1955/11/08 n ! 1 ~ r i I I \'.WiiIIII' r-i U , I 1242 of the City of Anaheim met in Regular Session. PRESENT. CQUK:I LMEN I AB~ENTI COur<<;ILMENa CITY ATTCRNEY, PRESTON T CITY A~NI5TRATIVE OFFI earson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. one. I Present. , KEITH A. MURJ)((;Ha Present. e Regular Meeting held October 25, 1955 and Adjou~ned er 1, 1955, 11100 o'clock A.M. were approved on motion seconded by CouncillR8n Wisse;r. 1.()TION CARRIED. ! MINUTESJ The Minutes of I Regular Meeting held Nov by Councilman Van Wagone RESOLUTION NO. 2984. Co~ ilman Wisser offered Resolution No. 2984. and movld for its passage and adOPtion~ Refer to Resol, A ResoLUTION OF THE CITY PAYIlENT OF DEMANDS AGAIN lJt(;IL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVlOO AND DIRB:TING THE THE CITY AS OF NOVEMBER 8, 1955. (SI91,174.35)_ On roll fOllow1ng vote. } foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the AYES. NOES I ABSENT. Pearson, Pry, SChutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. None. d the foregoing relolut1on duly paslld andadoptH. PUB C H 1001 L Public Hearing was held purluant to Resolution No. 2962 publ ed in the Anahel. Bulletin October 25 and November It 195~ and notices mailed t owners of property within the territory propoltd for annexation, known as Bal~ oad Annexation No.2. Mrs. B. A. Swaq ct, Court Reporter" was sworn in and instructtd to take the proceedings of the h~ ing and to transcribe the same to b. forwarded to the City Clerk and made a pa# of the record. The Ci ty Clerk s sworn in by the Ci ty Attorney. Affidavit of t~ City Clerk containing list of property owner. to whom written notices were mai~ October IS, 1955 was presented, t0geth.~ with attacbed copy of notice mailed. the land in the proposed annexation il $369.4<<).08. Written protest was subGdtted by Homer C. protest of the inclusion also subad tted. The valu followsl Homer C. Guttr~ 81-230-20, $840.00, Tot. o the annexation, with description of ~rop.rty th.~ein, ttridge through Attorney James E. Walker. Written property owned by M. A. Salben and Catherine Seibtn w.. ion of the properties in protest to annexatIon are as e, A.P. No. 36-231-07, $3,850.00, M. A. Saib.n, A.P. No. $4,690.00. $ ordered to be continued to the Regular M..tingto b. 'clock P.M. to allow the required ten day.' additional lemental protests, on motion by Councilman Van Wagon.r, tte. I.()TION CARRIED. I Submi tted by Glen E. Boyl', rt- briefly as that triangular portion on tne north .ide of Street, be re~la8sifled to R-3. The Ci ty PIannlj mended laid reclassiflca~ Co.1a.ion, pursuant to their Resolution No. 52, recOIl- subject to the following condit!ons& 1. The deedln~ f 10 feet along the north lide of West RoDtneye Dri! to the Ci ty of Anaheim for the future widening of mneya Dri VA. 1243 Cl 2. Engineering :requirena~t$. The City Engineer, Georg IE, HOlyoke, advised the Couo'll that the required deed had been presented to him for ~hetking and rec.ipt by the City Coun~11. RESOLUTION NQ~ 2985& Councilman S. its passage and adoption. tte offered Resolution No. 2985 and moved for Refer tQ Resolution Book ~age rrHE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT AIN AREAS OF THE CITY AND THAT ARTICLE IX, DE SHOUID BE ~NDED TO ACCOMPLISH SAID CHANGE A RESOLUTION OF me CITY COUN:;IL A CHANGE OF mNE IS NS:ESSARY IN G CHAPTER 2 OF tHE ANAHEIM MUNICI PAL OF ZONE. (F-65-56-9). On roll following vote. i resolution wa6 duly passed and adopted by the AYES. NOas. ABSENT. COUrcI LMENI COt>>CILMEN. COUN:; I LMEN: P rson, Fry, SChutte, Wisser, and Van WagQner. ~~ t: The Mayor declared the :resolution duly paseed an.d adopted. TENTATIVE MAP. 1RACT NO. 2913 AND V IAtCE NO. 445. Variance No. 445 submi tted by R. N. Dick.~n J. H. Millett, Age requesting a waiver of the 10-foot frontage and 7200 squaJ'e foot lot area requ1 ants in Tract No. 2913. The Cl ty Planning Commi S6 n, pursuant to their Re6olut1o~ No. 64, granted taid varIancft for lots wi th a mini frontage of 60 feet and 'for" lot areas having . minimum of 'to()() square feet. No action was taken by tb. JCI ty Coun~ll. , Tentative Map, Tract No. at the southeast corner of Baxter Street and Ro~ey8 Drive. The City Planning Commiss~n approved said tentative map subject to the following CondltionSJ ' 1. Lots 10, 11, 30, 31,~d 50 be chan9EKt to have frQntages of 61 feet. The payment of $25.00 fer lot for the acquisition of Park and ReCreation Sites. Utility easements be between A Str.et and The utili ty e.seDtent 8 feet in width~ and in width. Baxter Street must be roved with a Dd.nimurn Pavement of 32 feet to provide acces ~nto and out of Street A and Street B. 5. Engineering requirem 2. 