1955/11/16 o -0 n J ~. l256 , Cl Attorney Alex<< er II- Scb1l1mm.and--~.Cbft.ct - A~~c:~i-.a_.~." -~b.__ Council andpr&HDted ' 1_ plaaa of .....psl~J...~w.l.. .n.r, -...seed t-t the cI,lay in ~. InGl119 'OIttadbeeacllaeto tiJeIWinoa ad 'ChMgR _d. in the original plans.. It was ~ed ~otII1Cll.atl Fry, eeconded by ~__ $Gbv~ ~~ an ext~slon of t1ae to f I 1, ~ _'gc~to eGIIply 1dtb the teas of R..o- lution No. 2'flG, and tiaJ ~1 ~OI)8~onGf -the bu11d1ng was to begin by that tiM. ltDTION CARRIED. co TION OF AIDITlO BLEACHERS AT LA PAUlA PARK. Plans for ~on.UucUng add1- tiOMl .taci1_'~Ut1 .t tile La ':___"__'_'.~.-IT..2~ PRfIIOSED AtfNEXATIOlh Mr. ~t Adltin18tl'1lt1n Officer, reported on petition prftiously rtce! Yed fro. ' dents 'to tile ...-t a.-_th .f Anaheia w1.th :ref.renef to annexation. , Counci~n Fry KlTION CARRIED. AIlJ{JRIIED. SIGNED. to ~ l~i .n smutte seeonded the ao.t1on. 1257 Ci - 9.00 A.M. __ The Ci ty Counci 1 0 f the by Mayor ~anon, to receive reque present City Limits to be designat action necessary regarding propos in connection therewith, and to tr. before said meeting. NoUce of Special Meetin! November 14, 1955. Affidavit of s Clerk on whi ell acknowledgment was . .ESENf: COlThCILMENa Pearson., I ABSENT; COU~lLMENI None. CITY ATTCJlIEY. RUi$1'ON TURNmll Pr+ CITY ADMINl5"'Tl~i OFFICER. KEITH I r;~~~L;.:='~;~op~e::i~~rb! W the Ci ty of Anaheim of il)habl te4 .s Ball-Dale Annexation, w,s order their report and recommendation. ouncilman Schutte, seconded by CouncilNn sent to commence proceedings for annexation erritory,described in said request to be known referred to the City Planning Commission for ION CARRIED. - ~ - -- - - -... - - -. y of Anahe~m met in Special Ses~ion, c.alled for annexation of territory southwest of as Ball~Dale Annexation and take whatever nnexation, and do and perform any other acts act any other business that may lawfully come s delivered to each meatber of the City Council delivery of notice was filed by the City e by each Councilman. y, Schuttet Wisser, and Van Wagoner. Present. Councilsen Schutte moved II)TION CARRIED. adjourn. Councilman Fry seconded the ~otion. ADJelmNED. SIGJED. ,?J-~ City Clerk 01 .OO'A.M. The City Council of the Q ., Mayor Peoraon, for the purpose d "nexation of territory to the Cit~ Mmexatloh, aQJt for the purp9se of! ~ssion, aQd fQ~ the purpose of .... befo'+t ,aid meeting. of Anaheim Blet 1n Special Session, called considering and acting upon a request for the . f ..Anaheim,. ten...tatlv. ely deSiQn.ated........as Ba. 11. ...D.. a.le..' eiv1ng tne '.~_c(INDendat1o'n of ~h, ,City P~ann1n9 sidering any other business that ma.y law~ul~y waiver of notice and cons .gned by a 11 -embers of the Ci ty to the bolding of said Special Meeting was cil. IlESENTl COUNCILMENl Pearson, , Schutte, and Wisser. tlSENTa COUtCILMANa Van Wagon QJTY ATTCRNEY, PRESTON TURNSh Pr_ CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICFR, KEITH i . Present. ~L-DALE ~TIONl R. W. Mungali "'sslon, reported that the City PI Mtld November l6, 1~5, 10100 0 'ClOl Annexation beCOQR-dered for annexal City Planning ComBdssion was order Ilsser, seconded by Councilman Sch Secretary of the Anaheim City P~anning Com- 09 COlllllission at their Special Called ,..t1ng A.M. recODDended the area known as Ball-Dale n to the Ci ty of Anaheim. Said report of the eceived and filed, on motion by Councilman M)TION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 30051 Councilman Wi! its passage and adoption. r offered Resolution No. 3005 and moVed for Ref.