1955/12/23 1_ Ci rn1 ! ~" AYES, C Pearson. Fry, Schutte and Van Wagoner. NOES: C Non,o ABSENT. C ILMANa Wisser. The Mayor d 9lared the fo~egoing resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 3048& ounc11man Schutte offered Resolution No. 3048 and moved for its passage and. ptlon. A RESOLUTION OF THE q 100 THAT PUBUC CONV _ AND COMPLETION OF A PRESS BOX WITH A SHAll. IN CITY OF ANAHE . WITH AND CONFCRMIN6 PREPARED BY THE CITY OF THE CITY ENGINEER, BE SUBMITTEJj BY THE a lMPltOVEMENTJ, AND ,AU INVITI'NGSEA!.ED' PROPd MEN! THEREFORE OUT OF RECREATIONAL FUND. ( COON:I~ OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING ANDDJ!TBRMIN- Et{;E AND: NECESSITY REClJIRE THE AC(JJISITION, CONSTRUCTION IC IMPROVEMENT, ro-WITa A STEEL-DECK CRAND_ STAlJ) WITH GAPACITY. OF_ 4,6QQ..1~L 7 ,000 PEOPLE AT LA PA,LMA P~ CJ\ 0 at E AS DmRM1:N!D7'BYTHE'CI1T'IN'~amAtCE AL TO 1=R!!QMINARY PLANS AND SPECIPICATIONS INEER OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND ON FILE IN THE OFFICE ETAILED PLANS AND SPIEIFICATIONS CONPCRMING THERETO TO ER. AUTHCRIZING THE CONSlRUCTION OF SAID PUBLIC ZI.NG..AN[LJlIRScn.wG_.n-iE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE 5 FOR THE CONSlRUCTION THEREOFI ANI;>, AUTHCEmNG' PAY- SPECIAL FUND"'KNOWN..J.S,,..THE PARKSITE., PLAYCliO~ AN:> en bids. Januar 10 1~6 7100 P.M On roll cal Ithe foregoing resQlution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote, I AYES 1 M:>ES. ABSENT. Pearson, Fry, Schutte and Van Wagoner. None. Wisser. r1 J: '!: I ' , J 1ared the foregoing resolution duly paSled and adopted. RESOWTION NO. 30491 uncilman Fry offered relolution No. 3049 and naoved for its passage and adop ution Book, page A RESOWTION OF mE CJ SUPERINTENDENT OF sm'. TO CONSmUCT CURBS A WALKS ~ CURBS, CE OF THE SmEET, HAVE COOtCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM INSTRtCTING THE S TO POST CERTAIN AtOPERTY NOTIFYING SOOH ~S IDEWALKS UPON AND ALOtI; CERTAIN STREETS WHaS SIIE- , FCE A TarAL fRONTAGE Of DE THAN ~ ON ONE SIIE ADY BEEN CONSTRUCTED. (1911 act) On roll cal~e foregoing re.olution WlS duly palSed and adopted by the following vote. I AYES. NOES & ABSENTs ILMENI Pearson, Fry, Schutte and Van wagoner. lOONs None. ILMANa Wisser. The Mayor d' ared the foregoing resolution duly pas.ed and adopted. n COMMJNICA TIONa Copy State Health officer was submitted, read a letter sent to the Orange County Health OfftcR' bIy the laring all Orange County to be a rabi'.-e~lmtc area referred to the City Attomey. The Superintendent of Light, Power and Water .. wi th Subdivider for the possible purcha.e of a ..tel' x!.ately one-third a~re of land located on Orang, Avenue to the City, approximately $4,000.00. PURCHASE OP WATER WEL .uthorized to negotia Well together with ap at Trident Street. Co 1303 Ci STANTION AV E ANNEXATION AND WE iA AHEIM Discussion was held on the proposed annexations west of A aheim involving the City of Buena Park and a possible solution to the problem, without curt action, by agreement to be entered into by both cities setting forth the fOllowing 1. Both the Cities of A~heim and Buena Park would cancel out the following annexations; Dale Steet No.2, Stanton Avenue, West Anaheim Noo 2 and Ball-Date Annexation 0 2. Neither city would t~e any annexation action in the area, bounded by the North line of Wet Anaheim No. 2 and the North and West lines of Ball~Date Annexation 3. A survey of the enti ~ area will be made to determine the preference of the people in the.rea. AIL factual. data will be m;lde available to the property owners ~ the area. Prior to iMarcR 15th and April 1st, a mutual boundary 11 . between the two cities will be determined on the basis of the res ~ts of the survey. All of these provisi 1')s would h,ve to b~ included within a written agreesnent entered inq by the City Cour\6ils of both cities and adopted by Council Resolutio . . Du... tp the t~me that !"9u,,4 be ~Dvolved in a court action, it was felt that the entering into an agreement by~t;H cities would serve the best interest of ci t~zens of the propoeed areas to be annex 'as well a6'~he' interest of the City of Anaheim a~d the Ci ty of Buena Park. 1955 - 9:00 A.M. FHURCH ZONI~iN (RANGE COONTY: In orange County as follows: Preston Turner, City Attorney, reported church zo~~n9 '~ ALUMABLE INR-l ZONEa ALIPlABLE IN R-2 ZONEa ALLGV~LE IN R-3 ZONE. SuaJECT TO SPB::IAl USE PBlMIT: Co~cilman Van Wagoner' JIt,ed"t.o adj()urn to December 23, 19$0, 9.00 0 'clock A.M. Councilman Fry seconded the motiof\ ~ At)TION CARRIED. ADJOORNED. SIGNED The City Council of the tty of Anaheim met in Adjourned R&gular Ses.