1955/11/22 n~ , ,.-,iII 126p m California Nov of the City of Anaheim met in Regular ge59ion. PRESENT; COUtCILMEN: ABSENT: COUNCILMAN: CITY ATTffiNEY, PRESTON T CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFI ry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. earsono ERa Present. , KEITH A. MURDOCH: Present. ! The Ci ty Clerk i Mayor Pro Tern for the Cit Wagoner Mayor Pro Tern fo tion and moved the nomin. ).()TION CARRIED. Counci I Anaheim. . lIed the meeting to order for the purpo&e of electing a of Anaheim. Councilman Wisser nominated CounciLman Van he City of Anaheim~ Councilman Fry seconded the nomina- ons be closed. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. Van Wagoner was seated as Mayor Pro Tem for the City of MINUTES: The Minutes of Regular Meeting held Nov held November 14, 16, an seconded by Councilman W, e Regular Meeting held November 8, 1955, Adjourned er 10, 1955, 10100 o'clock A.M., and Special Meetings 7, 1955 were approved on motion by Councilman SChutte, er. K>TION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 3007: Co~ ilman Wisser offered Resolution No. 3007 and moved fOf its passage and adoption~ I" A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY i UK;IL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APFROVINGA~~~TING THE PAYMENT OF DEMANDS AGAINS THE CITY AS OF NOVEMBfR 22, 1955. ($341,492.82). On roll following vote: foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the ) ~ I i I AYES: NOES I ABSENT: N: Fry, Schutte~ Wisser, and Van Wagoner. N: None. N: Pearson. The Mayor Pro 11 declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. BID PROPOSALS: JOB NO. i Schutte,: the Ci ty Clerk No. 299~ and Legal .Notlce 1955 for the improvement Job No. 104. MOTION CA~ : On motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman instructed to open Bid Proposals pursuant to Resolution uly published in the Anaheim Bulletin November 10 and 16, La Palma Avenue, from Magnolia Avenue to Sequoia Avenue, D. " BIDS R~EIVED I R. J. Noble Company P. O. Box 620, Orange (Accompanied by a Bid $13,301.50 nd in the amount of 10%). r1 t j $14,864.30 No. 93716, dated November 21, 195~, in the Griffith Company 1060 South Broadway, Lq (Accompanied by a Bid Sully-Miller Contracting P. o. Box 432, Orange (Accompanied by a Ce~ amount of $2.000.00). ngeles 15 nd in the amount of $1,600eOO). $15,847.56 All Bids were motion by Councilman Wiss rred to the City Engineer for tabulation and report on , seconded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. BID PRO SALSa JOB NO, 1 Wisser, the City Clerk wa 2998 and Legal Notice dull for the Pa 1m Lane Sewer r ea st., of Euclid Avenue, Jo : On motion by Councilman SChutte, seconded by Councilman nstructed to open Bid Proposals pursuant to Resoi~tion No. ublished in the Anaheim Bulletin November 10 and 16, 1955 ovement, from Euclid Avenue to approximately 1,247 feet o. 1062. MOTION CARRIED. l261 Ci J. E. Popovich P. O. Box 261, Torrance (AccOIIt)anl.ed by a Bid Bond in W. I. Rode 14181 Eaat JIorth sw-t, ........ {ACC~i~ed by a Bid Bond in .... E. Bar-n.tt 131S! .~ U:I1I11 .. ~ Yl. Ud~Garden (AccOlllpilnled .'" .... ~ Ua i I. P. S. Cont~ctlng Company, Inc. I 12084 ...~ster Boulevard, P. (AccOIIIIpBnhd bye Bid Bond 1n .ok M. Gubo 8335 A'tlanttc Boul~ard, Bell (Ac~OII,tp8t1tedby.B1cJ .Ion<J ~a Chor.k Con.tr~tlon Company, Inc. ! 649 South Mlple, Montebello 1 (Ace- J rAled by a Bid Bond 1n 1 ..uon by ~;.::a:e~~s~:;=~~o~ lID FROPOSALS, JOB tI). 10631 Oft .sser, the City Clerk ws instruc 10. 2999 and Legal Notice duly pub 16, 1955 for .. v...t Avemae Avenue, Job No. 1063. ICJ: lat J. E. Popovich P. O. Box 261, To:rrance tAcva Jl .,... .., .~ 'Bid Boad in . ;! W. I. Rock 1418l.iast .1IDrth S'treet. Anaheim (Accompenl-.d .v, ~ ........ 111ReI' E. Barnett 13152 Century Boulevard, GardenQ (Accc:IIIIp8n!.ed by a 'Bid Bond in.' J. P. S. ContBC'ti,. CQI~IiI"'~ l8c- 12084 Westminster Boulevard, P. '(Accompanied by a Bid .BIDi 111 Cl\orak: Construction C~ny. Ihc. 649 South Mrlple, ."-\JLftrfrw (AccOIIp8niAd by a Bid Bond All Bids were referred t~ IIOtion by Councilman Wisser, second! 8ID PROPOSAJ.,S. JOB 00. 1064. On ..n Wisser, the Cl ty Clerk was ins lution No. 3000 and Legal Notice d~ 10 and 16, 1955 for the Sherwood-G. CARRIED. $7,.353.4 $5,797.14 $4,624.75 J~" of HJ'> 0 $4,994.88 $5,607.94 $5,4(b.44 e Ci ty EftgiPleftfor taklatloft and report on I ~y Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. ion by ec..cd__ fry, MCOnd:ed by Cound lien ita open. Bid Proposals J!MI!"suant to Resolution had in the Anaheim Bulletin November 10 and . ~ov-.n4 fro. Citron Street to Hallpshire IUCEIVED so, 174. ga- $5,921.10 $3,925.20 l~). Bpx .3Q66, Santa Ana -..nt. of $425.410). ~.~..' $5,313.20 .. ....>. $6,716.~O .mount of l~). ~ Cl ty Engineer for tabula tlon and :report on by Councl1man Schutte. KYrION CARRIED. on by Councilman SChutte, seconded by Council- ted to open Bid Proposals pursuant to Reso- published in the Anaheim Bulletin November Sewer Improvement, Job No. 1064. MOTION o \ , n o I I n ~ it lJ ~ r I I Cit Hall Ana l~ - 7;00 P M 1262 BIDS RECEIVED Jo E. Popovich : p. O. Box 261, Torranct (Accompanied by a Bi1 I I W.. I. Rock ~! 