1955/11/29 1277 The CIty Council of the! ty of AnaheiM BMJt in Adjourned Regular Session. PRESENT; COUtCILMENI Fry, 5ch and Van ABSENT; COUfCILMAN: Pearson. CITY ATTCRNEY, PRESTON TURNERI pt CITY ADMIIIS1RATIVE OFFICER, KEIT$ Th. City Clerk called ~ Mayor Pro T~ for the City of Ana. wagoner Mayor Pro Tem for the City nomination and moved the nominati$ KJrION CARRIID. Councilman Van W. Anaheim. the meeting at 3125 P.M.), Wisser, Present. meeting to order for the purpose of electing a . CouncIlman Fry nominated Councilman Van f Anaheim. Councilman Wisser seconded the be closed. Councilman Fry seconded the motion. ner was seated as Mayor Pro Tern for the City of JOB NO. 104; INFROVEMENT OF LA P reported the R. J. Noble Company said bid. AVENUE I The City Engineer, George E. Holyoke, be low bidder and recOIJII1ended the acceptance of 8ESOWTION l'I). 3020& Counci !man \1 its passage and adoption. ser offered Resolution No. 3020 and moved for Refer to Resolution Book A RESOWfION OF THE CITY COUK:IL 0 ANlAWARDINGA CONTRACT TO THE ~ PLANT, I.AIk:R, SERVICES , MATERIALS, TATION ItCLUDING POWER, FUEL, A~ i SmUCT AtI> COMPLETE THE FOLI.CMING AVENUE FROMMAGN:>LIA AVENUE TO S mE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACX:EPI'ING A SEALED PROPOSAL T RESPONSIBLE BIDDER Fat TIlE FURNISHING OF ALL ND E~IPMENT Aft) ALL UTIUTIES AND 1RANSPai- Tm AND pmF<RMING ALL WCRK NECESSARYro CON. LIC IMPROVEMENT; IMPROVat:NT OF LA PALMA IA AVENUE JOB NO. 104. On roll following votel resolution was duly passed and ~dopted by the AYES, NOISI ABSENT a COOte I LMENI COUtCILMENI COUtCILMEN; , Wisser, and Van Wagoner. the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. JOB NO. 1062, PALM LANE SEW I teported Slmet E. Barnett to be 1 Did. EMENTI The City Engineer, George E. Holyoke, Idder and recommended the acceptance of said RESOLUTION 00. 30211 Councilman P pass8ge and adoption. I I offered Resolution No. 3ml and moved for its Refer to Resolution Bookt A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUtCI L 0 AM:> AWARDING A ,CONTRACT TO THE LOW PLANT, LABCR,. SERVICES, MATERIALS, TATION ItCLUDING PCNlER, FUEL, AND STROCT AM> COMPLETE THE FOLLOWIr<<3 HE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED PROPOSAL RESPONSIBLE BIIDrR Fat THE FURNISHING OF ALL EQUIPMENT AND ALL UTIUTIES AND TRANSPCR- m AND PERFORMING ALL WaiK NECESSARY TO CON- LIC IMPRCWEMENT I THE PALM LANE SEWER IMPROVE- LID A ENUE JOB On roll following vat., resolution was duly passed and adopted by the i AYES. COUNCILMEN. F. f Wisser, and Van Wagoner. NOES, COUtCILMENI NO . ABSENT: COUtCILMEN: P son and Schutte. The Mayor Pro Tem declar I the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. I I I I ! I o n n o n.... I,., . .~ J 1278 CI Hill An JO& NO. 10631 VERIIJNT Holyoke, reported Elmer of'uld bid. RESDWTION NO. 3022& C pa.t.g. and adoption. E SEWER IMPROV~NT& Th. City en9inee.~Georg. E. . Barnett to be low bidder and recommended th.acc*ptlnce iIman Fry offered Resolution No. 3022 and moved for it. on Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CIT AND AWARDING A CONTRACT PLANT, LABOR, SERVICES, I~J.UDING POWER, FUEL, A COMPLETE THE FOLLatING FROM CITRON STREET TO HA M:;IL OF THE CITY OF AHAHEIMACCEPTING A S~~~OPO. THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIooai F(It THE fURNISHING. Of ALL ERIALS, AW EQUIPMENT Art) ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSpoRTATION WATER AND PERFa\MlNG ALL WORK NBJESSARY TO CONSTRUCT All) IC I ROVEMENT & THE VERW>NT AVENUE SEWER IMPRCVIMENT. HIRE AVENUE JOB NO. 106 On roll following vote: foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the AYES: NOES a ABSENT. The Mayor Pro t Fry, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. Pearson and Schutte. d&clared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopt~. JOB NO. 1064: THE SH~ Holyoke, reported Elmer of Mid bid. ~OVE SEWER IMPROVEMENT a The.ci ty Engineet', Geotge E. Barnett to be low bidder and recommended the a.