1955/11/10 ~ I I 'cj~ ,....., ,..., . I ~ !, 12~ A - 7looP' M CaaRESPOtI>ElCEa COllUlUn~ t~on from theDlpartment ofCo"'.l'ee, Bur~u 0'- ~~!-c,h..u. was suhMi tted and read, Itnowledglng rec.lpt of- Reeolut1on No~ 2.- and advisIng that Mr. Harry L. Nolde: . Regionaa Supervisor, would contact th~s City In th, near future to make final ar# g_ents~ . CC8RESPONDElCEa C-.un~' t10n fr~ the Anahe1ll Ch8Jlber Of Comere. .as aw.1tted'and read, thanking certain q -.ployeesalld depa~8 a-extending appr.clatlon to th. City Council tor paJt clpCltion in the Pageant Parade. GaJl~PONtlEN::EI COllDun1!. don and Resolution of the Anahel. Junior ChUb_I' .of C~.rc. was aut.! tted 81 read, requesting the City of Anab,1at to seGur. tbe .erviCB. of a competent and repu. Ie planning conlultant to develop a maa:t.%' plaft! a B. J. SId'th, County Clh'lt of Orange County, adv1.ttd~ ad fi1.d th.ir intention to circulate &. petition for in- County Board of Supervisors. City of Los ,6.1awP.t9s, filed t -, filed October IS, 195~1 and Ci tv of Cypr,8s.flled ices .ere ordered received and filed on .otion by Coun9il- y Council_n WiSler. NOrION CARRIED. MMITTCE OF THE J.O.S I The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the J.O.S.., held Nav.ber 3, 1955, were submitted and on .otion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE of the Ex.cutl VI COllllli tt ordered approved and lil Fry. lC>rION CARRIED. PER ISSION TO LEAVE THE TEl Mayor Pearson was granted perm1ssionto leave the . state to attend the Allert n Municipal Association Conferenee and authorized to east a vote at said Conference or and on behalf of the City of Anah,im, on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, 8 onded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CA~IED. INFORMAL as UESTS FOR AN ATIONa 01 Scu81ion was held regarding letters %'8c:eived by the Administrative Offict requesting annexation of area to the .est of Anaheim and Anaheim's ultimate we8~ ndary line. HARBCR BOULEVARD RIGHT Of AYa On motion by Councilman Fry., second. by CouncilDlan Schutte, the City Attorn was authorized to aeCure right-at-way deeds from Hennig, Carl, and COllier for the Idenlng of Harbor Boulevard. Saidoost to be on a basis of $4,500.00 per acre. ION CARRIED. WASTE WATER DISPOSAL CO regarding the rental payra the transfer of rights ee TheClty Attorney stated lng to the transfer to be a Discussion wa. held with reference to cOIIIlunicatiQn t by the'Waste Wat.r Diapo"l Company until .uch time.1 be approved by all ..ambers of the Joint Outfall S...r. t it would be necessary to prepare resolution. corisent- dopted by the mlmbere of the J.O.S. I Councilman Schu e .oved to adjourn to Thurlday, NoV8llbIJt 10, 1ge!5, 10.00 o'clock A.M. Councilman .aer seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED. SIGNED. c PRESENT a COtnCILMENa ABSENT, COUN::ILMANa CITY ATTORNEY, PRESTON TUR CITY ADMXNISTRATIVS OFFle PIGBQN EXTERMINATION, On: the ~ni.tratly.Offlc.t aina t. pigeone and other p CARRIED. f the Ci ty of Anahelm met in Adjourned Regular S...ion'. rson, FrYt Sc;hutte, and Wisser. n Wagoner. a Present. KEITH A. MURDCX:Ha Pr...nt. tion by Councilman SChutte" ..conded by Counc11Mn ....1', 8 authorS. zJd to .ICur, the ..rne,. of 'OIItone to .xt.~ te that are pecOll1ng a nulaanc. within the City.II>T.ION I 12:>5 .. a OiScuI810n wes held on th. ...tern reference to action tak,n byth~ qityof w11l proceed w1 th the annexation of an ut through two (2) proposed areas under f Anahelm. Councilman Schutte moved that , the Ci ty rAtt.orney b. authori zed r ardln the Buena Park Annexation of terri- 's proposed annexations. Councilman Wisser take whlt...r action Is eceala tory wi thin tie boundaries of Anah ..conded the IIOt10n. M:>TION CARRI ~ELLATI9N If CITY TAXES. Cance! It10n of City Taxe. on property purcha.ed by ~...'.' State of Ca....... lifornia for hi9h.ar.. urpo..., .nd fo~erly ......td to. Do.yle and lh1elds and BI'oadway-Hale Stores, ., was authorized on motion by Councilman IIsser, seconded by Councilman Pry. MOTION CARRIED. IIIQ......... . LUTION t<<)~. 3004. Council...n S~ ftt. offerad Re.o.lutlon No. 3004 and IIIOVad ~it. pal.." and adoption. i i o Ref. to Resolution Book. I RESOLUTION Of THE CITY COUr<<:IL O~ HE CITY OF ANAHEIM AO:EPTI.t<<3 A <RANT DEED CON- N(; TO THaCln OF ANAHEIM CERT~ RIAL PROPERTY Fal AN EASEMENT Pal ROAD PUR- SS. (~NE. BOYLES, RBCLASSIF~I TION 00. F-&&-56-9). . On :ft)ll fOllowing vot.. SChutte, and Wisser. resolution was duly paased and adopted by the AYES, .-Jell ASSitrr I COUtCILMEN. COUtCILMEN. COUtCILMANI The Mayor declared the fO oing resolution duly palled and adoptld. .T ANAHEU1 ~ATION NO. 2& Pet ion requesting annexation of inhabi tad terri- "'ry known an' de.ignated as West A helm Annexation No. 2 _. referred to tht Ci ty alert and County Clerk for checking s to the sufficiency of said petition, on ..tion by Councilman Wisser, second by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. o Counci lMn Fry moved II>TION CARRIED. ADJClRNED. SIGIED. ourn. Councilman Wilser seconded the motion. No 14 The City Council of the C .. Counci 1 Chambers of the Ci ty He 101kerfor further extension of ti lution No. 271~, and do and perform to transact any other business that 01 said Special Call.o Meeting was City Council by the City Clerk on N of Anah.im met in Special Se.8ionheld 1n to consider appl1cation by Dr. Louie H. o comply with condition. pursuant to R..o- yother acts in connection therew1 th, and y la.fully come before .aid meeting. Notlcl 'led, postage prepaid, to eaeh m..ber of the ber la, 19&!!>. o MESENTI COUN::ILMENI Pearson, , SChutte, Wis.er, and Van Wagon.r. alENT. CCUtl::ILMENI None. AtSISTANT CITY ATTCRNEY, PHILLIP M: AW. Present. CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OfFICER, KEITH A ! MURDCDh Pr...nt. i I SP CI L P ~. Mayor PHrson CIlled .eeting to ord.r for the purpo.. f considering the extension of 'tim. on a ~cial U.. P~t.