69R-601 RESOLUTION NO. 69R-60l A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING AND ESTABLISHING RATES OF COMPENSATION FOR VARIOUS JOB CLASSES, AND SUPERSEDING PORTIONS OF RESOLUTION NO. 68R-426 AND AMENDMENTS THERETO. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That the basic compensation plan for all officers and employees of the City of Anaheim who are now employed or will in the future be employed in any of the classifications of employment listed below shall be allocated to compensation schedules as follows: CLASS TITLE Identification Jailer Matron Police Police Police Police Police Police Clerk Clerk Lieutenant Patrolman Patrolman(POST Intermediate) Patrolman(POST Advanced) Patrolman(Detective) Patrolman(Detective-POST Intermediate) Police Patrolman(Detective-POST Advanced) Patrolman(Hazard) Patrolman (Hazard-POST Inter.) Patrolman (Hazard-PaST-Advanced) Patrolman (Master Patrolman Intermediate) Police Patrolman (Master Patrolman Advanced) Records Clerk Records Supervisor Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Po lice Police Police Police Police Police Police Police Police Police (POST Advanced) (Detective) (Detective - POST Advanced) (Hazard) (Hazard - POST Advanced) Police Sergeant Police Sergeant Policewoman Policewoman (POST Intermediate) Policewoman (POST Advanced) Polygraph Examiner Property and Supply Clerk Senior Jailer SCHEDULE NUMBER PAY RANGE 39 45 u33 X65 51 52 53 53 54 $556-676 644-782 481-584 1048-1274 745-905 763-927 782-950 782-950 801-974 55 821-998 53 54 55 54 782-950 801-974 821-998 801-974 55 821-998 31 X52 57 58 59 60 458-556 763-927 862-1048 883-1074 905-1100 927-1127 59 60 53 54 55 57 39 51 905-1100 927-1127 782-950 801-974 821-998 862-1048 556-676 745-905 SECTION 2: The Letter "X" preceding a schedule number indicates that employees working in that job class are exempt from overtime provisions as provided in Personnel Rule 6.04, Premium Pay. The letter "U" preceding a schedule number indicates that employees upgraded to that job class shall be paid premium pay as provided The letters PIT preceding a schedule number indicates that employees working in that job class are part time and are not covered by overtime or upgrade provisions. SECTION 3: The attached "City of Anaheim Salary Schedule" shall constitute the basic compensation plan for officers and employees of the City of Anaheim. Schedule numbers and salary steps within those schedules (as designated by letters) which are listed in Section 1 of this Resolution refer to the corresponding schedules and steps listed in the attached "City of Anaheim Salary Schedule." SECTION 4: The provisions of this Resolution shall supersede the provisions of Resolution Number 68R-426 and amendments thereto. Resolution Number 68R-426 which is superseded by the provisions hereof shall become null and void upon the effective date of this Resolution. SECTION 5: The effective date of this Resolution shall be October 10, 1969 provided, however, the employees represented by the Anaheim Police Association ratify the provisions by 12:00 Midnight this date for wage increases and fringe benefits as contained in this Resolution and other Resolutions pertaining to wages and fringe benefits adopted concurrently herewith. day of THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by me this 23rd October , 1969. t/ ATTEST: ~ht. ~~ CIY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CITY OF ANAHEIM SAlARY SCHEDULE --::-,. MONTHLY RATES SCHEDULE STEPS NUMBER A B C D E 1 220 231 243 255 268 2 225 237 