesting a WalV'.r of the are toot lot area requir_entsln Tract No. 2570 which reet and Baxter Street, lying on the south side of the aYe No action was YARI~E NO. 4231 Submi operate _n Office Buildl The City Plann!' said variance subject to No action was t' v AR~e NO. 424. SubJd t 7o-foot frontage and 7200 is located between Acacia: proposed Houston Street p' 1 The C1 ty Plann! Co.tssion, pursuant to their R'80lution No. 48, granted said variance. VARJflES tIl. 427,& Subai t' a TtIporaryDlre~tional S 2326t 2E:J03, and 2117. The C! ty PIano! said varlance subject to n by the City Council. by the Cal..ar Company requesting pe~1'81on to ,reet advertising the sale of houses and lots in Tracts Nos. n f ,; 1. Signs shall I 2. Signs .ill ~ or l8ss. 3. A pe1'lR1 t IlU~ 4. The name 0 f erected. 5. Signs must ~ any street <l> 6. At the inte" back 25 fee~ 7. All signs 5_ 8. The fee per ,9. Sign Yarlan~ advertising! 10 feet back of the right-of-way 11ne of hi ghway . ction of the streets, the slgns must be eet 1 have a 6-foot gJ"Ound clearance. gn will be $25.00. shall b. p.m! ttld for tl!reetional sign." ly tracts within the City Limits of Anaheim. n by the City Council. No action was t VARIAN::E tIl. 429. Submi tt by Mildred A. Caswell and Wini,fred,Caswe11 Young, own..s, and~. Robert Lo Clifford requesting pe~ssion to erect a 5-Unlt Prof.s.lonal Build1ng (Medical~Dental) i property located at 1018-1024 East'Cent.r Street. The Ci ty PlanniJl. Couaission, pursuant to their Resolutlon No. 53. granted saidvarlance subj eet to 1t erection of the building and the installation of of 1- street parking as shown on he plans presented. n by the City Council. l227 C1 VNUAtCE )I). A~. Subad tted by C. addItional Slngl..PlDdly O.81l1ng The City PlaMing C;~S said v$riance subjeGt to the 10110 , ., -. . - . H.&za~d ~.qu..tlng p~'liQn tg .rect an prop.~ty It l8l2 Ba,t Cypr.as~S~..t. . n7 pursuant to thtir Resolution No. 50, granted gcondltloflll l. Th. placing of the not over 120 fe.t f of the garage fo~ the n.. house the property lying on Coffaan Avenue. No action was taken by WIAtEB Ill. 1311 SubJdtted by P. \0 erect a T~Dry Directional S Tract No. 23fa. Sign size 10 by The City Planning COmmi.8 ..ld var1ance subject to the folIo P It Construction COMpany I'equ..tlng peJ8'1.alon advertising the sale of house. and lots 1n e.t. n,pureuant to thttlX' a..olution No. ~1 J granted' 9 cOnditions. 1. &1gns aha.ll 08 a ax 2. Signs will b. pest or 1.... 3. A p*1Id t _at be tak 4. . Th..~eof the s1gn .r.t... ,. .lAs.'~,;t; b. 10 fee -.ny."" Q~ highwa 6. M:..'lMer.ect10n ~",.f.t. 7 . All "s!,gns. shall have S. The fee per sign wll 9. Sign Yari~nc.s shall advertising only tra 110 .ct1on WlIs taken by 4 ,~X~~ ..,~ ~l &t.at81 ttld by Ma . Service Itation' on properly de.c avenue and Bait Center Street. The Cl ty Planning Co.1s~ n, pursuant to their a.solution No. 54, denied ..id varlance. I alze of 250 square feat. for a maxLmum p.~od of 6 mon\hl out wi th the Build,lng J)epvwent. any must appear on evary sign . act of the right-of-way line of the streets, the signs 8Ust be set 6-foot ground cl..ranee. . S~.OO. p.~tted for dlr.ctlonal slgna wi thin the Cl ty L1Il1 ts of Anah.im.. c, L. McAllster rlqUestlng pI.I.lon to...t, ed as the south_at corn.. of North 'lac.ti. r Mr. -..ngall r.