1955/10/25 PRESENT a coutCI LMEla AB&ENTl COUlCILME CITY AnQRNEY, PRESTON CITY ADMINISlRATIVE OF MI,.urIS.. The Minutes ~ Regulir Meeting held 0 by Councilman Van Wago Rl\SOLUTIQN NO. 2970. for its passage and ad i Refer to Res1 A ReSOLUTION OF THE CI PAYMENT QF DEMAtI>S AGA On roll following votel [ AYES. NOES a ABSENT I The Mayor de~ B PROPOSALS. JOB NQ.i duly published in the instructed to open Bid Haster Street to Place1.' seconded by Counci~an A. H. Famularo f. O. Box 239, 1230 im California October 25 s - 7.00 P..M9 '1 of the City of Anaheim met in Regular Sessiono Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wlsser. and Van Wa~onero None. Nm. Present. ER, KEITH A. Mt.RI:XX:H. Present. the Regular Meeting held October 11, 1955 and Adjourned e1' 17, 1955, 11100 o'clock A.M. were approved.on. mOtion , seconded by Councilman Wissero MOTION CAaaI~. cilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. '2970 and mov~c iono OUH:IL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AND DIRETING THE THE CITY AS OF OCTOBSl 25, 1955. ($241,548.16). e foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. Noneo None.. resolution duly pass8d.and adopted. .. '~.\, _.. tit,. .~: 61 a Pursuant to Resolution No. 2947' and Legal. t1~tice elm Bulletin October 11 and 18, 1955i, the Cl ty Clerk was posals on the Katella Avenue Trunk Line Sewer,f~m a Avenue, Job No. 1061, on motion by Counci~an Van lagone~ sser. MOTION CARRIED. BIDS RIEEIVED $J.05,038.65 V.C.K. Construction Co.: "124 Ferguson Drive,! s Angeles 22 Nick M. Guho 6335 Atlantic Boulev~ ,Bell J. N. Sutalo 3977 Hillcrest Drive,j s Angeles 8 J. E. Popovich P. O. Box 261, Torraq The Stanfield Company, 951 So. Buena Vista ~ Gl.nvl1le Plumbing Co. 3231 Belle Terrace, [ J. S. Barrett P. 00 Box 2126, Sant~ $ 79,997.81 $107,020.62 $113,702.92 $158,996.17 $ 85,910.52 Pomona $104,052.90 $110,275.54 Bosko & Bradarich COo 8512 Fishman Road, p~ M. Miller Company 877 North Bunker Hill: e., Los Angeles 12 $ 99,8l~.77 $137,926.23 1231 Ci Charles J. DO~DRan 124 No. La Brea Ave., $ 73,696.47 George DaJtovieh 2419 S. Garfield Avenue, Monter $ 74,154.17 J_p.S. Contra~ting Co., Inc. 12084 W..tMlnster Blvd., P.O. Bo (All Bid 'ropoaals were acecap. ed by Bid Bonds in the amount of 10%) S 90,279.24 All Bids were referred tp be City Boginear, Georg. E. Holyoke, for tab'p ~ation to be orted u on at the t ...tin of the City Council, November 1, 1956, 1......._11.00 Q 'ClOCk. A.M. on motion by Co ilman Van Wagoner, seconded byCouncilllan tcbutte. IIJTlON CARRISD. UBLIC HEAlI", RBCLASSIFICATION F-55-56-1& Sue.ltted.by Prudential Homes, Inc. requ..tljg property d.scrlbed: iefly as t'. south.ast 14 acres of Baat La Palma AveRl_ and Placentla Avenu be reclasslfled fram R-A to C-2. The City Planning COMMls.~n, pursuant to their Besol~tlon .No. 42, recQD- ~nded the reclassification to C.l: ~ning subject to the following condltfons. Deed Restrictions of the City of COMMERCIAL. I-street improv_ents on North ~t La Palma Avenue which will eet from the centerline of both 1. The filing of Standa Anaheill for C-l, NEI 2. The installation of. f Placentia Avenu. and: place the curbs at 41 streets. j The Mayor asked if anyone rshed to address the Council on the matter. Mr. Harry L. Scholer add~ tSed the Council with reference to proposed development of tbis area. ! Discussion was held relat e to the drainage probl..s of this area, and Mr. Scholer advised the Council that a foot easement fOf drainage and sewer would be granted as required by the Engineet 9 Department. The~e being no further dl +Ussion on the matter, the Mayor declared. the bea~in9 closed. . ~LUTION NO. 2971. Councilman Sc .1'tte offered Resolution No. 2971 and moved for Its passage and adoption, authorlzl reclassification of this area to C-l with the provision that adequate easement fodrainage be provided, and further that the conditions as outlined by the City ~annin9 Commission be complied with within .1xty (60) days. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RES,OLUTION Of THE CITY COUtCIL 01' tHAT A CHAJI3S OF ZONE IS NECSSSARY IX, CHAP!SR. 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNIC] CHANGE OF ZONa. (F-55-56-1 ) . B CITY OF ANAHBIM FINDING AND DSTERMINING CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY AND THAT ARTICLE CODS SHOULD BE AMBNDBD TO JP:PlFLISH SAID On roll call the foregoin lresolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vot.. AYES, t<<)ESJ ABS,BNT I son, Fry, SChutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. COUN:I LMEN a COUtCILMENa CQUlCILMENa The ~yor declared the fo olng resolution duly passed and adopted. o o n foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. 1232 Cit California October 25 1955 - 7:00 P.M. RECLASSIFICATION NO. F Nadine Vandezande requ side of Cypress Street! thorpe and La Palma Av~ 56-7: Submitted by Mrs. Dorris Johnson and Joseph and ing C-l zoning on property described briefly as the east Placentia Avenue approximately half way between Orange- Public Heari~ taken by the Council a, Corrununicatio~ mitted and read, setti1 the suggested C-l zone I the City Council to ch~ that development has n~ fication is granted by I conditions as set fortH by the owners of the p~ The agreement to commerl agreement and signed b~ was held on this matter October 11, 1955 with action to he later date. rom Mr. Harry S. Apter, Attorney for applicants, was sub- forth the uses to which the property would be restricted, strictions, and further, consenting to the reservation by e the zone without objections from the owners in the event commenced within a period of two years after the reclassi- e Council. The communication further stated that these ill be incorporated into an agreement which will be signed erty on the condition the property is reclassified C-l. development within the two-year period is to be a separate 11 owners of property within the area. RESOLUTION NO. 2972: q for its passage and adq No. F-55-56-7 subject ~ and further subj ect to ! ncilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2972 and moved ion, authorizing the change of zone pursuant to application the conditions outlined by the City Planning Commission nditions as outlined by communication of Mr. Harry S. Apter. Refer tion Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CI] A CHANGE OF ZONE IS NE CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHE OF ZONE. (F-55-56-7). OUOCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT SARY IN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY AND 1HAT ARTICLE IX, MUNICIPAL CODE SHOULD BE AMENDED TO ACCOMPLISH SAID CHANGE r On roll following vote: e foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. None. PUBLIC HEARING: ROCLA questing reclassificati trian,gular portion on I FICATION, NO. F-55-56-9: Submitted by Glen E. Boyles re- from R-A to R-3 on property described briefly as that north side of Romneya Drive east of West Street. The City COUll 01, on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Council- man Wisser, moved to r' t the date for Public Hearin on this matter to November 8. 1955 7:00 o'clock P. t. MOTION CARR! PUBLIC HEARING: in taxicab rates was s Public Hearing was ord~ of said Public Hearing and Legal Notice of sai October 14, 1955. IN TAXICAB RATES: Application by E. A. Slagle for increase Otted to the'City Council October 11, 1955, at which time to be held on the matter October 25, 1955. Written notice s mailed to applicant by the City Clerk, October 11, 1955, ublic Hearing was published in the Anaheim Bulletin, o The requested te schedule is as follows: 40 cents flag drop and first mile; 10 cents each addi .onal 1/4 mile (present charge, 10 cents each additional 1/3 mile); $4.00 per ho I, waiting time. The Mayor there being no one, wished to address the Council on the matter; hearing closed. RESOLUTION NO. 2973: C: its passage and adoptio cilman Wisser offered Resolution No. 2973 and moved for Refer Book, page 1233 resolution duly passed and adopted. Ci A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUlCIL 0' TO C. E. BRILIY AND E. A. SLAGLE, I> COIFANY, FCR tAXI SERVICE IN THe c~ rnia October 5 1955 - 7.00 P.M. E CITY OF ANAHEIM CiiANTING A RATE IlCREASE YELLOW CAB SERVICE OF ANAHEIM AND CITY CAB OF. ANAHEIM. On roll call the forego~ ~ resolution was duly passed and adopted by the fOllowing vote. AYE, NO., ABSENT & COUN:I LME.NJ COtJ)K;ILMEN, COUlCILMEN I Fry, Schutte,. Wisser, and Van Wagoner. o The Mayor declared the ~ JlBIANCE NO. 4i3. Submitted by Fr Y. Kenyon requesting permission to erect a IIltiple Unit Dwelling at 832 South 11adelphia Street. Public Hearing was held "ferred to thls dateo II5OLUTION NO. 2914& After further .pplication, COuncilman Schutte mov "solution No. 2974 and moved for i Refer to Resolution Book, A RESOLlTTION Of THE CITY COUtCIL OF the City Council October 11, 1955 with action nsideration by the City Council on this the variance be denied and thereupon offered I pa ssage and adoption. age E CITY OF ANAHEIM DENYING VARIAN:E NO. 413. I resolution was duly passed and adopted by the On roll fOllowing vote. I AYes, CO. UN; ILMENa p~. ~son, Fry, SChutte,Wisser, and Van Wagoner. HOBI. COUtCI UtEN a NO . ABSlNTa COUtCILMENl No . The Mayor declared the f~ ~ing resolution duly passed and adopted. ~LASSIFICATIQN NO. ~54-55-41 a i tted by Tidwell and Bernier requesting 0-1 aid R-3 zoning in Tract No. 2757. R olution No. 2884 authorizing said reclassi- flcation, subject to certain conditi s, was passed by the City Council August 9, 19!)5. The declaration of deed restr tions was recorded and'a copy thereof was Slbmitted. The City Engineer report that engineering requirements would be incorporated in the final map of thi tract. n ~INANCE NO. l021. Councilman SchU e offered Ordinance No. 1021 for first read- ing and moved lor its passage and ad tiono AI CRDINAlCE Of THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ~CIPAL C(l)ElELATING TO lHE ESTAS .EIN REGULATING THE USE OF LAND, A IMP SHOWING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID V!pING FOR ~TMENT, AMENDMENT, A VIOLATION AND REPEALING ALL SECTIONS ("'54-55-41 ) . After hearing read in full Ithe tl tIe of Ordinance No. 1021 and having knowledge of the contents therein, C cilman Fry moved the reading in full of said ordinance be waived. Councilma .isser seconded the motion. Motion unani- mOusly carried. ING ARTICLE IX CHAP!. 2 OF niE ANAHEIM SHMENT OF' ZONES IN DiE CITY a,F ANAHEIM AND GfT OF BUILDINGS AND YARD SPACES, AOOPTING NES, DEFINING THE TERMS USED THSlEIN; PRO- ENRRCEMENT; PR~RIBING PENALTIES FOR PARTS OF S~TIONS IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. ~ MANOR ANNEXATION, Recommenda' on of the Anahe1m C1ty Planning Comm1ss1on relative to the annexation of territo designated as Midwood Manor Annexation was subnitted and read. Said report s ordered received and filed on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councl ran Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Alderson requested that his property be omitt i from the proposed annexation; however, it was determined that the boundaries sh ~ld remain as presently established and a reduction or exclusion be made ate I ~er date. RQIOLUTION NO. 2975. Councilman Wiss t offered Resolution No. 2975 and moved for its passage and adoption. n Refer to Resolution Book, o 1234 c A lISOLUTI.ON OF THE Cl AIN'T OF PROOSJmINGS (IIJ:MO(J) MAtOl ANNEXA r COtM;IL OF THI! CITY OF ANAHBlMCPN~NT1NG TOm- ~UUIt~~ S ANNIXATION Qf INHABItlb T!RR1TORY TO THE' ctTY Of ANAMlttM., On roll following vote. e foregoing resolution Was duly PIS8.a and adopted by the AYBS. f()IS & A&$SNT . lLMINJ Pearson, Fry, Sthutte. Wlsa.r, and Van '.;on.r. ILMIINa None. 1LMIN. None. red the foregoing resolution duly p.I.1.d and adoptld. I RIIOLUTIQN HO. 2976, q ncllman Pry offered Resolution No. 2976 and moved for its pal.ag. and adoption. ! Refer to aes1 A IUISOLUTION OF THB CI VIY1N; TQ THE CITY OP UTlLIty 'URPaSH. (CS tion Book, page CU. r<<::U. OF lHE CITY OF.Al'WllU.M ~..t1~ A. caAIi.... ....~......,.-.