1955/12/20 1298 ,., J - 7a;80'P.M. The Ci:ty PRESENT I G(]JJ(;ILMEN& ABSENT; COU1C~i tITY ATICRNEY t PH . CITY ~N1STRATIVE PUBI,.IC HEARING. V ~ 1ng permission to .~ Itents, swt_ing pool, FreaweYt easterly of ., i8e.Glt.J'd.4f~Ai"'~:" iaadj.\iIIIIMd __I' session. _T'son~ Fry~ Sdtvtt.and bn' Wagoner. .eer. fER I Present. , KEITH A. RJRDOOlb Pr..... tI). 4421.6Ubm1 tt.<<I "' JO$1aph A. Abandonato r"'8t- ish a Trailer Pas ,with 128 trailer spaces, 16 apart- c. on pr9J)erty c:ie&cribed &$ ly1.ng along the Santa Ana th Palm Street and northerly of Midway Drive. The City Pl. ing COI8ission pursuant tQ their Resolution No. 81 denied said variance.' Appeal fx-_ by Mr. R. S. Stuhley,: Mr, Williamj . very difflcult pare the County Planning park of thl s type. I pora ted wi thi n the Ii. they wanted to Impro ,till derive a fair approximately $175, stated, that in his a low-class houslng d' necessary time to gt tion taken by ~ City pa,anning Coaa1as1on was filed ant for Mr. Abandonato. lllenne addr.ssed th_ Counci 1 and sta t9d that this .s Qf property to IJJprOve due to the location, and tba t t8s10n had previously issued aperad. t for a u-al~er he meantime. this property was annexed to and incor- . of the City of Anaheim. He further advised, tQat e property to the best interest of the City and rn on their lnvee1aent. This project wauld cost , and would bft a very h~gt\-;type operation. He further ion, this type of improv.ent wOuld be far better than !opment, and requested the City Council to take the his Variance serio~s consideration. ~ 'irst fede granting of Variance property values of T Savings of Alhambra subni tted wrl tten objection to the . 442 as having a hamful influence on residential No. 2637 which they were financing. thou~ht it would be well to present detailed plans of k. Mayor Pea:r:s' the proposed Trailer A gentl..n consideration for mo be granted. om the audIence stated this proposed use had been \1DCiU han a year and requested that an extension of tt.. not Mr. Philip b\.Dper strip now ex! Trailer Park. addressed the Council calling attention to the perfect' to the residential area, and objected to '~. l'J!oposed Mrs. Lois M. establl.~t of a T stine stated that a local bank addled her that the E Part would devaluate their property ~. Mr. Galli. and elevationsforp requested an ext~ion of time to prepare detailed plans tation. i ! I I ert ~epr~sen~tiv.of TractN9. 2637,advi$ed,they wer. I ng foTty-.four hC8es Inth. 1_8d1 a te 8J'88, and ..e find- I thes..... WAti 1 'Ute use of tb1 s land, wi th r.f,rence I . , "CI for a Triiler. Park can be es~abll8hed, and requelt..\ t1nued' 1 t be for a very short time. .. . ~ Mr. L. B. 1n tqa process of bui! Ing it difficult to to the granting of should the matter be There being the hearing closed. RESOWtlO1f 11). 3041. .oved for its ~ssag81 RefeX' to R further discussion on the matter, the Mayor decl.red n Van Wagoner off.sed R...olut.1oA No. 3tMl .nd adoption. \lt1on Book, p8fJe COOtCILOf THE CITY Of ANAHEIM 1)ENV1r<<J VARIAtCl' t<<). .... On ,Ro.J.l CCk following vat.. e fOJ;egolng r.,ol\1.Uoo ...duly,p..aed andadqp. by tlw 1299 !III 71.00 PM AlESI CcmclLMENI .SI CaJtCI LMEN 1 AlSENT I CCl.JfCILMANI Fryt Schutte and Van Wagoner. ae Mayor declared , i regoing r.solution duly palSed and adopted! Submitted by Bill ,ndWilli. Ma. Bell raqu~sting ence to encloae the front and side yards of their p.~1a.lon 10 ~tGt a 4 or foo propety l*tei! at 2126 Glen Iv ion, puzaluant to their Resolution No. 77 denied AlPeal frOll action tak ,nd Willie". Bell. Nt. &.11 adelre.,. the . taken from the lid. of hil prop 0.' hi. pl'optz'ty, it .... n.c.... yard of bi...h~. He furth._ c0llln8c1.1 ..., and tPa t: a. Build actual constructIon ltart8d. Th chi Idr.... in thi. .,ea .1, t. .. .yor P..rson SU9ge.t~ change be _de to the Anah.i. Municipal Code r.... gard1fl'.. .. th....,..lseuanc. of .building 1U1 tl for ..u.1ng pool I, to include a provision for tht conttruction of a fence the sa..e pem1 t. There being no further dilcu.slon on the matter declared the heari closed. by the CIty Planning Commission was filed by Bill \ll\el1 and .