-ported tha~ accordlng to the Anaheim Municlp811~ erected there would be allowable. ' by adjacent property owners, prev1 regardlng the erlCtlon of this S building pend t has b.., requested, and de, the Semce Station that 18 .xpected to b. t8nt10n was called to the obj.ctions raised ly filed with the City PlaM1ng Coawd.ssion, . e Statlon. No action wa 6 taken by ~ VMlIAlCE NO. 96. Suba1 tted by Jo' Ichool for Ballet, Tap, Acrobatic, "ton and TrallpOllne at 419 North Burdick reque.tlng p~18lon to conduct a -.11an, MOdern and Bal1roo. Dancing, also 't Street. The City flaMing Coale ..ld varlanceuntll January 20. 1 location. n" pUl.Ulnt to tn.il' R'lolutlon No. ~, granted at which t1.e the studio tdll b. moved to a new No actlon was taken by Ci ty Council. · Beat and JOltph A. Bac.,requ..tl.ng p.... prop.rty descrlb_ as the. sou'tbwe.tcorntl' S~.~. - 14tIAtCE 1I}. 4,371 Subn1 ttld by Jo IIss10n to erlCt . ~ce Statlon of Bast Cent... Street and South I!a i Theel ty Planning Coaais~ n, pursuant to their a.aolutl.on No. ~J ,:rl"''' ..1~ variance. . No action was taken by t1i a o n n n I 1 I n II 1228 1955 - 7 lOOP .11.. Submitted by Glen E. Boyles requesting that prop- erty described briefly a he triangular portion north of Romneya D~lv" east of West Street be recla5sif~ fram R-A to R-3. Public Hearing 7:09 o'clock P.M., on mo A()TIQN CARRIED. s ordered to be held on the matter, October 25, 1955t n by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Fry. Councilman Wis o'clock A.M. Councilman moved to adjourn to Mond.y, October 17, 1955, 11.00 Y seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED. SIGNED. A.M. f the City of Anaheim met in Adjourned Regular Session. PRESINT. COUN:;.I LMEN. ABSIltt. COU~ILMENJ CITYt.ATTeJiNEY, PRiSTON T ASSISTANT CITY ADMINISlRA arson, SChutte, and Wisser. and Van Wagoner. I Present. Ii OFFICER, W. F. PRIDAY. Present. N Incorporation had not fil being the fiftieth day inl posed Stanton Avenue Anne' tit10n relating to said a proponents Notice of Inteh October 17, 1955. RSSOLUTION NO. 2966. Cou~ Iman Schutte offered Resolution No. 2966 and moved for its passage and adoption.i Inasmuch as the proponents for the proposed Tri~lty petition for incorporation by midnight Octobe~ 14, 1955, ich said petition could be filed, proponents for the pro- ion republished Notice of .Intention to Circulate a Pe- xation, October 15, 1955. Affidavit of Publ1cation of on to Circulate a Petition was received by the City Clerk n Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY ~ NeIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACKNOWLEDGING RBCEIPT OF A COpy OF OOTICE OF INTENTI(/) TO CIRCULATE A PETITION RELATING TO THE ANNEXATIOW OF TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF 1M AND AFFIDAVIT OF PUBUCATION THEREOF All) APPROVING THE CIRCULATION OF SAID P TION. (STANTON AVENUE ANNEXATION). On roll following vote, oregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the AYES, ~ESI ABSENT I Pearson, Schutte, and Wisser. None. Fry and Van Wagoner. The Mayor declalt the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. WEST ANAHEIM ANNEIATIO~1 tentlon to Circulate a Pe1 of Anaheim, known and des! Clerk, October 13, 1955. fidavit of Publication by proponents of Notice of In- ion relating to the annexation of territory to the City ated as West Anaheim Annexation, was received by the City id Legal Notice was published, October 11, 1955. RESOWTION NO. 2967& Coun lman Wisser offered Resolution No. 2967 and moved for its passage and 'adoption. Refer to Resolu