~ ~ 11M CBRTAIN IBAL PR(J)BRTY PaR AN IASIMINT PC*.,' . ,. .: C YMANOfl. On roll fOllowing vote. e foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by tho AYIiS. NOIS J ABSSNT. Pearson, Pry. Schutte, Wite.rt and VanWlgoner. None. None. [ ed the foregoing resolution duly passed end adopted. RIIOLUTION NO. 2977. C cilman Schutte offered Resolution No. 2977 and movld for it. p.ssage and adoptio A IUOLutION OF THE eI VlYtNQ TO THe CIty OF P~'IS. RBI) J. TH OUl<<;IL QF THE CITY OF ANAHIIM A~8Prt,HG...- A. ~....' ...... .. 111M CBllTAIN REAL PROPIRTY trQll AN IAIIMINT JIQI I . T On roll call following vote. foregoing resolution was duly Passed ahdaOoptld 'by the AYBS. NOaa I ABSSNt. Pearson, Fry, Schutte, W18ser, and Van_,onOf. None. None. ed the foregoing resolut10n dUly passed 1M .8pI_. allfOurrION NO. 2970. C, cilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution NCh 2"8 and movli fo~ it. passage and ado~ on. ,.. C';~I:S O~Iri&O~I~~ ~~i.~:I~:~~:Illt~ ~m~ *-=- . PUIl.1C UTIUTY PURPOSES. (ClAM11l AND DIfJARtMINT 0' V8r.~' A"~%RI~' ~ I1A1I. Of CALIFCIlNIA).' , On roll following vote. foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the AYES. NOESl ABSENT. Pearson, Fry, SChutte, Wisset, afidV,n WlI6ft.f. None. None. the foregoing reSOlutiOn duly passed _nd adopted, 1235 Ci I J.O.S. RePORt. Report of expenses. .~'aid on Joint out. fall sewer.. se.ctio..n 2 for the month of September, 1955 was subm~ed, approved, and ordered received and filed on motion by Councilman Wisser, sanded by Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. lEST ANAHEIM ANNEXATION NO. 21 Re ~rt of the Orange County Boundary Commission, dated October 10, 1955, finding to lboundaries of the proposed annexation known as lest Anaheim Annexation No.. 2 to b Ireasonably definite and certain, was submitted, read, and ordered received and fil on motion by Counc/ilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman SChutte. MOTION CARRI o i PERSONNEL. The Administrative Of~~er reported the appointment of Ruth Ellen lutsch9. ~p~ntic~Draftsman. fot he Engineering DeP.artment. Said appointment was ratified by the City Council, . motion by Councilman SChutte, seconded by Counci Iman Fry. &DTION CARRI ED. ! I J.O.S. MINUT.. The Minutes of th Executive COIIIDittee of the Joint Outfall Sewer Meeting held October 6, 1955 were bmitted and ordered approved and filed on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, second by Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. ! CAN;ELLAT40NpF Cln TAXESl On m9 on by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman F,y, cancellation of C! Taxes was authorized on property purchased by the State of California for highwa purposes and formerly assessed to Gilbert Groves and Ida Losleben. MOTION CARRIED. I i PLUMBlR BOND. Plumber Bond submi t ~ by Frank Roderiguez was ordered received and filed when approved by the City At rney, on motion by Councilman SChutte, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARR ATIONa Request of Northern Orange County ty to sell balloons, October 29, wassubmi tted Request of the Fremont J or High School P.T.A to sell coffee from booths r-t ,t various 1000ations along the par ,e route, October 29. was subni tted and read. l J Co~unication from the the 32nd Annual Halloween Festival, requested by various local service elm Chamber of CODIllerce, General Chairman of rging the granting of applications to vend, lubs, was submitted and read. On motion by Councilman requests were approved by the City sary arrangaaents are to be made w utte, seconded by Councilman Fry, said above uncil. MOTION CARR.IED. ~ior to sales, neces- the Police Department. INVITATIONa General Chaiman of tation to the Mayor and City Counc Parade, October 29, 1955. Said in 32nd Annual Halloween Festival extended invi- to ride in the vanguard of the Halloween ation was accepted with thank's. CORRESPO~.J CODIIlunicatlon fr appointment 0 J. Frank Wharton of this division of the League, was on motion by Councilman Schutte, s range County League of Cities