3. en ROJRneya Drive and A Street and ,Street netd only be 10 feet in width. ' th ,ot B Street must be a mln1mt$1 of ,e ~orth-south ease.ent must be 8 feet At. The City Council approved of lots to have 1G-foot frontages, Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. TENTATIVE MAP, TRACT NO. 28551 Located directly east of Yvonne Redondo Drive easterly. id tentative map subject to the easterly tier motion by Councilman SChutte, seconded by ~~, Harold Daoust and Arsene Ohanian. " which is deadend street leading from The City Planning Cammissi n approved said tentative map Subject to the following Condi tions: 1. The payment of $25.00 ,r lot for the acquisition of Park and Recreation S1tes. o a o n , j i ~ r! i r f 1244 1955.. 7.00 P M. 2. Exterior ef' width. Ea the tract 3. Englneerin ents must be a minimum of 8 feet in ent alignment along the east side of be necessary. equlrements. The City Cbun~. approved said tentative map subject to~oQndltions as outlined by the City Pla ng Co_sslon, on motiQn by Councilman Sthutte. seconded by Councilman Wisser. ON CARRIED. Subdivider, Samso., Bilt Homes. Located at bert and Crescent Avenue. The City Plann~ Co.Ddsslon approved the revi&~d tentative map subject to the following condition$~ 1. a portion of the subdivls1on" must be 2. for the acquls1 tion Qf 3. The City Council pproved said revised tentative map subject to the COndi- tiQn$ 8$ outlined by the' ty Planning CoDllrl. Baibo, on motion by CQunci l.an Van Wagener, seconded by Cou~ lman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. REVISED TENTATIVE MAP Un._ln Avenue and east 0 Located north of The Ci ty Planni both the County of Orangel furnish water and sewers map 'ubject to the followS. Commission advised that this tract had been filed with d the Ci ty of Anahel_ due to the fact the t Anaheim will this tract and thereupQn appr'v~ the ttvis$'d tentative condi tionSJ 1. The payment $25.00 per lot for the acquisition of Park and Rat tien Sites. 2. Completion, annexation proceedings. 3. Engineering! quirements. The City Counci~ Wiss.r, moved to reco_en~ Tentative MaPt Tract No. 2 Commission. MOTION CARRI on motion by Countl1man Schuttet seconded by CounCilman pproval to the County Planning Commission of Revised 8 subject to conditions as outlined by the City Planning FINAL MAP. TRACT NO. 2791* of Magnolia and Orange Ave Subdividert Gains Homes. es" Located at the southeast corn,r The Ci ty Engine, George E. HOlyoke, reported that all bonds had been posted and all necessary f s paid and recommended the acceptance and approval of said final map. Final Map of Tr. No. 2791 was approved by the City Council lubject to engineering requirements 0 motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. PLUMBER BONDS; Plumber BQ s submdtted by Argl1 Bros. Plumbing and J. E. Kirk were ordered received and filed hen approved by the City AttorneYt on mation by Council- man Van Wagoner, seconded Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. .. .... MIDWOOD MANOR ANNEXATION1 to Circulate a Petition, ~ annexation of territory kn cation from Walter Fluegg~ 1~/2 acre orange grove 1:, South.rn Pacific Right of ffidavit of Publica:tion of Propon~nts' Notice of Intention 11shed in the Anaheim Bulletin November 1, 1955, f()r the as Mid.ood Manor Annexation. was submitted. Coanuni- dated October 26, 1955~ requ~sting the exelusion of their ted on the east side of Nutwood, just south of the , was submitted and read. RESOIlJIION NO.. 2QS61 Coun l.an Schutte offered ResQlution No. 2986 and moved for its passage and adQption. Refer to Resolut~ l245 On roll following vOi;t. resolution was duly passed andad~pted by the AYES. NOBSI ABSM J COUtCILMENa COUlCILMEN 1 CaUtCI LMEN I Fry, Schutte,. Wi~&er, and Van Wagoner. The Mayor declared the f ~Olng resolution duly pasMd and adopted. ~EEWAY ANN~TlaNl Orange County undary Commission's report dated October 31, 195~ was IUbIII. tted and read, findi that the boundaries of the. proposed annexation are reasonably defini te and certain ontingent upon the CCBpletion of the previous annexation to the City of Anabei.. ( acentia-Ball Annexation). Pla~entla-Ball ~... exation ollie 1al.lY beC.aIIl a part. f. I t. he City O. f A nahei~ .'feCtive.ol:. tObe..r. 28,. _ 1955. On .otton by Counci lsun Wiss ) seconded by Councilman Van Wagoner, the Orange County Boundary Collll1sslon's . eport was ordered received and filed. P&:>TION CARRIED. Pet! tion of. owners of pro ~rty wi thin the proposed Freeway Annexation was submitted and read. ' The following certificate ~f the Ci ty Clerk: was submi tted and read in full: "CERtIFICATE RELATING TO $ FICIEN:;Y OF PETITION FCIi THE ANNEXATION OF UNINHABITED TERRITCRY THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. STATE OF CALI~NIA ) COUNTY OF CRAJI3E ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, Cityc;lerk of the City' of AnaheJ.a,. do hereby certify that upon recfiving a pet! tion for,.e annexation of certain terr! tQry known and designated as the FREEWAY ANNEXATIO which terri tory 1& declared in said peti tlon to be uninhabited, that I exaDdned id peti ticn, the registration of v~ters of the County of Orange, and the laet lized