Minutes-ZA 2009/05/28~o ~ [(' ~NE~n~ P~ c,~ _ <,~ 0 ~ _ ~ ~~ ~$i ~1 ~1 I~ ~1 I~1 i11 I C1 ~ tr t r ~r~ut Thursda ~Ila 2~ 2009 Council Chamber, City Hall 2q0 Soufh Anaheim ~oulevard Anaheim, California STp-FF PRESENT: John Van Doren, Zoning Administrator Mar~C Gordon, Assistant City Afitorney Dave See, Senior Pla~ner Ted White, Senior Planner Raul Garcia, Principal Ciuil Er~gineer Grac~ Medina, Senior Secretary AGENDA POSTING: A c~mplete capy pf the Zaning Administrafiar Agenda was posted at 12:30 p.m. on Friday, May 22, 2009, inside the display case located in the foyer af the Co~ncil Chambers, and also in fhe oufside display kiosk. Far record keeping purposes, if you wish fo make a statement regarding any item an the agenda, please camplete a speak~r card in advance and submit it to the secrefary. An wrifin s or documents rovir~ed fo the Znrrin Administratar re ardrn an item on this a enda other than wrifin s 1~ all ~xem t from ublic disclasure wi11 be made availa~bfe for ublrc ins ection in the Pfannin De artment Iocated at Cit Hall 2D~ S. Anaheim Boulevard Anaheim California durrn re ular business hours. v Call To Order - 9:30 a.m. ~ Public Carnrr~er~fi~ ~ Minutes • Fi~pDr~ and Rec~rv~mer~d~fiior~~ + F'~~Sli~ Ft~a~°ir~g [temrs ~ ~4djo~arnrr~oer~~ You rnay leave a message for the Zoning Administrator using the fnllowing e-mail address: twhite@anaheim.net H: TonIslZAadminlACZA052809.dnc \\~DEU nn~~ 2~, zoos ~o~i~~ ~~~~n~~s~-~~ro~ ~t~u~~s Public Comrr~erats. Nor~e Co~sent Calendar: The Gonsenfi Calendar, Item 1A, was con~inued to the Zonin~ Administrator meeting of June 1'f, 2009. 'r~ tes: ITEtV~ ~1Q. 1 A Receiving and appraving the Minutes from the Zaning Administrator Meeting of April 30, 2009. Continc~ed ~o June 91, 2t109 7A052809 Page 2 of 6 1511P$ 1 L~g 44~V~ ZONING A[3~BN~NSTR~-7~R MIINIJTES R~~or~ts ~nd Re~ear~rm~r~d~~~or~s: iTENt NO. 2 CEQe4 C/~TEGORIC~AL E~EfVlPTlOfd, CLs4SS 1 AND VARIA6VCE N~. 2q07-~4735: 4V~"N~`R< Panattoni DeVelopment Com~ar~y, fnc. Afi~n: Dorit Ganish 3~ T~sla, Suite 20~ ~rvin~, CA 92618 LOCA1"[ON: 3454 Ea~~ Mir~lorr~a Avenc~e: Property is approximafiely 172 feet west of Gro~e Street. Request approval of a~wo-year extension o# time to camply with tl~e conditions of approval for a previously-appra~~c~ ~ariance tF~at permitted the expar~sior~ of ar~ existing inda~strial building with additional affice space with a higher floor area ratio than permifted by Code and fewer parking spaces fihan required by Code. John Van ~orer~, Zoning Administr~~ar, open~cf the public hearing. Approved a ~-o-year exfiension o~F time, to expire c~r~ Septet~b~r 27, 2010 Project Planner.- Dave See L~See@anaheim.nef Dave See, 5enior Plar~r~er, ~ntroduced Item No. 2. He sfia~ed the appl~cant is aware that the item is ager~dize foday and cor~curs witf~ staff's recommendation. The ~pplic~nt has not pulled building perrr~its for the office impro~ements; therefore ~hey are r~q~aesting ad~itional time #n start the construction. Mr. Var~ Dorer~ as~ced if there was anyor~e who would like ~a speak to thi~ item; seeing none, he c9osed the public hearing. Mr. Van Doren took ~c~ion to approve the subject req~es~. ~A052809 P~ge 3 of 6 IY$61~ ~~g 6066~ ~V~iIYl7 d'i~lY11FY~~~~I~B~f'd IYi~~6J~~~ P~blic Fle~rir~ Iterr~s: ITEIUi NO. 3 C~Qp- CATEC~ORiGAL EXEMPTl~N CL~A~S 1 AND Gontinc~~d to 1!