relative to guna Beach, Field Secretary representing itted, read, and ordered approved and filed nded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION C~lED. R~ORTI Qrange County Progress Re filed on motion by Councilman Yap CARRIED. t No. 4 was subnitted and ordered received and oner, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION ~BOR BOU~EVARDJ Communication f the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company relative to the cost of relocating lephone poles on Harbor Boulevard was ordered referred to the Administrative Offi ' r for investigation and report. o MAGNOLIA TRUt<< SewSlI ANAHEIM - F TONI Di scussion was held on the exchange and transfer of capacity rights he en the City of Fullerton and the City of Anaheim due to the annexation by ea city of territory fODmerly within the sponsored areas of the other, and . proposed purchase by the City of Anaheim from the City of Fullerton of an ad ~tional one million gallon capacity right in the Magnolia Trunk Line. A chart 1 ~izing the valuation of the transfers and the cost of the additional capacity ~n the Magnolia Trunk Sewer was presented. ,., II ii i ~'''*~~ ~ r 1236 The total co. of the City of Anaheim to Fullerton, plus 2 per cent interest from November ~ 1950 to November 15, 1955, is $91,409~32. On motion bY: uncilman Wlssert seconded by Counc~lman SChutte, the ex- ch8.nge and purchase of acity rights was approved and authorized and the City Attorney requested to p are the necessary resolutions and agreements. MOTION CARRIED. i CRDINANCE 00. 102,2. Co4 ing and moved for its p1 AN ORDINAf(;E OF THE Clnt 6100.23, 6100.24, 6l00.~ CODE. ' QRl)lNAIc;E NO. moY~ for its ilman Van Wagoner offered Ordinance No. 1022 for first read- age and adoption. F ANAHEIM AMENDING AHTICLE. VI, CJ{APTER l, S&;TIONS 6100.22. AND 6100.47, SUBDIVISION 't{a)" QF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL ilman Fry offered Ordinance NQ.. 1023 for first reading and adoption. I AN PRDINAK;E OF mE CIr:!. OF DiE ANAHEIM MUNICIPALj A.S SUBDIVISION "(f)r i ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICLE. I I 41 CHAPTER a,.Ss::TION 2651.9 DE BY ADDING A NEW SUBDIVISION THERSTO TO BE PE$IGNAT80 SlREETa It had been reported that the Medical Building ing used a s an emergency ho spi tal and thereby di sturbing This verbal report was ordered investigated. RE N TO DUTY HUBERT L return to duty of Hubert! April, 1955. It was repQ return to work; however, exertion or speed. Mr. he could be of real servi Turner felt it might be ~ another doctor. Fire Chi any emergency vehicle. Gl Discussion was held by the Council relative to the dig, Fire Captain, who had suffered a heart attack in ed that the attending physician stated Mr. Ladlg could e work must be of a nature that did not require physical doch felt that with Mr. Ladig's knowledge and experience, to the City in working with the Fire Inspector. Mr. isable to secure an additional physical report from , Ed Stringer, stated that Mr. Ladig would not be driv1n~ At the conclu the recommendation that Department. Councilman ~ The Mayor declared the me) n of this discussion, Councilman Schutte moved to approve Ladig return to light duty as an Inspector on th. Fire Wagoner seconded the motion. Councilman Fry yotilU"no.." on carried. R-AZONING OF NEWLY ANN addressed the Council re allow the establishment 0 should be in a zoning cl~ TERRITORY; Mr. Charles Ridgeway, 638 Buttonwood Street, ive to R-A zoning in newly annexed territory which would churches or schools. He felt that perhaps this use ification of its own. T I OF DEPAR Offi~er, recommend a c establishment of a new d~ This department would co " other departments, such ~ Engineering Department; ~ ation Department; Mainte ing Department; and also This newly established d maintenance and operation charge of all-agreements a cal aspects relating to np mended the appointment of Works and be responsible f as Assistant Administrativ operative as of November 1 OF PUBLIC WORKS Mr. Keith A. MJrdoch, Administrative