assessment roll of the County of Orange, to aSGerUIn if said teni t is uninhabi ted and to ascertain if said petition is signed by the owners of?ot le6s than one-fourth of the land in the territory, by area and by assessed~luet as shown on the last equalized assess- ..nt roll of the County of Orange a4 that I have In$pected said territory. I hereby further certi fy .. t from such inspeCUonand txaAdnation$, I find that lesl than 12 registered viers resided within said territory at the time of the filing of said petition .or annexation and that said territory was at said time uninhabited territory. I (urther certify that from such inspection and examinatiGn and from a computatqn of the total area contained in said terri- tory, I find that $aid petition is~gned by the owners of not less than one-fourth of the land in the territQry, by ar , and by assessed value as shawn on the last equalized ass.ssment roll of the Co ~ty of Orangey and that said petition is suffi- cient in all respects. Dated this 8th day of Nay ,ber, 1955. (SEAL) / sf iii' M. W~ll~... CITY C OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM .. _SOLUTION NO. 2927; Councilman Va ~agoner offered Resolution No. 2987 and Moved for its passage and adoptiono Refer to Resolution Book, ge o o n n r 1246 m California November 8 1955 - 7.00 P.M. I A RESOLUTION OF THE CITYL PETITION FOR THE ANNEXA! ~ DESIGNATING THE TERRITORY THE TERR I TOR Y PROPQS ED T4> WHERE AND WHEN ANY PERSO~ BE ANNEXED MAY APPEAR BEf SHOULD NOT BE ANNEXED TO! 7;00 O'CLOCK P.M.). utCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACKNOWLEOOING RECEIPT OF A OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, S THE FREEWAY ANNEXATION, DESCRIBING THE BOUNDARIES OF E ANNEXED AND GIVING NOTICE OF THE DAY, HOUR AND PLACE WNING REAL mOPERTY WITHIN StCH TERRITORY SO PROPOSED TO E THE CITY GOUrcIL AND SHOW CAUSE WHY SOCH TERRITORY E CITY OF ANAHEIM. (PUBLIC HEARING. DECEMBER 13, 1955, On roll call following vote~ foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the AYES, NOES; ABSENT: Pearson, Fry, SChutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None" None. d the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted, RO~YA-WBST ANNErATION~ I etition requesting annexation of territory known and de.ig- natld as .Romneya-West An~ ation was referred to the Ci ty Clerk and County Clerk for checking, on motion by C~ c11man Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Fry, p.()TION GARRI ED. ORDINANCE NO. 1021; Cou~ lman Fry offered Ordinance No. 1021 for final reading and moved for its passage an~ option. AN CJiDINAl'CE OF THE CITY , MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING T THEREIN REGULATING THE US MAP SHOWING THE BOUNDARI FOR ADJUSTMENT, AMENDMENT! REPEALING ALL SECTIONS OR RESOLtITION NO. 2884). ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM HE ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND F LAND, HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS AND YARD SPACES, ADOPTING A F SAID ZONES, DEFINING THE TERMS USED THCREIN; PROVIDING ENFORCEMENT; PRESCRIBING PENALTIES Fat VIOLATION AND TS OF SECTIONS IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. ( F-54-o5-41 , I I After hearing r fin full the title of Ordinance No. 1021 and having knowledge of the contents erein, Councilman Wisser moved the rea. ding in full of said ordinance be waived. ouncilman Schutte seconded the motion. Motion unani- mously carried. On roll call th, oregolng Ordinance No. 1021 was duly passed and ~dopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Pearson, Fry, SChutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. None. the foregoing ordinance duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 1022& Coun4 man Fry offered Ordinance No~ 1022 for final readIng and moved for its passage and option. Refer to Ordinart AN CRDINAlCE OF THE CITY q ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICLE VIt CHAPTER 1, SECTIONS 6100.. .22, 6100.23 6100.24, 6l00.25~ ND 6100.47, SUBDIVISION "(a)" OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL . CODE~ AMENDS BUSINESS L E WHERE IT PERTAINS TO CIRCUSES, SIDE SHOWS, AND TENT SHOWS) . On roll call by the following vote; After hearing r knowledge of the contents of said ordinance be waiv mously carried. in full the title of Ordinance No. 1022aod h.viog rein, Councilman Van Wagoner moved the reading in full Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. Motion unaol- regoing Ordinance No. 1022 was duly passed and adopttd l247 Ci .. 7100 P M AYES: NOSS. ABSENT I COUtCILMEN: COUK:; I LMEN I COUOCI!.MEN I Fry, Schutte) Wisser, and Van Wagoner. Th. Mayor declared the fb ~going ordinance duly passed and adopted~ I (RDlNAtCE NO. ....102.31 ,Councilman Van tfagoner offered Ordinance No. 1023. for final reading and mDYed for its passage a ~ adoption. I Ref.r to Ordinance Book, ~ge I iN.'