69R-365 RESOLUTION NO. 69R-365 A HESOLU'l'ION OF' jrHE CITY COUNCIL OF' THE CITY OF Ai'lAHEL: GPJ"jI'I'ING VAHIANCE NO. 2090. ~~IBPEAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of r.nal1eim did receive a pe.ti tion for zoning variance from Horace E. lore lock and George Collman, owners and Alfred Edelson, their agent, of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California; described as follows: Beginning at an iron axle marking .the j\forthvvest corner of the tract of 14.93 acres of tne First Class land allotted to l\filliam J~cKee by final decree in partition of the ~ancho Canon de Santa l\na, rendered February 3, 1874, said axle being S:'10\-m as the Northeast corner of Licensed Surveyor I slap filed in Boo:: 6, page 23 of Record of Surveys in the Office of the County Re- corder of Orange County, California; running thence South 40 03' 30" West 1076.47 feet along the West line of said 2lcKee i\llotment to a '0oint in the center- line of the DaVemSl1t on Placentia-Yorba Boulevard (said centerline of the pavement being southerly 30 feet :TIeasurca. at riSjht angles from ble L'Iortherly line of the 50 foot stri? described in the deed to the County of Orange, recorded January :-3, 1916 in Bool: 280, page 151 of ~eeds, said point being 34.50 feet i.':iortn. 40 03; 3U" East from a :3cction of railroad rail set as a monument on t...1e Sout:'l side of tile railroad .tracj~ i running from saiu point in center of pavement Soutn 730 16' Sast 34b.80 feet along said centerline of Faveracnt; -c_IenCc'jOrti 30 341 IS" :;::,ast 1096.00 feet t.o an ax1'2 lll. ;':tlC.ort_~ liEe or saidci'Cee l'::.llotment; t!leIlCe .!orCL ,,1.0 ~31 ")l' ;;,,~st 335.5U feet along saic, .IorLl line COCil2 ;:!oir:t of jec-inninq. t,earlnc:,,; ua::.~ecz u.c:o:1 ~_,'~ centerline of Placentia~Yorba Boulevard as Sou.t;, 780 Ib; I:ast. LXCLpri'E.fC: ap:~roxilacelvtne \"'esterly 264. OlJ feet thereof, ana cxce;;-'cinq als()t~:e!ort.1erl:'..' :264.00 feet thereof. r1:':le ,.Jorcl;erl - 26/1. ;u f~c:,~t of t_'le :,:ollowing described real proDerty situatca in tne County of Orange, State of California: Beginning at a point in the North line of the tract of 14.93 acres of first class land allotted to Willi~~ eKec ~v Final Decree in Partition of ~ancho Canon de Santa li_:"1.a, ren:j,eL?C~ Fc,;.)ruar:- 3, 1874, said ,?oint being 33::>.SO feet Sout~: 310 :::3' 3CF East from an iron axle niar: ,in~it"12 :~ort. -.:8S t corr2r or SaialcKee l'~llotr-nent; said axle L:ein:J sno;m on CL ,~Jicensed Surveyor I s J'lap ::il(;'1. in l~oo~. ':; ,:ag:c: :23 or c.:;;cord or Surveys in the Office of t.,c -':ot:i.nty T..~ccor vccr of OJ:anCfe County, Cali- fOri~j"ia; rUflilir::J t.1CilCC SOUCi1. 30 341 15H ~'7est 1096.00 feet to a Joir:t ill t:,c c2L-cer1il~c of-,aVCTllen't on the Plac2nt.ia-Yor:.: a L::;u1cvi::i.r:1 (sai.:: centerline of C)avement ~.Jei~l':J SouLi1crl".7 J'J f'22t .lSct~)l.lr~~;(~ a"t ri!~J':.~t a.nglcs from tJ.J.8 ..-,;-orti"lc~rl\i liiic~~ of -t~'l\'~ . J t"C)O"t s-trl-~' ciescri.bcd ill. -1.. tue Gec,d :co ~.th' COUJ:1t,~'t' of 'Jrange, recorded January 0, 1::116 in IJoo;':_ 28U, paeJe 151 of Deeds), said point ;:;einq 346.80 f\:~c;t South 780 181 Ea.st 311.58 feet along tile said center li:-le of saiu"avt2ment.; b1cnce North 30 21 i :)7" 2:,asL 1111.35 feet to a ?oint in the North line of the tract of 18.17 acres of Pirst Class land allotted to Jesus Vlilson de Shor~ ~y Final Decree in Partition of I':,:,nC"lO Cc:mon.:.,c ~:;anta i\na rendered Febru- ary 3, 1874, said point being 49.79 feet South 790 371 Last from an iron pipei1arking tile IJortllwest corner of said de S;lOrb allobnent, said iron pipe also markinG t~e intersection of t~e centerlines of two courses-in alignment of Orcnard ~rive as deeded toU1e County of Orange 1 th.ence l\;ortn 790 37' West 49.7') feet to .3aiQ ;':;orbTl^iest corner of de Shorb allot- nent; tllence r~orbl f.no 231 30" ~'Jest 259.00 feet along t:he iJorth line of said. 'CK22 allotrilcnt -to the point of beginnins. .AiJD lj}iElThAS r 1:11C City Planning COTIUi1ission did ~101d a .~;ublic "1earing at the City 1-:0.11 in tile City of lmaheim upon said ~;eti tion on JunE: 2, 1955, notice of '.V'hicl1 said public hearing was duly given as required by law and the provisions of Title 18,:napter 18.7G of tne linaheiu llunicipal Code; and ~'JHER8AS 1 saic. City Planning Commission, after due inspec- tion, investigation and studies made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said ;';.earing, did adopt).c:::solution >.