ge to Section 2471 of the Anaheim Municipal Code and the rtment, to be known as the "Department of Public Works." ne the maintenance and operation activitiesofverlous Street and Sanitation, now under the jurisdiction of the e Trimming Services, presently under the Park and Recre- ce and Operation of City FaCilities, now under the Build- ld include the operations of the City's Shop and ~rage. tment would alleviate these other departments of notmal tivities. The Engineering Department would then be in contracts for construction and would handle all techni- al maintenance and operation. Mr. Murdoch further recom- F. Priday to be in charge of the Department of Public its activities, in conjunction with his present ,duties Officer. He further recommended this department be 19550 ORDlNAN:;E f\X). 1024. Coun~ aqd .oved for its passagel offered Ordinance No. 1024 for first rea~ing 1237 Cit Hall Anaheim Cal. 1955 - 7.00 P.M. AN CJIDINAtCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHgI~ MENDING ART1CLE II CHAPTER 4 PART 6 SB:;TIONS 2470 AND 2471 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNIC] L CODE AND CREATING A DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC ~KS. After hearing read in f~ tbe title of Ordinance No. 1024 and having knowledge of the contents therein, uncilman Fry moved the reading in full of said ordinance be waived. Councilman Va: ,Wagoner seconded the motion. Motion unanimously carri ed. pEw-ALK RBP~SI On motion by Co "goner, the ~perintendent of Str~ South Olive Street and 129 West Ce~ sidewalks at these locations. A<<}TI' i ilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Van s was directed to post the premises of 210 Street relative to the necessary repairs of CARRIEDIl ~UEST FOR BUIINESS LICENSE, Requ C.lifornia Tract Ter.mite Control Co Officer for investigation who advis their request until the area was of for business license submitted by the Southern ny had been referred to the Administrative the company that no action could be taken on ially annexed to the City of Anaheim. ! ~~IA.l'l;E NO. 438& ~r Construction Company requesting Waivers of front, rear, and side yard requirem ~s on certain lots in Tract No. 2242. i ~IANCE NO. 4i9j Submitted by Heft ~r Construction Company requesting Waivers of ---.ont and rear yard requirements on ~rtain lots in Tract No. 2401. I The City Rlanning Commis$ ~n, pursuant to their Resolution No. 58, granted Variances Nos. 438 and 439. ! No action on these varian I ~s was taken by the City Council. i I . . ~MahOney requesting permission to erect a ~n, pursuant to their Resolution No. 59, denied I VMiIAl'CE NO. 440: Subni tted by A. f.lpl~x Dwelliag at 906 West Broadwa The City Planning Commis~ said variance. No action was taken by th I City Council. ~~I~E NO. 4411 Subni tted by F. , t P.. Construction Company requesting pel.'8li.ssion to erect a temporary Directional Si~ ,advertising the sale of lots and houses in Tract No. 2350. The City Planning Commis$ said variance subject to the followi their Resolution No. 60, granted 1. 2. $m size of 250 square feet. for a maximllll period of 6 months Signs shall be a maxi Signs will be permitt or less. A permit must be take The name of the sign erected. Signs must be 10 feet any street or highway At the intersection 0 back 25 feet. All signs shall have The fee per sign shal Sign variances shall advertising only trac i Jout with the Building Department. ~mpany must appear on every sign ~ack of the right-of-way line of I I lthe streets, the signs must be set I I i !6-foot ground clearance. ~be $25.00. permitted for dire.ctional signs within the City Limits of Anaheim. 3. 4. 5.. 60 70 8~ 9. V_IAtCE NO. 443& Subni tted by Mrs.. the garage on property at 1501 East No action was taken by th lCity Council. ohn A. Kufahl requesting pe~ission to use ter Street for a One-Operator Beauty Shop. The City Planning Commiss.'n, pursuant to their Resolution No. 61, granted said variance subject to a sign not er 6 ihches by 24 inches. No action was taken by th pity Council. Q n,..'