1955/11/17 I' I I 12e$ Cl On roll followIng vote. N forego1ng resolution was duly palSed and adopted by.~th. AYES. NOES J ABSENT a Pearson, Pry, SChutte, and W~&I'f. None. Van Wagoner. r fJ -.I the foregoing re.olut1on duly ~'11d. .nd.,d~~Id. CounciLMan Sc t. moved to adjourn, Coun'11man fry seoonded the motion. MOnON CARRIED. ADJOURNED. SIGNED. The C1 ty Counc~ of the Cl ty of Anaheim ..et in Special S...i(,)n, OI~ltd '" Mayer Pearlon, to recei v opy of Noti ce 01 Intent10n of Proponents to Cil'c\llAt.e ... PetS tion for the annexlt of inhabl tad terr! tory to the Ci ty of Anahfl., tc) ...61 d'14gnated a. Ball~ale. ex.tion, and to conlider .aid matter and take wh~tlY.r action that may be deemed roper in conneetlon therewith. r1 , J Notice of saId COUDcl1 November 16, 1ge~ City Clerk on which ackn' PRBlENT J COUJC;I!.MEN I AB$tNT J COUICILMEN. CIlt ATTCIlNSY, PRESTON CITt AOONlSTRATlYE OPPI eelal MeetIng .. dtllver8d to each ...-b'Z' of th, City Affidavit of Mid delivery of notIce .a. fl1ed by the Idgllent .. _de by each CouncilMan. ry, Wl..e2:', and Van Wagoner. ..r.on .nd Sehutte. . Pre.ent. , KEITH A. ~Ha Pre.ent. 1n9 a "'YO;h:r:.~:;n'o:-t 'M~:~ ~::1:: ~;~~r~~~.:: ~~~~ Van,..goner Mayor Pro T. or the City of AMht1J1 and IIOVtd tb. "-'natl.... 01..... CouaciIMn Fry .econded t . Motion. Council.n Van Wagoner .a.' ..tlcS I' *,01' PI'O T.. for the Clty of An.h. . BAI+DALE ANNEXATION. n Ci ty Clerk pre.ented Afficlavl t of Pt,.tbllc~tlon. try ~....; of Iotlc. of Intention to lrcu1.te a Pets. tlon for the annexlt",n of lnh1ld.t.IJI t.... tory de.crlbed therein an de,1gnated.. Ball-Dale Ann.xatl~" '~ch .a. pub'l"'bld In the Anahei. Bulletln Nay er 17, l~. . RE~ION NO. 3006. Cou l1man Wl..er offered R"olut1Qn No. 3006 and IIOVtd for ita pa'''g. and adoption. n A RISOWI'ION OF THE CITY IL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ~EDI1""-=_ft,~ (DWV. OF I F REUTI~ TO 11fEANNlXATIGNO'-TElRz.. T~" TO TH):" CITY OF ANAH_ AND AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION THEREOf, AND APPROIIII3 THI CIRClJLATION OF SAID PETIr N. (BAL~DALE ANNIXATION). . I After hearing r kn~ldg. of the content. re..lution be walved. C canted. In full the t1 tIe of R"olutlon No. 3006 and hI""n, er'l~, Counc!lMn Pry ..tel the read1ng 1n full .f al~c1 ll.11an Wl".r ,.conded the motion. Motion tlnant.~.ly I I I rOrt901ng r..olutlon WI' duly pa..ed and adOpted ~ th. I I I i I i On roll f0110111ng vote, 1259 adopted. Ci AYIS. NOEl ABSENT I ! I ! I COUN:ILMSN ; COUJCILMENa COUlCI LMEN I r 17 1 5 - 7&00 P.M ) Wi sser, and Van Wagoner. e. son and Schutte. Th. Mayor Pro r. decla CO\If'CilNn Wi. $el" lD()yed amION CARRIS. adjourn. Councl1_n Fry .eG~nded the lDOt1on. (] ADJDURNED. SI<>>fED. the foregoing resolution duly passed and U,L2. City Clerk n [1