14181 East North Stree (Ac~ompanied by a B1 $19,334.92 ond in the amount of 10%). $13,347.84 Anaheim ond 1n the amount of 10%). Elmer E. Barnett i Itt~~c;;::~Bb~l:V:~; i J. P. S. Contracting cam1 12084 Westminster Boul , (Accompanied by a Bi, Nick M. Guho 8335 Atlantic Boulevar4 (Accompanied by a Bid Garden Grove nd In the alROunt of 10%) 0 $10,659 ."1 Yt Inc. rd, P. O. Box 3066, Santa Ana ond in the amount of $1,438.72). $14,387.20 $13,324.22 the amount of 10%).. Chorilk Construction Co~ , Inc. 649 "'South Maple Avenu.e~ ontebello (Accompanied by a Bi~ ond in the amount of l~). All Bids were It erred to th, City EagiQeer for tabulation- anO report on motion by Counci lman Wi S$ ,seconded by Counci lman Fry. KTfION CARRIED. $10,835.90 The City En9in~ ,George E. Holyoke, recommended that the award of all Jobs be withheld to the n t meeting of the City Council. llman SChutte, seconded by Councilman Wisser, a-rdlQf were ordered held ove%' to the next November 29, 1955, 3.00 a'cloc~ PI'~,J. M:>TION CARRIED. CONTIMJED PUBLIC HEARING.: that this was a continued! territory designated as to proceed with the Heari ALL ROAD NO. 2 ANNEXATION. The Mayor Pro Tem announced blic Hearing on the proposed annexation of inhabited Road No.2 Annexation and requested the City Attorney Mr. Turner, Ci t, posed annexation had been the filing of supplementaD. ttorney. asked if any additional protests to the pro- celved during the additional 10 days'time allowed for rotests. The City Clerk t lied that no additional protests had been rtcelved. The total assessed valuatl of the land 1n the area, excluding school properties, is $369,440.00, and the to 1 assessed valuation of written protests filed is $4,690.00. There being the hearing closed. ther discussion on the matter, the Mayor p%,o Tem declared Councilman Schut of the assessed valuation c~edin9s, and that Mrs. S, with the City Clerk to be the motion. MOTION CARRIS stated that the protests filed were less thanont-helf the land and moved to proceed with the annexation pro- wick, Court Reporter, file a transcript of this meeting part of the permanent record. Councilman Fry seconded RESOWTION NO. ~: Coun its passage and adoption. offered Resolution No. 3008 and moved for n Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY Q rcIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CALUNG A SPB:IAL I!t ~T~G>N ON THE 7TH DAY Of' JANUARY 6 IN CERTAIN TERRITCRY IN THE COUNTY OF ORANGE CONTIGUOUS TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM PR SED TO BE ANNEXED TO SAID CITY OF ANAHEIMPROVIDIlf3 fCB THE ~LDING OF SUCH ELECT AND SUBMITTING TO THE ELECTCRS RESIDING IN SUCH TERRITmV 1263 Ci It55 - 7.oe P.M. i THE QUESTION ~ETHER SOCH TERRITCIl A P~T OF SAID CITY OF ANAHEIM, A ANNEXATION, SQBJB::r TO r AlATION E 1'0 PAY ITS PRO RATA PORTION BASED MESS OF SAID CITY OF ANAHEIM OUTST P(RE AUTHCltIZEDa DESCRIBING SAID ROAD NO. 2 ANlEXATION; ESTABLISHIN iERRITCltY, APPeINTING THE OFFICERS PaR THE PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF S Lt BE ANNEXBn TO, IN:CRPORATED IN, AND MADE HE PROPERTY INSlCH TERRITCEY BE, A}trER SOCH LV WITH TIm' mOPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. N ASSESSED V ALUA IION OF ALL THE BONQED INDEBTED- 100 ON THE 11TH DAY OF OCTOBSR, 1950 OR THERETO- IIOOY AND DESIGNATING II BY THE NAME OF BALL N ELECTION mECIl<<:! AND POLLING PLACE IN SAID ELBCTION OF SAID SPECIAL ELECTION ~ND PROVIDING ELB::TION. Aft_ hearing read in fU~ the title of Resolution No. 3008 anqhav1.ng the eontents b. ri efed by the City Cleric. ounei lIMn Fry moved the reatU,ng in !ull of said "solution be waived. Councilman vtte seconded the lIotiono Motion unanimously carried. j follOtdng ~t:l1 call the fOregOi1 reMlutlon was duly passed and adop~ed by the AYES. tl)SS. \ ABSINT I COUlCILMENa ComcILMENa COUlCI !.MANa Schutte, Wi sse1', and Van Wagoner. TheMlyor Pro T_ declar the fQregoing rasolutioA duly pass~ and adopted. 1& Subdivider, Griffi th Bros. I.olcated be- ta Palma Avenue, approximately 2~ feet west NTATIVE MAP l'RACTS NOSe 2940 en Houston treet Freeway and W .f Euclid Aveftlle. The C1 tyPlanning ColE! s to the followtDg conditionsl 1. The pa,.ent of $2~.~ and Recreat10n 51 tes.i 2. An eas.ent along th I 109, 110, 115, 116 a 3. The utility easement' should be increased utili ty easement on t 4. Utility easement on t east side of the trac ~st be increased to 5. Engineering requlr. The Ci ty Council approvedI subject to r~c...endations of the C~ WIsser, seconded by Councilman Fry.; voted to approve said tentative maps subject r ~ot for the acquisition of Park st line of Lots 97, 98, 103, 104, 19 in Tract No. 2940. the south side of Tract No. 2940 feet in width, li,kewise the north side of the Tract. north side of Tract No. 2941, the nd the south side of the tract eet in width. tative Map of Tracts M)s. 2940 and. 2941 Planning Co~ission on motion by CQuncilman ION CARRIED. ISED TE ATIYE MAP TRACT NJ. 27 Located ea.t of Euclid Avenue and S Subdivider, George Holstein and Sons. of Ball Road. The City Planning Coadss~ at their meeting held Septlllber 26.. 1~ voted to deny approval of this IDap 4> account of the lots in some cases nci>t meeting tbe minimum of 7o-foot frontage and: cause no variance had been applied for rela- tive to the R-3 lots shown in the s' ivision. PINAL MAP , TRACT NO. 25701 A.cia Street. VVitncft Nor 44R was grant their Resolution No. 63, subject to The City Council approved subject to engineering requirements C-..lsslon, and further subject to t 84 to 87, inclusive, on MOtion by C Al>TION CARRIED. by the City Planning Commission pursuant to e C(8pletlon of annexation proceedirl1gs. id Revised Tentative Map of Tract Nc>. 2779 d recommendations of the City Planning establishment of a solid wall alon~ Lots -- Pry, seconded by Councilman Wisser. the northwest corner of Romneya Dr~ve and o n o l264 The Ci ty Engin. filed and all necessaryf - - --- , George E. Holyoke, :reported that all bonds had been s paid and recommended the approval 01 said fiflal map. Final Map of T* t NOe 2570 was approved by the City Council subject to engineering require.ents~ n motion by Councilman Fry, seconded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. . FINAL MAP TRACT NO. 2 Aveoueso Located at the south..t coma of C;roae aJiId.. EUClid The Cl ty Engl filed and all necessary or George Eo. HoLyoka'P :reported.. tbat;.. all !ends bed^ been 5 paid and recommended the approval of said final map. Final Map of T~ t Noo 2340 was approved by the City Council subject to engineering requirements~ n motion by Councilman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Wi sser. A<<.)TION CARRIED. FI Nt\L MAP TRACT and Broadway. Located on the west side of Gi lbert, between LincDln The City Engin~ filed and all necessary _ , George E. Holyoke, reported that all bonds had been s paid and recommended the approval of said final map. Final Map of T~ t Noo 1940 was approved by the City Council subject to engineering requi~ .