[0. PC69-127, granting Variance No. 2090, and \~iEw~AS, thereafter, within twenty-two (22) days from c~e date of the ado~tion of sai6 resolution, the City Council did elect, upon its own motion; to review the action taken by tile City Plannins Corruni~3i3ion in granting said variance and did set a ~:JUblic l:earin.:J tlwr8onto :::e held on the 24th day of June, 1969, at 1:30 olclock P.\~. in tile City Hall in the City of Anaheim 3.nd notice of SUC:l .)ublic hearing '.las dul',' given as required law and -the Provisions of '.ri tIe 18, Chapter 18. 76 of the l'.naheim .unici0al Code; ana vmEREi'~S, after due investiga-cion and studies made by itself and in its behalf; and after due consideration of all the evidence and reports offered at said hearing, the City Council ~loes find and de.termine blat; 1. There are exceptional or extraordinary circum- stances or conditions ap?licable to the property involved or to the intended use of the property that do not apply generally to the property or class of use in tl1C same vicinity and zone. L.. T..lat suc.n a variance is necessary for the preser- vation anc enjo:'tJ.nent of 2.. substantial property rigirt;::;ossessed :J:'l ob1er 0rO}:Jcrty in the same vici::-li ty ane: zone:: and :_~eni2d to the property in question. 3. Tnat t~e granting of such variance will not be materiall-' uetrimental to "tile ~)ublic -"'J'elfare or injurious to tne prolJerty or im;.)rovements in such vicini ty anci zone in ",Thich tlle ~:Jro'.)erty is located. -"- ,- '"'""..,_=".~.._...,...O.~.L~__~"",___",,,,,,_~__,,,.,,,,,,,,<<,_ 4. 'I'hattne qran-cing of SUCil variance \vill not adversely affect bl€ cOlTr:Jrenensi ve general zoning plan. NOh, 'l'hLHEFOEL, Bi.:, IT Y:E;SOLVBlJ ;:JY 1:he City Council of tile '2i ty of Anaheirr. tnat a coned tional zoning variance be, and tne sa."TIe is llereby (Jran-ceClto establisn an P--2-5000 single-family sUDdivision on the property llereinbefore described with waiver 'Jr: t~lC follo',vinq :.n,lneim 'iJ.nici,:~'al COQe requirement; Waiver for 4 lots of a 4j-lot, single-f~~ily suix::livi.:-:3ion ortnc re' uiremen!c that residen- tial structures .cc orien-ccci t:o rear on an arterial 1iSll"ay. S2ction 18.04.075. j',lat tnis varlanc::: lS qral1tcCl sUDject to tl1e following conditions: 1. 'I'hat this variance is granted subject to the completion of H.eclassification I'Jo. 68-69-88. .) .... That sUDject pro~crty shall be develoned sub- stantiall-,' in accordance~,ii th ;)lans and specifi- cations OL file.:: ":ii til tile City of !',nal1eim, marl::ed 1 J... <;;( d.;) i t L () . The Citv C:ouncil .lerCi)Y resorvesL1e right to revoke 2,-lC:l variance per:ni t: for gooc; cause or failure of said ovlners, c.'leir heirs, SUCcc:;;s~,ors or assi'jDs, to COIT)ly Hi th the .l\naheim unicipal Code illid regulations and the conditions herein. Said variance is granb~d for -tile -terrr.. ~)rescribed )JY the Anaheim unicipal Code unless otnerwise specified herein. r:'lt:...~r; .,j.. J..J..L,.J FOR~GOING RESOLUTION is of June, 1:J69. ap,JrovecL and signed by me .:':iL3 2- ,1.j...'. "1: L.J 1. dav ;\1_2rI~]~~ST : ; '""". "- ~h>< . )/1 J.c - -<.'~:.c-~ 4't;" t--"'---- CITY CLEr~"IZ OF THE CITY OF ANAlIEL'; ..., -.j-- _.,~ .."'^_.__-'....^"'_...".._...'o__...~,,__.. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) OOUNTY OF ORANGE ) SSe CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 69R-365 was intro- duced and adopted at a regular meeting provided by law, of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 24th day of June, 1969, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCILMEN : Dutton, Krein, Schutte, Pebley and Clark NOES: OOUNCILMEN : None ABSENT: OOUNCILMEN : None AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said Resolution No. 69R-365 on the 24th day of June, 1969. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Anaheim this 24th day of June, 1969. / ~ 'i ...... CrT - c'L~RK~:'~~~i~f~aNiAH~M (SEAL) I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 69R-365 duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on June 24, 1969. 4. ) 'i' · .~;nA.- ,'ff. c!..c~fLa'??____ Ci ty Clerk ,- "~'''~--'-'-'---"'''''-.'=_''~'-'''"'''""-''''''''''''.' --",