~ted that due to .flv. foot ...-.nt , and a.flft..n foot .....nt taken from the rear 01' him to l0G8te hi. ..s.d.ng pool in the front ad that the propety t~ the W.at was zoned for Penit for the _.ng pool had been 1ssued and , equested variance we I for the protection of the RESOWTION IJ). 3042. Councilman" 5-foot fence be constructed arou No. 3042 and moved for its pas.a R.fer to Resolution Bo A RE$OLUfIaI 01= T~ ~ITY, c~ttJLI , On roll following v.te. moved that the Variance be granted and that a the sw1-.1ng pool and thereupon offered Resolution and adoption. THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CIWlI'ING VAI\IAtCE 1<<). 4156. Ii. I, r 9 resolution was duly palsed' .andadopted by the AlES. COO~ILMENJ MItES. COUtCI LMEN. *ENT. CClDCILMANa Fry, Schutte and Van Wagoner. D. Mayor declared the regoing re.olution duly pa8sed and adopted. VARI,ttCE t<<), 436. SubDi tted by ~ An Burdick r....ting that Variance No. 436 be 'toPen~ ani! ~ furth~ exten.ion t1me be granted. TII. Clty Plann1ng COIII4 lon, purauant to thelr Resolution No. 82, denied .-.td 'Va~a",e. AlPeal frOM action tat by the City Planning Co_slion ... filed by Mi8. Jo An Bul'di.. Nbllc Hearlng was ord held on the matter, . January 10. 1ge>~. 7.00 0 'clock P.M. on motion by Councilman 9c~ i, seconded by Council..n Fry. MOTION CARRIED. CCRRESPQND&~EI CODIIUnication It being constructed advertislng Ray investigated . RE~EST fC& BUSINESS LICENSEa R the NorthrOJ) Plant, submitted by tive Officei' for report. adjacent property owners with ref.reneeto a 81gn Market at 7l8'South LOI Angel..Str.et, ... ordered est for pe~ls.lon to op.rate Rubbilh Serv10e for ke'l Rubbi.h Service, was refe*,ed to the Adminl.tra- . ,! o o n 1300 n I.. i . I CAtCELIA TION OF CITY by Co~ncilman Van Wa$ by the State of Calif James F. Joslyn. MOt . -- - ~.. - -- . - - - - ESJ Cancellation of city taxes was authoriz&d_Qn motion er, seconded by Councilman Schutte, on property purchased nia for highway purposes and formerly assessed tal N CARRIED. JOINT TELETYPEWRITER Councilman Fry, the Agreement for the OPt. Anat Fullertont Anah and Buena Park. K>T VICE, On motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by or and City Clerk were authori2ed to sign the Joint tion of Teletypewriter Service for the cities of Santa t Orange~ Huntington Beach, Newport Beach, Costa Mesa CARRIED. VARIAlCE NO. 4471 S* i tted by Charley Kuntz requesting permisslon to erect a Service Station at t~ southeast corner of South East Street and East Broadway. Public Heat 9 was held on Variance No. 447, December 13, 1955 at which time the hearl$ was declared "closed" and action to be taken at a later date. RESOWTION NO. 3043. its passage and adopt ouncilman Fry offered Resolution No. 3043 and moved for n. page A RESOLlITION OF THE q; COUtCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM GRANTING VARIIAtCE 00. 447. On roll cal the following vote. the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by AYES. NOES I ABSENT. Pearson, Fry, Schutte and Van Wagoner. None. Wisser. fl lared the foregolng resolution duly passed and adopted. AlCTIONEER BONDS. On otion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman SChutte, Auctioneer ds submitted by Milton J. Wershow and RogerP. Ash were ordered received and led when approved by the Ci ty Attorney. NDTION CARRIED. RECLASSIFICATION NO. property along North length and 120 feet 1 55-56-171 Submitted by Dr. E. H. Kersten requesUng tron Street on the east side, approximately 500 feet in depth be reclassified from R-I to G-l. No recomnen the matter failed to tion was r&ceived from the City Planning Commission, ae ceive a two-thirds vote 6f the members thereof. Public Hear 9 was ordered to be held January 24. 