-o"tioo hy Couor..; ]IICu1tisser, secOlllMied by Councilman Pry. MOTION CARRIEDo V AR IAlC E 00. 445: SvtJB, square foot lot requirem. .bF H..LDickerman requesti~~~ of frontage and s in Tract Noo 2913. ~ ~ssi.oA, pursuant to tbeU .~.No. 64, granted th am:11iauB frontage of 6Qfeet aftd with lot areas quare feetG Variance having a No action was en by the Cl ty Counci 1. VARIAN::E NO. 447& Submi 1t Service Station on prope~ and East South StreetG by Charley Kuntz requesting permission to erect a described briefly as the southeast corner of Broadway rh~ Ci ty Plann~ said varia~e. Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 66, denied Appea 1 Charley Kuntz. n taken by the City Planning COIIIfd ssion was filed by The Ci ty Counci 5 7:00 o'clock P.i Schutte. MOTION CARRIED.. ordered the matter to be set for Public Hearlna. December on motion by Councilman Fry, seconded by Councilman VARIAN::E NO. 448: Suan it erect a Temporary Directt No. 23000 by F. and P. ConstmctiOft Company for permission to 1 Sign advertising the sale of houses and lots in Tract The Ci ty Plannij said variance subject to Coaadssion, pursuant to their Resolution No. 67, granted 9 follo.dng conditions: 1" Signs shall 20 Signs will or less" 30 A permi t m~ 40 The name of erected. 5. Signs must, any street 6. At the int back 25 fe 7. All signs e a maximum size of 10 by 25 feet. peDd tted for amaxiBua period of 6 months be taken out with the Building Department. e sign company must appear on every sign 10 feet bact of the right-of-way line of hi ghway. ction of the streets, the signs must be set 11 have a 6-foot ground clearance. 1265 Ci - 7:00 P.Mo 8. 9. The fee per sign Shl be.$25000o Slg.. n veri. ances ahal. e perm! tted for directional signs advertising only tr s within the City Li.mits of Anaheim. ! No action was Ci ty Counci 1 ~ I YARIAN:E tI).449& Submitted by B~ ingham Development Company requesting permlsalon lto ereCt Mul "'"pl....Family ReSidenc~ on Lots Nos. 144 to 151, inclusive in Txoact No. 1825. ! The City Planning qOmmi~i on, pursuant to their Resolution No. 68, granted 88id variance subject to the pres tion of plans of types of dwellings to be erected when the variance is pres ed to the Ci ty Counci 1. I No action was taken by City Council. , VARIAJ.CE t<<). 450~. Submi tted by W~. lam J. Drake requesting permission to cut a lot and erect 8 Single-Family Dwellin property described as the east side of North West Street, to the rear of Tract! . 2184. The City Planning Commi~ laid variance. i n, pursuant to their Resolution No. 69, gran~td No action was taken by Ci ty Counci 1. d Constructjon Company requesting permission advertising the sale of houses and lots in IAlUArcE r<<:>. .41151: Submi tted by A to erect a T..porary Directional Tract No. 18250 The City Planning COMmis said varIance subject to the foIl n, pursuant to their Resolution No. 70, granted g conditions: 1. Signs shall be a max 2. Signs will be permit or less. 3. A permi t must be tak' 4. The name of the sign, erected. 5. Sigqs must be 10 feet any..~t:reet or highllfa! 6. At the intersection back 25 feet. 1. All signs shall have 8. The fee per sign sha~ 9. Sign variances shall! advertising only trat 6-foot ground clearance. be $25.00. permitted for directional signs within the City Limits of Anaheim. size of 10 by 25 feet. fora maximum period of 6 months out with the Building Department. pany must appear on every sign ack of the right-of-way line of the streets, the signs must be set No action was taken by th VARIANCE NO. 454& Submitted by Jo~ L. and Julia B. Williams, Jr. requesting per- Ddssion to erect a one and one-half tory ~arage in front of present garage located at 614 Buttonwood Street. The City Planning Commis~ n, pursuant to their Resolution No. 73, granted Variance No. 454 subjeet.to the er. ion of the proposed addition in accordance with plans presentedo No action wa~t~ken by th City Coumeil. ,.8;... LASSIFI~AT~ON NQ.. .F-55-56-1~:. $. itted by' $. Ponteprino representing property owners reqUe$ting ~l zoning on ap~ xlmately 116 acres located in the East Sycamore Annexation. Pub\ic H,a:rinQ was order to b, held on this matter December 13. 1955. l~OO o'clo~ '.M., 0(1 motion by Co~ ilman SChutte, seconded by Councilman Fry. acrION CARRIED. o n n c - 7100 P 1266 California N vember 22 1 SPJI;IAL USE PERMIT: R Park on ptoperty descri Vetmont Street 0 steel by George H. Rose for permission to establish a T:tal.. briefly as the west side of South East Street, north of The Ci ty Planrt said Special Use Permit~ I I No action was I ken by the Cl tv Council.. C~ssion, pursuant to their Resolution No. (6, denied S.T NAME CHANGES I I teJin and to create less ment, the Ci ty Planning the following street.s: rder to provide oontinuity of streets along a logical pat- fusion to the public and the Anaheim Post Office Depart- ssion recOleended,the City Council change the names of Rustic Lane Rusti c Street . Ruth Drive i Kenmore Streetl Arllngttn Lan . Atlanta Avenu Crestwood Str Regal Avenue Gary Street Gary Place Judith Place Victor Street Julianna Stree~ Fay Avenue West Oak Drive; Merlin Street to Citron Lane in Tract ROo 2302 " Ramona Street tt It n 2369 tt Dagwood Street " " " 2161 " Keystone Street " tt n 1803 tt Kimberly Lane If tt .. 2181 It Beacon A~enue ta. n tt 2426 11 Evergreen Street It It It 2121 It Arlington Avenue ., " . 2659 & 2287 " Nutwood St~eet " It It 2577 tt Nutwood Place t~ II II 2577 II Vel va Place " It " 2578 " Victor Avenue " I' " 1376 & 1563 It Julianna Avenue .. tt It 1326- .. Chateau Avenue .. . . '2377 " Fay Lane " ... " 1607 " Nutwood Street " II It 2299 i lman Wisser offered Resolution No. 3009 and moved for its RESOWTION 00. 