~on. WtESENT: CQt.ftCILMEN: None. . AeSENT J COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Fr f SChutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. CiTY ATTaiNSY, PRESTON TURNER: Pr '1' ent. tIp ADMINIS'lRATIVE OFFICER, KEITH',. MJRDOCHI Present. The Meeting was called torder by the City Clerk and as there were no Council- men present, the meeting was adjoufted to December 23, 1955, 3.00 o'clock P.M. ADJOORNED. SIGNED o n n ci the 9i ty Co . ~ci 1 of the City of Anaheim met "in hAdjo~~ned R.gul",~:: . Session, pu~suant to i tte1"l not,1ce 'served by the City C,lerk, to" "C(~)tft,""":r of the City Council. aid notice WI. .erved at least three houri 3 before said meeting, and act ledgm.nt of laid notice i. on file in the offic. of the City Clerko PRESENT. COUtCILMENa I Pearson', Fry, Schutte, Wis.er and Van Wagon.r. ABSENT, COOtCILMENt I Non.. CITY ATTCRNEY, PRSST~ I TURNER, Pr.sent. ' CITY ADMINISTRATIVE cP fICER, KEITH A. II.JRDCCH, Pr..ent. WEST ANAHEIM 00. 2 A ATION AN> STANTON AVEWB ANNEXATI . D~'ou..iori... held by the City Coun 1 on proposed annexations to the City of Anaheim of territory west of th. resent city 11m!t., which involve. the City of au,na Park with reference t ,a proposal to agree on a tentative boundary line of the two cities. ' Mr., Murdocb jCity Administrative Ottl~e~, ~.po~tld the City of Buena Park did not ag~e on the proposal of Agr....nt. J There being ~o further bUlinesl before the City Council, Councilman Fry moved to adjourn,~ouncl1man Wi...r .econded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED 0 SIGNED n . ri ! , ..1 " n 1301 1305 nia, December 27, 1955 - 7;00 P.M. The City Council of the C Anaheim met in Regular Session. '. I'RESENT: COUr-cILMEN: Pearson, t:y, SChutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. ABSENT: COUOCILMEN: None.. CITY ATTORNEY, PRESTON 1URNER; Pre CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER, KEITH Present. NITNUTES: The Minutes of the Regula 'Meeting held December 13, 1955 and Adjourned Regular Meetings held December 20 a tl 23, 1955 were approved on motion. by Council- man Van Wagoner, seconded by Counci ~an Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. o RESOLUTION NO. 3050: Councilman Va Wagoner offered Resolution No. 3050 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A, RESOLUTION 'OF THE CITY COUOCIL OF tHE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AND DIRECTING THE PAYMENT OF DEMANDS AGAINST THE JTY AS OF DECEMBER 27, 1955. ($243.683.18). On roll call the foregoin resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES; ABSENT: COUOCILMEN: COUl'{;!LMEN; COUOCILMEN: Pe tson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. No e. No .. The Mayor declared the fo .90in9 resolution duly passed and adopted. BLIC HEARl STANTON AVENUE ANN ATION: Public Hearing was held pursuant to Resolution No. 3016 duly published the Anaheim Bulletin December 13 and 20, 1955 and written notices mailed Dee er 2, 1955 to owners of property within the area proposed for annexation to the City of Anaheim known and designated as Stanton Avenue Annexation. Mrs. B. A. Swanwick was s ~rn in and requested to take down in shorthand the proceedings and fil,e a transcri t thereof with the City Clerk to be made a part of the record. o Written protests annexation were filed by the following persons: Theodore H. Jack D. Shin Margaret C. Robert J. Ha and Dora Ann Eimers After thorough discussion by the City Council and the audience, the City Council found that the owners of fi 1Y per cent of the value of the land in the territory proposed to be annexed di not file written protests to said annexation. On motion by Councilman S hutte, seconded by Councilman Fry, Public Hearing was ordered continued to Ja uary 10, 1956, 7:00 o'clock P.M. to allow the required ten days' time for the filOng of additional protests. MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING: WEST ANAHEIM ANNEX1ION NO.2: Public Hearing was held pursuant to Resolution No. 3015 duly publish in the Anaheim Bulletin December 13 and 20, 1955 and written notices mailed Decber 2, 1955 to owners of property within the area proposed for annexation to the City of Anaheim known and designated as West Anaheim Annexation No.2. o Mrs. B. A. Swanwick was r ceedings and file a transcript ther the record. to take down in shorthand all the pro- the City Clerk to be made a part of . persons: Written protests to the p oposed annexation were filed by the following Samuel C. Fo Helen L. Foe James H. Nel tmeyer eyer n and Mary G. Nelson