~tanc. RESQLUTION NO~ 30231 Co'it ilman Wisser offered Resolution No. 3023 and moved for ita paslag_ and adoptlo'n. Refer to Resol~ on Book~ page A RBSOLUTION OF THE CITYi AND AWARDING A CONTRACT 't PLANT, LABCR, SrRVICES, INCLUDING PaVER, FUEL, A .cOMPLETE THE FOLLCMING PO 00. 1064. UtCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCBPTING A S~ED J1IfO." THE LCMEST RESPONSIBLE BIOOER FCB THE FURNISHING OF ALL . ~IALS, AND ECJJIPMENT AM) ALL UTILITIES AND m~,.pTATIOH WATER AND PERFatMING ALL WCRK NEGESSARY TO .C9.-mU::T .AfI) IC IMPROVEMENT. THE SHERWOOD-ffiO'lE SEWSt . IMPROVIUl:NT. JoI On roll following vote. Fry, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. Pearson and Schutte. foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the AYES. M)ESa ABSENT. The Mayor Pro 'Ii declared the foregoing resolution dUly pas.td.nclado~~ by Joseph A. Abandonato requesting pel'JDi.aa1oQ-to ..tab- trailer spec.., 16 Apartments, s.,J,JIID1ngPQOl..tc. on . along the Santa Ana Freeway, easterly of S~th Palm Str..t e. VAR~fC:e t<<). 442. Subm!: lish a Trailer Park with i proPtrty described as lyi and northerly of Midway The City Planni said variance. CODlJ\isslon, pursuant to their Resolution No. 81, dtnied An appeal from ~ ion taken by the City Planning CommissIon_as lubMitted by R. S. Stuhley, Agent. Public Hearing 710~ Q'clock P.M., on mot CARRIBD. ..,. ordered to be held on the matter. Decemb.r 20,,1., by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Counoil..n 'ry~ II)TION 1279 G VARIAf'CE NO. 452. Subni tted by J one room at &10 East Broadway 1n ; E. Bukovskis requesting permission to convert One-Operator Beauty Shop. The City PlannIng CODlllII said variance subject to a si9n Beauty Shop. No actIon was taken by on. pursuant to their Resolution No. 74, granted over 10 inches by 24 inches, advertising the City Couneilo VARIA~E NO. 4031 5utlni tted by Wp er G. 8mi th requesting permission to erect a One-Fa~ly ~.lling on the front p property located at 426 South West Street. Th. City Planning Comml$ on, pursuant to their Resolution No. 75, denied said variance. No action was taken by t City Council. VARIAICEJI). ~t Sutai tted by 98 E. Riley requesting permI sslon to erect a Building on the rear of property i ated at 1125 Lincoln Avenue for the manufacture and storage of batteri as.. Th. City Planning Commi$ on, pursuant to their Resolution No. 76, granted said variance. No action was taken by t CIty Council. VARIArl:E NO.~6J Subati tted by B~ and Willie Mae Bell requesting permission to erect a 4 or5-foot fence to enclo the front and side yards of their property located at 2126 Glen Avenue. I The City Planning Commis jon, pursuant to their Resolution No. 77, denied said variance. 1 I An appeal from action t Bill and Wil11e Mae Bell. by the City Planning Commission was filed by PuDJ.l c Heari nQ wa s 7.00 o'clock P.M., on motion II>TION CA1ItIED. on the matter December 20. 19f>5. seconded by Councilman Wisser. RED mE MEETING AT 3;25 P.M.) aILLASSIFICA nON tI). F~'55-56-l11 i tt.ed by Cent-ex CoJ:porat1on requesting re- Classification from R-l to R-3 on c tain lots in Tract No. 2377. Public Hearinq was order I to be held on the matter Dec$lDber 13, 1955. 7,;00 0 'clock P.M., on motion by Co filman Wisser, seconded by Counci..Jaan Fry. Jl)TION CARRIED. I I IECLASSIFICATION NO. F-5~56--l21 S itted by Nicholas J. Dovalis and James G. Gentes requesting reclassification am ~2 to M-l on property described briefly as the north side of Lincoln Avenu. approximately 860 feet west of Euclid Avenue. Public Hearin9 was order to be held on the matter December 13, 1955, 1100 o'clock P.M., on motion by Cou ,iIman Fry, seconded by Councilman Schutte. I<<>TION CARRIED. RB:LASSIFICATION NO. F-5!>-56-6. DJ'i!E. H. Kersten addressed the Council relative to reclassification of property loc ed on the south side of La Palma Avenue, b~tween Palm and Citron Streets and more particularly, that portion lying $100g Oi tron Street. i . ~ o o 12.'" o R PCR.lIJSllflSS LI 1c.nse to sell Chr1s1:lu th. presont zonlng ord1 temporary business ptu...l "ff.zor,d his property, wh a possible site for the I aequest fr~ the Ex~_CIUP,_Qf'.'