. '. CRDINAtI:. E Q... F 111. E CITY OF ANAH.EIM t' MENDIN. G ARTICLE II, CHAPTm 8, SB:;TION 265.1..9 Of THE ANAHEII MUNICIPAL CODE BY NG A NEW SUBDIVISION THERETO TO BE DESIGNATED ~ SUBDIVISIQ8 "(f)." (SALES TAX - mCHASES STORED WITHIN THE CITY FOR USE OUTSIDE THE CITY). ' ; On roll call the foregoli!l IOrdinance No. 1023 _s duly passed and adopted by the following vote: I AYES. tCES. ABSINTI COUOCILME.. NI. P t'son, Fry, SChutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. COUtCILMENI No . COUNCILMEN& No . The Mayor declared the fo fgoing ordinance duly passed and adopted. QRD.' INANCE~. 10241 Councilman Fry~ffered Ordinance No. 1024 for fin~l re~ding .nd moved for Its passage and adopt~n. Ref II' to Ordinance BOOk,1ge .Ml CIlDINAfCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIJl4MENDING ARTICLE II, CHAPTER 4, PART 6, SECTIONS 10470 AND 2471 OF mE ANAHEIM MUNICJ~L CODE AND CREATING A DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WJU{S. After hearing read in ful ithe title of Ordinance No. 1024 and having krtowledge of the contents thereln,4uncilm~n Fry moved the reading in full af said ordinance be waived. Council .~ Wisser seconded the motion. Motion unani- MOusly carried. AYES, NOES, ABSBn' & Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. On roll call the foregoin 10rdinance No. 1024 was duly passed and adopted by the following votel COUOCI LMEN a corne I LMEN It COUN:; I I.MEN. Fry, SChutte, Wisser, and Van Wa90ner~ The Mayor declared the fa olngordlnance duly passed and adopted. ~[)INAtCE NO. ~025& Councilman Wi s offered Ordinance No. 1025 for final read- Ing and moved for its passage and a tion. Refer to Ordinance Book, AN ORDINAtCE Of THE CITY OF ANAHEIM OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE BY AS SUBDIVISION 1t(9)." (SALES TAX - NDING ARTICLE II, CHAPrER B, Sa::TION 2651.9 A NEW SUBDIVISION THERETO TO BE DESIGNATED ARITABLE CEGANIZATIONS). On roll call the foregain prdinance No. 1025 was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: A YESt NOES, ABSENT a COUK:I LMEN & COUfC I LMEN I COUK:I LMEN & The Mayor declared the for olng ordinance duly passed and adopted. alDlNANCE NO. 10261 Councilman Schu ~e offered Ordinance No. 1026 for f1rst read- ing and moved for its passage and ad ~tlon. o n n n . "..... F ! 1248 8 1955- 7tOO P M. AN ORDINAtCE OF THE CIT MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING THEREIN REGULATING THE U A MAP SHOWING THE BOUti) VIDING FOO ADJUSTMENT, AND REPEALING ALL sa::no a.E~LUTION NO. 26~).. ' After hearing t d in full the ti tIe of Ordinance No. 1026 and baying JcnQIIIledge (If the cQntent · n, Couoc:il8Q Itlner __ t)}a.. ~ in full of said Qrdlnance be waived Co11nciJ..n Van ~.t-seConded the -nion. lIiItt10n unani- mously cani.ed. . ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICLE IX, CHAPT&R 2 OF THB ANAHEIM mE ESTABUSHMENT OF. ZDNES IN THE CITY OF. ANAHEIM AND OF LAND, HEIGIT OF BUILDINGS AND YAlID~~ES, AOOPrING S OF SAID ZONES; DEFINING THE TERMS USED THEREIN, PRO- AND ENFCRCEMENT, AlESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION <Ji PARTS OF SECTIONS IN CONFLICT THERBIITH. (F-54-~, ORDINANCE NO. 1027: Cou, !man Van Wagoner offered Ordinance No. 1027 for first read- lng and JIOVed for its paf 98 and adoption. AN CRDINAtCE OF THE CITY MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING THEREIN REGJIATIl<<1 THE MAP .SHOWING THE BOUNDARI FCR ADJUSTMENT, AIIENDMEN'1t REPEALING ALL SB:;TIONS ~ RESOLUrION NO. 2651). ANAHEIM AMEfC>ING ARTICLE IX, CHAPrER 2 OF lHE ANAHEIM mE ESTABUSHIIRtT OF ZDDS IN THE CITY OF ~M AfI) OF.UJID, HBIGHr OF JIOt.~IES Ml)YMD SPJI;E5, ADOPTING A OF SAID ZONES, DEFINING THE TERMS USED THEREIN, PROVIDING ND ENFCRCEMENTJ PRES:IUBING PENALTIES FCR VIOLATION AND ARTS OF SIETIORS IX COJIFLICT THmBfITH. ( F-54-5f>-26, After hearing It in full the title of Ordinance No. 1027 and having knowledge of the content~ herein, Councilman Wisser moved the reading in full of said ordinance be waived.1 ouncilman Schutte seconded the motion. MOtion unanimously carried. ON OF W Po... and Wa ter, certi fi , installation of 16" steel reC~ended the acceptanc I George F. Oelkers, Superintendent of Light, he completion by the Bejac Construction Company of the linder concrete water 11ne, Work OrdeX' No. 1349-, and f the WOK a.s of Oc-mber. 25, 1955. RESOLtrrION NO. 2988. Cou 1man Wi sser offered Resolutiqn No. 2988 and moved for its pasSlge and adoption. n Book., page A RESOLurIOrf .61=. THE CIlT PLETION AND THE FURNISHIN(; ALL UTIUTIES AND lRANSPCt WORK NOCESSAR Y TO CONSmw TIONOF A 16" WATER LINE ALOr<<; NUTWOOD S1REET TO AVE. 9 WCRK CRDER 00. 