1956. 7.00 o'clock P.M. on motion by Cou i~an Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. ,.., , ! i 1 II \ ..,,, VARIAtCE NO. 467: Su m~ss~o~ to erect and iooal building on pr~ Avenue. ., '.. . Mr. R. Wo . f. gallt Secretary of the Ci ty Planning CODDislion, !,QPorted 'a~Q variance had bee . denied. Appeal fr~ ction taken by the City Planning Commission ... f~lld by .Mr. Lloyd A. Mann& on behalf of George D. Buccola. .tted by George D. Buccola Co., Inc., requesting per- erate a medical center including a pharmacy and profes~ rty located on North Loara Street north of Crescent On motion t)earing was ordered Councilman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Fry, pwMc be held January 10, 1956. 7100 P.M. MOTION CARRIED. 1301 Ci RESOurrI(W ... ~. Councilman passage and tdoption. ReI.,r to Resolution Boo~ A RESOWTION OF THE CITY COUOCIL TO THE CITY IF ANAHEIM CERTAIN RE (Richfield 01.1 Corp.) On roll call the foregof ,:resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vo"e, offered Resolution No. 3044 and moved for 1 ts THE CITY OF ~NAHEIM ACX:EPI'ING A ~ANT D~n CONVEYING JaOPERTY FCE AN EASEMENT F<R STCIIM DRAIN STROCnJRES. A ytS I CauteI LMEN I NOJSa COUN:I~a ABIENT. COOte ILMANt I 1" Mayor d.ec.lared the f ! RESOWTIOf tW..' . ~. . I C.ouncilman t", I. t. pas..,. ~. adopt1QQp ! Refer to Resolut1on BoO~ A RESOLUTION OF ~ CITY COUll:;IL TO THE CITY .. AIWIEIM CERTAIN R fURPOSES. (4naheim School Dlstrl On.roll following votes Fry, Schutte and Van Wagoner. &going resolution duly passed and adopted. wagoner offered Resolution No. 3045 and moved for page 11iE CITY OF ANAHEIM Aa;SPTING A CfiAN! 'DRJID CO_EYING PROPSRTY FCR AN EASBeNT Pm ROAD Ate PUBLIC UTI1.ITY of Oran e Count ) resolution was duly pas'ed and adopted by the Fry, Schutte and Van Wagoner. AVIS. COUtCILMEN. K>IS. COUtCII.MENa ABIENT a COUtCILMANJ T" Mayor declared the _ ego1ng resolution duly ~s&ed and. a~ted. 'S:~'JrrIOI ~ ~& CounciJ.aa ~ IIDgour offered Resolution No. 3046 and moved for Its ,....,e Ind adoption. j A RESOlPTlONOF THE CITY canclL Q lHE CITY OF ANAHEIM A~EPrIM; A CRA!IT ~ CONYEYIt<<; 10 THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN R AiOPrRTY PCIi AN EASEMENT Pm ROAD Ate PUBLIC UTILITY RJRPOSES. ( heim School Dlstri of Ora e Count) . On roll following vote. resolution was duly passed and adopted by the AYIS, COUtCILMENa NOBS! COOtC I LMENa ABIENT. COUtCILMAN. Fry, Schutte and Van Wagoner. Th. Mayor declared the f egolng resolution duly passed and adopted. flESOWTION tG. 3047; Councilman ~ Wagoner offered Resolution No. 3047 and moved for Its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Boo~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COOtl;I L TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN and Elisabetb B. Boyli!) On roll call the foregoi resolution..s duly pas.ed and adopted by the follow- E CITY OF ANAHEIM AiXFJ>>TING A CItANT BRl1n CONVEYIM:; OPERTY FCR AN EASSENT FCIi ROAD' PURPOSSS. 'Glen E . lng votes o [] o ." 1302 PM AYES. NOES. ABSENT I pearsont Fry, Schutte and Van Wagoner. Non,o Wisser. In i.'....'.. f" ,.-':, lared the fOfegolng resolution duly pa~sed ~ndadop~ed~ RESOLUTION NO. 30481 ouocilman Schutte offered Resolution No. 3048 and moved for ita paseage and. pt10n. A RESOWTION OF THS ING THAT PUBliC CON\[ _ AND COMPLETION OF A mESS BOX WITH A SEATJ. . IN THE CITY OF ANAHE WITH AND CONFC:mlI.N& PREPARED BY THE CITY OF THE CITY ,ENGINEER" BE SUBMiTTED BY THE a tMPROVEMEm'f, A~,AUiH INVITING SEALED PROPd MEm' THEREFORE OUT OP RECREATIONAL RIND. ( COOrcI~ Of THf CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDIf<<3 AND nJ:TBRMIN- E~E AND' NECESSITY REClJIRE THE AC~ISITION, CONSTRUCTION LIC IMPROVEMENT, TO-WIT, A STEEL-DECK ffiAND_ 5-IAND WITH _GAPACITY-.QF_4,6QQ..19_ 7 ,000 PEOPLE AT LA Pt\LMA PARK (E OTHER IE AS DEIERM!