.~~ fOt._~~I' :re.. at"14!J. No'l"'th Palm Sb-..t .. subddrtted. Xn tt. .of . e, the City Counc;l1 waswltbout jurlsd~'ction to-O~~nf' ~ or r.tailbusine.~ at this location, and Dr. E~ H.- J(e:rsten . is 1oG~ted on Palm Street, south of La Palma AvenUe, as hang_ Club to conduct this sale. hlan: Wisser off...-MOrdinance No.. 1029 for flnal reading nd adopt1on. e Boot, pa~ ANAHEIM Ds:LARIN(; THE INTENTION OF THE CITY COUM:.IL TO F~ ROAD~UPON, ovm, ACROSS, All) ALOE THE PROPERTY, AND FIit~ A TIME AND ~LACE F(Jt A HI!MtIIG1'IUQ-, , KG OF oorICSS mEREOF AND THE PUBLICATION OF THIS .CRDIMAM:L 7 l~ 7.00 O'CLCXX PM., PCRTIONS OF LQTS 11, 16, 23,.)' NVestMENT COMPANY'S 1RACT . ' I After hearing * d 1n full'the t1 tIe of Ordinance No. 1029 and having knowledge of the content~ herein, Councilman Fry moved the reading in full of ..id ordinance be waived. CO" 1lman Wisser seconded the motiono Motion unanimously '" ca rned . ;;,o..!'o._~""_'''''''' AYES, NOES. ABSENT I Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Waggqar1t None. Pearson. On roll call tij foregoing Ordinance No. 1029 was duly passed and ~opted by the following vot.el ,..... ji I ., .# The Mayor Pro 'It declared the foregoing ordinance duly pa..tda,nd .d~pttd. RESQWTION NO. 3024, CoU ilman Schutte offered Resolution No. 3024 and Moved for 1 tspasaag, and adoption., nl --8 A RISOLt1I'IpN OF THE CITY.. AN V~ ~~N THE AND IFE,. '.,' "i'-S Of: mE SEW CHARGES IN 10 E J<<:IL OF. THE. CITY OF ANAHEIM AtJ'JH(R. IZIH!:1..11UI ~.'........ ....'~...IJ. ION........: If. i.... TY OF ANAHEIM AND JJCK C. AND DatO'l'H'l G.. ~, .!ltSIA. , RELA ING TO SEWER COtflETION. (P~YMENT OF' Sl-.500.f)Q YMENTS . ' I , . . .. . foregoing feso+ut~on was duly passed and adopt~ by the ~J1 roll following vote. AYES. t<<) ES . ABeENT. Fry, SChutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. Pearson. The Mayor Pro r: RESOLUTION NO. ~I COO pas8Ig'e and adopt-ion. declared the foregoing r.loluti~ du1.y' pasaed.ndadop~~ lman Fry offered Resolution No. 3025 andmQvtd far 1 ts n Bo9k, poge A RSIfOWI'ION Or: mE CITY I<<::IL OF THE CITY O.F. . ANAHEIM ACCSPT. INGA ~.Pfll......i CDN-' VEYItfG TO THE CITY OF AN M CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY Fat AN EASEMENT Fat PUBLIC UTI L!TY PORPOSES. (STC1<<ED On 1"011 following vote. AYES. NOES & ABSENT.- oregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the Fry, SChutte, Wis.er, and Van Wagoner. None. Pearson. The Mayor ProT declared the foregoing re.o1ution duly ~..~.".dtP"'t A RESOLUI'ION OF THE CITY COUtCIL cJ> THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GlANT D~);D CON- VEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERt N REAL PllOPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT Fat ROAD AND 0...... PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES. BELL A JC KINNEY). . . 1281 Ci Hall. Anaheim Cal RESoLUTION-NO. 30261 Councilman W ser offered Resolution No~ 3026 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book Page On roll following votes resolution was duly passed and adopted by the AYSSI NOEl ABIENT I COUtCILMEN I COUtCILMENI COUtC I LMAN5 Wisser, and Van Wagoner. The Mayor Pro Tem decla~ the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. COMPLETION OF JOB NO. 10591 Geor~ E. Holyoke, City Eftgineer, certified that J.E. PopoviCh, as Contractor, had comp~ ed the East Street S~er Improvement, Job No. 1059, in accomance w1 th plans and j eciflca,tions and recommended that the work be officially accepted. RESOLUTION NO. 3027t Councilman S tte offered Resolution No. 3027 and moved for :I. ts passage and adoption. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL "LETION AND nIE FURNISHING OF ALL AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPCRTATI ING ALL WCRK NECESSARY TO CONSTRUe" EAST SffiEET SEWER IMPROVEMENT FR l~O. , On roll call the foregoin I resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vot.J I I AYES. COUOCILMENI F, ~j. SChutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. NOBl. COUrcI LMEN. No . ABSENT. COUNCILMANt P son. The Mayor Pro Tern declar I the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. ORD..' INANCE NO. 1031. Councilman Sch lte offered Ordinance No. 1031, for first reading .nd moved for its passage and adopt ~n. HE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINALLY ACCEPTING THE COM- NT, LABOR, SERVICES, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT I~LUDING POWffi, FUEL, AND WATER, AND pmFCRM- ND COMPLETE THE FOLLCI'lING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT. ANGETHCRPE AVENUE TO KENWOOD AVENUE JOB 00. AN ORDINAl'CE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM -.INICIPAL CODe RELATING TO THE EST THEREIN REGULATING THE USE OF LAND. A MAP SHOWING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAl VIDI NG FOO ADJUSTMENT, AMENDMENT, A TION AND REPEALING ALL SB:;TIONS CR RESOLUTION NO. 2888 M-l ZONING OF I Aftar hearing read in ful .~the title of Ordinance No. 1031 and having knowledge 0.. f the contents therein, . · uncilman Schutte moved the reading in full of said ordinance be waived. Councilm Wisser seconded the motion. Motion unani- mously carried. i CAtCELLATION OF CITY TAXES I On mot n by Councilman Fry, seconded by Councilman SChutte, canc.llation of City Taxes as authorized on property purchased jointly by the City of AnaheIm and the Anah m City School District from Nutwood Proper- ties, Inc. #4. MOTION CARRIED. 476.00 RESOLUTION NO. 2901 . o J 1292 CAS leverend CaHbeer ad.H~ th.- '~tl'a.nd allera had been purchased and would be parked near eleven be used as classroOMs for reli9~ous schooling, and he sh lIght and power to these trailers. George F. Oelkt ,Superintendent of Light, P'oftr, and Water wal requested to obtain an esti_te of! s~ for the utili'ty and .1_ -the. croat of establishing an outlet. n .J HE T TO lCNE WILDING hqtleet to move a small ~. Ituccoed and bave a f of 'ire Zone 1. After d CouRcilman Schutte, taco .1ng to this location. Thos. L. Mclaughlin addressed the Council regarding hi. ldlng to 1018 W..t Center Street. S,ld building we& to reG-atant reof in.~lltd in oMer to ...t fte r..tl'iction. u,.ion of the -tter,. the C1ty Coun,11, on JIOtlon .by by Counci lMn f~, den! ed said request to- move the but lei- ON CARRIED. WATBR RIIIRYOIRS AND PUJltING STATION. Dlacu.... W.' . tel y J... M. Mont...zoy, on.ulUnv Inti... t~ e.. studies, and designs for the construction .f a 011', a 5-m!llion-gallon water rei.rvol~, and'pumptng letter of NQv.er 10, l~. On motion by Councilman Fry, tie, the offer as proposed in said letter wa. accfPted de in negotiation, aod the City Attorney was authorized to act. JDI'ION CARRIED. n AU~IZATION"OF PAYMENT au~or1zed, as per stat BrOlkhurat Avenue, on _0 MOTION CARRIED. AUTlDtIZATION OF PAYMENT for the improvement of R was authorized by the Cl IRan Wiseer. MOTION CARR property owners and retut Payment of $11,165.00 to the Birmingham Deve;lor--tCo. nt Avenue and the lnltall.t1on of wet. main. and ..... Council, on motion by CQuncilman Fry, seconded by C()unfll- . This proportionate cost will be borne by the adjacent to the City as per their agreiment. ,~ ke's Rubbish Service, an organization servi"Q,;.:ti,.,.indu.. ction of the City, was reported to be opera".ga viola- 1 Code. On motion by Councilman Fry, lecOllllil by Co"nci'. strative Officer and the City Attorney wer. requ..ted to ION CARRIED. Payiftent of $&,000.00 to Leo Weller, Contractor,... t luI:Bl tted, for the constructionaf a ...r line In n by Councilman Wi..er, leQonded by Councll.n Schutte. MIKI'S RUBBISH SERVICEa trill areas of the north tion to the Anaheim Muni~ man Wi saer, the City Adn4 inveltigate the matter. ~ION OP ST~ D SchUtte, seconded by Co nec,leey reaolutlon eal ~~r the conatructio Councilman Fry t.CfION CARRIED. ved to adjourn. Councilman S(fhutte seconded tbeaot\.< '~V:, ADJOORNED. SIGNED. n , ,,~