1349" On roll call th, .oregolng resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following v(lte; 1 QF'"'ESE crrr OF ^1~lEItlRMLLT A~t:PllM:; THE COM- F ALL PLANf, LABCR, SERVICES, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND TIOH ItCLUDING POWFB, FUEL, AND WATER, AND PERFCBMING A+L AND COMPLETE THE FOLLCMItG PUBLIC IMPROJEENT. CQ~TR~ THE INTER a:;nON OF CRONE AND LI AV S . AVE. THecE WESTSiLY ALONG OOANGE AV 0 AYES. NOES. ABSENT : Pearson, Fry, SChutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. . None. the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. C Power and Water, certified of the drilling of a 16" the work be accepted as of Geuge F. Oelkers, Supftintendent of Ught, e completion by the Barber-Bridge Drilling Corp., Ltd. r well, Well No.8, Work Order No. 1354, and recommended tober 28, 1955. RESOLUTION NO. 2989. Coun~ man Fry offered Resolution No. 2989 and moved for its passage and adoption. I ! I II j I I l I~ . t 1249 Ci A RESOLUfION Of THE CITY COUICI L 0 PLETION A)() TIm FtRNISHING OF ALL AND ALL UTIUTIES AND lRANSPalTATIJ ING ALL MmK MEl:ESSARY TO CONSTRUC IWNG A I WATeR WELL ON THE AND WEST STRSTS TO BE DESIGNATED 'THE CITY OF ANAHEIM PINALLY AP:EPTING THE CQM.. NT, LABai, SmVICES, MAtPRIALS AND EQUIPMENT IlCLUDING POWBi, FUEL, AND WATBi, AND PSiFCltM- ND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWlOO PUBLIC IMPROVEMBNTa H SIDE OF WEST LA PALMA AVEtI1E BETWEEN CITRON ELL NO. e," wauc amea NO. l35~. On roll call the foregol resolution... duly pasled and adopted by the fOllowing vote. ,[] , U AY.. NOS. ABSENT. Fry, SChutte, Wisser, and Van Wa9on'r~ COUN:: ILMEN I CoUtCI LMENa COmcII.MEN. Thl Mayor declared the 8going ~..olution duly paa.ed and adopted. COMPLETION 0' JOB 00. lOCh Georg. . HQlyoke, City Engineer, ;ertified tho ,__ ,letion by t1It R. J. Noble Coapany f the il1Prov_ent of Cr..c.nt Av",u.~ Job No~ 100. in aeco"ance with plana and cificationl as of October 31, 19&:', and reoOm- ..nded the watt be officially ace tSSOLUTION ~ 29101 Council.an WI1 .r off Ired Resolution No. 2990 and mov~ for Its passa,_ and adoption. On roll following yoU. n R.f.r tQ Resolution Book, rage A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COOEIL pterIoN All> TIlE PURNISHING OP ALL AND ALL UTIUTIES AND 1RAN~TATI 1M3 ALL fQtKJlB:BSSARY TO cbNSTR CR2SC YEflJE S1REET IMPROV JOB 00. 100. E CITY OF ANAHEIM flNALJ.Y ACCEPTI~ THE COM- NT, LAEOI, SSlVlCES, MATIRIALS AND EQUIPMENT IN:LUDING POWm, FUEL, AND WAT~, AND PetFCltM- COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBUC IMPROVSlENTa I resolution was duly pasled and adopted by the AYBSa NOES. ABSENT I cOurcILMENa COUtCILMENa COUICILMENa Fry, Schutte. W1lser, and Van Wagoner. The Mayor declared the f o1ng resolution duly palsed and adopted. pLETION OP JOB NO. 366& George I:. Holyoke, City Engin..r. e.rtif1ed the co>>- ,1eUon by th4t R. J. Noble COMpanYf the improv..nt of .Broadway, from EYelid to Magnol18 Avenues, JOb No. 366,1 jaccord.nee with plana ~nd .pecificat1~nl, and rec~nded the work be officia ~y accepted a8 of October 31, 195~. ,ESOLUTION NO, 29911 Coun~ilMn Va Wagoner offered R88GlutiQn NC). 2991 and _ved for i t.,-pa..aga and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, pag8 A RESOLtTrION OF niE CITY COtnClL Of . I'LETION AND 'liE RJRNISHING OF ALL AND ALL UTILITIES AM) TRANSPC2TATI PmMING ALL IIRK mcESSARY TO CONS .NT. THE BR lAY STREET IMPROV JOB NO. 366. E CITY OF ANA.HEIM PlNALI"Y ACCEPTING THE CO. NT, LABCR, SERVICES, IlATlRtALS AND EQUIPMeNT IM:;LWING POWER, fUEL, AND WATER, AND PB- AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVS- mOM EOOLID AVENUE TO LI n On :roll call the foregoin resolution was duly palSed and adopted by the following vote. AYES. NOES. ABSENT. COUtCILMEN& P tloo, Fry. SChutte, W111.r,and Van Wagoner. COUtCILMENI Ne.. t. COUtCI!.MEN a Nt,. The Mayor declared the fo koing re.olut1on duly palsed and adopted. 'l ~ J ,...... I ".-. ! : l2~ RESQt..UTION NO,2t12J CO~ 1lMn Sc:huttt offered Re.olution No. 2992 and .oYId fer ita pa..age and adDptton~ Refer tQ a,soli. A RJ!SOWTION OF THE CITY VEYING TO THE CITY OF A UTI LITY PURPOSES. BIR u.c! L OP THE CITY OP ANAHEIM ACCIp>TING A Cl\AHT D"~ -COM- 1M CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY PCE AN EASEMENT FCJl PUBLIC DEVELOPMENT COMPANY . On roll following yott. foregoing r..olutlen ... d~ly paa.ed end adopted by the AYES, NOES.. AB5SNT J Pearson, Pry, SChutte, wt...r, and Van Wagoner, Nane. Nonl. the foregoing r..olution duly passed and adopttd. RESOLUTION NO~ 2993& Cott 11118n Fry offertd Resolution No. 2093 and moved IQrl t. pa...g_ and adoption. A RBSOLUTION OF THE CITY VEYING TO THE CITY OF A tn"I LITY PURPOSES. MANI IL OF THE CITY OP ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANTD~ CON- 1M CERTAIN REAL PROPBtTY Pat AN BASEMENT PCR PUBLIC HI). On roll fOllOWing vot.. flregoing r,sQlution wal duly pasled .nd adopted by the AYES. NOES & ABSENT . Pearson, Fry, SChutte., Wtller" and Vln ,.agQn~r~ None. . None. the for'9oing relolut1on duly paSled and IdQpt,d. RESOLUTION NO. 2994. Cou l..n Van Wagon.r offered Resolution No. 2994 and IIOVtd for Its pIssage and adoptl . n Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY IL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A CIWtT Dasp CON- VEYIIIG TO THE CITY OF AN M CERTAIN REAL PROPSiTY POR AN EASeMENT Pat PUBLIC Ul'I UTY PURPOSES. HANA COMP AND LBI I LAND COMP. NY . On roll call th. ~cr~Din9 resolution was duly pe,..d and adopt.