~NED!'BYTHE CITT'lN' ACCClmAN:E At TO PRI;J.IMINARY PLANS AND SP~IFICATIONS INfER OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AtI> ON FILE IN THE OFFICE ETAILED PLANS AND SP~IFICATIONS CONFORMING THERETO TO ERI AUTHCRIZING THE CONS1RUCTION OF SAID PUBLIC IZING.,A.ND:""Kc.~cu.wG"".tl.i:E CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE S FOR THE CONS1RUCTION THEREOF, ANI). AUTHOOmNG PAV- SPECIAL fUND: KNOWN, ,A$""IHS PARKSITE., PLAYCEOU~ AN:) en bidsl Januar IO 1956 7.00 P M On roll ca1 the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following votel AYES, ooESI ABSENT I Pearson, Fry, Schutte and Van wagoner. None. Wisser. o ! t ".f lared the foregolng resolution duly paSled and adopted. RESOWTION NO. 30491 ouncilman Fry offered resolution No. 3049 and moved for its passage and adopt A RESOWTION OF mE Q SUPERINTENDENT OF sTRj TO CONSTRUCT CURBS A WALKS ~ CURBS, (J1 OF TIiE STREET, HAVE fia page COOfCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM INSmtX:TING THE S TO POST CERTAIN PROPERTY NOTIfYING $tCH CMNSRS IDSWALKS UPON AND ALONG CERTAIN STREETS WHlItE SIDE- , FCB A TOTAL FRONTAGE OJ: KRE THAN ~ ON ONE SIDE ADY BEEN CONSTRUCTED. (1911 act) On roll cal the foregoing resolution was duly paSled and adopted by the following vote. AYES. NOES , ABSENT. Pearson, Fry, Sehutte and Van wagoner. None. Wisser. n COMltlJNICA TION. Copy State Health officer was submi tted, read a lared the foregoing resolution duly palsed and adopted. letter sent to the Orange County Health Offieer by the laring all Orange County to be a rabi.s..~d.m1c area referred to the City Attorney. The Superintendent of Light, Power and Water ... wi th Subdivider for the posslble purchase of a Water xi_tel y one-third ju:re of land located on Orang. Avenue to the City, approximately $4,000.00. PURCHASE OF WATER WE authorized to negotia Well together .tth a at Trident Street. C 1303 Discussion was held on helm involving the City of Buena Park and a possible rt action, by agreement to be entered into by both 1. Both the Cities of annexations I Dale Ball-Date Annexatio heim and Buena Park would cancel out the following eet No.2, Stanton Avenue, West Anaheim Noo 2 and Neither city WOUld; 'e any annexation action in the area, bounded by the North line of W Anaheim No. 2 and the North and West lines of Ball-Date Annexatio I 3. A survey of the ent of the people in th the property o~ners a mutual boundary 1 the basis of the re 2. area will be made to determine the preference rea. AlL factual,datawill be made available to the area. Prior to :Marca 15th and April 1st, between the two clties will be determined on ts of the survey. All of these proviS~ agreeMent entered i by Council Resoluti s would have to be, included within a written by the City Coua10ils of both cities and adopted Cu.__ tp the tJme tha t~~, .,. the ent,ring Into an a9re~ent by Df the proposed areas to be annex tile Ci ty of rtlena Park. t::n~~~~ ~~1~:~1 ALtplABLE IN R-l ZONE, AL~ABLE IN R-2 ZONE, be\nvolved in a court action, it was felt that tl1 cities would serve the best interest of citizens a's well as'~he' interest of the City of Anaheim 'a~d ; . Preston Turner, City Attorney, ~eported church z~~n9 .!~ ALUM~LE IN R-3 ZONE: SlJJlfB:T TO SPJ1:IAL USE PSrl ta. MEfsa. crt Beach. tington Beach. , , Cou!tcilman Van wagoner' ~ ,to adjourn to December 23, l<i>5, 9aQO 0 'clock A.M. 90unci 1m8n Fry seconded the motion~ At>TION CARRIED. ADJOURNED. SI~D 1955 - 9.00 A.M. The City Council of the ~ y of Anaheim met in Adjourned Regular Session. EESENT. CoutJ.;ILMENI None. .'......'...',..... EN!; C., ooi::ILMENI pearson., Fry SChutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. ~<TY ATTeJUEY. PRESTON TURNER. Pr, nt. f:M?,Y AI)MINlS~TIVE OFFICER, KEITH i AtJRDOCHI Present. rheMeetlng was called tq rder by the City Clerk and as there were no Counctl~ _n present, -the meeting was adjou* to Detember 23, 1~5, 3100 0 'clock P.M. ADJ(IJRNED. SIGNED {] o n