249 261 274 3 231 243 255 268 281 4 237 249 261 274 288 5 243 255 268 281 295 6 249 261 274 288 302 7 255 268 281 295 310 8 261 274 288 302 317 9 268 281 295 310 325 10 274 288 302 317 333 11 281 295 310 325 341 12 288 302 317 333 349 13 295 310 325 341 358 14 302 317 333 349 367 15 310 325 341 358 376 16 317 333 349 367 385 17 325 341 358 376 395 18 333 349 367 385 405 19 341 358 376 395 415 20 349 367 385 405 425 21 358 376 395 415 436 22 367 385 405 425 447 23 376 395 415 436 458 24 385 405 425 447 469 25 395 415 436 458 481 26 405 425 447 469 493 27 415 436 458 481 505 28 425 447 469 493 517 29 436 458 481 505 530 30 447 469 493 517 543 31 458 481 505 530 556 32 469 493 517 543 570 33 481 505 530 556 584 34 493 517 543 570 598 35 505 530 556 584 613 36 517 543 570 598 628 37 530 556 584 613 644 38 543 570 598 628 660 39 556 584 613 644 676 40 570 598 628 660 693 41 584 613 644 676 710 42 598 628 660 693 727 43 613 . 644 676 710 745 44 628 660 693 727 763 45 644 676 710 745 782 46 660 693 727 763 801 47 676 710 745 782 821 48 693 727 763 801 841 49 710 745 782 821 862 50 727 763 801 841 883 51 745 782 821 862 905 CITY OF ANAHEIM SAlARY SCHEDULE MONTHLY RATES SCHEDULE STEPS NUMBER A B C D E 57 862 905 950 998 1048 58 881 927 974 102~ 1074 59 905 950 998 In48 1100 60 927 974 1021 1076 1127 61 950 998 1048 1100 1155 62 974 1023 1074 1127 1184 63 998 1048 1100 1155 1211 64 1023 1074 1127 1184 1243 65 1048 1100 1155 1213 1274 66 1074 1127 1184 1243 1306 67 1100 1155 1213 1274 1338 68 1127 1184 1243 1306 1371 69 1155 1213 1274 1338 1405 70 1184 1243 1306 1371 1440 71 1213 1274 1338 1405 1475 72 1243 1306 1371 1440 1512 73 1274 1338 1405 1475 1549 74 1306 1371 1440 1512 1587 75 1338 1405 1475 1549 1626 76 1371 1440 1512 1587 1666 77 1405 1475 1549 1626 1707 78 1440 1512 1587 1666 1749 79 1475 1549 1626 1707 1792 80 1512 1587 1666 1749 1837 81 1549 1626 1707 1792 1882 82 1587 1666 1749 1837 1929 83 1626 1707 1792 1882 1976 84 1666 1749 1837 1929 2025 85 1707 1792 1882 1976 2075 86 1749 1837 1929 2025 2127 87 1792 1882 1976 2075 2179 88 1837 1929 2025 2127 2233 89 1882 1976 2075 2179 2288 90 1929 2025 2127 2233 2345 91 1976 2075 2179 2288 2404 92 2025 2127 2233 2345 2464 93 2075 2179 2288 2404 2526 94 2127 2233 2345 2464 2589 95 2179 2288 2404 2526 2654 96 2233 2345 2464 2589 2720 97 2288 2404 2526 2654 2788 98 2345 2464 2589 2720 2858 99 2404 2526 2654 2788 2929 100 2464 2589 2720 2858 3002 101 2526 2654 2788 2929 3077 102 2589 2720 2858 3002 3154 103 2654 2788 2929 3077 3233 104 2720 2858 3002 3154 3314 105 2788 2929 3077 3233 3397 106 2858 3002 3154 3314 3482 107 2929 3077 3233 3397 3569 108 3002 3154 3314 3482 3658 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE CITY OF ANAHEIM ) ) ss. ) I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 69R-60l was intro- duced and adopted at a adjourned regular meeting provided by law, of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 23rd day of Oct- ober, 1969, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Schutte and Clark NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Krein and Pebley AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said Resolution No. 69R-60l on the 23rd day of Oct- ober, 1969. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Anaheim this 23rd day of October, 1969. ~ j~.~ CI Y CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM (SEAL) I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 69R-60l duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on Oct- ober 23, 1969. ~N.)~ City Clerk