80R-169 RESOLUTION NO, ~OR-169 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY REQUIRE THE CONSTRUC- TION AND COMPLETION OF A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT, TO WIT: PERALTA HILLS STREET IMPROVEMENT, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, ACCOUNT NO. 12-793-6325-3340, APPROVING THE DESIGNS, PLANS, PROFILES, DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF; AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OF SAID PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID PLANS, SPECI- FICATIONS, ETC.; AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF. WHEREAS, pUblic convenience and necessity require the construction and completion of a public improvement in the City C)f Anaheim, to wit: Peralta Hills street improvement, Peralta Hills Drive- Crescent Drive to 353' W/o Starlight Drive; Lakeview Avenue-Peralta Hills Drive to 130' S/o Santa Ana Canyon Road; Cerro vista 'irJay-94I S/o Santa Ana Canyon Road to Peralta Hills Drive, in the City of Anaheim, consisting of clearing and grubbing; excavation; construction of asphalt concrete over base material; placement of pave- ment reinforcing fabric including asphalt binder; con- struction of asphalt concrete berm; construction of C.M.P. storm drains, adjustment of manholes to grade; relocation of sign; construction of storm drain protection grating; and all appurtenant work as shown on the plans and de- lineated in the specifications on file in the Office of the City Engineer, Account No. 12-793-6325-3340, AND WHEREAS, the City Council instructed the PI1~l ic Works Dej?artment to prepare detailed designs, plans, pro iles, drawings and specifications, and estimates of quantities and costs and make necessary surveys for the construc- tion of said public improvement; and -1- AT14" ~'....".--_....~--" /''''Il (. . ~ , ;:) ,1 _Public Nor ks Department has preparea rlars) profileR, ~~Rwin~s and speciflca ;,~, ton) f:,aid pub U c improvement and has S 8 d i 1 e', cL1 1 ei~ (': ~:'~ ~-",,,! ~ 'j t C,jiS f<':,!'f ~_ hf~ ~'n L ':; iltJml tted the " ri1' ,. " he ('it:, Council; and (' ?o:~f ,. r: H[;F' ('.:: ,:; r ,C ('1 tv Coune U f'1 nds that said detailed ir.'iVd ngs and spe d fica tions for said 8 ve mentioned, are in accordance with good i ,;.> and are adeq uate to serve the needs and ~ Anaheim and the citizens and ;, \ <;'" d f )"0 t he pUr)! os es for whi ch they are in:! t ,I, the" are adequate for the construction of 'rntnt and ,:;hould IH~ approved. ":"i 'f t., l.' 1 f~- _~-- 'i r~l' f~ ; l_~ 1 ;. \ 1. ri~ G/ t,~ ,'-~ ; j englnee tng ;:ra,"t re';u,1;-e1:entz ,,- tf<l1(le 5' :;~j(i r)\lLll 4i._).,\ 1! 1.-' .t:E t : i [ , .:. t v c f :\ 1'1 in e ',} i _r (1 'w' 111g;_~. ar1 d G ~ --~', \--' .1 :' J :-J e [1},::{; t .: n fie ci : L i i:m, BE 1': RE~:;OLVED by the City Councll 0' hat the detailed designs, plans, profiles. ~tions for said public improvement herein- escrlbed be, and the same are hereby 1:; prepared bv said Public Works a_~(;r-r(,;\,"e 2;i,'J '-1_,','1 i~' e(! .J?