-4RIANCE NO. 2009-047~2; June 25, 2009 O~ifNER: Rober Nigogosyan Trus~ 8235 Zitola Terrace Playa Del Fiey, CA 90293-7833 APPLlC&1NTa Darre Tanizaki 609 East Glenpaks Bouleuard, Suite 20'f Glend~le, CR 91207 LOCATION: ~8951~1~~~ K~t~ICa Ader~ue. Property is appraximately .~7 acre, focated at the r~ortheast corner of Katella Aven~e and Nutwood S~reet, hauing fronfiages of 135 feet on the nor~h side of Katella Avenue and ~37 feet on fihe east ~ide af N utwood Street. Ree{~est fio permit an 8 fia 9-foot high wrought iron fience tl~at Pmiect Pianner. exceeds ~he m~ximtam permittec[ fence height for an ~xisting °Etia He~ick f3Nem~ck@anaheim, net commercial b€ailding. zaq~zaos Page 4 of 6 ~iA~° 2~, 2009 Z~NIhIG ~DII~iN1S"fR~Te3R IL~lNfLJTES 9`TE~dI N~, 4 CEC~A CATEC~OR~Ce4L EXEII~PTION. CL/~S~ '~ Ahl~ VsARIANCE ND. 20~9-Q~775: (31NNEF~: ACC Pt~int LLC Sigrtature Se~vices Steue Ca. 44~5 Jamboree Roa~, S~aite 250 Newpor~ Beach, CA 92~60 APPL.EC-4hIT: Terri ~ee H. Nendy Associa~es 4770 Campus Drive, Suifie 100 Newpor~ Beacl~, CA 92660 LOCATIO~l: 1400 Nor~h Ke[lo Drive: Property is locafied at the northeast corner of Keflogg Dri~e and La Palma Aven~e. Request to convert exi~tir~g office space ~o classroom ~pace within an exis~ing industrial fraining facili~r with fewer parking spaces fhan required by Code. R~~olutior~ No. ZA2009-2 ,4pp~~~e~d, vvi#~ ~ddec! ~or~ditivn of approv~6 Projecf Planner.• Della Herrick DHerrick@anaheim. net Jahn Van Doren, Zoning Adminisfirator, oper~ed tl~e public hearing. Ted Whifie, Senior Planr~er, introduced ~tem No. 4. Mr. Van Doren sta~ed he reviewed the traffic s~~ady and Et does support the applican~'s request for the variar~ce. Ne state~ ~hat he would lik~ ~o add a cor~dition oF approval that wauld require fihe applicant to rtatify Planning staff if there is a~y change in t}~e class schedule that wa~ld add more classes d~ring normal week~ay business hours. IVIr. Van Doren asked if there was ar~yone wh~ would fike to speak to this item. Terri ~ee, applicant, stated the clients concur with ~he recommended coredi~iar~ ta ~otify Planr~ing staff if there is a change of ~ase during the day for class schedules. Mr. Van Doren too}c action to approve the suhject request, based on the findings described in th~ staff report and resafu~ion ~r~;par~d by sfiaff, along with the added conditian af approuaf. ZAq528q9 Page 5 of 6 IYI~~ ~~q ~V~~7 6.6~i~A1l~V f°i~A~1~1~1~7~11..F9.1 ~C~ IY@~[~A6d 1 ~07 i~EET'~NG ADJ(3URNED ~T 9:50 A.NI. T~ THU~~Ds4Y, Jl1NE 11 g 2009 AT 9:3a A.~11. Re~~pec~Fu[(y s~~mitted: ~ /~ ! i ~ ~~.--~,,~~.= Grace Medir~a Senior Secretary Received ~nd approved by the Zoning Administrator on June 25, 2009. ZAp52809 Page 6 af 6