3009. Co passage and adoption. ,....., No.. 3010 and moved for 1 ts A R&SOWTION OF THE CITY: IL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CHANGING THE ~ 0{ ~eg"At, .STRIETS IN VARIOUS lRACT$ ITHIN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. On roll fo11ow1,ng vote: foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the AYES. NOES; ABSENT f fry, SChutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None . Pearson. The Mayor Pro 'It declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 3010. C pastage and adoption. A RESOWfION OF THE CITY VEYING TO THE CITY OF AN PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES. N::IL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GiANT pEEP CON- M CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FeE AN EASEMENT FCR RQADA~ SHA CONTAINeR C<EPCRATION OF C LIF<ENIA . On roll following vote& oregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the AYES: NOES: ABSENT: fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None 0 Pearson. The Mayor Pro T declared the foregoing resolution duly pa$sed and adopted. 1267 \ Ci nla Novsber 22 1955 - 7100 P.M. - - .f_'ESOLUTION NO. 3011 J Councilman S ts pa ssage __aft~ ac;topti on! . Refer to Resolution Book tte offered Resolution No a 3011 and moved for A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COtnCI L 0 YEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERT JlUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES. (O'BRIEN HE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A CiiANT DEED CON- REAL PROPERTY Fffi AN EASEMENT FeR ROAD AND <JtAHAM . D On ~oll 'ollowing votel resolution was duly passed and adopted by the AYES 1 NOES. ABSENTe COOte I LMEN: CQUtC I LMEN: COUteILMAN: Wisser, and Van Wagoner. The Mayor Pro Tam declar the foregoing resolution duly pa$sed and adopted. ~SOLUTION.NO~ 3012: Councilman Ft offered Resolution No. 3012 and moved for its passage and aloption. I Refer to Resolution Book " RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUf'CIL 0 'EYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CaiT PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES. PHILLIP CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GiANT DEED. CON- REAL PROPERTY FeR AN EASEMENT FCR ROAD AND NIELS . On roll call the foregoi~ resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote:, AYES, NOES. ABSENT & COUK;ILMEN: COUtCI LMEN: COUtCILMANa Wisser, and Van Wagoner. n The Mayor Pro Tem declar ~..' ... OLUTION NO. 30131 Councilman W_. -.rs passage and adoption. i the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. er offered Resolution No. 3013 and moved for Ref.- to R~~olution Book. . RESOLUTION OF THE C~TY COUtEIL Of E CITY Of ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A ~ANT PE~ CON- 'EYING TO THE CITY of.' ANAHEIM' cERr4 REALPROPCRTY FCR AN EASEMENT FcmPUBLIC UTIUTY IURPOSES. (ELMER H~ 'ZACHAY). On roll call the foregoin resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following votta AYES. M)ES. ABSINT a COUfCILMENa COU}cILMENa COUrclLMAN& Schutte, Wtsser, and Van Wagoner. The Mayor Pro Tem declar the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. ~WOOD MANOR ~NNSXATIONI Orange q nty Boundary Commission's report, dated November 1.4, 1955, was suba.i tied and read ili ull wherein the Boundary COJl1Rission found that n the boundaries of the proposed ann€i tion .ere reasonably definite and certain. Said . Boundary COIIIIIi 5 5i on '5 report wa 5 o~ red received and fll ed on moti on by Councilman t ' Fry, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. RQMNEYA-WEST ANNEXATION: The foll Clerk relative to the sufficiency d read I ng certif1cates of the City Clerk and County petition for annexation were submitted and ''CERTIFICATE RELATING TO OF INHABITED TERRITORY TO FICIENCY OF PETITION FOR THE ANNEXATION E CITY OF ANAHEIMe ,., 11 .~ 1 'it ,...., ,....., ~~.,..t" 1268 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF CHANGE ) CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, DENE M. WI that upon receiving in Anabeim of certain terri checked said petition a taln the total number of in said petition, and th~ that from such examinatlp fied electors residing ih is signed by 23 persons ~ petition are qualified e~ pet1tiont as shown by th~ and I further certify th~ tutes not less than one-f proposed to be annexed, . I further certi tiguous to the City of An ci ty. MS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify ffice a petition requesting the annexation to the City of y known and designated as ROMNEYA-WEST ANNEXAnON, I h~ve ve exaadned the CoUnty registration of voters to a SCer- alified electors residing within the territory described I have inspected said territory. and I further certify and such inspection I find that the total number of qual i- aid territory is 22 electors and I find that sai~ petition that 13 of the persons whose names are signed to said tors residing within the ~erritory describad in $aid ounty registration of voters of Orange County, California, said last-mentioned number of qualified electors consti- rth of the qualified electors r,siding within the territory shown by such County registration of voters. that said territory described in said petition is con- eim and does not form a part of any other inco;rporated ay of November, 1955. I s/ Dene M. W1l1iaIRs CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM (SEAW ... "CERTIFICA TE RE ING TO SUFFICIEtCY OF PETITION FeR THE ANNEXATION OF INHABITED T ITCHY TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) CQUlffY OF mANGE ) CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, B. J. SMITH'I that lam the cO\,1nty off!1 County of otange and I do! be ,~am~oed the petition ann...tSpn of: certain te RO~rA-WE$T ANNEXATION, wi thJo the' terri tory desc of voters, and to deter.mih to said petition. r further certif number of qualified electo is 22 electors and that th to said petition is 13 ele of the qualified electors Dated this 18th unty Clerk of the County of Orange, do hereby certify having charge of the registration of voters in the reby fu~ther certify that I have examined or ClU$ed to ei ved by. the City Clerk of the CIty of Anaheim for the ory to said City of Anaheim known and des1gnated as ascertain the total number of qualified electors residing ed in said petition, as shown by the County registration the number of qualified electors whose names are signed that from said examination it appears that the t9tal residing within the territory described 1n said petition total number of qualified electors whose names are slgoed ors, and that said number represents one-fourth or more siding within said territory. y of November, 1955. /s/ B. J. Sm1th COUNTY CLERK OF THE COUNTY OPCJlANGE (SEAL) tt Petition request .g annexation was ordered received andfilldt on .otion by Councilman Fry, second by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. RESOWTION NO.30l4: Court Iman Fry offered Resolution No. 3014 and moved for 1 ts passage and adoption. Refer to R.80lu~ Book, page 1269 - 7100 P . Cl Ca iI. lIoY-.bu A ReSOLUTION OF THE CITY COUlCI L ~ A SPS:::I4 EL~TION TO SUBMIT AFtER DESCftIBID TERRIT~Y THE QUES OF ANAHEIM. ROMNBYA-WEST ANNEXA 7.00 O'CLOCK P.M. . Afttr hearing read in fut. the title of a.solution No. JOt4 'and ~v1~ 1..nOW!