_~~.l!fl.e n t._. .,.. i ,'j l~~THER RE,SOL1ED that said public improvemen S,\?i hp e"'U!tt'1ct!f"'d' accordance with said detailed desir;ns, clans; ':JTo1't:,es, t'cH'1ngs and f>pecifications as prepared by sa'j Publ~c Works Department and herehy approved, and such iidenda "'''3"r'mndT'''T'lt 1 on f, thereto as nay be approved pr10r to t:Jf' a'W,q_2c1jrl~-,':_ c; l:'i >lf~r'p Dr)., " n):.' RESOL\'r-[j ':::hat the City Clerk of the 1 ~;Iw 1:3 t'let'ebYluthorli:eci and directed to (':' r'1~ng to l.aw, invittng sealed proposals f: n 1 3Jlt. 1:11':0'7" fJerviC'es, materials and ld-'~ton, 1nclud,inc i Ir~;Tit'..;.~~ i':~, 'N' r-k nc-cesGa,ry to COT";st'(' iC"! (~. ; rL;~;.:;'.~., P [-cor,; t' ;"', 1 n s t I't j c't: :~ i ..t') .~(.s <r:~) t 1,'lrl~-) prof lIes, dr,:} r'e:'jareei t y :;Ti(~ Public Works nepartJ.!l~.!lt; Ut, ,nJpruvempnt:) hereinabove " :j f; xl;; f : U 1 e_.12 t h_ day 0 f-1:19Y._____ ,"';,1ock .c i'~ as Vie date ancl hour' '\" ) ,'l, r~ rd j n; j r} c; :) u ':;: ", i f~ t~~ .'~ n,o t 1 ~.~ t h p +'~; r'''"'' S f ~ :'17 : -, ! ',. 1"""-' f (i ,~, , , e r _ ,6.(J L~' l,'> ;" 1~' :;r e r'j: " ~ ~':: e 'v.,;.. ~.{ ,: {Jun L :~har!;ber) in 1.1",(; 'r~ ~ t~ ~ , , 1- ~! ti Y C1 .J t.- S ;"L J ~" ' "1 C' tic e s h a :1 b e ~.~( r \',i:;~il r~ i'Jut 1i !lt1ons s11all be at "01 () te -:atf' C:txed for the openint2; or :..1'.' 1 a tjon~- ~,l'i a J 1 rH"! at least five (5) dCiJ c, ,> ~ t j ~~;, [It.~ ]' l,(~as-t t~ i a' .!'1Jd ~. > cL:-,) 3. t' t j ~~'1 ~ liNT m j' , "THEH hE.':CLh;' that the successful bidder )[ tlcders shalL t'.i'~ st?' ulred tc enter Intc a contract with the --~, t: of l\nahelm in thE mann.e.r"ind form approved by the City l\t't(;I'ne:.r of tl1e t~1 t~:y "!'Mt' l\1~,at1f~j the c(}nstruct1on, 1nstalla...r ~~.1 ;- '~;: b rId ~ () ~TIr 1 f;' ~,. ()r} ~:'i 1,j r" lot; 1,~ -1 nl~) r~o ve 1'1H~ nt he re lnab () ve nent1(:ned and ,if':scy>jr,.".,> ' ;:-dance with the plans and ~I snecifications ~rp~ared by saj~ Public Works Department , the notice invitin"" sealed nronosals, this resolution and all annlicahle Citv nrdinances o~ ~ode Sections and the laws of the State of California, and shall be required to post bonds and insurance in the amounts and within tl1e time requir~cl bV law, as specified in the notice invitinr sealed proposals, 8nd in q form a'-)proved bv the City Attorne;J. m::-TE FURFncHNG RESOLU'l'IO,J 1s approved and adopted by the City Council of the City of Anaheim this 15th day of April , lC1 ~. A1"I'l': S T : /fm -j- Al 'f 45 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SSe CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, LINDA D. ROBERTS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 80R-169 was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting provided by law, of the City Council of the City of Anaheim held on the 15th day of April, 1980, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Overholt, Kaywood, Bay, Roth and Seymour NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim signed said Resolution No. 80R-169 on the 15th day of April, 1980. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the City of Anaheim this 15th day of April, 1980. ~~~~ CITY C ERK OF THE CI OF ANAHEIM (S EAL) I, LINDA D. ROBERTS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 80R-169 duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on April 15, 1980. ~~~~~~ CITY CLEaK """""'~' "",--=~-,----,,,-,,,.,... .'~~"~----''''",",,'''">'-''''''-'-''''_'''''' ...._-,- .,.."".","".....,",.-....._..i_~"-,....