~ to Resolution Book, _HElM. (SAIJ,.DALE ANNEXATION). E CITY OF ANAHEIM CONSENTING ')0 THE coratEJCB.. OF INHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF [) o o 12ee Ci Hall An On roll call t .. loregoin9 re.olution was duly pae.ed and adoPted by.;.the followIng votel AYES I filES . ABSENT a COU ~LMENI Pearlon, Fry, SChutte, and Wisler. COO !.MEN. NOGe. COO !.MANa Van Wagoner. n The Mayor decl Id the fOI'800ino rtsoluticn duly ~"ed. ancl.~d~~.. Councilman 5ch te moved to adjourn. CouncilMan Fry .econded the ~tlon. MenON CARRIED. ADJOURNED. SIGNED. Ci . The City Council of the City of Anahei. ..et 1n Special S,,'lon, ~~ltd ... Mayer Pear.on, to recei popy of NaticI of Intention of Proponent.. to Cll'c,,~~,. Pett tion for the annexatl' of lnhabi ted terrl tory to the Ci ty of An.~.. tQ.tif deatgnattd a8 Ball-.Dale ., exation, and to conlide:r ..idmatt.1' and take "t.v,%' actton that Ny be de_eel' proper in connect1on therew1 the n t I f,.", Notice of said Council November 16, 195 City CI.rk on which ackn FRSlENT. ABSINT. COUIC I LMENa CI" ATTCIlNEY, PRESTON CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OWl eciel Meeting .. delivered to IIch m.m.r of tb, City Affidavit of said delivery of notice we. f1ltc1 by the edg.ent .. ..de by each Councilman. fry, Wi...r, and Van Wagon.r. ear.on and Schutte. I Pre.ent. , KEITH A. MtJU)a;Ha Pre.ent. 1ng 8 *y~h:r:.::;n~o~' :.M~ ~~ :=:1:: ~:u~~n~;~.:: ~~t~ Van,..goner Mayor Pro T_ 'or the City of Anah.l. and moved th, ~nat1....., cU.... COU8ci~n Fry seconded t ,.otion. Council..n Van wagoner w..\...t~ ....,or PIt T.. for the City of An.he .. BAJ.I,-.DALE ANtEXATIONa Tb . City Clerk pr...nted Affld8vlt of "'llHtlon aty.~.., of IoticI of Intention to i~irculat. a Pfti ticn for the anne_U.n of 1........ t...... tory d..c:rlbed therein 80 f de.ignated .. Bell..Dale Ann.xati~nlfhlch .1. publl.Md In the Anaheim Bulletin Nay er 17, 19&6. . RESOLtTrION NO. 3006. Cou Cilman Wi..er offered Re,olutiQn No. $006 and lIOYecI foz- ite pa._g_ and adoption. Refer to R"olulon Book, page n...i . ,~. A RISOUTrION Of THE CITY IL Of THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACKM.~..u=_.op ~.. OF I F N RSLATItG TO THE ANNlXAT'ONor:TEllRI- T~t TO THE' CITY Of ANAH! AND AffIDAVIT OF PUBLICA TIOM THIIlIO', All) APJlIICJfII<<i ". CIRClJLATION OP SAID PETIT N. (BALL..-DALE ANNEXATION). . . After hearing r . ..d in full the title of R.,olu~lon No. 3G06 .nd hatltng knOWledge of the contents :1hereln, CtuncilMn Fzy IIfWtd th, r..dlft9 in full, of .a~' re..lutlon be waived. Co cllMn Wi".r ..condedth. motion. Motion unanUju.ly earned. On roll eall thforegoing r..olutlonw.. duly pa..ed and adopttdl)y th. follC*1ng vot.. 1259 .ctopted. Ci AVS. N08Sa ABIENT I 17 1 ~ - 7100 P it CQUtC ILMEN I COUlCILMENI COUtCILMEN I J W1sser, and Van Wagoner. e. rson and Schutte. adjourn. Council_n Fry eeGcmded the moUon. [] Co.ell..n Wi SSft l\Qyed IIJrION CARRIJI). ADJDURNED. SI~. N"-L;' City Clerk I Th. Mayor Pro r. d.cla~ the foregoing resolution duly passed and o o -'.7 I I