- by the follOWing yotea I AYES & NOES. ABSENT. P.arlon, Fry, Schutt., Wii..r, and Van Wagon,r. None. None. the foregoing resQlution duly p..sed and adopted. J Discu.,lon wee h.la on the pro- . 1n the Magnolia Trunk 8..1' tQ the Gard.n Grov. ty of Buena Park. Keith A. Murd.ch" Adadn1.trit1vt e, City Engineer, recommended the ,alt and adYi.1d the return to the Clty of Anahel. for their proport1,n of p,." sale of c~pac1 ty ri9 Sanitary District and the Offloer and George E. Holy CounCil tha t the approxiJU the .ale would be ~,339. RESOLUTION NO. 2995. Cou!t1 lman Wisser offered R.'Olution No. 29~ and MOved for its passage and adoption. n Book, pag_ 12Dl . 1Iry,IA_"-. '..... '.....,...1.. A 1I8OUJtlON 0' TRI CITY COUII:1.L _AIM ~CAIW'ITr ImT.Y ...... ." nlIlQ THI .. 01" A~ ~ COIftIACT%NG A.NT -. TO llillllltl A COImACT IU1 JCltTIII 1&. OF lAID COIrllG11t1' '1111 CITY 01 AllAu"lf U~1f'''_ ... &&-'~ OIl N ". _ m. ... TO THI .. "cr, . NI). co.Z. ,.0.. OJ w....4II). 4unD%ZZr<<l.THI...cz'n 11IICII ite .. 'I1J-IU_,,~'~M:a' . 01 -.w.. OJ um elfl. AJe.8ANrtAlY DISTRICTS ITY IICllTS. ., L '1 ..It ,,11-"'110 ~1l 0111 the f.~.... ""ll1\1en.. duly.... Ind adopt" by the 0 AYII. _. AlIIIT& COUtCILllNI COIIEI~. COllll:I..... ! The 1IIyti' dHl'l'ed th. t ...int 1'...laUen ...IY.....,.._.~... r"'. .' JrrT(N......... ~. '..J .~ .c.u....... 1M.'.. ...... .,'.......&'*_ NI. .....nd...... 'hI' s. te PIt. 1M edapi!en. r-" em 11' ~.'.'.. '...... . .. ...... ~.. '.. DWt. · _CIf!. .' THI.....u ,'. .' ...... toTHI % . .' , 0I1A&.It A. .-z~ THI COP a. lID 8Al%TMy'.s...,1I ..._ ..... TO 01' lAID CIT%. All) IANrfMY DII1IICT8 Pel 1111 .... tt ."lution _ IIIOWTIONJII 111I CIn comcIL ,......~........... ~~~.......... i..........JI. ~..i.,fY CCIfJ ....... ~IJ ,. 1'HI cln IaCUTI A '.. '.' '.. ." JICIt AND ON lIMA IALI P' COIrIllCllNt CAPI#C%n RJCIfr8. On ..11 0111 th, "1'11I1 ....lutl.......*1y ,.... ......... by th. "11_". .0., iY.. COUtCIUIIN.,. "., 'ry, ...".,......,. Inti Yin lawn.. .n',I.c......, :I:rr. .=n:: ~. Th. .~'.M"IJM'" .'II~tII 4111, .....d,..I..~'t_. ~~;=4:"-":'~~W" n:ti':~':":n o::r:n:, R=:r:: ::: ::::.:: ....... .., CIIInIt.,..........aJt ~.!ID. ~:':.1.~.-=~n V. ...... 'ffered R...ll1ti.,. No. 2t97 Ind 8IYfiI a.f. tI l.eoluU,.n loeIc, ~_... . R.xJn'HItf THI CITY CCIII;IL anY 01 Aliff..... ..._ ~ ~... .., .... ... T11t1TII .. .101&.,. .. CCIIUrJOI CW IPUILIC ~, TO WIT. I : '. .' ..' . ~~&~.:=: =.camo.OI 1%111 lAU JILA_. IIIImftCAft~, ftC., All) TO ,,*,1. A .,.,. INVznlll I.LID fIIO- (ONIIZIII --;.r 1_,; ,.00 O'CfNW On .11 NIl th. f.. ....lution.. duly"...... and ldopted by .. f.l1M.ft9 nt., if" COUJJ:I~. . n, 'PI, IobHit, ...., lnet Van '1IOn.. .... COUJf;II.III. ...-r. COUteJI.III. 1 ftI ....luU. duly...... and _tad. .',... ."'''ution No. .... Ind .eyed I" ,--. i 12&2 Cl , Of THE CITY OF ANAHEIM Fl11).1113 AND DBTBUIINING N!CESSItiRE~IRB mE CONSTRUCTION Aim COMPL1!TION OF A , THE PALM LANE SEIER IJIIROVEMENT, FROM EtJ::LID AVENUE TO or ~rD SmalE JOB NO. 1062 APmovING WINGS, AND SPECIFICATIONS FCIt THE CONS'IROCTION THERBOF, N OF SAID PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT IN ACcamAfCE WITH SAID PLANS, UTHORIZING AND DIRB;TING THE CITY CLrRK TO PUBLISH A SALS FOR THE CO~TRtx::TION THEREOF. (OPEN BIDS NOVEMBER ). On r'oll call following votea ~foregolng resolution was duly passed and adopted by the AYES a C NOES I ABSENT I C Pear$Ony F%'YJ Schutte, Wi..er, and 'an Wagoner. Non.. None. The MaYQr dercl~ the foregoing r...lution duly palSed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 2999, Co' llJAan Fry offered H..elution No. 2999 and moved fIr 1. ta pa.tag. and adoption. On roll call th foregoing rnolution ... duly pa.sed and aclopted by the following vote, mcIl OF THE CIn OP ANAHEIM FINDING AND DET_tUNG THAT SITY REQJIaE 1HE CONSTRtCTION AND -COMPLSTION OF A PUBLIC IB&CNT AVENUE SE:'IIm IJIIROV'EMENT PROM CItRON 5mBET TO 063 AND APPROVIOO THE DESIGNS, PLANS, ~OPILES, DRAWIt<<;S, CONSTRUCTION THEREOF, AtrnlmIZING mE CONSTROOTION OF SAID AfCE WITH SAID PLAltS, SPECIFICATIONS, ETC., AND AtmlCIt- Y CLSUC TO PUBUSH A tl>TICE INVITING SEALED PB()pOBALS Pal (OPEN BIDS IDIEIBER 22, 19!55. 