&dge of t. he eOl'J'.teBts theJa'e1.n,. UAG11Jnan Wlaac fftO,ved the rei1dlng in full of H1d resolution be waived. Gouncl n Fry seeonded the MOtion. Motion unanimously carried. I f CITY OF ANAHEIM DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO THE QUALIFIffi) ELECTOOS RESIDING IN THE HEREIN- N OF ANNEXATION OF SAID TERRITORY TO THE CITY I:'UBLIC HEARING TO BE HELD DECEMBER 27 I 955 On roll call the following vot., resolution was duly passed and adopted by the A YBI.. NOes.. ABSENT I COmcILMEN. COUll; I LeN. CauteI LMAN. Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. The Mayor Pro Tem declir the foregoi~ resolution duly passed and adopted. i lEST ANAHEIM ANNEXATION NO.2. Tht o~lowin9 certificates of the City Clerk and iounty Clerk relative to the suffi ncy of petition for annexation were submitted and read. ' "CERTIFICATE RELATING TO FICIEtCY OF PETITION FeE THE ANNEXATION OF INHABITED TERRITORY T HE CITY OF ANAHEIM. ITATE OF CALIJORNIA ) ."tNTY OF CEA.-;E ) ss. an OF ANAHEIM ) I, ENE M. WILLIAMS, Cl tt that upon rec.iving in my office a hhelm of certain terri tory known i I have checked said petition and h~ .scertain the total number of qual described in said petition, and th GerUfy that from' such examnation I of qualified .lectors residing in ~ said peti tion 1 s d;geedby lSSper a1gned to said peti tlon are qual!f in said petitiQo,'as shown by the California, and I further certify.t electors constitutes not less than wi thin the territory proposed to ~ of voters. I further c erti fy that 5 tiguous to the City of Anaheim and city. lerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify titlon requesting the annexation to the City of d designated as WEST ANAHEIM ANNEXATION rI). 2, examned the County reg! stration of voters to ed electors residing ~thin the territory I have inspected said territory, and ~ further such inspection I find that the total number d terri tory is 172 electors and I find that .ead that 98 of the persons whose names are electors residing within the territory described nty registration of voters of Orange County, t said last-mentioned number of qualified fourth of the qualified electors residing eXed, as shown by such County registration territory described in said petition is con- es not form a part of any other incorporated Dated this 18th day 0' er, l~. / sl Den.. M. . Wil1u..a. CITY CLlK OF1RE C1TY OF MAHEIM (SEAL) ft ftCERTIFICATE RELATING TO ICIElCY OF PBTITIQN F<E THE ANNEXATION OF IHHABITED TCRRITOOY TO E CITY OF ANAHEIM. STATE OF CALIP(liNIA ) COONTY OF CRAfGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, B. J. SMITH, County Cl, of the County of Orang&, do hereby c~rtlfy that I am the eounty officer havingi arge of the registration of voters in the County of Orange and I do hereby fur er certify that I have examined or caused to o n n n , t ~.J n ;1 n t ! f J ( SEAL) " 1270 m CaliforniA November 22 1955 - 7100 P.M. be examined the petitio annexation of certain t WEST ANAHEIM ANNEXATION, residing within the ter~ registration of voters, ' are signed to said petit I further cer number of qualified elec is 172 electors and thatl signed to said petition ~ or more of the qualifiedl Da ted thi s l8t~ celved by the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim for the tory to said CIty of Anaheim known and designated a~ · 2, to ascertain the total number of qualified olectors ry described in said petition, as shown by the County to determine the number of qualified electors whose names that from said examination it appears that the total s residing within the territory described in said petition e total number of qualified electors whose names are 98 electors, and that said number represents one-fourth ectors residing within said territory. ay of November, 1955. /s/ B. J. Smith COUNTY CLmK OF THE COUNTY OF ~ANGE Petition reque~ and filed, on motion by ~ CARRIED. n9 annexation of inhabited territory was ordered received ncilman Fry, seconded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION RESOWTION NO. 3015: Co, ilman Fry offered Resolution No. 3015 and moved for its passage and adoption. A RSSOWfION OF TIiE CITY i CALL A SPECIAL ELECTION t AFTBR DESCRIBED TERRITORY OF ANAHEIM. (WEST ANAHE 1953. 7,00 O'CLOCK P.M.)~ rclL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DB:I.ARING ITS INTeNT~ON TQ SUBMIT TO THE QUALIFIED ELB::TORS RESIDING IN THE HEREI"*- QUESTION OF ANNEXATION OF SAID TERRITORY TO THE CITY ANNEXATION 00. 2 PUBLIC HEARING TO BE HELD DECEMBER 27 After hearing Jt d in full the ti tIe of Resolution No. 3015 and having knowledge of the content. herein, Councilman Wisser moved the reading 1n full of said resolution be waived Councilman Schutte seconded the motion. Motion unani- JItOus1y ca+ri~. On roll followil19 ,-!otel foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the AYES: NOES: ABSENT : Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van wagoner. None. N: Pearson. The Mayor Pro 11 declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. STANtON AVENUE ANNEXATIO known and designated as Peti tion requesUng annexation of inhabited terrl tory ton Avenue Aftnftation was submitted. The followiI19 C the sufficiency of said p ificates of the City Clerk and County Clerk relative to tion were submitted and read: NG TO SUFFICIEfEY OF PETITION RR mE ANNEXATION TORY TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF OOANGE ) s s.. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, DENE M. WIL4 that upon receiving in my! Anaheim of certain territ~ have checked said petitio~ Moetaln. the to'ta 1 numbet , City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do her~byc.rtify fice a petition requesting the annexation to the City of known and designated as STANTON AVENUE ANNEXATION, I nd have examined the County regietration of voters to f qualified electors residing within the territory 1271 Ci . - .scribed in ~ld petition, and th C}ertify that frQM such examination qf qualifl~ electors ~esldlng in l8id petition is si9n~d by 93 pers signed to said petition are qualif in said petition, as shown by the California, and I further certify .....lect~rs constitutes not less than I within the territory proposed to ~ V'oters. - ~... - . - I have inspect.ed said terr~ tory, aoo_ I fl11'ther d such inspection I flnd that th., totaJ n~er d terri tory. is 109 electors ~nd I find that._ and that 57 of the perso~s whose names are electors residing within the territory described nty registration of voters of Orange 90~nty, t said last=mentionednumber of qualified e-fourth of the qualified electors residing nnexed, as shoJfn by such County registration of I further certify that Sf terr! tory described in said petition is con- tiguous to the City of Anahel. and! es not form a part of any other incorporated cLty. Dated this 18th day of N~ (SEAL) 1st...., Me W111~s CITY CLERK OF mE CITY OF ANA1IEIM . i I tCBm.>..FICATE RELA~.ING T.O. FICIEI<<:Y OF PETITION Fat TIiE ANNEXATION OF ItfiABITEB "1BIB1UIr' .rq CITY OF ANAHEIM. IT ATE OF CALllQiNlA ) IOUNTY OF CliAJk;E ) s s . GXTY OF ANAHBIII ) I, B. J. SMITH, County C that I .. -thecountr officer havln County of Orange and.1: cIo I ltMy \0 be examined the petition recelv the annexation of certain territort as STAN'fOR AVIIIJEADEXATION, to a. residing within the terrl~ary regi stratton of voters, and to det names are signed to said petition. I further certify that ft number of qua1ified electors resi~ .peti tion is 109 electors and that ~are aigaed to said petition ~ one-fourth or 1IOre of -..eqllHtf1ed Bated this 18th day of N~ (SEAL) k of the County of Orange, do hereby certify harge of the registration of voters in the certify that 1 have -.1ned or cau,~ by the C1 ty Clerk of the Cl ty of Anabe1a for o said City of Anaheim known and designated rtaln the total number of qualified electors I.ca ..14 peti:tiOft,-as shown by -the eou.ty De the J ... of qualift.ed el ectors whose said examination it appears that the total within the territory described In said total ...-ber. of ~lift.ed electon whose 57 electors, and that said number r,presents lectors residing within said terri tory. , 19&>. 1,1 B. J. s.&.th COUNTY CLERK OF THE COUNTY OF <:RANGE tt Petition requesting anne~ ion was ordered rece! ved and filed on motion by Councilman SChutte, seconded by I ~&y. -"1!.Uw" -.-87".. IESOLtTTION NO. 3016& CoUDCi_n its Passage and adoption. Ref_ to Resolvtion Book" A RESOLUTION Of THE CITY COUtCIL O~ CALL A SPB:;IAL ELECTION TO SUBMIT 11 AFTBi DEOCRIBSD TERRITCRY THE QUESlt OF ANAHEIM. STANTON AVENUE ANNEX 5 7100 OtCLOCK P.M. . ofteed--Reeolwticm Ifo. 3016 and moved for E CITY OF ANAHEIM DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO HE QUALIFIED ELB:TCRS RESIDING IN THE HEREIN. N OF ANNEXATION OF SAID TERRITORY TO THE CITY N PUBLIC HEARING TO BE HELD Da:EMBm 27 o n n 1272 California Nov.-ber 22 1955 - 7.00 PM. After hearing ~ d in full the title of Resolution No. 3Q~6 and hav1f)9~ knoWledge of the content~ herein9 Councilman Schutte moved the reading in full of said resolution be waiveQ Councilman Fry seconded the motion. Motion unanimously c.a rri ed. On roll following vote. Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. Pearson. foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the n , 'M COU~. COU COU PrO~ AYES: NOES & ABSENT: The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE NOo 10261 Cou~ lman Schutte offered Ordinance No. 1026 for final reading and moved for its passag1 nd adoption. Refer to Ordin~ e Book, page AN CRDlNAN:E OF THE CITY i MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING ~ THEREIN REGJiATING THE U MAP SHOWING THE BOUNDARI FOR ADJUSTMENT, AME REPEALING ALL SECTIONS RESOLUTION NO. 2699)0 ANAHEIM AMEN:>ING ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND OF LAND, HEIGHT OF BUIIDINGS AND YARD SPACES, ADOPTING A OF SAID ZONES, DEFINING THE TERMS USED THEREIN, PROVIDING ND ENFCRCEMERT) PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION AND ARTS OF Sa;TIONS IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. {~!)4-55-28, After hearing II in full the title of Ordinance No 0 1026 and having knowledge of the contents herein, Councilman Schutte moved the reading in full of said ordinance be waived. ouncilman Fry seconded the motion.. Motion unanimously carr! ad. ~ fry., SG8utt~ Wl,SS8I'. and Van Wagoner. None . NI Pearsono On roll call by the following vote: foregoing Ordinance No. 1026 was duly passed and adopted AYES: NOES: ABSENT: The Mayor Pro 11 declared the foregoing ordinance duly passed and adopted. !ROAD COMPANY: Communication dated November 7, 1955 oad Company wi th reference to an agreement da ted November 3, 19:Q9 covering installation of power conductors on 'Rai.lroadM11e Post 18060 and 19.23 on th~ Anaheim Branch, ration of this agreement December 2, 1955. AGREEMENT UNION PACIFIC from the Union Pacific Ra 30, 1951 and renewedMa Edison Company po1esbe called attention to the On motion by C to the agreement for a p Clerk authorized to sign Anah.im~ MOTION CARRIEDo ilman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Fry, an extension of five (5) years was requested and the Mayor and Ci ty -rr eAdot:S.!l\l .for and on behalf of the Ci ty of l PROPOSED CITY Ir<<XJiPCRATl Notice of Intention to Ci City of Stanton, filed wi: received and flIed on mot[ MOTION CARRIED. Notice fr_ County Clem B. Jo 5IIi:th of receipt of late a Petition for the Incorporation of the Proposed the Board of Supervisors November 14, 1~5~ 1ri& ordered by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Schutte. REQUEST FCR STOP SIGN: R' Citron Street was submitt SchooL~ est for boulevard stops to be placed on Broadway at by Paul Ho Demaree, Superintendent, Anaheim Union High Installation of motion by Councilman Fry, RE EST FeE CROSSING GU John Marshall School to a~ and read. quested stop sign was authorized by the City Council, on conded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. Request from Paul W. Cook for Crossing Guard near the st the pupils to cross West La Palma Avenue was submitted I~ 1 i I I I I I I I 1273 C1 - 7100 PM. Sa1d request was grant Schutte, secMKIed by C_ounci1M~F TRANSFER OF RJM:>S, Transfers of ~ the Gener.l Pund to the Bon~ and paYments wer. authorized, on Irtoti . Fry. MOTION CARRIED. ! 1 ~ wateJ'W()ft s Extens1 y the Ctty Countil, on motion by Councilman IIJ'rIOM CA-t~.. following amounts (total $60,037.50) frgm nest Red8ltption Fund to cover bond and i.nte2'est by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman 125,000.00 4,843.75 S25,eoo.OO 4,843.75 I I 1~ Electric Extension I I Jolllt Outfall Sewer I jJij)INAtCE NO., 10211 Councill8n Sc and moved for its passage and ado Interest $ 150.00 te offered Ordinance No. 1027 for final reading IN aIDINAM;E OF THE CITY Of ANAHEI IIJNICIPAL CQI)I RELATING TO mE EST THEREIN Rf!GULATING THE USE OF LAND I. MAP SHOONG THE BOUNDARIES OF SA YIDI NG FCR ADJUSTMENT, AMENDMENT, A rION AND REPEALING ALL SECTIONS CR, ( F-54-55--26 ) . . NDING ARTICLE IX CH P 2 OF THE ANAHEIM SHMENT OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND !IGIT OF BUILDINGS AND YARD SPACES, AOOPTING ZONES, DEFINING THE TERMS USED THBiEIN, PRO- ENF<ECEMENTJ PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FeR VIOLA- T5 OF SECTIONs IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. After hearing read in fu knowledge of the contents therein, aaid ordinance be waived. Council -.cusly carri... On roll call the foregoi~ Ordinance No. 1027 was duly passed and adopted .t:ry the following vote, i the title of Ordinance No. 1027 and having uncilman Fry moved the reading in full of Schutte seconded the motion. Motion unani- AYES, NOEl. ABSINT I COUleI LMENa COUtCI!,MEN: COUtCILMAN: Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. Tn. Mayor Pro Tem declar the foregoing ordinance duly passed and adopted. GmINAtCEli). .1028, Councilman lit' r offered Ordinance No. 1028 for first reading .nd moved for its passage and adop AN ORDINAl'GE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEI "NICIPAL COD! RELATING TO THE EST THEREIN REG.JLATING THE USE OF LAND A MAP SHOWING THE BOUNDARIES OF SA 'IDING FeR ADJUSI~, ~~ UTION AN) REPEALING. ALL Sa::nONS (F-54-5~38. ~SOLUTIQN NO 0 2150) e ING ARTIC IX CHAP! OF THE ANAHEIM SHMENT OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND EIGIT OF BUIIDINGS AND YARD SPACES, ADOPTING ZONESJnEFINING THE TERMS USED 1HEREINJ PRo. El'fII8;EllBltJ P8.~JBlJG ~ F(R:-..yIO- NaTS OF Ss:noNS IN CONFLICT THEREWI1H. Aft. hearing read in fu~ the title of Ordinance No. 1028 and having knowledge of the contents thtl'aift, : lman Wisser .eved the reading in full of 88id ordinanc. be .!ved. eo..cs .,-C1 It..Y; . "tile !lOtion. M'etfon unani- lIOusl y carr1 ad. PLUMBER BOlI:>S., Pl\llber Bonds a~ ed by Larry's Pl....1Dg and Padd~ Pools, Inc. wa. ordered -.celved aAd filed > a, 1iaeQty Al.~J'.' Oft..~.. by Councilman Wisser, seconded by C ... F7y... ....._,p-T~~ J..O.S. REPCIiTSI Report of expensesi Sections of the 3.0.5. for the man _..ge trOll tM s~eral ci ties and later Disposal Company for the mon filed on motion by Councilman Wiss Id by the City of Anaheim in maintaining f October, l~, and report of the flow of ftary dtsbict.s or the 3.0.5. and Waste f October, 1955 were OTdered reeeivedand seconded by Counc~lman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. o ./ o o ,.., t I JAil n ~ 1~4 m California November 22 1955 - 7:00 P.M ORDINAfCE NO. 10291 Co and moved for its passa lRlan Wi$ser offered Ordinance No. 1029 for first reading net adoption. AN ORDINAI'CE"OF THE CIr VACATE AND ABANDON AN EA HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED RE AND DIRECTING THE POSTIN (PUBLIC HEARING TO BE HE ANAHEIM DECLARING mE INTENTION OF THE CIn: COUr<<:;IL TO NT FOR ROAD PURPOSES UPON, OVER, ACROSS, AND ALONG THE mOPERT'4 AND FIXING A TIME AND PLACE FOR A HEARING THEREON, F NOTICES THEREOF AND THE PUBLICATION OF THIS atDINA~J::. DECEMBER '27 1955 7; 00 0 'c LOCK P After hearing t d in full the title of Ordinance No. 1029 and having knowledge of the contenta herein, Councilman Schutte moved the reading in full of said ordinance be wai~~ Councilman Fry seconded the motion. Motion unanimously carriedo RESOWTION NO. 3017: paslage and adoption. tIman Fry offered Resolution No. 3017 and moved for its A RISOWI'ION OF THE CITY THAT A CHANGE OF ZONE IS CHAPTER '2 OF THE ANAHEIM OF ZONE, AND RESCINDING UNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING ESSARY IN CERTAIN AREAS OF mE CITY AND THAT ARnCLE IX. NICIPAL CODE SHOUID BE AMENDED TO ACCOMPLISH SAID CHANGE OLUTION NO. '2932. (F~55-56-4). . . Resolution No. to the owner deeding the Euclid Avenue for street Holyoke, City Engineer, d was required. 32 authorized the change of zone on this prop.:ty subject ty of Anaheim a strip of land 20 fe&t in depth along dening purposes. Memorandum received from Georg. E. ed October 31, 1955, indicated that no added right of way On roll following vote: foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the AYES: NOES. ABSENT : Fry, Schutte, Wis-ser, and Van Wagoner. None. Pearson. The Mayor Pro r resolution duly passed and adopted. n Schutte offered Ordinance No. 1030 for first reading d adoption. - ClIDlNAK:E f<<). 