69R-370 RESOLUTION NOo 69R-370 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING SHOULD BE AMENDED AND THAT THE BOUND~ ARIES OF CERTAIN ZONES SHOULD BE CHANGED 0 WHEREAS~ the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim has heretofore duly passed and adopted a resolution recommending denial of a change in the boundaries of the zone or zones hereinafter mentioned and described, after having fixed a time and place for the holding of a public hearing thereon in the manner and as prescribed in Title 18 of the Anaheim Mu1!1).icipal Code, and after having duly held and conducted ~uch public hearing to consider said proposed change of zone or zones, and after having received evidence and reports from persons interested therein; and WHEREAS~ within a period of forty (40) days following the heariThg thereon~ the Planning Commission did duly announce by formal resolution its findings of facts and declare its opinion.s and reasons for recommending denial of said proposed change in the boundar1es of the zone or zones hereinafter mentioned dnd described~ and WHEREAS, upon receipt of said resolution, summary of evidence, report of findings and recommendation of the City Plannin.g Commission, the City Council did fix the 24t-h day of ~. , 19 ~ ' as the time, and the City Council Cham- bers in the-crty Ha in the City of Anaheim as the place for a public hearing upon said proposed amendment to Title 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code, and the exclusion of said property, here- inafter described, from the zone in which it is now situated and th,c incorpora.tion thereof in the zones hereinafter set forth; and did give Thotice thereof in the manner and form as provided in said Title 18 of said Anaheim Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, at the time and place fixed for said public heariTIg, Lhe City Council did hold and conduct such public hear- Lr~g and did give all persons in.terested therein an opportunity to be heard and did receive evidence and reports and did there- upon consider the summary. of evidence presented at said public hearing before the Planning Commission, its report of findings and recommendations~ and WHEREAS, the City Council does find and determine that the amendment to Title 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code should be adopted and that the property hereinafter described should be excluded from the zone or zones in which it is now situated; and incorporated in the zone or zones as hereinafter set forth. NOW" THEREFORE ~ BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Ana.heim that Title 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code be, and the same is hereby amended~ and that all of the property and area situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Californ1a, described as follows~ ~l= 68-69-97 ._~"rn-___,__""",___"",--=_,_~,,~,,._ PORTION A The East half of the Southeast quarter of the South- west quarter of Section 13, Township 4 South, Range 10 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian. EXCEPTING therefrom tile ,\'orth 665 feet. Ii.LSO EXCEPTING rrHEP,E:F'Rm:I the Sou.therl~r' 203 feet of the Easterly 265 feet. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROlI that portion described in the Deed to the County of Orange, recorded i.larch 23, 1967 in Book 8206, page 203 of Official Records, in the Office of the Recorder of said Orange County. PORTION B & PORTION C All that real property located in the County of Orange, State of California, descri0ed as follows: The Southerly 203 feet of the Easterly 265 feet of the East half of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 13, Township 4 South, Range 10 West, San Bernardino Base and ~.leridian. EXCEPTING THEREFROH that portion described in the Deed to the County of Orange, recorded March 23, 1967, in Book 8206, page 203 of Official Records, in the Office of the Recorder of said Orange County. ~e excluded from OR&~GE COUNTY A-l, AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT, and incorporated in the following zones; That PORTION A hereinbefore described be incorporated in CITY R-3, ~mLTIPLE-FAlHLY RESIDENTIAL ZONE; and That PORTIONS Band C hereinbefore described be in- corporated in CITY C-lr GENEFJ~L Crn~1ERCIAL ZONE, upon the following conditions: 1. That these reclassification proceedings shall be subject to the completion of annexation of subject property to the City of lillaheim. 2. That the owner of subject property shall deed to the City of Anaheim a strip of land 53 feet in width on Ball Road, and 45 feet in width on Sunkist Street, including a 25-foot radius property line return, for street widening purposes. 3. That street improvement Dlans shall be prepared and all engineering requirements of theM City of Anaheim, along Ball Road and Sunkist Street such as curbs and gutters, sidedalks, street grading and paving, drainage facilities, or other appur- tenant work shall be complied with as required by the City Engineer and in accordance with stan- dard plans and specifications on file in the Office of the Ci-ty Engine(.:;r; ane:. tha-t a bond in an amount and form satisfactorv to the City of Anaheim shall be posted wi.th the Ci-ty to guarantee the installa- tion of said engineering requirements. -2- ._~''''''...'''~".'''''''''-_._,"-"-",-".-,,..,.,...." " 4. That the owner of subject property shall install street lighting along 3all Road and Sunkist Street, as re~uired by the Director of Public Utilities and in accordance witn standard plans and specifi- cations on file in the Office of the Director of PUDlic utilities; and that a bond in an amount and form satis factory to "the City of Anaheim shall be posted wi tnthe City "to guarantee "the installation of said street lig~ting. ::>. That the ovmer of subjec"c property shall pay to tile City of jl.na~neim "the sum of 15 c;: per front foot along Ball Hoad and Sunkist Street, for tree planting purposes. 1;). ':i.'hat a Parcel .lap to record tne approved division of subject property be submitted to the City of Anaheim for approval and tilen be recorded in the Office of the Orange County Recorder. 7. That trash storage areas snaIl be provided in accor- dance vli trl approved plans on file in .the Office of the Director of Public Works. 8. That fire hydrants shall be installed as required and determined to be necessary by the Chief of the Fire Department. 9. That a 6-foot masonry wall shall be constructed along ttle north and ;vest property lines of both the r~-3 and C--l parcels. IO. 'l'ilat any air-conditioning facilities proposed shall be properly shielded from view, and the sound shall be buffered from adjacent residential homes. 11. 1'hat the owner of subject :)ro1.Jerly shall pay to the City of Z....naI1eim the sura of ~n 5.00 per apartment unit, to be used for park and recreation purposes, said amount to be paid at the time the building permit is issued. 12. That ordinances reclassifying the property shall be ado:i?teu aE; eaci~ parcel is ready to comply \vi th conditions pertaining to such parcel; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that the "lord "}?arccl" s11all mean presently existing parcels of record and any parcel or parcels approved Ly the City Council for a lot split. 13. ~hat Conditions Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, above-mentioned shall be complied \-li th wi thin a period of 180 days from date hereof, or suc11 further time and the City Council may grant. 14. That Conditions Nos. 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 above-mentioned shall be complied with prior to final building and zoning inspections. -3- ......"..;.."...r...,='-,.,...._......,.., _~'_'~"_'_'_ "___T"__'~" BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Attorney be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to prepare and submit to the City Council an ordinance amending Title 18 of the Anaheim I'1unicipal Code to accomplish the objects herein found and determined to be necessary and proper. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by me this 24th day of June, 1969. ATTEST: ~~ . / ~- . . 2/....:-..d~~ CI ' CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIH STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE CITY OF .fu"JAHEIM ) ) SS. ) I, DENE M. WILLIfu~S, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 24th day of June, 1969, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCIU1EN: Dutton, Schutte and Pebley NOES: COUNCIUiEN: Krein and Clark ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said resolution on the 24th day of June, 1969. IN WITNESS M1EREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the City of Anaheim this 24th day of June, 1969. lL.<- ).( )J~ CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM (SEAL) I, DENE M. hereby certify that the 69R-370 duly passed and 24, 1969. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do foregoing is the original of Resolution No. adopted by the Anaheim City Council on June l' I . r:;-:-.-:- 1~L :Jr k~~ Ci ty Clerk -4-= ~..,.,.,,,~,~-......-,,,_....;._~_.. _""-^-""~'-'~' ,_,~,','''~'.,..