....,........ ! , i " n 1238 m California October.25 1955 - 7.00 P.M. VAQlAlCE NO. 444: Su move in a Temporary Bui cated just north of thel Euclid Avenues. . ted by Helen and Laura M. Porter requesting permission to ng to be used for a Real Estate Office on property 10- rvice station at the northeast corner of l.a Palma and The City Plan said variance for a per 9 Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 62, granted of six (6) months. o ken by the City Council. V AIllAlCS NO. 4461 Subm the 7Q-foot frontage re Road, between EUClid Av The Ci ty Plan* said variance subject t~ ad by George M. Holstein and Sons requesting a Waiver of rement in Tract N00 2779 which is located south of Ball e and Nutwood Street. pursuant to their Resolution NO. 63, granted of annexation proceedings. No action wasl I Councilman Sc>> Councilman Van Wagoner , ken by the City Council. te moved to adjourn to November 1. 1955~ 11.00 o'clock A.M.. onded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED. SIGNED. n .J o 1239 Ci The Ci ty Counci 1 of the C ~y of Anaheim met in Adjourned Regular Session. PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, y, Schutte, and Wisser. ABSENT: COUrcILMAN& Van Wagon C!TY ATTCRNEY, PRESTON TURNERI Pr CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER, KEITH' Present. ,~ARD OF BID, JOB NO. 1061: The C~ l Engineer, Georg,e Eo HOlyoke, reported on Bids JI...... b ulated. for.. the construction of t.., Kate.lla A.venue Trunk U. ne Sewer, from.. Haster Street to Pla..ntla Avenue, Job No" 061, and stated that Charles J. Dorfman was low bidder ($13,696.47) and recomm. ed the acceptance of ,aid bid. tJ:$OWTION 00, 29791 Councilman wt ~er offered Resolution No. 2979 and DlOVed for its passage and adoption.o Refer to Resolution Bookt A RESOLtrrION OF THE CITY COUlCIL Of ~ AWARDII<<:; ~. CONTRACT TO THE LCM~ ~NT, LABCIi ,SffiVlCES, MATERIALS A JfCUDING POWIR, FUEL, AND WATER, .4 COMPLETE THE POLLOWING PUBLIC IMPR' .OM HASTER STREET TO PLACENTIA AVa HE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED PROPOSAL RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE FURNISHING OF AIl EQUIPMENT AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION. PERFORMING ALL WCIlK Nff;ESSARY TO CONSlROCT AND MENTI THE KATELLA AVENUE TRUNK LINE SEWER, E JOB NO. 1061. ( CHARLES J. DORFMAN). On roll call the foregoin 11',reSO!ution was duly passed and adopted by the fOllowing vote. AYES. COUOCILMENI p~"... .,son, Fry, SChutte, and Wisser. l<<>ES. COUPCILMEN; No . ABSStIT: COUH::ILMANI Va Wagoner. The Mayor declared the fo 01ng resolution duly passed and adopted. ATE COMP NSAiION INSURAtCE POLICY: tltion Ins~aqCe rund Workmen's C 1"5 to Nov.....r 29, 1956) was aut on motion by Councilman Wisser, sec Renewal of insurance wi th the State Compen- nsation Insurance, for the period November 29, zed and in! tial prendum of $800.00 approved, ed by Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. Q6lCELLATION 0' CITY TAXES: Cancell ~ion of Ci ty Taxes on property purchased by the Slate of California to be used for~ .hway purposes, and formerly assessed to Virgil II. Parker and Elbert I. Blower, was. . thorized on Dlotion by Councilman Wisser, MConded by Councilman Schutte. K>t I N CARRIED. ,OLUfION NO., 2980: Councilman Fry bffered Resolution No. 2980 and moved for its passage and adoption. ' Refer to Resolution Book, fge ~E CITY OF ANAHEIM DETERMINING THE Nff;ESSITY EMINENT DOMAIN OF, REAL PROPERTY FCE THE OPfRTY NEAR SMART AM) FINAL WAREHOUSE). ABESOLtTrION Of THE CITY CO~IL OF ., AND DIRS:TING THE AC ISITION J9Uc PARKING' OF MrrOO VEHICLES. On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following votea AYES I NOES. ABSEJfr: COU~ILMENI COU~I LMEN I COU~I LMAN I Pea .on, Fry, Schutte, and Wisser. Non .~ Van\fagoner.. The Mayor declared the resolution duly passed and adopted. RUOLtTrION 1<<). 29811 Councilman Seh te offered Resolution No. 2981 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, e ~ [];. ........ I .. I.".. . o