7.00 otCLca< P.M.). r A RESOLtTfION' OF THE CITY I PUBU:C COffJEMIEfCE AND IMPlOVBMENT, TO WIT. TR HAMf$iIRE AVENUE JOB NO AND SP~IPICATIONS FCR PUBLIC IMFROVEMENT'J:N . IZIr<<; AND DIR~TING THE t THE CONSTRtcTION 1li1mEOF. AYES, NOES. ASS.EN! a J Pearean, Fry, Schut~., 11'8tr,. and Van Wagoner. Nan.. I ~ne. RESOLUTION NO. 3000. Co for its pa.sage and adep tk. fo~~lng ~111t1. _ly pal.. and adopt.ld. 11Mn Van Wagoner Qffered Relolutlon No. 3000 and IDOYtd n. A REOWfION OP THE CITY =.... ..... c CORrENIaCE AND . IERT, TO IIIT. ING THE: DESI<JIS, P1.ARS, . THaEOF, AtJ1'HCRIZItG THE I SAID. PLANS,. SPEC.. IFI~i~~ PUBLISH A rmICE IJW tVlBlBSi 22, 1 ~, 7100 . IL OF me CITY Or: ARAHEIM FIrt>.ING AND DSTEIUIItaNG.THAT TY~~ETBE ~ Are COMPLETIoN ()p' A MIJC -. . JOB II) . Art), APPIOY~ LSS, 1JtA1IIJm, All) SPlCIPICATIOtiS RIl THE! COflhJtJ,x,~IOfI ttrIOR OP SAID PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT IN ACCORDAtlJE WIT8 ETC. r AND AUTHCIlIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITYCLSR1C TO ~ RIt TIm COWS1'RtJCTION THEReOF. (oPEN BIDS :un:: P.M.). n On roll follew1ng ..tea fortping resolution .. duly palled and' .depttd by the AYES, NOES. ABSENT. PNrIOD.Pry,Scbuttt, Wisser, and Van '.Wagoner. None. Non.. tbfJ f0141g01ng reeotutien duly pa... ... adopt.... RESOWTION NO. 3OOf(1 Co J.-n Schutte offe:red R...lution No.. 3001 anel lIOYed fer its pa.tage and ad~tlan. n Book, page ! , i ! i I i I~ ! I t 12!>3 No 8 1 ~ - 7.00P M A RESOLUTION .Of THS CITY ComcIL (J) i 'IHE CITY OF AJIIHEI. MkEPTltl; A CIlANT DE&O CON. VEYING TO. THI CITY OF ANAHEIM emt N REAL PR()~STY FCIl AN 2ASEMENT FOR ROADeR HIGHWAY PmP05ES. (SIBtrRT ZAHL UATACKER AND g:}fROEDSI). On roll call the forego! ~ relo1ution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote. ! AYE. NOBSI ABIENT. COUtC ILMEN a ~. .t.. IOn, Fry. Sehutte, 11..er,and Van Wagonltr~ COUOCILMENI rt._. COUNCILMENI N e. i !h. Mayor deelared the f egolng resolutiQn duly paSled and adopttd. ~ESOLUTIOI ~3IQ21 Councilman w~ser offered Resolution No. 3002 and moved for 1 ts pa..... .". ad"Ption. ' !pag. THE CITY Of ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A ~ANT. DEED CON. N REAL PROPERTY FCR AN EASEMENT Fat ROAD' PUR. TIOM NO. FtIIII!~+-5~38). A RESOLtrrlONOF THE CITY COUICIL Q ~Y1NG TO TM,CITY OF ANAHEIM C&R1f pOsES. (6LAIID 1. HOLYE, RECLASS]! On roll call the foregoJ. following vo.. relolution ... duly pa.." and adopted by the AYE. Naill. ABRN1' . COtJICILMEN . COmcILMEN. COUtCILMENI Fry, SChutte, Wi..er, and Van Wago,..l'. Th, Mayor declartd the ~ 01n9 resolution duly palled and adopted. )U:SOLUTION NO~ 30031 Council_n V lagoner offered Resolution No. 3003 and IIOYId for its pae..,_ and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, ~age A RESOLlTI' ION OF mE CITY COUtCIL 2836. ENTITIJI), J. A RESOLU'fION Of "TION PLAN ,. CERTAIN CL^SSES OF OF ANAHEIM Ate> ESTABLISHIN(; REGULA ~THIN THE 5 FITS, PHYSICAj EXAMINATIONS, HOLt lUMBERS 2~, 2~31, 2626, AND 2718. E CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING RESOLt1I'ION tI). CITY OF ANAHEIM SSTABLISHING A BASICCC>IIPENi- LOYMENT IN THE afNIClPAL SBtVICE OF THE CITY NS PCR THE PLACEMENT OF PRESENT EMPLOYEES PROVIDED. AiOVIDING PCR CERTAIN FRIOOE BENE- AND VACATIONS Ate) REPEALING RESOLtrrION (DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC waucS). On roll following vot.. resolution was duly passed and adopted by the AYSI. NaBS. ABSENT & COUfCI LMEN. COUfCILMENJ COUtCILMEN. Schutte, W1..er9 and Van Wagoner. The Mayor declared the f ' ing resolution duly pal.ed and adopted. pR~PONDEqJ Co_unlcat1on fro! tho.. L. McLaughlin ... tubal tted and r..d, requesting p.-.1ss1on to move a sma ~ office building to 1018 West Center Str..t and to stucco the exterior .lde and tear walla, and to inatall a fire-res1stant Mof to .Nt the building code with ~.'erenc. to Fire Zone No.1. Action by the Council at this time was withheld tl allow further investigation. ~ESPOItDJlC.. Due to the teainl on of bu.in.... by th. C. .nd C. Stag Pool Hall on Sept__ 26, 1955, request., or refund on b~ln... lle.", purchnecf for the entirt year, was subnd.tted-..d read. Refund we. authorized by the City Council, on motiQn by CouncilMan St ~tte~ seconded by Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. pRSSPONDEtC,. R.quelt from Super. +tendent of High SChool, Paul H. D..r.., f.r a stop s1tn t. be placed on Br'~"y at Cl tron Street, .1. ref.rred to the Chief of POli,e for Inv'ltlgation. . . Oi L., n o ,., t -~ ~ n. . j ~ j f I 12&4 - 7&00 P M COAIESPONDElCE I COIIIun1 was suc.itted and read, . that Mr. Harry L. Nolder~ future to make final arrp . CaIISSPONDElCE a ca.unit rea.tSt.thllnklng cltrtaln C the City Council for par, 1.0n from the'Department olto..ree, BUl'~u~i ~!-C'''.~U8 nowledglng rec.lpt of RHoltrt1on No. 2~ and adVising egionaJ. Supervisor, would contact th!,s City in th, near _ents~ 10n frQII. the Anah.m Ch8ber. ofCOIIDerc. .as sw.J.ttecf and ."loyeesand departaents a-ndextendlng appreciation to Ipation in the Pageant Parade. CORIESPoNOSl'CEa cO_Uni~\ 10n and Reaolution of the Anahei. Junior ChUblr of CQ-.rce was subia! tted a read, requesting the City of Anab,b to stcure the .ervIce. of ..c~.t.nt and repu. e planning coneultant to develop a mls:t_l' plan! PR IN: 10 that the fOllowing citie corporation with the Ora October 18, 1955, Dair Nov_er I, 1955. Said $ man Van Wagoner, secondeCa a B. J. SII1:th, eou.