80R-020 ~ ~ ,..-.... RESOLtrrION NO. 80R- 20 A RESOijWTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY Oa!ANAHEIMiTERMINATING ALL PROCEEDINGS IN CON"_CTION W~THVARIANCE NO. 918 AND DECLAR~.G A POR'1IION OF RESOLUTION NO. 4416 NULL AND VOID. WHEREASf, the Ci tiy Council granted Var iance No. 918 on March 18, 1958~,i by Resollution- No. 4416; and WHEREASf,! theapp~ icant has requested termination of s~id variance fpr the r~ason it is no longer needed, and WHEREAS, the P1a~ning Commission has recommended that said Variance No. 918 should be terminated. NOW, TH~~EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council that Variance No. 918 be, .nd the same is hereby, terminated and that the portt~n of Re$olution No. 4416 granting Variance No. 918 'be dec1art<!i null a$d void. I THE FOR~OING RESOLUTION is approved and adopted by the City Counc:U of the :City of Anaheim this 15th day of January, 1980. ATTEST: ~o..~~ CI- ~biK OF - -I -OJ!' AkABUM JLW:jh /~. I . J I 1 , 1 J r ~ STATE, OF CALIFOINIA ) COUN1II OF ORANGI ) SSe CITY OF ANAHEIM ) ) " ; I, L~A,D. ROBIRTS, City ~", rkofth~Cityof'An4I1e1:iD, dohere~ certify that the, f.'.... reaoiD&,'Res olution N,',O..,.', 80R~20 w~s,.".S :tn. ' t, rOdUced. and, ado,p. ~ed' a,t a, x:egular IDee t:lf& proviclecl', by , law, of, e ' City. qouneil " of . tile' City, of Anaheim. held, Qn the 11th day of' January, 1 ,by the~following wteof' the'membersthereof: AYES: COUNCIL MBMBERS: pterholt:, Iqaywood~ Bay,' Roth and Seymour i NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ~pne ABSDI': COUNCIL KBNBERS: ~~ne ' AND I FURTHER CIRTIFY that ~e Mayor olf the City of Aaaheim signed said Resolution No .80R-20 <>n th~" 15th day' of .' January, ,1980. . I IN WllNESSWHERIOFt I have"reullto'. selt.,.hai1d. and, affixed the 8eal of the City of Auaheiin this 15th d+t of Januat'y,1980,. CI~~~~~ (SEAL) I, LIIDA D. ROBERTS, City Ct_rk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the orilin;~ of Resol~tion No. 8O~~20 duly pass.d and adopted by the Anaheim City Council !Qn January! 15, 1980. ~~J~ ., .. Cm CLERK 1 ~ . I J