10301 Coun and Moved for its passage' AN ClU>INAtCE OF THE CITY NVNICIPAL CODE RElATING TO THEREINRErnLATING THE USE MAP SHOWING THE BOUNDARIES FOR ADJUSTMENT, AMENDMENT) REPEALING ALL SECTIONS OR ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICLE IX. CHAPTER 2 OF nlE ANAHEIM E ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AM) F LAND, HEIGfT OF BUIIDINGS AND YARD SPACES, APOPTING A F SAID ZONES; DEFINING THE TERMS USED THEREIN, PROVIDIt<<3 ND ENFORCEMENT, PRESCRIBING PENALTI.E$ FOO VIOLATION AND TS OF SECTIONS IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. (F-55-56-4). After hearing re knowledge of the contents said ordinance be waived. carri eel. in full the title of Ordinance No. 1030 and having erein, Councilman Schutte moved the reading 1n full of ouncilman Wisser seconded the motion. Motion U0401mouely CCRRBSPONDENCE; COllllluni ca payment of M.W.D. Taxes ft on from Metropolitan Water District relative to the Municipal Funds was submitted and read. CCRRSSPONDEM::E; Communica on from State Highway Engineer relnive tQ the adoption of Freeway routing in Ora", County, Route '2, between Route 174 and Route 176, and Route 19, between Route 17 and Orange-Los Angeles County Line, was submitted and read. CORRESPONDENCE; Communlca on from Fremont Junior High P.T.A. thanking the Council for permission to sell co~ during the recent Halloween Pageant was submitted and read. CORRESPONDENCE a Request 01 the Optimist Club for permission ifo operate a Christmas tree salK lot at 1010 Wes' ent'er Street was granted by the Ci ty Couneil, on motion by Councilman Wisser, sacol by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. 1275 Ci . - 7~ge'P... CCRRESPOtnEfrQ: J COI1II\unl ca tl on fr the City, in the amount of $86.61, driven by Offt.cer Hllf, was sulai by the City Council, on motion by MOTION CASIS>. adison Cornell Gry, claiming dal!t8ges ~ga~,nst esulting from accident involved ~th ~oli.ce.. car and read. Saidcla.1m for damages was denied ncilman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Fry, ~ESPOrt:)Etql COlllnunication fr ~tional SorGtity for permission November 29, 195~, sponsoring a " Alamitos Race Course, wIih all don was submitted and read and permiss Councilman Schutte, seconded by Co ta Gam8a Chapter, Epsilon Si~a Alpha Inter- ell tickets in the City of Anaheim on. Tuesday, at the Races.. with the cooperation of th~ Los ons 901n9 to the Cystic Fibrosis FOUndation, granted by the City Council, on motion by tIman Wlssera MOTION CARRIEDa ~ESPC>>I>Eq& Coawnunicatlon fr . building to 1018 West Center Str cussed ~th further investigation ,BSOLUTION NO. 30181 Counci Iman Sf Its passage aDd adoption. : A.. RESOLUTI::f:: :ER:::U:~::o:t ., A RIGfT OF. WAY FOO HIGlWAY PlIi~ CITY OF ANAHEIM ICCEPT~.NG T~COtWiYA~E (RENE AND MARY E. OOATACKER. $2, QOO. 00) . os. L. Mclaughlin relative to the moving of to be used as a reel estate office, was die- be made by the City Council" tte offered Resolution Noo 3018 and moved for On roll call the foregol$ resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote. AYES. NOES: ABSBNT : COUOCILMEN: COUr-cILMEN& COUtCI LMAN I Schutte, Wisser,. and Van Wagoner. The Mayor Pro T em d(\tclar, resolution duly passed and adopted. itted by property owners on theeast,si'de of Avenue, requesting reclassificationtfrom R--A FLASSIFICATION t<<). F~55-56-l3: ~ IDrth West Street, above West La p~ to R-3 zoning. PubUc Hearing was order P.IL, on motion by Councilman Schu held on the matter December 13. 1955. 7&00 o'clock , seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. GDMPLETION OF.ORK ORDER NO. 1372: eorge F. Oelkers, Superintendent of Light, Power, and Water certified that the Water' 11 Supply Company had completed the installation of a deep well turbine pump in Well! . 8, Work Order No. 1372 in accordance with plans and specifications, and reco. ded that the work be accepted. USOWTION NO. 3019: Councilman F ,.ssage and adoption. ffered Resolution No. 3019 and moved for its Refer to Resolution ~ook, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUN:IL OF: ~ION AND THE FURNISHING OF ALL P AID ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATIO ING ALL WCRK NECESSARY TO GONSTROCT TIlE PURCHASE AHD INSTALLATION IN W 00. 13720 E CITY OF ANAHEIM FINALLY ACCEPTING THE COA1- , lABOR, SERVICES , MATERIALS Am ECm1'MENT tCLUDING POWER, FUEL, AND WATER, AND PERF~M- COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPRCNEMENTI J<<) 8 Of A D HE PUMP WCRK On roll call the foregoing following vote. esolution was duly passed and adopted by the AYES. NOES. ABSENT: COUOCI!..MEN I COU1f:I LMEN: COUOCILMAN: Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. Tile .yor Pro Tem declare4 he foregoing resolution duly passed and a<h,...,ted. o o o ADJOURNED. 1276 m CallfGroi. Nov.ber 22 1955 - 7100 P.M CArcELLATION OF CITY TAX Schutte, cancellation of. erty within the City of . purposes and formerly as' Inc., M1gaki Nakamura. On motion by Counciiman Wisser, seconded by Counci~man ty Taxes was authorized on prop.r~y andp.ort~ons._~f p~~p- helm purchased by the State of California for highway sed to the following: H. M. Foster, Broadway-Hale Stores, ION CARRIED. r-t ; i f i ..~ PURCHASE OF lRAN<3FOOMffiS Wisler, purchase was aut thr.e (3) - 333 KVA su MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Councilman SChutte, seconded by Councilman ized of three (3) - 167 KVA subway-type transfoJ'mers and type transformers at an approximate cost of $l6,146.60. WATE RESERVOIRS AND ro and City Attorney~ Prest Montgomery for a more de million gallon water res station, on motion by Co~ CARRIED. STATION: City Administrative Officer, Keith A. Murdoch Turner were authorized to negotiate with Engineer James M. ite proposal for engineering services to design a three oir and a five million gallon water reservoir and pumping ilman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION SECURITY FIRST NATIONAL bank parking lot, allowi man Fry, seconded by Cou. PARKING LOT I Openings onto Center Street to serve the rtght-hand turns only, was approved on motion by Council- lman Schutte. IDTION CARRIED. Councilman Wis o'clock P.M. Councilman moved to adjourn to Tuesdav, November 29, 1~5. 3.00 hutte seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. SIGNED. ~ J