~ Clet of Orange County, advi sed' ad filed their intentIon to circulate a petitIon for in- County Board of Supervi sors. Ci ty of Los Ala~ t~s, filed filed October IS, 195~land City of Cypr.,s.f11ed ices were ordered received and filed on motion by Couneil- y Council_n Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE MMITTCE OF THE J.O.S a The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the ExecutlveCo-.itt' of the J.0.5., held Novlllber 3, 1955, were submittftd and ordered approved and fil. on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Fry. M:>TION CARRIED. PER SSION TO LEAVE THE TEl Mayor Pearson ..s granted permission to leave the state to attend the Amer n Municipal Association Conference and authorized to cast a vote at said Conference or and on behalf of the City of Anah,ilD, on Motion by CounclllMn Van Wagoner, .. onded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. ArIONa Dlscu8sionwas held regarding letters repelyed by requesting annexation of area to the west of Anaheim and ery line. HARBCR BOULEVARD RICiIT OF; AY. On motion by Councilman Fry, second. by Councilman Schutte, the City Attorn s authorized to secure right-of-way deeds from Hennig, Carl, and Collier for the dening of Harbor Boulevard. Saidoost to be on a basis of $4~500.00 per aCre. ION CARRIED. ADJOURNED. SIGNED. WASTE WATER DISPOSAL CO regarding the rental pa . the transfer of rights ca The City Attorney stated ing to the transfer to b. 1 Discu8sion we. held with reference to cOImunlc.tlon by the'Wa8t. Wat.r DispoUl Company until Iuch tim.a. . approved by all -.wera of the Joint Outfall Sew.r. t it would be necessary to prepare resolutioolconaent- opted by the m~erl of the J.0.5. moved to adjourn to Thursday, Nov.e!' 10, 1gee, 10.00 ler seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Schu. o'clock A.M. Councilman c r f the Cl ty of Anahel_ .et in Adjourned Regular S.,slqn'. PRESENT a ABSENT. COUlCILMANa CITY ATTORNEY, PRBSTON T CITY ADIXNISTRATIVE OFFIC, PIGBQN SXTERMINATI.ONI On I tb. ~niatratIv.Offic.* II1nat. pigeona and other ~ CARRI.ED. raon, Pry, S~hutte, and Wis.er. n Wagoner. a Present. KEITH A. MtJRIX'CH. Pr...nt. tlon by Councllman SChutte" Ilconded by Counci t.an Wi 1"1', S author1zJd to .'Cure the .eme,e of .-tont to Ixte- ts that are pecOId.ng a nulaanc. within the City. ,II')T,ION 12~5 - 10.00 .M to take wnat.ver action is n.cess. t'ory wi thin the boundaries of Anah seconded the .otion. le()TION CARRI - . . I & Discussion was held on the western refererice to actiontak,n by the. Gityof , will proCted with the annexation of an cut through two (2) proposed are.s under of Anaheim. Councilman Schutte moved that , the City Attorn., b. authori2~ r ardln the Buena Park Annexation of terri- 's proposed annexations. Councilman Wisser o ~ELLATIOHpF CITY TAXESI Cance 'tlon of Ci ty Taxes on property purcha.ed by the State of California for high.. urpose., and formerly alle88~ to Doyle and Shields and "oadway-Hale Stores, ., was authorized on motion by Councilman 1I1.ler, seconded by Councilman Fry. KYrION CARRIED. ~~I~.~.~..d;:~r~~~man S Refer to Relolution Book. page A,',', RESOLt1TION 0,. F THE CITY COUICIL 0,' ~. HE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACX:EPTIt<<> A ciiANT DEED CON- 1EYIr<<; TO THE CITY OP ANAHEIM CERT . REAL PROPERTY F~ AN EASEMENT Fat ROAD PUR- JIOSES. (GLEN E. BOYLES. RECLASSIFl . TIOH 00. F-~f)..56-9). . tte offered R.solution No. 3004 and moved On 1"011 following vot.. AYES. f<<)SS. ABSINT . I resolution wel duly pasled and adopted by the COUNCILMEN. P. f' son, Fr, y, SChutte, and Wisser. COUtCILMENI No . COUtCILMAN. V. I Wagoner. , The Mayor declared the fo ~oing resolution duly palsed and adopted. ~T ANAHEIM 6NNEXATION NO.2. Pet 'ion requesting annexation of inhabited terri- tory known and designated as West A. heim Annexation No. 2 wa. referred to the Ci ty Cl.rk and CouAty Clerk for checklng.s to the sufficiency of said petition, on ~tion by Councilman Wisser, second by Councilman Schutte. MOTION C~IED. Councilman Fry moved to a ~ourn. Councilman Wilser seconded the motion. II>TION CARRIED. ADJ~NED. SIGNED. n o The City Council of the C the Council Cbambtrs of the City Ha KOlk.rfor further extension of tim lution No. 2710, and do and perfor.m to transact any other bus1ness that of said Special Call<<i Meeting was City Council by the City Clerk on MESENTI COUtCILMENa Pearson, AlSENT I COUtI::ILMEN. None. ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY, PHILLIP Me CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER, KEITH I SP CI L P iI. ..eting to order for the purpose ~cial Ule Pfladt. of Anaheim met in Special S...ion held in : to consider application by Dr. Louis H. Ito comply with conditions pur.uant to Reao- yother acts 1n conn'Qt1on th.rll1th. and y lawfully come before laid meeting. Notice ,'led, postage prepaid, to eath member of the ber 10, 1955. , Schutte~ Wisser, and Van Wagoner. DR I, K . Mayor Pearlon called f considering the extension of time on I